SPOILER-If your the only person on earth with a Devil Fruit Power which Mystical Zoan would u choose

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this is your devil fruit power based on which devil fruit you choose you have a chance to try one of these new exotic fruits not knowing that they're devil fruits and it's going to give you a superpower at the cost of you losing your ability to swim pick now fruit number one the uo no me model cereal this mystical Zone type devil fruit allows the user to transform into a hybrid or full version of an Azure Dragon at will fruit number two the mystery fruit Tori Tori no me model Phoenix this mystical Zone type devil fruit allows you to transform into a phoenix or Phoenix hybrid at will fruit number three the hitohito no me model Nika previously misclassified as the gamokamonomi this mystical Zone type devil fruit gives the user's body the properties of rubber and the characteristics of the sun god Nika fruit number four the hitohito Nomi model daibutsu this mystical Zone type devil fruit allows user to transform into a diabutsu or giant gold Buddha which gives you an extreme boost and strength to match the increased size
Channel: Cartoonlord
Views: 3,036,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K54jouZdVZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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