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a very good morning to everybody welcome back to firewood at the furnace I'm Brad and today we've got a lot in store we've got everything from deliveries to some splitting action to a free giveaway so this morning first thing we got to do is load up a third of a cord of Camp firewood that's going to a repeat customer times four I think this is either his fourth or fifth delivery that he's gotten from me I'll talk to you a little bit more about the situation going on out there why I'm delivering this Camp firewood to him so often when we get there but once we get back from the delivery we're going to start splitting some of this big Oak that we bucked up in last week's video through the 1222 up the conveyorant into the back of the dump trailer and that will be Greenwood that will be taken to our 10 court order that we still need to get wrapped up hoping to have that done by the by the very end of August so we're still on Pace to complete that order other things have been going on but we will have that order done by the end of August and like I just mentioned at some point during this video I'm going to tell you how you can get a free chainsaw chain for your chainsaw I'll explain all the details on that and we're going to give about 50 of them away so if you're watching this video and you're one of the first 50 people to do what we'll we'll talk about here in a little bit you'll get yourself a free chainsaw chain so stick around [Music] so here's the plan for this morning we've got to switch out the grapple off the skid loader and put on the forks because we're going to load this wood the easy way I'm going to load both of those totes into the back of the dump trailer that's a little more than a third of a cord but he's got a rack there that I stack on so that way we'll make sure his rack is good and full and whatever we have left over if I because that's going to be a little too much we'll just bring back and throw back in the tote but I like to have I'd rather have more when I get there than have to leave and not have his rack completely full I could easily stack out of one of the piles over here that's already pre-measured but the yard's pretty muddy from the rain we've had over the weekend so it's going to be easier for me to stay up top here load this up with the skid loader and the forks and then we'll get to our delivery but after that once like I said once we get back we're gonna split some of that great big Oak over there at least this great big Oak for me I know some of you think it's not they live out on the west coast so it's not a great big tree but for here and for what I normally process it is so let's switch the uh put the forks on the skid loader here and we'll get moving [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so a few pieces fell on the ground there uh it's much easier to pick up just a few pieces off the ground after you do that than to throw the entire third of a cord in there I did bust a slat off the bottom of the pallet but kind of goes with the territory it would be nice to have one of those sets of rotating Forks have you ever seen those you just pick it up and you can rotate the entire basket upside down on the forks they are nice and if I was using using it every day I would probably think about something like that but I don't load like this very often so definitely not worth the investment for me but that's quick and easy way to load we'll get on the road now and head up to this delivery all right so we just arrived here at the delivery location and this is his firewood rack that he has right here on the side of his shed still got a little bit of wood left there so we will stack the remaining wood there's another smaller rack down by the water just to give you a look here make sure that there's no wood on this other rack down here because he's going to get a little extra beautiful place right on the water there's the other rack right there on the side of the house we'll put some wood on there for him since he's already got some left make sure he gets what he's paying for but this is a beautiful location right here on the river he rents this house out and uh I am his firewood supplier so like I said this is the fourth or fifth time that I've delivered wood here so good customer let's get over here we'll get the dump body up in the air and start stacking wood [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign there it is all stacked up the rack's a little bigger than I remembered it was I thought it was uh about six foot by six foot but it's actually eight foot by six foot so all the wood fit in there I'm confident he got his full third of a cord it's full to the top and I like to put a little bit of the smaller kindling pieces there on the top of the stack when I get finished uh just has some fire starter scraps left in the trailer make nice kindling so there it is we're heading back to the house well on the way home I had to pass by here so I wanted to make a quick stop and talk to you about something real quick we're here at the principio furnace which is the reason the channel is called firewood at the furnace because it's right here in my backyard but I wanted to stop by here to show you something the caretaker for the furnace just had some trees taken down here and she asked me if I wanted the wood and I said well I don't want the tops I don't want the brush but if they want to leave the logs I will take some of the logs they were all standing dead ash trees and I wanted to stop by to take a look because all this is mine I just have to come get it uh solid looking wood from what I gather so far obviously standing dead but there's a good bit of wood here let me walk around the tree and show you but I've got to find time to get down here to get this out of here because she said that she would like to have it gone as quickly as possible so it's not laying here you know on the property so it's quite a bit of wood there for me I've just got to make time to get down here to get it so I'm sure you'll be seeing that in an upcoming video I think this will be a great opportunity for me too use the grapple truck and get some practice running the grapple truck when it gets the new motor put in it so I've kind of been trying to drag my feet a little bit of course the other option is to bring the skid loader down here and load everything onto the dump trailer but hopefully if I can stall here another week or so we get this truck on the road be a nice way for me to get some time behind the controls all right heading back to the yard we are back and ready to rock and roll I'm going to record until the camera overheats because it is hot and humid it's in the upper 90s right now so I will be sweating my butt off while I'm splitting this big Oak and let's get things fired up foreign foreign foreign so this is just 10 minutes of splitting beautiful red oak splits awesome no problem at all for the 12 22. so as expected the phone keep continues to overheat in the yard so I've had to shut the phone off and bring it inside the shed here to help it get out of the direct sunlight so that we can do a little more recording but I figured this was a good time to talk to you about what I teach you about in the very beginning of the video about how you can get yourself a free chainsaw chain for your chainsaw so hyper had is a distributor of chainsaw chains and chainsaw parts all kinds of stuff on Amazon and they have their own website as well which will be linked in the description of this video but I've been using their chains on the 261 saw for quite a while now and they hold up just as well as Oregon chains when I first tested them out several months ago I wasn't sure how long they would hold up but they have done just as well as my Oregon chains have so I've continued to use these and I spoke to haipa about a week ago and we decided that we were going to do a giveaway and all you need to do to get yourself a free chainsaw chain is to click on the link below in this description there will be a special link down there that you'll need to click on it'll take you to the site where the selection of all the chainsaw chains is there so you can go through and pick out which length and which size fits your particular saw you're going to enter a code a coupon code firewood at the furnace enter that coupon code and you will get yourself a free chainsaw chain one per person and uh I hope it works out for everybody I will tell you that they don't always have every size chain uh I've had a couple times where I've looked to get a chain for the 500i from their site and they're just not in stock but they do have a large variety of chains so if you get on there and you don't see your size check back or you might have to get a different uh different size chain for a different bar or something like that but click on that link in the description the first 50 people that do it will get a free chain so check out hyper chainsaw chains and let me know in the comments what you think of them all right everybody I'm going to wrap things up because I'm fighting a losing battle with the sun beating on the camera trying to keep things recording but I'm going to keep splitting with the 12 22 and get these Oak rounds done here behind me and get the trailer loaded up but I wanted to remind you all that tomorrow night is the Thirsty Thursday live stream if all goes well the Thirsty Thursday live stream will be coming to you from a different location this month I was kind of debating back and forth on whether I should reschedule it and do it a week earlier or a week later but uh I decided I'm gonna try to do it on the day that it's always scheduled for the last Thursday of the month uh I'm hoping the internet is good enough to to make it work um but we'll we'll see so hopefully we'll see you tomorrow night 8 P.M eastern time for the live stream but if not we will see you back here next Wednesday 7 A.M I hope you all have a great week [Music]
Channel: Firewood at the Furnace
Views: 6,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BnfB3a4LlKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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