Splatoon 3 Side Order - In Depth Color Chip Analysis

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side order is pretty fun let's talk about the chips I'm not doing this exactly by chip category I put them in a grouping that made more sense to me first are all the chips that increase your damage and not all of these are even part of the red damage category before that let's go over all the different damage types there are six different categories that they can fall into this is important because the category of attacks damage determines which chips will improve it these categories are main damage sub special damage explosion damage Rush damage sound damage and poison ink damage an attack can only belong to a single damage category however a weapon sub or special can have different attacks meaning it can cross categories for example the roller can deal main damage with his flicks or Rush damage by rolling over enemies also even though it isn't a chip the damage up hack you can get from Marina affects all damage types this is the only thing inside order that affects all damage types not a single chip does this this chip chip improves both your main damage as well as your sub special damage you'll notice that I group sub and special in the same category this is because this is the only chip that specifically improv that damage type so in terms of stat scaling they're treated the same before I get into the scaling of the chip let's go over what counts as main damage type and what counts as sub special damage types some of these might not be as obvious as you think main damage includes shooting with the dueles shooting with the brella shooting with a splatter shot clicking with a roller shooting with the charger direct hits with the Stringer but but not the exploding arrows horizontal and vertical ink slashes with the Stamper but not the direct hits with the sword attacking with a slasher direct hits with the Luna Blaster but not the splash damage attacking with the Octor brush and shooting the Splat link also for purposes of this video assume anything I say about the splatter shot is also true for the Octo shot I couldn't find any differences between the weapon main parameters the main damage type was pretty straightforward but the sub and special category is a little different for sub weapons in this category we have the sprinkler and that's it I'm not kidding there's no other sub weapon that does this type of damage for special weapons we have damage from the ink storm a direct hit with the truka but not the splash shooting an enemy with the crabs rapid fire hitting a direct hit with the crabb's ink lob but not the Splash and that's it actually there's a couple more the Drone sprinkler which you can get from a chip and the ink that comes out of the turbine Tower when you shoot it whenever I bring up damage from the environment like this it means the damage can be affected by chips just like your own attacks so the turbine sprinkler will do more damage if you equip this chip it's important to know that this really is it there are no other attacks that do subber special type damage so if you're trying to increase damage from something like the Splat bomb or the ultra stamp taking this chip won't do anything for you anyway for scaling you can get up to nine of these chips during a run this is one of the hardest chips to see any decent return on generally only increasing damage by 5% per chip however the fifth and the last chip substantially increase damage with it doubling your damage if you have all nine again it would only double your damage for the relevant types I'm grouping these two together because they're basically the same thing with the only difference bring at what range they kick in these only affect main damage this means things like sprinkler or ink storm won't get any benefit also these only do the extra damage if you're close or far away from an enemy depending on the chip there is a middle ground distance however where you can still get part of the damage buff the upsides of the damage buff you get from this are much higher for each chip there are only five levels but you can double your main damage if you get all of them also this damage is Multiplied if you have any of the previous chip so if you have nine ink damage chips and five main damage chips you'll be doing four times the damage with your main weapon assuming you're at the correct distance this increases damage for all explosion type attacks for your main weapons this only includes the exploding arrows from your Stringer but not the direct hits and the splash damage from your Luna Blaster but not the direct hits for sub weapons this includes Splat bombs Splat bombs from the Pearl drone suction bombs the splash damage from burst bombs but not the direct hits the splash damage from the burst bombs from the Pearl drone but not the direct hits the explosion from the curling bomb ink mines ink findes from the pear drone and fizzy bombs for your specials it includes the explosion from The Reef slider the splash damage from the truka but not the direct hits triple ink strike the ink strike from the Pearl drone Splash damage from the crab tanks ink lob but not the direct hits Splash damage from throwing your Ultra stamp but not the Direct Hit the booya bomb triple splash down and lucky bombs that you can can get from a different chip additionally there are also some environmental explosions that count for this damage type this includes destroying a portal shooting a blowfish jumping from a spring enemies left over spring after you splat them explosions from the remaining pieces of the tower enemy after you destroy the head the explosion from the anglerfish enemy if you destroy all the eggs on his head and the explosion from those gushing enemies after you shoot down their ball you might notice that explosions are much more representative of sub and special categories than the sub and special category damage type itself plus this is much more effective at raising the damage you can get up to nine of these but even a single chip makes a noticeable difference with much larger increases coming in at the fifth and the last chip again which goes up to five times the damage if you get all nine this is more than you would get with combining the ink damage chips with the main damage chips the biggest downside is that this won't help your main weapon unless you're using the blaster or the TR Stringer also note that shooting an enemy directly with the Blaster will still cause the enemies around it to take Splash damage whereas hitting an enemy directly with a Stringer will do no splash damage and only do the main damage you need the arrows to pop on the surface for the attacks to count as an explosion unless you shoot a portal for some reason this steals both Main and splash damage at the same time making the Stringer one of the better weapons to destroy a portal also I had said that direct hits from a burst bomb don't count as explosion damage which is true but it'll still explode after hitting an enemy dealing explosion damage to those around it just like the Blaster also the burst bomb deals the explosion damage to the enemy it landed on as well unlike the Blaster this means that the enemy hit will take damage from the Direct Hit hit of the burst bomb which is a different damage type as well as the damage from the explosion this isn't damage related but I thought it made sense to include it here this impacts all the same explosion attacks as before but instead of increasing damage it increases the blast radius this includes both the damage area as well as how much ink it produces you can get five chips total and it will double the blast radius if you get all of them in case you're wondering this does not increase the radius of the tosic Miss sub that one doesn't count as any category since it does no damage and creates no ink this scales the exact same way as a splash damage chip so getting all nine will increase your Rush damage by five times the game says Rush damage is movement based damage but there are probably more than you would think these include damage from the umbrella Shield whether you launch it or you walk into an enemy with it out rolling over an enemy with a roller running into an enemy with a brush and physically hitting an enemy with horizontal or vertical slashes from the Splat we also have a fair bit of sub and special weapons affected by this sliding a curling bomb through an enemy a direct hit with a bird burst bomb but not the explosion a direct hit from a burst bomb thrown by the Pearl drone but not the explosion damage from the splash wall for some reason sliding through an enemy with a reef slider both with the Kraken attacks including jumping and charging rolling into an enemy as a crap tank ball charging with the ultra stamp and hitting an enemy directly with a thrown Ultra stamp but not the explosion that comes from that hitting an enemy with the eightball or the launch corpse of the top enemy also counts as a rush attack there's also some extra Rush attacks that you can get from chips this gives you squid Surge and Squid roll a large hit boox this is a duly only chip and gives your Dodge roll a hit box this is a Splat only chip and gives your forward charge slash a hit boox again all three of these count as Rush attacks and skill with a rush damage chip this is one of the easiest damage types to increase it has the same Max as a splash and Rush chips but you only need to get five of them to get the five times multiplier instead of nine it's also one of the rarest damage types which explains why they made it so easy to increase there are no mainor sub weapons that do sound damage we only have the wave breaker the killer whale and the killer whale used by the pear drone also the shock wave released by the termite Tower after clearing a checkpoint as well as shock wave released by The Pear drone Step Off song counts as sound damage as well sound damage also has the advantage of being armor piercing it will do full damage to things like the top enemy or the giant ball boss this is the last damage type in the game and it only affects the damage Tak from enemies sitting in your ink even without the chip your ink will do at least some passive damage to enemies however there are some weird quirks to keep in mind first and obviously you can only use this against enemies that are capable of getting stuck in your ink so it won't work against flying enemies it also won't work on the tiny swarming enemies since they always produce ink directly underneath them against the tower sniper enemies your ink does noticeably reduce damage even equipping more of this ship looks like it doesn't scale against that enemy specifically on the plus side portal sitting your ink take 1.5 times the passive damage which also scales with this chip however While most enemies stuck in your ink will die on their own if left alone portals will stop taking damage once they're almost dead meaning you'll need to finish them off yourself this is also true for the really fast fish enemies that run away from you they can take damage from your ink but they won't die from it for scaling this chip gets massive damage buff for each of its five levels especially for the first and last going up to eight times the damage with all of them equipped this chip will make it so that you do more damage to enemies slow down by either your ink or the toxic Miss sub this means it's possible to apply to enemies that would normally not be affected by poison ink as long as you have the toxic Miss sub this chip also affects almost all the damage types The Only Exception is that it won't make your poison ink do any more damage all of the damage types are affected by this unless you use it against the portal for some reason they don't take extra damage from this effect if you get up to five of them you can do two times the damage to enemies being slowed down there are three chips related to doing knockback they relate to damage types so it's best to cover them now this chip will allow your main weapon attacks to deal knockback keep in mind that it needs to be a main type of damage so something like rolling over an enemy or using a sprinkler wouldn't count normally this damage type doesn't knock enemies back at all but getting one will increase a two 100% which means nothing to me since I don't have a point of reference but it's better than zero knockback has the added benefit of interrupting many enemy attacks get it high enough and you can just launch enemies off the map the chip scales better with each additional chip getting five of them will make you do 20 times a knockback than only having one most basic enemies are affected by knockback even the large slow moving fish and the tower enemies these chips scale the exact same way they just affect explosion or Rush damage respectively the nice thing about these attack types is that they already do knock back but you can use these chips to increase it by up to three times these chips will allow you to fire your weapon faster they were also a pain in the ass to research while there aren't that many chips that affect firing rate the scaling for them is different depending depend on what your main weapon is meaning I had to get all of these to max level for each relevant weapon this affects almost all of the main weapons it'll increase the rate of fire making your weapon deal substantially more damage downside is that you'll also increase your ink consumption at the same rate so you want to pair this with ink recovery or ink saving chips I'll go through the scaling starting with the weapon least affected by it even for the lowest scaling weapon I'd still say it's generally useful to go for this unless your build involves not using your main weapon a lot lowest scaling starts with a brella where five chips will allow you to shoot two times faster the slasher can go up to 2.27 times faster brush goes up to 2.5 times faster 2.66 times for the splatter shot 3.28 times for the roller 3.5 times for the duy also keep in mind that your fire rate is faster when you're in tur form after doing a Dodge roll and having five chips on the Blaster turns you into an Unstoppable killing machine at 10 times the fire rate I'm not really sure why this is a separate chip instead of main fire speed the Stamper can get this chip which basically does the exact same thing this will increase how fast you can do your basic attack by up to 2.6 times though this doesn't affect how fast you can charge a vertical slash This only affects the four weapons that can be charged like the main fire speed is generally very useful as long as you have the ink for it the smallest rate increases for the Splat which will allow you to charge a vertical slash in as little as 37% of the time splatling is VAR slightly better as it can take as little as 35% of the time and then the Stringer goes down to as little as 33% of the time the charger can get full charge in 5% of the original time which as far as I can tell is a lie since the frames between zero charge and full charge is zero just pull the trigger for a fully charged shot no matter what assuming you have the ink for it the charger version of this chip also gets a hidden benefit of letting you charge midair at the same speed as on the ground for some reason getting the second level this chip will remove the charge speed penalty for charging in midair this isn't true for the Stringer or the splat which also have a slower charge in midair this isn't exactly a fire rate chip but I'm putting it here since it's sort of related this is a splatling exclusive chip that makes your charge lasts longer while the rate of fire isn't any faster it does mean that you'll get more bulls for a single full charge as in that it benefit it doesn't even cost more ink if you get five of this chip your splatling barrage will last twice as long as normal this is to cover the other support style chips not already covered they're pretty straightforward so this will be quick this increases how fast you recover ink when standing or swimming it goes up to three times [Music] faster these reduce how much ink is used by either your main weapon or sub weapon they scale exactly the same reducing the ink cost to as little as 25% I generally say you don't need more than a couple of the ink saver main chips unless you're also heavily investing at a fire rate this sub chip can be more useful on their own as having five of them can let you easily spam your sub weapon this restores a percentage of your ink tank for each enemy you splat at five chips you restore 20% of your total ink tank for each enemy defeated this increases the slowing effect for enemies stuck in your own ink normally your ink would cause enemies to move at 70% their normal speed a single chip will drastically reduce this to 45% get all five and it goes down to 1% which basically means they can't move until they ink below themselves this is the only chip I would say is basically never worth getting enemies are plentiful and generally easy to hit even with the most inaccurate weapons increasing the accuracy can be a little useful for hitting smaller flying enemies but not by much if you get all five chips your shot lose all their deviation and shoot completely straight this chip has potential to be much more useful than the last one it makes your shots automatically Target enemies that you're looking at the higher percentage just increases how closely you have to be facing the enemy before it locks on this also reduces any shot spread as the bullet go straight towards the Enemy at the highest level it can lock on on to basically anything in front of you it won't lock onto anything that's out of range however so it's useful to pair this with range increasing chips which I'll cover soon I find the chip most useful when I have a high rate of fire and a decent range it'll switch targets instantly after splatting them which makes it easier to clear large groups of enemies faster on the downside sometimes we will go for targets that you don't want it to like boxes or ink rails or it'll try to Target things behind cover this is a brella exclusive chip that only has one level it will allow you to Shield yourself while shooting with your Brella and never launch it making it behave like an undercover brella you'll completely lose the ability to launch it so keep that in mind before picking this this reduces how long it takes for the brella to regenerate after you launch it or after it gets destroyed it will normally Take 5 seconds but with this chip it can go down to half a second if it's paired with no launch bra then it only affects the respawn after it's destroyed since you can't ever send it out this is a splatling only chip that allows you to start charging Midway through firing like the ball pointer Nautilus is useful for when changing targets as it can stop you from wasting shots while you aim this affects how far your main firing goes there's only one chip that does this but it affects every weapon and scales differently for each the lowest scaling is for the Splat length which increases the range by up to 1.5 times the Stringer can get increased by 1.8 times and the charger can be increased by two times these are also the longest range weapons by default so they don't need as much Skilling in order to shoot very far the Blaster skills up to 2. 1 times 2.3 times for the splatter shot 2.4 times for the Splat the duy roller and slasher all go up to 2.5 times but they have slightly different scalings on the lower amounts 2.8 times for the brella and three times for the brush these chips affect how much Turf is Inked only two chips this time but they also scale differently depending on the weapon this impacts the ink from your main weapon fire note that this won't impact things like running with your roller or brush or the explosions from your stringer's arrows the bow goes up to two times more ink coverage roller goes up to 2.4 times and 2.6 times for the brella but not the launched Shield 2.65 times for the Splat 2.7 times for the splattershot 2.8 times for the duly the slasher and the charger scale basically exactly the same with a small difference between them at the fourth chip level at Max they both a 3.1 times better 3.2 times for the brush and 3.3 times for the splatling notably the Blaster doesn't get this chip at all unless I was very unlucky and never ran into it especially consider considering the Blaster has Chip bias for this type I can understand why they would have removed it since it would have screwed you over since explosion radius is a much better way to increase your ink with the Blaster this affects how wide the intr is when moving with the roller or brush as well as how wide it is when launching your BR or holding it up as a shield for the roller and brush the scaling is exactly the same increasing the ink Turf by up to 1.5 times for the brella this can go up to two times just covering the last chips from this section that didn't fit in before increases how much the charge gauge is filled by inking the ground at a full five chips it will charge your gauge three times faster this will make the hit box of your attacks much larger this doesn't affect how much it inks it just makes it easier to hit enemies normally I'd say this chip isn't very good but it can be helpful when paired with the next chip this makes it so that your main shots go through enemies it will have in damage for each enemy it goes through but it still makes clearing large crowds much easier pairing it with ink attack size makes it easier to clear large clumps of enemies at full scaling it can go through up to eight enemies which I think is overkill you get a large enough benefit by only equipping a single chip and I feel going over two or three chips is definitely not worth it also this chip is not available for the charger since a fully charged shot from that pierces all enemies at full damage by default most other Blue Chips which I didn't already cover are in this section these focus on movement speed and movement based Buffs these do exactly what they sound like they also scale the exact same rate making you move up to 1.6 six times faster note that the swim speed chip doesn't affect your speed when using the Kracken this chip is only for the brush and the roller it affects how fast you move while inking the ground regardless if you use it with the brush or the roller the scaling is the same and goes up to two times faster a duly exclusive chip normally you would only get one Dodge roll but it can increase up to six if you fully equip this chip this is pretty good when paired with Dodge roll attack and Rush attack chips but six is probably more than most people would need this allows you to hold a fully charged Stringer charger or Splat wing while swimming more chips allow you to hold it for longer it allows you to go up to 7 and 1/2 seconds but again this is probably longer than most people would want I find the charge hold most useful for slight repositionings and I don't need it for that long plus your ink won't refill while you're holding a charge so you won't always want to be using it this allows you to charge your special meter by moving this needs to be horizontal movement as falling straight down doesn't help the higher it is the more points of special will charge going up to 5 Points of special charge per something I don't actually know how far a unit of movement is but I guess it's around one or two steps the faster you move the faster this will charge I also don't know how many points are needed in order to get a special I would guess around 200 based on the multiplayer weapons but I couldn't find anything in the game that told me the points for the side order weapons this recovers a percentage of your ink while moving again it's for horizontal movement only and again the faster you go the better it goes up to 8% recover per whatever which basically means you'll never run out of ink as long as you're moving at least a little these chips deal with item drops and the lucky chain the lucky chain is what builds when you defeat enemies the higher the chain is the better chance of getting drops by default this chain can go as high as 10 each number in the chain increases your drop rate by 10% meaning that a full chain of 10 would double your drop rate normally the armor containers only have a half a perc chance to drop but with this it can increase by up to 3% remember that this and the other items are OB the discuss can have the drop rate affected by the lucky chain as well so if you have five of these chips and you have a lucky chain of 10 your drop rate will actually be 6% both of these items have a 1% chance to drop normally and can increase up to 20% with all the chips not accounting for the lucky chain the ink bottle restores half your ink tank while the special cans restore half your special gauge in high amounts I find the special can more useful especially since using your special will fully restore your ink anyway this has the same scaling as the ink bottle or can special drop but this item normally doesn't drop from enemies at all which you wouldn't want anyway unless you also have some drone abilities equipped each one you pick up will charge all your drone gauges by 100 points which I'll get to later these discs will trigger the Step Off song from Pearl if you collect three of them it's normally a 1% drop chance but can go up to 6% these are explosives that are left behind by enemies normally they don't drop at all but a single chip can make them drop at a rate of 15% at five chips enemies will draw them at a 90% rate which means it's basically 100% guaranteed if you have any amount of Lucky chain for the purposes of damage and AOE scaling keep in mind that these bombs count as explosions this increases how high you can bring the lucky chain with the highest Max chain being 99 if you have five chips again it's a 10% increase to your drop rates per chain level meaning drops will be 9.9 times more likely at a chain of 99 at which point everything will just keep dropping all the time normally you get 3 seconds to continue your lucky chain before it resets to zero this chip can increase that window to as high as 20 seconds making it much easier to keep a high lucky chain this allows you to build lucky Chain by inking the ground the more chips you have the less Turf you need to Ink in order to increase your chain by one this is good for keeping the chain while no enemies are near you or for building it up easily at full chips you only need to Ink Five Points worth the ground in order to get a chain increase for reference this is about 25 to 30 points worth of ink meaning it should increase your lucky Chain by about five or six if you have the max number of chips this is the last section and it's pretty straightforward all these chips have to do with your Pearl drone this allows Pearl to throw her own Splat bombs at enemies as will be true for all of her abilities the more chips you have the more often she will be able to use it for this it can take as few as 70 points with Max chips normally your drone gauges charge on their own by default they charge at a rate of six points per second this means that for this ability it would take 11 and 1/2 seconds for drone to use a Splat bomb if you have all five chips this allows Pearl to drop an ink mine this can be as fast as every 70 points so it would happen every 11 and 1/2 seconds just like the spat bomb this allows Pro to launch a burst bomb in as little as every 60 points so every 10 seconds at the default charge speed this allows Pearl to shoot ink droplets from the top of her head she shoots only one one ink droplet per use but it can charge in as little as two points meaning she would use it three times a second at the default charge speed annoyingly Pearl doesn't launch attacks unless there are enemies nearby which is normally a good thing but it also applies to this ability which means she won't be inking the ground while there's no enemies nearby this allows her to use a killer whale ability unlike the version from your special it's only a single beam rather than the 5.1 version but it does last pretty long at five chips it will take 280 points or 46 and2 seconds to charge Perl can launch her own ink strike with this chip it will only launch one rather than three it starts slower than the killer whale but eventually charges significantly faster at 180 points letting her use it every 30 seconds this lets Pearl drop items for you she can drop any item except for the Pearl battery at five chips the cost is reduced to 200 points allowing her to spawn an item every 33 seconds like I said earlier you take typically build drone gauge at a rate of 6 points per second this ship can increase that to up to 12 points doubling your charge rate this is especially nice since it applies to all your drone abilities at once this is the fastest way to charge the more costly drone abilities it allows you to build drone Gauge by defeating enemies at max level you'll get 70 points for each enemy splatted this charges the Drone gauge based on how far you move like with other similar movement abilities it has to be horizontal movement and the faster the better at max level this charges Five Points of drone gauge per whatever a unit of movement is this allows you to build drone Gauge by inking the ground this will include ink from the environment or ink that the Pearl drone produces herself like with her sprinkler at max level you get three points of drone gauge for every point of ground you've Inked again for reference this is about 25 to 30 points of ground meaning it would charge your drone Gauge by about 75 to 90 points if paired with the max number of this chip okay hope that was useful hope that was enjoyable thanks bye
Channel: KingSeekerToad
Views: 5,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2ajxIF3zbxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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