SPLAT「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Ep4 & Splatoon 🦑」

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you know this is pretty much the definition of feels bad man this is pretty much the definition of depression oh god why well good morning or good afternoon viewers and this is Stella's YouTube welcome everybody hello people chatter spamming lipo and frankly I do not appreciate it I come out get ready for the stream am on time you guys just aren't experiencing life as live presents it this is a live stream I'm going to give you the most liveliest stream possible but if you aren't here in 2018 accepting live as little time passes concurrently to me what are you even doing I'm not even sure what I'm saying look it's been a little bit since I've done a little I've done live streaming yeah it's busy busy it's been a little bit it's some surgery on my tongue like two days ago that you guys want to hear about that yeah I had some surgery on my tongue like two days ago so like finally my mouth has recovered but if I experiencing if I experience bleeding throughout any point in this stream I just understand it's probably either due to like my bad play or it's due to the actual surgery either way um I got some uh I got some things going on today we're gonna be playing some splatoon too with you guys I'm just playing one random game I'm just playing like one whatever random game but then I'm gonna be playing splatoon with you guys and now I know what you're thinking dad did you clear your friends list preemptively before the stream so that way you could add as many people as possible from the current selection of people to which I say no that would have been too smart of a task instead we're just going to hope that my friends list is is not full enough that I can actually add like like a hundred of you guys probably not 100 of you guys that'd be quite the time sink by the way yeah this stream is too sorta like a give me one miss dreams is like a random screen because I'm like it's been a while since i streamed and I called myself a streamer why do I not stream all the time into which I have no real direct reply but not only is this stream of stream this stream it has some features it has a new ability and I want to I want to test it out I want to show it when you guys uh when we get the chance I don't see yes I am playing it I finally got to ranked on my fail fleet account so now I actually have a Smurfs account that I can actually destroy people on feels bad man I mean I'll probably be the one getting destroyed but look blaster is stupid and I love it look at this I haven't moved from this one spot they just keep coming to me I adore it perished perish you flings a fool all right you know what I'll take that one I'll take one this stream is a stream look you're not wrong in fact I'm not sure why I felt the need to comment on that see it's it's streams like this why you know I come back from a long break that I can like really assess my commentary and realize how bad it is I look back at old streams I'm like what am i what am I even talking about all I do is say the same thing twice I just read things from the from the chat and I represent it in a funny fashion if it wasn't already funny say things twice because the you know to fill for time excuse me how's that boy painted so high in the air I'm all the way in the outlines I don't appreciate all that that's not an effective jump in now to result in my death I have to do piano by understandable man I have not touched a piano in many years actually that's a lie nah today I thought about that mid-sentence there I actually played a little bit of piano um like recently on my college or recently being you know within the last year I believe which for me is it you know in terms of piano playing it is fairly recently but yeah like we have like one of those public access pianos I played the jigglypuff song call me Mozart dude did it dude dude it did it dude like that one little perfect start for like an hour or so hour or so from now that seems like a good time to start it goal it 16 kills let's go boys okay let me add people if you guys want to add my friend code oh wow from sealions to be alright come be uh if you guys wanna add me if you do exclamation point FC in the chat I'll just just you guys sorry to me probably like by the time I say that you do won't even have to do it someone won't like like fit huh holy Bosley's probably like 15 people will have already typed in exclamation point FC from the time that you guys heard me say it let's see if I have room in my friend list then there goes the FC let's the I if I have room in my friends list here uh first of all that is a plentiful amount of friend requests I already have received gosh you're not even like three seconds in just saying it we already got copy yeah we gotta load dude look at this guy it's like Hank it's like baby Hank feel fleetly battles maybe I don't know whole ones like ah Charlie do we friends well yeah look at this we have so many people let's just take a little bit of time hang out a little bit how you guys do it guys stop sniff see muds perish them ban them why did I press why for some reason I was doing a little bit of commentary practice because it's been a little bit since I since I did some commentate like a little bit of commentary practice I was just dishing out the word perish one of my moderators infected me with the word perish I don't mean perish like they say I like I just though straight up the word perish it's ruined me I adore the word all of a sudden funeral music oh man I don't I don't want to overuse a funeral music the the funeral music is so good I want to keep that Paris dude nah man parish is just it's a good one all around me are deleting friends ah I didn't know what was that guy's face Paul I'm glad I deleted him kalos thinking is getting up close and personal and his webcam taking that field what's the replayability that you're talking about in the description oh whoa someone noticed it someone noticed it so notice my my my my clever my clever weaving in of the new feature we have instant replay now Oh what is this the ability to instant replay things that's right I hope you guys liked me too leaving friends let's replay that come on excuse me wait let's replay that the one time the one time I'm like oh I'm so mad it didn't work hold on one second I said let's take a look at deleting look at this bam bam I'm actually instant replaying me deleting friends how about that you thought you'd seen the last of them now we can run it back I've also accidentally made inky a best friend like three times there because I was watching the instant replay BAM a new ability now you can watch me delete friends twice as much I can just cover weight on I think you humor arre subbed I'm gonna hold off on deleting them dog oh boy I'm sorry I'm sorry to see you go let's watch it again let's walk let's watch me almost delete Yukimura and then just delete him again then just delete dog oh boy the new features I'll keep on almost tweeting Yukimura there we go BAM all right let me do one more let me do one more BAM okay ah friends list now let me add some friends instant replay is so cool yo shots um I'm an old tribe check out all tribes if you guys like Kirby videos and giving curvy Kirby different types of weaponry dough would check it check out check out him I love this is the best timeline everyone has kirby pictures it's so good I love nice let me just add two people let me just let me just keep on going down don't you forget about me I'm sorry my do I just add people in there oh it's he thought oh boy I'm sorry dog oh boy he's gone now great job daintily Daenerys pontellier response daddy leaner sponsor I'm so mad at myself did I he do not believe me yeah I I'm mark Logan I'm so bad at marking people I try my best III try to do my best there is just a lot of names played okie dokie literature club no 2018 thinking people don't know the catch would with Doki Doki look I'm well aware of the catch I'm well aware the game is definitely also got a family-friendly game good music good music definitely not a family-friendly game was let's add like a few a few more people don't be talking more like no no key no key oh my god tell the same joke to if error is a bad joke by all means it like that wasn't a good one we shouldn't be proud of ourselves of sinking our jokes and errors occurred when you try to add King Dedede to your friends listen an error occurs oh don't men die I get it's because he's one of those solo types he's one of those types that doesn't like to meet that you're your friend you know like that's understandable what's his I'd like for more people that's going to it this is going to the game Daniel did you delete me I don't think I delete it Logan I don't think I deleted you Logan you've you been sticking and I I think I got it Fred did I delete you resend the friend request so I'll get you back in a thing I remember what your tag was if you resend that friend request uh I'll just hide your real back room I'll just hide you back real fast and give you that give you that tag I don't believe it was bones I'll do like one more refresh please you're deleting characters now I don't think I'm deleting characters it's all right it's all right it's whatever look for now let's play a little bit of splatoon BAM I think this is hell yeah you're right I was deleting characters but bam bam bam all I move my my blue move my microphone nice and close also I finally got my my squid gear all up and running check out my uh my cool little splatoon look I got the Goldy hat we'll see here look this is why I like this hat so much I'll tell you why it's the classic boater it's the classic straw boater it's a hat that looks cool and it has the word boat in it I love it plus we got there that the sailor suit and the cream basics I like this gear look so much and then every air you know the weapon is the weapon changes all the time I'm a flex player but man I love the look well I won't say where we going right before I'm stupid let me make sure I'm going to the right area that seems fairly useful is there a game called Doki Doki party panic that seems like that would end horribly given how the normal game functions I feel like any Doki Doki Doki Doki has so many like good potentials for like spin-off games Mario Kart Doki Doki spin-off turns into like zombie heart like zombie survivor like zombie survivor game I would love to see Doki Doki just create like really odd spin-offs in fps that turns into an actual dating sim by the end of it it's just it's just games that take like extreme twists doki-doki actually was a Mario game oh of course excuse me part of me does that's on me that's on me hey Katie it's been a while since we've seen you hey do you know the way memes huh it's been a while since we've seen you could you like not up here please I thought we had done away with you it's so unfortunate man do you know the way it was a good meme I'm glad it existed this is the strange one I'll tell you that much yeah yeah we got char in here we got hip squid we got it we got Goku yo do you guys see that the people who like control Goku's license what I think it's like Funimation or something they wanted him in Smash like them banjo what's happening oh of course I have to start the mode my apology has been a little bit them um what else was it banjo kazooie people wanted banjo kazooie in uh in Smash the people the people who owned his copyright like the upcoming smash game is going to be so good plus we got like an invitational y'all I cannot express my hype we gotten another Invitational coming up soon to the hype for this game is going to be insane Daniel why because you learn the last people to join Chara I just on my eyes I just spectator mode the last two people no discrimination Jimmy Neutron for smash drive that's right welcome to fail votes top ten list for people I want in splatoon eyes in Smash Brothers number seven the wacky armed inflatable salesman thing the thing that's outside car dealerships that's it let's inflatable waves it's arm us around it's a character that can't move but constantly uses smash at all times it moving is it will result in a smash attack that's the character that's number seven number six literally just the blaster from splatoon it sits on the ground and by pressing neutral you can fire once again it cannot move it can only fire only in one direction - unfortunately the blasters do not have legs and there's no way to remedy this situation by giving it to the inkling number five four characters that I won Super Smash Brothers the no contest screen everyone's talking about the hidden Smash Brothers character sandbag why don't we have sandbag into the game he's been in it since the very beginning iconic everyone knows not enough make the no contest screen playable it's been in every single smash game it deserves its time to shine how do you play as as the no contest screen you pick them the game starts you press neutral B it's no contest it's already over the game just instantly ends no contest screen screen for Smash Brothers that moment you're trying to like play a video game but also trying to give like I was gonna say good commentary but I literally just said I wanted the no contest screen for Smash Brothers at that point I think I've resigned myself for bad commentary lag lag lag did Dan die again not good so streaming everyone will scream and lag and chat not sure what's going on there bandana Dee for smash well I mean but did identity is like my actual pic I just like really want it it's fine now I'm saying lag for me it's fine in fact what's even weirder is my replay that I'm receiving from YouTube is like still good but Francisca maybe Francisca my Internet's still going good yeah you guys refresh refresh the page if it's lagging well let's let's do this fam stop spamming lag or ban uh I think hating was a new person and is Dooley right BAM got it refresh your page that was weird though I don't really usually get too many lag problems I mean like I'm mad because I'm not sure if you guys saw the Saturday stream but like boy I'm actually mad my internet died for the first time during the stream and he like just wouldn't come back on which was you know really just great it was neato you know wanting to stream and not being able to do so that's always so much fun hey thank you very much uh mazaya cherry what's going on here okay for the two dollars you were on my account and didn't add name oh my apologies my dude I'm sorry man hey like I I try to like indiscriminately add people unless I like know you guys personally or you guys are like super within the community in which case I'll give you guys a little bit of like you know leg room you know I'll give you guys a little bit of extra flyer miles I'll be like hey this person makes them cool are on the on the discord server yeah I add them on oh I'll make sure that they're on the the friend code thing oh this person's active in chat yeah I'll make sure they're on you know I don't do that for everyone obviously but you know I'll keep I'll keep an eye out for some people every now and again yeah man goodbye hips quit BMI dudes like I mean hey if you want to get the all permanent residency on my on my switch friend code if you know for as long as it as long as it's around I mean I just you know just drop that sponsor him hey you know what they call it a sponsorship because on the boat ship help me I'm about to die oh maybe not maybe not though look at the life come back get down from there get down from there get down from there young lady BAM can I like a little bit more little bit more hello Katie why kill you what are you gonna be doing this to me dog who's hype for the UM for the good old uh what was it the the smash five Invitational though I saw that I'm like it's happening III baby III it's the happiest day we all knew they were going to have to show gameplay that's the thing like put my me know don't mind me don't mind me Katie why would you check that don't mind me yeah man like all of a sudden they're like hey so you know how we're doing a splatoon thing well how about we also do a Smash Brothers thing now my wonder look the invitation that the people the people playing it they must have already been invited right clearly what if all of them are sick could you imagine they like they do this Invitational they already know who they're gonna be inviting and all of a sudden it's like well yeah but like oh god I'm Katie okay I wasn't even keen it was just like yeah but sorry about we're actually all sick we don't like Smash Brothers anymore all we play is Dragon Ball fighters and Nintendo's just like well I I guess we're stuck now we didn't we no one plays Smash Brothers anymore that'd be awkward as Smash Brothers has died like literally no one play the game anymore just ended everyone on earth no longer played smash brothers Nintendo's just like ah what what wouldn't intend to do if everyone stopped playing Smash Brothers at once we just went on a smash strike that would have to add Shrek at what point do they do that I think how much you have to force them tendo's hand before they add shrek after his dog after strikes dominating appearance in you know Kirby's Shrek allies and Shrek super slam we gotta find that we gotta find the place for him we gotta find where he lives he needs to exist on a Nintendo console how far do we have to bend in ten days we'll before they actually bring him there so I'm just saying it if I I do I if I had like not play smash for like four months in order for them to add shrek dun dun I love that game to its core I would stop playing for four months for them to add Shrek only if he function is like Rosalina and luma and he also had like donkey like you could use donkey as luma no dude that's even better don't even add them as a separate character literally just add a skin for Rosalina and luma make it like a really battery skin to make it make it like you know Shrek's proportions are completely stretched Shrek on top of Rossellini of rather Rossellini italian Rosalina roof Rossellini Rossellini and tortellini rosa leaning toward a luma what am I even talking about what area doing my galaxy swamp Rossellini important luma yeah man Shrek and Donkey though when are we getting whenever you know why don't we get any muscle wonder why don't we get in every skin now we all know that you know the world demands and of course you know Shrek Shrek skin on on to luma also just going to be horrifying think about that man it would just be like like it would just be like donkeys head with these legs coming out of his ears in order to like conform to Loomis proportions at what point of science has gone too far it's just insanity at that point also are we about to witness no it's a quad it's a it's a wipe Rossellini and toward Illuma look I rarely request the call to fanart can we please get a one late like a Lunchables branded Rossellini and toward a luma don't ask me how I wanted me by lunchbox branded like III need a call to arms to get fan art or just art don't even call it fan art you don't even have to be a Fame also we're gonna get new people in the lobby I just have said anyone who's just doing this Lobby do not join again that way we can get as many people as possible anyway pullin Fred I got you covered in real fast here a call to arms art of Rossellini and tour luma the interpretation of the character is completely up to you like 1 million percent up to you Who am I in here off right got you covered Freddy the bamboo bamboo let me let me uh let me give you that that that mark there it's all I'm saying just get in there I can but I'm lazy and that's understandable by no means this is not for start yeah quickly draw of Rosalina has a tortellini yeah that's the kind of demands I want to be making on my viewers but yeah I'm just saying if you do that post a link to it on my discord also hey there everybody if you guys like my content and you want to didn't you want to participate in the community consider joining in on the discord it's a fun time let me add some people while we're here be I like if you guys don't know I have a discord check it out in the description it's a fun time it's it's the best place to talk to me and other members of the community and I gotta admit we have a pretty nice community in fact our community on the discord is like really nice Oh Dan did you see we have Teddy gal as what she joined discord Oh what I thought today was already on discord I mean III know I of course I know of her like good by all means she's a very consistent viewer and a member of the community I thought I I she just thought she was already in the discord see that's the other thing I see so many names I always fight I forget where I see no no I she aren't Twitter that's where I see her all the time you're right I guess I haven't seen her on there also we have a lot of cool artists someone keeps whopping my phone here I'm have to block whoever keeps Bob in my phone what's a blob don't ask don't ask the question so you don't want to know the answer to okay no someone's I gotta actually like mute this dude if you send me 14 messages in a row when you know I'm streaming i'ma have to drop the blob how do i how do i how do I meet you I don't want to I don't want to block them I don't want to block them I'm sorry my dude cuz I don't want to be that I day I hate blocking people but look if you send me like 16 messages in the span of one minute it's not gonna end well they're taking it really hard I got in me I kind of feel I feel bad I gotta drop the blog they sent me 17 messages I'm sorry my dude I don't mean to drop that on you but you're blocking my phone my dude don't worry take your time take a deep breath before you message understand I'm not always available who put your food on do not deserve Wow do not deserve phone I don't know about that Phil we all deserve a little bit of technology in our lives I'm actually in the market for a new phone I like IIIi need a new phone soon because like it looks I'd like to more people because like I've had this phone for like a lot of years and it's get on is getting on in life do not disturb do violence too bad for that this is hop in here but BAM but yeah like I'm media I need a new phone um wolf I can't make it bigger what Chet you're insane hey for the $2 though appreciate it oh do put a bumper dumper dump do not disturb how about do disturb here's the moment is there more than just wrap do dessert do disturb like actually message me please yeah I know like um you know I would love and discord just some you just give me a mute functionality I'd all wanna block people but sometimes people just get a little bit too rambunctious it's like I gotta lay down the hammer somehow and I look like I need a do not disturb mode for just like three people who are the three people I had don't ask I just need a do not disturb mode for just a small amount of people do you have any duplicates in here it was shiny duplicate Jenny leave if you're a duplicate I'll trust you on that one I'll trust you shiny has left I believe they were duplicate but yeah well actually I'll just joining the game I'll just start the game because they're gonna be spectating either way BAM BAM why is it a Jigglypuff on whose scuse me the the icon dude I love the icon volume fail boat I think the volume is fine it seems to be filled out you see this man if I send you a giant disk or and just say I made it for you well I will I add me will I add me that's a pretty selasa philosophically I assume you mean will you add me I di my apologies my dude but uh probably not don't count on it I'm just in for the new dollars III you know what maybe who knows in this weird world that we live in alright yo you guys need to like stop though hmm excuse me thank like I had cook yeah no no I'll definitely appreciate seizing like by all means its art art is beautiful I don't want to turn that down and finally I feel honor they they you know you guys I mean at least some of you are like I every so often when I already get fan art from like people I know are like obviously you know kids you know that that are that are quite young I love that stuff are you kidding me I get the honor of being someone's like first doodles we're not you know obviously not their very first tools but you don't want to meet their young in this world new to the new to the concept of hobbies and their doodle in my character that's it as actual insanity by all means every time I receive art whether it's good or bad it's it's it it's amazing I love it well I mean if you didn't love it like what are you because it's a great time that being said I gotta admit a lot of people like doing art and I you know I want to give everyone the appreciation like whenever i CRI pretty much always try and like making an effort to like respond and just be like this is really good art I'll just be like lol suck nom can I done literally never like that unless it's like I do clearly ironic someone paints me is the Mona Lisa but it's actually like my face on it long adds threat putting in some real effort try to try putting some time to enjoy some real art not this horrible mspaint doodle I advanced obviously I mean then I'll follow it up with like oh my LMG you know I'm just joking lol you feel me my dude and then they say no I actually hate you now I'm unsubscribing and telling all my friends doesn't subscribe I'm friends with like literally two hundred thousand people and they're all your subscribers you just shot yourself in the foot it's over for you goodbye then I have zero subscribers and feels bad man party do I need to find instances to use the replay functionality I still haven't done it oh do you guys see that oh not like the bad way that will cause me to die but you know like it just in in the way Tayloe you've joined however I gotta put you on on on spectator my dude I'm sorry you were one of the last two people to join or the last person to join disappears to be I'm sorry my dude I'm not gonna I'm not gonna play not gonna play favorites I was gonna be spectator last round well um but but you like joined it now you were like the last person to join in have I been doing like a system that's actually unfair and I never realized it for the entire time hold on no I guess actually that makes sense if if people join in I shouldn't remove them because I was there so long you're one game plus the people who are waiting on spectator that last time they would already know I guess it makes sense I need to read to her I need to revise the system the last person left and I was joining Elena he left my apologies either way look at the end of the day at the end of the day you're still gonna get jello ready up til is talking in chef out about about the whole system doesn't even know how to press the a button good thing he's not playing goodness wouldn't even know how to throw a clam there we go and of course as soon as he presses the button Vinny on presses his button oh there we go down we're ready to up there we go now or now we're in the game tell Bo you're overthinking that's what I do on these streams I just talk I ramble I there's a ramble man that's that it's the time of my life oh thank you for five dollars Smash Bros can't wait no look it's hard for me to not talk about smash every second I don't talk about smashes in there a second I've contemplated talking about smash by all means the game is fabulous every iteration holds a whole controls a little boy a little joy in my heart you know I know that this next iteration it's good I'm gonna be playing it all the same I play smash competitively and by all means if this I think this game is gonna have some competitive elements to it I can't guarantee it obviously it might you know my dad is not soccer eyed my uncle is ironically but like nah man I I just feel like this I forget if I talked about this on YouTube look I talked about I've I have a large circle of smash friends I talk about a lot of things like this stuff with and like look I still think this is going to be a game that incorporates competitive elements or it has a market or like it's a game designed or has a little bit of it designed for the competitive market here's why I think that big back to me inside of that think back to the way all the previous smash games were presented right they're all presented in this sort of like chill vibe like things smash for it was height don't get me wrong it was very hype to see that announcement trailer with villager but like the look good think about the way it was presented the villager was given a letter with a stamp on it with a Smash Ball logo that was our reveal as a consumer that smash was coming it was a small stamp on a letter to be fair we were all pretty height but that wasn't enough if we look at brawl to be fair brawl was when abroad was released it was pretty hyped melee even didn't even melee was win over the one that was released it was pretty like well I'm talking about like if it makes sense to say melee doesn't count because I was still like they didn't understand the hype that was smash back then they they would have no way of understanding and brawl was their way of like you know adding another game to the formula with which they thought was like like you know party and stuff besides even in Smash 4 they have Omega modes they have like the UM they have the like a little bit of implementation the foot in the door admittedly it's a very small foot in a very large door but they got their foot in the door while you they understand what that you know we exist and that's all well all I need cuz look smash forwards their first attempt it they're like hey let me you know let's put in for glory mode and all that stuff I think this is gonna be the one that they're like wait a minute smash 5 how do we announce this game not by a letter not by like a simple character release a giant flaming ball in the sky with a hype introduction for new characters yeah ok let's go with that one like that's the one that drives the hype you know that is good that they understand it's an epic game of epic proportions and that this is the time for them to pull in all that competitive market especially here's the other thing the first gameplay we are getting of smash 5 is going to be in a competitive setting unless it's like you know unless we're counting like the the trailer which I guess is literally the first gameplay of it like the first time though in the same day that we see that trailer we're probably also going to be seeing the Invitational look I'm not saying it's gonna be a game based 100 million percent about the competitive side I'm just saying then I think they've gotten it plus let me be real slow to an online is good splatoon multiplayer is really good it's not perfect but it's good by all means like this is a very fun game for me - I have like 600 hours in this game I'm not even a competitive player I just love it this game has the ability or smash 5 has the ability to just dominate you're brilliant to smash aren't you I'm actually number 3 in Vermont I'm the third best smash player in Vermont I'm not even kidding about that I actually am at least currently on the PR on the Power Rankings party my official terminology like I play smash that being said you know we're we're not like the best state but we're like we're okay all I'm saying is its hype well rip guy he will be missing the $2 fray I appreciate ladies I don't like that also think of $2 for a space urgent what is that profile picture is that Patrick eating a banana so confused think about I wish I could play splatoon online do you like oh I see one other thing one other thing right we're gonna have to pay for the online suit soon enough Oh digi soon enough the online mode will be paid for which means then Tendo has to do it right otherwise someone's gonna buy it ah well you do know what more me make it oh yeah I have so many series to finish you guys have no idea I am or maybe guys do have an idea I have Pokemon I have some Kirby I have Sonic mania Paper Mario Pokemon Nuzlocke I got my hat in time suit I got so much to finish I think that was two games right I think I'm like 90% sure that's two games let me get like it some new people in here but Bam Bam Bam Bam yeah I know what I'm saying got what what's your the Inklings final smash be um your let me desecrate a new room see like there's so many good specials to fit in I think the baller the baller would be a really good one it paints the ground it does damage and then it explodes that like by definition like the baller would be an excellent final smash splashdown would not be a good final smash maybe it would just a one quick pop it kill kind of a thing also the follow-up is like you know what's gonna be the gimmick every smash game adds a gimmick you know melee added side beads brawl added new air dodging and tripping smash for added rage mechanics and on a lot of other changes to the way like ledges work and the way the game works as a whole every game adds a new thing what's gonna be smash fives thing cracking see I would think cracking but that's a smash one thing oh that's uh that's a splatoon one thing I don't feel they would do it I don't think they would use slash one things maybe they would maybe they would I don't think they would do it though oh boy rage hold don't you mean trippin like I can do that you better wait trippin don't you mean rage haha because it always gets me something bad anyway tower control seems like a fun game mode for me to play but Dan for bamboo van they are splatoon one Inklings see I agree no no I don't agree those are just the iconic Inklings I could see them actually you know what no I take that back cuz like mario has escaped from like mario world and uses flood and everything i forgot it is sort of like you know like they will take anything from any game maybe they would do the cracking but that being said I still think they have so many good specials to choose from in splatoon to that I don't think they would need to but even to be fair though a strike would be good the Kraken or not the cracking armed dragon would be good what was the UM killer whale killer rail would also be an excellent excellent thing they have a lot of government as a potential controller throwing are you kidding me throwing the gamepad was my favorite special from splatoon one you get killed five times in a row by a Luna blaster and you just throw the gamepad it shuts off the game and of course that thereby kills everyone it is my favorite special I could easily see them implementing that into into smash 5 what is Kota Kirby or ahead in time 100 what is cuter Kirby or higher in time that's a tough question don't make me choose between my children like that don't make me choose between my children did you also know I have to pick her but um inkjet is so good see look I feel inch it might be the recovery like ink it could be a recovery move or it could be the super jump in my opinion if I'm speculating movesets it's got it either be super jump or inkjet the smash attacks are gonna be like blasters or rollers see how I imagine inkling works is they constantly switch weapons light like they're the whole gameplay involves around being able to switch their weapons on the fly four different moves not like shulk style but more just like you know they like you know as they do different moves they just like it like Mario you know how Mario can go back and forth between like the flit like the flood and the cape and everything like that that's just how it works stop it stop it you will die but yeah like I feel like that's just gonna have it be how that works like pokemon trainer no no I'm not sorry I should be clarify I'm not talking about modes I'm not talking about any any like fancy boats any fancy mode shifting I mean just like you know their jab is a punch you're like like they have like their forward till is like paint ground they play a little bit like Mega Man you know where you can like walk while doing the forward tail in order to paint the ground it's gonna be something like that see you know what I would also like about smash 5 I would love if they would fix custom moves custom moves the idea is so cool I would love to see them fix customers make it so every character gets them a lot easier you don't have to grind for them why you're not swimming for you you don't have to grind for them like I would love to see something more with that custom moves are cool idea also you know what else I want them to I know this is really got really not like entertaining stream and I'm just sort of like you know I'm giving more of a banter than I am comedy comedy I hope you guys uh you know enjoy my mix up of flavor of streams but uh the flavor of a stream a little bit spicy frankly was it that bad sorry type ID III got segwayed with stream flavors can't even write this stuff well the target about I'm panicking guys help I've lost it ice covers being back with people there's something on the scible Toulouse I just forget what the stream tastes like a carrot till stuff stops like licking your screen also why is your screen a carrot I don't write your disgust alts alternate characters the clones I want them dealt with I need a new way of picking care here's my thought right this would be actual insanity but are you ready for this every character has a clone but they don't take up a character slide they are accessible through the main character after you press a different button to switch to that it's like clearly defined every character has a clone character from a similar series that's it that's the big thing it is still from their series the characters play slightly different and I don't mean take a new skin I mean just straight-up it's a new thing to smash in addition to skins there's also the ability to just straight-up change a character's moveset between one of two different options every character has one and that's how it works I would love to see that or alternatively the character select screen instead of showing characters shows a game series and you can pick from there and I think that would help reduce the size of the screen I would like to see that it would to be fair though it would be very complicated every character yeah I know it would be something I'll tell you that much crusade you're forgetting crusade you know it also being insane what if now here we have what if tag teams you can choose three characters before a game this would be a separate mode you can choose three characters before a game that I think someone I think someone mentioned this on Twitter but you can switch between them at any time or maybe like only when you're in the ground you press opt on twice or something like instead of instead of taunts you have character switch buttons you can switch to any of the characters during during you're grounded time and it gives you like 15 frames of startup and 15 frames of n lag I knew it give me 15 frames in the hitboxes me your hitbox gets a little bit larger to make it easier to punish so you can do it to punish air dodges maybe but you can't really do it otherwise to make saying combos look you know I'm talking about though you know what I'm talking about maybe you can do it in the air for extra cooldown but that's what I'm thinking also I think this is in a beefy smash dudes video oh I should probably be you know paying attention to the game everything goes in a beefy smash dudes video but um it was the idea of instead of omegas we have everything okay every mode that was originally Omega instead of being just normally flat it's just a different variation of platforms so like you know how we have battlefield and we have like Smashville and like those are the normal legal stages what if we had that but whatever you go to Omega it gives you something like Pokemon Stadium it give you it gives you like all these new selections of like stages hold on people are saying looking art general or art fellow rather hold on art fill boat oh my god oh this is amazing I love pig pig you've done it you've made something horrifying beautiful I'm saving it right now I don't even know what to call it I'll just gonna call Lu Malini hold on I'll add it I'll show it on streem I'll show it on the stream in a second there we go get we're back we're back we're back we're back we're back hey I'm just gonna say if you guys want to see the art for yourselves go check out the discord discord dock discord GG / fail boat fun times in store also a little bit of pain a lot of pain if Kris hexes on modding duties more pain than expected I'm glad to die goodbye goodbye me yo let me check that as a replay though can we get that instant replay hmm fun here we got an instant I'm actually so mad I'm livid you see donation can you can you look for it for what I mean I appreciate him I do thank you very much for the for the two dollars and the rest of you know what you've supported the stream would stop rolling thank you I appreciate it yeah by all means like I mean a drop a sponsor my dude whole thing come on get the lead we're so close one more clam easy way no we need one more clam yes let's go let's go yeah my news if you guys sponsor enjoying the pebble you know if you guys joined the feel fleet all I'd use a friend but I mean that is like truly the best way for me to moderate things it gets kind of it it's kind of insane otherwise sponsors hello you pure boy you're adorable I'll give you a high five with a blaster there yo my dude I got you cut I'm just gonna stay right here you kidding trying to take care of this brush boys he comes close put down one of those things do I love the toxic mess it shuts down so well you know how much I love the toxic mist enough to show it again with this instant replay check it out BAM toxic mist BAM toxic mist that's how much I love it baby that's how much I love it apparently we also broke their barrier during this time I was gonna try and end the game I know well nevermind I wanted to go for it I did not manage to do so toxic mist baby perish at the sight of it throw right on down come at me please I dare you charge a me I'm gonna break you down like some sort of crazy dude in a glass factory and that crazy dude is also a bulb that's a far-reaching analogy I know I realize how bad that analogy was about one second after the first syllable I'm like this is probably where the joke ends but no I will I will keep it going I will keep pushing onwards until the joke completely falls flat on its face looking me on the playground so you know what well you know what one second I'm not really sure where I was going that I said you know what and I didn't know what I hit myself with the ultimate mix-up I truly didn't know what my mouth had it I was trying to go somewhere with that but my brain was definitely not so far we've been able to maintain this lead feels good man you know what I've been watching recently while we're in this nice conversational mood at least I am not sure about you guys but I certainly am but uh I've been watching Dragon Ball super do I have any other anime fans in the chat that would like to chime in on their opinions of Dragon Ball super I hear it's pretty good as some might say so pretty that's literally not even quality quantifiable as a joke they're like one clam one clam well but now I need one life ya know like good old JoJo's bizarre done to sort of check so I just said JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Chad I'm like huh boy was immediately saying anything for the two dollars gonna bone please I mean know it sounds horrifying what if so that's like the let's just sketch his interaction I could feasibly imagine someone walks up to you on the street randomly just like hello there he hands you a $2.00 bill not even to singles he does a hanzou a $2.00 bill says hello there do you have any human bones just like no how about your skeleton yeah well that's gonna stay inside my body I'm not sure if you can bribe me into giving that one to you but I know what I appreciate the attempt you know how much I appreciate it we're gonna watch it back over again BAM check that I am not using this miss replay functionality well really I'm not using it well that's alright that's alright was that two games or was that one think that was one no those two cuz I made our mark I mark GL right cool let's do one more game one more game oh sure they're right you're all right let me just create a room in the meantime all right BAM you guys are ready for the best image that exists on the Internet thank you guys for accepting my weird demands was they calling Rossellini I called it Lu Malini pic Pig you're beautiful Rav Alina and torta Luna well Ravel Lena and torta luma I hate this but I love it I love it so much but SHINee you're a duplicate you've already been in here Rav Alina and torta luma this is what happens people draw her I give it the shout-out at the service also to be fair I got a mint this is like the best handling of this art I could possibly imagine I gave you guys like something like an ex only lately they they would never be able to solve in like any other circumstance this is something like detectives couldn't solve what is a Rosel what is a Ravel ena what is a torta luma is this screamer okay with this weird analogy no the answer is no by the way to that but like I gave you guys an impossible task and you came at me guns are blazing with a good character design acceptable Dan will they'll be a sponsor um yes maybe it might just be like a one-game sponsoring because I'd really want to play Kirby no that's why I won't turn off the image I know what you guys are thinking passively I won't turn off the in fact all you guys get to see is the image not even chat you can listen to the audio that's all you guys get okay we're back we're back we're back we're back there we go as all you guys get a hard zooming a woman I remember toward Illuma what I always forget Rosalina's one was Rosalina's joke Rossellini and toward Illuma yeah I think it's Rossellini and toward Illuma look I don't keep track of the narrative that I'm creating with these characters I'm dead let me just walk into that good we'll have you watched the Kirby animaker be right back at you by all means I've met that ledge that shows of glorious time I'm out I'm keeping close in touch with the UH tonigh close without you mama I'm keeping a close eye on the reanimated things that uh to Ravel lena and toward a limit that's right well unravel why i could ever make such a bad joke more like why do i do you do it sit sit you know what you know what the answer is simple the answer is simple why do i do youtube because there's literally no other place on this on this online world that i could make such a bad joke and inspire people to take action literally like that what other profession could I make such such a horrendous disgrace of Nintendo's IPs and have it be picked up by someone within ten minutes as canonical artwork within their own universe what other platform probably like McDonald's really late at night I'm not gonna lie if I was a McDonald's cashier and I made that joke to like another gamer like a gamer customer at like 3 a.m. they will give me a knowing look they might you know anything you know if they were artists they might actually end up going somewhere with this art I'll tell you what man if I was a streamer and I went to McDonald's and you know my bike my cashier pop the pun like that I'd talk about it on a live stream later it all comes back at the end of the day see me folksy me hello you never know I bet this is gonna be on a video I'd like highly doubt it I like highly doubt it I don't think I'm funny is the issue there are times don't get me wrong there are times I'm like huh that was a good joke but making one good joke does that make you a funny person it's like you know making the one souffle does not make you a cook it makes you a souffle like here my my dude good one but um like I think of these streams and I like as I do the streams I'm like hmm should I highlight this stream has this stream like had enough content to become a video to like very much which the answer is usually uh no but every so often a stream comes along that's the perfect storm of idiocy and comedy and I'm like you know what it gets the highlight treatment it's not often most streams most streams don't don't get that kind of a treatment goodbye parachute parachute most streams do not get that treatment but every so often it comes around give me a bone please sub no see now the person I was begging for the human bone comes back to you now with two trench coats before is in a dark alley with one trench coat now the down the Boise's double layering it's a cold day outside was rip open a rib cage give-give skeleton please give me give me part of skeleton I give two more dollar give part of skeleton No thank you I'd really rather not really appreciate not let's do one more game and then we'll do another oh let's do one more game then another round up for sponsors on that trip will be two games it might just be one and then we'll get into the the good stuff BAM um put both of you guys back in the game BAM you think I'd have the buttons down till I can make that happen but now rally for smash do probably not but dude I could I could like all belong to percent season see this in UI for smash one notion sponsors have more privileges oh just give them I guess I guess I'm not really that short on time can you pay me join this that's true I might be able to do two games I'll keep an eye on the time actually no we just started 4:30 nevermind I thought we were a lady than we were I can't make that happen I could make that happen yeah I get I get a hundred since II just enjoy coming out that seems very likely me hey octal boy Congrats on 100k my dude if you guys don't know octal boy had a hundred thousand subscribers the other day huge congratulations my man now you get to see now you get to watch my crappy stream please leave no you're gonna see up the how bad my commentary is when I'm when I'm rusty on commentary yeah man it's like actually incredible all the boys on in this platoon verse have been hidden these big milestones it's so good let's just hit 30k I think J moji hit something goog I think hit a few thing on I I didn't announce if I hit um 25 million total views excuse me Lilly the Harry Potter thing weirdest runs at a wall and just goes through it all you have to do is believe and turn into a squid but like yeah I hit 25 million views the other day which is actual insanity the channels been doing so well I don't even understand like I don't get out stop please do not follow me you do not want to go where I'm going you actually probably do want to go why I'm going cuz it is the victory of this game create 2k exactly all these people been hitting the big that been into big numbers it's a great time hello there oh are you know what I'm gonna do I'm a sneaking I'm gonna be a sneaky boy but actually I'm gonna be a dead boy but I'm actually not gonna be a dead boy I'm gonna be on a live boy check this BAM one kill BAM to kill turn over here where are they coming from they're all dead except for a brush boy come over here three two one three kills I know but what if it it worked wait wait for it play three kills three kills three three kills not okay you know what give it a second let me build it up a little bit look bone first of all thank you for the $2 I appreciate it I don't want to do the sub for something sub for sub is like the debt is the downfall of YouTube don't ever bring back sub for sub Oh Cory were the high five let's go Cory weird the high five and the dance they're still going at it I feel your Corey I feel ya watch you guys are tamely two very nice boys in the house baby yes I know that was whoa bar humor we're going all the way to the ground today it happens when I'm up when I'm off scream that's okay look what I don't stream for like five days in a row I gotta have a stream where I just like see nothing but bad jokes I need to get the blood I need to get the commentary blood pumping again I need to do a couple more ritual sacrifices before I can actually start streaming I'm sorry oh this is like not okay you know what every please place Kirby bill please place our allies now you said after one hour I'm gonna bump it to like an hour in like 20 or something I want to give a little extra time for the fail flea battles just so we can get any more people I don't get me wrong I want to play star I died her that game I'm you know what I'm not mad but like cuz I you know idea that that's just like the world of the Internet but I've been seeing so many spoilers of Kirby Star allies luckily I I haven't seen a couple key spoilers but I have seen like mode spoilers like apparently there are modes where you can play as the copy ability giving creatures calm creatures cuz you know what what else is a waddle be honestly like you can play as those characters and play like play through the game or something that's wild to me that's amazing if only you could pick their color that's the only caveat out that's the only thing I would love with that mode give me the ability to pick a color I want to play use my golden waddle dee boy I don't know the other game modes are but I'll discovery doesn't go on I'd only think I'm like that far as being done with Kirby which is a real big feels bad man given how I've only played it for two streams or three streams hold on what is it all hold on was that two games I think that was two games fable check Gmail um no I'm not gonna check Gmail don't use my gmail gmail is for professional stuff you're like 75% actual feels bad man yeah that's two games okay cool sponsor round if you guys are a sponsor first of all if you're not a sponsor consider dropping it help support the stream help support my help support what I do but um I'm gonna post the code for this upcoming game in the sponsor room on discord BAM ah there you go my dudes we're gonna play two games let me like not show you the password again I hope you guys have gotten your auditory skills in inbound you know your auditory skills are real good so way you can pick up on what this code is right now before it even appears again all I'm saying man if you guys learn how lately like the keypad numbers if you guys learn the keypad numbers like by auditory cues and managed to get in the game via that you you deserve to be among the sponsors right now ritum you are you okay twelve star oh my god hmm did they send you the silver play button yeah what did I get my I got mine like like months ago like a lot of months ago it mine took less time than a lot of people say it takes them oh I've heard people are like yeah it took me like two years to get mine I got mining like a couple months to be there I was late too it was also on me it was like two months after I submitted the application I didn't even realize I I had to go somewhere to actually do it can we get like one more person one more sponsor dude there we go we get two games in like this BAM I still don't have the code uh you know yeah I think that oh you know the code do you have to enjoy the code I think you get the code or like you get the link to redeem it on your Creator studio thing if I'm not mistaken I think that was that I think for the $2 write me up mate is a start that's a 19 star and I'm fine that's insanity though one day I will get a star what all god what is this comp it's over arrow spray comp and carbon roller yeah octopi I just say like don't worry about it like it like it'll get when you when it gets here it'll feel cool it'll feel so cool it just takes a little bit sometimes it takes them a while to uh you know put your name on on an object that that's a lot you're using up a lot of YouTube's resources when you request this is all on the same they have so many problems to look out for like good youtubers making the trending page on their on their website can't have any of that they have to they have to beYOU know that if you constantly be on guard but I'm boy I love it the skits where I literally just make fun of the people who pay me mmm YouTube is really cool don't don't don't remove me from from the from the system okay Thank You YouTube I know you're listening right now well hello there mmm don't run come on come here come here come here come here I'm gonna roll you over and after I roll you over I'll just destroy sprinkler to heat them up oh no he probably hears me in the stream hello hello do I love the carbon roller it's so much fun hmm boy one more game one more game yup guys haven't you talked the boy check here's a good channel okay what was that bomb I don't know man the bomb was me the bomb was our team the bomb was this game because it has just exploded Daniel not trying to rush you but once it does lock returning well you see I accidentally over scheduled myself with let's place to extreme degrees I want to knock out like this here's here's my thing right there's two let's plays I'm close to finishing Kirby and Sonic mania because they're short games I want to wrap up those games real fast like in like three streams do a grinding stream on Pokemon to get my II to get a couple more Pokemon up to my level get back in there with the streams get right back in there because Mia nets are talking about doing our own combined Nuzlocke I know what you're thinking what is it combined Nuzlocke take a look at a soul link google google what a soul link is you think for the $1 donation map google what a so link is it's it's it's a combined Nuzlocke where if one of our pokemon dies the other ones of us like it's pretty much what I'm doing with the news link but it's it's with two people I'm so like excited to start that series but that would also be to nuzlockes I'm doing at the same time which wouldn't necessarily be bad that actually would not necessarily be bad because then it's like you know if you guys if you look if you guys like nuzlockes you're gonna get a lot of them all by the way like for a souling it probably wouldn't be on my channel it would all be on Ed's channel well that's cool cuz that makes good content you should already be subscribed to him play Nintendo Lavo yo can we just talk oh that's imagine talking about the string yet good intend ol amo gets better by the second one every time they make another thing talking about the Nintendo Wabo it's like yeah this time the Nintendo la boum can literally play splatoon we built a Nintendo Lobo to play Minecraft with in Minecraft like they keep on making new splatoon things today we cure the common cold using nothing but Nintendo labo and 17 joy Khan's they keep hey their tale of a few high five Corey did it first though they keep on innovating in new and incredibly interesting ways they're finding new ways to make the product more interesting I don't understand how they can keep doing it also good games everybody bubbleman for smash 500 yeah I've never seen smash I've written like that that's pretty good it's so good and I want it I want it right now and one day I'll get it and I'll make plenty of videos on does that being said that's all for the splatoon segment thank you all for watching we're about to jump on over to Kirby star ultra episode like I don't know four and we're already done I need to make a lot of like extra content on Kirby I need to make a lot of extra content on Kirby in order to like fulfill my desire to play more of that color over buddy it's time give me give me the pure boy yes hey I've longed for this it's O hasn't even been that long it hasn't even been that long I'm just so happy to see look at how happy is man look at how happy he is this is the smile I need to wake up to every day so good oh is that the star Alex reminds me the first time I watch you the the triple deluxe yo the triple deluxe dream though those are fun time those were very fun time all right guys let's go into I'm not feeling too enjoy watching the stream anymore but joke's on you I'm holding two Joy's right now let's go right into it hmm also I I'm gonna find I need to utilize this flashback feature this instant replay I haven't utilized it at all take a look at that BAM I can do an instant replay at any time I gotta I gotta be utilizing this feature and I have not been doing so yet alright so in the last episode what happened I I rated this place but we hold on first of all we gotta we gotta we gotta get our pure boy with us we gotta get our boy I don't enjoy this stream that's because I haven't even started to play any level I haven't even loaded up a single level yet except on the level that we're in right now where is he yes my boy and Mabley I like the golden variant of him but my boy oh yes baby I can't wait to play oh I can't wait to play this game with just the ally I cannot wait man I mean I think today I can't wait but semantics let's do it final boss of this area heavenly Hall ooh actually I wonder what the world spells so if you guys don't know every kirby game has a um has a trick with the naming structure hookers an app upstairs II every game is a trick with the naming structure that gives you a spoiler to the final boss I wonder what we saw I wonder if we've seen it yet goodbye always makes me sad that they disappear into smoke they just disappear out of the world just poof I mean I guess it's better than like leaving behind what is probably a gross mess you know what I'll take while we're human frankly this is so sad man I love this game no one in the Kirby games deserves to die at least like they don't you dope they always like reappear when they next like when you next appear on the screen but is that them or is that just like another version of the enemy is that truly this is the same enemy that you killed or is that someone completely different you'll never know and that truly is the scariest thing of all come here you come here you I know I have just made you reach my friend but now I will make you into my friend it's my lunch get out of here bo Kirby so cool leave you little boy beautiful feet vibrate sooo cute let's go beetle boys what do we got rocking a BAM also this gave me I'm a travel weena with some sauce oh hello hmm it's a sappy girl you could tell by she has yellow hair jam my jam I am zap I'm not going to try to read that name it's complicated too many syllables man Kirby's just like Aaron's um excuse me it's like 7 ends all right the eldest of the three generals of magic at first I thought you would you to be just a simpleton with a knack for annoyance dude a knack for annoyance is on my my um is on my resume I'm not proud of it but it's I'm pretty good at it I'm afraid you are unwanted oh okay I'm afraid your unwanted wanderings and here by the time by the will of our beloved liege lord hi heinous a-fishing of doom a fishing of doom is also on my resume also is your arm okay I happen to notice that you do not have any are you like a mean is this where the meas when we don't have any games that feature meas is this where they are is this is this is this the comeback for them I'd be happy with that [Music] oh this music go this music I just tried to check that smash bros i just realized do they all have their own custom themes oh yeah take those stars eat them up honey do these do they all have custom themes I'm gonna try to recheck I'm dying right now waddle dee do one of these tearing them up is that kirby boom takes the out all over my power up if I I'm not looking at you anymore I gotta focus don't give me electric powers that did not give me electric power to give me the power pain this gives me the power of death what on our business oh my god I'm so bad it's game dodge go give me some electric powers I'll take some more scars [Music] okay what is this what do you got chrimbus is living Kirby Koreans are so adorable for a second there oh he's so tired I love him well he's just like please help me okay we're you know this yes I understand let's go waddle dee I love you band Dan I've got wait his name is band in what gotta love Kirby's dance he's so cute also what's right are we standing on a lava floor can we get off my toes are hot jam blasted hey I run a PG stream don't use that kind of language on here bah how could such oh god I came to read words how could there be such opposition on a measly and remote planning like this this says literally everyone Kirby ever defeats well it matters not this is Jambo heartbeat I said stop using profanity it's already within my grasp I think is actually in your grasp not even like close to within your grasp I think you're you're you're literally holding the heart anyway listen here you tiny ball of pink of puffy pink mischief for all I care you and this Jam Bastion can rot away Kim brought him ruin forever I wish I could read words doesn't seem like you're supposed to do that frankly [Music] but don't think you're supposed to do that in fact if I'd never press a we will be here forever is this how I kill her if I don't press a little lava continually spews on her it like slowly builds up and she's like stop please first sight aah aah fire aah hey thank you very much moon night I appreciate the donation my dude consider becoming a sponsor so I can add you to the friends list I appreciate it my man it's my easiest way of managing all that anyway also I don't like a she's doing that the how wiggle the kukri wiggle the little laugh like bobbing back and forth okay I'm going on too much about this JimBob I stop it stop integrating your curse words into clever ways of saying goodbye wait a minute I have no friends I never lied there we go oh dude she's got me she's got me defeated oh here we go you ever wish you just had more friends and then they came raining down from the sky helpless and willing to be your friend just in order to not die you ever wish you ever you know you ever find yourself in similar situations like that nothing like Kirby but you know to give me nice relatable life situations here we go boys friends circle cook all the time jam LOL guys dont say jam and chat that's timeout worthy i this was a circle I knew it don't remember last stream when I was like oh that on the part in the beginning of this world what lets me dead I short hopped well good ball goodbye my friends they trusted me they trusted me they're like I I guess I guess I'll rain down from the sky in order to be friends with you you won't kill us right Kirby look see I knew it who puts tomatoes behind closed off walls a tomato's real moldy gertie well that's that's great for architecture inside who's designing this architecture feels little bit strange why don't we just go past that was that even a useable thing we're like a people structure in the ground what is going on I see a wall I see a doorway on them can we how do I get off the friends circle I no longer wish to be friends perish I no longer wish for friendship in rotisserie form [Music] dude I'd died two times it's like the most have ever died in this game 93 lives over kill you guys have no idea hey good thing we got that one up okay hold on I died three times in a row at a Kirby puzzle not even you you Jam suck all right Chet look I'm going in I'm going out taking the Kirby game seriously I'm gonna be jumping on frame 15 of this fall I'm gonna be doing all full ops there we go there we go frame perfect jumps collect the Stars and proceed with the game this game is so easy we're actually going too far I don't appreciate it why are all these people calmly walking towards the friend circle of death I think we got out of there there we go friends Space Jam because this is ah stop it oh it's actually just proper collapsing like this hey we got it guys will never die now I didn't want dial I didn't want a dime for the seconds joke yo what is this this is gonna be the star one if we started oh it's a bridge turns out we were supposed to make the star we've accidentally formed the bridge there's nothing to grab on to without me here oh there we go buddy well goodbye buddy he's dead now you will never escape hi here we are yo yo fam accidentally makes the circle just falls into the pit below let's try that again buddy I understand the prompt let you bounce once bring you up he's safe he's not actually safe he's going to die one more attempt he's got it look at him go he's happy sorry we wavedashing over to this platform now it's another bridge whip we just all puke simultaneously why do we spin 17 times easy well goodbye once again we will never escape like skip this animation skip ok cool hard transition they're all like how did we get here guys you guys remember becoming a bridge know what's going on here I get an III of I've messed up the time this is it this is the timing this is not the timing that was apparently not the leverage I need to either got it easy easy again like the world is exploding around us at any time the explosion could probably hit us and kill us but you know what here we are Kamehameha baby give me that spirit bomb fire guy was like ah stop right ok we can do like the loop-d-loop ok loop-de-loop it also just destroy the inhabitants of everyone here we can shoot the water star that's right perfect more water yes I desire hydration empower up form by oh it's my boy good sex right yeah VanDam get in there my butt my dude yeah keep running it to the spike because that's that's that's routine it's big oh man man he's covering these friends in and ready to puke you'll be right if you - Oh while we're going all the way out here boss fights boss fights with a warp star hold on wait switch off of this one there we go firestar boys I really hope for the boss fight we gotta try dude I really hope we get a Dragoon for them for the final fight that would be so much fun I pray men Kerby always does last boss fights really well in my opinion Kirby has some of the coolest like last boss fights but even though you always know you're gonna have like that cool powerup moment you always know it's gonna be a cool power of moment something is gonna be cool and Kirby's gonna do it well let's go shooting stars then dance then flat we're going all the way out Oh al al al hug floats pokey floats its back all plain-jane now all right there we go we're playing on iceberg right now oh please stop though yeah but please stop though we got away Friends star of death covers like Oh Oh was her seed if I went back around who always at the hal room i did it was a hal room i guessed it i guess before anyone told me i like it's a good secret in this game can't think of any good secret pal room also hello was this far flung at starlight heroes before they knew it they were in deep space okay looking well technically were always in deep space stay woke chat leave saw that plaintiff option was about a tiny glimmer in the distance Kirby and his friends had no air they proceeded to die they are determined to hope sorry hopefully really small their protect the peace and tasty nap times to their beloved home now become a shining star and fly [Music] hopefully oh excuse me what is a mario galaxy excuse me white dude this is like I love this Katamari styled series of level progression this is so cool there we go people actually lived on that star by the way I just I just couldn't zoom the lives of everyone this Katamari styled progression is so cool I wonder if these are all like all these stars are like references to like other other levels that have existed in the game or maybe they're all bonus stages dude [Music] I love this man okay okay okay I'm taking two longer wait can we just like go to any of these we probably need to like beat all of them in order to actually progress you know what let's go to the ice one first since we can choose any level all this game man let's go I'll tell me where those wavedashes [Music] hello music hello really good music [Music] I need you just like taking this game I need to stop trying to like worrying rush I should just be taking in the game cuz look here's the thing with Kirby it's only gonna wild these like place on please wait although those appear again like by all means like at the end of the day I think you will only play games once Fernanda that's not true there are a lot of people you're so cute I'm sorry there are a lot of games that you will only play once just earn you'll only remember it once cuz that's a that's as long as you hide had access to the story mode boy you know you'll play the story mode once look at Nahuatl dy y bandana and then you won't play it again because at the end of the day you've all you can only experience it once all on the same I should be taking them the game let me do that let me do just that prostate get in there Ben Dan oh I love frosty cream cone I want to see everyone just attack animations it's so good look at him go he's like aah aah give it to him baby it's so cute got him Oh out stop back up into the snow throw cute he is so cute let's go get that out of here get this out of here I'll battle you are you saddle baby dominated give it to him again more ice bread I'm so cute that's a stop making these bosses so cute oh man never stop that [Music] never stop doing that what is this this feels like an obvious trap I have gotten the star what do you want me it's like I have to press now oh I want oh it's like that's like the Mario thing is at the Mario but I understand I'm over 100% come over here I'm gonna kill you no they're gone Emma their life has been spared what's happening hello so now what okay I'm gonna take my time with this game well none that I'm not gonna do any more rushing I'm not gonna do any more rushing as much as I would like oh I was right as I would love to just like keep rushing through your game see what else you got I'm gonna take my time are you enjoy it that's important to me right hello there fire dude oh you know it's gonna fire dude let's do this let's do this ignite my boy night band and then evaporate into the into the air around yes now we got the duo we got fire and ice the proper dua has been formed coming out buddy help me out buddy I can't ask this this nor this full aging the way there we go his music what is this music one hour I don't wanna do that I don't wanna do that I need one more oh I see I see the equation okay here's what's gonna happen this is gonna happen that was almost bad I guess it wasn't too bad by the way poor boy you get ice all right now over here you do that and then over here you do that a beautiful combination if I do say so myself actually you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna origin here give me your powers ice boy Oh or fire bye what is fire one look like for fire staff what is it it like the roast I love this game so much seems so good I hope we get more DLC for this game I hope y'all I got a lot more DLC I'm gonna keep enjoying this game in stride I'm gonna take this cool my boy wait hold on hold on first off hold on I saw something beautiful I love that ability it's been too long my precious yo-yo boy dude honestly real talk couger turban why does kirby have a bandage on who hurt who cut Kirby whose life is going to end today whose life ends hey ice staff guy by staff boy buddy hey hey you that's actually I think you I think he got it I think you got it buddy buddy you can follow the fan dance yeah he okay I think you got it buddy you can come on down me waiting me patiently waiting for my friends ready to offer my love and support I love I got you covered my dude I got you covered thank you for your time we're all set now there we go step by step sometimes they just need a little help like now there we go there yeah there yes he's a little slow he's doing his name is Paul Paul his name is Paul Paul look at this the same place had brought up earlier good old Paul Paul he's a little sloped all he needs is a little bit of love respected man there we go it's little tight quarters there we go this will not kill me yeah guys please quality wide band Dan why did you do this to yourself dan dan is gone I'm alone with Paul Paul [Music] why why did he do it thank you for doing this why did he do it we got crushed by the pressure by the expectations wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute he'll have to do it isn't Bandhan but it is a golden wattle D with a parasol I accept this fully this is a good substitution for now is all I'm saying acceptable substitution it ain't Bandhan but I love them at least we can make the easy plays of it let's go let's go he's break down easy break down not them splash ups this poor guy was tasked with guarding that precious artifice no wait no poop oh no another one lost poop hope we can do it my friend Paul Paul you were a simple boy but I've come to respect you I've come to respect you and what you stand for he's a little slow but he understands what he needs to do when the time is right let's go to T's down a parody has died dan can we get midnight I can I can do a midnight I into a midnight I need all those things right now I need all those puzzles yeah oh this is like illegally mini boss fights full of what Oh remember what I said yeah we can get midnight I also meant no because I'm actually an idiot and in tempted to get a midnight before remembering i money anyway first of all what I want hold on level stop changing around me i watch the birdboy a one wing fallen personal next of all I feel I like this duo for this trio here oh go see I saw I'm not gonna lie I saw it and I'm I mean this looks a lot like crack oh that looks a lot I'm gonna fly with this master it looks a lot like crack oh I figured it was a crack Oh think that's acceptable no worries chat no one spoiled me I figured it was crack oh hey Orson P men Kirby style has bringing back some interesting faces I want to sleep well together what else they end up doing join the team join the team let's go it's not the same one it's acceptable though let's go my team the boss is in cracka well first of all we're about to see in a second all this looks really crack out oh this looks really crack up hey the boss is in crack oh oh yeah well uh hey look it looks like cloud made it into this game - cool you know what I'm gonna be real I don't want to fight him with this many people let's go Paul Paul and me are going to decimate Krakow I don't like fighting bosses really like like too many people makes it too easy yes all the returning attacks you've come to hate stage - what you twin crack oh oh began cumulus in here oh we get proper cumulus a lot but that's that that's a lot did you see him trying freeze that look at poop all go I love him he's so happy every time it rains it's like it's my chance I love him he's so dude Paul Paul is so eager to freeze waterfalls he's so eager everytime every thought I don't know every time he sees a waterfall he's ready he's been training didn't you all go ahead hey there buddy he didn't train under the waterfall he's trained to fight them I'll swing Derby is gonna be gay very fast this is cool this is a knee light show ah on ideal don't like how you dodged that Bobo let's hit time to shine don't get him pawpaw go get him boom yes hit him with the curb hit him with it let's go football first it was the bunker then it was band and now we got Paul Paul hi so cute well we even missed the star on that level or a puzzle piece somebody now I have a question for you guys this right up here is this a boss fight or is that a is this a boss fire is this a whole other series of levels Wow meet Leon let me get them I'm going I'm going for my for my tip for my speedrun strats got bashed into this wall 17 times to get the correct angle press B okay that's a boss all right sounds good I also love AI door that you can actually change the perspective they didn't just like it walk you into one perspective you can actually change it very nice boss thank you guys very much go here and correct me from right that is but that is the it's segways and leads into the final boss fight Baskar befell coverage is plummeting I believe that is the final one or at least it is like again the segue into the final one I'm getting yeses cool all right all right let's do a couple more levels and then save that for another stream we're not gonna be beating the game today I need to take my time with this game we'll save that one for another stream whether it'll be the stream after or urine or not who knows I want to do all their things before we beat the game Oh squishy I kind of want you well apparently can't be friends with an ice sculpture tepee I love squishy my animated squishy um I got like three years ago I made an animation where squishing is like the hero oh hello there bonkers I was really hoping we were going to be getting a bonkers I'm not I was really hoping for it and I'm so glad I also like though the the different color like green skin showing that they're harder bearings hello my friend wait hold on a minute this is a normal bunker wait a minute we can't have bunker and Paul Paul at the same time because they're both blue variants feels bad guys which one do you want do you guys want bunker do you guys want pull Paul we can send one of them home [Music] bonkers PayPal account what I see a bonk both I see way more Paul Paul Paul Paul can stay this isn't this is not bunker this is just another dude you know what actually Helen there could only be one unfriend goodbye goodbye fake bunker there can only be one flaw one second here oh hello there wait do you like your cameras perhaps it isn't good to shock me after I just come out of the water I just died BAM oh what's this perhaps we shouldn't be electrocuting the water like that you know what hit him with that block he's off your friends list exactly I just blocked him there we go yeah good thing this electric this hammer conveniently becomes unelect replied the instant I touch the water very convenient that is alright goodbye plug play so you're paranoid never mind we actually need more friends hello there what will do you won't consume me like last time Kirby right right you have learned to care for your friends since the last time we met Kirby right yeah pretty much Waddell do pretty much mostly it's okay guys I have to know what's this what is this [Music] I see I understand hold on oh oh oh if you go down here I now understand a lot more hold on wait hold on wait I think I get it it's up here wait hold on this is not helped at all wait no hold on wait hold on I almost got this he will die he's going to perish I always got this looks so cool you can feel you can feel the HP Rumble kick in when he runs over Kirby we all on no wait once again I think I I think I've made a mistake got it now I do this whole ah wait wait hold on up here down immediately [Music] don't go for him yet wait got'em wait no oh oh oh oh oh oh I see it I see it it makes sense to me it makes sense to me aha I got it almost almost almost almost I got it's over [Music] at least the music is good oh come on now and me wait if he dies does he go back up top hold on wait never mind try that again alright here we go round two what is your IQ red bottom blue top oh oh I get it guys I get it I understand negative zero IQ I get it Thank You Chad there we go all right put all this food I've been rewarded with that I really didn't deserve we did it guys we did it we did it together wasn't even mandatory literally just all a bonus negative 1 IQ weights currently most usuals sorry I like moved in did something I I called stupid by a guy whose name is cats are flying IRL I made a mistake somewhere in life the aegis woke up 20 cell ready hey that's a good reference wait what if I go this way I'm gonna go against the stream the waddle Jews are just like ah we cannot close our eyes for indefinite periods of time oh god no when they swim they stretch it's so weird there's got to be a secret back here there's gotta be a secret the speedrun strats speed run strategies check me out baby I'm doing it I'm playing a Kirby game the hard way they break bones he does look like he's in a lot of like panic seven hours later is this like just not necessary wait a minute is this a secret this is going to be useful know what take me take me this is going to be useful one day all right so it was much faster to do it the appropriate way I agree I am stupid thank you for literally hitting me into that button because I was going to miss it otherwise I didn't deserve that one up set discord - do not disturb set my phone - do not deserve do something up here ah I literally just a random consumable I looked at chat I know it looked like I was really stupid for a second there I looked at I was looking at chat what's a loop welcome to my streams apparently so you remember how I was talking about how I thought the pole pole pole Paul was a little bit of a dum-dum look we all have our moments set Twitter to disturb we all have our moments hello friend Kirby Kirby why are you mousing over me Kirby Kirby nah and there he went forever hey uh Ness if I like the line can Vespa handle this situation boy I see I see I see a yeah there we go what are you doing why would they leave you so desperate like swim after them fun right wrong Billy okay I just plunged electricity with a hammer yeah okay well we got done here oh it's a big button kids adorable in extra stage those are all extra stages combined us goodbye other one will do cuz name is jammer jab so cool who's casually lowering the water level of the planet I imagined it was all in one area wait no wait the water in the background is lower - oh my god how much did kirby just like affect the ecosystem fish are dying wait a minute hold on please fishery spawn both fish after they die continue to die curry has given this planet the worst fate there's also probably Sigurd down the bottom right there god I love a messed up Kirby games are so fun this game about this cute little pink puffball so yeah what if we just destroy the ecosystem of the entire world that seems cool nice fun days that worked out well hello yo y'all boy goodbye yo yo boy dude apparently a speedrun of this game is like 1 hour 45 minutes this is just what I heard online but like dude I would love to watch a speedrun of this game once it's all done like once I'm all done with this game I I am I'm on that speedrun I'm on that speedrun hunt do I like wait here no okay not only does he give a crown to a random guy who wants to take over the world but he did it twice what Kirby is a pure boy leave him alone he's trying his best to make friends you can you you can sympathize those two squishies trapped in those cubicles that they will never be able to escape from ever Kirby is a girl because he's painted oh what's up hog what's up my dude let me hop in here BAM Kirby's precious because he's been let's go I still love the stare of Paul Paul he's just like still somehow pressed ain't I'm there the everlasting soul is stare of Paul Paul his only desire is to freeze what is to freeze waterfalls he likes waterfalls a lot ah goes curry I love this game so much apparently this game was like uh radio like a really apparently this game was like rady like the third worst Kirby game of all time we're just looking really sad we recording like metacritic or something I gotta admit the game has its flaws why do I have ninety nine lives at all times just literally remove the life counter like if you like I'm not even playing that smart Q literally every situation I you know if anything less like a few hours on the street like look I'm not that smart the fact that I have 99 lives and all times in this game isn't necessary just remove the live counter you did any Odyssey why do it why do it this wild light I don't get it I know I don't understand maybe you know what I know I understand because dude do you know like the one up noise it's too good how cool have a band it's too good how could they how could they remove the 1up noise hello Paul Paul keeps getting a little bit late Paul Paul is trying so hard to get those bomb shots could not get them hello there chef kawasaki what's going on my dude yeah you know what I got your buddy you and me baby we're gonna go far especially like that frying pan did yeah yeah let's go man down here now chef Kawasaki the boy he go he has a big body he has a big body sorry buddy he's hitting things yeah you know I'm fine with this I'm fine with it will that squat here ah be gone my god I love a hammer ability so much fun let's go [Music] Ben mmm ooh I love I'm just casually placing this electric hammer against chef Kawasaki Justin hmm hello what do you wear this gate what are these guys games from what games to these guys appearing I don't remember them or didn't really know I do remember them lightly loosely I just don't remember where I mean I remember like like this style of gameplay is very reminiscent of la la la la I just remember like Kirby's Dreamland three oh yes his animal friends of course streamlet oh hello what is this enough to knock this down oh ow ow stop I want this I want this oh no Jeff Kawasaki no chef Kawasaki down for the count he was a fine cook oh yeah she's a full-on chef Kawasaki chef down no he's gone I'm sorry no Popo how I helped X rez get up we're plating for night out here you need some slurp juice BAM God oh and his three friends would juggle them there we go I will or avenge you chef Kawasaki okay you take the finite fine omelet please no it's so close Oh new one mass attack oh I thought we're gonna make a jump I'm so bad I was gonna be a joke just got Kirby star allies where we dropping alright guys what time are we in the stream how many levels do we have left we have you know what let's do an extra planet let's do it let's do extra planet a and then he call it a day I want to rush this game don't kill me don't kill Paul ball good leave him like that he's still alive schrödinger's waddle deep as long as you don't tap him wait a minute hold on a minute I'm getting some major nostalgia vibes oh I'm getting some major nostalgia vibes and then you go in here hold the cover all the time bad because I'm called tears [Music] dude and let me guess let me guess on this side is gonna be an extra thing this gives me midday doesn't aha I knew it wait a minute I forgot cleaning curve you was the thing excuse me Kirby just becomes a conglomerate you get every power in the game dude let's go all right look pol pol has been here for a while he's been here for a while we gotta get the bonk in here give me a second let me just look cycle through them all bonk come back to me buddy goodbye football we will have you get it later that's ok bonk he's here first of all do kill me you like a bomb squad hold on yes yes don't worry none of that Paul Paul's not dead this is gone for now it's okay Daniel moans it's okay we have to alternate hope all will be back Paul Paul will be back for now we got the bomb squad new bunker brought his friends bunker brought all of his brothers they're all here to party every single one of them wait a minute wait a minute ahaha oh of course this is frozen I get it yummy BAM give us fire no don't don't vacuum me nope nope this is not what I wanted I love Kirby's face when he's in this pose let me break this well that didn't work sorry guys alright he's up he's up wait we need electricity version oh hello there [Music] replace this boy all right [Applause] No a little bit more no don't get in the vacuum no get it don't stop it stop getting in the vacuum activate him okay there we go good now there we go damn just a friend through pulp all the trash nah man he's still alive and well he's alive and well he'll be back soon they don't die they just look no one in Kirby dies they just disappear they they they they turn into smoke they turn into they technically they they just poof then they come back happens to literally everyone or Abbott is true to thing some cute oh look a little bear at them bear the back there just chilling out all right here we go you can get bought beyond 100 lives one more what about this variant whoa hello there oh hello there hold on I will be taking you wait hold on so like can I like make a friend out of this okay yeah fries hello you I wanted to play the entire game with with Mike Kirby using like friend abilities just always have Mike Kirby on Kirby rocks headphones for the entire game nope just death careful there bunker the People's Champ for right now guys I'm gonna be real you guys want pulp all or bunker I'll bring them back what we need dude if only vodka wasn't blue we could have had a triple squad we would have had everyone we could have had the whole thing oh yeah oh no oh no I messed up bugger market it down save it pull Paul's son do we need pull Pete we need to get pull Pete in here bugger what price they're all gone they're all gone we paid a price today we lost pawpaw and bunker no one wins this is the darkest timeline this is it well first all let me just like make it through here all fast I'm using damage dancing to get here quicker we were in the darkest era I love Kirby's swimming you suck dude and you just need friends nah man I need to pull Paul and bonker back I need pulpy family one arrow takes out that bomb guy all right works at me oh hello there whoa Nega Kawasaki what oh I don't like that excuse me a little bit there we go I don't like this either SDI out of it SDI out of it you know what I'll play this game uh awfully think I'll play the UM BAM I'll play the other than no power of game aw stop gonna be honest stop it's like fighting ice climbers I'll be gone with all of this oh they're one they formed a singularity the chef saw suffice the chefs have formed a singularity in their in their the for their attempt to make the perfect food wait no I needed you as a friend hello invulnerability frames kidding here wait banging intensifies clashing intensifies clogged-up off Kirby what that was so cool I don't like this I know you like not though that's a long ladle out and you said you guys wanted me to play cut head I should you know what Kawasaki you're better is a as a friend here what's going on my dude hold on we got in your head there we go submerge you in water yeah a little bit more there we go he's so happy yeah a bunch of bonus things as well as things dying everywhere what's going on here Oh Kawasaki you're making a meal whoa thank you my dude it's very good dude that's that's why I like to see from curve games that's what I like to see from Kirby games it's so precious nothing up here do you think it's possible to play this game without ever multi jumping he Naruto ones runs by the way you just made me love him even more I didn't think it was possible but it happened look that close man [Music] yes well though do that art sounds so good [Music] wait what is this a combination of squeak squad and amazing mirror this is the most blessed art of ever witnessed [Music] man I love Kirby so much oh I want to keep playing but I'm gonna be real I gotta go hey guys thank you all for watching in the next episode we're gonna be cleaning up a lot of stuff we got our live more levels to go we also got some levels in the previous world I want to play every level before I actually get to the big boss here this will not be one more stream there's gonna be at least two to three more streams before we're done tuning soon and thank you all for watching - next time whenever I feel like doing in the next episode the next world and I'll see you around wait actually dude it in it in do did it see your ass there we go I did I do the whole out jump but before we go anywhere let's do a raid we have 690 people instead of the normal fail rate today instead of the normal fail rate I want to raid with hearts I want to do I want to raid with just a bunch of heart emoji emoticons because we're spreading the love we're making friends that's literally Kirby's power he throws hearts at people to make friends we're gonna do that we're gonna spam someone with a bunch of hearts once we find let's read another kirby streamer right now who else is playing kirby Wells's playin kirby star allies oh garlis but I've already I've already rated him I don't know how far is actually I don't know how far these people are I don't want to spoil myself how about splatoon who's playing splatoon right now let's see oh I'm apparently playing splatoon I think I've raided this guy before well this guy's playing with viewers this guy seems pretty cool yeah you guys could play with this dude I mean it's like listen to his channel real fast he seems pretty cool yeah this guy seems pretty cool guys I want you to read this guy throw down a bunch of hearts lay down this guy with a bunch of heart emoticons alright I'm about to give you this guy's this guy's link you guys ready thank you all for watching - next time for whatever I feel like doing the guy's name is nay to D - spam some hearts in his chat nay - t - fill raid baby let's give it to him be respectful everybody and have a good day see you around
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 99,482
Rating: 4.8591857 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Let's play, Failboat, livestream, live, Kirby, Star Allies, ep 4, part 4
Id: Q-hTgOC8GiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 32sec (8732 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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