Spiritual Warfare Revisited

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- Can't you just feel it? The conflict is becoming apparent in our culture. It reminds me of those words of John Paul II. We're now living in the final confrontation between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between the church and the anti-church, between Christ and the antichrist. And if we don't choose to know God's word, to believe God's word, and to follow God's word, we're gonna be a sitting duck for all kinds of confusion, all kinds of disorder. Those are really important choices that people have to make. And these choices are difficult. Who am I gonna marry? What kind of life am I gonna live? How am I gonna raise my kids? What am I gonna do with my time, my talent, and my treasure? And I have to make a choice today. Jesus says to each one of us, I came that you might have life and have it to the full. The question is do we want it? (dramatic music) Hey, welcome to another week of The Choices We Face. One of our favorite guests and our dear sister in the Lord, Patti Gallagher Mansfield, is with us today. Many of you know Patti. She's been with us for years. She's one of the few people we ask to come back year after year. She's special. She's a witness to the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Catholic church. Her book "As By A New Pentecost", the dramatic beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. She has a quote from Pope Francis. Share with all in the church the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit. So this isn't just a movement that everybody has to join. This is something God's doing, a grace that's really spreading throughout the church. He just wants people to come alive in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit aren't the property of a particular movement, but they're a grace for the whole church. But Patti isn't gonna speak about this today. What she's gonna speak about is pretty darn exciting. We were actually talking about, she was trying to choose between two topics. First topic was walking by faith and not by sight. Which I said oh that's a good one. She says, I'm not gonna talk about that. My husband suggested another topic. Patti and her husband are a great Catholic couple that really are walking in the Lord together, or serving the Lord together. So her husband suggested that she speak on spiritual warfare. - Yes. - And that's a good one too. So Patti, tell us a little bit. - What do you think about a grandma talking about spiritual warfare? Isn't that amazing? You know, I never really reflected much on being involved in spiritual warfare until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1967. And almost immediately, I became aware of the fact that the devil is real, that he doesn't like me, that in fact he's opposed to our salvation. There's a beautiful passage from 1 John 3. And it says simply this. The reason the Son of God came is to defeat the works of the devil. There it is. And I'm reminded of something that Saint Paul VI said back in 1973. I'm gonna read it to you. He was talking about the greatest needs of the church. And he said, what are the greatest needs of the church today? Do not let our answer surprise you as being overly simplistic, superstitious, or unreal. One of the greatest needs is the defense from that evil which is called the devil. And so just as I was introduced rather quickly into the reality of spiritual warfare, I believe brothers and sisters today, we need to know what weapons we can use in spiritual warfare. And I'm just gonna draw from my own experience of some of the key means that I use when I know I am under attack or when I see members of my family under attack. Or when I see the difficulties in the church and in the world. The first weapon, the first means of combating the enemy, the devil, is the name of Jesus. Jesus is our Savior. Jesus is our Lord. He has the name that is above every name. We read in Philippians 2. At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Sometimes, brothers and sisters, when I'm afraid, when I feel threatened, when I am in the presence of evil in some way or another, I simply say the name of Jesus. There's so many beautiful scriptures about the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is like a strong tower. The just man runs to it and he is safe. Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. I believe you might know and be able to correct me on this. I think The Desert Fathers used to use that. Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. - That's absolutely true. You know, yeah, the name of Jesus. - Yeah, St. Bernard of Clairvaux has this beautiful passage on the name of Jesus. And oh, it's magnificent but it ends with these words. The name of Jesus is honey on the tongue, music in the ears, and a cry of gladness in the heart. So first means of combating the devil and his wiles, the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus. The second is the blood of Jesus. We have been purchased not with something perishable, but with the blood of the Son of God, the unblemished Lamb of God. And he is, his blood is not only our salvation, but it's our protection. You know sometimes I meet people who will share with me that they're under temptation, they're in difficulty, and I'll ask 'em the question. But do you plead the blood of Jesus? And they don't seem to know what I'm talking about. Well you remember how the Israelites of old were saved from destruction and death because they painted the blood of a lamb on their doorpost. Well brothers and sisters, we can paint the blood of the Son of God on the doorpost of our life. How do we do it? Very simply. Just say, Jesus I plead your blood on me, on my family, on my home, on my work. You know, this is one of the most powerful means I have found over many, many years to simply appropriate the blood of Jesus. For us Catholics, we have a wonderful opportunity when we receive holy communion. We know that even if we're only receiving the host, we're still receiving the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. But if you receive from the chalice, at that moment, I like to say to Jesus, Jesus, let your blood as it comes into me wash my conscience free of any sin, any disturbance, you know. I've felt in preparing these remarks that some of you listening might be troubled in your conscience even after you have confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and received absolution. Well the blood of Jesus cleanses our consciences. Even if our hearts condemn us, the scripture says God is greater than our hearts and he knows everything. The name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus. What's another weapon we can take up in our hands as children of God? Well, the cross of Jesus. I have my crucifix with me. I've been bringing it, Ralph, when I'm here with you. You know, our salvation was won when Jesus died on the cross for us. We can never wander far away from the cross of Jesus. Well I like to have a cross that I hold in my hands every day. I recently had an opportunity to speak in Mount Vernon, New York. And it's interesting 'cause Mount Vernon is the first place I ever visited in mission back in 1967. Can you imagine? And just recently I was invited by some Brazilians to speak. I don't know, maybe three, 400 people. And as I was speaking about Jesus, the need to believe in his sacrifice for us, believe in the cross of Jesus, I felt like the Holy Spirit said to me, call the men up. Now there were many more women than men. But it's amazing. When I called them up, I was standing by a crucifix. When I called them up, there were a whole lot more men there than I thought. I don't know, maybe they were hiding in the back. In fact, even little boys came up. And I began as the Holy Spirit prompted me to speak directly to them. And I'm gonna speak right now to any men who are listening or are watching. That Jesus was calling the men, calling all of you men, to give your lives to him, to surrender, and to receive the fruit of his sacrifice on the cross. And then I felt led to say to them, there are certain temptations that are very particular to men. We women have our temptations too, but there are some that men seem to experience more. And I said to them take a crucifix and either wear it around your neck or put it in your pocket. Doesn't have to be this big. It can be something much smaller. And when you are tempted by the devil, or by your own flesh, your own passions, just touch that Crucifix or reach into your pocket. And as you touch the cross of Jesus, this representation of his sacrifice, the Lord will give you power. And that's what we need when we're in temptation, when we're confronted by our own weakness. But also by the taunts, and the allurements, and the lies of the devil. Just to touch the cross of Jesus will give you strength to overcome temptation. There were some little boys, Ralph, little bitty boys standing in front of me. - That's wonderful. - It is. My translator who's translated me many times in Brazil said to me, that was really beautiful. All those men, all those little boys. The power in the cross. So the name, the blood, the cross. The Spirit of Jesus. The Spirit of Jesus. You know, in that famous passage in Ephesians 6 which is about spiritual warfare, and I recommend that you read that whole passage where St. Paul says, we're not contending against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities, and world rulers of this present darkness. In that passage, it says at the very end of the instruction on spiritual warfare, pray at all times in the Spirit. Well there's many ways of praying in the Spirit. But praying in the Spirit is a powerful means of overcoming the enemy. Sometimes, brothers and sisters, when I don't know how to combat the devil with his lies, with his taunts, with his threats, I pray in the Spirit. Another powerful means of combating the work of the devil and his taunts is the word of God. And I have my Bible with me. - You've got all your weapons with you today don't you? - I've got all my weapons. You know what they are, weapons. I've given this teaching before with much more detail and I've called it weapons in spiritual warfare. The word of God. Brothers and sisters, we need to hide the word of God in our hearts. Because sometimes the best way to combat the enemy is with the word of God. When he begins his lies, you have to have the truth of God's word hidden in your heart. I want to get you another means of spiritual warfare and I have the rosary here. And it is our lady, our lady. You know there's a passage in Genesis 3:15 where after the fall of our first parents, when they realize they're naked and they hide themselves from the Lord, and he comes and he finds them. And you know, they're blaming each other for how they got into this mess. And the Lord says to the serpent, I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed. She will crush you, crush you with her heel as you strike at her head. And you know, there's different interpretations. You know, the seed obviously is Jesus. But apparently a mistranslation has made the person who's crushing the serpent our lady. Of course we know that it's the victory of Jesus that has crushed the serpent. But in the church for many, many centuries, our lady has been the one who even in depictions of Mary is seen crushing the serpent. Well a friend of mine from Brazil, you know I travel there often. - I think you're an honorary Brazilian. - I am. I've got Brazilian blood in me. I feel that way, not really. But my good friend, Father Marcelo Rossi, who's been a priest 25 years this year, he had an experience just recently, in fact it's on the internet, where he was attacked. - I've seen the video. - Ooh yes well, that morning he said he prayed a prayer in Portuguese. I'm not gonna say it in Portuguese. And the prayer was, Mary, go ahead of me and crush the head of the devil. Crush the head of the serpent. Well he was preaching at an event for 50,000 young people, teenagers. And interestingly enough, the topic was spiritual warfare. He had the final Mass. There were many concelebrants behind him on stage. And he was preaching and he was saying, we priests may be weak. But when we are at the altar, we act In persona Christi. And he held up his hands. He said, these hands are not my hands. When I'm at the altar, they're the hands of Christ. And just as he said that, a woman from this crowd, a young woman, this crowd of 50,000 people, ran from way up in the bleachers with seemingly superhuman strength, bounded over, passed through four security guards, jumped up onto this six-foot stage and shoved him off the stage. As he fell, he said he remembered what he had prayed. Mary pass in front of me and crush the head of the devil. And he felt almost as if our lady caught him in her lap. Even though of course there was commotion, they wanted to immediately whisk him off to a hospital, he felt the strength to get on his feet, to come back onto the stage, and to continue celebrating the Mass. Of course many people were in tears. But what a sign to those young people that you know, no weapon forged against you will prosper. And as he celebrated the mass, he told them I prayed, Mary, pass in front of me and crush the head of the devil. When I saw, within hours of it happening, I saw it on the internet. And immediately I thought of that passage about Joseph of old, where Joseph said to his brothers after they repented, you meant it for evil but God meant it for good. Immediately I had the sense that God was going to use this attack from the enemy, because the woman certainly, well she was not in her right mind, but certainly seemed to have a superhuman power to make that kind of a pass through security, that God was gonna use this for good. And brothers and sisters, in an amazing way. Not after a long period of time but immediately. Immediately. That prayer, Mary pass in front and crush the head of the devil, began to spread all over Brazil. They're writing songs about it. People are singing it. In other words, this means of spiritual warfare, which is our lady, our lady, that Mary, her rosary, her name, turning to her, there is... I'm gonna end with this, Ralph. There's a beautiful quote from St. Maximilian Kolbe, one of our great teachers, about our lady, calls it the Immaculata. He wrote this in 1917, same year as Fatima. And Maximilian said this. Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The battle with hell cannot be won by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone, Mary alone, has been given the promise of victory over Satan. But now assumed into heaven, the mother of God needs our cooperation. She's looking for souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, entrust themselves to her, who will be in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spread of the kingdom of her son. Well what happened to my friend, Father Marcelo Rossi, is already conquering the work of the enemy, putting the love of Jesus, the confidence in Jesus, the way he can turn evil into good, and darkness into light, into the hearts and minds of so many people all over the world. And the amazing thing, Ralph, is he is stronger. He's stronger for having been attacked. Just like we are stronger every time we use the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the cross of Jesus, the word of Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus. And when we turn to her, the mother of Jesus, our mother amen. - Well Patti, thank you so much. As usual, such clarity about really important truths. And you know, you mentioned Ephesians chapter six. And we can add a whole bunch of other stuff from Ephesians chapter six. You know, and I'd like to say a few things about that because what it says is that, you know, we need to put on the helmet of salvation. So in order to make use of these means, we have to have faith. You know, we have to really know who the Lord is. We have to have surrendered our life to him. And then it talks about the breastplate of righteousness. We have to be trying to live a holy life. I mean it isn't like you kinda can use these means without some kind of relationship, without some kind of desire to kinda obey the Lord and follow the Lord. But then the thing that I think really ties in, the thing that you might have spoken about but didn't is the breastplate. - Faith. - The shield of faith. - Faith. - Yeah, and you know it says, the shield of faith extinguishes the fiery darts of the enemy. So one of the things that's really true is that the devil's throwing stuff at us all the time. I mean he's putting thoughts in our mind. So sometimes people say hey, don't think you'll find a devil under every bush. And sometimes it's hard to discern what's the devil, what's from our own sort of desires, what's from the peer pressure of a culture that's really hostile to Christ that encourage immorality. But the fact is is that we're gonna be having thoughts coming into our mind. Whether they're from the devil, whether they're from ourselves, whether they're something we saw in a movie that we shouldn't have seen. The fact is is that we can defeat those temptations with faith. Faith has two dimensions. Faith in the person of Jesus Christ. And one of the things that's really powerful is what Jesus taught St. Faustina. Just saying when you're having trouble, when the circumstances look terrible, when you're being tempted, say, Jesus I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you is a powerful prayer. It's the name of Jesus that you mentioned. But it's also an act of faith. And then also the shield of faith is the objective teaching of Jesus. If we know what Jesus said about something, that can really strengthen us against temptation. If we know that Jesus says, you know, I've said it to you. You've heard it said, don't commit adultery. I say to you, don't welcome lust into your heart. If you know the word of the Lord, that can strengthen you against temptation. So I want to second your recommendation that people take a look at chapter six. But also you're gonna find there that other theme that you almost spoke about. - Walking by faith. - Yes, yeah, yeah. - Walking by faith, not by sight. Well there are many people who today don't believe in the spiritual dimension of life. Or they think of it in some sort of almost like a pantheistic way. And that's dangerous in itself. So we need to be armed with all that Ephesians 6 gives us. But also, with the full arsenal. We have our lady, but you know we have many, many saints. - Yeah, we're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. - Cloud of witnesses, so great a cloud of witnesses. In our Catholic faith, we have the sacraments. My goodness. You know, what was his name? Gabriele Amorth whom I never met, but I remember reading. - The exorcist - He was the chief exorcist - of Rome. - of the Diocese of Rome. - But the devil fears the Sacrament of Reconciliation more than the prayer of exorcism. Now I don't know if he really said that. I read it somewhere. - Well it makes a certain sense because if you're holding onto sin, you can't expect to expel a devil from your life. There has to be repentance. There has to be a sincere desire to turn away from sin and turn to the Lord. And if there are influences, evil spirits that are holding you back from that, the first thing is wanting to break with sin so then you can be freed from those influences. - Repent, repent, repent. Let go of unforgiveness and the whole battery of serious sin. You know, I talked about the blood. What I've been doing, Ralph, is when I go to confession, as I am saying my act of contrition and listening for those wonderful words of absolution. You know, the priest says, and I absolve you of your sin. I like to picture myself. - Those are wonderful words aren't they? - Aren't they? - Yeah. - They're beautiful words. I like to picture myself kneeling under the cross of Jesus and receiving his blood right at that moment. So it's not only the Eucharist where we can appropriate the power of his blood. But also when we're making a good confession. And I've been saying this, I said it to those men at the foot of that stage. If you haven't been to confession in a while, run. Go, it's free. It doesn't cost. It cost Jesus his death on the cross. But it doesn't cost us anything. A little bit of humility. A little bit of you know, of feeling uncomfortable. But if it's been a long time, I'm saying this to some of you who are watching, if it's been a long time, just tell the priest it's been a long time. Can't even remember how long. Could you help me make a good confession? They love to do that. - Yeah, absolutely yeah. And again the divine mercy revelation, Jesus says, those who are furthest away from me, those who are deepest in sin, those who think they never could be forgiven for what they've done, those who think that they're so living in darkness. Those are most entitled to the mercy of Jesus. - Yes, yes, yes. And you know, some who are watching us may be thinking, well what can I do to make a change in the world, in the church, in the lives? We can pray. Our best weapon is prayer. And so for temptation that we're going through, but when we see a loved one being kind of tossed about, we can pray. And our prayer is powerful, especially when we pray in the name of Jesus. - Yeah, yeah and prayer and fasting, reparation for sin. - You taught me that. - Conversion of sinners, you know, all the things that Mary asked us to do that we could really make a difference in people's lives forever. So Patti, thanks again for being with us again, and thanks for your life, your mission. Thanks for your great husband Al, your children and grandchildren. And may the Lord just continue to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you could be a witness to him - Thank you Ralph. - forever and ever. - Thank you. - Hey, Peter Herbeck, our friend has written a booklet called "The Unfailing Promises". And when we're buffeted by spiritual warfare, we need to remember the word of God. We need to remember what Jesus has promised us. Jesus has promised us wherever two or three gathered together, he'll be with us. Jesus has promised us that we won't be tested beyond our strength. Jesus has promised us that if we're faithful to him, he'll never abandon us. So I'd like to send this booklet to you at no cost just for the asking. Call the 800 number on the screen or go to our website, renewalministries.net. Click on the free booklet and we'll get it right out to you. You need the word of God. This is a good resource. Patti, thanks so much. - My pleasure. - We'll see you again very soon, bye. (dramatic music) - We live in unsettling and challenging times. People everywhere are reaching for an anchor, something that's true, something they can hold onto. St. Peter tells us we can find this security in what he called the precious and very great promises of God. The Bible is filled with promises that come directly from the heart of a loving Father. And they've all been fulfilled for us in Christ. I've written this booklet, "Unfailing Promises", to help you lay hold of promises that will give you the hope and strength needed in the face of any and every kind of trial. To receive a free copy, please visit our website or call the number on screen. ♪ Is great to the heavens ♪ ♪ And Thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Thy faithfulness to the clouds ♪ ♪ Be exalted ♪ ♪ Be exalted ♪ ♪ Oh God ♪ ♪ Oh God ♪ ♪ Above the heavens ♪ ♪ Let Thy glory be over ♪ ♪ All the earth ♪ ♪ Be exalted ♪ ♪ Be exalted ♪ ♪ Oh God ♪ ♪ Oh God ♪ ♪ Above the heavens ♪ (clicking and whooshing)
Channel: Renewal Ministries
Views: 7,214
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Evangelism, Mission, Spirituality, Evangelization, Religion, Catholic, Church, God, Trinity
Id: nDq46pWcIBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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