Millennial Tantric: Bhavesh On Aghori, Mantra Upasana & Sadhana | Gods, Mystics & Demons | TRS 329

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do you think this is spiritual growth everything is spiritual growth with the right intention with the right attitude and has an offering if you think that I am doing this finish but if you think Carl behara was doing this then you are sorted then you were sorted for life because he has taken over you he's in this also he's in the same energy that is answering your question the same energy that is asking questions and that is called better but I am asking questions and the beauty is when you surrender know he will take over you he will tell you what to do next says I will lift you in my hands and drop you Just Surrender have you gone deep in the Himalayas yes some beautiful experiences people say that oh everything is doesn't exist but there are great Saints living in the mountains over 150 years old plus who are looking like 30 like even if you look at my Guru she is 85 plus she is faster than all of us in the room so they're like great people operating mountains that they have great yogis they just said do their job you know there are few Heroes working behind the curtains whatever gurus we see now in public they are great gurus but there are great gurus also who are working I discovered bhavesh bhimanathani off of Instagram and the moment I saw his reel I knew that this man has to be on TRS we found a TRS All-Star if you're someone who enjoys the kind of chats that we had with rajashi nandi I promise you this is another person who is on a very similar spiritual Conquest he's in the process of his own Evolution this was a fantastic extremely deep chat extremely filled with nuggets of wisdom I'm not going to talk too much more about bhavesh Bhai please enjoy this particular episode I know this is one of those episodes which you will come back to and I also want to inform you guys that it was such a deep chat that we had to split it into two different episodes so this is part one of our special chat with bhavesh Bhai enjoy and keep growing with TRS thank you [Music] so many things to talk about I'm really excited let's start with a simple how are you my way I'm good thank you RB thank you for having me here and you are a star I am learning so much from every single reel that you put up uh I follow about 2 800 people on my Instagram and maybe only like 100 people's content or so is properly followed by me which may say I look forward to only maybe like five to ten you're one of those thank you it's a blessing so I I don't know how much the audiences even know about your backstory I know a little bit because you met my co-founder Manish Pandey recently so I have some ideas I think you have a very very interesting back stroll and I think podcasts are a lot about sharing philosophy but also experiences so yeah we're going to Deep dive into those in today's conversations I'm ready how are you I'm good how are you feeling feeling amazing because meeting you is like you have that Vibe so we are ready to just be instruments now yeah 100 I'm glad I think those are the best kind of podcasts yeah where you just connect and there is no filter so uh you've got tattoos you're a Mumbai boy um I was a Mumbai boy okay I lived in London but realized I was a software engineer something happened and then life happened what happened I think the spiritual growth is something which you can't run away from all your past and scars when they come out they have to come out and your karma situations meeting Guru being under people meeting right people it's so karmic that you just walk ahead Jessica that you're pushed into situations We Just Surrender and that started happening so you were pushed into moving to rishikesh I was pushed into meeting my Guru and when I met my Guru after so many years also she doesn't talk to me it's just an eye contact because the guru is within it's a lady it's a lady here how did you meet I met her before meeting I used to draw her you know and I one showed it to my sister and then I met at my sister's house and from that the journey started okay yeah but um we don't have verbal conversations it is just the presence that talks but my Guru follows a very different path and she tells me that your path is very different so whatever learnings are happening it's happening to that only because she is completely into bhakti and I'm into many other things so I think I'm here for bhakti which is happening slowly that time what are you into I have done mixture of everything but I think the most when I talk about shiv and Shakti it is mostly tantric aspects which first time I'm sharing with someone so yeah no I appreciate it uh I can't tell you this is a safe space yeah we've had a lot of Tantra based conversations yeah but I think the concept of Tantra is so because whenever we meet people Tantra is only about sex it's only about awkwards it's about but I think it's something Beyond it is when your mind results completely that is where Tantra it's not even Tantra it's yantra Mantra Tantra when the three are lying together that is where magic happens okay I'm going to try explaining Tantra to the people who tuning into TRS for the first time uh Tantra Loosely translates to technique uh yes yes on a very superficial level Loosely yes because you can't translate something into English easily because of the limitations of English limitation of English uh Mantra again this is for a western audience I'm like relaying this Mantra Loosely translates to spell sound so when you chant a mantra properly yantra Mantra Tantra yantra is your form by RB by no one else is going to look but you're gonna look so that sound is calling out that form so when I call out shiv or when I charge the Mantra when we chant the mantras and Shakti whatever that specific deities you're calling out and that deities are within your chakras so we look for deities outside but it is so esoteric so beautiful but again the downfall of tantra's ego because it gives you extremely fast you it's like a Razor's Edge that means uh I'm working on the path of Tantra Enlightenment was very close right hand is the value of ego left hand is a value of occults and any mistake rebirth and there's a lot of karma with it so generally I don't talk about it but you're vibing so yeah what are the mistakes mistakes uh EGO power control people become crazy also with opening of chakras which we have seen many people and they are thrown into they're just not understood because there are multiple Dimensions that you are living in how the bhagavatam also says that thousands of Earth this is just one of the earth so yeah so you have access so whenever one chakra opens you get access to another dimension we call it the locals yeah and you think people can lose their mind if uh they get access to those definitely because uh reality something which never changes so now might be talking to me or thinking about something as that is your reality but for me this is just my reality but again this will change so that Kyan is very important okay so otherwise Tantra will be a down bigger downfall okay it's very important to have people in their 20s and 30s talk about these things yeah definitely uh which is why I'm going to take you back for this conversation yeah uh about how you said you've seen people lose their minds as well yeah do you want to share a story or just an incident um again this is personal but I'm not going to take names yeah uh there are people that we know who are doing Tantra sadhna without any knowledge under a false Guru claiming to open the chakras and they had certain experiences which the so-called Guru couldn't handle we are to take them to the hospital and then later we realize that something reality is happening but not what we think but later with time so tantric practices are so fast like but if you do it wrongly then you cut your neck what is doing it wrongly doing chanting wrongly desire wrong understanding that the goal is not to get entangled in the ego and the siddhis we call it siddhis the superpowers the superpowers like patanjali Maharishi has beautifully given siddhi chapter number three uh we call it vibhuti and that I don't know if people know about maharashi patanjali but he was the greatest in the first 10 sutras he has given the science how to attain it and what not to do detail and I'm very surprised that people don't understand and in the end he also talks about aushadhi that is medicine and everything and again he says that don't get entangled this is your downfall because the end goal of Tantra is spiritual growth which means combining with the Divine end goal of tantras Moksha that state of that pure consciousness and in that state there is no you know me that is that means in that state like Lord Krishna people say I'm sure he was an avtara Lord Krishna had this view now I can only look this blurred and yeah side blood but when you encountered bhagwan he could see your first birth and when you will get Moksha that is the power of an avatar he had all the siddhis but he was the most normal person doing normal things okay so many tangents have to ask you yeah I'm just flowing no because I can literally feel so yeah sorry bro um again for Western audiences we're hearing the word siddhi for the first time yeah or even in the Indian audiences were getting introduced to these Concepts yeah so that the average 2023 mind understands what satisa yeah can you actually give out some of like the siddhis like what they are see uh there are thousands of cities in fact I'm quoting patanjali maharashi patanjali because he has given one section he has given hundred of cities and that approximately 55 sutras or more but uh something now generally when we talk about City people call it intuition intuition is not a city when you know what is going to happen future or you can heal people we have met many people we had many incidences but my problem is that there is if you have it watch it and leave it the moment you try to associate with the city there will be a rise of you that I am doing it and that is a destruction and a spiritual path it is good to have ego I want a Bentley I want to mock I want elvikuchi Brothers okay spiritually goes very very dangerous because the karma that it holds and the next birds will be miserable so that is where I tell everyone awareness is in your hands because nature is always going to work for you so you're saying people get these sort of superpowers yeah everyone on the spiritual path is gonna get it that is the law because and you have to go beyond it because that is something which is the greatest test you have to go through because once you think that you're greater finish just an instrument okay if that attitude comes and Magic is gonna happen like sriramana Maharishi um all these great people they knew everything right I know a bunch of stories I don't know which photographer trying to collect the photo yeah yeah that he didn't like his photos getting clicked yeah and once someone forcefully and it didn't and he was always half eyes open half closed what happened afterwards they tried clicking a photo this guy was trying to click a photo and it didn't come out it didn't come out and then one day he just begged and he said guruji please can I said yes and that is the photo that is I was very blessed to be at this place yeah okay um I'm sorry I'm taking you back there again yeah but is there anything you saw from your eyes where someone did Tantra wrong uh like how did it unfold in front of your eyes oh you would go back to that day and just explain what you saw there were students that we had not students used to teach so in fact they were they used to do practices and then something going wrong is just having nightmares having visions seeing entities which we think it doesn't exist but in that reality they do exist then uh to be they are not psycho but we call them psycho but that reality changes and which is very subtle in fact um actually opens now I'm using the term opens which is wrong we'll control light on it later but when this chakra starts functioning that is where orchids will start coming to you and um many people have that access even now they're not aware about it but yeah okay okay uh the muldara is the lowest chakra the Mula has the lowest chakra when that starts in fact it gives you instincts of animal instincts sexual desires but when that awakens now this is the right term and that awakens it is that Ganesha will give you knowledge how to go ahead so every deity is giving you and chakras are not something where you know Kola tap water clothes no they are always open either they are functioning or non-functioning okay um in order to understand this more let's break down water chakra is in the first place um see I see people talking about chakra that oh my chakrasia my chakrasio oh I can feel the chakra let's be very honest it is not in a physical body we have three bodies the physical body the astral body and the causal body when I will die I will leave the physical body behind but the Ashton and the causal body will be taken ahead and that Aston or causal body at a very Layman language is made up of nadis they talk about there are 72 000 nadis in the body and you know they're finer than your hair okay pluck your hair ten times if I cut it that is the size and through which that piranha flows that energy that we are working to take it up what is an artiber a Nadi is a network of Astral not nerves or capillaries but they're very fine they're energy chords and when these energy chords meet at certain point there's a junction and that Junction is chakra so people talk about seven chakras but there are thousands of chakras you know marma therapy you know Bruce Lee yeah Bruce Lee used to oh yeah Bruce used to kill people just by touch like very close to your touch now there is a murmur Point here if I also touch it properly you will die what is he touching that he's blocking the flow of Prana there they create um I can't recollect the name I'm sorry but there are great rishis who have operated themselves or like Ramana Maharishi and sex for feeding on them yeah no consciousness he was completely controlled of his banana so what we think is that the body is everything but when you do your sadhna you tap into such other bodies which where chakra is operating now why are chakras are blocked because of our lifestyle of your thoughts lifetime negativity the more spiritual practices the more clearance the more clearance the more journey unrolls ahead so when these nadis come at a junction this chakra is formed so there are one zero eight vital chakras if that is healthy like there's a chakra Point died below my uh ankle if I do if you have asthma if I press it properly then you will have a stroke okay so these points are very important but there are seven major chakras that is what people talk about in fact there are more but we talk about the seven and you can never see that the chakra is closed because if the chakra is closed you won't need to operate it is either functioning or non-functioning and people like us it is non-functioning and a yogi it is functioning like you might be knowing about devra Baba he was 700 years old he left his body at well through the crown the problem is something that we don't know we can't accept only with my experience I can talk but a yogis full of experience he doesn't read books he's not interested he has experienced life that is what we are lacking what was the sentence you said that everyone's chakras are open just not activated yeah so whenever I read on Google and people talk about people come to azoma chakras closed it is impossible that a chakra is closed you know how chakras work these rishis yantra you see beautiful chakras with petals and you know the deity sitting in between people do sadhna on that now I've heard people doing sound dealing chanting mantras but only under the presence it will actually open that means in layman's language so that we can understand our chakra might be 30 open I can't say it is closed if it is closed and cut them I'm a vegetable 30 operating now when I do sadhana 60 100 now when that Prana goes in that through that chakra I have not mentioned about we'll come there through the that one petrol starts unfolding that means so every petal has a bija mantra you might be knowing here every chakra has a mantra when you chant it properly or energizing it now when that petal unfolds all your past spiritual experiences all your sanskaras all your passport they start coming into friction what does that mean that means the fact that you are doing this there is some past all the contacts at your meeting even it is said in the upanishads and eye contact is an exchange of karma so you and me setting is also akarma so that all that knowledge how it works starts coming to you so every deity is giving you knowledge every deity is giving you support and that deity is taking you to formless for example if your third eye chakra opens it is saying that means your karma is over here operating and you can leave that and there are many greater rishis who are the experience of Tantra and Awakening of kundani but very no one has written the journey from third adult crown no one that means you me everyone you know we might be having similar experiences till today but from third idle the crown the journey is unique for every individual this is from form to formless and that is so unique that you can't even that is the reason if you meet a great Saint you asked him or Enlightenment they will laugh because they don't exist in that state because they have experienced something which you can't comprehend not even in Sanskrit it is so it's something very unique and if I die in between doing my sadhana because it comes in bhagavad-gita also whatever you have opened a heart chakra you are having some Blissful experiences and you don't make it you will come back and all of a sudden you'll be pushed from your heart chakra till the ground to the next word I will be pushed by Mother Nature pulled into circumstances so that my journey starts for me or Tilly again and this journey again how I lead is again that awareness okay yeah or do you want to kind of explain the journey from the root chakra till at least the third eye in a very general way I know yeah details I'm putting it in very simple language okay there are thousands of nadis which are operating 108 are very important how to which three are the most important Ada ping launch you know have you seen human DNA why is a strand yeah that is and it goes like this that is the reason every yoga teacher every saint every Rishi will say one thing keep your spine straight the more the spine is straight the more magic is happening why because spine is awareness and the more the spine straight the more sadhna you do you start activating so every you might be doing kriya yoga might be doing any any sadhna from yoga Asana without understanding to purify the nadis and when goes like this in between is the most important now people talk about very casually but they don't realize even in there are three nadiso whatever in that if that Prana goes to that is where magic happens these great yogis have not read anything the only experiential beings who have have access to different dimensions they have gone through different planets like um there are great scenes so I'm just looking at the moon like Arya button all the great they're just looking they got information how because they had access to that Consciousness which we are lacking and that is happening on internal Journey they don't talk about it because the parampara is so strong it should go from Guru to Shasha and when you talk about it of course it's your ego and any ego is a downfall okay yeah uh if you want to begin this journey where does it start like for a college student watching us start with just minding your business very simple start with understanding that let people do what they want get into discipline look after yourself and always realize that there's a greater energy working these are some basic steps that you have to fall in of course without discipline this will never come now for me Tantra might be good for your for you something else might be good but understanding that everything comes from the same Source every individual has a different way to do sadhna I can't generalize sadhana for example for you this might be meditation but for me sitting cross-leg is meditation do you think this is spiritual growth everything is spiritual growth with the right intention with the right attitude and has an offering if you think that I am doing this finish but if you think kalbehero is doing this then you are sorted then you are sorted for life he has taken over you he is in this also he is in the same energy that is answering your question the same energy that is asking questions and that is called better but I am asking questions and the beauty is when you surrender know he will take over you he will tell you what to do next says I will lift you in my hands and drop you Just Surrender people talk about surrender very difficult do you think I meant for the tantric part I think you already are you are but um it is coming to you it has already started the way my twenties were spent yeah focusing fully on yss yoga and Paramus yeah and uh I didn't take kriya initiation yeah but I've been doing soham Hong so yeah for a long time for five years of my life fairly regularly yeah there was phases where I've done it with a lot of discipline like twice a day you know something very beautiful about soham so um the breath is telling you soham all the time it is there in your blood people are not aware about it because even without chanting so I'm just not being aware you should talk a little bit about soham was one of the most beautiful in fact um Can Can anyone do it everyone is doing it if you like it or don't you can take away my food you can take away water you can't take away breath and you know how we breathe it is very fascinating I asked someone in the class how do you breathe they're like oh why are you on but no one's understanding when you're inhaling there's a pause and after exhalation there's a pause if you are aware about it if you're aware about that was wet so hum you are in the now okay and Soha means I am that's it I'm not this body not this one sorry I'm getting vedanta but no you get whatever you wish bro it's a great conversation I am is everything no umram ask me is it they say that soham is the meditation that shivji follows yes in fact comes in a state of Shiva is always in fact um to get into practical these highly great yogis they don't breed they breathe at will that means I will do everything and after half an art well if I want I'll take a break now when we breathe normally that's approximately twenty four thousand twenty seven thousand depending upon there's a very beautiful text that talks about breath in detail that is the reason we avoid sex we avoid heavy food because when you're having sex you breathe 36 fingers an enlightened being will be with one pinky finger so when you read the pick up the text chapter number two it starts by saying your life doesn't depend about the number of years it depends upon the number of breath so once you master your breath you master in fact SRI Rama Shri Krishna or lakshmana they had all the five I use in control they could eat sleep and drink at will not like us and that comes in the sadness what all the manipulation of the bread understanding the breath controlling the breath so all these great enlightened beings they stop and they breathe that well and once you are that state you don't need food there are great Surya yogis that we were blessed to see meat um they live only on the Sun they charge themselves in fact we are solar panel individual if you get good sun and one time food you are sorted but we need food all the time because that's our conditioned yep we are conditioned in fact in reality you need food only one Palm throughout the day throughout the day and your sadhana of course and knowledge then you don't need anything because that internal jatar Agni is so powerful and if you understand how it works you are that is called tapno a yogi has mastered to manipulate that energy everywhere so they can heal the body through that stuff they can get a lot of information but they go beyond that also begin all this you need a guru in physical form you need a guru in fact the guru is always there and the beauty is your past sadhna like I will talk from the tantric point of view it is said that the guru is always there and if you're worshiping a deity even after third eye the deity is the one and the guru is the one beyond the deity is the guru these rishis have bought the deities and the gods the guru will take you from your Tilly he will knock you on end without a guru's blessing it is not possible you need a physical Guru in fact he mentioned he had 24 gurus and he said gurus but he has at that State of evolution and even after a while the guru will leave you because even now my Guru tells me don't get attached to the body the guru is within that is the reason after every end we push it to people that look gurus with it just let the ignorance go except and the path is beautifully shown what do you think you did in your passport to get all this so early I think a lot of tantric practices for sure but I don't have a past so you know the first time I played football in my life I had to learn how to play football yeah so I had to learn how to position my photo I'm not great but I'm not the worst football player also the first time I ever practiced Judo when I was throwing someone I felt like I know this yeah and I became really really good at Judo I became Bombay Champion when I was a kid but those throws came to me naturally to the degree I would create my own throws as a 11 year old yeah I know there's some knowledge I'm carrying from a previous birth at least maybe about Judo whatever desires are not satisfied in this birth mother nature will push you to satisfy that desire until you reach Moksha every human being is going to get Moksha but you know summer and kindergarten some MBA some IA levels all levels that journey is going to happen so you also playing Judo and getting that is your past information coming out see the human cell dies in seven years it dies whatever you but the sanskaras which are stored that will come out all the time so you and me also have some Karma I can't but how I respond and react now will determine our future which is what I find strange about my life at this point we're releasing four podcasts a week yeah which means I'm getting to meet four insanely cool individuals every single week at least actually meet six we've got six a week wow and these are all High Caliber people they've excelled in their own Fields someone's excelled in science someone's excelled in spirituality someone's excelled in sports and I do feel a certain sense of connection more deeply with some of them with many of them yeah like the athletes the spiritual folks yeah keep thinking that have I met these people in the past definitely I'm still getting Goosebumps because you have and uh we think that we are in control but and imagine your role that has been placed for you so you can't run away from it and imagine meeting so many people so much of karma not from this birth also from passports and you're doing a beautiful job but now again if you think that I'm superior or I know so many people oh no this man is contact then he go again drop down again and then again you come up so there is no Eternal hello Heaven it's in your mind there's no Eternal hello Heaven There Is No Return you are creating your own eternal life if you're happy now you're in heaven finish if a joyous now in a state topless you are in heaven same in the evening you're upset girlfriend you are creating your own who is a yogi I am beyond Helena and I'm in Bliss that state is constant okay and through that state that cosmic energy operates through him and every decision that he does he's not responsible because he's just an instrument that is the termination of a very high sadhna when you are just not living in future not living in past giving your best every moment with complete awareness as an offering and the results will come to you because that is how nature works okay I know that you've seen some crazy things in your life I have seen nothing I have nothing it's physical eyes I think we live in our own world we live and we experience such things and there are many things happening but at the same time you should be aware that there is only one reality again I'm putting the entire concept of Tantra into vedanta because the termination of Tantra the termination of bhakti the termination of uh Gana everything comes to vedanta only that everything is such a ton and pure consciousness and if you're operating in that see uh something very practical now you are doing which is fabulous again which is dealing with only chakras and everything I'm doing some sadhana he's doing something else these all tools so suppose we came in a cab now we didn't get the caviar the job of the cap was done the class the job will be done so when your sadhana is done you will realize that even sadhna is not required but people get attached to sadhana and that is also an ego Clash so when you evolve on the part you will realize even tantra's job is done everything that is only silence and which is bliss then your presence will talk even without words you will talk to many people even being in the mountain you will do what because you have become one with everything if you gone deep in the Himalayas you're saying yes some beautiful experiences most beautiful experience which you're allowed to share um my Guru has given me nudges on my head and sent me to some great Saints people say that oh everything is doesn't exist but there are great Saints living in the mountains or 150 years old plus who are looking like 30 like even if you look at my Guru she is 80 85 plus she is faster than all of us in the room so there are great people operating mountains that they have create yogis great yogis they just sit do their job you know there are few Heroes working behind the curtains whatever gurus we see now in public they are great gurus but there are great gurus also who are working and just sitting there they uplifting so many like us how um I will tell you something suppose you have a pain in your ankle do I need to tell you you know it once you tap into that frequency you just know and you just do things it is only out of compassion these great gurus also reincarnate again and again for with only one agenda that the Dharma goes on all these rishis have only one goal that one day we merge into that oceans of Consciousness so the unevolved human being has Free Will and sometimes that Free Will makes you do evil things like go to war kill people rob banks Rob people Etc we have these evolved beings who choose to come back to the Physical Realm take birth in human form but try staying away from society in order to keep the evolved Minds evolved very interesting no I'm I mean I'm this is a theory please click correct me if I'm wrong after uh what I pitch they're sitting out there in the mountains they're definitely doing some work in the higher planes in terms of I don't know they are channelizing light to the world I don't know how else to articulate this thought yeah uh they're praying for us they um probably causing circumstances within the lives of influential human beings those human beings are living through their life with circumstances coming at them with someone coming and saying hey you know what you should start this business you should become a cricketer you should enter politics you should become an actor yeah but even those people in those circumstances are coming from somewhere these evolved beings are probably responsible in some way in order to extend those circumstances and situations what else or am I have I said something wrong no you're going on the right path two things let's talk about free will Free Will and Destiny there is nothing called free will because when I use the term free will that means at this moment you can leave your body and come back in your body at this moment you can stop this time and space we make our own choices and when I talk about Destiny Destiny is Moksha Destiny FCA I'm meeting R by is my destiny that means I'm your only because that is English translation so we have Moksha secondly there is only um choices and there's Karma karma is something very powerful that works we can't earn it you might be the greatest Yogi but you will if you have taken a human body you will go to the law of karma it is there secondly talking about these great rishis imagine you are just an instrument everything will happen through you and yes they come just for the goal of upliftment of human beings so they will come in circumstances but only if you have surrendered and you're asking for help how do you do that you know there's only one thing you can surrender as your ego that's it you can't offer God God you people I see people worshiping God giving you know bhagavad-gita says something very there are four kinds of bhaktas you know we used to do this in school also I'm sure everyone the first bhaktas oh my life is miserable horrible horrible nonsense like always sleeping and crying for small small thing not blaming God second is very interesting or have an exam today God I'll give you chocolate and you give me 100 marks third is I want to say God I want to know who God is I want to talk to him and fourth of us because I have him now after talking about this Lord Krishna he says something very beautiful how when a child cries he goes to the father similarly all these four are equal because they are coming to me so depending upon your Evolution you pray to God but you're praying to who to him also so for in our case it is Scarborough Krishna for someone but with that understanding they all are one if you say that Mike albarrow is cooler than Shiva oh ego that is what is happening now which is very sad that my God is greater than your God they are not understanding that the sun shines equally even for a beggar and a saint or my religion is greater than your religion same thing actually it was actually an ego that I'm more powerful than yours which is anti-spiritual in the world yes yes yes which is very very sad and okay this is coming from someone who has moved to rishikesh who's fully immersed in practice Yeah I think um it is all I to be honest very honestly it is just his grace that he is holding us but at the same time whenever I get an ego rise even knock me on my head and get me back because the sadhana is there and uh it is not by reading any book or you know reading patanjal yoga No it will come when you are experiential beings and how to become experience one day at a time with the right attitude will change your world and slowly you will realize an enlightened being as a small person you think old people walking with sticks and all oh okay but these are great human beings in the mountains the mountains the trees the cosmos is supporting them and they're like God's working or not that is a Rishi higher than God's do you see them in Mumbai uh in many forms yes in many forms playing their role but not harishi a highly evolving arishi doesn't need to step out there are many many kinds of rishis also in fact in the text there are three this is a very beautiful story or I would love to share if you're okay with it um was the one who got um we call him the articulated that means all the parts of knowledge were there he got The Vedas together and he had a very amazing son called SRI Shuka you know he was born in Cosmic consciousness he was born as a god like I'm talking about him at the later stage but there are few incidents which just gives me clues once when I read it for the first time and there's a scene where he's going walking and Vedas are saying that don't go you have a role to play the entire world needs this knowledge and he just turns around and looks at his father and from the mountains from the sky form the trees I am here I am here I am here the sound comes so that state of a human being is everywhere and you always look young he was always in Cosmic Bliss and when you came under his uh circumference you will also get you know at times you get goosebumps when you see someone people started getting so these humans are there and whenever there is something wrong such people will come keep us grounded that is the role of rishis those are issues but yes there are highly evolved beings who are operating and I think that people have a misconception that oh orange daddy here I know no no no I think you are a variable being you're getting so much knowledge you're playing your role but the time will come and you will think bus only sadhna will come then the game will change time came a year ago [Laughter] this is something great you're doing we need this we need this so that is your Dharma now and you can't run away from your Dharma imagine through your talks one person there being uplifted so much blessings is coming to you and that will help you to remove your karma also but if you have a wrong intention that Mac are wrong I am YOLO then gone do you think there's people in the film industry or in the business world who also highly evolved beings there might be but depends upon you know we all are living two lives one is your internal growth and others the external growth like uh people may judge me that those capitals which I get a lot but inside I'm someone else so there might be many many many people I'm very sure there might be and people change the time people change and you can change any time where you know only after revolution there's evolution hmm spiritual path people think oh he's a monk sitting like this wearing orange clothes but the battle against your ego is the greatest battle you can have so we call it the better for thorns and after walking to the Thorns it becomes a Bed of Roses because they both are together always so the path is very painful so it depends and one emotion in fact all the great rishis and all the stories when you read and quranic stories and all the great rishis they have gone through the deepest darkest times and then rise and shine has happened so so much to learn but you know nowadays we are selective convenience I am spiritual only when everything is convenient for me and when things are not going oh God is like this but you are responsible for your own like you are here because we want to be here the doors was now to go in a come out is up to me that awareness is there then anyone can evolve anyone and I think you know we are scared of only one thing losing our identity especially in this big industry they have so much like so that's the way and once you let go then you can do magic which is why material growth actually feeds your ego knowingly or unknowingly yeah like okay you have fancy cars you have everything but if you don't have the breath now you are liking me I'm liking you there's a very amazing energy that is so much from past sanskaras if I die this moment you won't even come close to me if you understand that this energy is in everything and you tap into that Rich poor nothing matters you are the sun then always Shining let's speak about death yep let's speak about algories metagories I was very blessed to yep you've met someone you have been in their presence also do you want to describe what it's like being in the presence or describe that day about agori's um why God should be only in temples in beautiful places high in the mountains the path of agori is so beautifully even in dark there is God and that is the path of agori they are left-handers they are thumb sick you might be knowing about it but the beauty about agar is you know what they eat everything they do everything because everything of divine mother how we surrender to how we ascended to kalbara they have surrendered to Divine mother because even in this chair even in this mic she is operating so why not in the Dead there are great algories um this is the oldest great sadhna where they make yantras we have not spoken about yantra symbols symbols yeah like everything is a yantra in fact nature is giving you under the flowers and seeds and everything they make yantras where they keep the dead body on it and find their great algories to keep their family members also and whatnot they keep they offer many elements like horse hair nails and it's a very detailed sadhna which is not in public whatever I'm sharing is also just peanuts and then they do certain and that sadhna they go so deep that is where that goes you go beyond that and uh and it is so secretly shared that uh it is just like even if you create take a great tantric text few text is not there it is just blank half written why because you need a person who has already experienced that Dimension to explain you and that's where Guru comes in you've had conversations with agoris yeah they are great what are you very abusive they are very aggressive but that is their love we've just taken a wrong way like even an actual algorith will not actually talk a lot and you know we act an actual algorithm will not you know go to a market or go to a temple they live in the burning Arts machine and they will change places only in the night for Manchester only from 12 to 2 that is during that time God is everywhere depending upon how your sabhava is what do you talk to them about I think it was my karma to be with them to see them and to see how the past sanskar is always there yeah but uh I'm very blessed that my Guru has knocked my head and made me realize that yes whatever is true but the highest goal is to completely let go of your ego that is the termination of all sadness do you think that aghori path rejected you no I think I had so much of ego that I've come back again to continue my path what do you think in a past life you've been in aghori or something I am sure the way all the knowledge is coming out it is it fascinated me from childhood I wasn't Fascination about uh how the rituals are done and if you see my books school books I used to draw agories later which I realized I used to talk to my Guru about agoris and not read anywhere few stories I shared with my Guru she started laughing she's like where is this coming from and people say there is no past life of course there is past life and especially for Spiritual people it comes out it comes out on you will be guided but uh there are some algories you know encounters where they are wearing human Jaws so they test you also and whatever you think dirty is that is that light in the Darkness and an actual auguri will not not come out in public okay I had met few agoris who were very well educated also well educated spoken travel the world that is their calling depending upon your sabawa you get the path ahead that is how nature works I would assume that you only find them in town cities Villages and not out then the Himalayas there are in the Himalayas actually they love to be alone they don't like people around and that sadness so beautiful in fact the path of Tantra aguri they you know there's a very beautiful story that comes up there was a great auguri or Saint enlightened being only he was sitting and there was a deity so there are many small small deities are there and she used to come to him every day and tell him and she knew that he's a great so she used to tell him that oh you know what I will give you everything in life and she realized that this man can actually communicate because he had so much of tapas so she used to go to America oh you know what uh I will satisfy your material needs I will give you everything that I will become the most powerful person and that Enlightenment used to go there to his sadhana in the night because that was his calling one day he got fed up and he said what do you want what do you want she said I'll give you everything so he said you know I challenge you one thing if you satisfy my need then you'll never bother me let me do my son she said yes she got very happy that deity you know what he said I have a problem in my right knee can you please move it to the left knee and move away from you that is not getting entangled by all these lower deities or not to read shiv to meet shift to be with you lower deities lower deities yeah that is where black magic happens that is where a lot of things happen and that is where the Eco game is what is lower deities lower deities you know there are many locals so from or till Sun there's one local that is written in The Vedas from Sun to the pole star and it goes up up talking in human language these lower deities are entities of course there's good and bad both but people get hold of those entities to get their job done now suppose I want to do something on someone and you know people do it but they don't realize that the deity and that she's sucking away your spiritual energy this is what demons are in Christmas this is what demons are but the highest demon is in your mind that is all your negative thoughts that is all your lower emotions and we have to fight that demon not get entangled in anything and on the path of you know why people are fascinated for Agora because this is this comes to you what comes all the encounters are demons all the shortcut to Evolution all the awkward Powers all that spiritual experiences that Goosebumps and all that so people get fascinated but it is the most dangerous part don't get entangled if you have a guru or Guru will knock on your head and get your back but the guru should have that experience are you allowed to name some lower deities which are spoken about in stories which are still prevalent you shouldn't yeah but those same lower deities which are probably spoken about in ramayana Mahabharata some of them are still around they are still around see these deities are not in space I'm in causation we live in space time and causation once you have taken the human body you come in space as Incarnation for example uh do you remember your childhood or do you have some nephews uh you tell your nephew tomorrow I'll take you to for Spider-Man for him tomorrow is like oh no tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow for us here is coming to an end so the older you get the time is but what is the concept of time when you go to sleep when you're in deep Sleep you have passed out completely where is time do you remember what is the date today I'm sorry whatever remember on this date six months ago what were you doing what is time and something that you like time goes very fast something that you don't like time is not moving time is a mental concept and Yogi is beyond time and deities are even beyond that deities are lower than yogis I think oh really all these deities I'm not talking about higher Gods like shiv Shakti Vishnu the all higher words they are like all these lower deities um in Kerala there's a Temple where they worship these deities lower deities lower deities and they satisfy all your material needs uh I don't know what they call it something wordless that's not coming to me now they worship all the lower deities and people are so materialistic and these they offer the date is gold and everything there are many places in fact so again it's an ego trap because you have placed that deity higher than God and of course that deities or no but God doesn't want anything God is within you that experience that when you get and every human being experiences that state it's just that they are scared because they are unaware of that knowledge have you encountered lower deities uh there are laws in edification if you are in the mountain in fact the mountains are known for such Energies is very charged so if you are doing sadly you'll experience many many things there like presence of deities or presence of energy in fact we normally also can feel energy at times when you click along someone or you know get a wife that I want to stay with that is also an experience of energy many questions yeah I'm ready I I'm just holding back of it but I'm ready no no I uh I understand that everything you're saying is you channelizing something else so I'm not probing you too much yeah because you know I don't want anyone to get entangled in this yeah because it is very fascinating yeah there will be comments which will say no we want to know yeah yeah I think with conversations like this there is a certain layer that you leave yeah yeah yeah why because um okay this is a very amazing fruit okay it looks like a mango but when you cut it it will taste like a strawberry but it smells like a banana yeah I'm giving you the mango or whatever I call it have it eat it yeah eat it how is it it feels like a carrot amazing experienced stocks you have answered everything every individual has a different experience and you can't put experience in theory you can't put experience in theory that means if I read books but if I have experienced something it is greater than the book because it is my experience and I know with conviction this has happened so the most sadhna you do the more clarity you get with experiences do you think that when you talk about experiences or blessings yeah they lose their power uh yeah because my ego is talking very smart you know I'm running away from such topic because I had an experience I am more cooler than narbhai and in case I'm just an instrument and the goal is to get the knowledge of the rishis out because the moment I share my experience I will think that khatam and I don't want another birth so the goal of the life is in percentage how through are you zero percent how will I say percent when I'm just an instrument because if if I have tagged an experienced like you know how vedanta says that if I am seeing this is a cup I have come in the dimension of name and form and anything that does name inform as an expiry date but if I am that but nowadays I see also people talking vedanta oh make the master Zindagi is very much I'm unaffected and half an hour you don't get a coffee finish you'll lose the plot so we call it the vedantic flux very interesting Beautiful Stories in the upanishad about vedantic flux do you avoid tea and coffee uh I used to love coffee at times I get coffee grave but um okay how much do stimulants affected it affects to a greater extent but it will not take you to samadhi something again very personal what drugs uh inject and everything and everything like small small girls and all but coming to the point um I met a small girl very interesting and I was not talking to anyone they used to cover themselves and and in the night you know so I had a small encounter and um after many months she started talking are very personal I said what happened and after meowing me for eight nine months she said something very beautiful Japan but what sadhna teaches that dose is you okay why to run outside you know there's a very beautiful saying you know once you have tasted honey you will never like sugar um so what is the highest job for human being having sex three highest Joys the human being sex food and sleep everybody of course you need money but you need food you need sex and you know what Tantra termination of Tantra is that honey imagine being absorbed in that Ecstasy of life and being one with everything that small star that is shining to that small land that is working you know everything you're one with everything that is a state of a very highly evolving and that time no words are required it's only the presence that is talking and doing things recently who um eats meat yeah who smokes cigarettes who occasionally smokes weed I've met tantrix who occasionally drink alcohol but and these guys are Advanced people in their own path yeah it confused me about what I always thought about this thing I thought they take you away I know that they affect your speed if your honor kriya yoga oriented for sure yeah yeah they don't allow your meditations to go deeper yeah see there are three types of people in Tantra also in fact in every sadhna there is one tamsik there is one Raj Sikh and there's one satwik so when you talk in the territory of Tantra or any sadness specifically you're talking about Tantra now tamsik are the people they actually eat meat alcohol wine sex then that made alcohol wine sex is Transit into rajas then they eat other things and in satwa tantric is where you offer flowers honey milk so depending upon your behavior you don't think in fact I don't know people might be knowing or no Puja is tantric in nature yeah any ritual any ritualist but if you are offering a flaw you come into the satwik Tantra if you're going into other practices so we call it the five M's which are beautiful and uh everything is tantric in nature when you evolve because yantra Mantra if you see every yantra every untrust so that knowledge should come otherwise you're getting diluted and even when the Awakening of Kundalini will happen it is a very painful path that is what I've heard it is not like Osa beta and you go up in Paradise no no you may not even come out conclusion of all these great rishis are they great and all I'm sure they were great he was a vedanti but he always talk about Divine mother he was the tantric also because he had that knowledge and sorry so on the real area that has written in the entire tantric people read about it now so the process of tantric is like when your Kundalini awakens that knowledge comes to you and if body is not ready finish it will collapse the body should be strong what are they doing they are aggressive with their practices oh it will come in your practice uh in future when you evolved kriya yoga sorry I should not say this it is personal but yeah is the advanced we offer to Ganesh or the green leaf yeah yeah they remove the green leaf they take a string and they cut the ferinum of the tongue when you start cutting it of course you'll bleed a lot it's it's painful you can't talk in fact I have few friends who have done this I can't call them friendly on the part doing it your tongue will roll out now when your tongue will roll out you will roll the tongue push it in the nasopharyngeal cavity and then it is written that the nectar of life will come to you so you're basically unlocking your tongue unlocking and even after cutting there is lots of beige mantras there are a lot of Madras you have to take there are a lot of sadness you have to do you're destroyed only under the presence and in higher the guru will cut it for the first time and after that you have to cut it that is also the biggest challenge to go beyond the body so people don't read such things in Tantra they think that to tongue and where to roll the tongue what is the nectar what is that uh Amrit that people talk about I don't know but it is that coming out from the pineal gland is something very beautiful that sweet taste of nectar oozes you get goosebumps that is that oozing out process it's tantras Beyond many many things don't cut your tongue please [Laughter] yeah in fact there are practices which you cut your tongue with you also many many practices you should not the world needs you yeah you can't talk after it or it's very painful very very painful and it's a test for the disciple to go beyond physical pain physical pain that is the essence of one of the essence because imagine the serum is very delicate and imagine you cutting it yourself little little little little till you push your tongue in the nasopharyngeal cavity you block the piranha take the mother up push it up yeah let's not go deeper yeah but the experiences are beautiful have you done any painful sadness tattoos sorry tattoos that's of jokes apart because you know I I'm I'm saying because any kind of pain that you're taking on your body is the removal of karma really if your attitude is right and if you have knowledge let's talk about tattoos one second before we talk about that we have made so many videos on that was the Cosmetic angle the fashion angle I strongly believe there's a serious spiritual angle when it comes to tattoos if you put that energy inside I've had people oppose me about this so yeah I get a lot of hate for oh you're wearing kurta and you have tattoos and all and all but um I believe that I'm very strange I never talk about my tattoos but it is the right hand is only Shiva the left hand is only Shakti and I did this when I was very very young with no knowledge so all my sanskaras were coming out similar even mine is like the my right hand is only shiver my left hand is like yeah it's like all warrior tattoos yeah same it is coming out so tattoos play a role but depends upon in fact your body is the greatest Temple here if if you maintain it and you understand how it works you uh something else my granddad passed away three four months ago and he had been suffering in his physical body for a while so the family had expected it when he passed away while it was expected it was just strains in death so up close I don't know what got into me but after years I decided to kind of get a tattoo which I've wanted to get for a while so I've had a bow and arrow on my left tricep for a long time it's remind me about focus and again it's like all my tattoos are very intense fiery yeah and it's it's added that intensity and fiery yeah element to my head for sure I mean we start to get stronger with time yeah um so I wanted to get like this I didn't nice on my right rise up for ages but I was waiting for a meaningful moment to happen in my life he was a shiv bhakt yeah uh I was actually gonna get a mace yeah like to make it Arjuna yeah yeah but uh I decided to get this I don't know intuitively when I was getting this and I've got huge tattoos I've got like massive ones which have taken like nine years yeah yeah so I've had huge tattoo sessions in my life didn't hurt me yeah this one killed me in terms of pain and I'm like what is this it is what I realized when I had tattoos the right time when I wanted and these all freehand like no planning nothing it's just coming into place when I wanted that it came to me how many many scenarios when I started my sadna Shakti sadhna and all and all it just came like kalio came and she just changed the game oh that's a nice start yeah she's very very wow yeah and when I was struggling with uh doing things Ganesha came at the right time so there are tattoos and I think the deity stock the deities talk in their own ways but with that knowledge you have to be otherwise you'll start hallucinating which happens very what like after a tattoo no no no after when he was you know when you pray to deities or talk to deities and half of the time you're hallucinating what do we know you're actually talking about hallucination that's a game that is happening with lots of people I know I'm talking you have to be very careful how do you even differentiate depending upon the quality of life that you're leading um that is something very important I feel eating a very dharmic satwik life with proper sadhana and proper knowledge and working on your ego they will also give you directions all the time but if you're leading a life within the mind the mind is very all the tantrics any any I'm talking for the first time so much of every sadhna and especially gives you a lot of uh Pleasures in the mind and which is again a problem so that the control the mind is the goal so that Tantra Tantra should be done with bhakti vedanta Karma and gyana otherwise destroyed ego trap okay do you intend on getting more tattoos uh I got this few days ago I wanted him walking to kailash and these are gorgeous tattoos yeah these are like like I have one uh my pure favorite also my favorite also he just came to me then this also just came to me this is one of the most interesting sleeves I've seen like in my life yeah this is Shakti Shiva then I have beautiful so yeah Shakti Sharma has to so at times they were indicating but still people think that oh you're a spiritual person you should not have tattoos I think your entire body is your temple and if you understand that even the opposite yeah becomes a temple and in fact the body is temporary it is going on fade away one day but if I am ready and I maintain it then yeah what do these mean to you but at the moment they mean nothing because I know that this is going to change soon but I know one thing that will never change that is a self so I think this was an attachment with time I had to get rid of it and when I went to my Guru and asked and she still laughs at times I met some great gurus used to call me Spiderman because of the tattoos and all like a web and one day I was sitting and I asked and she said any pain that are going through as a removal of some yeah so that attitude changed a lot of things do you think that the tattoos become store houses of power everything becomes like you know uh people ask me why are you wearing this ring and uh and we picked it up there were hundreds of rings and fingers ring just went in and still now I find it difficult I see it was black rustic and now it's shining so the state of your body and the state of your mind also energizes so many things show a lot of things on your body also so this is which I think people might be knowing in Tantra also you know when we do Puja when we go to a temple or something when you do proper tantric sadhna you keep the flower and you exhale that Prana is given to the deity and you worship the deity because that is your relation with the deity and in the end when the Puja is over you take that flaw and you inhale and then you see they keep the fly on the head that transfer of energy shows also that your body also shows energy and the things that you're wearing on your body also shows energy so that knowledge is very very important so if your body is very very healthy at times are very healthy the tires will also shine they will shine out if you're mentally not in a good state or you will also be lethargic that is the reason the rishis used to use copper copper talks it stores energy like a SRI yantra uh it is made up of copper now now modern people we all use sim sim card SIM card has copper foil you know Pele double one double zero Nokia Harvest is shown a stone number binary form that Copper stores similarly when you are doing sadhna that SRI anthra is made up of copper so when you do more Pooja it stores energy and that energy reflects in the surrounding the original chanting is done a three-dimensional in fact uh any temporary visited he got it out and no one knows if I give you a paper pen you can't make it also tantric sadhna doesn't do just make it uh you can't make it normally but when you understand the triangles in it the upper facing triangle is our shiv the lower facing triangles are Shakti and in the centers the self so these all tantric sadness that see why to worship only Gods he even in forms they are God so that nameless and formless these Saints have got it to form so that we can actually do our sadhna if I tell you okay but now when I say you will then one day what happens in Tantra the higher you evolve on the path you get features like the deity you pick up the courage of the deity I mean you reach the third eye literally it is said the deity will talk to you but with me sadness State of Mind should be there otherwise again Eco trap has been the theme of this whole purposely grinding it because personally I've seen loads of people they start the path and they they lose out from the essence that the crown is the essence of being absorbed in the self I'm sure everyone knows that when he met his Guru his Guru said in that state of consciousness cut Kali and he said no how will I cut my mother I can't cut I can't cut on then when he gave the knife and that state of common when he cut Kali he just went into ecstasy when he came into Consciousness he saw Kali everywhere so Kali is from that form to formless is the most important journey and will happen only through Ghana of course you know about him he was a fighter freedom fighter and everything he was in jail and he pleaded to Krishna that hey bhagwan now my time is coming give me glimpse of who you are because I don't know what is next and then sitting he went in a State of Trance when he opened his eyes again you know the bars of the jail he saw Krishna in it the JLo who was giving his aunt to get him out from the jail he was Krishna when he went to the court he saw the lawyers Krishna the audience as Krishna he was completely in that Consciousness and that time when the love comes out it's unconditional because you have experienced that so-called fruit that you are talking about and that your experience is your number when life I I have like four or five questions I don't know which one to ask this is a slightly heavy podcast for me like I don't know if I'll be able to do a second episode today because I kind of want to go in there yeah there is so much that's so details about Shiva Duty and all that goddesses and you know and understanding how they operate how they work like the amazing facts about what chakras are what petals are what happens when you know even if you get glimpses again you fall down there is so much but we have to tap into that it's another something very beautiful because uh every text that you read it ends with um and when we live in rishikesh we address everyone with hariom that's it that is to make you realize that uh that pure Consciousness is the same everywhere actually Vishnu is the one who's sustaining in everything even in this even in that everything everything almost a knot like you know how to chant home actually when you do Hatha tantric practices you chant home from the navel actually learned that from your yeah so that when the sound comes from that that is the naat you know at times when you are very quiet and you your sound will come all of a sudden one you your will get blocked it is the sound of the planets and such higher sounds it's called naad again that is layer yoga it's another territory altogether to merge in the cosmic sound there are approximately millions of sounds in your body but what is the it is a bus is buzzing you it's in high state of sadhna if you're aware it is also the sounds of the planets that you can hear which are inside your body or which is inside in fact I'm jumping into another territory altogether s these yogis have mastered sound and in the beginning getting the big story into short when you start sitting in sadhna for the basics that is your heartbeat the more internal you get you also feel the pulse the more internal you go you will feel the flow of blood the higher you go in your sadhana that is you move from the lower two that is the chakras another territory resonates the sound the more you go inside you will hear ocean Birds the highest sound is home hurry um when we chant it's now I'm chanting from the navel I'm not using my glottis I'm not using my nose I'm is the highest experience that is where the formulas has taken the first form that is that vedantic statement where that reality which never changes so generally whatever has spoken whatever have done I take no credit it belongs to hariom that's it just an instrument do you use multiple mantras in your sadhna yes but I have one beach Mantra that is we stick to that yeah you know you I'm talking about like things like you know yeah Mantra is very very powerful if you chanted properly in the morning during Brahma murata for good uh half an hour you will realize that your intelligence your memory capacity and your awareness increases you know when we do kapalbati actually means a skull but here they are addressing the frontal lobe and the proper kapalvati done with awareness will start giving you intuitions and also Visions now again people get fascinated but I'm sharing only halfway cookies because you need a guru so kapalbati was done to activate your frontal lobe because this is where is the quick breathing right yeah actually there are four types of kapalbati done with proper pH mantras and everything though actually actual pranayama is done with bija Mantra what pranam we are doing is you know I'm taking you to the candy shop but the door is locked when you are initiated on the path of evolution with every pranayama you will get a bija mantra with that mudra with that kumbak it becomes breath this is all down to your Guru initiating yeah it is Guru like brahmari when we do um sorry I'm just jumping into multiple topics the highest brahmaris when the sound comes from the nasopharyngeal cavity Brahman is the B sound which people do now for insomnia to sleep to rest well the highest is the sound coming out from here so what I'm doing now is I'm taking bandas taking Madras taking my tongue up and then hey hmm so practice practice practice but this is not and after doing this you will get many many things so brahmari is this a yogi will inhale like a male be an exit like a female B so this is [Music] and the higher I do the effect changes sorry I'm just getting excited it's great yeah yes that's your Mantra uh no no you see there are multiple sadness that we do but uh when a guru this is something very interesting you should know and you will enjoy it because your sad novel there are four ways our Guru will initiate you depending upon your capacity and depending upon if you're a baby on the path of evolution they will give you a mantra vocally in your ear now how that will work I will come back later second they will touch you you won't even come to know thirdly they will have an eye contact and fourth if that happens to you when the guru willingly keeps their feet on you Moksha is coming to you so depending upon the capacity the guru knows what medicine is required that is the reason physical guru's day if I see why I left everything to Shava Shiva Shiva it was good in the beginning but the more you'll evolve you will realize that that Shiva has taken a form to guide you and when that job is done again you will go to the formulas so there are many many ways but these four ways are mentioned and the last one if that happens to you like Swami Vivekananda he kept on it says Guru kept on his feet he was an XTC then he took that away and tell him now get to work the same you're doing work work work work but you have to get back to Santa and how does a guru give a mantra see the guru has done so much sadhna he has become one with that Mantra and Mantra has become so charged he or she giving willingly magic is done for example if I am chanting mantra for 10 years if a guru initiates me an enlightened Guru of course and a very powerful Guru then the 10 years will become six years five years worth because that Guru is guiding you and that becomes you know charged and not charged that is how it works we are just jumping into random territories but going with the flow yeah do you want to see anything about Mom I don't know the most powerful Mantra um is a mantra in the respective uh Petals of the chakras so when you chanted in a flow it removes the fear of death secondly it gives you the power to make this physical body strong and third it directly associate with certain chakras and Petals in the body can't give too much also but so that we keep it in normal language but very very powerful it is said that many people have healed just by chanting the Mantra if you chanted rightly if you don't chant it rightly the effect will be slow you won't get like hundred percent but one thing that I personally realize if you don't believe in God if you don't believe in anything just chant home hmm that's it simple for beginners people are coming to say chanton you we can do an experiment now we have done that um blossoming abused so energy is constantly working no in fact when you do higher sadness and you take the Gyan madra you will literally feel electric impulses in your will the body gets charged this is the room that I chant in there yeah this is you know when we entered and we just looked at and I said this is a Vibe like very charged what what do you pick up it's nice it's such it's growing into you but you're also charging it at the same time one last question before you go what is your ish to live I worship Shivan kaliput because uh of course when you worship Shivan Kali then kalware comes Hanuman also comes they all from the same family but yes without shiv and Kali I'm nothing and when I say Shivan Kali they have a lot of other forms also it has to come because now you have like given me a kick to talk about them yeah yeah so I I earlier earlier I said that we won't do a SQL episode you know there's an entire series of Kali which no one talks about like and then you know Kali has images where you know blood is coming out from a vagina and all people are scared to talk about it but they don't know who Kali is and I think people should know because when you're talking about shiv you should realize that she was nothing without Kali that is the entire essence of Tantra and agoris have given their life to kalis because they know that she will take me to shift and at that point of time when the termination happens at the ground no he knows she it's only pure consciousness so I think Kali has to come I think navratri is coming so she's hurting on my head and telling you or you have to do something about Kali sorry okay okay no yeah I appreciate this yeah this is bhavesh Bhai for you this is amazing I want to share something about he is not only like this on the screen but off also he's very chilled out and he is very very spiritual he is not making it because he becomes famous but I have met him and I personally realized because when I met him for the first time I got jetters so this man is something and I'm very grateful see you in five minutes and see you guys in a few weeks um now that you've reached this point in this episode you know why I had to split the chat into two different episodes that's the nature of this man that's the nature of the depth of his knowledge and that's the nature of his relationship with the deities I'm not going to say too much more all I'll say is that there's no end to this subject of spirituality do check out all our other chats we recently had palgar and Pochi on the show as well if you want the input from the Tibetan Buddhism you're going to enjoy that episode and of course if this is the first time or one of the first few times that you're watching TRS then make sure you check out our series with rajarshi nandi that's also packed with information but for now look out for part two of this deep chat with bhavesh Bhai we'll be back soon foreign [Music]
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 1,162,285
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, bhavesh, spirituality, spiritual lessons, aghoris, aghori, black magic, aghori baba, mayur kalbag aghori, holy men, men of god, holy men of god, dead men, shiva, om namah shivay, hindu, sadhu, sadhus in himalayas, aghori sadhus, aghora, tantra, mantra, meaning behind tattoos, spiritual tattoos
Id: rGUv7hMqo_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 53sec (5033 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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