Rajarshi Nandy Returns - Practical Tantra, Bhairav Worship & Spiritual Romance | TRS 326

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when you are at a very high spiritual State then you find somebody of that state and there will be a certain degree of matching and what you call it for lack of better words a resonance okay things will be more mature things will be fine but the initial stages people when they normally get married at the initial stages of their own spiritual growth at the initial stages are there so you are not perfect at that time you're still on the path right so there is still ego there is still various other factors that will come in and that is going to cause disturbance in the equation so we have this very romantic idea that there is you know this uh this perfect partner very rarely it happens practically very very very rare and some of the greatest yogis if I put it this way and this may sound very dark also some of the greatest yogis had very bad married life do people want things other than just spiritual a lot of people a lot of people have deep the heart is the most peculiar thing in the human being it has all sorts of desires so never listen to what a person says never listens to I'm just saying that that's the truth by the way so to judge a person observe what he is doing that will give you that what is the secret motivation in the heart sometimes people are motivated by desires which they are consciously not aware of ask them why do you want to do sadhana no I want to reach spirituality this that some uh some statements they will put okay and I can sense that his energy is nowhere close to that that mukshata that thing is not there in him give him some sadhna after some days because that energy is not there I'm not going to make this intro very long this is one of the most demanded guests of the year rajashi nandi is back to teach us everything about Shiva and bhairav it's a free-flowing open deep conversation and it's the first of four conversations that we did in the two days that rajashi nandi spent in our studio lots of spiritual knowledge lots of Tantra based knowledge this is rajashi nandi's return on TRS [Music] [Music] I am super excited to have you back rajashi nandi sir how are you I'm good I'm good I know that audiences are also extremely excited for this new series to begin uh the last time you were here we were in the middle of our whole horror year right you know we were doing a lot of horror related content yes uh I don't know whether I did that willingly or whether I did it to feed into the trend of that time but it was what it was things have changed I think audiences want even deeper content in 2023 okay uh I will definitely say that you were one of the guests of the year last time so why do you think why do you think people loved what you were talking about so much over those five episodes we did uh Namaste everybody once again whoever is watching those episodes did have a strong impact I felt it because afterwards right when those episodes were released uh my mailbox was flooded with innumerable emails so that I had to open a new email ID even that got flooded to the extent that I can hardly check three or four meals a day it's all sorts of things I believe this question can be answered at multiple levels one is that of course there's a curiosity about it okay what exactly happens uh perhaps a practitioner speaking about it is a bit different from somebody who's a researcher or somebody who's read books and speaking that one thing but there is another reason I believe which is that uh I speak with my friends often that how did I end up in your show in the first place I had no specific interest to appear there my life is going on as it was even when there was a first Contact from your team I was still in two minds whether to go first of all coming here is a lot of for me it's a bit of a hassle and things like that and then one day I was doing my nithy upasana which I do of the deities I love and worship and uh specifically bhairava as I was doing it there's a certain intuitive communication that happened and they told me that uh basically that you know within some time there's going to be a call that will come from these people and they will give you a date that can we do it on this date which is very important for wherever and you just go there and that was an eye intention I know we didn't even know that it's an important spirituality I know moment the date came first thing I remember I told that give me half an hour half an hour was not to check whether I can go whether I have other engagements and all that half an hours to check that I opened the panchang to check you what is the date exactly and then I saw that that is the bharav jayanti of the year then I thought I remember then I thought no no nothing there's nothing to think when there's a command that comes from the deity you follow it you don't question because your mind is your human being they know it way more I said okay I'm coming and I had no other preconceived ideas why I am coming there what are we going to talk I have nothing no idea in fact to be very honest I was even thinking that uh you know with a name like beer bicep service thinking and what is how is this content going to match with maybe whatever you do so with the complete clean slate and open mind I came here I believe it's some blessing of the forces the devathas the deities I love they have something in plan weird response that's all and so next question for you what is today is interestingly a nationality a fall that was an ashtami last year ashtam is the Titi when loved by bhairava what does that mean when you say that it's an ashtami yeah what does it mean so uh very simply the moon changes its phases this is the krishna-baksha when the moon is you know it's diminishing diminishing diminishing to amadasya and then there is the uh the Shukla bakra which is the the bright Fortnight that happens okay so these form the angular distance between the Sun and the Moon forms the Titi which is one of the elements that is used in jyotisha and also for all religious festivals in the Hindu calendar is based on titis among other things okay now each of these teeth is or the one side you have the purnima which is the full moon and the other side you have the amavasa which is the new moon or no moon night okay in between ashtami is the eighth tithi now most of the date is uh in the Hindu Pantheon within Dharma that we worship today have specific liking for specific titis their energies become more active on those wherever's energy becomes most active on krishna-bakshastami but other ashtam is also his energy is active krishna-baksha is Peak active other and ashtam is also his energy is active ma durga's energy is also activated which is the bright side Moon eight tithi whereas the dark side moons so in general ashtami is when if there is a see if you are not an upasaka it doesn't make a difference if you are an upasaka it's like upasana is like it's like a love affair initial stages it's a one-sided love affair because you are going to please trying to please somebody who's not interested in you for that you have to keep trying and this is not like a human love affair which is for a one day two day three no no you keep trying for lifetimes you've been doing that in past lives you do that naturally that Tendencies are there so wherever you may be born whatever circumstances you're still pulled by Nature back into the path start off as you go deeper the thithis become very important to you it's like this so you think that this is the tithi that the deity I'm worshiping likes so that becomes important for you it's just like a normal if you are if you're trying to woo somebody if you love somebody so you think what does that person like what dress does that person like okay what food does that person like same thing what is the book that I have to give to Baba if I am doing bhairav upasana what is the tithi that he likes so that I do something extra something special maybe I'll fast that day maybe I'll do a little bit more sadhana that day sadhna is contemplation of the deity contemplation of the deity means when you sit in meditation you do a mantra chant or you think about the deity so those are techniques of contemplation but eventually whether you are doing meditation whether you are doing Mantra japa or whether you are doing any other ritual there are more other rituals also possible you are basically trying to connect to the energy of the deity okay and that is in a very ah simplistic language let's say that that is a form these are all forms of bhakti only this is a form of bhakti a devotion a contemplation of the deity uh for that I Can chant mantras of the deity I can meditate on the deity I can draw yantras of the deity okay things that he likes hmm why am I doing this so that eventually he will take notice that is up to him and up to the subjective reality of the sadak yes absolutely subjective reality of the sadak is because uh small digression there is a famous story that's there in the Buddhist laws which says that when Buddha attained to his Nirvana the one of the first things he did was that he bowed down to all the Buddhas who had come before him to all the Buddhas will come after him okay the gist of this story is what the way I look at it is that you are you are never cut out from the past and the present you are a moment in a Continuum of time that is going on you have done things in past many past lives you have been born some things you have done some families some connection to somebody Etc and you have to navigate through that same thing happens with upasana also you have been worshiping a specific devatha in certain past lives and you have reached a certain stage naturally in your next life wherever you may be born your a certain threshold has been crossed means you will feel a natural tendency towards that deity wherever you find even if you were born into a culture that is completely different has no conception of the deed still the moment you see that moment you are in a place of that deity you'll feel that natural connection you will not understand it understanding takes time that is Maya because that is bhagavat is she she does this beautiful job the moment you are born Veil bus you don't remember your past which is very good which is very good imagine you remember your past suppose you had a not you I mean suppose an ex individual had a very bad equation with somebody who becomes his parent in this lifetime so your mind is going to get biased nature is not asking you to work in a biased way nature is giving you certain natural faculties of your emotions your rational judgment things like that use those in a fair manner with a fair sense of justice and Injustice that is Dharma and Dharma and you carry on but if you already know key with this particular friend I am going to have a fight after two years it's going to bias your equation with him nature doesn't want that you cannot with that information you cannot live life normally do you meet new souls in every birth or are you just meeting the same Souls again and again it's a complicated question and as a caveat let me tell you that this is what I'm saying is what I understand of these things because this is not like science key perfect answer is this sure um a lot of the souls uh you will meet our people we have met in past okay so there is a strong abiding connection that will happen but there will also be some whom you may meet very casually okay now whom you meet and whom you do not meet also depends on your spiritual growth this is very important a lot of people who may not be into spirituality they lead life in a their life as a reaction see I get this question very often uh sometimes in emails and I find it always funny so there are people who send males and what is the purpose of my life okay and I find it funny why 99.99 people have no purpose in their life they are reacting to things that they have already done that's all reaction is organic reaction organic means suppose I am sitting going on the road and somebody goes and just you know brushes past me the immediate dictionary immediate organic reactions so your life is a reaction to things that you have done goal and all that comes back if you have been thinking of a specific purpose for multiple lifetimes that I want this I want this I want whatever it could be so you want to become a great musician okay you've been trying for it maybe you're not too good at that that's this lifetime two three lifetimes you've been trying now nature says that okay this lifetime I'm going to give you that okay I will give you the potential for great music I'll give you the circumstances for manifesting it could be that you are a great musician but nobody knows about it your neighbor doesn't know that you're a great position nature certainly says no this lifetime I'm going to take you to a realm where a level of recognition that you have desired and that level of potential both then there is a purpose purpose comes in when you have been doing a specific holding on to a specific aim for few lifetimes at least same goes for sadhana so anyone who achieves greatness in our world has actually wished for that greatness since two or three lifetimes ah yes more or less that is that is a that is a set okay um now we'll go hyper low level and Hyper personal to me not to you okay uh 30 years of my life have passed I assume I'll die at 90 or 100. I'm assuming if I have a good life that means two-thirds of my life are left is the two-thirds which is 60 to 70 years remaining is 60 to 70 years enough to achieve Nirvana or Moksha so you are not an exclusive moment your life of 60 years is not 60 years it is through past lives that is coming if the preparation is there you can get it in one day if the preparation is not there you may not get in 10 lifetimes so let's take this one day example that means maybe you've lived your life like a normal human being until 30 you've earned money you've gone to college you've gotten married and then suddenly your circumstance will come into your life and you'll realize that oh wait now I'm suddenly spiritual you've had people like that on the show as well Dada Shri he just said he was in the train one day um going back from um his college I think he was a doctor resident doctor okay he was going back home and he started getting voices in his head randomly out of the blue never had spiritual incline or anything and those voices led him into like a whole spiritual right these things can happen yes as a function of time yes so maybe you cross age 33 or 34 yes suddenly circumstances can correct absolutely that's how it works yes and this is based on your hard work of your past life everything is based on hard work never in life never ever in life anything good is achieved without hard work okay and that is specifically includes sadhana if you see somebody who has achieved a fantastic amount of spiritual growth suddenly genuine spiritual growth suddenly be sure that he or she must have worked for it in past lives nature is never going to give you something without hard work and that's the one thing I tell people if I'm guiding somebody in sadhana that when you start your spiritual practice initially one thing that happens to people is that if you are a little bit sensitive if you are basic parameters are set so if you do the correct practice initially your graph will go like this so you'll have lot of experiences then suddenly one day will go like this okay that is where the test is and that is where you do not know you keep doing your practice nothing is going to happen and you are keeping going going going like this okay you are wondering that why am I not getting an experience why is this not happening and that can go on for 10 years 15 years 20 years even lifetimes and then suddenly a point will come when everything that you have done is like it's like a damn being held it's not been given to you for certain purposes which you do not have the ability to comprehend also at that time and one day nature will decide okay now I'm going to give him everything that he's done and the very next day sadly is and people wow something miraculous has happened and this guy who was just doing good stuff suddenly he has turned into something different but there is never any good thing without hard work there are no miracles in this it's a process okay ha this podcast is around the Shiva theme but I feel like asking you about something called Prebiotic Earth okay okay which is Earth before biology okay like the earth was formed out of like a a part of the sun I believe you're right I think that's one Theory and the other theory is that it was a coagulation of possible multiple meteorites okay I think it was actually a part of the sun okay which went away from the Sun and then came right to revolving around it right and we are just in a phase of time where there's too many factors that are conducive including our gravity including the fact that some Comet with water hit this rock etc etc at the time of prebiotica there wasn't even fungus there was no biology on this planet we were just hydrocarbons burning what deities on Earth at that time I believe that the deities were there for me very ancient time even perhaps before the formation of Earth okay let me ask you about the birth of deities then okay when did the birth of deities happen did it happen at the Big Bang uh so from a scientific perspective again what I'm telling is more kind of a speculative answer sure so there is the way I look at it being a shakta fundamentally worshiper of Shakti so first there is what we call the ADI Shakti she's um uh when there was nothing okay there is this Veda which says that describes that there is when there was nothing uh absolutely in that time too there was something that you know some something existed which was beyond what you can imagine okay so that condition of uh before the creation of forms there too let's let's just to break it down let's just say that there are two stages one is that when things are formless and when there is a formed okay so this stage when things are completely formless it's a misconception by the way uh among people who believe that the formless is higher than the form I believe that no the formless is not at all higher or Bluer or anything of that sort it's two phases of one energy that's it okay it doesn't make it lesser or more or something like that it's just a human perception so once initial stages there is the uh the ADI Shakti the the ultimate form of energy whom we call the Divine mother okay who's whose origin cannot be found or understood understood found nothing it's like that moment of Singularity you have just to give an example I'm not saying that everything is scientific Dharma is its own way a science in its own way but since we landed in this section of the conversation so it is like that what science defines a singularity or something that which cannot be which you cannot Define as a clear answer so this energy this Divine mother whom we worship as the ADI Shakti heart source is unknown to anybody it's perhaps beyond the mental comprehension so there are three stages three things the mind can complete one is that that which is difficult okay you may say that this task is difficult then there is something that is uh very difficult to achieve but at least in the imagination you can achieve okay keep some weird things say Okay imagination can go anywhere in the imagination I can go to the sun right now okay it doesn't mean I'm physically going so it's very difficult task to achieve but at least the imagination can go and then there is a third stage where the imagination also cannot go it's beyond human imagination it is from that kind of a source that is the ADI Shakti okay from ADI Shakti or in another scheme Para bhairava okay so this thing this great force this this being this and we don't know much about it we we worship that energy it's not even like a being it's not like somebody sitting in a throne and judging no no it's not like that it's it's entirely different and um it reveals itself only to those who have that capacity and go to that state slowly okay little bit from there uh it evolves downward it sends its energy downward into creation and the first stage from there the deities are formed different deities okay the great Gods whom we worship from that ADI Shakti and each of them very interestingly is given its own domain and Independence to function it is not even that there it's it's like this suppose fuel or petrol is used in car so you can use the same Petrol in five different cars each of the cars are independent to go wherever they want to go it is the petrol that is driving all the cars but the cars are independent similarly the gods are independent in their function and their attributes and their domains so there is a certain sense of there's a freedom that is given and yet it is that energy which is driving from there slowly slowly slowly it there is a in in kashmiri shaivism they have this idea that uh the world is created by Shakti okay Shakti of Shiva and is swatantra the word is very interesting it's absolutely independent independent means if you think about it none of us are independent today if you have to just without telling anybody you decide okay I just go and you know with some friends three four days you take a car and your parents will be worried your friends Baki others will be worried so you are not entirely independent nobody in the world is Italian independent do you have Independence is contextual but there is this great force which is absolutely independent okay and from there it decides that it it curtails itself curtails itself and slowly slowly slowly slowly it starts coming down coming down into the material and creates the material world you're talking about God and the creation of ourselves yes and in that creation process first thing that comes is the deities as in this reality is so crazy that we can't even imagine what it is but in order to express itself to our realm it has to simplify itself which means it removes some parts after it removes its true nature it becomes God when it removes more of itself and then tries giving us a vision of itself it expresses itself as deities uh to some degree but let's okay I will not use the word God here because uh lets you I'll use the word divine okay the Divine mother or Divine let's put the word the ultimate ultimate ultimate Divine okay because the God has its own connotations I don't want to go into that complexity that aspect so but basically from there there is the the first term is the deities devathas the great gods or the great divines okay we call it so that is Shiva is there ganpati is there or hanumanji is there or these are the great ones okay each one of them also by the way has the independence to manifest himself as the supreme or herself as a supreme okay so which means that somebody who is worshiping Shiva eventually we'll see Shiva as everything somebody was worshiping uh say Lord Rama he'll see Rama as everything because each one has the ability to manifest also because they're so close to their Ultimate Reality they even their level only we can't imagine forget the ultimate even their level also you cannot imagine and for all purposes they are Eternal because you don't know how long back they came into existence okay and and this is something I tell people tomorrow buy some unfortunate incident if all the the or life on earth goes away the deities will still exist they have been there for a very long time and they will be there till the end of what you call dissolution until a new cycle again starts off from there it the energy comes down comes down into the creation of material Earth and then there is an evolutionary process or whatever happens and then humans come into the scene so humans are like and I in this regards I uh follow SRI orobindo's writings I find him to be a great philosopher so humans are like this this middle creature there's a part in the humans which can go downwards towards the Lesser Realms let's say the darker ramps at the same time there is a part in human switch if correctly channelized can also manifest the gods you mean we can evolve yes even in flesh even in flesh means even in flesh means while you're still alive you can reach the level of God theoretically and not everyone does because nature also has a role to play there you can put in your hard work but then circumstances may not a lot of other things factors play a part and reaching to the realm of level of the God is not at all easy that's why I say that in theory it is possible of course in practice rarely if ever somebody reaches that stage so but um so this is the basic format of creation sort of okay so we for average human beings uh it is very good to worship the devathas the the primary deities Gods we have because each of them are so connected to the source that they can uh if they want specific individual they can take you to that state okay each one of them okay um there's a beautiful bookstore in juhu called granth okay where I go just to relax and I found a section about the occult and it had a lot of good looking books on Tandra I didn't pick up those books because I was drawn to European Tantra which the world calls witchcraft okay I was like what is this because when it comes to Indian actual Tantra I have rajashi nandisa but European Tantra I want to just know what it is and see if I can draw parallels and there are too many battles they have their own versions of yantra they have their own versions of mantras they have their own versions of deities in fact I gave that book to abhiji chawada so who's another All-Star on the show because he was fascinated for the same reason that he has information about the Indian side but not the international side now that book contains not just European lore it contains African lore and South American lore and they have their own list of deities and in Africa there's a bunch of deities um in Europe there are all these archangels Archangel Michael Archangel Christopher Etc when we are talking about Shiva Rama hanumanji they are devtas correct they're almost next to God and then there's possibly a slightly I don't want to call it lower but maybe not as evolved as these beings uh there are some kind of beings okay would you put Gilgamesh and all these other foreign deities in that bracket uh first of all I can't comment on a specific deity without reading much about it about the deity or you know the Tendencies of the deity if I read but it is uh my strong belief uh that many of the Great Gods whom we worship in those worship so in a sense Hinduism Dharma is one of the last of the classical religions what I mean by classical religion is what used to be there in ancient Egypt ancient Greece and other things where there were multiple deities and there were there are certain parallels in the way worship used to happen there or not Etc though it is almost dead now for all practical purposes but we are still alive and there's culture is there and there is a living presence of the Gods Among Us so we worship them not just as a dead religion but as something that comes and people experience and we still have saints being born of different deities and all that I do believe that some of the some of them have appeared in other cultures also but with the condition that they come or they manifest their power in that culture with certain modifications based on the Desh kalpatra the time in the context of that culture for example Tibetan Buddhism you have a look at the ishwar yes um I forgot the name that palgar and poche took but he explained a Tibetan version of Shiva as well okay where they believe that that deity resides on Mount kailash okay and that's why I want to take this conversation as well because we've not brought it up on the show in a very long time and we used to talk about Mount kailash a lot I actually don't know the geopolitical angle right on Mount kailash I believe you're not allowed to go there yeah as a tourist anymore and all no also uh What uh kailash is one of the Peaks where you cannot climb to the top because all the religions which consider kailash is divine so it's the standard belief that you are not to climb to the top so there's no mountaineering also allowed in killer so you can climb the Everest which is a taller Peak kailash no there's only a limit till which you can go and then you can do circumculation production and all that what do you think is actually up there what will you be able to physically see shivji because this is the Abode of shivji and parathima so what is what do you mean by physically seeing a devatha you tell me like do you see a man wearing a leopard skin with a co-brown around his neck meditating a deity is fundamentally without a specific form it's an energy it has no physical presence okay okay so like you and me we have a physical solid presence so devatha is not something that has a physical solid presence it can manifest itself as physical solid presence it has lot of different abilities that is why we worship devadas in the first place but they do not fundamentally have a physical presence they don't like to come into the physical plane because it curtails their powers it curtails their freedom okay one thing the other thing is that the image that you have over devata for us for example like Lord Shiva Etc and this becomes very important this image is also inspired by the deities on to the minds of the rishis and the great Masters you mean the rishis and the great Masters drew it out artistically whether they drew it out or they reflected in their mental eye okay this is how Shiva is to be but with Shiva there are so many versions of Shiva do you know that when we um so when we uh there's a belief for example that the Shiva that we kind of worship is the one who resides in kailash okay here's the one then there is one Shiva that is even beyond that is parashiva just like I was saying that being can also be parashiva parashiva is beyond forms Beyond any conception okay and almost nobody can worship let's just put it this way that which you cannot even imagine how are the how the hell are you going to worship you have no idea what it is okay it doesn't even demand your worship by the way that is the interesting thing what is it up to nothing in its own Delight it's just in a format of ecstasy for lack of better words because we can't describe in words what it's up to from there we have the Shiva who is in kailash okay Lord Shiva whom we worship so he is the scriptures mentioned that he is one of the ones who call the srikanta udra okay he's won the forms of rudra so so in for example as I was just now mentioning in kashmiri Shiva philosophy they believe that one form of Lord Shiva appeared which is the swachandana they call him he had 18 arms and uh certain manifestations and certain figures he came and he gave the shaivatantra to the world it's it's like the philosophical path of worshiping Shiva uh which can benefit the world okay and then this knowledge was also lost for some time then again in kailash srikanta rudra came he called Rishi durvasa one day and he told him that I am giving you this knowledge you disseminate this knowledge into the world of men so that it benefits them so from there multiple lineages of Shiva came out okay so there was three primary philosophical manifestations of Shiva came out which is that one is the they call the Shiva siddhanta which is today popular in South India where it's a dualistic worship okay so dualistic means there is the devatha you worship and you are here there is always a difference between the two Okay so that is dualistic then there is the um these these were given through the agamas agamas are sastras texts which have come agama means something that has come earlier okay so 92 agamas were given of these uh they were Shiva agamas they were rudragamas how to worship rudra so equation with rudra has to be partially monistic partially dualistic which means it's very interesting which means that there's a duality you are not him but there is some connection also there is at one point you are also like him okay this is called as partially dualistic partially monistic and then the third set of agamas which is bhairavagamas Shiva in his form as bhairava he is monistic monastic means eventually you will become the state what is called You Are bhairava eventually not on day one eventually at the highest stage let me just say no one spoken about this concept of Shiva with so much depth on the show ever and that's why I was looking forward to this conversation um okay basically three forms no there are more forms of Shiva I am just giving the large format of it okay you also kind of explaining how to evolve yourself as a human yes to absorb it you're explaining it from that person and also to tie it back to the previous point from where this came out this stream of conversation so each of these forms has its own depiction has a particular form okay he is terrifying Shiva is Shanta he's very calm and there is the format which is worshiped in South India and a lot of places where Shiva is there Parvati is there two children are this family man okay very happy family when sitting down you are worshiping just bhairava is just the opposite sort of the ferocity is there he holds the trishula is like somebody who's in a very it's in a terrifying form okay the word bhairava itself has various meanings one of the meanings is that he's a little terrifying okay because this is a very high level conversation again I'm going to bring it down to a low level and I've noticed over the course of doing the podcast that the easiest way for people to understand this is personal experience and I'm Shameless I'll reveal these secrets about my life okay let's talk about the first time we met okay it was I didn't know it uh we didn't plan it like right it wasn't just a blockbuster series of podcasts but it was a major shift in my own spiritual journey okay apparently I want to take you to a podcast I did in the Hindi show right with Sanjay jumani Sanjay bijamani was a numerologist and he has a habit of when he's chilling with you he will notice your the number of your uh office your address he will see the ranveer show and then calculate the number one numerology and give you a suggestion so he said that the ranveer show adds up to number seven which is a psychic number but he's like if you want Mega recognition and material success then change it to something he gave me a suggestion an apartment didn't want that because I like it being in a bit of a psychic realm and maybe we don't we do get a lot of viewers but maybe we're not where we could be in terms of Maximum views and I'm okay for just the two million two and a half million people to benefit so I know that that episode wasn't just important for me or those episodes weren't just important for me they were important for all the viewers you shifted something in at least the culture of TRS and I'm hoping like you created a small Ripple in Indian culture as well from whatever I've learned from you this is the will of the deities yeah yeah right the deities are acting through you yeah what is happening in the world of the deities that's one part of the question now to bring it to a low level I'm going to talk about how you introduce me to kalber of a year before I met you I'd gone to the carbon of Temple in Banaras for things that shifted for me and when I met you you actually introduced me to something called yes am I allowed to say the Mantra no there is a word in that Mantra which goes what does that even mean what is what are the bhairavs because what I have seen shift in my life after I've started this mantra is a deep Affinity towards Shiva I've had dreams related to it I have had very intense experiences in my meditation related to Sure uh and everything in my material life is moving too fast uh be it new people coming in material opportunities growth uh everything you can think of from a material perspective has just become extremely speedy uh and at the same time I'm partially overwhelmed and I partially feel very capable and brave to be able to deal with the speed this wasn't the earlier like my whole 20s I dealt with so much self-doubt that self-doubt has just gotten erased to the degree where you can't even see you know the marks of it that's the personal level input what have you made me do sir no I I I did nothing whatever thoughts came I told you you did the sadhana and you saw the results why is Dharma called sanatan sanathan means Eternal that is because what was done thousands of years ago the practice is if you do it today still you will get results and if 10 000 years later people do it still they'll get results it is not a individual's property I didn't invent anything I am just an ordinary person going about my lives ended up in your show that's about it it's the deities who do things be very clear that also keeps your ego on the check the moment you start believing that I can do anything somebody upstairs will start laughing okay they'll just pull the rug from under your feet and all Mirage and all that to whatever you know will start falling even even such an emotional and mental thing like self-doubt which is so deep rooted can be erased by the deities yeah so let's talk about bhairav Baba he's one of my favorite Gods okay he is one of my favorite deities because the first time I ever chanted a mantra was of him when I did not even know who is one of my first gurus gave me the mantra and uh I had not the faintest idea who is better what is better are you talking about no one form of beriff okay she had given me the Mantra and he said that Japan okay it was like an upadition at that time so I had no I was more of the atheist kinds had no interest no idea nothing of that sort I kept doing kept doing I remember for months I kept doing nothing happened then one day I called him uh key uh nothing is happening he is he's very elevated he's obviously much more here than and so he said that to one thing uh do it in a more concentrated manner as a sunkulper sankalpa means you take some water or some rice grains Etc and then you make a promise to the deity that so many days I'll do this Mantra XYZ and I took a very simple nothing I'll just say that so many days I'll do that with certain rules rules mean same time I'll say it uh certain food habits changes I made at that time and all that and I remember that time as a bachelor so as it happens with Bachelors you know weekends means that you go out to drink with friends that's all that's all there is in life nothing else is there seven days five days a week you work and Saturday Sunday is like the end of the world okay so now I'm being very Frank how I remember so I at 10 30 10 o'clock at night I used to sit with that Mantra and used to take me one and half 11 30. so even I remember one one of my friends asked me we are going out would you come with me I said you go you guys go welcome I'll catch up with you okay so I finished that I didn't have any expectations with it I just thought that let me try it but by the 40th Day uh and I've spoken of this before also so what if they remember in I was in Bangalore I was having a cup of coffee and then I was uh when I see nine Cars one after the other coming with the name bhairava and I was very stunned because I've never seen this before and first one two I thought it's coincidence when so many of them came then this is like you can't ignore it that type of thing but my mind was still skeptical after that I had a vision of a presence in my room wherever so anyway that's how the my journey with bhairava started Etc um wherever the word actually means there are two different interpretations of it one is that it means terrifying okay the other is that but terrifying to whom why are you terrified of bhairava because he is like that Force which is absolutely naked there are no conditionings he has not put up any makeup he's not done in digambara the word that is used was Sky clad which means they're naked it's basically somebody who's unconditioned truth if anything that I've realized in my sadhana Baba is that he loves truth and he prepares and the truth is the only thing that we are scared of everybody in the world is scared of truth because somehow the other the Mind tries to modify it according to your circumstances now this is what I like and that and I'm talking not just about your political affiliations or which football team you like now even in personal life that's for everybody we lie to ourselves before we lie to the world I had a bad breakup after I began better for personal out of the blue he takes you face to face with certain truths which your mind may or may not be able to or which perhaps your mind is pushing to the background okay uh his Vidya the thing with his with this so a lot of people say that bhairava is somebody who protects yes he protects but he makes you Fearless yes how do you become Fearless by facing your fears nobody in the world can become Fearless by running away from fears Eve is the one who will say key it's like the military training I'll put you right there yeah yeah yeah yeah fed this worst case scenarios happened and then there wasn't the fit after that though after a point you don't care yeah you become very emotionally blunted yeah like I think I'm a little too emotionally blunted now like uh where I've almost become I don't even know what to call it but I feel a lot of ferociousness in myself now I don't know how I feel about that but I'm just flowing with it as a will of so that creates these are changes certain changes that bhairava can create an individual uh there is a very beautiful uh writing I was reading couple of months ago so some of the great Masters and when we talk of wherever it is important to mention that the maximum amount of upasana's writings and wherever came from kashmiri Shiva Masters okay one of them defines it very beautifully uh when you are scared of the world when you're scared of Maya okay because the the world is a Maya and you yourself have a Maya Maya is your attachment okay anything that you have attached yourself to is going to cause you something that's the dictum of the world and not just for you that happened to the great Masters that happens to you me that will happen to people later on also whatever you have attached yourself to yeah the one you love anything even your phone there's a specific beautiful story that is coming to mind but I'll just hold it after I complete this section of the year uh so eventually they used to say that when you are tired of Maya tired of this cycle of you know summer and winter and rains and all this next time again there is a sadness same again there is happiness again there is sadness this seasons are going on you're scared of Maya and when you're scared of man there is a shout from within this is a visceral guttural cry for help that comes out from this what is one who is eager for Spiritual progress but he doesn't know anything so there is a from from within there is a cry that comes out responds he says that I'll take you to a state where this detach this Mayas will go away I'll show you the reality as it is very fast that depends fast or slow will depend on the person's Puro samskara if you have done something with bhairav Baba in past lives very fast you will come before I forget I'll tell you that story sure it's very interesting uh there was this great Yogi um a lot of people know of him you might have heard him one of the nathi yogis like an immortal yogis an amsa of Shiva they say okay he was like a part of deities can send their answers means a portion of the energy into the human form okay and those people become great Saints of great yogis and guide a lot of people like that etcetera so once gorakshanath he was going long back many centuries ago he was going to the city of ujjain okay and the king of that place he was a great scholar and things like that he written fantastic texts and he had a lot of uh as it used to happen with Kings a lot of women and many wives and things like that okay so I'm telling you the overall rough story little bit so that the gist of the idea comes across so one of his favorite Queens dies okay some incidents happen in days and he's terribly sad terribly sad means he's like oh camera life is done there's nothing has to do I mean this is the only woman I loved and she was the love of my life and etc etc like this so gorakshanath sees this and various other purposes so it's made up so he takes the Commando and he breaks it in the ground okay and then he starts crying exactly like the king it's gone it's like oh my God I was this is the thing I wanted and the King got very pissed off and he said that what are you doing you're you think that uh you know uh that thing you are trying to mimic me and mock me and all that say no no I actually that that's the only thing I possession I have and I love it so deeply he said that and then the king gets even more pissed off so I am crying because my wife is gone okay it's a human being and you are mocking me because of this command so gorakshana then tells him that uh oh I am are you sure you really loved your wife the deeply but I also loved my you you may have loved your wife but I love my commando for me this is the most important thing in life so by now the king is like really pissed and Kings when they get very angry they can you know they can kill you also kill this person something like that they can do whimsical so but goraksha tells him that okay if you really loved your wife I'll put you to a test so goraksha had many occult abilities okay yeah so what he does is that he creates 25 women looking exactly like his wife and tells him that find out which is your wife if you can tell me this is my wife of these 25 he had the ability to create these things he was a he was an immortal Yogi he was not not ordinary person he was among the navanath nine Nath yogis who are Immortal sort of okay um and the king is like stunned 25 women exactly same looking talking a same mannerism of speaking sitting talking Etc and he he is like Clueless Okay what is happening and then suddenly in his mind there is this brain wave like Epiphany that happens okay and he falls at the feet of goraksha and he says that you teach me what is the reality of the world okay and then goraksha gives him sannyas diksha and he leaves his kingdom and he becomes a Nath Yogi himself and then he writes Beautiful compositions on virage he becomes a great detachment you detach yourself from the material world she will get Bliss of the spiritual World button almost no one can have both of these together if you are in the material you will pass through Pleasure and Pain now this now that etcetera but this story I find very interesting and I find very beautiful because it demonstrates actually for us that you create by by your existence you create a Maya around you through your attachment and that is normal for all people but also your true spiritual growth will start when from deep within your field that may both there's a cry that will come out in his case it happened because he created because of the power of the yogi from our case others also for that matter when there is a deep down there's a there is a there is a not resentment but more like you are tired of the world both everything see the same theme you will find in the first chapter of the Gita is in a state of depression he's confused that these are my relatives at the moment is confused these are my relatives okay he doesn't know so it creates a dilemma in the mind you are tired you don't know what the hell it is and then you look for somebody who's more intelligent and wiser and more capable he was tell me what it is and then there is the whole Gita that flows okay and after the details you know you still fight because this is destined this is Dharma you cannot escape from Dharma but you fight with a degree of detachment at this is the Crux of all spiritual practices at the end of the day even if you read yoga vashishta which is one of the most beautiful texts it has it starts off this way that Lord Rama is having conversation with Rishi vashishta and vashishta is explaining why Guru but Rama starts off this way that I have seen all the women I've seen all the wealth I've seen everything I have no attachment to what is I am tired of all this what is what is beyond this and then he goes into a deep conversation and discussion on the spiritual aspects everything is there at one point when the soul becomes tired of Maya then this as I was mentioning this cry comes out and it may not be a loud thing it's not something that's audible also something that you know there is this desire from within what what I've seen all this is it all that there is to the universe is there something Beyond this and that has been very response he says that okay I'll show you what is beyond this but to go to class 10 you have to leave class 9 you cannot keep attending the class 9 and cluster and still go to class foreign painful and I'm looking for another word but the only word I can think of is pain yeah uh what I find painful is how individualistic or spiritual journey eventually actually is especially in this Society where we are taught about love we talk about shiv Shakti even spirituality teaches us about love but at the end of the day it's all alone and it's your own self-discipline and it's your own Lonesome Journey that'll actually take you to the happiness that you're looking for in love in material Pleasures in Career Success any happiness that you're actually chasing any life goal you're actually chasing is actually your Soul's cry for chasing that individual spiritual journey which is going to be alone even if you're married most likely most likely you mean it can be with other people no so what I've been is that there is a possibility and it's very rare there might be few individuals who may find a partner who is of the same wavelength in spirituality and they both may grow together but it is very difficult and it's circumstantial I guess very rare I have because in Norm see this is the thing in normal life when you are dealing when you are at a very high spiritual State then you find somebody of that state and there will be a certain degree of matching and what you call it for lack of better words uh resonance okay things will be more mature things will be fine but the initial stages people when they normally get married at the initial stages of their own spiritual growth at the initial stages are there so you are not perfect at that time you're still on the path right so there is still ego there is still various other factors that will come in and that is going to cause disturbance in the equation so we have this very romantic idea that there is you know this uh this perfect partner very rarely it happens practically very very very rare and some of the greatest yogis if I put it this way and this may sound very dark also some of the greatest yogis had very bad married life that's what's painful same pain and it was important in their Destiny to go through that pain of a bad married life unless you are tired of the world how the hell are you going to go beyond the world so you your God or Your Divine will force you through pain until that cry is created everyone who's listening to this is going to face horrible pain some pain somewhere in the life is going to come there is I have never seen anybody being able to actually grow without pain it's like they say no the gold uh there's that English saying uh fire tests gold as Calamity tests strong men [Music] men or women whatever but until you pass through the fire you are not made your mind and body is and that is a good reason for this by the way the reason is that when you go to the higher ranges of spirituality the arranges that you will deal with your mind and body must have the capability to handle it otherwise it will damage you and that requires at the emotional level at the psychological level a certain degree of Detachment from life which is exactly why again very low level statement I'm gradually beginning to Value friendship more than I value Romance and I think in the long term that's the only way you can make up for the individualism that a spiritual journey brings because the one theme that keeps coming up in shastra is yes yes who are your Bros oh yes and my Bros I don't just mean guys women around you what is your tribe are they also on that similar Journey yes it makes a huge difference and I feel a lack of it in versova when I used to live in Wadala my wife says ashram was nearby there was a lot of mandars nearby here all my Bros are actors and writers and media professionals who are doing great but they don't craves a spiritual journey the way folks in madala did no absolutely true and it is very important at the initial stages to have some degree of community a group of friends or something like that I myself had that I still have it a group of friends so with whom you can actually discuss some bit of this key word how sadhana going on how things like that Etc and more or less those people whom I sort of guide in spiritual practice eventually I tie them into one uh sort of a group basically and together we do sadness also sometimes okay on specific titis will do this specificities will do that it helps in the initial stages a lot that is the only true joy that God has sent you here with that there will be people who love to struggle with you you're not alone exactly and there are people who will discuss which I have been doing for so long I don't get an experience Etc then there'll be somebody it's who will console you it's okay you when the time comes you'll get experience but at least when you see 10 other people doing with you it gives you certain motivation to continue and that is very important if you're lucky you will find your wife or husband maybe if you're very very very very very very very very very very lucky maybe I'll tell you this story that a billionaire actually told me so he he was a he's born into a hyper Rich family like I'll try hni and um he has his own spiritual journey which he is on he's not found all the answers yet but he's a researcher you know that's his core he goes to the Himalayas a lot himself and this is a real kind of famous person um what's the strangest thing you've seen and he said I've seen a lot of strange things uh he gave me two stories which stayed with me the first story was about the lake where the pandavas eventually descended I forgot the name of it you know the last story of the panda was where they are on their way to way to Swagger yeah and they're walking and there's a dog with them yeah um um he said that they reached the physical location of that Lake and I can't remember what the lake is and it's killing me right now but we'll put probably put it in the video podcast uh at night once they meditated from the from the center of the lake from the center of the lake they saw a cobra come out just do like a strange mysterious dance and go back into the lake didn't understand what it was he said that the people in his group also saw it and as he was telling me this story I was able to visualize exactly what he saw maybe that's the joy of being a podcaster then I'm able to do this to other people's voice and thoughts uh but it stayed with me as it's staying with the viewers or listening to it right now the Second Story and of course I'm going to ask you the meaning of both these things or at least what you understand from it the second story was even stranger it was a slightly darker visual he said that on one of his tracks which was beyond the lake they were a very isolated part of the Himalayas uh they were trekking to another spiritual location which is ahead of this Lake at night he had woken up to go to the toilet and it's snow clad Mountains they're already in the middle of a lot of snow so he said that basically when he went outside his dent to relieve himself in the distance maybe like two three kilometers away he saw a group of men maybe three or four men I believe he said it's three or four walk towards the same spiritual location that they were going to but he felt like those three or four men who were on their way looked like they were 10 feet tall that just made me think about all the mysteries of the Himalayas hold because I know for a fact that there are many evolved humans and evolved beings that already live in the Himalayas and many of them are also in physical form but they are just so isolated from society and they're just living such Secret Lives that we don't even know correct I asked him what do you think those 10 feet tall men were he said I don't know but I've had enough spiritual experiences to differentiate positive energy from negative energy and this wasn't positive energy he said that he did feel creeped out now I want to ask you about both these incidents so the first thing is that uh snakes are very very important and Powerful um symbolisms as well as their physical presence specially specifically at a certain level of spirituality if you attain okay so it is not a coincidence that Shiva has a snake around his neck Vishnu lies on a snake if you see the image of goddesses matara she has snakes as girdles of snake Okay can you use the the sacred threat that brahmins were so he wears a genuine made of snake okay uh they are for lack of better words at not all snakes so just because you see a physical snake does not necessarily mean that it is okay before that there's there's another so know it love it so this is uh what I'm describing to you is something that was told to me by somebody who's one of the most powerful sex I know of and this is true 100 whether you believe it or not doesn't make a difference to me I know it is true I'm just describing to you so he is uh he sees somebody who's been bitten by a snake uh this gentleman see somebody who's bitten by a snake and what he does is that very interesting with a certain kind of Mantra and a certain herb he first draw the circle around that individual with the Mantra and that herb he touches that individual has been bitten by the snake Okay it's a small girl actually little girl honestly and he does a recitation of certain chance okay of Devi after some time uh that girl starts speaking in the voice of a an adult man okay and he is not alone but there are other people around in the room by the way when this is happening okay everybody is stunned except him everybody is done and then he asks that that girl or whatever is inside that girl and asks him that why are you here what have you done okay and that voice tells him that um I am one of their ancestors who's in a bad shape and I bit this girl because there are certain rituals that were not being performed for the ancestors whose ancestors the families the same girls the girls family it was one of the girls ancestors yes who had taken the form of a snake yes and better now yes okay and then this gentleman says okay uh we will do whatever has to be done so that your your whatever troubles you are in is finally uh removed and Etc and then suddenly he prescribed certain rituals and eventually after some time the girl becomes all night okay uh this may sound like a completely fantastic thing but this is I know this is real because there are things I've seen and experienced and the gentleman was telling me I know him very well to know that he's he's capable of all these things okay so uh snakes have a very peculiar kind of uh every every animal every entity in the world has its own Shakti snakes have a peculation which is much more powerful and superlative than just about everything else okay breathing else syndromes in terms of whether it's human being whether it's another animal whether it's this that Etc and among these what we call snakes there is so there are two terms that are used in the Sanskrit that is called the nagas and the circus okay so nagas are kind of a specific kind of beings which were there and so you will see that even in the Mahabharata when parikshita is bitten by a snake actually and the seven day when he hears the bhagavatam and all that and then there is a yagya that is done as a Revenge to kill all snakes so basically there is we see even in the scriptures that there is an engagement of snakes with humans at a level which is not there at this moment we consider it to be just as a reptile moving around but they were capable of certain powers and certain abilities at one point okay snakes what we call or nagas Etc nagas are those type of snakes specifically which had developed some let's say for lack of bitter words we have some specific occult Powers which is much more superlative than uh just about anybody in fact we believe that patanjali who gave us the yoga sutras he himself or lakshmana isna who comes with Vishnu okay so there is cultural memory says that there are snake-like beings or snakes who have exceptional Powers now these beings get attracted to those who have a serious amount of spiritual energy Lord Vishnu he lies on a snake Shiva there's a snake around him okay and these gods devathas they are so powerful they have the like here snakes around in his body even the most poisonous snake will become in their presence but if you ever have an encounter with a snake uh uh anyway because I'm speaking and there are things in the head that there's a filter of what can be spoken of in public and what should not be so that type of and this isn't just public this is I know and this is going to say that I have seen the effect from the last time so that's why I'm more cautious so anyway fundamentally this is there so if you see suddenly that there is a snake I am assuming that this if this has happened a snake comes out of the lake so you can be certain that there's a very strong there is a being or an entity with a tremendous amount of spiritual power exceptional amount of power it's not even I'm not even talking about Saints something that's beyond sin something of the realm of God something like that okay uh even a smaller deity also their snakes will come in fact one of these stories I'd heard from one of my gurus he was doing a he was with his uh his Guru as many years ago and they were doing a ritual of the Goddess specifically and in between his and my Guru was then youngster okay he was younger so guru's Guru he tells him that um you know [Music] sit down there's a Homa that is happening and you will see a snake coming okay don't get up don't get scared don't get scared it'll do nothing so after some time he sees that there's a snake kind of Cobra that is coming and that area where the Huma was happening it's very isolated I've been there okay it's it's a it's it's a cremation ground actually okay so that snake comes from there and there's a fire that's burning normally wild animals will never approach a fire that's the beauty of fire That's The Power of Fire by the way wild animals if you if you are in the forest you know nothing first thing you do is light a fire light a fire means nothing is going to come close to you and beauty of thing is that it has a certain Democratic power you may you need not be a six-fit uh gym going hunk you could be just a 12 year old girl sitting with a fire is going to come close to you they have an organic fear of Fire especially wild animals okay so the snake suddenly comes in from there and starts doing what we call pradakshina round of the fire two three times it doesn't then it goes away okay and his Guru was sitting his Guru says that this is like as if he's speaking to the snake Okay stealing so there are rituals by the way uh and you know the intensity of the ritual the Shakti that is being produced why did the snake come because there's a there's a in the Homa is done Homa is what basically you are worshiping a certain deity in the fire okay so it was a form of one of a particular mahavida in the fire okay so the day this presence was there automatically it will draw that element there that snake which was there it could be a beam in the form of a snake it will come there and that is its way of showing its reverence and there are rituals by the way in Tantra in Practical Tantra one is that this one is the theoretical thing in Practical Tantra there are rituals where you know the ritual success or failure the amount of energy Shakti that is being generated in the ritual by looking at the circumstantial elements how animals are behaving around that because animals do not lie humans can lie you can pretend an animal doesn't pretend it organically behaves spontaneously it'll behave it senses that there is something and will be a whether it's a dog whether it's a snake with a certain kinds of birds and in some extreme cases even Wildlife for example leopards and all that let's talk about nagas yeah I don't know whether it was you or someone else on the show who said that the ancient nagas that we speak about the ones that be met when he went to the bottom of that Lake and the ones that are mentioned in uh all the puranas ETC uh were a part of India I think Praveen Mohan was on the show and he said that there are villages in South India where The Villages built on the side of a hillock and on the top of that little Hill there were these tiny ancient Hartmann's built and the local villagers believed that those Huts were actually the home to nagas who were just smaller human beings right something like pygmies but they look like reptilian beings someone else told me that they were the ancestors of the modern day snakes we see around someone else has told me that they are actually still there but they're just hidden nagas have gone to very hidden parts of the earth they're still inhabiting someone else said they went back to the planet that they came from I don't even know what the truth is so I'd like to actually talk about both modern day snakes and their power and nagas and the reason I ask about modern day snakes is because human beings often think that we're the most evolved and most intelligent creatures because we've discovered science but what if we've not discovered what we even don't know that we've not discovered and the gauge of intelligence is not necessarily scientific achievement maybe there are the formats of science which other animals know about like whales or snakes or dolphins or dogs why is intelligence only related to technology and science so let's break down nagas as well as modern day snakes so nagas I cannot say with full conviction that what exactly happened to nagas but more or less yes they were very powerful reptilian beings snakes you can call them and as I mentioned they do have a lot of occult power and local abilities they had and they are very powerful to the extent that they can manifest the various they could at least we have texts that mentioned that they could manifest various cities that see these are the special uh you know powers for lack of better words that can come to an individual or a yogi who goes to a very high level those they could manifest plus they would often they get naturally drawn towards beings who have greater power than themselves that is why even Buddha by the way the Buddhist texts mentioned that when he was meditating uh there was a Naga that came and gave him shelter okay Shiva has a Naga around him Vishnu has sleeps on a snake Devi has lot of matara's iconography will have snakes you know tied to her anklets or snakes her ears are various things okay so nagas are basically let's look at this way people look you can think of them as uh creatures who had lot of evolved spiritual knowledge uh one specific certain specific techniques of spirituality spirituality is not just a simple uh one-way track it is like there are it's like a tree the bhagavad-gita describes spirituality as an inverted tree okay so it's a tree with multiple branches it is not at all a once you know one track thing it depends why is it there because there are going to be different types of individuals these are all parts so certain specific types of spiritual progress spiritual paths the nagas at Absolute Mastery of from the nagas we have the yoga sutras the patanjalis you know patanjali himself was a Naga it's believed to be uh and uh some of the uh the techniques of yoga come from them to us it's like they brought this knowledge to the world what they I feel when I study these things that what they gave is very exclusive and not fit for uh living just not just yoga there are other aspects of them their knowledge is not fit for the average common human being because human beings are not yet that evolved to take that kind of a knowledge or execute them maybe one or two individuals at some places may have done that but others do not have the capacity for it their techniques are very intense sometimes it is possible for an individual to have a Naga as a benefactor also by the way many factor means somebody who protects you it can happen through a ritual it can happen automatically also this is exactly what the Naga is doing when he is coming and you know putting up his hood in front of Buddha who's meditating for so many days because there is a higher level spiritual power that is there so it automatically comes as a protector the same thing is happening in another format when there is a it's not a Naga but from that the current day snakes that we have they have some kind of a link okay so when the ritual is going on or any ritual is going on the snake comes and it does a production and it moves around without harming anybody that's very important and here is the catch if you get scared of it that automatically indicates that you do not have the spiritual Power To Be steady and calm in the presence of that entity or being or or that's Naga or snake Etc then it is either not going to come to you or it is going to react to you okay so that is what nagasa it even today Naga worship by the way happens in in Kerala there are temples of nagas and in the same context there are certain doshas in horoscopes in in jataka's that are there in jyotisha certain doshas which are called ASA okay which if present in individual is going to cause you a lot of friction in life lot of badass sometimes difficulty in conceiving children getting married happiness various things okay so when those are there it's a standard dictum to get uh specific rituals and puja's done in specific shetras in order to calm them down so nagas are at one point their engagement with all civilization was Far deeper now whether nagas went back to their realm I personally feel and I am just speculating because I have no direct knowledge of this I personally feel that no there are still nagas but they are more hidden in their own domains and they will not appear to you until you have achieved a certain degree of proficiency there's a interesting anecdote story that comes in and I read it in those writings once he was meditating I think he or the mother who was a spiritual concert I think she was meditating on and this meditating on the problem then why is there poverty and then he goes to a certain realm okay and I'm just telling it as it is written okay uh goes to certain realm and then sees that there's a huge amount of wealth kept in the realm and they ask uh but there are nagas two or three nagas were guarding that wealth okay and then they ask them that why is not this release to the world because there is people who suffer from Etc and they say that there's a price for this there are certain base human instincts until you overcome them this will not come to you which means the poverty is always going to exist and he writes that down uh any other person would have told me this I would have percept perhaps thought that it's his imagination or something but sure when there was a very evolved Yogi okay he is he's not the kinds of the mother that to make up something like that but that also uh ties with some other colloquial stories that in local languages in local different parts of India we have which mentions that Naga sometimes guard wealths and very rare Treasures it could be a physical treasure wealth means there are different categories of wealth in the world one is the money money is the easiest form of wealth but there are precious gems there are some kind of hidden stones or things like that so they may guard those wealth so that it doesn't fall into the hands of undeserving or something like that see snakes have this thing snakes there are two types one is the evolved snakes and then there are the lower category of snakes which are um also which are not particularly favored by the way for example we have this we get from the texts the story that Rishi kaship had two wives and from one the gods were born devathas were born and from one the lower beings were born so one of them had children uh who were snakes so one of the things normal snake has is that there is snake has jealousy jealousy means no no no let's let's take it as a symbolism I'm not saying that in a specific that a snake has jealousy no the snake symbolizes at the lower realm that clinging to something why is that person getting it that sense is symbolized by snake I'm not saying that actually snake has that feeling of Love or jealousy but snakes presence ordinary snakes presence can indicate that the negative sense jealousy and this is exactly the doshas that reflect into the horoscope when there are nagasa Etc and many other things it it causes problems of as I was saying whether somebody is not able to get married or not happy or things like that and there's no amount of uh upasana of normal deities who are going to cure you of that because it is because you have done some karmas in past with respect to snakes or something and often it happens that if you kill snakes it can manifest more strongly not if not in this lifetime than another left I have a small story I want to share which I have not said on the show and I actually feel very bad talking about this but I'm still going to talk about it um my building like the building I grew up in the family's building uh and my neighbors building had a net in the middle like a metallic I and when I was 16 one day I just heard a lot of shouting happening in the compound so I went down and softened my balcony try to figure out what's happening I could see something is stuck in that jalian you know where the story is going it was a gray colored snake okay and my Watchman was also freaking out uh and he was a calm Guy usually you know he was a gardener he and he was very in sync with nature but I saw him freaking out for the first time I saw people collecting around these two buildings and this one gentleman came and caught the snake with a stick and I was excited so I went down to see what's happening but I'm just a 16 year old observing this right first of all I felt damn we are done in 16 years I'd never even seen a snake in my life was the first snake I saw I'm curious to see what he's doing with the stick he kind of wrapped it around the stick wrapped it poured kerosene and burned the snake in front of everyone it's terrible and I remember how that snake was wincing when it was being burned and I knew that some dark energy was surrounding everyone was viewing that snake Bond including myself but I was 16. wasn't even confident enough to have a conversation with a stranger I didn't know what to do do you think me being a part of that snake being burnt had an effect uh that would be a minor effect in the sense because you empathize with the which is normal with that creature and uh but the individual who does it will definitely uh specifically uh harming snakes is more or less problematic if not right then definitely you'll have to have some strong repercussions see see this is the interesting thing we say generally that harming anything is bad but it depends on what exactly it is which means every entity every being every living or animate thing has its own Shakti the Shakti that a snake has is very different from more or less every other animal harming snakes specifically snakes that have poison is an invitation for troubles and if there are certain combinations in the horoscope they triggered those combinations immediately after that life is going to go for a toss all things that you go will have repercussions in their way so snakes are sort of it's not that you see snakes are very individualistic creatures by the way the other thing is that it's not to be something you they're not in the sense that they're not friends snake is not a dog by the way a dog is very friendly can be very friendly I'm sick even cats perhaps okay I don't have any yeah with cats but I'm just saying um and dog being is even more interesting but snakes are not your friends they don't like they're like super introverts it's not like I have a pet snake and he doesn't care about you let him be happy in its own way okay that is what is important harming snakes has repercussions I believe that uh it's it's not a good thing to do but I don't think that you have personally should be worried about that because you were not directly involved in causing anything and there were other people also and you were just 16. so don't suffer from the guilt of it uh whatever negative feeling you had at that moment and I can completely understand what when you're describing it it take it as it has passed it's not your fault what was the symbolism of Maya throwing up that incident to me this wasn't for this conversation I don't know so so these uh if you if you if you have to analyze these you have to analyze what happened in your life after that in the next six months one year how did it go Etc so it's like a little perhaps a little too late to have this uh self-analysis at the moment but more or less you know um uh specifically when you evolved more spiritually you'll see that everything that you see or you experience or you meet there are certain indications that will come in your life around key whether it was a positive thing or negative thing or Etc things like that but I believe that you should not hold a guilt feeling because of it because obviously you were not responsible for it you were just 16 but yeah it's not a good idea to harm snakes specifically if the snake is poisonous even more reason don't this don't be too yeah with it like a lot of people I it's their mentality I suppose they feel that it's very nice to have a snake and display and take photos and all that snake doesn't enjoy it you may be enjoying it saying it's not enjoying it okay so let it be as it is in its natural setting don't disturb it don't go ahead and unnecessarily poke it and if you find a snake coming into your territory and all so call the animal control or whatever and put it into wherever it has to be put instead of killing it and all that because killing snakes will trigger certain repercussions if not now then at the right time and that is that's guaranteed it's a very heavy format of karma why do you think of all animals the snake is considered representative of the Kundalini Shakti you tell me that is because it's like if you if you look at the if you look at the original diagrams of Kundalini so it's like they're described as a coil snake three and a half coils and then it starts rising up and when it fully manifests it's like a snake with its hood open okay so and snakes are this very interesting creatures of which the nagas and all uh who are there of this name it's like like humans for example there are humans who are very spiritual very Advanced and then there are humans who are extremely diabolical and very malefic types both are possible in the same same species right so snakes are like that there could be very highly evolved snakes and then there could be very lower snakes and we see this example and as I was saying rishika ship's wife so he one of his wives she gave birth to a lot of snakes and the snakes were extremely jealous types okay but one of them is also the sheesh Naga okay and he is very spiritual in nature that is why he becomes he has the ability to hold the world and he is a connection with Vishnu okay and the other snakes become an enemy of Garuda Garuda is also connected to Vishnu and Garuda was born from the other wife of kaship so average snake is a symbol of an extreme competitiveness jealousy bitterness the dark feelings that a human also has it's a symbol of that but a snake that has and that is very rare and this is where the nagas come in if ever anybody gets to encounter one not normally you will not uh those are very different they may even bless an individual there is a concept of something and there's today in based on this concept A lot of fraud also happens something known as a nagmani it's believed money money is a jewel money money means Jewel so it's believed that certain nagas when they live up to a long time they develop a certain kind of Jewel in their head okay now don't go into analyzing this scientifically okay it's not leave science aside this is the realm of occult and things that are not normally by the five senses okay so they have this money and they can shed that money that specific gem if an individual gets hold of the gym it causes an absolutely like going in a lift your life is going to change every aspect whether it's material whether it's spiritual whether it's everything whatever you touch is going to go like rocket speed this can be found in jungles no it's very difficult to find that's why I say a lot of fraud happens I know people who have been duped by people claiming that they have found an Agony and they'll ask for crows and all that and a lot of important people who are aware of this concept keep searching for that but if at all if anybody finds it ever I believe that it's possible to find obviously otherwise whatever lore or story comes in there's always a element of Truth in that okay and given that it is connected to Naga so if somebody finds a gem like that it can cause but it's not not at all easy to find and most of the people you will find that you are selling these things that are most of them are just frauds the snakes we see in the modern day which you see in cities also occasionally yeah they are also spiritual creatures no not all not all see this is they're animalistic they can be normal and realistic they can be completely normal animalistic and tying it back to that story which I told you of that individual who that little girl whose voice changed and all that uh he was explaining to me so there are different types of snakes there are entities that can take the form of snakes one of the forms they love taking okay and in that they can call they can bite somebody or they can do something and that is always the reason behind it why it is them so there's a specific kriya or Mantra which he was doing he suspected there is one of those kind of entities using which you can figure out that is it a normal animal as a snake as a reptile as a snake or it is some of the entities that are behaving like a snake and then do whatever needs to be done okay so again these things are very difficult for people to believe until they have a direct experience of it which is perfectly all right if you if anybody doesn't want to believe there's no force in this but strange things happen there's a whole mysterious world that's going on yeah as we speak in the background um which is why I want to take you back to that other Himalayan story okay for the sake of TRS Clips I'm going to repeat the story very quickly yeah uh very spiritually oriented friend of mine goes deep hiking in the Himalayas um Beyond uh when most people choose to go hiking he's going towards a particular kind of spiritual location which is very very very remote very inaccessible takes days to track up there on one of the nights where they are sheltered uh in tents he goes out to relieve himself and two three kilometers away at least he sees three to four extremely tall men who he believed were 10 feet tall walk in the same direction of the spiritual place that they were going to hike towards the following day and he said that he got a mysterious and maybe even negative energy from even looking at them he got scared enough to go back in his tent and just be with his own family I'm not just asking you about what he saw I'm asking you about the world in the Himalayas that we don't even know we spoke about how even animals can be spiritual or non-spiritual or malevolent I'm sure human beings can also become malevolent yes or non-spirational people who have been spiritual can move to the dark side yes what did he see what's happening in the Himalayas uh so what he saw I cannot exactly tell you because there are in my mind there are certain factors first to fall uh if I don't know that individual um assuming that the story is correct uh if I don't know that individual I don't know whether they really have the capacity to judge if something is uh positive or negative why that's because if you are put into a strange environment if you see something strange you can feel negative even if it is not negative it's possible okay unless you have so I I can't make that judgment for him but suppose if there is first of all the Himalayas once Who start going Beyond reaches of even in the lower himalas if you go to but there I recently been to badrinath um for some and all that and Beyond as you go to remote areas let's just say that the spirituality of the previous yugas are still present there today the things have become corrupted and at a mass level and we are where we are there is only so much we can do but what when we read stories of the uh Mahabharata or the even earlier eras where great yogis is to go terrific sagana for thousands of years change Powers they would get and all that everything the gods would manifest easily things like that so consider that that level of spirituality is still present at the Himalayas and it is not accessible for people it is not meant for ordinary people to go there and uh if the spiritual road is say say a thousand I'm just saying for a roughly actually spirituality never ends never ever ends you can stop somewhere if you reach a thousand tiger goal if you reach 200 300 you'll become a big Satan you can sit and make an ashram and do a lot of things okay but there are people who may want to go even deeper 500 600 levels there you cannot interact with the society anymore you have to leave the society and you have to go to those Realms okay uh that's because there is a huge gap in the energy huge gap in the energy so what what will happen if you interact with people no no it's it's not like that what it's nothing will happen it's like um my say you are what 30 now okay so if somebody tells you that gives you a class 5 toy and says can you play with it same thing will happen it's it's you'll not like this that's about it they've understood Maya Maya this is beyond Maya see even taking in a tangent in the kashmiri Shiva system they have 36 that was okay there is a particular means there are different stages of realities let's just look at it that way for lack of better words so there is a particular beyond that Maya also ends but after that also there are depth of spiritualism it is not it doesn't end there depth and depth and depth this why do you think Cannot Be Imagined it's beyond your imagination so that means between that Beyond imagination level and between the last realm of Maya there are still layers what are the difficulties there for the journeyman there at that level what's the challenge that level things function very differently it is not like us but Maya and all that is Left Behind long back okay you have transcended there you follow actually there is something known as uh the yogis naat yogis and all this to believe um the word called adeshadesh is command a lot of people use it today just like that that's all mostly show and all that but actually uh there are certain chakras which people speak of the six chakras right no there are more chakras than that let me just put it this way and there are chakras which are not even opened in you yes six two is functional because you are functioning in this world you have this five six chakras that are going on there is a good or bad it is functional so you are feeling uh today you are feeling a lot of pain because there is some amount of some emotional trauma that has gone through Etc that is because one of your chakras is damaged so it is feeling the pain there your uh starts functioning you acquire a lot of wealth property Etc automatically comes in swadishtana starts functioning you suddenly have a plethora of relationships that are going on your manipura starts functioning you suddenly have a commanding um you know whatever capability any leader must have a strong money otherwise you cannot function as a leader people will not listen to you so like this all these these six are the traditional normal happening in everybody good or bad Beyond this also there are chakras which are it's like buds which are closed not just negative positive it is not functional in human 99 of people through the power of Kundalini and Shakti through the upasana devadas if somebody reaches that realm it's very rare you can pass Shakti through those chakras and they will start activating and once they activate there is one specific chakra then you will start getting an adesh which is a command command from whom that is when you are at the realm where you attain a Divine Guru they may not be here they are not interested in the ordinary person okay those are like they will then through that they will give you an instruction so in that in the higher realms in the highest of friends the conception of time changes completely so you might that's why you see in the puranas some rishis doing vishwavitra is doing for 1000 Years how is it possible in that realm conception of time will completely change your body is aging and things like that is going to be dramatically changed okay you are I am talking of a realm which is Beyond even the normal conception of Nirvana let me put it this way and this is going to shock many average understanding of people we think that Nirvana is the end uh it is the end yeah it is very high but it is also the door to some other Realms of spirituality which is very very rare and those Realms are where the playground of the Realms is the Himalayas yourself or maybe the depth of the ocean the depth of the ocean yeah there is there so that is that is uh it's very difficult to describe those things in normal term terminologies very difficult it's like a person who has not read um suppose you are learning so kid is learning in class three four addition subtraction suddenly you're telling there's something called a negative number he'll freak out what negative numbers it's something like that it's so obtuse and it's not even and again I repeat it's not meant for it's not needed for ordinary people and I am pretty damn sure that a lot of people will hear this will completely misunderstand this and they will start thinking for tomorrow I'm just guessing guessing emails that I get okay so either you will be completely in denial which is okay fine I'm happy with that okay and problematic is they're all real what I'm saying but yeah that depth of spirituality is something completely different and Shiva and bhairava and all this they are beyond that depth wow they are beyond the depth can you imagine what degree of subtlety that is our normal conception is there is a particular stage till which you can reach in the in the last five of the tatvas and that is see in Shankar philosophy uh that's one of the six philosophies there are 24 tatvas okay and that is taken in vedanta and other branches of philosophy in the Hindu philosophy Dharma uh philosophy so 24 is the final kashmiri Shiva and I I referred them very highly because they did tremendous work on the philosophy of wherever because I love Baba so I like reading them for my own purposes I am not a scholar let me be very clear okay neither an academic not school or nothing so they added that 24 is not enough we need 36 that was 24 tatvasthan your Maya and all that is fine Universe how do you determine what happens there see you have a glass of water and there is water in the ocean scientifically both of them are H2O okay a little bit composition uh so at these two same same but not same an ocean can hold an ecosystem it can cause uh I don't know tsunami to honor whatever it is take a ocean ships fly in it there are fishes this that so many depths know are hardly people know what is the difference the difference is Shakti and at the higher Realms and higher Realms it is the difference in Shakti that makes all the difference [Music] and there is a particular is this after this 24th was there is a there's a realm it is called the pure realm where there are mantras all these seven crore mantras that Shiva gave out to the world and told them that you help people those who serve the Mantra when you are chanting a mantra you are doing Seva to the mantra you're charging it also look at it this way you're doing Seva to the Mantra like you do Seva to a guru and it is going to guide you there is a Shakti inherent in the Mantra the Shakti of the Mantra when we sit into nyasa Shakti of the mantras in the leg leg means movement it is going to cause some movement in your life whether you like it or not and this is done by the authority of Shiva he has charged this month as of all deities and given it to the world in that realm whoever follows the rules and does Japan of the Mantra he is doing Seva to the Mantra and the Mantra in turn will give him something it will guide his path that becomes like a guru why does it Guru is very important in the physical event most people need a physical Guru because most people are most people which is fine completely but at a very high level you can have a non-physical entity as a guru only the thing is that and this question comes to me often that why can't we have it as a guru few people can have but most people cannot have why because the deity is not going to respond to your whims and fancies see my physical gurus are very fantastic I need something I can go and just sit and then finally they are human beings so with a human Guru you have the advantage that there is a human component involved okay but for an inanimate non-physical group let's put it this way not inanimate sorry inanimate is the wrong word non-physical Guru like a deity Etc uh their dealing is very different they are not going to Jump Around by your whims and fences you cannot fool them so easily you cannot do buttering up to them okay so that realm what happens is that after that those last as I was saying the last five that was when somebody reaches that realm the mantras are there then beyond the mantras there is Shiva there is sadashiva okay uh in fact if you if you look at the iconography of Mark Ali dakshina Kali or if you look at the iconography the most powerful deities goddesses so we'll speak about it sometime but if you look at her iconography you will see that she's uh there are there are four beings holding up a throne those are ishwaras so in the normal conception we consider ishwara to be the ultimate here ishwara is a Brahma Vishnu rudra and ishwara another entity okay these four have the ishwar tatva that means they are like Gods ishwara all powerful with our conception of God is what when we simplified okay there is this great being in the world who can create destroy a very powerful Etc that is ishwara beyond ishwara they are holding the throne okay on the throne there is a white colored Shiva lying down that is sadashiva okay sitting so sadashiva is a stage even Beyond ishwara they are saying as God came out of them is even Beyond ishwara and uh there are some of the Masters that also mentioned that foreign and the water in the glass have the same tatva but the Shakti is different you're talking about spirituality Beyond Nirvana this is very this is a different realm all together okay and as I keep repeating again and even when I'm privately discussing with somebody so this is not meant for ordinary people and it's uh if you think too much and if you're the the problem with speaking all this is that if your own energy is not up to a certain level of spirituality you are 100 going to misunderstand all these things at the risk of being misunderstood I'm still saying because it's coming in a flow that's why I'm going on so this till the realm of sadashiva you might attain in your physical form after that realm your body cannot hold that energy you have to leave the body but even if you leave the body you are not dead you become more powerful your constraints of the body goes you become even more powerful and you and these beings they are almost non different from Shiva almost non-different if you and I were to look at these beings we'll think this is Shiva only they have done so much upasana they have become almost gods they guide various other beings and other people who are doing sadhana Etc you are doing I am doing okay and suddenly this intuition tying it back to what I was telling you intuition comes that in an hour there's a call going to come from these guys and they will say that on specific date you have to come and that date is uh important to bhairav Baba so you just say yes I am thinking that okay this is this thing is telling me but how do I know it's not one of those beings it's them also who do all this because if they're they're given the charge of guiding wherever is very high up he may not come he's aware Sundar is aware that who is doing more Shiva is aware that who is doing a person or she has nowhere to come so easily there be around him there are parivara these are called The parivaras Family the date is so when we traditionally worship in our Dharma uh in our Dharma there is no monotheism by the way it's impossible means we worship only one no even if you're worshiping one if you're worshiping Shiva there will be parivar there with us if you're worshiping Vishnu there will be parivar devatas it's like if you have if you're inviting say the Prime Minister he's going to come alone full with him security and I don't know what all will come with him same thing this is so important they are never alone and they are aware they are aware of everything but they will not interfere it is these these and this parivar devadas have their karma they are all these beings in these Realms they will be the first ones to interact you are doing you are doing Shiva upasana and all that etc etc um after a stage initial stages but suppose you are able to build up a certain degree of energy they will be the first to come and see what does this guy want actually and do people want things other than just spiritual a lot of people a lot of people are deep the heart is the most peculiar thing in the human being it has all sorts of desires so never listen to what a person says never listens to I'm just saying that that's the truth by the way so to judge a person observe what he is doing that will give you that what is the secret motivation in the heart sometimes people are motivated by desires which they are consciously not aware of ask them why do you want to do sadhana no I want to reach spirituality there's that some uh some statements they will put okay and I can sense that his energy is nowhere close to that that thing is not there in him give him some sadhna after some days because that energy is not there so the heart is maybe somewhere else very often in fact in fact speaking of this I think in the Gita I don't remember the chapter exactly so Krishna Lord Krishna mentions this to Arjuna uh that Arjun asks what happens if your Yogi doesn't succeed he says that he can be born in tremendous splendor and there are some who are even higher they may be born in a family of yogis where he can continue that same practice from childhood but why does somebody get born in splendor to distract them from nah Because deep down the desire was that I want something fantastic you are a billionaire about this that job Etc and then you stop your practice and next life after that again back to very well because you realize there's nothing in the mind you may not realize also the material has its own charm once you enter the myth there are so many people I see I don't not name them famous people and I see and I completely feel that in past life he has done practices and because of those practices he's getting all this benefits and material has its own pull Maya is very strong and you don't do any other practice now normally you are running after you're making money or whatever you're doing etc etc fantastic very good enjoy this life next life will be back to where you were before or you may go even bad because if you if you misuse if you don't have that basic conscience of right and wrong and you you indulge in really negative things then you'll fall even worse do you see elements of their sage like nature and what some some small things when I uh when I try to observe a person there are a few things the words are the last thing I see I don't care about what a person is saying because that is the last thing because words are where you can lie okay everybody can say many good things but observe small small things you'll see if you if you practice eventually uh first is the structure from the structure you can get some understanding from the physical body physical body really absolutely was the perhaps the greatest of the last 200 years we bengalis call him thakur whenever a person would come to him for spirituality you judge our effort taking initiation or something like that too for guidance you judge them very minutely so one of the judgments you do is that he would look at the physical structure of the person weigh his hands the weight of the hand from here to here will tell you what type if at all you can be spiritual and what is the right path for you see I told him spirituality is a huge tree if you go in the wrong puzzles you will not work right path your if you're meant to be highly spiritual your body will have lakshanas in it lakshan has been signs in it not for ordinary people to understand but because your body should be able to sustain that energy otherwise you are not born in that body if you are meant to enjoy material things you will be enjoying in a body that is fit for material things nature is very beautiful this this Orchestra once you start understanding it's it's amazing you will be it's a natural sense of gratitude will come towards nature who is mahamaya who is Adi Shakti who is everything for me who's have spoken so much without taking a name uh she's all it's it's a beautiful play it's a beautiful play and you feel natural sense of gratitude and this is causeless you don't want anything it's just what have you done amazing do you want to talk about the depths of the ocean now depth of the depths of the ocean so there is a certain Realm come Maha siddhas means they are considered that those are people who have gone beyond the conception of Nirvana normal idea of Nirvana as they were saying the higher Realms so they can um at the very very high stages of sadhana you mean they've probably lived out human lifetimes done their spiritual practices gone beyond Nirvana gone beyond even possibly that spiritual goal in the astral World whatever happens Beyond moksham then come back to this realm there are two ways of looking at it by the way so traditionally the term Moksha means Mo the word Moksha has undergone changes in its meaning over last two thousand two thousand years okay so more or less what we consider Moksha today is that it is an Extinction of your life so you are out of the system yeah it's like a video game okay but you cannot run away so easily because there's Maya and there is Karma and there's various things and you are suffering also you are you're playing the game and you are losing but you can run away from the game it's that's what life is sort of for most people okay Moksha is that somehow the other you find a way to end the game switch it off and get out of the seat and go out and you know enjoy nature and whatever else basically you're out of the system so how do you do that uh in Nirvana what we'll consider is nirvana it is possible to extinguish oneself completely finish okay you're out of the system that is what happens for 90 of the people who attend Nirvana not even 90 let's put it 98. two percent are possible who may attain to the same experience of Nirvana but may not extinguish their extinguish themselves from the system they are not out of the system so Nirvana by Tech just Nirvana by itself means that it's like a finish end in fact a very interesting the Gita doesn't use the word Nirvana it uses Brahman Nirvana a lot of scholarly things are there you'll side track it but we're just saying for it's an interesting observation I think six times or seven times it comes uh it uses the word Brahman Nirvana the word Nirvana become very popular with Buddhism extremely popular so there is a because there isn't generally accepted idea Buddhism is also very complicated it's the I'm not talking about the general idea the general idea is that there is an Iran because everything is at the end there is no Atma anatma and all that Etc is there Nirvana the finish of this story gets over but you can enter into the state of Nirvana and yet not finish Yourself by the way Nirvana cannot be attained so long as you have a normal ego we function from the ego Nirvana cannot come until you finish the ego that's that's to start it ego has to be completed but suppose your ego is finished you enter into the state of Nirvana and some other ego is entering to you of something very higher so you what happens ego is your is the is the root of an individual is the fulcrum of an average individual you are an individual because you have an ego and ego doesn't mean the arrogance are the pride which we normally call in the English term now ego means something uh it's like the asmita your sense of Inus who are you you are going on the road somebody says ranveer Autumn I am going on the road somebody said rajashi automatically my head will turn icon this is your ego because you are attached to your name you attached to your family you attached to your identity you test your father mother girlfriend wife husband and it is good it is not always bad without the ego you will be dysfunctional you will either end up if you don't have spiritual depth and suddenly your ego goes away you'll end up straight into mental hospital you will not be able to handle the world at all individualization has been created by Nature so you become functional in a way but the spiritual goal is you transcend the ego okay because this ego also individualizes you you cannot so easily connect to the higher realms so when somebody is entered into the state of Nirvana ego will not be there and that is why once the ego is not there as I said if you don't have spiritual depth you end up in a sort of mental wreck and all that suppose you enter into an Extinction Nirvana is extinction okay ego is also done 98 of the people don't have any business with the world you are out you don't have to take birth also finish but the two percent in that case the ego May either your human ego is gone there may be an identity of a deity or something higher that can enter into you in that case you are not going to go again that is going to happen only if Nature has a plan for you because nature is higher than everybody okay nature is higher than everybody and then you go into these Realms by the time you are your normal Maya and all that is finished generally speaking there are three uh three Realms in which we function okay one is the physical body realm okay the other is the vital vital is where you have uh the emotions and all this whole emotional package is vital your power is vital fear is vital lack of your courage is vital beauty is white everything is vital okay all these things it's very powerful because from the vital run so many things have come art culture Etc our life is mostly vital but there is the purely mental mental means where the mind as it is without emotions okay the highest Realm of the Mind this when we say the three things these are the three Realms actually translated so average every individual is functioning through these realms SWA the last of the mental realm for this reach of the mental realm is where there is this located this way that thing called Nirvana you transcend that and go to what is beyond that stage then there are totally different things and uh it is very difficult to describe it's not even physical it's not your astral what we call astral by the way is the subtle form of the vital Realm understood and these things are not even written in texts easily because again it's beyond word because it's very difficult to describe yeah actually it's beyond words okay I want to ask you the shark and whale version of the snake conversation that we had marine life okay especially whales or Dolphins which we know are slightly more evolved creatures uh I I don't know I'll be very honest I have not studied them that much that I can form an opinion on them but I do believe that all animals have certain innate spirituality see think about it this way a question just popped in my head uh animals have a spirituality humans have a spirituality what is the difference we say that children are Divine generally all cultures will tell you that children are divine if Children Are So Divine why do people grow up if spirituality is the aim of life that is because nature nature wants you there is one additional component that a human being has which is that the third the ability to logically judge things complicated things okay not even judgment the mind pure mind without emotion this vital realm that you have animals also have this in their own fashion animals are creatures of the vital in the vital realm you don't lie you do spontaneously you feel fear you run away you see food you run after the food or something like that basically it's it's there's no lying there pretense is not possible pretense comes from the head from the Mind from the mind and they run based on Instinct Instinct exactly you put it this way nice this is exactly what I was trying to do but nature wants your mind to also be spiritualized and that is where the catch is that becomes very difficult if you can spiritualize your mind in my opinion it creates a fascinating thing that is that is why human beings are the most evolved creatures because that is why we grow up also by the way otherwise their spirituality is the end children as children do not have a developed mind the mind is also where the Maya comes in Mind Tricks you or the mind develops into the technology or whatever you call it all these things can be developed and the mind has the ability to develop a spiritual component also and people who develop that very high caliber yogis uh so there is a lot of things here but more or less that is that is what so animals all animals have certain degree of spiritual Instinct I believe some animals have it more than some other snakes are one of them which are the other ones uh there are there are dogs are some I saw the video you did about kalware of a person you said that one of the tests for your partner being successful your prayers to Karl bear of being successful is that dogs will be drawn to you yeah uh so dogs are very interesting creatures dogs are have an instinct for loyalty other animals also have it but dogs have it more than others okay uh and see bhairava is vahana is called is considered as a dog okay dogs are basically if I remember I had read somewhere long back I think wolves or whatever they domesticated and became dogs [Music] from the time when dogs started Living with humans perhaps there's no other creature that has lived with humans longer than dogs okay consider that that is when bhairava decides that I'm going to help this species okay and the other thing is that a dog is a guardian sort of if you have a dog at home uh if there is anybody who's disturbing anything like that he will figure out Etc one of wherever's typical instincts for an individual is that that apart from the core tatva which is that makes he makes you Fearless he also guards you very fantastically he guards you from even if bhairava's blessing is with an individual if you are supposed to go down into some negative Pitfall Etc he is the one who can pull you out of it and that's what I tell people that bhairava is the only deity who can pull you out of a nightclub and make you sit into a meditation room it's already two corrupted places he will go there if he likes he'll pick you up from there even if you cry and do whatever he is the one who can do that okay and I've seen that happening with people um so like dogs can guard bhairava guards his very strongly very strongly only thing is that you cannot lie to him he he is the god of Truth he hates Lies when when you're saying you can't lie to him I understand one you're talking about the tantric rituals where if you've made promises you've got to follow them no no not that okay I'm saying something more more fundamental which means that when you are worshiping bhairava make it a point to sit calmly and tell him everything and tell him everything means even your flaws I I tried this I tried this if you're honest he will help you if you are dishonest he detects disaster in one second you don't have to tell the world but you have to tell him clearly and without pretense and that is very important without pressure he doesn't like pretense so if you you can to the world you can pretend to be and that is the one thing which most people don't do to the world they pretend that they have seen that they are great devotees of bhaktas bhakta is devotee great devotees of this God um and when they come in front of the deity they pretend that they are a great great sadaks take a sadak means one is doing a lot of practices equation should be completely different so the world you become a sadak to the world you do when you're sitting in front of your devada you are just a devotee and like a devotee you speak to him not just ask you tell him that this is what is going on I am not able to deal with it I don't know what to do these are my flaws they're my weaknesses I I I'm incapable Beyond this help me out tell him speak speak speak and then one day the response will also start coming honesty is very important and I personally in this context I I have guided a lot of people into basic bhairava sadhana in my life not complicated basic ones including me this is I believe that in the coming um years and decades it's very good to do bhairav upasana a lot of the problems that we face as a country as a civilization is also due to the neglect of whereupasana at a certain level see bhairava is the guardian of species he is known as shetrapala one of his names isra means an area he guards that area exactly like a dog is going to guard you if you are if you have a friendship with a dog or country is a divine shatra whole country so what have we actually seen we have seen a partition very bloody partition of our land what used to be at one point part of it is gone etcetera so basically your borders have been rearranged the shetra has been Disturbed shetra can be disturbed when the Lord has not been invoked properly not been pleased not been invoked and pleased and whatever way you look at it so that's my way of looking at it uh many of the and even today all the borders have problems whether it's the Punjab side border or Kashmir or whatever etcetera have problems Etc and this lack of bhairav upasana by the way started not just now many centuries ago when there are various Innovations happened and knowledge systems were lost so today the conception with bairava for average people is ETC some dark energy nothing of that sort he is the most spiritual one he will he's if you allow Baba to rule your life he's going to make you completely spiritual okay and he will make you fearless and he will take you beyond your own deficiencies and things like that and um I've seen he responds very fast by the way coming to the speed of talking there are for the sake of completeness of so we it's believed that there are uh rudra yamal Tantra mentions that there are 64 virus okay uh and of these 64 eight of them are very important you want to just name them yeah Realm so so as I said we are never one with one there are many always they are all aware of us but each bhairava himself divides himself into so many to do various functions okay and these ashtabhairavas have their own domains by the way temples I think uh almora has ashtabhairava I had been to the strawberry Temple last month in almora visited there uh for certain sagaras beyond the aid wherevers they are also guardians of certain directions and certain particular kinds of things okay so for example if somebody gets the blessing of that he will have exceptional knowledge multiple Fields exceptional knowledge money will stand out his knowledge will stand out then there is so Samara for example if there is a problem with respect to Spirits or something negative then he can be invoked he will cure relieve that problem Etc so beyond dashtra wherever there is basically we find the story of Kala bhairava from the Shiva purana how does he emerge first through shiva's anger so there is uh the story is there that brahmaji and Vishnu they're having a conversation and this actually this story appears in multiple puranas with side changes more or less the gist of it is that they are having a conversation who is greater okay then Shiva appears and Brahma says that oh you are though my uh you know you're younger than me and all that because Brahma is the creator of everything Etc that means automatically I am more powerful and some disparging statements he makes on Shiva Shiva gets angry and from his anger Karl bhairava comes out I think left hand little finger nail and it cuts off brahma's one head okay moment it does that Brahma comes back to his senses he says and that head of Brahma sticks in his hand that's a very interestingly when the section of bhairava comes in actually uh the Shiva purana says that there is no difference between Shiva and bhairava it is the Maya of Shiva that makes you see that these two are different he is Shiva only different look for practical purposes you may look at it this way that Shiva is the calm one when he becomes aghora when he becomes rudra when he becomes more aggressive then he becomes which for our average human being would mean like a more Hustler version sort of like a more active more active and also there is a difference another difference which is not there in the shastra it's there I mean it's not spelled out in that way another thing is that bhairava is more closer to our Realm Shiva is more transcendental okay he is closer that is why when you call wherever he will respond faster if certain parameters are set in an individual okay so that judgment has to be made by either a mentor or a guru or something basically he will come much faster action then what bhairava does is that that skull of Brahma sticks to his hand so that is the first instance of Brahma Brahma means killing of a brahmana which is considered to be a great sin okay a genuine brahmana in olden days they used to do a lot of it's like killing a Sadat who is doing a lot of spiritual practice if you kill a spiritual man genuinely spiritual man there is a huge amount of negative Karma that is going to come that is what is Brahma when you are killed in those days specifically when the when people of the Brahmin uh Verna were deeply engaged in practices and all those things so nothing related to the modern day caste system but let's not go into the controversial area there but just to explain this basically he kills Brahma and that is the Brahma is himself a Brahman by the way he gives The Vedas so that is known as Brahma killing of a Brahman is a very great sin and that skull sticks to his hand okay very interestingly the text calls it the brahmananda Kappa so what is it actually Brahma is the creator of the universe and here is a God who has cut off the head of the creator and holds it in his hand okay Brahma kapal it's like as if he's holding the skull of the universe in his hand and in that condition immediately there is a woman that gets generated there is the activity of killing a brahmana and that to not just any Brahmin Brahma who is like the who gives out The Vedas and things like that that sin takes a human form and becomes a woman known as brahmatha and he stands behind Kal bhairava okay Shiva then tells Kal bhairava that you do one thing you go you demonstrate to the world that if a spiritual man is a brahmana skill okay how do I do Penance for that so he goes with that skull in hand he performs what is this is a spiritual austerity so bhairava with that skull in hand he roams around different Realms he goes to the realm of Vishnu Vishnu immediately recognizes tells him that that this is a play that you are doing it's in Leela because you are Shiva you know it very well take care you are doing this to demonstrate certain things to the world and then that woman is behind him that Brahma keeps walking behind him that lady who's this sin and that brahmata he Vishnu asked Muhammad why are you coming behind and she says that this is my way of worshiping Shiva okay I am just following what he has instructed me to do finally he keeps walking walking he comes to Varanasi a particular place that skull Falls from his hand and he settles down there Kashi okay and that place is known as kapal mocham where the skull falls down Etc and Shiva says that anybody who's in Varanasi Varanasi is like the permanent residence of kalu bhairava okay he stays there and he stays in other places also but varanas is very special connection to Baba okay so the imitation of this there is a kapalika vrata that used to happen even these days it's less but has to happen so there's a kapalika initiation in Agora Tantra Mark Etc where the guru will give a skull to that individual and like bhairava he has to stay for 12 years roaming around not staying in a house not staying anywhere that only possession is that skull that human skull he goes around and he eats in that he begs in that and he doesn't stay in Society so at night you have to basically stay whether it's a cremation ground or a forest or a lonely area okay you will survive this only if you have the blessings of wherever by after the 12 years we are made you are Divine so this was called the mahavrata this is we see the first thing that we see in kalabara is that see if you analyze this if you contemplate on this story you will find that he starts with cutting brahma's head so there is there is the mainstream of sadhana spirituality okay that is going on constantly here is a deity who is completely heterodox not Orthodox opposite of Orthodox he cuts off that main the the one who gives The Vedas that's a one of his head and then he does something that is considered as defiling because Carl uh if you normal spirituality if you go to a cremation ground you should take a bath and all that which is there's a good reason for it hold that here is Baba who sits in The Cremation ground surrounded by everything that has been rejected by Society whether it is dogs wolves jackals Spirits he's known as bhutes lord of the spirits okay he consumes alcohol something that is completely barred in normal uh upasana Etc so he is wherever is like that Shiva only just a different form okay and when speaking of wherever there is another very important aspect that comes in this without him it's not complete is worshiped more than ever worship completely cannot be done at home certain scriptures mentioned means a small child like a BAL Shiva yeah eight nine year old child so what Shakti does is that is like a son of Kali it's like a son of matara okay like a son of chindamastha these days so there is this child form is created who is given all kinds of powers at him okay and his tasked with the job of protecting the upasaka from every kind of trouble in the world whether it is physical trouble whether it is some kind of spirit whether it's some other thing etc etc instead of trying to placate 100 different things you just worship and he will take care of it and of the wherever different forms of bhairav Baba vatuka is the fastest of all he responds very fast with one catch he's a child remember that so so you need some emotional connection love some degree of some degree of communication has to be there if you ask for it to give a simple example if you have whatever some obstacle something is going on so you worship and you say that can you help me out in this be very open you are free to ask anything of the Gods okay so you ask him and he helps you out suppose make sure that the next day at least you sit and tell him thank you if you say his Mantra once is that a good enough thank you and if you feel a thank you and say a thank you it's up to you what you want to do what comes from within it's not for me to tell Okay I uh I do vishesh pujas on specific titis for him and if needed if there is some help that comes from him and I've asked for help minimum to minimum next day morning I'll do 10 times his mantra okay and just tell him that thank you very much that for helping me some days if I feel like it I order specific foods that I like lot of them you know just like inviting a guest to the house three four different dishes and all that and then it's all for use okay um low level conversation yeah why did you ask me to do the buttock bear off oh that is because um because that will be useful for you in coming times you'll see and uh also generally I uh if I advise people into bhairava sadhana there is a certain very simple which just about anybody can do I have in fact made certain videos of it also in my YouTube channel uh so that is the starting point of wherever and vatuka bhairava is easy to worship foreign [Music] cannot be done at home but even if you succeed to 30 to 40 that is good enough to make you spiritually powerful uh as well as take care of your various material aspects and this thing with bhairava is very if you develop Trust on him you will see that if in your life there's certain changes both positive and negative something happens then it is perhaps because at a later stage a bigger problem was supposed to come he is going to right away do the operation you know take you out of that the breakup I I'm just saying like I did it on the breakup happened in two weeks like it it was great relationship just flipped I I I I'll not comment much on that but yeah no I'm kidding I can't tell you how grateful I am to you because I'm seeing what's happening in my life post to break up also he is he's wonderful in in last uh 20 30 years in India two deity upasada has increased tremendously one is and one is that's why another reason different reason okay well that's going to be in the Mata podcast that we will do uh one last question in today's episode yeah as I'm growing old I'm realizing the power of mantras and we've spoken mantras on multiple episodes so we don't have to kind of address the basics this is kind of more advanced mantric question I don't know if that's the correct grammar but uh why are there certain stronger words in tantric mantras like but does that make you feel something so these are Vijay mantras uh I think we last time we talked about just touched upon it Vijay mantras so these mantras how did they originate so that's a difficult question but let's assume that these were heard by rishis or the great great Masters who were The Originators of the path and each of them have a specific potency and Power in them for example now uh after certain level of sadhana is done the rule is that you cannot chat you cannot utter the Vijay once allowed after a certain level of sadhana is done okay every other word in the Mantra you can at allowed Vijay you will not at allowed at a certain level so for example this Visa that you specifically asked sometime earlier because you can't say it aha I don't want to say it can I say it yeah yeah so this there are two things in this uh this is a very powerful interesting Visa this is known in tantras as the Maya Visa also because this destroys your Maya and gives you a vision which is beyond Maya if it gets fully activated okay it has this potency tremendous potency and there are certain sadness where only this Vijay is doing people do Japan of this not not nothing before nothing after this is in tantras this is this Vijay is considered to be equivalent to the omkara of The Vedic Park but it's also dangerous to no none of the images are dangerous there's nothing called Dangerous I I ask you that because I have a friend who's experimental with mantras he uh said that he began doing some kalbara Mantra uh by listening to it with a earphone meditation 15 minutes is head started hurting a lot well that could be so these are anecdotal I can't comment on this without knowing the individual but no this is not at all harmful okay the veg in fact uh the one of the potencies of this Vijay is this Vijay is used in multiple mantras this is also one of the vija mantras connected to the foreign when blessings of this Visa comes to an individual because he goes beyond Maya slightly I'm not saying fully fully it takes a lot of time but a little bit so there are a lot of positive developments also that will come to him okay bhubaneshwari is a deity who gives you who can give you again there's always a caveat because there are many factors who is doing it whether he or she has the concentration whether he can take their energy or not correctly a lot of material growth okay at the same time it will give you a Clarity envision certain amount of clarity and vision of uh if you are very attached to something it can that is what is Maya fine fundamentally the attachment is Maya nothing else don't person anything attachment to the phone is also to some degree we all have our creator own Mayas so depending on how much attached you are to whatever it is that is your Maya okay so and the degree of attachment you have you are also open to that degree of pain eventually because everything will go at the end one day okay that's the one thing that everybody agrees on whether you are spiritual or whether you are atheist you are going to die I am going to die okay the moment you are dead it's finished but uh that particular Visa is actually a very positive vision it is considered to be just like omkara in the tantric field and it brings about lot of it reduces the uh what you call it you know it can reduce the clarifies your vision if it so Maya clouds your vision attachment the problem with attachment is that is cloud geovision you cannot see properly a person is detached will be able to make a clearer judgment okay so it clarifies your vision it also brings you blessings this one is used in a multiple amount of mantras it's very common Vision okay very common whereas the other Visa that you mentioned I said but that is to end something that is particularly given in a mantra when you need a specific Force to uh end means not necessarily end in a negatives and sometimes you have to end something that is negative again attachment no not necessarily somewhere you see uh it actually depends on the Mantra but more or less there was a it could be many mantras have that many different deities will have that so these so uh for example you are somebody that trying to cause some harm okay directly you are seeing that somebody is trying to call someone so you may use a mantra with this particular Visa that will work in a certain way to stop that person from causing harm so this is some this this vija is something to stop but the pronunciation has to be pH not F but ha not fan because the fur pronunciation is not there in Sanskrit understood like this there are innumerable wages in fact one who is an expert in mantra sastra you can create a vision also this you can create a Visa of a person's name now don't ask me to create a video of your name you can create a video of a person's name you can if you are that good in mantra sastra if you know something's name technically you can access that thing's energy Mantra Shasta that we have in our Dharma has the most advanced and I have had interactions by the way uh with people of uh in Western little bit interactions at one point when I was not my path was still not very deep here still exploding I used to have a lot of friends I remember there was one occultist I knew from West it's pretty good I know and one of his very peculiar interesting habits was that he used to go and search for haunted places spend the night there okay and your weirdest experiences used to tell me um and he is good friends with me I never met him never met him only online communication and I knew few of them who had serious abilities also by the way so they could sit there and tell me what dress I'm wearing and what was I doing yesterday and what about doing and all that though they've never met me nothing they didn't even know my name by the way because I used to you know interact with them through a pseudonym or something like that uh so this guy I remember I had given him the once he was facing some issues with some it was his past type and I found it very interesting and a lot of people like that I knew at that time I had given him a bhairava mantra and then he comes back after a month and says that this is this is bloody Magic whenever I am in trouble with these entities and he used to do a lot of Japan okay he learned the pronunciation uh how to do it was difficult for him to get the pronunciation right because he's not Indian but after that he used to do crazy amount of job of that mantra and he says that wherever he is to go into some kind of where this negative energy the moment he starts with all this they don't disturb him they don't come here so vatuka is a child but vaduka has all the powers of culpriva only he's a child okay um for the everyday listener who may not sit and do a 108 time chant of the mantra um I just want to mention that you gave me something called the bear of Charlie's house which is very similar to the Hanuman Chalisa and you said that just play it at the end of your meditation or meditate upon it I felt like even that brought a lot of change that is very very very beautiful even though it doesn't have tantric words in it see that's what now uh in a way bhairav Baba is kind compared to other devadas if certain parameters are set in an individual if you take one step towards him you will take two steps towards you what are the parameters ah so that is a judgment uh before giving a higher Mantra that's the Judgment I make after interacting with an individual or something like that I can't explain to you here because there are few other things but more or less the basic Mantra which is a lot of people I know do it and especially after I mean I have before also I've made people do it but after the last time podcasts and a lot of people who came to me and mailed me and all that so this is a very good Mantra to do yes there is a certain nature of the devatha that is there bhairava is strict so as I mentioned uh more or less if certain fundamentals are there means he will is that he makes you Fearless by not running away from things that you have run away you face it oh there's this caption that is like that will put you right in that situation face it face it face it after that you will be immune to the fear okay that is so if a person can take that amount then wherever person is very good for one this and number two is that the most ultimate blessing that bhairava gives an individuals is not on day one by the way it comes later at a very Advanced stage he can teach you tantras which nobody else in the world can teach there are there is a certain amount of tantric vidyas which we know Tantra Shasta he is the guru of tantras it is the tantras all come from him okay he is the his boss he's the boss man okay he no nobody knows Tantra Vidya like he does he teaches and as a spiritual aspect I'm not talking about the which are negative things on them seeing the how to do whatever blesses you there are certain forms of Devi upasana without bhairava's blessing you'll never succeed there are hundreds of people today who do Devi upasana all of the Matata is so popular in plus navratri's are there this that Etc there but the amount of people who succeed in the view Persona is still lesser because original rule niyama was that you worship as you worship after a few years he is the one who will tell you how to actually go close to her and there is a very tight and very beautiful relation between bhairava and Shakti very beautiful relation so one of the roots of succeeding in deviupasana is first to please bhairav Baba he holds the keys he will tell you where is the root going where you will reach okay otherwise you can do normal bhakti that's all fine people do that all the time go to the temple little bit of some uh you know Devi Mantra Etc I am talking about succeeding it going to the ultimate stage that is where you wherever becomes very important and as I mentioned also uh so on ashtamidity specifically me and uh there's a group of people whom I guide so we do specific on every ashtami we do specific amount of Japan and that together we complete close to 2 lakh Japan's Mantra on that one day with one sankalpa to for the uplift of Dharma okay generic example for uplift of Dharma and along with it we do we feed people and another and there are specific pujas we get in there of temples done Etc so we've been doing that for quite some time now specifically uh the people who are connected and do this there are people who have at least completed uh that simple Mantra that Japan at least one lakh one lakh means 1000 malas which takes few months but if that is done then it's like your your he's tied himself to the energy of Baba and the beauty of this Mantra is that this is a genetic mantra if a person keeps doing this some of the other form of wherever will bless you how but first of all he's in order to come directly in front of you by causing certain changes in your life which eventually is going to go into a positive direction see there are two options when you start a mantra sadhana just positive things may happen and sometimes it may start with a negative but always remember this if it starts with a negative it is because down the line somewhere it is going to have caused a larger problem larger amount of pain and suffering wherein store at some other point in order to they cannot just wish it away completely but they say that okay let's reduce it give it to women one third or one tenth of that used to say that if your destiny suppose that you are just a man's Destiny is that he's supposed to is walking and some he hits his leg and says leg is to be cut off or something like that feeder sadhana and all that it's possible that nature may decide okay I will not do anything just a pinprick in the leg it's balancing the karma of course you must have done that amount of sadhana so that is how I if somebody is able to take very upasana a little bit it's beautiful and it can begin by simply sitting in one place and just chanting out the Mantra or even the Chalisa yes it's as simple as that as simple as that if you want to increase it a little bit more anybody who wants to do listen to the Chalisa learn the Chalisa light one okay and put some food we call it Vogue and anything in fact things made of good are very potent potent he loves it you can find keep it and give it okay there's certain there's a long list of food items he likes he likes uh for example Vada Vada is one of the things Vada is considered to be a vegetarian alternative of meat Vada what happens we have idliwada ah okay okay like yeah is considered as a as a substitute for meat gotcha okay good coconut water these things so are even if not this whatever is being cooked at home that too can be offered with he responds he responds very fast we've only done podcasts till this point to understand Shiva this was the first podcast where we made Shiva accessible to the end user yeah I just hope audiences understand the importance of this particular episode how is it for you sir oh it was wonderful I always love speaking of Baba and Shiva okay uh you do know that the sequel to this is where we're going to break down Devi's so speak I'm just curious to see what tangents we go on very deep this was even deeper than I expected and at many points during my other episodes with other people I know where to stop Trey was one of the first places where I didn't know where to stop and I was just and I'll tell you this Shiva and bhairava imagine the total amount of knowledge of Shiva and bhairava is like this I as an individual no maybe 25 of it what we discussed today is one percent of the 25 percent okay cool I'm glad we didn't have to talk about Booth prayer but we'll do that also maybe at some other point today was just a Shiva special yeah thank you you've closed a big chapter in my life or maybe opened up a big chapter in my life with this Baba will sit I appreciate you sir and looking forward to speaking to you in five minutes but the audience will see it in a few weeks so thank you that was a conversation for today the first conversation was based on Shivan bhairav the second conversation we had was so long and so deep that we had to divide it into two parts that one's based much more on devima and The Feminine aspect of Tantra lots more coming up with also recorded an episode just about astrology that's a little bit theoretical it's a bit of a one-on-one in astrology but it's got some extremely advanced astrological insights so please make sure you watch the next three episodes with rajashi nandi you're not ready for the kind of content that's coming your way tell me what you thought of this episode this kind of an open-ended conversation this free-flowing style conversation tell me what you are thinking of all these extra long podcasts that we've been uploading lately I'd love to know your opinions and until next time guys keep supporting p r s and rajashi nandi sir foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 2,136,435
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, vedas, black magic, brahmastra, tantra, yantra mantra tantra, hinduism, ancient india, indian history, vineet aggarwal, india, kaala jaadu, rajarshi nandy, rajarshi nandy beerbiceps, black magic beerbiceps, beerbcieps horrow, shiva, moksha, nagas, deity, lord shiva, shiv bhajan, spirituality, bhairava, form of shiva
Id: ladKMQVSL8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 15sec (9675 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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