Spinoza - 03 - Spinoza's God vs. Religions' God

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I live one and welcome to the intellection search in this video on spinels philosophy we will try to clear all misconceptions about spin others God by better understanding the differences between ease conception of God and the gods in religion well we saw in the last episode that spinels God is very singular according to him God is nature it's everything that is it's an infinite substance that makes everything that exists as existed and will exist and we also saw that spinels definition of God as nature got him into trouble remember he was excommunicated in 1656 but what's the big deal about who knows God anyway why did it bring so much trouble to Spinoza well this is exactly what this video is about trying to understand why Spinoza's God put him into conflict with religious authorities at the time when you think about it Spinoza the definition of God is very materialistic God or nature is matter it's the laws of nature that make matter assemble or disassemble and the very first problem about spinels God is well that it doesn't really care about us frankly my dear I don't give a damn I'm actually saying this is already saying too much God cannot care or not care since it is not conscious it doesn't have a will God or nature is blind it simply blindly follows its own course there is no finality in spinels philosophy and by the way did you know that I was totally defined for different kind of causes this is something that I'll tackle on the side video but just to let you know causality is everywhere in spinels philosophy but you won't find any final closing it as it is intrusion according to Spinoza but we'll see that later so God just is and blindly follows its own laws which means that there is no special plan for you let's take an example let's say you've just missed a bus to go to an important job interview a religious person might interpret the event as a sign from God God has another plan for me well these people usually think that everything happens for a reason they used to say everything happens because of God's will this is not true for spinosus a follower of Spinoza understand that everything happens because of a series of causes and not reason the bus is light because of several events that I might not know about and it couldn't have been otherwise for the next interview Espinoza's will use this knowledge to plan ahead and arrive earlier at the bus stop the thing is nature doesn't change depending on how you behave or on God's plans for you if you notice God isn't a personal providential God let's see what Steven Adler prophets of love and expert on Spinoza has to say about God Spinoza's God has none of the requisite psychological and moral characteristics required for the exercise of Providence above all Spinoza's God is numerically identical with nature God is nature therefore God has no will intentions or plans God is not wise just good or providential in any sense whatsoever there is no supernatural the only thing that is is nature and God is identical with this nature and whatever happens in the universe happens necessarily simply as a result of the laws and processes of nature Spinoza in other words completely rejects the personal anthropomorphic conception of God that grounds traditional sectarian religions which Spinoza regards simply as organized superstitions so Spinoza's God is very different from the God we find in religions according to that philosophy religions gods are born from superstition and in order to better understand this let's do a quick thought experiment based on one of the most famous passages from the ethics let's imagine for a moment that a friend just died and you breaking the news chair well if this person will immediately ask you what happened you'll tell him that a tile fell on his head as he was leaving his building your friend will ask but how could this happen to tell him that the wind made the style for on your friends head but he will ask why again and you'll tell him that double storm that day and he will ask why and why and why from why - why the colleges will be harder and harder to find to the point that when you don't have any answer anymore your friend might stop searching for causes but start looking for reasons as if the death of your friend was a result of a wheel and this is the birth of superstition we can't fight our need to understand the world around us and when the answers are not satisfying enough we assume that whatever happens to us or others might very well be the result of someone's will and when there isn't anyone behind this anyone becomes God and this is where the religions gods are born according to Spinoza they are born from our ignorance of the causes like most living creatures the pigeon quickly associates the pressing of a lever on the reward but when a timer releases a seed automatically every 20 seconds the pigeon wanders what did I do to deserve this if it was flapping its wings at the time it'll continue to flap convinced that its actions have a decisive influence on what happens we call this pigeon superstition but then a very interesting question comes to mind why did Spinoza called nature God why calling it God in the first place if is God is so different from what we find in religious books and this question will be answered in our next video as usual it's a quick recap of what we learned today we've learned that as opposed to religions guards still as God as no real or intention it blindly follows its own course we learned that we are not special snores God has no plan for us there's no heaven there is no hell and we've learned that vanillas God is not a personal credential cloud we saw that the religious gods are born from superstition when our urge to understand the world around us doesn't find any satisfying answer we assume that a will must have been at work which is a fallacy according to spiritism thank everyone for watching this video on spinning together made sure feel free to let your comments below and again don't forget to subscribe it gets more of that good stuff see you later
Channel: The Intellection Surge
Views: 51,282
Rating: 4.8397999 out of 5
Keywords: Baruch Spinoza (Author), Superstition (Quotation Subject), Spinozism, God (Deity), Philosophy (Field Of Study), Ethics (Quotation Subject), Religion (TV Genre)
Id: 2Iu29ZAxsck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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