Spinnerbait Masterclass – Blades, Skirts & Trailers (COMPLETE Breakdown!)

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i hope you guys got to watch the video we just released um on wintertime spinner bait fishing i caught some big fish it was a lot of fun slow rolling that spinner bait may not get a lot of bites every day but you can catch them like that that's why i'm hooked on spinner bait fishing driving home from shooting that you know i got to thinking what needs to be next you really have to understand the spinnerbait before you become a really good spinnerbait fisherman and even though it seems simple it can be complex and i hope that you know you guys don't get intimidated when you go in to get a spinnerbait and there's all these different skus all these different colors because a lot of them work and they overlap under different conditions so we're just going to break the bait down you know from start to finish color blades weight trailers all of that and hopefully you understand it [Music] if some of you guys are like me you kind of got to put it in layman's terms the spinnerbait is just a tool okay and there's and a lot of these spinnerbaits work under a lot of different conditions but there's usually that one spinnerbait the right color the right weight the right blade com combination that'll turn your day from a 10 fish day to a 30 fish day or a 12 pound stringer to a 20 pound stringer and that's what we all want right it's kind of like this i mean here's a phillips head screw a flathead screwdriver i can do what i need to do i can get this screw tight with a flathead is it the perfect tool no i can take vice grips tighten it up is is it going to work yes is it the perfect tool no am i the most efficient no let's break the bait down you have a wire you know you have your blades your beads your swivel your head your skirt and your hook this is a covert all of these is within the covert series so they're all important um first thing that you need to know is when you're fishing the bait it needs to be straight okay your wire needs to be over your hook okay you need to have that angle there you know less than a 45 it's probably 35 or 40 degrees and you need to be checking that okay and and whenever i'm fishing especially largemouth fishing you know 90 of the time i'm gonna have a trailer so the trailer becomes a component so within the spinnerbait and the trailer they all become one and you have to understand each one of those to really know which tool is going to work the best for that day first thing we're going to talk about color we're going to talk about color of the skirt and color of the blades okay just like any other lure out there you want to keep it simple okay the clearer the water the more life-like you want your bait to look okay if i'm gonna go and the water's two-foot visibility and they can see it pretty good i want it to look real like a shad you know a white or even you know the jc special like a transparent you know i want it to look real the clearer the water i'm probably going to lean towards willow leaf blades all right and the color of those i want it to be real you know your silvers i don't want a red blade or an orange blade in the super super clear water but as far as colors the dirtier it gets the more color you want in there um here's a really good example these two spinner baits okay they're a lot the same actually they're almost the same this would be one that i would pick up in dirty water as far as the skirt chartreuse chartreuse white and blue probably my favorite color this is chartreuse and blue i would have these two rods laid on the deck if it was sunny you know i want some white and stuff in there and under the cloudy conditions i just like chartreuse and blue it's just more color i think they can pick it up in that dirtier water the darker colors versus the the lighter and the transparent colors and all of this the skirt color also carries over to the blade color notice this bait here you know i got a red kicker it's going to give me some red flash and a red head you know this spinner bait would probably be the dirtiest water or you know really dirty and cloudy the darker conditions when i say dark conditions i don't just mean no light i mean cloudy water dirty water you know no sun dark conditions i want something that they can see something that they can pick up so whenever you're thinking about color keep it simple the more lifelike and clearer water and start adding some colors as you get into that dirtier water all right we're going to talk about blades this is probably can be the most complex um if you're watching but really simple once you just and it goes a lot with the skirt colors you know so here i have a colorado blade the colorado blade is going to give you the most thump okay when i say thump the most sound underneath the water i'm going to throw the colorado blade when the water's dirty okay period and cold if you know in colder water you want to move the bait slower um so i'm going to pick the colorado blade now don't want to confuse you but say the water's cold but really clear you know i want to move the bait faster so i'm going to use willow leaf blades i don't want them to get a super good look at it uh in the colder water because this is going to be more lifelike it's going to move a little bit faster it has more of a shad profile it's not going to be you know as intimidating to them seeing these blades as opposed to that these two baits when you fish them have totally different feel this one is going to make your rod tip just bounce it's going to make your line bounce it's easy to to detect strikes throwing this blade willow leaf blades it's different it's it's more streamlined you know you don't feel that big thump you still have a little bit of vibration there but not as much so these two are totally different and and they sound totally different underwater so double willow leaf tandem colorado willa these are gonna be different okay this one's gonna have a little more pull and a little more lift because you added the colorado blade in the front you know this bait this this is a really good like clear water it's gonna move pretty quickly all right single and double colorados when do i throw them in you know we talked about cold dirty water once once those fish spawn and that water starts moving up i don't need that thump thump thump like you're going to get in the collar out i need something that's going to move a little bit faster but i'm fishing in shallower water so i want something that's going to lift and these two right here are going to do the job it's going to move a little bit quicker it's still going to give some vibration but not as much as the single so you know these three here is kind of the transition thump thump thump kind of in between and this one's going to move really really fast so say under 60 degrees 60 to 75 60 to 70 degree water temperature and anything over that would be that what i would pick to fish that you know whenever you're um you're you're picking the blades round blades for dirty water anything in between tandem colorados tandem willow colorado in that in between water and something clear you want to pick willow leaf blade one of the cool things that we designed was the heat map on learnet.com for cowork spinnerbaits it's a table that shows clear to murky water and gives you a water temperature of 40 to 80. and all you do is you pick the water color that you're fishing and the water temperature hit that set of blades where those two intersect and you're gonna see three spinner baits a primary bait and two secondary this really really works and every time that i look at it it's the exact spinner bait that i would throw all right next we're going to talk about weight when i say weight i mean head size we make a 3 8 a half a 3 4 and a 1 ounce and i use all of those okay if i'm fishing in this much water which i do sometimes you know i may pick up a three-eighths that way you know i'm not i don't have to fight the bait i can keep it up there's not a lot of weight to do that all right one thing that you need to think about though is adding a trailer i want to take a 3 8 and a half i prefer throwing a half ounce of shallow because you know it's windy i can throw the bait i can reel it a lot faster and you know i bring it by a log or something i can put a lot it's easier to put a lot of action into a bait if it's heavier than something that's light you know i can just do things and it's going to stay down in the water column so what i'm going to do here is put a trailer on this half ounce and i guarantee you we could go to the lake and these two baits are going to have about the same sink rate 3 8 with no trailer and a half ounce with a trailer just because of what the plastic is going to do to the bait it's going to float the bait a little bit it's going to make it a little bit slower in that you know springtime whenever you're covering a lot of water i like the half you know pre-spawn even in the wintertime you're going to see me throw a three-quarter or a one ounce a lot and the reason being is i'm not going to be up there fishing that two or that six inches of water you know i'm gonna be landing the bait in two to three i'm gonna put a big trailer on there it's got a lot of plastic which is gonna slow the bait down and what it lets me do is it let me it lets me fish that two to three and then once i get out there a little bit deeper six seven eight i can just slow the bait down and let it go down but what the trailer does even though i'm throwing a one ounce bait is it just slows everything down if i didn't have a trailer you know i kill the baiter i slow it down it's gonna drop like a rock and you have to remember the water's cold more than likely if i'm throwing this spinner bait the water's probably going to be dirty you know in spinner bait fishing i want a big profile so whenever you're picking the what the head weight it's just kind of relative to the water depth that you're fishing obviously the shallower you can do lighter and as you get out there deeper then you want some bigger uh baits bigger head weights so right here is four different trailers okay these are probably the four that i use almost all of the time each one of these is going to do something different to a bait if i want the bait to move faster if i want the bait to sink faster then i'm going to pick something that has very little plastic okay that's really thin it's long there's not a lot of plastic there if i want something you know if i want to throw a bigger head where i can cast it in the wind and and really work the bait but i want it to slow i want to be slow i'm going to get something you know like a pulse there with a lot of plastic where it just counteracts the the size of the head it may sound a little bit confusing but it's really not just think of it kind of like the blades if i if i want to move the bait fast you know if the water is clear and it's warm and i feel like they're aggressive something's skinny you know if it's cold then i want something that will slow the bait down and and create a larger profile and really really get those fish to bite so i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope you learned something it can be confusing but it's really not just keep it simple and thanks for riding along
Channel: Jason Christie Fishing
Views: 39,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, how to pick a spinnerbait, jason christie, jason christie spinnerbait, jason christie spinnerbait fishing, jason christie spinnerbait masterclass, jason christie spinnerbait setup, jason christie spinnerbait trailer, spinnerbait bass fishing, spinnerbait blades explained, spinnerbait colorado blades, spinnerbait fishing, spinnerbait setup, spinnerbait skirts, spinnerbait trailers, spinnerbait willow blade, winter bass fishing, winter spinnerbait colors
Id: x0dvweV9nx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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