Spinel Stone; prices, colors, ruby comparison & more!

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let's talk about spinels hey guys my name is Dominic flux and I am joined by fga gemologist Benedict and we are going to cover everything that you need to know about spanel because they come in a very wide range of color and we're going to talk about like the colors comparing them to different stones of similar colors you know red spanel versus red ruby the price points treatments all that good stuff so thanks for watching and let's jump into it [Music] and we love spinels we love spels spels are the best yeah all right so first off I thought we could look at maybe the wide range of color because they do have like unique colors like like Silvers and Grays very interesting colors of purple as well yeah so spinels will come in a really wide range of colors and saturation so you'll have all the pinks purples purple blue purple pink the Reds the the Reds will be very like Vivid they're going to be almost more red than what you could see in in rubies sometimes y sometimes they're just more of a pure red they're super crispy you can get them in h Grays also but like even usually in in Gray Stones like gray sapphires you'll always have some kind of like green undertone or purple undertone spels you can really have them in like these like Steely pure gray so these were extremely popular a few years ago they're still popular but they went a bit up in price so they're bit less interesting but for people who like neutral colors it's it's a great option yeah like I bet you if you liked peppered diamonds you would probably like this shade yeah for sure and then you have some blues you have like a more of a deeper teely kind of blue and you have the Cobalt spanel which is the most expensive and priced one with that is like really electric blue do you have any examples here we had one but we sold it a month ago and they're they're hard to find we've had it for a really long time it's it's really for like collectors like I don't even know if we want to replace it cuz cuz it's not it's collectors will want it usually they're going to be small they're going to be extremely expensive they're going to be sometimes kind of weirdly cut cuz they want to keep them them but they're super impressive they're like electric electric blue almost like an appetite or even more uh even more like you know those like blue Subarus you see on the street like the blue that's that's it's Subaru blue panels and so most of them come from Vietnam but we have some in Canada but they're oh co and what colors do you find in Canada the the electric blue the cobal blue but they're just too small to be cut maybe they'll find more but yeah so so these are the blues you can find yeah and like I really love like the pink tones they have a lot of pink tones and like wide range so like this is more of like um almost with a hint of like orange to it you know you have more purple pinks pastel pinks like it's yeah you have really bright like bright pink these ones too they're like kind of a reddish yeah very insane color they they they just glow they're just Absol because they have a similar refractive index as a sapphire I think that sometimes when people are looking for sapphires but don't necessarily have the price point but still want something just as beautiful a spanel is definitely a good option to go for because you like the colors are just so vivid it's also it's like it's not as hard as sappire but it's still an eight so it's it's good for engagement ring for rings that you'll wear every day they're pretty tough they're rarely treated they can heat treat them I mean it's since a few years they they've tried and they've made tests historically they were not heat treated but now some of them are but it's like a good natural option it's a fraction of the price of sapphires and the the colors are are beautiful yeah and I mean just like in terms of like the clarity as well I think they're pretty much well I me guess it depends on the quality right obviously dep stones are so nice that's why I'm like wow there's no inclusions there are inclusions I mean I have here little like you know up sometimes they can be a bit opalescent or more milky but when they're well cut and eye clean and and not included they have this like they have a very high luster so they're very like sharp they're really good awesome so now that we've touched about the colors I'd like to show you guys really like color comparisons in terms of like you know rubies versus spinels Sapphire versus spanel because you can see just like the the the range of colors that they hit yeah so here I have a tray that has some spels and some sapphires so great gray spinels here and gray Sapphire so it's it's it's a great option the red ones I mean you'll you'll make closeups but it's really hard to tell even for me these like are equal quality and all which ones is panel and which ones are Ruby can I see can I try yeah let me see oh she's taking it out for me too this is serious so these are the the rubies and spinels and you can guess try to guess which one's the Ruby and which one is the spinel okay so based on the color I'd actually say this one is probably the Ruby yes yay one but as you can see they're both very similar in color in like the glow they have mhm and the spinel is half the price of the Ruby so what are we looking at for the Ruby the Ruby's around it's $22,000 for the stone it's a 2 karat Stone and the spinel is slightly heavier so 2.36 and it's 12,000 yeah okay so it's literally half the price because okay I'm going to say this for rubies there's certain Stones like rubies emeralds alexandrites if you don't have a budget you know over let's say even 6 or 7,000 I wouldn't consider them like ever really because you're going to end up with something that's heavily included because there are stones that you really have to you know buy a higher quality for like an engagement ring unless you want have something like mediocre you know like a very small Stone if if you're you have very delicate and you want a small Stone then that's fine but for for one for the like one karat price like one karat point it's it it's there's options well I don't I still like I still found I I made one recently on the one karat range and it was still I don't remember what I did I think it was around like 8,000 there's other options there's options in other Stones like that that's it emeralds one carat they're super expensive if you want a nice quality but yeah you have you have other options all the time and spinel is a great option yes all right let's check out these purples so purples here well we have the lavender colors that are very trendy and popular right now this one's the Sapphire and this one's the spanel and this one is 1,400 and 600 mhm so have the price again there's even in so in sapphires if you watch the videos we made talked about the pat paracha Sapphires and spinel has also similar color has Pat paracha y carat weight they're about 1 Point around 1.5 karat this one's 1,000 this one's 10,000 yeah so it's a big price difference and they they look very very similar you guys they're very I came in asking her if it was um yeah and this one this one's also a sapphire so you have this panel in the middle and you can you you can tell it's it's the same color it's it's not the same value but if that's the color you want in sapphires you're looking at yeah you know $10,000 and more for one Kat Stone so it's a great great option yeah beautiful I love it and uh yeah so purples there's purple blue this is the spinel this is the sapphire spel is going to be 600 the sapphire is going to be two 2,500 mhm they're both they're 1.24 and 1.27 Kat so very close uh weights but yeah you're looking at least half the price of of sapphire yeah and in terms of like the pink ones as well yeah very similar in color same thing fraction of the price yeah this one is sapphire 1.43 Karat and 1.3 Karat and um Sapphire is the double of the price so 2200 and 1300 yeah and I think also that spinels is kind of like secret that we cuz we had so we recently made a post on Instagram with new Fels and and Jewelers are like we love it but we also don't want people to know about it because know because they're they're so nice and and if people know about it the price are going to go up but this is like this is our secret for the people in the industry spinels like I don't know I know a lot of people who just wear spinels and CU When you know about gemstones you just learned that spinels are great mhm yeah absolutely spinels are great and they have a little bit of a wider range than like other Stones versus like turmalin I feel it's like Sapphire spanel turmalin they all have their own color palette so it's very nice yeah it is funny though how the the demand will drive the market price well the the gray spinels the I mean they use not even to cut them when I was in in Bangkok in 2017 I was learning how to cut gemstones and I went to have lunch with a supplier and I was telling him that I was on my way to buy synthetic stones to like practice how to cut and he's like no come to my office and he wanted to give me like reject you know like milky garnets or stuff and stuff that he wasn't going to cut that's just like in a drawer and he pulls this big bag of Grace panels and he's like oh well actually that sells now but you it would go in like the discard f and then it became super trendy and they cut them and now they're they're similar price like for gray Stones they're never that the most expensive but they're similar to to some Sapphires and and because it just became really popular yeah very cool so yeah it's it's all about supply and demand all right now that we touched on colors let's touch on price points and we're going to go over all the different colors so make sure you stay [Music] tuned um so we're going to start with the red spanel so we're approximately 1 karat range I'm going to give you some price in red spanel and in Ruby so you guys can kind of compare so the one karat red spinel is going to be maybe like a really I'm always talking really high quality so very like eye clean good color good cut it's going to be maybe 3,000 4,000 per carrot if you go for the same in Ruby so heat treated will be around 6,000 and no heat will be can be around 20K y you know your no heat Ruby might not look as good as a spinel yeah cuz that's that's how rubies are they're usually a little darker or more included not as crispy so I'm not rubies are great they're a great investment if they no heat and all but if that's like the red you like maybe you won't even fall in love with the Ruby maybe you'll just want to spinel Y and you can also you have like I guess for larger sizes it it it has a even bigger impact like in the purple in the Grays in the pink maybe not as much but for for red like a ruby like a pink sapphire 4 karat 2 karat there there's a big difference but not as much as a 2 Karat and a 4 karat Ruby so if you're looking at not even the same you know it's not like it's so the price per carrot becomes exponential and the weight also adds up but so you're not so if you want bigger Stone I think Fels will be even more of a different then for one carat and I find that when I'm looking at the spels they have almost a slight like orange undertone a lot of them which I really don't mind one has some some orange also it's like a warmer red rubies when they have this orange undertone they lose a lot of value cuz they're they kind of tend to look more brownish yeah if you can smash that like button subscribe it means more than the world to us it helps these small videos perform so thank you but in spels it's it's just like yeah and it's I mean it's I mean you can compare at to any extent but like they're they have just so much more life because they're a little bit brighter than than the rubies the rubies has a little bit more of like a blood color yeah all right and then so for pink see there's all different shades of pink but for again a one karat pink spanel is going to be 26 00 per carot think sa far is going to be maybe I would say approximately similar if it's heat treated in the one karat range not in the 2 Karat and more and but for no heat it it might set you back 4,000,000 a carat so if if we're in light pink for for darker pink the price for the spinal will go up and the price for the sappire too but I think light pink spinel sappire if the sappire is heat treated it's going to be a similar price range and then so purple panel so this is a big one but you have that's a saf but all type of shade so again more more blue more purple so Sapphire is going to be around 1,500 a carat and the sapphire will be at least the double no it's great the entire ranges that you can have it's a very feminine Stone all the different shades of pink yeah and in terms of um this also black we didn't touch on black really yeah black it's it's the same I mean as amst train it's it's very it's very common it's usually going to be like byproduct of other things that going like this is this is like um one almost one just over one karat and it's like $28 it's not expensive people will buy usually Black Diamond black spanel or black sapphire I personally prefer black spanel with black sapphire I prefer black spinel black black diamonds are like they have this like gray undertone or this like a met metallic luster this to me is more black this is like jet black yeah it's like onx but it's harder than onx it's got more luster we prefer carrying this and we didn't talk also about the cobal glue spel sappire not sappire Cobble blue spels because the pric is this is like for specialy St very intense collectors and there's like the price are just too crazy and they're never big so I I I don't I couldn't even tell you the price for a one carat they're always going to be 20 pointers stuff like that so but they're very very expensive they're the most expensive yeah are we talking like Alexandro prices or more more more oh W okay more more interesting I haven't seen one in person so very cool okay so those are the prices for very nice Stones because Benedict only has nice stones but obviously you know if you're going down in in Clarity in like sometimes there a little bit milkiness in in spinels obviously the price points are going to go down so what are the common things that you'll see in lower quality Stones they're going to be more included so like more milky or some more commercial good maybe little chips on the sides are not as well cut on honestly I think it's a stone that it's already not so expensive when it's nice I think it's worth investing in in cuz I would get like a nice spanel for the price of like a commercial grade Sapphire I would get the nice spinel I wouldn't get the commercial grade spinel but for sure the prices go down it's like you see the black spinel they're they're yeah they're basically worth nothing they're worth the The Cutting and the manufacturing they not worth the material but other than that some might be like opalescent like with the milkiness that can be fun and another thing is that the inclusions in natural Fels they're in the actual shape of how they grow y so you'll see little octron just floating in your stone under the microscope or under the loop mm so even the inclusions are fun yeah yeah and yeah so sometimes you can have a little Cloud sometimes you can have just like overall milkiness but I think it's worth investing on it a nice I mean yeah always I think so for sure so in terms of the origin spinels come a little bit from all around the world are there some main hubs that have main colors or anything notable yes there's Burma that has those like really bright so Reds and pink Tanzania will have some of the Grays the pink and the purple you'll have them in Sri Lanka they have spels they have spels so I said Tanzania Burma Vietnam yep there's a lot of producing countries but I would say the most the I mean Burma is going to have the it's kind of like Colombian emeralds or ber Ruby they're going to be the nicest one and they they tend to produce very very high quality but Tanzania I've seen I mean these ones this is from Tanzania this is from Burma so it's very similar material but I think burmes kind kind of come with a premium okay and are any of them ethically sourced I think there have some mines in Vietnam probably yeah yeah yeah okay interesting [Music] awesome let's go into the synthetics and IM ations because obviously this is a very beautiful gemstone there are always going to be imitations on the market so don't get duped I would say like on the natural side of stones there's no imitation more maybe like confusion cuz you're not going to try to imitate a spinel with a ruby even though but so but it could be confused with some garnets some talin can have similar colors it's not quite the color of ametist but are you going to say that you know Sapphire is an imitation of spel to me it's it's more like confusion and similar similar material so they are synthetics yeah there's synthetic spinel it's been used for quite quite some time now they do the very crazy blue they do a lot of light blue they'll do a lot of colors that sometimes you think you have a synthetic and it's it's spel do some duets with spanel it's pretty common but it's very easy to identify okay yeah okay it's it has a different refractive index when you put it under the polariscope you have some like crazy reaction there's like a lot of things that you can do it's it's fairly easy to detect but there's a lot of a color change synthetic spels that's very common oh yeah you'll see that for like Alexandri imitations but I mean look anytime you're buying like color change and there synthetics I feel like you can tell right away because the colors are just too intense and they change in like a weird way like usually I found that when you put you have to really be under incandescent and versus natural daylight yeah the change will change but in these synthetics they're always kind of changing like all the time I don't know if you've noticed that like they're always kind of in between so I don't know but always rely on gemologist [Music] okay all right so we're going to finish off with some treatments because like a lot of gemstones there are treatments there are few for spinel like a little bit of heating but there is also sometimes they do fracture filling with the commercial grade not so much for durability but more for the overall look so they'll oil them or put resin or and I'm guessing it's color to enhance the color mostly the clarity oh the clarity yeah yeah the clarity to just fill fractures and make the cracks well there's like a range but the the range is not usually disclosed so they'll just say like it's it's filled but let's say for emeralds you have oil but you can say it's minor oil it's moderate it's heavily oiled you have different so so rubies it can be worth nothing but it can also be like they will usually kind of process everything in some kind of filling so if there's no cavities then it doesn't come in but there's different grade it doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that it's like all of that it just depends on how much fractures there's there in the stone and that reaches the surface but also fairly easily um detectable with the microscope you'll see bubbles or you'll see the difference in ler on the surface that's how you see to what extent it it was filled okay cuz sometimes they're just like even in in very expensive ruby you'll just have like traces cuz if there's a cavity then it just kind of went there but it didn't go inside all the way in okay all right guys if you guys have any questions or comments do leave them down below if you guys are looking for a custom engagement ring or to design something spel do send me a DM my links are down below and uh thank you so much for doing this with us we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dominique Flux
Views: 2,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jewelry, Custom jewelry, fine jewelry, how it's made, Montreal artists, engagement rings, jewelry designer, spinel stone, spinel gemstone, spinel ruby comparison, red spinel vs ruby, red spinel stone, red spinel gemstone, spinel stone colors, spinel gemstone prices, custom engagement ring, spinel stone benefits, cobalt spinel, black spinel stone, black spinel gemstone, colored gemstone, spinel vs sapphire, engagement ring shopping, spinel ring, pink spinel, spinel mining
Id: q3P6SKpmKvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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