Spider-Man "Death of a Hero, Carnage Goblin Finale" - Legacy Complete Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the complete story series right today trade paperbacks and single issues and I break them down into digestible bites to help you understand then I read them dramatically back to you today is the grand finale to the Dan Slott run for spider-man with the second half of the read gobble and going down swinging storyline part one I will link down below but if you don't care and you just want to jump into this here's your quick recap as to what happened last time Norman Osborn discovered who Peter Parker really was discovering his identity and then he merged with the carnage symbiote becoming red goblin he then decided to make Peter Parker's life just crazier as he attacked everyone within Peter Parker's life that required spider-man's allies to come to his aid and now Norman has spread the carnage symbiote to his grandson a little Normie can spider-man take down two red goblins [Music] we'd last left off with the amazing spider-man finale Norman Osborn learned who Peter Parker was that he was in fact spider-man and then he allowed himself to be taken over by the carnage symbiote to become the red goblin he then battled against spider-man's friends and even injured spider-man himself and then he went off to fight his little grandson and turned him into Kidd red Goblin at this point in the game all of spider-man's allies are injured and off the table and spider-man himself is also injured not sure what to do next back over at the bus station Peter begins to help up flash and tell everyone to sound off is everyone even still alive Clash rolls over and tells them you suck well everyone begins to get back up silk says that there's something important that she has to say it's about Jonah he heard them talking over the comp he wants to help Peter tells her no he's done enough already Jameson screwup is the reason we're even in this mess and for that he shouldn't have brought you into this either flash could stay here and fix you all up lie take out Norman flash gets up telling him that he would rather help him and Peter webs off telling him not a chance soldier that's an order you've already done enough his Peter swings outside Harry shouts to him telling him Norman just took Normie and infected him you need to do something Peter says that there's no sign of them anywhere and if Norman did cover normally with a symbiote there's really no way that he can track him down Liz says that's fine she already knows what they're headed alchemax before he left he mentioned something about handing over the family business Peter tells it that that must be his endgame her company absorbed Oscorp Harry shows that he's got to do something and Peter stops him Ellingham whoa whoa whoa I could take care of this we're good to get normally back don't worry Peter then turns to mark it asks his alchemax have any more of that artificial anti-venom mark says that they're not supposed to but it's kept in a new lab over on South Street while Peter heads over there Jonah continues trying to figure out ways to help and while he looks over all of his files he notices something there are articles of venom popping up and the photos came from someone named sim Jonah asks how could it be that stupid I mean he can't canny a few moments later over at the factsheet a phone rings and someone answers it calling out phone call for mr. sim as Eddie Brock takes the foam Jonah asks mr. sim are you serious is your first name be ot anyway I'm glad I got a hold of you something that you and your better half need to do and don't worry it's for a good cause venom starts to cover Eddie's face and he says we're listening as the night begins to set Peter begins to sneak into the lab over on South Street and he finds the security team was already dead he runs in to find the vault where the anti-venom is being kept and as he goes inside he finds it empty just then a cartage bomb flies through the air and through it Norman says War II had a jewel now that you've lured back alone the suit looks like everyone needs to die Peter shouts don't you dare and the bomb explodes throwing Peter against the wall and he calls out to Mae and Mary Jane before passing out a short while later over at stark tower Mary Jane gets ready to leave for the night when suddenly the window breaks open and a voice tells her stop right where you are she hits the security panel telling the building to activate the Watson protocol and as flames begin to shoot out Eddie shouts stop not Osborn we're to help damn it Mary Jane says that she was not expecting venom and just then Norman flies in on his glider asking fire and sound shoddy work someone clearly didn't get the memo those may work on the competition but not me Eddie whips back knocking Norman off of his glider telling him we're not competition we are her protector well Eddie tries to hold Norman back he tells Mary Jane that he would greatly appreciate it if she would turn off the Sonics in flames since we're trying to save you Mary Jane reaches back to deactivate the security panel and Eddie tells her thank you while the fight over at stark tower begins Aunt May hears a knock at the door and when she opens it she finds a little Normie standing there Mae asks what is he doing here and Normie says that he was out playing and got lost can he come in Mae tells him of course just let her call his mother she must be worried sick and while Mae has her back turned normally begin to change and he lunges but then he stopped by two mechanical arms of reaching out slamming him into the wall the arm slams little normally repeatedly and a voice tells him you will not dare lay a hand on this woman as Doc Ock picks up Norman he says that woman is forever under my care if you want her you must face the wrath of dr. octopus Mae runs out in front of Ock asking what are you doing Norman is just a child and Ock tells her he is no mere child nori begins to get up and he kids to change and he says he's got me there they call me God Allah child back over at stark tower Peter swings in to see venom and Norman fighting at a delay as he sees Mary Jane's slide on an Ironman Club he asks what does it do and she tells him yeah it's a repulsor Club it's the one place where I'm actually armed and with Norman and a carnage Sambia CH we're gonna need some help Peter heads into the fight stating thanks for the vote of confidence Peter punches Norman as he thinks to himself that there has to be a weakness somewhere every living breathing thing breathing that's it he punches Norman in the throat and his Norman coughs he tells him ha ha ha good try but you're sticking your hand where it doesn't belong and he turns biting into Peters wrist Mary Jane powers up her glove hitting Norman and as the blast hit some Norman laughs telling him looks like you're doing more harm to venom than anyone as Mary Jane stops attacking Norman holds out his hand he hits her with the same attack that he hit Johnny and clash with the needles begin to stick into her body and Norman jumps onto his glider standing crook took the time I need you go pick up my grandson I'm being such a bad girl aah Peter shouts asking where's Norma and Norman asks Oh didn't I tell you I sent him over to play with autumn a though the old bat may be tethered her feet now as he begins to fly away Peter gets ready to follow when he notices that Norman fit through his web shooter and Eddie then asks hang on if you want a fighting chance you're gonna need all the help you can get take the Venom symbiote with you Peter ask some whites there's no way the hell I'm doing that and Eddie tells him we got some good hits in on him with the suit at spider-man you're just a guy the Goblin got an upgrade so it's time for you to get one take my symbiote Mary Jane gets up telling him that he's right no one loads that thing more than her but may Parker is in danger he needs this as venom starts to climb up onto Peter he thinks that this is a stupid plant merging with venom again but a few seconds later he swings dust dating so it's the two of us again huh gotta say I already feel stronger and faster this might work meanwhile over at the Columbia University Medical Center flash continues helping those that were in the fight with Norman as one of the doctors because the take off silks mask flash yells whoa the mask stay on if you need anything cut through the fabric class begins to scream in pain and flash tells him to take it easy he's got him whatever the goblins done to them it's way worse meanwhile over at Mae's apartment Auto continues to struggle with normy and to try and help May breaks a chair over the kit she shouts that she used to bake him cookies and normals yeah and you put raisins in them you deserve to die just as Norma gets back up to attacker there's a loud boom and through her door Jonas steps in with a spider-slayer stating Jay jonah jameson is here to save the day the suit is no match for these miscreants as Jonah punches normy norman flies and shouting that the child is the blood of my blood he's destined for greatness to rule over all of you in my name Norman and tosses Auto to the side and he stabs into the spider-slayer suit deactivating it as both Otto Octavius and jonah jameson lay defeated Norman looks over in May stating that he is so sorry I'm just losing my head when it comes to family you know Norma asks what are we gonna do and Norman tells them yes we're going to leave spider-man a message a few moments later spider-man swings down just as Norman and Norma are flying away but before Peter can attack Norman tells him you may want to check on me while you can Peter heads inside and the first thing that he sees is jonas spider-slayer suit asking what is this thing doing here Jonah says that he tried his best but he's afraid it wasn't enough before Jonah could go on Peter stumps on the screen and Jonas shouts from his apartment dammit there must be something I can do Peter calls out to me and as she answers she holds Otto's body both of them covered in Norman spines Peter looks at Otto and may says that Otto saved her and Peter says that's unbelievable Mae tells him it's not anyone can be a hero he taught her that Peter looks at Otto it asks why last time we met you cost me everything Otto says why do you think I still have your memories rattling around in my head your simpleton sensibilities of right and wrong Peter gets up and tells me that they both need to check out but don't worry he's gonna save Norman he swears it a short while later over the alchemax building Norman and Normie head inside and make their way to Liz's office where her and Mark are waiting liz asks norma if he's okay and Norman tells her eyes over here the boy is fine he's better than fine actually Liz tells him that that's enough small talk he made it clear that this meeting was about him gaining control in exchange for her son back right here's all the paper that he would ever need to control this company there's no legal way to just hand her company Oh what does he think this is Parker industries Norman tells her that's one thing as a beneficiary clause so once you're gone your company Falls to our little prince over here Normie well Herman is loving legal guardian Norman grass the table and cracks it at mark steady scratch that his only living legal guardian pay attention boy this is how a toss born tables but discussion liz pulls out a small device hitting a button and as she does a door opens and Harry flies in on a glider with the human on stating I've always wanted you to stand up for me normally because to change back into the red gobble and telling him this should be fun sadly the robots do not screw you Harry flies by grabbing normally by the arm telling him I got you and normally starts to change telling him you left me you should just go back to the love you actually love normally Clause away at Harry and Harry tells him you can fight all you want but I'm never letting you go son Norman then throws a small bomb knocking Harry off of his glider telling him I am so done with the both of you time to say goodbye Nora picks Liz up by her neck rubbing her out the window asking what is it with me in blondes in high places both Harry and normies shout for Liz and Norman tells Normie Oh boohoo be bigger than this chump it's time to grow up but just then spider-man swings in with Liz stating or not sorry Goblin you don't get to win that way not twice normally looks at Norman and attacks and shouting this was supposed to be about spider-man being a bad guy but he was you all along Norman the changes his hand into an axe and he grabs Normie telling him fine I will just cut you out of the plan altogether but as he swings down Peter grabs the axe telling him you should have known that there was no way I was gonna let that happen to my godson Harry grabs the glider shouting to Norman that he should know he's already dead to the family and he throws the glider right into Norman's chest hair even grabs on to Normie telling him I'm so sorry this has all happened but as he holds on Norma shouts I can't control it don't touch me Harry tells me he doesn't care he is his son and he promised you would never let him go and slowly the symbian fades away as Norman stops the glider he grabs it covering it with the symbionts dating well I've got enough of this you're always getting in the way and I'm going to devour you whole normal takes the glider flying it into Peter knocking about the window and as he chases him he starts lobbing carnage bombs Peter starts to swing to avoid them he says you know you said you to kill everyone ever loved but you failed every time and Norman asked some is that so well I did more than just lay a finger on them in fact I loved little pieces of myself in them those tiny shards all at the snap of a finger will travel into their bodies and into their brains and stab them like little daggers so how about we see what happens just like that Norman snaps his fingers a few moments pass and Norman says that he should be feeling at their pain and torment but there's nothing Wow flash jumps out with most of his anti-venom gone from healing everyone he says yeah you want to get someone some credit for that defensive play of the year that's gonna be me Peter looks at flash and asks what the hell happened and flash tells him I did what a soldier does and followed orders it was after goblins attack on clash that I noticed what had happened everyone who came in contact with the Goblin they were tagged with those things I used the anti-venom powers I had to remove them and ease the pain and all those people are doing just fine Peter shouts all right corporal Eugene Thompson for the win but how did you know about the first run-in with Norman flash smiles and he says I ever heard you talking to silk Pete after that it was easy to figure out where to go and who to help not such a dumb jock after all huh puny Parker flash then says all those times that I cop it off for you and got you to do my homework we even now Peter tells him he'll I've forgiven doc ock and venom today you I forgave you a long time ago pal Norman flies in with his glider telling him that's very touching but this guy's a little annoying the gliders shoots down fighting down unto Peters arm sending him off the building and Norman jumps down tackling into Flash Thompson flash grabs onto Norman with what anti-venom he has left who burned him and Norma tells him look underneath all this red I'm still a goblin with all my goblin toys Norman squeezes down on Flash's neck electrocuting him laughing ha ha ha poor corporal Thompson caught in a flash Peter here's flash scream out I'm painting at the hearing that he shall know and venom begins to take over Peter begins to lose control of the symbiote he screams for Norman he jumps down well I will drill you he punches Norman so hard that he flies through several buildings and then he shouts boy will eat its brains but flash leads up telling him no you have to calm down Pete please listen that suits good now or it can be I helped make it that way please don't let your rage infect it don't be the reason it goes evil again Peter looks at flash and as he regains control he tells them I'm sorry come on we gotta get you somewhere but flash tells him there's no time Peter says well is there enough anti-venom to heal you back up and flash tells him no Peter tells him okay I can give you back venom venom can heal you flash yells no it could still die if it comes in contact with my skin I have anti-venom in my bloodstream besides you need this edge people are in danger you just sent the red goblin to the heart of the city people need you they need Peter Parker the amazing spider-man my hero my friend and as the last breath leaves Flash's lips Peter could not even think of what to say but back over with Norman his body crash lands into the middle of the city and suddenly people begin taking pictures of him he asks what's going on and a spider-man cosplay tells him that this is his corner who was he supposed to be anyway Norman tells him okay and he gets punching right through the man telling him I'm the guy you kill spider-man get it ha ha ha ha what's a picture Peter swings down shouting stop laughing you just killed my friend this is not a joke and now another man is dead Norma tells him you know that's the thing spider-man cares too much what would you do if I just started killing everyone he starts throwing several carnage bombs into the air and as some of them start going off in the crowds peter webs everyone up to contain as much of the chaos as possible norman last telling him nicely done bug boy you're on fire or rather will be peter swings down with another explosion going off and he manages to catch himself on a street pole before hitting the ground the officers call out to him but Peter tells them get away and the officers shout no behind you Norman grabs him slamming him down shouting hahahahahaha still holding back that's your problem is no killer than you Norman Osborn will be victorious but as Peter struggles he says that's that's where you're wrong this isn't your win this is Carnage's win all the credit will be to that suit and Cletus Kasady inside the back of Norman's mind he can hear Cletus laughing yes I'll order killed spider-man Norman pulls back shouting no I'm the one who calls the shot it was all me Peter gets up saying to himself that's his weakness pride Achilles heel meet Norman zico he stands up telling him how about we do this once and for all the two of us no gimmicks sound familiar Peter then removes the Venom symbiote telling him don't worry I know what I'm doing get clear of all these flames Norman rips off the carnage symbiote shouting damn you I never needed anyone this is the real me all I've ever needed to kill you Peter charges in punching Norman before he has a chance to attack but now that Norman doesn't have the suit Peter spider-sense is working again and it's pinging like crazy he looks back at a car and fire and realizes the gas tank is about to explode and as it does it knocks him to the ground Norman gets up stating tides of turn spider Norman then begins beating on Peter and as Norman swings once more Peter catches it punching back he punches over into over telling Norman my friends my family taught me everything that I know they are with me and everything that I do they give me strength to fight and live in that last punch that was for flash you're gonna be webbed up like every old common crook you will live and you will remember this day Norman calls out to the symbian to come back but with Norman and the symbionts separated Peter takes a motorcycle slamming it down causing it to explode as he's knocked away Peter gets us saying again with the gas tank did it work Norman show your colors are your red agreed Norman leans up and begins to speak but he's talking in gibberish Peter says maybe that's a win all the people he's hurt no more but through the fire jonah walks up holding out a gun telling Norman you're not fooling anyone with that act this ends now Peter shouts Jota what are you doing put the gun down and Jonas says I'm not stupid I know how this works he's just gonna come back and take someone else this must end now jonah pulls the trigger and the gun goes off peter jumps in the way shouting that i will let you and jonah asks why and peter tells him because i could it means I have to because a great power comes great responsibility to everyone even the worst of us later once Norman is taken to solitary confinement John Jameson tells Peter that he's breaking a lot of rules since he is an Avenger anymore and Peter says he knows he just needs to check on something Peter stands in front of Norman's cell and he asks have you told anyone and Norman says so I know your secret the world's biggest screwup your Norman Osborn Peter pauses and tells him okay and who are you Norman says my name is Cletus Kasady ha ha ha Peter turns around telling him yeah we're done here slowly things begin to go back to normal Liz used alchemax and dr. Steve to create a method to remove the last bits of the carnage symbiote from Norman as normally comes off the table Harry hugs and telling him that he swears he's going to make their name mean something good he will not be like his father he will love him no matter what and normally asks no matter what and Harry tells him yeah as Norma hugs Harry back a little glint of red shinies are in Norman's eye and he says that's good to know however with everyone moving on the one day that people didn't want to come comes the day that the Sun Brother high school football star the head of the spider-man fan club was finally put to rest Peter steps forward to flash Thompson's casket lisa's flash was so many things but who am i kidding he was a bully and he was my bully when i think back to all of the lockers that i was shoved into it also makes me realise that bullies don't come out of nowhere someone always hurts them first i didn't find that out about flash until many years later and then on that day things changed flash once said that he found a hero to look up to so he started a life of service he helped his fellow man and he saved so many lives protecting others in ways that people will never know about became a man that we can all be proud of he himself became somewhat of a bully but things can change so maybe one day I can become a man that Eugene Flash Thompson he'd be proud of even though we were friends there was one thing that I never told him and that was that I am his one fan he was the hero that I look up to as the services start to end everyone begins to leave except one man Jonah he stares down and maid tells Peter they should go talk to him the family and Jonah needs help Peter waits for everyone else to leave and then he walks up to him telling him that once when he was 15 he made a mistake that others paid for he's felt that weight since he was 15 it doesn't help but if he was here he would forgive everyone that you loved they would forgive you that's what they do it's what we do after everything that we've been through I can forgive you for everything and anything Jenna turns back it says Peter my boy before he can say anything there's a scream in the distance and Jonah says well what are you standing around for stop wasting time you're needed out there Peter asks meeted as it necessary me and Jonah shouts vlogger Peter pulls on his tie and he says all right I get it chase Jonah watches Peter run off and he starts to pick up the clothes that Peter lost dating Hank blasted these will get all wrinkled what would that boy do without me so Peter swings into action still recovering from his gunshot wound because that's what he does he fights the good fight saving the world one friendly neighborhood at a time and there you have it folks the conclusion to amazing spider-man as written by Dan Slott now they've already started up the new run we have Nick Spencer writing Amazing Spiderman and it started over with a new number one now sadly I really hope they bring back agent venom eventually but he needs to stay dead for a little while let this death affect people let them realize what has happened if you want to know my direct feelings on agent Venom's death I will link that video down below but what do you think about Dan slots run on spider-man now that it has officially concluded what did you think of red goblin and what did you think about his whole run and are you excited about an expensive new spider-man let me know in the comments down below and don't forget you can find me on Twitter where you can ask anything you really want I'll answer you over at comics historian I'll see you guys later you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 467,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, spider-man, carnage, green goblin, agent venom, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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