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technology is a light that will cut through the darkness when Humanity conforms to a single truth a truth-based in technological progress on scientific method they will be unstoppable I Dr Otto Octavius bowel as a scientist on businessman that my duties to humankind will be fulfilled thank you thank you yeah nice words Octavius these Executives knew you the way I do I wonder if they'd be so quick to applaud just keep shooting Eddie when Jay Jonah Jameson sees these photos my career is gonna be right back on track check just backstage last time I checked I was Spiderman Spiderman what's he doing gotta get into my costume and take out this imposter well can't get free of this crowd can't get a shot Jamison you'll pay any price to get this kind of dirt on Spiderman oh that was Eddie Brock who the he looked familiar right yeah whatever stay focused [Applause] he's stealing octavius's device oh no he sees me my camera no ah it's over it's all over I blew it again oh I can hear Jameson's Voice already Brock you a loser if I had given a real photographer that job I would finally have the evidence to send Spider-Man away forever you're through Brock when I am done with you you won't be able to get a job taking adding pictures in Siberia I tried to fight it come on get fight him anymore [Music] Jameson and the insect are gonna pay phase run completed let us begin phase two [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] True Believers and newcomers alike Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee here once again we find our hero Peter Parker better known around the world as The Amazing Spider-Man in a heap of trouble but this is just the beginning Spidey fans get ready for a true superhero action thriller packed to the brim with Thrills and chills twists and turns more super villains than you can shake a web at and of course non-stop web slinging wall crawling action hey spider hey black cat what's going on I know there's been some trouble but the bank's being robbed and they've got hostages get to the bank quickly thanks cat Spider Sense tingling something's going on here hey hey did you put someone's eye out with that whoa police Choppers Roger eagleland keep your eye out for Spider-Man [Applause] if a Halloween boy shows up foreign these guys are serious I can't believe they shot down those police Choppers yeah just my luck I'll probably get blamed for that too is that the bank ahead yes but be careful spider I saw the chopper dropping off armed robbers on top of the bank heads up cat gotta smoke no man I'm out got a birth mint just keep your eyes open hey Lou oh boy [Music] Fish Out of Water that was right it's the it's the Jade Syndicate that's the last one but these hostages are still all right no please no you hear something I don't feel right about this mind if I drop in don't think he works here [Music] yeah I doubt that really hurt me more than it hurt you [Music] thanks Spider-Man there may be more hostages on this floor looks like I've got company they do have hostages I have to make sure they don't get hurt I have to go just hold it no man I'm out [Music] what's going on out here they're messing with us start the timer on the bomb and take out all the hostages oh please I don't want to die I don't want to die shut up leave him alone Chuckles [Music] no this is the best you can do boring that's dad you got it let's get out of here oh no they've activated the bomb gotta be quick about this hey [Music] the robbers have been taken care of but what can I do about the bomb think Spidey think big save running out of time [Music] going down I need to put the bomb in a safe place not this time guys Jonah I have shots of the bank robbery Arthur shut up and dial 9-1-1 Scorpions Here foreign Spidey scorpions headed out for old Jay Jonah Jameson from day one blaming Jameson for being stuck in his scorpion suit Spidey had better get there quickly or JJJ may end up in the obituaries of his own paper gotta get to the bugle Jameson's still alive no goggin no a time is running out don't put anything on TV nowadays [Music] that next building is pretty far away thanks think [Applause] hey keep your eyes open the sooner we take on Spiderman the sooner the boss pays us coming through [Music] what are they after me for I don't have time for this stop it talking we can still make a deal we're going to die can't believe I'm risking my neck for that old Sour Puss stop you don't know what you're doing time's up let's do it not this time listen Garden it's a new millennium lots of high-tech there may be some way we can get you out of that suit you put me in this suit now I'm going to make you pay over it gargan you ruined my life so now I'll end yours leave them alone Chuckles Spider-Man I asked for the police and I get this but out web ahead this isn't your fight I'm making this my fight foreign [Music] chair [Music] s back off ugly [Music] I'm out of here don't move you here [Music] lights out yummy where are you hiding you chicken [Music] Marco Polo it's not my fault can we talk about this you guys are starting to bother me [Music] oh no don't get up I'll go moving a bit for the last time get down here how'd that feel s [Music] oh you want some more [Music] sorry there's scorpion [Music] I don't know what you're trying to pull by saving my life but it won't work oh you're just too clever for me JJ there he is officers The Man Behind the Science Expo Heist shoot him now shoot him JJ you're out of the wheel I mean it this time holes in Spider-Man I don't want to believe that you pulled off the heist today but I've got to make sure Daredevil I haven't got time to explain just tell me your side of it I'll know if you're lying how am I supposed to know you're the real Daredevil what listen it's true a Spider-Man made off with octavius's new invention but not be Spider-Man not me somebody's framed me why I don't know yet and if New York's finest catch me it may be too late well then you'd better get going NYPD is coming fast that's it you believe me I don't have to believe you I know you aren't lying but how let's just say you've got your superpowers and I've got mine I'll spread the word about your innocence not that it'll help with the cops good luck since when have I had any oh it wasn't me it was an imposter hello oh boy keep moving Spidey [Music] right I should have stayed home today Tony Hawk hey I skated with that guy [Music] I'm innocent we'll be right there [Music] [Applause] these guys are Relentless way to go but up enough with the shooting already gee I wonder who those pumpkin bombs belong to [Music] after the wrong guy how tall is this thing I wonder if all those Wolverine's bones are made of adamantium foreign food sticking you to that wall well it's not the most romantic proposition I've ever had black cat I'm so glad it's you good to see you too big boy but you got a problem Venom's got control of the jumbo Trail in Times Square he's been ranting for hours with a message for you Venom's ugly face on that big screen now that's scary that's not all Rhino's on a rampage over at Omni tech as well what is this the bad guy Olympics look Times Square is on the way to Omnitech let's find out what Venom's up to and then we'll tackle rhino the Venom Marathon continues on the biggest TV in the in New York we're shouting out to the whole big rotten apple here people sad thing is he'll probably get his own talk show so we've got this beautiful redhead you know her she's one of those famous bimbos we have decided that this poor little Lassie has 24 hours to Live 24 hours oh by the way her name is Mary Jane Parker no Mary Jane so just in case someone hello it could be if any of you type wearing freaks out there wanna save Little Miss fashion model then bring it on meanwhile New Yorkers the Venom Marathon will continue listen I realize what this means forget about helping me with unity Rhino by yourself thanks cat but no thanks look being Spider-Man has given me a lot and taking a lot away but one thing never changes my responsibility to use my powers for others before myself no matter what the cost there are innocent people on the tech and they need our help right now I won't let them down then I'll stop Venom time it's for the last time we're too late that makes two major technology heist in two days that leaves one question where's Rhino [Music] Voice by defense black cat is out rhinos looking to take Spidey town as well but fortunately for the webslinger rhinos there's more where that came from that must have hurt oh are your ears ringing thank you maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea after all look out for that walls [Music] I'm sorry about that I'm getting too old for this foreign [Music] [Music] Rhino Burgers coming up the boys in blue again better hide best seat in the house devious what's he doing here please stand back officers allow me duck helping me release and he is reformed Ox taken care of rhino I need to find out what happened to Black Cat this is a job for Peter Parker not Spiderman gotta help me and not really perfect perfect well that's my story Johnny looks like you're in a lot of trouble you'll find Venom but how Venom is invisible to my spider sets knowing your luck Venom will find you have faith Spidey laughs would she be Parker hates it when I get the drop on it I hate it when he gets the drop on me [Music] gotta keep moving quit slacking boy gotta keep up can't lose them [Music] [Music] come on yeah look out lady oh my goodness Jones I'm caught oh dude put a towel on oh look out lady oh my God [Music] no sorry ladies [Music] yeah [Music] yeah if you wanna fight follow me monsters infest sewers yeah right weird spider wolves go spider Wars come out and play [Music] here Venom where are you [Music] come see me [Music] [Applause] laying down on the job Parker [Music] Rose get a bread man [Music] get off that wall crawling [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm feeling that one later yeah what do we have here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you might want to try fighting back next time shaken not stayed [Music] if you can't stand the heat stay on the kitchen Parker where's my white symbiote freak out here we go again sometimes it seems like no matter what I do I manage to make the people around me miserable what's wrong Peter I don't know what to do all these years I've been two people instead of just one trying to do right sometimes I think it was all that defined me there are lots of people who fight the good fight without it turning into a costumed slug Fest Peter Parker could be as important to the world as Spider-Man ever was if you let him sorry MJ where are you got something for you whoa but all those things these guys must be leftovers from one of the lizards experiments [Music] foreign [Music] must have gone this way looks like the only way across the cavern is swinging to those pipes oh great trap [Music] [Music] open this door who is it kill me come on Spidey he's getting away where is she Venom Mary Jane it's just a train ride away yeah you're in a speeding Subway with mutant blizzard men raining down on you what do you do a quiz hot shot on a speeding Subway with mutant lizard men raining down on you what do you do what do you do oh no [Music] ah not enough webbing [Music] wouldn't Wanna Be ya [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] where am I now pay big time Venom's very existence threatens me and his entire planet [Music] what do we have here [Music] all right looks like the way out of here [Music] [Music] there's more where that came from [Music] laughs looks like I better time this right I'm gonna need to crawl on this grading to get past this water where are you guess again better try another one it's not that hard Spider-Man [Music] look at the big brain on Spidey foreign [Music] I knew it Spiderman [Music] venom has imprisoned me and has taken my lair now he's using my Lizard Man against you it's also imprisoned where is she it's in the lair at the end of the maze there's only one way to get there go back along this tunnel and cross over two waterways at the third Waterway go right follow it around the corners past the Machinery skip the first tunnel intersection then go right at the next one you will find the woman there thanks lizard [Music] what is taking you so long come back here Venom first time I saw a signal was when John Jameson's shuttle crashed on the Brooklyn Bridge before I even knew what it was the Symbiote bonded with me it flowed over me forming a kind of alien costume which gave me powers I'd never dreamed of but then it started taking over my mind slowly turning me into a monster when I finally found its weakness I managed to free myself from the symbiote's control but I found it all too willing hosts and Eddie Brock Brock became venomous but because the Symbiote bonded with me first if you want every move and my secret identity it was the toughest fight of my life but I finally beat him no telling what's happened to his mind in all his time [Music] Ice Ice Baby [Music] I'm just sweat here Parker Whoa man my my set the spider to the smallest spider [Music] amazing Venom [Music] I'd let you see your white people but she's in the bath right now so what do you think spunky let's finish this [Music] the switch turn off the switch [Music] what are you stupid [Music] [Music] Mary Jane not so fast [Music] save me Peter I'm on a drone oh Spiderman oh help me do it I I can't gotta do it come on Spidey find the strength how else are you gonna get back to empty no foreign why did you come back you should know a Spiderman I used to pull that the Science Expo you're the bad guy this time you're Eddie that day I was with you in the crowd an imposter Spider-Man was on stage he burned both of us and now we've been played against each other you're right partner Mary Jane we've got you you and your wife are innocent Parker all bad our bad our bad I'm gonna kill you Parker bummer you're in the doghouse now dude coming honey so we're Partners but only for now after we bust those Tech thieves it's payback time for kidnapping my wife jeez one little mistake we said we're sorry whatever now the Imposter was a shape-shifter so that means it was either Mysterio or the Camila chameleon was our idea we thought of that tell me this Einstein who could have wanted to steal octavius's technology we know we know who the Mariner get serious will you the Mighty Thor are you out of your mind don't answer that Galactus forget it Eddie I need Jameson's help on this we're going to the bugle Jameson we hate Jameson bonehead we're not going to see Jameson we're going to use his computer database are we gonna surf the web let's just go okay here it is the records World suit the web serve the web shut up Brock we don't have time wait could it be could what yes yes we since our other oh since oh it's our honor this symbiote known as Carnage we must stop him now yes now we have no choice wait make more noise I'm only breaking and entering here Spider Sense tingling now what Spidey whoever is other than Carnage and Venom and hostages old Webheads got his work cut out for him today [Music] ah he slimed me excuse me you work here Jonah hires some of his speeches [Music] strange things are a foot The Daily Bugle let's see if Carnage and Venom weren't enough find where these guys are coming from these symbiotes must be looking for human hosts I have to help these people [Music] my web attacks just aren't cutting it oh my God [Music] well look what I found oh better not quit my day job oh thank you I am your biggest fan compliments of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man they seem to be coming from the basement Carnage is behind this I'm gonna be pretty broke the cables oh I missed my floor ah the printing press symbiote generator so this is how the Symbiotes are being created [Music] a break trust Jamison not to worry about the environment adding this to my webbing will make it burn on Spidey Human Torch has got nothing on me Limon [Music] I love the smell of bird symbiote in the morning to find out what's going on downstairs the basement of The Daily Bugle whoever's controlling the generators has got to be down here hey hey The Impossible imposter that's the guy who framed me and the one who stole the technology I gotta say you look just like me except you're more Angry back alley than friendly neighborhood for decades I've wanted to shut that mouth of yours finally that time is upon me I will once [Laughter] a little spider you will die it's a too late for us to be friends [Music] careful now hey to your nightmares you're working for the wrong people Mysterio after I take you down I'm going after your boss for me we'll see about that yeah you may look big but you're still a wimp Mysterio I believe it's time to know a little Pest Control [Music] I've got you now little spider could come down fishbowl [Music] yeah all those glowing conduits look like the source of his power I bet if I can hit them all with my webbing I can take them out what are you doing hey you finally found a costume the size of your ego who mixes green and purple I didn't know you sang soprano you don't think you'll beat me again Spiderman [Music] you'll have to be better than that Mysterio shall not Escape me what's with the King Kong trip do I look like Fey Rey package for Snot buckets [Applause] right now you're thinking if only you'd taken that giant act to Vegas instead cause your endless battles let's hear it who's behind all this Invasion there are more of them you fool fool there will be more than you can imagine that fog which blankets the city is preparing everyone in New York for symbiosis you're the full Mysterio where where are they coming from oh then on the waterfront Warehouse 65 a secret passage only I could watch them destroy you whoever your boss is he's off his rocker no one can control the Symbiotes correction no one before now spare me the propaganda okay this isn't a game Mysterio the Symbiotes will destroy everything in their path unless I can stop them [Applause] feed your hearts baby Easy Shot Frank he spotted me but how could he I lost him what happened he took out my scope hey tough guy sorry about that expensive lens Punisher something tells me we have the same objective here that's the place Warehouse 65 we can team up you cover my back no thanks Mr death wish I'd like to keep the body count low if you don't mind fair enough punisher's guns can't solve this problem gotta play this one my way ah the cliche CD Waterfront Warehouse although I'm guessing that this particular Warehouse is a bit more in store for the Webhead than even he can imagine oh more symbiotes looks like the old Spidey luck is holding out looks like I have to clean this place up too if there are two things symbiotes hate it's Sonics and fire and I'm fresh out of both I guess I'll have to do with the old-fashioned way [Music] thank you hey is this the Ark of the Covenant [Music] these barrels were flammable this will give you a heartburn thank you come on yeah that's it for the generators time to get to the bottom of this aha looks like a hidden Passage Miss ventilation shaft must be something big down there Geronimo what a rush who built this place you gotta be kidding okay recap a couple hundred feet underwater electrified floors and walls and deadly turrets pointing straight at me oh my day just keeps getting better and better okay we're shooting the lasers [Applause] I'm getting a feeling somebody doesn't want me here foreign [Applause] [Music] this must be where the fog is coming from rats locked well let's try door number two nope guess again one of these doors has got to work we have a winner Spiderman I'm so happy to see you black cat what are you doing behind what's going on here your guess is as good as mine the guys in the ambulance must have drugged me because the next thing I knew I woke up here gotta get me out of here okay cat but how if you can somehow shut down the power I can escape security controls will unlock some of these doors it's bingo [Music] I read this right this panel controls the exhaust ports a exhaust ports without stopping the flow of fog it'll get it like a banana in a tailpipe that ought to blow the power too step in the right direction but not enough pressure [Music] foreign [Music] ER whatever you did it worked hey what else is in Spider-Man 4 you gonna get some help cat I'll find out who's behind all this you got it I'll be back all right no one can control the Symbiotes no one I need not control the Symbiote Spider-Man Doc Ock we will work as one which is a new world Humanity needs the skills that my technology will give some symbiosis is the only way I should have known a reformed Doc Ock was too good to be true those who cannot share my vision will be crushed by it crushed it's showtime freaks I smell bad silly out and it ain't me bring it on your Empire alone at last let us end this Spiderman [Music] [Music] thank you now you'll die oh I feel special you know actually hitting me which is more effective I would crush you like to you off no you can't have my lunch money you've spoiled my plans for the last time still the naive little spider you will never get past my barrier Spiderman he's right I need to find some way to draw Power away from his shield whatever you are trying is useless Spider-Man yeah [Music] that's it time to pay the pipe Rock You will never destroy me foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] Eddie are you all right talk to me wake up Brock [Music] but you won't defeat me your partner is gone now it's your turn [Music] you and me left Carnage once I stop you I stop this evil plan what color do you mean [Music] does it hurt [Music] stay sharp Spidey [Music] your plan is doomed Carnage you killed my brethren I am going to trust you [Music] if you were expecting that [Music] that's a Sonic bubble in the middle of the road seeing as how the only two things that symbiotes hate are fire and Sonics I'm guessing Ock made it just in case Carnage tried to double cross him I better not let it go to waste nice try who did you get the boy I hope I don't have to ah you try [Music] here I come Venom could stop me what makes you think you can [Music] no more bugs [Music] you've interfered in my life for the last time carnation get in that bubbles clean loud enough for you stop [Music] you are born loser Cletus Cassidy like I told Mysterio no one can control the symbiance no one I've met anyway take a breather Spidey it's over well just another day in the life whoa what's up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the vent goes up here [Music] down my neck [Music] keeps fighting [Music] this [Music] thing's unstoppable three two more to go fish is really building level two almost there [Music] ing die level one on the home stretch baby after all that was the Symbiote that saved Ark gotta be kidding perfect end to a perfect day huh it's a good thing black cat gave me a call son looks like just in time Captain America's autograph oh brother Punisher do you have any threes Go Fish so nice of you to join us for once Spidey oh I'm sorry I was out saving the world beating you guys at cards that'll be pretty easy your Spider Sense won't save you here look who's talking Daredevil you've been looking at my cards all night I don't need to look at your cards Punisher your Bluffs are so obvious okay okay let's keep this a nice friendly clean game who keeps inviting this guy hey will you guys keep it down hey loosen up kids I'm on fire [Music] wait hold on timeout all of you guys were working together and you still couldn't take down Spiderman it's not my fault doc Ox plan was horrible everyone knows you can't control the Symbiote hey wait so I'm a rhino you're a scorpion and he's an octopus what's a Mysterio it's a rhino you got any threes think you're so smart but I won ha who's your daddy doc victory's mine you're always laughing at me but who's crying now huh wait a minute I made a mistake [Music] thank you [Music] well Spidey fans thus ends our tail for now we hope you enjoyed our scintillating Saga of Nefarious villain scheming and spectacular hero Daring Do but until next time True Believers Excelsior [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're hungry help yourself to some pizza over there hold on a minute you're gonna have to register yourself before I can let you through here don't make me do this
Channel: Cropmotion Animation
Views: 113,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Spider-Man, Spiderman2000, Stop Motion, SpidermanStopMotion, Marvel Legends Stop Motion, Venom, VenomStopMotion, Marvel Stop Motion, Stop Motion Fan Film, Black Cat, Doc Ock, Carnage, The Lizard, Rhino, Scorpion, Marvel Legends, Stan Lee, Mysterio, Monster Ock, SpidermanPS1, Daredevil, DaredevilStopMotion, Punisher, Captain America, Human Torch, Wolverine, Spider-Man Stop Motion, Action Figures, Figures, Marvel Figures
Id: jDzFGKWvt0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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