Spider-Man (2000) but wtf is going on

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Look out here comes the Kevin man Heh like spider-man anyway, I'm playing spider-man 1 h-h-h-h-h-h How are you? How are you doing? Alright, let's get started a new game. Oh? No, I'm not a kid, I'm a I'm a big strong man. I'll do easy please. Is that Kim jong-un? Possibly? Oh, no. It's Doctor Octopus. Okay. Is this Peter Parker? I don't think you're the one supposed to be pulling poses when you're the one taking pictures. Oh, okay, I was confused. He just floats into the crowd! This whole thing is hilarious already. Aren't I like still there like Peter Parker's still in the room? Shouldn't I be stopping this? Was that me? I'm confused where I'm gone. Oh here we are at the Fantastic Four building? I can't hear you over all the footstep noises, which sound really sticky. I really can't hear him, like there's this frickin sticky footsteps, loud music, and jets flying by. I don't know what he's saying. Oh god. I think he got whiplash from that turn. Like I haven't even played yet. I'm eager to play here. Okay. I'm playing. What? You just left. Press pad 9? What the hell is pad 9? Oh num numpad 9. Ok that kind of makes sense actually. I apologize for going high-pitched unnecessarily. Gotta go fast! He's still going. Spider-man with a healthy dose of ADD. I can't stop him. I don't think you needed spidey sense there. He was right in front of you. Alright, let's, let's see if this woman will fly down and tell me what to do. If I can, there we go. Camera kept turning. Is he deaf? How can he not hear us having this conversation? What? Ergh. Alright retry, retry, come on. Let's let's do it again. No, come on! Alright, good. I can skip everything. Thank god. I can't skip this though, great. Sticky footstep time. Maybe I should have played on kid mode. They say don't kick a man when he's down, but spider-man just wants to defeat evil. Oh god. Oh god. No! Why is he doing that!? Why doesn't he just drop down or keep going? I don't understand like and I don't know how to jump so I can't just jump the wall. Great. Have to listen to this again. Why is this gotta be a Spidey compass? Like we're not Batman, We don't need to name everything after ourselves. It could just be a compass. If I figure out how to jump then...Oh yes there We go! That was a strange jump. But we can just jump our way over to this one and now we can just web across to this...God christ almighty! Just pick it up. I don't know what he's saying cuz I can't hearing with the music and I can't change the volume either Yes, we made it the next cutscene Wait they're just hanging around the bank to catch me This serves you right for trying to catch spider-man, I'm the good guy here is that the bank ahead? That's all he cares about people just died man. I'm not feeling the hero vibes off this game Do you want to help with all right now All Right? See ya thought she might want to help with the ongoing bank robbery? Oh? That was easy what huh all right? Okay, I'm really confused by some of the things going on yes save please I never want to repeat that again Haha, we will see about that name. Let's put in something silly well in Kelvin it's not really my name guys ah The best of moves how do they do that what is that noise Jesus that is awful? Okay, I'm trying to figure out this riddle and I think I may have figured it out I think I have to hit them in order so we go one and then we go two and Then we go three You did that intentionally wait I can run out of webbing oh god damn it run run Oh, so this recharge is my webbing and if I can pick it up, then I'll be able to actually use it Please pick it up. Okay It's it's so hard to pick it off because the camera changes as you're moving so then you're running the wrong way oh My spidey senses showed me the way oh There's spider-man instead of shooting him I should run at him and hit him with my gun Oh, I need to put the bomb in there all right. Let's deal with these guys first I need to put the bomb in a safe place. Oh come on I was proud of myself for figuring that out, and then he just gives it away himself Yeah There's still one minute and eight seconds. Don't worry. We've no no we don't have any time to get away. Oh now I'm on the roof Wait why would he ring Packard to ring 9-1-1 why wouldn't he just ring nothing? What was that or JJJ may end up it what is with all the footsteps am I going insane, or is that actually happening? Okay, there. It is again. Whatever that is can. I just keep going like and not fight them this suits me a lot better I don't really understand the meter at the top either like is he still trying to get to him or has he already got him Know where I was going for a second. I'm yen. Good at this whole web slinging business I'm going upside down, and I can't stop it I love it. Oh wait. They're still in the office that meter was actually him. Just taking a step closer each time Get over it look If you did that to him you can't just say get over it leave him alone Wait, where was I I think it just threw a rock at the window I asked for the police What? I'm just gonna leave it play again Just so they can see if he comes through the window this time or not, maybe that's why it replayed It's because I never actually came in the window. I just threw a little rock up there alright. Let's see this time no, I still have not arrived and Here we go again Piderman. I asked for the police For the police And again And again, all right, let's try. Yeah, what's really starting the level Now that also does not work. I guess this is the saddest level Let's try loading it no, no I Think we're stuck. I guess I'll just have to quit and try and restart it restarting It lost my save completely just for you guys. I'm gonna do it again You owe me big time. I looked it up and apparently You can skip cutscenes that are normally unskipable by hitting the jump button for some reason But not in kid mode only an easy normal hard, which is kind of strange, but there you go No, no no oh god. Where am I going? Oh? Thank Christ the cutscene? Okay doesn't even notice me. Oh well. He's dead now save game. Yeah wait. Ma'am. I save is still there I like that the bank is just the bank Haven't even tried come up with a name for it Hello. He just runs arid into the room full of all of them why he was probably more safe Just staying in that little locker room come on boys. Let's go Thanks, Mel going down. He's just left the last one there. I took the elevator before him I'm probably the last person who needs the elevator now way to do the slow walk to the safe All right now that Spidey has died we can save our progress. I'm getting much more confident in my abilities now I'm what the hell is going on there. Yeah. Yeah, I fixed it Yeah But I'm getting much more confident in my abilities this did not take long to get back to it all to be fair When I just forget about enemies oh Did I make it maybe? That's why I didn't get into the window last time. I didn't even go towards the building all right Let's see if this works. This time all right come on All right, well, I'm still not showing up Hot Jesus all right. We can skip that yes, okay, it worked by skipping the cutscene. I like how he's still focusing on Jameson He's hiding in that plant pot we should be okay now I'm right next to you Is the Oliver Jameson because to be fair he's in a good spot oh no he's gonna find him He's not there. He's somewhere else. I saw him run into the next room. Oh wait He's doing what I said, I'm out of webbing so I'm just gonna have to keep attacking him and just absorb the damage That's like me except with Jameson whiskey it's because I'm Irish guys good luck Wait he also has Webb snail what's the building got to do with this? There's no need to attack the building You can either have your guys on the roof or you can have helicopter shooting at me You can't have both because you're just gonna end off killing them. That's nice. Just keep out. I probably shouldn't go over here All those boarded up windows just acted as kindling for the fire I think they're literally just shooting a wooded patch so I can just go along these parrots that I'm fine Wait what is this a sniper? Did a little ring around him Wait what what just happened doing it I think I shot out of midair gonna stop stop Stop if only there was more buildings than this in New York, and I could just go a different way than straight I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing like a challenge by going through all those girders and stuff, but I'm not doing that Wait was I supposed to where am I I can't I'm invisible. I was invisible. I couldn't see anything Like what do we do? I'm invisible. I can't do anything he won't he won't move even in his invisible state. Yeah. He's not doing anything I think we might be factor this perfect. I don't think there's anything we can do all right I'm gonna pause it and look it up on my phone all right all I can find is cheat codes to skip the level so I can always do that I suppose if I have to yeah. I don't I don't think this is me I think this is a bug Spider, bug. Yeah all right cheats level select so I can go police evaded ah There we go Oh for fuck's sake Jesus Christ *Annoying Laugh* What are the odds all right, let's try Spidey versus rhino How come everyone can web sling in this game, I don't know what's going on Oh my god, it's terrifying! Again stand -And I don't know what you're saying, and I don't know what the cameras looking at Okay is this that we're gonna beat him I don't even have to stand in front of it and like touch out of the way. He just runs into it It's pretty boring just waiting for him though like this is gonna. Take all day. Oh wait Maybe I can throw one of these at him Okay, that just hurt me all right. I'm out of ideas. I'm just gonna keep making him do this I guess and I'll just wait it out. Oh god his face. Isn't looking too. Good up there. Yeah, he's dead that was an extremely boring bossfight spider I Don't think he has spider. Sense. You know he only seems to send stuff when it's right in front of him What the hell was that?! What were they?! Venom just in the front seat oh Aw, come on. Why would the police let it take her? This game is insane. I love it I love it so much. All right. You know what I'm gonna end it there because we've played quite a bit of it now and I Think my brain is taking all all I can of that. I actually love this. I love this game so much I didn't expect to love it this much But let me know if you want to see more because I would be open to playing more of this I I think it could be fun in in the weird kind of fun that it brings up the net I'll see you next time bye bye quick shout out pay transporters Lieutenant Colonel Marcus absent a melon chain lock Shiva, Martin Catherine Lydian Noah Sasha and Reuben check even the character Brooklyn Louise Callen Christine even Norman Nadine camel Josh Delton mr. Ozzy Deadpool 97 Jack she's Jack Toland Liam McTaggart Nancy's car backup Linda let Calum Valencia Sarah Wilkins Luke Jagger's calf again Anaconda Kiwi Stewart's even on which would be Paris Lee. Thanks guys
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 875,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, how to annoy, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, funny moments, spiderman, spider-man, spider man game, spiderman 2000, spiderman pc game, spiderman pc, funny spiderman game, broken game, funny bad games
Id: 0WzQ6N41Hi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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