Spider-Man 2 - Movie REACTION!!

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hey guys crew blind way back i'm aaron i'm rick and we are here because rick for some reason through our watching of movies has watched spider-man right say remy spider-man same roomy spider-man yep sure have a lot had it on dvd back in the day which is a good movie it was all right i like that movie yeah um he's now i love the uh kristen dunst with the mannequin swing it's my favorite part kirsten dunn's having the mannequin swing like the first time i watched it i didn't notice it yeah but then after afterwards watching like that thing doesn't move nothing and it's so weird looking you feel like you could have done any other shot that would have made it work but anyway uh we're not here for spider-man one we're here for spider-man 2 which somehow rick has not watched apparently he doesn't like sequels that start with two terminator 2 evil dead 2. that's a lie i think of iron man 2. i haven't seen iron man but i have seen spider-man 3. uh but not two so here we have that that's where we're at i played spider-man 2 for the ps2 spider-man 2 was probably one of my favorite spider-man games until yoga newest marvel spiderman came out which is also real good i love the web sling to the city and stuff that one gave it i think i don't know it was two or three but they had web singing through the city and then they added right stick or right and left like yeah control individually yes it's so cool loved it so much would you play that game the new one uh the news one i played at twitch.tv blind wave oh we have a twitch yeah so we have those i've done miles i've done spiderman we also have our archive channel too if you want to see the full uh playthroughs of like mine and calvin's play-throughs and stuff too i don't know if eric played enough okay anyway spider-man 2 here sam rammy uh toby mcguire uh we need to get rick watching this one because i this is probably one of my favorite spider-man movies i heard lots of good things about it forever i don't know they've gone through some different characters or actors for spider-man he may have been a little old but i thought it worked i haven't seen any of the andrew garfield ones either okay well i'll have to keep those in mind i don't know if the other guys have seen any of those either i've watched all the spider-man movies you're a big spider-man uh except for like i haven't seen like the japan spider-man i've only seen clips of that we're watching that next but we're watching this now so if you guys want to see the entire reaction make sure you guys check out the uh raw writer tier over on patreon gives you the full length reaction you will need your own copy of spider-man to watch this we're actually doing the extended edition of spider-man 2 which i don't know that i've seen so i'm curious to see if i recognize like what the differences are as we go through this so how many times have you seen this movie a bunch several times okay i don't know how many times it's been out since like two thousand four four five something like that to say i don't know it's been out for before we graduated yep so it's been out for a while so but i think that's it let's get into some spider-man two next time i'm going to dream of something a little thinner he's not working at the bugle huh he is not [Music] we got spiders since right look how many pieces got in the back of that thing that's [Music] i true like spider-since we'll be helping him out more i mean he hasn't gotten hit yet i guess most people have gotten hit by now that can't be good spiderman he stole that guy's pizza the cheese is gonna be everywhere jesus that's one of the things i remember like keep it level because if you do this it slowly starts doing you need to watch some initial d speed but keeping it level the pizza [Music] what damn they just bungeed together no plane in the streets yes mr spiderman see ya i don't like that the eyes have no movement but i've always liked this costume the costume is pretty good i do like some of the newer ones because yeah they have the eyes [Music] i relate i feel like it's silly and then it's like okay it's gone too long and it gets to the point where it's going on too long again that it gets funnier pizza time it's got like a spiderman kind of shirt going on i'm not paying for those elevators like how did you get in the janitor closet with these pizzas you know like she's at the elevator she didn't ask those questions how'd you get over there where were you going there's no stairway over there i assume you're fired parker hello you're fired why dogs catching frisbees so he does this freelance thing but his job job was pizza delivery i don't pay you to be a sensitive artiste i pay you because still not now get your pretty little portfolio off my desk before i go into a diabetic coma there's no better day thanks for the good news give me a violin the second one was sam rammy [Laughter] dr connors sorry where were you headed parker oh it's your class in his arm i don't want to be here why are you dead i've been kind of busy taking pictures of your friend miana's a lot of [Music] happy candles hey a teenager you need it more than i do no i i can't take that yes you can you can take this money from me god's sake it's not much now take it and don't you dare leave it here peter's like on the verge of tears i like seeing you tonight peter oh boy yeah boy not a great response like ghostbusters two coming off the high of the first movie and like you're down deep below doing kids birthday parties hey man he man wondering if you're still in the village oh boy yeah are you still in the village that's what i was thinking i'm seeing somebody now oh therapy [Laughter] i feel like that's the wrong assumption you know you're coming i'll be there he didn't know he didn't [Laughter] hi hi what's high can i spend it i promise as soon as like if promises were crackers my daughter would be fat i'm really sorry i have ears like a cat nice like a rodent thanks mr dickovich [Laughter] mr ditkovic he's named after like the illustrator that worked with stan lee for spider-man ditko i'm writing a paper on you yes yes i know what you're doing here but i really don't have time to talk to students right now but oscar pays the bills so tells me you're brilliant he also tells me you're lazy hello hello peter parker connor's student the one who falls asleep in class did blade hogan sleep before he wrote the fifth did bernoulli sleep before he found the curves of quickest descent oh rosie i love this boy peter lost me smart making the machine washable now everything's pink and blue [Laughter] maybe not the smartest not so machine washable which suit metal hangers lisa didn't watch that carnations [Music] eat your green vegetables that's what my mom is always saying [Laughter] [Music] shoot it oh god should've just hit that cop car instead of doing that i really like that like you can't see it from the one angle until the lights hit it i hate when i run to a spider web i can't see oh he's gonna have fun rick dude this is like in a marvel spider-man i don't know if i'd take my mask off yet though yeah you walk there i'm towing it whatever it's not his this is supposed to be a different guy the same guy no one will be seated after the doors are closed it helps maintain the illusion [Music] you know when i first saw this i didn't know who bruce campbell was that's ridiculous i don't know i think he was thinking about like webbing them [Music] he doesn't have the fluid yeah he doesn't have web shooters a men's cologne called whip i think this isn't cotted slow elevator yeah i don't remember all that i wonder if i was added in i feel like before you're just like hey i like your costume he was like yeah i made it myself oh cool i don't remember him being like i'm a pr for the whip and cheap electricity for everyone is that jyn from lost back there you smile i don't know i didn't see him i need to see him smile he didn't see him smiling just like [Music] that on its own seems quite impressive yeah that's this should be the achievement right fasten your seat belts yeah that's him doctor we have a successful fusion reaction the power of the sun in the palm of my hand careful merry christmas we have a containment breach this doesn't change [Music] uh oh man i want you to be pushing in there to be able to do that now seem to be very different than a normal sam raymond there's chains off there'll be a lot more blood [Music] i bet he had a lot of fun with the scene it definitely seems like a horror aspect kind of thing right here right yeah yeah all that no blood though [Music] it makes sense to like the way they move because like we saw with the one guy they all had like their own little camera no little eyes yeah they have an ai yeah what are we going to call this guy uh doctor strange that's pretty good but it's taken i got it genius wait looking for a raise get out that scientist goes berserk and we don't have pictures i heard spider-man was there i heard spider-man was there big party for an american hero my son the astronaut could you pay me in advance i see my son the astronaut the planetarium tomorrow night eight o'clock there's the door weird that's a weird transition i miscalculated i couldn't have miscalculated it was working wasn't it yeah spider-man no no no i'm not a criminal things are great i like him he's like still alive yeah the real crime would be not to finish what we started nothing will stand in our way nothing such a mixture of like an extension of him just being tools and being at their own like characters oh chucking money why are they all gold coins i guess it might just be quarters and stuff i don't know maybe it's like the dollars but they look like they're just a bunch of gold coins don't they yeah they do oh no come on gotta figure out what's causing that it's pieces of eight [Music] let's work there [Music] butterfingers i guess i made a better shape than gwen stacy huh yeah right there he is it looks like he's fighting an octopus the way the tentacles are just flying around [Music] i don't know what i would do if i was that like that lady there just being like i mean there's plenty room with these tentacle arms and he's just a scientist you sure can't take a punch he's a little hefty you know got some weight behind him [Music] shame on you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you sure showed him what do you mean we [Music] oh here get a shot of the mayor and his girlfriend oh wife i was hoping was his landlord why would he be here isn't that right hot isn't that right oh brother little drunk beautiful miss mary jane watson just agreed to marry me parker wake up wake up shoot the picture take pictures of this girl you like that's marrying another man oh no no so you're spider-man and my dream but actually it's not even my dream it's a friend of mine's dream adding extra layers for no reason why they need boxers i'm just peter parker i'm spiderman no more no more no more it's kind of like a self-actualizing thing should have sold it got some cash i just shot straight from the comics right there i remember that being like a cover thing on the comic book [Music] [Music] what [Music] excellent work today parker keep it up we're saying it seemed like a buffer issue kind of thing or something but the music is still playing how good that wasn't jay [Laughter] caviar what are we fighting the czar he must have given up thrown in the towel abandoned his sad little masquerade i finally got to him the power of the fresh triumphs he's such a good jay jonah isn't he i love him [Music] i haven't seen that suppose if i found spider-man's actual costume i probably won't do that too you know oh yeah regardless if i hate him like him whatever i held his hand when he died i've tried to tell you so many times he's already kill spider-man i'll give you all the tritium you need a second thought bring him to me alive don't hurt peter [Music] some poor soul got trapped on the fourth floor never made it out am i not supposed to have what i want would you like a piece of chocolate cake okay there's one accident she burns all the food rick where are all my comic books oh those dreadful things i gave those away i believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest gives us strength makes us noble do you think you could lift that desk and put it into the garage for me but don't strain yourself [Music] [Music] that would hurt so much thank goodness for the clothesline i think you should have started from climbing the walls like first time you know like jumping from building to building is not where i want to start of like focus on getting my powers back i'm back on the moon i thought i could be there for you mary jane but i can't it's poor woman right i'm sorry she's like i'm just trying to figure out what i want you keep confusing me i think he found him just zoom in every time peter parker granny just never has a shirt how would he put one on oh i'm surprised to get the jacket on what if you killed him right there he didn't know he's spider-man you know he could be dead spider-man was a hero he ended up on the wall i just couldn't see it he was a thief a criminal he stole my suit he's a menace to the entire city i want that wall scrolling around prosecuted on him strung up by his web i want spiderman i love how he's like he's a hero he's kidnapping beyonce that criminal i'm boxing a guy with four extra arm tricks [Music] nice i think you practice with that truck right that's why i did it right you got to stay agile like on the side of the train you can just stand on it and you can see the people inside and stuff alive [Music] [Music] thank god i'm off that train i mean you're still stuck up 10 stories but it's better you have a train to catch [Music] and splinters right [Music] how hard is he holding onto those you know [Music] lots of strands rather than just we're slowing down [Music] he's just a kid and older than my son we found something we won't tell nobody it's good to have you back spider-man catch a break no you want to get to him you got to go through me that's that one comedian guy give me his name very well i mean there's nothing they can do but i love that they're like we're gonna stand between you and him [Music] sometimes he's like boom i think he's just gone first we'll see who's behind the mask can't be [Music] you killed my father there are bigger things happening here than me and you [Music] i got shot i didn't know spider-man right away you know like if you're focused on [Music] i should have that osborne wouldn't have the spine to finish you no that's an element water an octopus tried to help [Music] [Applause] [Music] thinking clearly now dr octavius [Music] we have to shut it down peter parker is mary jane unconscious she get knocked away brilliant but lazy look at what's happening we must destroy it to do what's right we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most even our dreams listen to me now listen to me now yeah do i go more like submissive the river drown it [Music] i'll do it [Music] thank god his base was here right um [Music] hi hi this is really heavy this is really heavy [Music] in case we die you do love me i do i will not die a monster [Music] [Music] scream right in his ear [Music] i think i always knew all this time and you know why we can't be together [Music] that was a jump he's not an astronaut he's not a superhero he trained in zero he trained in high gravity and high gravity hello who's that son i'm here avenge me avenge me [Music] all the bombs mm-hmm is there a flyer lots of bombs [Music] back to formula it's gonna take the orange flavored version there right orange there's the flyer caviar are you inviting czar you know the crackers [Laughter] little weenies it's been all this money it's not even gonna happen [Music] that's not what you want to see when the the marches music is playing who's that lady [Laughter] give me spider-man the gator don't have to open the caviar [Music] whenever harry was there everything got dutch yeah it just feels like he has so much fun making his movies you know go get him tiger [Music] so would you like a spider-man 2 right it was a lot of fun i always have so much fun with sam raimi movies sure it was a lot of had a lot of everything um some good action that train scene really got to me with all the people and everything i love when like they catch them yeah and then they all bring him back and then like the pondering of like he's just a kid you know like i like i like that a lot and then you get the kids being like yeah we won't tell anyone and it kind of just feels like yeah none of us gonna tell anybody no i mean it's great because like he's at a low point pretty much the entire movie he feels like no one has his back like he's all alone yeah lifting this burden and just having that moment where you see like people there are people out there who will help them given the chance people in the city do seem to care i like uh the the movie itself i think does a really good job of it's that burden of spider-man versus peter parker it's the balance it's the idea of like well can i save these people do i am i not allowed to get what i want or you know what i need or anything like he can't afford rent he can't afford anything he has 20 for the week you know stuff like that and then you have on top of that like when he's trying to give it up you have well he chooses to go into the burning building and he saves this little girl but someone else still died and like well if i would have been spider-man i could have saved him yeah but if i'm spider-man do i get anything or is that what i should and the scene with like uncle ben and aunt may both like i like both of them because you're getting like an internal thought process in his head of him saying like uncle ben i can't do this i need to be peter parker i can't this power responsibility thing i can't do but then i really like the aunt may thing that seems to like kind of be pushing him too towards like spider-man's a hero and people look up to him the train complements that you know there's a lot of ama in this she's really good in it um she was taken and then mj was taken too but i i did like like her performances when she went down on the ledge it's like oh my there's a lynch no i like that a lot that was fun i really think cause like she says to him there that i was you know oh i was wrong about you and then you said two's like we didn't get a scene of like peter and her because it was like peter peter's like man he just left you you know i was like what a coward some kid you got there so like it you know the first one she definitely doesn't know and this one here i wonder if after having that face to face with spiderman if she has the assumption of who it is because i i want to think that aunt may she she'd recognize his voice yeah that's the very least she knows peter enough and i think that's in my thought process that's why she pushes with um she what was the little kid's name henry henry like with henry and looking up for spider-man and saying all those things like i feel like she's pushing him to be spider-man and be who he should be but then says hey can you move that desk don't strain yourself you know and it kind of helps cover it up but she i think she knows that he can get the desk just fine yeah i got that impression in that last scene too where she was moving we're like well she clearly knows and is trying to like encourage him to stay on this path yeah but i'm not sure like when exactly she found out if it was when she was saved or if it was before that or what exactly or because i mean spider-man was i don't know how much she knows about ben's death and like if she's able to look up or find out like who was fighting in that cage match then sure like being able to put that together maybe like if she can connect that somehow like he says he was trying to get money somewhere else but he didn't necessarily say how yeah but could she have found that or anything but i know there's different like iterations where aunt may does know or finds out where they don't you know he doesn't tell her here lots of people find out peter is spider-man yeah and as well harry finds out mj finds out all those people on the train finds out you know like there's a lot of people that find out but like the idea that she knows but she's not going to tell him she knows but she still tries to help him and give him like advice and stuff too and that scene where she's like take this 20 happy birthday thing and it's like it's not much and like somebody let that old lady just crying and stuff too and like wanting to like this isn't gonna save my house sure take these 20 for your birthday you need it too no it's it's rough yeah you get a lot of these stories in like spider-man comics and stuff and it just is what makes him such a relatable character like he has so many struggles that he has to go through and also the burden of being a kid and the burden of having to save people yeah i think this movie handles it really well yeah it has a lot of it's very different from the third movie i feel like this movie has a lot of patience like it there's a lot of stuff that's set up in this movie like you have connors you have harry um what was the other one uh john yeah john jameson jameson like all that stuff is is here but the focus is really on och and peter yeah like that's most of your movie i think the guy who played awk was great he had a really good performance felt kind of like um frankenstein's monster in some ways i could see him playing that character i felt like he brought a little that energy here and just the way that the arms were characters was really an achievement i feel like the uh i think it's the original script or maybe they film some but at one point he actually converses with them and talks with them kind of like what uh they have a voice yeah kind of like what osborne does with uh like his his osborne versus goblin kind of persona when he's talking to himself in the mirror and stuff like william devoted that they had an idea like they kind of touched on a little bit where he's like i'm hearing voices and stuff and like it kind of seems like there's some kind of communication between the two but they don't really touch on it as much as like the initial like idea was where they were going to be kind of communicating uh the actor because like there's definitely times when like the arms are cg but there's other times when the arms are like real props and stuff and they're done by like a kind of a puppeteering thing and supposedly there's four different people running each one each one on each arm right sure and he named them like was it curly hairy mo and flow and flo is like i think one of the puppeteers was uh a woman and that he called that arm he always thought it was like more the motherly arm it's the one who like gives him a drink he's the one who like takes his glasses and stuff it's kind of the one helping take care of him then the other ones are just kind of doing stuff you know that's cool so i thought it was funny that he like named the arms and stuff too but no i think character wise like it's done really well in like a way where like i understand a little bit of the character i love that he's like i'm not gonna be this monster i'm i'm gonna i'm not gonna be a monster when i die yeah so he saves the city and takes that rather than being the thing that destroys the city you know because like he probably would have died and everyone died everyone's dead he's the monster now but he saves it so i liked the conflict there's a little bit of like well is he in control or are the arms in control then you get there to the end where he's like listen to me now and then like they all kind of like like submissive like um like i said no i like it wasn't immediate like he had to say that yeah and say it he's like he's like forcing them like you will listen to me kind of thing yeah well it's kind of like what peter was going through of that um his powers like seeing what it is that you want to be like peter until he knew what he wanted to be he was starting to lose his powers and doc like wanted to let go of control and just feel all these things that he was feeling and but at the end there he was able to grab back control just like spiderman was yeah now the power aspect like everything they do with peter in this i i like a lot because you're wondering like well why the power's dying out why is he having trouble with this or that and then like the doctor scene where it's like well maybe you know like kind of like the idea like maybe you shouldn't be spider-man maybe that's what it's saying like and he's like struggling with you know as he goes through like when he needs his powers like when he needs them they work like he was struggling with them when doc showed up in the bank and then when he was being choked he just webbed those things and pulled it you know like i need these right now i need to be spider-man whenever uh mary jane got taken he had his powers to go and fight you know but when it was like webb slinging through the city and thinking like that's when he was losing a lot of his stuff usually was when he was i feel like more in his mind of like should i should i be doing this you know i'm struggling with pizza i can't deliver pizza i'm not getting pictures i'm losing the girl i love i'm losing my best friend i can't pay my rent my aunt now is mad at me because i killed my uncle you know like all these different things are like stacking up on them yeah harry's mad at him because he killed his dad but he can't tell him that he killed his dad but he didn't kill his dad either because like he's you know he was going to be killed he jumped out of the way sure but the that one spot there when he's like you killed my dad he's like there's bigger things right now than you and me which is right it's like this is probably a conversation we should have but the whole city is about to die and i need to go stop you know you know but like it's just the the things that compliments around with peter and stuff is just done really well and i love the like there's that sam remy joke-ness or like the boom the broom closet where it's like oh this is silly and it's like okay this has been going on too long and it goes on just a little longer and it's funny again it's like how long is he gonna keep playing with these brooms like i like that i like bruce campbell's little cameo where he's kind of like oh your shoe's untied oh okay thanks oh you better fix your tie okay okay thanks what'd you want very fun do you know how much longer this was than the theatrical i'm not sure because the only scene that i really noticed being different was um the elevator scene i don't remember a lot of those lines and things like the pr stuff eight minutes it did feel just a little long in places to me it was probably stuff that was added in for the extended it might have been um like the elevator scene was definitely longer like that one was much shorter before i feel like so that one going more also the i didn't that's the title surprised me being like two point one point one okay all right let me see so the scene in the elevator spidey finds himself unable to shoot webb so he takes the elevator down cool spidey outfit mistaking him for a cosplayer what makes the scene work so well is the understanded understated awkwardness and this one here they had the much longer pr thing and whatnot visiting the doctor office was a little longer i believe the doctor talks more about a story uh before finally getting to the part about you have a choice so that part's a little longer the elevator's a little longer mainly it's just adding to some scenes and stuff the one scene like they change the elevator scene entirely where it wasn't more about like oh my costume like just cool costumes like oh yeah thanks i made it myself like that was it this one they didn't touch on that at all and he just like recognizes that he's spider-man and then starts like riffing on like pr ideas yeah that one there was like definitely a longer segment there where it would have been probably like 10 20 seconds was like a minute or something you know spiderman had a lot of cool moves in this one like you see in the video games of like like shooting webs that are bullets almost yeah more stuff like that which i enjoyed some of the cg was a little outdated sure there was a lot of like compositing stuff that i was like the ending there was like the helicopters and the fire trucks and like well those don't look real um but i mean it's it's spider-man you know he's he does crazy things that humans can't do sure so some of that's got to be cg and i get that and some of the stuff on the train was great like i really liked where they he was standing on the side of the train and outs on the side of the train like that's something only a spider-man fight can do yeah you know yeah i know i like that a lot it's done really the whole fight on the train is probably like one of my favorite spider-man like sequences and it's not just that it's from from them fighting on the building to dock to harry like that whole scene there with like the people and the train and trying to stop it yeah i love how he tries to stop it one way and it doesn't work and he's like oh damn you know i hurt like he tries a couple times trying to stop it so i like the methods that they use with a lot of the uh the fighting i like the characters a lot the only problem with that scene is like they're calling him a kid and he does not look like a kid sure i get you like toby maguire was jeff definitely like we've gotten it's crazy as spider-man has gone on and there's been new movies and stuff spider-man himself has gotten younger though still being like a teenager yeah um i mean this one here i guess he's like in college he's in college versus being in uh tom holland thank you i mean it's there's so many different spider-man stories but i always felt like he went to college early too because he's a smarter kid or something like that goes to college sooner sure but yeah as they've gone on spider-man's got younger and aunt may has gotten younger like aunt may in all of them like plays like ant-man no aunt may yeah he's gotten younger in all of them sure i've always liked this one a lot maybe because it was like the first aunt may like spider-man movie that we had you know and stuff but no i mean yeah if you were to ask me what's the classic aunt may it would be this style yeah like older the older white hair and yeah um yeah like he was saying before too the i like how they had like all their kirk connors okay cool and it's like oh harry just found all this goblin stuff what's going on there and stuff and then when we get into the third one and stuff the issue there is i feel like they let they didn't let sam do his stuff like he had been and then they were like all right well we want more action figures so toss in more of this and we want this and this and here's your timetable so do this yeah like but i don't really have room for all these characters right now it's like nope you're gonna make it work so then they kind of force his hand and then after that they're like well people didn't like that one so much we're gonna reboot it and then they did andrew garfield stuff that's a shame i wonder like how many sam had planned because it like even ignoring all that was done in the third movie was like um sandman who wasn't really brought up here at all like i wonder how many more movies that would have taken for him to tell sure like his there like i think that there's some good stuff you could do with three um and if we ever do a commentary we might talk about it more but i think the venom thing is too soon yeah i think you could have worked sandman and goblin and been okay with that but and then you could have maybe tossed in like the symbiote black suit thing and then that's one of the obstacles like here he's struggling with like well doc ock's doing stuff i'm losing my powers et cetera et cetera and there you could be dealing with all right well there's a sandman thing going on i'm also a symbiote and that's what i'm struggling with personally while also i have a villain out there i got to take care of which you could kind of mix with like harry's behind some things doing stuff or whatever because i mean he does that kind of stuff you know he's he's kind of like running oscorp but not he has a board yeah but he's still up there a good bit i don't know if he's necessarily like ceo or if they've kind of like said he was in charge of special projects yeah i think they kind of like put him up there and like there's a board running it now it's not like osborne is running everything so but even was like out voted wasn't he uh yeah towards the end or middle of the movie and then he went after them yeah and was like bombing them and stuff so yeah out of the trilogy like i love willem dafoe but i do think doc is probably my favorite as far as the villains of sam's just because like i love how he's introduced like he's not he's not inherently bad like osbourne has like some bad tendencies to him already in the beginning like you get the rosy stuff and like falling in love and i'm a scientist and then you get the arms and stuff and he really wants to get his experiment to work work and then in rosie's death he he loses he loses rosie and he loses like himself right there with like the inhibitor chip and then everything happening loses all like all this stuff is lost at one point and then when he comes back to all he has are these arms that are talking to him and slowly kind of taking control of him a little bit and directing him on where to go so like i imagine during the the doctor which that thing is so much more horrific kind of style like the way it shot screaming and grabbing and the claws into the darkness like shot really well like in my head i'm just seeing blood and gore go everywhere because it's shot like a sam raimi horror movie yeah it just doesn't have the blood but like i imagine that you have that part there and it's the tentacles are doing this and he's unaware until like at the very end when he's kind of coming too and they take off his mask and stuff and then he screams no and but i imagine the tentacles just like well we're not we're here get you you know they're kind of like they're the monster well yeah it's kind of like a symbiote situation here too yeah it has its own consciousness and it has its own goals yeah which is a little different from like doc ock from some of the comics and cartoons and stuff where it's more him and his decisions of what he's doing or he goes insane because of the accident yeah like that happens too but it's normally not there's an ai inside the arms and they're controlling him yeah and i like during that scene with the doctors too where the one guy's trying to cut the arms and then you see like the four split screen of like all the arms like looking at him from different angles because then between the ai between that camera setup it makes sense when you have like these arms and stuff and he turns and looks and they turn and look and stuff too because like well they need to see what's going on you know so i i like how that like he has that one shot where it's like and he's like looking and they're it's just it just makes sense and everything kind of gels well for like what that character and why it works the way it works and it makes them like you said like it makes them more like characters rather than just being like yeah i mean it's weird to think of them as creatures but just in terms of creature design and puppetry some of the best i think i've ever seen yeah and especially since they have no faces yeah right you don't have to worry you have to ch that's all you got to get yeah but no but but with that they get so much i feel like yeah no you get like when they're like you could totally tell when they were like okay we're listening to you and you can tell like oh you're in danger now and when they come up and they slow down and put out the little grabbers to take his like little like bandage off and stuff after just like killing everybody like oh it's going so much softer now and it's being gentle for him yeah it's just a combination of the puppetry how it shot and then his performance it all comes together perfectly i feel bad for john or john jameson and um i had seen jameson in the spider suit before yeah and i would had always thought that that was like a fan cg thing because it just maybe part of it was seeing it like gift form and stuff i was like man that just does not look real it shouldn't be like why would you wearing a costume like that i love you guys like his cigar and he's like it's great jay jonah in this like uh what's his name uh jk simmons right like he is like he is jay jonah yeah like i can't think of another actor who plays j jonah jameson in any other better capacity it's kind of like uh uh was it patrick stewart is like that is that guy was made to play xavier sure like he plays xavier so well like jk simmons has played jonah so well yeah i mean the whole movie is you know over the top it's comic movie but he's the only one that feels like he's in a comic book movie i look i do love this scene though where like mary jane's been taken they're like hey there's no word on the fiance they're still looking for and stuff he's like i did this i pushed him away he's like only spiderman could have stopped him he's like yes that's what i'm saying he was a hero and then immediately he takes the costumes like a mess he's a criminal i love it it's like that one time you get you get him to like actually open up about i don't know maybe what he really thinks yeah and then and then it just shifts so quickly and like god so good i love the like friendly neighborhood spider-man thing and so now jay jones is probably one of my favorite things from the the sam rammy trilogy oh yeah is that they used him for jay jonah because there's some you know some of the spider-man movies and stuff we've had didn't have any jay jonah he wasn't a reporter necessarily you know tom holland like they just had it in like one of the more recent ones where it's like that's did j jonah jameson hey bro like jk simmons what are we doing but like before you like well he's a high schooler like he's not working a freelance job somewhere or anything right now so no i'm really excited to see the next spider-man movie um which with this one by the time this one hits youtube that should be out or almost out so make sure you subscribe because we'll probably be covering that in some capacity in some way i don't know yet exactly what because this is also ahead of youtube by a good bit so definitely excited uh we've seen some trailers and stuff too for it already so definitely wanted to see this one because i wanted to see what they had here for getting at least you caught up with understanding who this doc character is because i don't know if it's going to be important or not going forward into other stuff i don't know i mean it was great yeah and more james jonah i always take that yeah for sure all right well do you have anything else or any other thoughts or anything from spider-man that's it that's it all right well we gotta go because it's pizza time thank you guys so much for watching our reaction to spider-man 2. make sure that you subscribe so you can catch all the marvel content that we're covering hawkeye will be here before too long also movies are voted on every other week over at patreon.com blind wave so you can choose what movies we react to thanks guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Blind Wave
Views: 157,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider, man, spider-man, doc oc, dr, oc, ock, octopus, spiderman 2, spider-man 2, reaction, review, react, reacts, discussion, commentary, funny, first, best, worst, movie, recap, no way home, nwh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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