SPICY Tteokbokki! BEST Korean STREET FOOD at TRADITIONAL Markets in Seoul

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[Music] [Music] hey good morning pretty mild day here and so finally before I leave I want to visit some of the traditional markets here in towns one of my favorite things to do while in this city so I'm gonna show you some of my favorite markets and some of my favorite foods to get at those markets while job market is one of the oldest one of the largest traditional markets in Korea and this place is known for drugs kimbap truck kimbap Oh money this place is so easy to get lost you can find literally anything you want here fabrics clothing we like Tronics produce pretty sure if you want a Korean genie in a lamp you could probably find it here [Music] so you can see this place is stuffed ad busy on the weekends this is also the market with the most food besides the truck kimbap which let me show you us right here these are all freshly made freshly wrapped every single day it's there any one of these stalls and these got tons of stuff people will come for the kimbap they'll come for the Sunday the pig trotters also there's a whole section of hand-cut noodles and dumplings that's delicious so you want to find one of these stalls where they're kind of wrapping it right away that's what you want to eat honestly most these kimbap places are gonna be pretty similar so I just look for ones that are making it fresh and they call this drug gimbap because it's so freakin addictive and it's something really simple it's just see we wrapped around the carrots radish a little sesame seed to give you a little wasabi sauce to dip it in I personally think it's the combination of the crispy veggies and the fragrance Jessamine and that you delicious see we wrap it's just such a simple combination I mean just like potato chips it's so simple but the combination is just incredibly irresistible just want to keep putting this stuff in your mouth I'm gonna get a little dip in a spicy chilli sauce I was chasing with a sweet rice drink I'll sum it up guys for some fish cake soup these are free you can drink as much as you want [Music] hand-cut needles and dumplings one of my favorite things to eat in this market this place in nan de moda they are both specialize in freshly painted noodles delicious so for about $4 you get assortment of dumplings or contrived and kimchi freshly hand-cut noodle just made and all these stands they make all the noodles fresh right in front of ya and while you can tell when noodles are freshly made and made by hand is how uneven it is between the strands or broth extremely sweet rich meaty they plus on the middle screen with a great mouthfeel this is one of the better knife-cut noodles I've had in Korea you do this dish one thing I'd read is a saga you don't really have a problem of that here that's good kimchi - really sharp a little vinegary flavor which I appreciate we're meeting something so meaty and rich nothing with this broth is it doesn't look like it's all that flavorful right it looks like a chicken noodle soup broth just like in a relationship don't judge everything by looks kimchi dumpling is one of my favorite type of dumplings here in South Korea and usually what they do they're dumplings is it's a lot of filling with a very thin skin also I kind of like how they fold it into like a bundle of joy like something a stork will be delivering but in this case it's a bundle of meat and kimchi and it's meat deliver to my mouth definitely an a on the dumplings I hate it when I'm eating kimchi dumpling so sometimes this happens where you're getting too much kimchi not enough meat not the case here good balance of both the charm port number is great too but definitely kimchi just know that whenever somebody asks kimchi in there it's gonna taste better especially the kimchi at this stall and these are noodles that you have to kind of eat it with something either it's kimchi where the dumplings if you just see the noodle on its own and there's no naka needlestick they're delicious but the rich soup in the thick noodles it's like too much of a good thing you need a little acid to keep things interesting I personally think some hot oil and Chinese vinegar will go a long way I think that's nuts just because I love hot women I love Chinese vinegar but after a lot of bites without additional something and this kimchi is like a perfect complement for it just like Batman needs Robin these noodle soup needs some chilies also what I like got a little chunks of potatoes inside this broth that's for the reason why this broth tastes rich and a little creamy is because of the potato element very deserving of the Netflix feature oh man that was good it's delicious but just walking navigating through that now burn some calories and if you guys do come here on a really busy time I know that Netflix always packed like right now is about 3/4 p.m. that's how I got a seat I just wanted to taste it to see it was way different than what I have before and to be honest with you it was good it was very delicious but I don't feel like the flavor is gonna be dramatically different than if you went to another stop so if that stall is jam-packed and you're hungry let's go somewhere else players not gonna be that dramatically different oh one more thing there's another food item that's really famous in this market and it's the soy bean pancakes they're made with fresh soy being fried and the reason I think one is because it's not one of my favorite items in that market I mean soybean is great I love soybean I grew up on soybean grow up on soy milk but that pancake was a little too oily little too soggy for me so you could give it a try but not a food out of my would recommend so I tend to have a habit work when I'm four just start walking no idea exactly where I am right now Holt I'm walking thinking about what I should have for dinner cuz when the weather is nice you got take advantage of it just walking around one of my favorite things are doing in a foreign country one thing you gotta watch out for while in Korea okay look at this cars well they will try to squeeze into every nook so wherever you're walking he's gotta watch out Oh oh this is so good it tastes like Chinese yogurt you know some kitty just cats on like yogurt oh no crazy walking around Gotham because I swear to goodness I walk past people I'm just like a kpop star you know cuz they dress really nicely they're good-looking I'm just like I wish I knew more about kpop like the people a big bang or a pts or Girls Generation could just walk by me I wouldn't even know like I don't know who am dragging or q dragon huh I don't know any dragons the only dragons I know are the ones I could catch with a pokeball I promise I'm not there's no alcohol in this so I'm gonna feel higher or something huh it's all right here interesting stewed chicken dish I've not really had chicken since I came to this country hmm they told me this is like local organic Korean chicken Oh like this chili sauce on his chicken when I first went in my mouth I didn't think was that spicy but I was wrong it's like a ninja chili it goes in your mouth all on asumi but then it just like hits ya strikes you were hurts chickens are unique you definitely taste something different about this chicken but the spicy chilli sauce is everything mouth is on fire today pretty fun going back to all the traditional market we're seriously one of my favorite things to do here in South Korea some of the best times I've had we're just exploring markets here busan jeju writing to marcus best respect vegetable kim 100% belong busan and that's spicy fish cake soup that I had oh my God we're still missing out but I feel like that's where you really get to see and be exposed to the local food and cultures at these markets where locals go and buy their produce and have a quick meal because I am leaving in a couple days so I really wanted to do that before I left it's just brittle kind of wonder around kaanum and go to random restaurants like this and have a random spicy dish and I'd give anything you existed that's what I love about this country you can wander any worm it's always good food around the corner I just one more mark I gonna go through because I need dessert it's a little too late because that dessert plates already closed tomorrow morning we're gonna make up dessert for breakfast I had a couple of good pieces of his chicken it was pretty tender sauce is good but overall after the third piece just kind of mediocre kind of lost it for me don't know it's like a you know after the third day just don't feel it anymore cuz what happens when you just wonder around going to restaurants randomly without researching sometimes it works out sometimes the chicken just doesn't fly off the ground just get some dessert maybe dinner number two [Music] hopefully these dumplings are better this is their specialty dumplings with ocean warning you never seen the ocean before is one of those squiggly like a desert doom looking mega warm sat down somehow ended up in the ocean chives pork in the ocean warm and a ton of juice hmm gotta get prostitutes dumpling that's a good dumpling really nice thin skin too much better than that chicken I had I call this dumpling redemption or redemption this is redemption this dumpling shop along with like a bunch of different restaurants and cafes and shops this is guy Russell Street this is a really good place to walk around on the weekends especially because it's got tons of stuff a cafes everywhere desserts food little places - oh cool it's a doggy cafe I don't know it's because I just ate dumplings but look at this world look how tiny it is oh my gosh there's only like four dog dago's and they were all being preoccupied but oh my god oh please so doing oh I gotta come back when the dogs are available to fully pay attention to me this might be the coolest cake I've seen in a long time Oh God then I don't know who you are but God bless you sir so gooey soft I wanted to show you guys probably my favorite traditional market insult this is none day move this is where I usually stay when I grab a hotel cuz this market has some of my favorite foods in the city including this place and you get all sorts of a variety from fry to steam to boil all different types of ingredients in here as well there's also a lot of foo stands with two pokey fish cakes all sorts of skewers fried dumplings and if you hear you have to visit called Chi a league all Chi as hairtail fish it's one of my favorite fish in the world and this is the first thing I ate when I came to so this time around if you're watching on the vlog channel but never miss out and coming to Galilee this is the best place for this fish and when you walk here almost every single restaurant they serve the same fish and the most popular is this place it has an open yet and lay out the door luckily while I'm waiting I have dumplings we've got missing a little hot oil and vinegar back the reason I love these dumplings just so stuffed well so much ingredients they try to cram inside kimchi was my favorite Oh Clark Kent you once have the most flavor spicy and the dough is so soft and it sucks up all that spicy juice and oils that was definitely helpful you got a big fish you get a little fish this is the prize the gulch eternal soak in this bright red chili sauce it's a couple of fillets of hairtail fish the radishes might even be better than the fish because they do so well in soaking up all those chilies and spices and sauce but the fish is really fun to eat is the couple of lines of bones here and here and of course in the middle so you can scrape the meat off the top put a little rice probably my favorite thing to eat and all the markets in salt is this dish the flavor is just incredible it's so spicy it's just a right amount of heat without covering up any of that delicious fish flavor which is so clean and meaty and that's why this has always been one of my favorite fish to eat growing up because it's not all bad messy you know where the bones are you know where the meat is and there's a little bits of veggies inside this room again all this doesn't soak about an amazing spicy sauce and do not waste any of this put that on your rice and then don't oh so go the best part besides the fish is this radish this is also my hahahaha no matter how many times I've had this dish my first bite of the sternum especially that radish we can find my mind back in Seattle that's how far it's belong I just show incredibly juicy and spicy rich steamed dates are awesome too it's not just that typical steamed a little scallions in there as well and what I like to do steamed egg meat the joram a little bit of rice this stood the saucing here which the all-encompassing cure to bad tasting food even if you're not a fan of fish I implore you to come here and try this this fish really does not have any bad fishy flavor incredibly clean flaky and meaty besides dead short them you have to get the roaster one as well so you can really taste a great flavor of this fish like I said how you got to do flip your chopsticks in and the meat just comes falling off ever so tender this is how my grandma used to make this fish lightly roasted skin so that juicy tender flakes of flesh if you've ever had this fish before trust me it's unlike any other fish you've ever had the flaw we used to do as a kid you just pick it up and eat it like a rib I got to do is watch out for their bones on either side okay with a tap now you're ready to go only thing left this is a pull in the middle today's my last full day in South Korea so glad I can't eat this more last time also I've got a macro just because mmm fell in love with getting macro when I was in Jeju I love how they roast a fish really simple little solvers can become irresistibly subtly toasty and there's different ways to eat this take a seaweed add in some fish little kimchi bit at the Jerome wrap it up well I feel so good nothing like a runny nose inducing spicy meal there's only one more thing I want in this mark it's one of my favorite sweets one my favorite food items here is salt yeah I've been saving this till the end of my video cuz you gotta save the best for last and this thing it's the best you can not lean on the moon without getting that famous hot dog which most people consider the best in salt and it's this star right here you see the crazy line if you don't know how dogs basically like a Korean fried donut that could be savory or sweet had to get sue of course one is the veggie and one is to sweet is my favorite but this is also really really good so huh oh so yummy the veg one is stuffed with Roman chilling you know some carrots chives when they brush it over a little soy sauce little citrus little chilies there's really major baggage is the amazing crunchy exterior and that's what sets them apart a lot of HUD's like places you go to the outside is kind of soggy as well and the inside is gooey but this is not at all I mean this thing crispy on the outside and this is my favorite warm brown if there's a level beyond delicious like uber delicious this will sit at the top of that Oh like I said it's like a stuffed crispy doughnut and the sweet wash stuff with sugar and sesame let's be flaky outside chewy don't we and cheerio again Muscat if you're ever in nan de room well my last day here is so really happy to have gotten try all the things I loved all my favourite food items in the traditional markets and this is a city like I feel like I have a lot of connection with good and bad happy and sad so it's kind of a mixed feeling being here if it is one of my favorite places in the world in this trip from Seoul to Jeonju to explore new neighborhoods trying who's I never had before hope it's not gonna take another year and a half for me to come back to South Korea as always guys all the places I went to listed down below for you thank you all so much for watching signing off from so and until we eat again see you later you
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 3,854,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gwangjang market, korean traditional market, seoul street food, korean street food, korean traditional food, seoul market, seoul food market, namdaemun market seoul, namdaemun market, kimbap, korean pancake, tteokbokki, spicy rice cake, dumplings, noodle soup, spicy food, korean cafes, seoul food tour, street food, street food tour, korean food, seoul, south korea, travel korea, mukbang
Id: KjaWS187tsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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