Spicy MONSTER CURRY CHALLENGE 🥵 & Japanese Ramen vs. Chinese Ramen in Singapore

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[Music] hey guys my chance pretty late right now almost midnight a few weeks here in singapore still pretty jet lagged and hungry so this food adventure is gonna start right now this place mean fox one of my favorite restaurants to come to late at night it's almost 24 hours i think they closed for like an hour or two but this place solid amazing noodles and soup even right now it's like i said super late still pretty fast and before my food arrives just want to give a big thank you and shout out to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel i've been talking about and recommending surfshark for several years now and it's still something i use every single day and of course right now everything's online so we really have to do our best to secure and protect our personal information especially now people are traveling more you're connecting to a lot of different wi-fi hotspots and airports cafes and a lot of times these are not secure and great ways for 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thinks that you're in a different country so it shows you the video catalog from that particular country and not just that even something as ordinary as paying my bills a lot of times i can't access major u.s websites when i'm overseas it's really weird so if you want to give this try go to my link down below use my promo code dumpling you're going to get 83 off your water plus additional three months for free and try it out for 30 days if you don't like it for any reason at all get your money back i think my noodles are ready so this place a bowl of dry noodles and a giant pod of uh fish fishball soup for about 650 singapore dollars for about five us dollars for this i'm pretty sure that's like less than the price of a big mac right now they're super so delicious wontons in here there's some vegetables in here take a sip of soup chase it with some of these dry noodles i love them so much they put so much vinegar in here noodle textures treat a ton of amazing umami flavor in the noodles i love this place no wonder it's like always packed like right now it's almost full house at around midnight also tomorrow i found this great place you just gotta check it out all right i'm gonna finish eating go to bed and tomorrow we're back from curry [Music] today's food adventure is right here in suntec mall i was here last time i walked past something that completely shook me to my very core and as soon as i saw it i knew i had to eat it and it's right here look at this this is actual size plates of curry and we're gonna go have one today just taking a look at their menu they actually have some really nice lunch specials like a giant plate of curry rice with soup and a drink and an ice cream for 15.50 so about 10 for a giant lunch special but today we are going for something ginormous the monster curry combo got the curry put the spice level up then i realized i ordered the wrong kind of tea for that hot tea this is by far the biggest plate of curry i've ever seen in my life here this this is i gotta scoop back there there it is monster curry indeed luckily i just finished watching jurassic park so got myself a huge appetite honestly it's not even that big so this giant plate has cabbage some pickled radish giant pork cotsu over a giant earth fish katsu cheese on top shrimp tempura pork shabu hurry on the side let's eat oh i forgot and one onsen egg oh first impression just digging into it with my spoon this is a crispy cotsuit one thing i do feel like i need i need more heat i don't think i made this spicy enough i mean spicy i just don't feel like it's that monster spicy level i kind of wanted to feel like godzilla is spitting fire onto my tongue there we go that should do it oh the shrimp tempura is getting buried in here i really like this place the battery itself is not light at all but it is crunchy you can see right here the outside battery is thick which is good because when it's soaked in this curry the batter still retains a nice bit of crunch i'm gonna love the creaminess from the egg and a little chewy texture from the cheese now we're talking curry itself very rich very flavorful and now with the extra chilies it does feel like my tongue is under attack i'm just gonna quench the fire with some hot tea actually interesting fact when you're eating citron food you're supposed to drink hot tea to make the spice die down more doesn't always work anyway cory also has a slightly sweet flavor it's very smoky and it covers the rice so well i have not had this before on any curry meal this is a oh look at this this is fried fish a giant piece of fried fish dunk everything into that curry i really like that i think the first time i've ever seen fried fish at the japanese curry place usually it's chicken or pork but the fish again that really crispy thick batter on the outside it changes the paste from the katsu because it is something that's going to be lighter on the inside the whole thing the whole bite is crispier i think it's better than the pork cuts so delicate on the inside and the jelly can meat has its own little sweetness that pairs so well with the curry i also never seen this before thin slices of pork belly inside a curry dish so this is going to be a completely different texture it's like dunking the pork belly into a curry soup base it's kind of a little a little weird for me just because i'm so used to everything else having a crunchy outside shell i still love pork belly but that's definitely not my favorite part of the dish also i got dry salmon because this is the only other thing that's not on that platter this is good with a little tartar sauce on top so airy and crunchy on the outside incredibly juicy in the middle after finishing the tartar sauce dunk it into the curry like i said usually in a curry flavor there's pork katsu chicken katsu shrimp never really had fish before i feel like it's almost better like seriously with the delicate meat in the middle because sometimes the pork hot soup is a little too dry in the middle fish just brings this nice delicate balance to the whole dish and the salmon brings that bit of fattiness as well i like that a lot gonna dunk all the rest of this chili thing here though like i would say this place if you're you're a chili head don't be afraid of the top level spice i think it's fine and also don't let the plate intimidate you there's a big plate and on the menu it says for two people but 100 you could do it i had to get a second drink so this is their specialty this is a lime drink made with lime imported from japan i think i made it worse i was like drinking pure acid yeah that didn't help i think i'll stick with my hot tea let's do this [Music] wow actually eating the cartoon more it has a bit of a smoky flavor too now i'm feeling the heat yeah the thing that goes down the hardest was the shabu pork it's just really dry just like that movie where matt damon shows up on the great wall fighting and saving china it doesn't really feel like it belongs this has definitely been a monster of a meal but this place is delicious the service is good very good value especially if you get the lunch set and of course monster portions definitely feel the sneezes coming out after this [Music] i don't know if this is the asian for me but i'm so addicted to claw machines right now in singapore like i said every mall you go to there's always an arcade my goal right now is to get that stitch right there a few moments later [Music] been about a couple hours in the arcade i used to live at the arcade like mortal kombat street fighter basically raised me anyway it's dinner time [Music] this month silver place looks amazing there's a lot of different flavors of masala they got mala pork beef unagi there's also a soft crab one food is here first course sauce serve ice cream hojicha and milk mix i know what you're thinking my answer is why not why can't this be an appetizer this looks beautiful my soba scallions char shoe minced meat soft boiled eggs all over look at this beautiful thick buckwheat noodles and what you're supposed to do give this thing a mix and when you do wow oh that smells so good there is definitely some sort of anchovy sauce in these noodles when you mix everything you get that great flavor from the scallions the beef the pork the egg you can smell the meltiness of that yolk but 100 some of that anchovy element that they added in here that's where all that umami comes from and you eat the noodles first holy crap the noodles are absolutely perfect like perfectly chewy beautifully thick nice subtle sweetness of the meat the outside little crunch from the scallions the nori and of course that velvety silkiness from the egg and the texture the noodles the seasoning everything this is an amazing borana had to go for a second bowl of noodles something completely different and this is mintai kosukemen it's a seafood broth oh that's good i think it's some sort of anchovy broth they put butter in here and a slab of mint taiko so this mixed in mix that butter in as well this sukuman has mint taiko in there too along with some masago fish cakes chashu bamboo nori and again that beautiful buckwheat noodle so give this a mix oh my gosh they definitely give you a lot of fish eggs take some noodle dunk it in the noodle texture is just too good also the broth again that's so much umami cheshire just okay very lean a little driver it is all about the noodles and the broth at this place of course this one you get that little popping fish egg and all that great grindiness from the mentaikon look at the instructions here they say to add the sauce homemade vinegar so some chilies homemade vinegar even better a little more vinegar your vinegar is not extremely sharp or acidic which i appreciate because those can get really one-dimensional and kind of overpower all the rest of ingredients this thing absolutely complements all the other flavors in here only thing i don't love don't love the trash soup really no fatty element here very lean very tough a little dry i could do without that but the noodle and sauce is just extremely good a little vinegar especially that just added the wow factor once you're done with the noodles there's still a lot of sauce left over get yourself some rice no this is a very cute bowl rice add some more chilies a little more of their house vinegar bring out the spoon and that is an amazing finish to dinner the best thing about having an ice cream before this is that now it's time for dessert good morning today going for something light last time i still feel like a couple monsters are battling out in there and starting breakfast with some tea oh look at this this is how they do tea here in singapore that's adorable this is called a mango cream pie basically cheese foam mango juice and i think some oolong tea that's very good [Music] i haven't had kaya toast in such a long time yeah comes always one of my favorite places to eat whenever i'm in singapore kaya toast soft cooked eggs and a rose soy milk tea it's very rich in thick this is pretty much all syrup i'm just gonna wait till the ice melts a bit very rosy though this is what i've been craving this is my something light today kaya toast with butter inside forced soft runny eggs just poke a hole right there and let the yolk flow in this particular instance the egg is not flowing as much as i thought it would still good though creamy runny eggs punchy toast with higher jam and butter inside savory buttery sweet crunchy and velvety so much different textures and flavors whenever you bite into those if you guys never had this before probably the most popular breakfast out of me here in singapore kaya which is basically coconut jam so sweet and fragrant slap between two crispy pieces of bread with butter dip that into some creamy brownie delicious eggs from the best breakfast food you'll find anywhere i'm still hungry now see what else is around here [Music] i'm still making my way through all these malls in singapore there's so many every single mall has these like hidden gem restaurants i found this one that serves noodles and dumplings so i got some jojo man probably my first time ever eating this without chilis and some dumplings [Music] this is interesting so this is man the sauce is very gooey so a lot of starch in here oh this is good exactly what i need right now something super comforting and hot and meaty this is one of the better jojo i mean i had in a long time between korean jajangmei and chinese jam i love the chinese one to me there's more of a fermented bean flavor in the chinese version tons of meat noodles are perfect here add a little bit of vinegar which you really need in something like this not too much a little bit of vinegar brings out that nice fermented bean flavor oh wow he did something a lot of people don't do he actually stir fried the sauce before adding it to this dish a lot of people don't do that a lot of people at restaurants just stir the sauce up and put it in he stir-fried it yeah because there's little bits of charred sauce that was stuck on the side of this bowl you taste that nice wake in the sauce everything about this the seasoning the noodles the balance of the vinegar which is also very rare wow it was 100 better than any jojo man i had in the u.s the only thing i'm not used to is is just extra starchy here but oh my goodness this flavor is legitimate i don't know what kind of dumplings these are i think is chive and pork heavy on the chives all right the dumpling tastes like it has a heavy southern influence to it this is really good too a huge feeling a blast of delicious chai flavor nice and juicy i missed her so much noodles and dumplings that's home for me i'm starting to get more involved in a lot of restaurant projects really i just always wanted a startup dumpling noodle restaurant something simple hopefully i'll do that one day but whenever my stomach is really not gray whenever i kind of want to take it easy in terms of eating for a day noodles and dumplings that's where i go and jajani has such a nostalgic impact for me as well because when i was a kid that was my favorite noodle i always asked my parents to make it and whatever they will make that could be a pot of noodles it could be a pot of sauce i you tell there's nothing left i'm going to remember this place i'm going to come back with a jojo man it's only about two o'clock but this is what i typically do after a huge food day it's basically eat something light and then just fast until the next day so today some yakun toast man little dumplings found this really cool dessert place here in ion orchard so got some tea and a piece of cake so they do dessert sets um and my drink is a lychee melon drink oh this is very nice not overly sweet oh those are delicious a little minty mmm usually with lychee drinks you just get some lychee water from a can and some sparkling water this i'm sure it has the lychee juice from a can but it tastes so much better than that i got this ice cream cake it's really cool to give you a little timer so this is five minutes so you wait till this is done and the ice cream would have melted enough where you can start eating it there we go that is so chocolatey wow ice cream basically just tastes like cream a little hot tea it's really cool with the hot tea to give you a little toasted marshmallow i think the marshmallow goes into the tea i've never seen this for tea before it's uh sencha tea and now it's marshmallowy sinchat it's what i love about this country there's so many things to explore a little dessert shop like this is just so unique so after this go home hit the gym for about two hours i think i'll be back to 100 that's always all please i went to list down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 764,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster curry, singapore curry, best curry, monster curry singapore, singapore monster curry, japanese ramen, singapore ramen, chinese ramen, zhajiangmian, dumplings, singapore dumplings, singapore noodles, chinese noodles, japanese noodles, noodles, noodle, food, singapore eats, best singapore eats, far east plaza, singapore far east plaza, singapore, restaurant, travel, tourism, tourist, hotel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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