Spicy Garlic Butter Seafood Sauce

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[Music] with the actual crushed red peppers but I like to add them at the end because I still like for them the Hat [Music] Haslett Shasta see my girlie and welcome to the girly chef I want to start off by saying thank you because guess what my original video from Carly but I see blue sauce has over 40,000 beans and that's all because of you thank you this video actually showed you how to take that recipe another level so many of you have asked how to make this sauce spicier and I have three ingredients that will do just that you don't have to use each one or you can use all three totally live up to you so take a look hey so right now what I have are the ingredients that I'm going to use to do this actual sauce just to let you know that these are their original ingredients but I have one additional ingredient here so I'm just gonna talk you through it as always in my description below I list out the measurements so don't worry they're there just look okay so we have our Cajun seasonings I like to use two different Cajun seasonings so I have my Cajun seasonings I have garlic powder I have my sweet paprika I have my lemon pepper and make sure you read my little description in my comments cuz we kind of talked to you about the lemon pepper I'm gonna have dry parsley dried oregano and the additional ingredient that's not in the original recipe its cayenne pepper so that's one of the new spice ingredients there we'll take this up another level another one of course is crushed red peppers if you decide to use the crushed red peppers I use them when I actually saute the garlic so when I add the garlic to the butter I add these crushed red peppers as well this will infuse the sauce and if we decide to take it up to another level that third level this is what I use we use sliced jalapenos and we include the seeds the seeds are the spicy part of the pepper so you can decide to use all three of these new ingredients you can decide to use two or even just one and see how you like it so I will take it up another level each time instead of doing it all at once just the case you don't think you're a spicy level can handle all three okay so this can be used in shrimp boils seafood boils this could be used for great shrimp recipes if you have a shrimp recipe that you looking for you that's a juicy crab recipe there's so many people in Atlanta love this is a juicy crab sauce all right so hey so let's get started it's on this point what we're going to do is prepare our water for our crab legs are pulling in our potatoes so I'm adding lemon juice one more lemon and what this does it allows you well they're lots of crab legs to peel easily so you always wanna make sure you have some form of athlete if you don't have a lemon juice readily available you can always use like one you know white wine around who doesn't have a little white to wine I'm also going to add bay leaves I usually add about four to five big leads to my crab boil of course you always want to have your in the quick seafood well feel free to use the UM sometimes you can find like the seafood seasoning packs you can use that as well but if you have the liquid crab boil I used to do about on safer capfuls today I'm feeling kind of spicy so I did four and the last part of this you're going to add salt so you're gonna liberally season your water with salt a lot of people don't understand sometimes you get crab legs right they really don't have any flavor you can taste the sweetness of the crab legs but the salt is what you want to take you want to take some salt in this week we eat them so I just added that gonna bring us up to a boil once it starts to boil add my corner and potatoes let the potatoes cooked until they're tender you can pierce them with their knife or fork and once that's done you're gonna add the crab legs my water is boiling so I'm going to add my potatoes and my corn and you're going to actually let this mixture return to a boil and you can turn it down and what you're going to do is allow this to cook until your potatoes are ready so just pierce them with a knife or fork once they're ready you're good to go you got to turn the fire off and then we're going to add the crab legs to this water mixture because what you want the crab legs to do when you buy them they're already cooked so you just want to warm them through out and let them get infused with the flavor of the war so it's gonna have the lemon which is gonna actually help you peel the shell really easily if you don't have lemon you can always use white wine you just need some type of acid to help the shell break very easy when you're eating it so stay tuned all right so my corn and my potatoes already people okay so they're ready and I'm gonna get ready to turn my power off and I'm just going to add my crab legs to the liquid so they all get infused with the side the lemon because the lemon don't forget acid will make these very very easy to fill so I'm gonna make sure everybody can get in here you can put a lid on it if you want but make sure everything stings use a bigger pot if you need to but yeah this is it on this portion so this will sit and wait until we're ready if you like for him to be really really infused one thing that I like to do I do this ahead of time way before we're ready to eat so they can just sit there and soak up all of the flavor that I added to this like there are actual shrimp and crab boil and it makes for some good eating okay that on top of the sauce I'm telling you you will not be disappointed alright now I'm going to add my butter I'll cut it in Chuck so that way it can go ahead and melt the doesn't take that long you wanna have your fire like a medium to low key because you don't want the milk solids and the butter to burn as the butter starts to melt you're gonna then add your garlic and your crushed red peppers alright now that my butter is melted I'm going to add my questionnaire peppers this is gonna infuse the sauce and of course my garlic claws this is where the business is so just think you have the garlic cloves as well as the garlic powder this sauce is so amazing you're gonna simmer this on medium to low heat and you're going to simmer it I would say roughly 2 to 3 minutes just enough to infuse the butter and then we're gonna get ready to add our shrimp and our seasonings alright the sauce is very fragrant you can smell the garlic can't really smell the spices but you know there's theater there now we're gonna add all of my seasonings now all of your seasoning mix it really well and what you're going to do at this point is let this simmer for another I would say roughly roughly two minutes doesn't need to simmer that long because the garlic has already worked this magic so you're just going to let all these flavors kind of marry then we're going to add the shrimp so make sure that you've already prepped your shrimp washed and clean your shirt before getting started and you should be good to go alright so step up to you you want to have shell on or show off I like to do shell on because I think it's so much more flavorful and um I like to make sure that I mix this really well so that all of the shrimp are coated and then I'm just gonna let this do its thing I'm going to let this shrimp summer and this garlic butter mixture for roughly I would say anywhere from three to five minutes depending on the size of your egg one thing that I taught in the first video that everybody loved that I'm going to teach you here is you wanted to make sure you don't overcook your shrimp and the way that you can tell is as the strip starts to cook and turn pink they're going to start to curl you want them to form a seed and not and oh if the head of this shrimp and the tail of the shrimp touch you've overcooked them so just make sure that you kind of eyeball it keep an eye on it but just let it work its magic and let it do its thing all right my shrimp are almost ready I'm gonna add my peppers in here definitely feel free if you want to do the peppers you can add them at the beginning with the UM with the actual crushed red peppers but I like to add them at the end because I still like for them to have a little shape and a little crunch because I actually eat the peppers because I like spicy food my husband doesn't like spicy food so he would never eat these peppers okay they're almost ready they're turning pink and they probably have about another minute or so today I always like the sauce at the bottom so before I even put anything in there I think this size and I just started sprinkling all of it flavor across the bottom so I want every inch of my seafood to get touched with this sauce so some shrimp got in there it's okay and I'm just gonna get a spoonful of shrimp put them over here and then I'm gonna start adding in the corn and the potatoes you just gotta get some tongs take my crab out of the water if you want like I like to do you can actually take some of that sauce and pour it right down the center of that crab see that they just help it sauce all of your craft [Music] all right show us like some magic I'm gonna pull this over closer to my pots something I'm making a mess so yeah you guys let me know if you have any questions let me know if you want to know how to pick out crab legs when you go to the market always look to see where they're from because one thing you want to make sure is that you you know that's a whole different conversation that's another video that I would actually do to talk to you guys about which crabs I buy and which crabs not to buy so stay tuned leave me a comment if you're interested in that if you haven't done so already go ahead and subscribe to my channel I have some amazing things coming up that I think you'll like I think everybody will like so stay tuned and let's just plate it I'm ready to eat like I'm ready to eat like yesterday I put on any corn on here why not me all right so let's see I'm still grab a crab legs let me get some corn and some potatoes here we go can't be a boy without corn potatoes I mean on a good day like if I was cooking like for my family we would have sausages in here we would have gold eggs that they wanted down we have turkey necks so y'all know how we do y'all ready know how we do husband we'll pop these little babies right in his mouth and so he will be looking for the potatoes then I'm just gonna lay them sauce over the corn potatoes everybody gets kissed with some of this garlic butter sauce working their magic and of course you can actually save some of the sauce and what you can do is putting like a little bowl and that way everybody can stop if their loser they want to add some extra sauce so let me show you how these peppers already ladle some of them up in there but just I wanted to just chill lingering over here so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video as always I hope you stick around and I hope you leave me some comments let me know what you think let me know what videos you want to see coming up and yeah thanks for tuning in [Music]
Channel: The Gurley Chef
Views: 505,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood for beginners, spicy cajun shrimp boil, boiling crab sauce recipe, garlic butter sauce for seafood, the gurley chef, atlanta chef, juicy crab sauce recipe, juicy crab restaurant, juicy crab atlanta, juicy crab, private chef, personal chef, seafood boil mukbang, seafood boil sauce, seafood boil, seafood mukbang, seafood recipe, spicy seafood, how to make seafood boil
Id: QzxlDycyULI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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