Spicy advertising design 🔥Product manipulation - Full Photoshop tutorial

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in this video we're going to learn how to create this advertising design step by step from scratch so without any further Ado let's dig into business so before we start I want to give you a quick brief about the idea and the concept behind this visual so basically I want to show that this is a hail based chili sauce it's really spicy this can be shown in colors very hot colors in combination with this green which is a complimentary color and I want to show some motion Sparks and all these stuff that will add to the sole of the visual that's it so I started by creating a solid color adjustment layer and I will choose some very saturated dark red color something like this and then press okay and the next step I will create the spotlight effect that you sew here so I will start by creating another solid color adjustment layer but at this time I will choose a very bright saturated color in the in these type of advertising designs you need to go for the colorful vibrant colors that will pop and catch your eye okay so let's press control I to invert the mask and using the soft rounded brush I will just give it one touch with 100% flow and then press contrl T and start to press shift to change the shape shape of this Spotlight effect and then press alt to make it bigger and now we have like Spotlight coming out of the top very cool now let's go to the images that I have used it's not a bunch of images you can find all these images in the description so that you can follow along with me so let's bring this beautifully retouched glass of the sauce and you can see a main factor of the success of some advertising design like this is choosing a very high quality images so whether this is a 3D render of the product or a very highend retouched image it needs to look very high resolution and very high quality very very nice now obviously we have a source of light that will be coming from the top we will paint its light next but we should have some Shadows right here because the light will hit the bottle and it will cast some Shadow right here and it should be separated from the bottle because the bottle should be like it's flying okay so I will make this Shadow is the easiest way possible by creating a new layer and putting it behind the bottle and let's bring some dark color something like this and then press okay and I will just give it a touch like this next I will press contrl T and press shift to change its orientation and let's put it somewhere right here of course it doesn't look professional right now but when we press into this button into the warp tool I will try to drag it to be like it's coming very sharp from specific point and then fading away okay so something like this maybe so let's just drag it like this and and then press okay and then let's put it right here that's perfect very nice but the edges are somehow sharp so we can simply go to filter and blur and gaussian blur to fix this issue with some touch of blur to the edes perfect very cool now let's bring the opacity down and maybe we can change its blending mode into multiply and see I guess we are good to go maybe we can make it bigger take your time to make the best Shadows ever very nice I like it we can take it further from here by duplicating this Shadow and press contrl T and just make it inside so this is something like a contact Shadow but of course the ground is not touching the bottle so I will just decrease the opacity to make it something like this looking to ensure your online security well you are in luck because today's sponsor is surf Shar VPN surf shark is your trusty companion for navigating the internet securely using surf shark you can virtually transport your devices into different countries not literally of course it's by simply changing your IP address this is like having a secret tunnel that Shields you from anyone trying to access your device plus it's a lifesaver when it comes to accessing the country restricted websites as someone who 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press CR I to invert the mask and now let's analyze the bottle and see where the Shadows should be so as I have already told you the light is coming from the top left so the Shadows should be here into this part of the bottle but we need to put in consideration the form or the three-dimensionality of the bottle itself if this is a bottle then this is the highest point that the shadow should reach because this is a bottle and it's rounded like this so these points should be in the darks so this area should be lit and these areas should be in Shadows and maybe we can create some brim lights right here that is coming from reflecting the light into maybe the ground and then coming back to the bottle it will create some very subtle highlights like this okay so let's go so with the soft anded pressure I will just give one click here and another click right here okay so this creates like a straight line between these two points and then I will just paint this manually this part manually and I will continue into this part okay so next we can simply make the brush bigger and just paint over these parts the edge of this Shadow should be a little little bit softer so let's just fade it like this and I think we're good to go now we can paint the rim lights by simply removing the Shadows from this part so I will just give it a touch right here and press shift and give it another touch right here very nice and let's just paint this area manually and we'll do the same thing here so let's see here is before and here is after for and after very nice and you can notice it right now the bottle looks like it is more immersed into the scene very nice next let's bring the main source of Light which will be in our case a combination of several elements the first element will be the smoke overlay and let's put it behind this bottle and then let's change its blending mode into screen and let's change its color by pressing control U and then press colorize and let's choose this orangey reddish color increase the saturation and let's decrease lightness something like this and then press okay very nice and maybe we can convert it into a smart object right click convert it into a smart object contrl T and let's start to tweak it until we are satisfied so I will just give it this motion coming from the top left I want some flow some breth very nice then press okay and maybe we can create a mask and using soft rounded brush I can make it bigger and just fade the edges out like this that's awesome and maybe with some fog brush or something make it bigger I can just REM reduce the effect these areas that's very nice next we will bring these Sparks overlay right click flip horizontal and then we can also tweak it but let's just firstly change its a blending mode into screen and then let's change its shape to match the same orientation of the flow that we want to make that's not bad but it's too much so let's just fade some parts with the fog brush something something like this I guess that is very very nice now the next step I think we need to shift the colors of the bottle a little bit to the Reds and oranges so I'll do this using the color balance I create a color balance adjustment layer create a clipping mask in the midtones I will just add some Reds some maybe greens and because red and green makes yellow and then adding some yellows let's do the same thing into the highlights and I guess to the Shadows let's see that's better let's see before after before after and maybe we can reduce it later if we don't like it but for now I think it looks nice and it's matching our vision very nice the next element will be creating the main source of light but I want to make it very subtle so I will just create a solid color adjustment layer and let's choose some red maybe a little bit orangey color not very saturated something like this and some touch of orange and then press okay and let's change its blending modood maybe to screen and press contr I to invert the mask and using the same soft rounded brush I will reduce the flow and let's give it some touches and look at this wow this this always can make any sort of design pop you know no something like this let's not try to exaggerate because you can we can easily ruin the contrast okay maybe we can make it a little bit more orangey something like this and we can always change it later that's why I like solid colors that's very nice very very nice I think we need another Touch of fire so let's just bring this one and and we can put it right here something in this area press okay this is another Touch of then press okay and now it looks better very nice now it's time to paint some highlights into the bottle so we will do this using also solid color so let's create a solid color with this orangey reddish saturated color and then press okay and at this time I will choose linear Dodge color mode this is a very good color mode and it's one of the special modes into Photoshop in which there is a difference between reducing the opacity as you can see and the fell I think you noticed the difference because decreasing the opacities is only just reducing the same effect but it's reducing it it makes it dull but reducing the fa with linear Dodge blending mode is reducing the effect itself as you can see right now so let's just press control I to invert the mask and let's paint some highlights and I will use the same softed brush and let's give it one touch here and another one here and I will follow the same rule we already followed in creating the shadow very simple we can also so create another copy and just remove everything from it by pressing control backspace then clip it again to the layer and using a very small brush I will try to paint the the highlights very um thin rim lights into this area so let's try to just paint it right here and let's go to this part and press shift and press to this and let's paint some highlights over this area can always change the opacity reduce the F so let's just go to the F and decrease the opacity until we are satisfied very nice so let's see here is before and here is after we have done a great job until now guys so the next element will be this Chili Pepper so let's just bring it and part it right here and press enter and let's put it into a separate group I'll select it using this select object tool press into the peer and then create a mask very easy and straightforward and I will just try to make like a flow that the all the elements are pointing to the product itself so it's now a complementary element this peer but at the same time it adds to the story and it guides your eye to the main focal point which is the product so let's make it somehow smaller like this and I'm trying to follow the direction and then let's try to match it into the scene I will do this by simply matching firstly the lightness so let's just make it uh create a clipping mask and make it dark like this that's very nice and next I will just blend it into the scene I'll do this by creating another curves adjustment layer clip it and create try to create the shadow effect using this curve press control I and using the soft rounded brush I just paint over the areas that will not be visible or will be in the shadows so right here I guess and maybe we can rotate it like this that's very ni nice and next we can create another solid color adjustment layer create a clipping mask but before that let's choose the color something like this let's create a clipping mask change the blending mode maybe to the near Dodge again press control I the same process again and now we can paint the highlights just paint it softly like this and try to just micro paint paint these little details something like this let's see maybe we can use the blend F so double click into the layer and let's just remove the effect from the Shadows something like this I guess looks nice so next I will try to make it like it it's it has a lot of smoke or fire effect or something so let's bring this smoke overlay and let's make it small and I will warp it to make it look like it's coming from this paper something like this press okay change the blending mode into screen and let's put it behind everything and let's see and maybe we should uh re change of course its color so let's press control U colorize and let's give it reddish orangey color decrease the lightness and I guess we're good to go next we can bring this fire overlay let's make it small it's the same process I'm just trying to make it more epic okay I'm just adding a lot of effects and that's that looks nice so we can just take this one and just duplicate it contrl t right click Li it horizontal and maybe rotate it a little bit to make it look like it's coming from this [Music] direction I will speed up this part because it's the same identically the same process very nice something like this will not be bad and one final touch I will just create another solid color with this orangey color and maybe linear Dodge or something press control I to invert the mask and using a very soft rounded brush I will decrease the flow of the brush and I will just paint a a glow effect around these parts some glow effects here and here maybe maybe we can zoom in and give it bit more glow in some parts maybe some glow right here and we can always decrease the opacity if we if it looks like it's exaggerated the effect yeah after some tweaks here is the final result here's before and here is after all right guys I hope you benefited and most importantly enjoyed this tutorial let me know in the comments whether you like it or not and please guys let me know in the comments what type of videos you want me to do in the next videos all right guys see you soon next classes peace
Channel: Nour Art
Views: 44,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photo manipulation, graphic design, photoshop 2024, concept art, NourArt, photoshop art, creative visual, cinematic photo manipulation, Speed art, advertising design, photshop, advanced photoshop art, Photo manipulation course, Art, product manipulation, creative ads
Id: un0noP7l5DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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