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yeah but that was actually a functioning prison you ready to go there and I give you to jump in the water let's get you will know how much jump in the water two hundred I said I might do it [Music] all right another day another dollar to be made oh I look for where do we get home know when I got off to shower it in sorry but yeah here's the deal people here's what's going on today is Saturday it's still kind of early in the morning I'm gonna do something different for you guys what are we doing babe I'm gonna go to yard sales and I'm gonna try to find something valuable I Majid buy stuff I need or I might just end up in Frisco in some crab with baby mother and we have a little one where they say hi babe all right that's my baby so only when we got this weekend and you know what we gonna baby here what you want this or juice inin Anna got you stay tuned people might get a little crazy but today what you call the fly is fat man to ever drive a minivan but yeah boy live it on the edge no method of funny yard shows except for following signs mega yard sale this way let's go be here in the yard so that straight year there's an arrow going that way all right sells this way but we will find you later uh-huh you got to come out list no looking from the card I don't count how you guys doing some nice shoes okay perfect if you don't mind maybe follow my youtube channel LeBron so good morning everyone Steve Madden nice that your trophy maybe I can put my name right there you see anything loose maybe they look kind of big for you hmm get the fanny pack I love fanny packs see anything you like sir not you do not look at the booty shorts babe it's good my language don't pay me no attention I don't pay you nothing do you want something yeah what do you want you don't know you just want something there's no toys at this yard so where did I saw herself but off to the next you ready yeah you ready to do this contract we're on our way to what we're on our way to the mega yard sale this way yeah is this the mega yard sale look at the traffic I wonder if they have a valet parking is this a mega yard chill it's a lot of stuff this must be the mega yard sale look at what is it ironing the yard sale selling grass I like it look at the lantern needs glass ooh I bought briefcase an abandoned yard show these food no they're empty they're selling someone's license plate holy crab looks like stocking free work it's a pretty little little thing right there that's nice look at this one it's nice to see yeah but this was a chain and this was an earring oh look at that how much is this how much is this you can't use this one huh let's see you got it nope it dry up oh you broke it now you gotta buy it they're mine I didn't buy my daughter's will use these he broke it we have to buy something from here listen at the main table an altar they got cameras this is a sleeve to some very expensive wine moet champagne oh man they got off my wallet in the car I couldn't buy if I wanted to look at a tripod pretty nice huh they don't got the other piece though that screws on right it's missing it it's not bad I was a pretty cool yard sale well you say that you wanted to make a yard sale was Megan not my style so off to the next right baby Jesus hope we find something today because I really want to buy something cuz I want to haggle someone out of a very expensive prior to get it for very cheap for now the side of the road how much is a pile of clothes this stores closed right now did you see why you write the neighborhood's that cannot be safe that is not safe what's going on someone need to call code enforcement on them or just leave know where the garage sale is maybe it's that way nope that way hello how you doing the little rabbits and things I catch you later alligator catch you later alligator I'm gonna catch that you are so so fast because walking up I said oh looks interesting then I seen the seller he's a guy who reached I was at the market his price is too high it's stuff garbage what's up baby I say hi so that's why we had to leave but off to the next I promise you I'm buying something to day you know what sometimes the cameras just a random leave your ass neighborhoods oh here we go are you ready meme RiRi say you know today's mission buy something no matter what it is just buy it oh look at that painting that's pretty nice do you think that's a Picasso look at the blocks my kids like books I like block do you what do you look at that cake depend on what I've died same thing you like baby Jebus hospital oh look at that that's pretty neat that's a pretty mean your painting smells weird out here let's say the Beatles look that's pretty nice I thought that said the Beatles see what this shirt says I just look illegal it's a nice shirt hello how are you oh that's already someone's stuff holy crap five dollars a bag winning I need a stroller food phone we go to Frisco right now how much is it you strong how much is your stroller I'll take it I'll grab the baby Jesus pack it up you ladies have a wonderful day so the youngest decided to take a poop and we are in traffic so mom got back there to changing this one has no younger sibling so he never actually smelled baby poop how do you feel sir girls usually I just leave the room I can't leave the car he said a blue did you poo-poo know who did oh my god it's mommy said poop is natural all right here we go now we got a pea total why because we're going into the city let's get the lady on the camera you ready three YouTube creators in one trial thank you alright so the our cells didn't work out too good all we got was a stroller like I said we're crossing the bridge but now rats appear why why baby Davis you don't know well why are we here list some touristy things and buy some crafts and fresh crafts and straight out the water is just look at a couple of things so that you guys see how it is when you come out here just to chill no Brandon we can now feed the sea lions Oh get out we kick them up and it's pretty neat the offer in it maybe they're here to watch us and we're not here to watch them they're people yeah they're here watching us it's awesome but the way they missed my video people sorry - yeah can you believe at one point this was actually a functioning prison hope the way they messed my video I'm sorry guys I know it's windy out here but that was actually a functioning prison I don't know starring keep that keep so excellent show everybody you know you guys need to come and watch where 39 right yeah star soccer keep it keep so he's makin thanks Lisa 3e is totally running Alex and baby divas [Music] there goes a diet it again well get powdered sugar and stuff on a oh it's over diet gone how do you feel about this wide I've probably done my diet ain't you guys are bad bad influences for me not maybe way got your hood on your appearance your bigoted diet chicken let me try one can have one put in my mouth I got my coffee uh-huh oh yeah this right here is where you come to get the best clam chowder in all of San Francisco right here look at this we can't really see that you wanted this baby Jesus these are all the fries right here Wow this is where you come fresh fresh food straight from the sea wacky the Seas right behind us sandwich oh stop now oh man look at the freshness right there oh yeah oh yeah and then you have powder brambles Oh fire I'm on a diet I don't know what to do I think I might have to break that diet right now straight from the boiler trying to get one place in this under Fisherman's Wharf of savage system the freshest seafood like all around everywhere this place is crazy this bitchin copyright issues I'm about to show you guys these people on this bus but I got a mutant but you can still dance to it wait you haven't seen that yet arcade games you will see that on the next video but for now this video I gotta end it in the most beautifulest place here beauty out here
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 11,083
Rating: 4.9274278 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: tZVQNH-pvlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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