Spending Robux to be the MOST TOXIC BLOB in Roblox

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welcome to eat blobs and that guy has huge vitamin gaming God yeah we're gonna oh okay guys go away please wait what did I just eat I'm suddenly big so we want to watch out for that guy he's just uh really big I want to be left alone so I'm gonna go this way I can eat all these people I'm already uh 440 I don't know how but anyway Let's uh okay stop running please uh times two speed is kind of cheating yes come here please don't run away from me I am the king okay vitamin fan is coming for me I'm slowly gonna get bigger if I just get all these blobs from them chasing me okay I'm dead he probably is paid to win cringe I respond with zero all right you guys just fight each other over there I'm gonna be on my own here just just let me stick around in this corner hello sir you are now mine I have two kills that's what this is over here vitamin gaming God is at 2.3 000 size this game is kind of like agario Io if you ever played that you have like a top-down view but this is Roblox we got 3D vitamin gaming God go away let me have my my piece over here in the corner I'm all by myself just where I'm meant to be yeah go get the little guy there no not me bro Revenge how much is it 175 all right let's uh kill him off because he's biggest yes take that idiot so now he's mini like me that's a good way for uh these developers to make money I just spend Boba to get revenge so now he's in last place that makes me happy that's how I get happy I just get Petty Revenge oh why did I suddenly get huge I have no idea what just happened after some technical difficulties I am a once again so I gotta build up all my size without getting attacked by these idiots 610 is at 10 000. oh vitamins milk is at 25 000. okay so everyone's uh pay to win spending literally thousands of dollars just to eat me dude go away I know you spent bobuck for the 2x speed oh my gosh someone kill him okay you know what I'm I'm doing it kill all 149 I don't care I don't care go away all of you yes it's an even playing field I killed everybody yay when you can't win just kill everybody a good gaming strategy anyway so everyone's a once again in 39 seconds I'm gonna get 3 600 size oh Amina is small again she must have died who wait who killed how's this guy have 1.9 000 already I'm gonna have to kill him oh that person over there is ten thousand well I'm gonna have to spend so much boba in this game every time I die I'm just gonna you know pay to win to uh make your gaming experience less fun oh so I just got that free size from the timer so if I wait another 10 and a half minutes I'm gonna get 10 800 size yeah the only way I die now is if someone does pay to win to kill everybody stop running come into my belly okay you know what she's kind of fast so how about a two-time speed for only 77 cents now I'm twice as fast and you're about to die yeah that's an overpowered uh pay to win game pass 5.5 000 so let's go get vitamin fan over here can Kenya whatever she's at 22 000 or he I didn't mean to assume her gender okay I'm sorry vitamin fan just come to me you're gonna die yes very good vitamin gaming God you know that you're gonna die so just give up thank you 16 000 okay six thousand more and I can eat uh Kenya and be the best in the world look at this little idiot you're mine 16 000 block thank you see that's good when you give up like that you just come into my belly Kenya doesn't know what's about to happen I'm about to eat ABC here for ten thousand and then I'm gonna quickly turn around and eat uh Kenya so come here ABC think oh oh no Canyon what's what's happening oh you're trying to run oh I don't think so oh fifty thousand oh someone's got to spend bow Buck to terminate me that's the only way I am too big vitamin is the biggest with 50 000 size that's correct vitamin fan stop running goodbye sixty thousand size thank you next up we have a pizza man a size is of 5200 he's about to die to my sixty thousand size and goodbye all right so I've officially uh completely dominated the server it's just what I do I dominate every video game I play I just have to I must say the times two speed that is broken and I don't care because it costs 77 cents let's go eat dark oof over here he's having a good time by himself just uh you know slowly getting bigger but I'm about to ruin his entire gaming experience I'm coming in with 67 000 power and he is about to be tiny again goodbye for only 49 cents I can double my 69 000 size but I kind of like this size it's really good yeah how about we just do it uh oh I'm now 138 000 but I've actually uh I'm actually the largest I can get physically I didn't grow in actual visual size at all oh but that's whatever goodbye vitamins milk you have to spend Robux to finish me off can I just keep doubling my size I can't what about speak I keep doubling my speed oh you know what what if this resets when you die I bet it does I bet these are like temporary boosts just for your current slime hello Amina I know you have been having a good time getting bigger but I'm ruining uh ruining that for you 6 10 with uh 4 600 power I would like that please I'm gonna get to 150 000 really soon thank you and ABC it is time for you to be eliminated goodbye vitamins fan thank you for the free food all right we're gonna try something here they paid money to kill me uh everyone's tiny again having so much fun now we're all tiny again I have to wait five minutes and then I'll get a free uh 10 000 size we're all on an equal playing field I like that kill all I think it's funny it costs what like a dollar uh oh I gotta be careful here he's gonna eat that guy and then I'm gonna die I mean that's coming at me fast do not pay for double speed you know if you keep chasing me I'm gonna get bigger watch ready oh look at that I'm suddenly bigger than you yeah you better run that's what I thought oh no she's got free size okay run Amina is now the biggest in the server take your slime out of my face if I survive for three more minutes I'll be able to kill her slowly making my way around wait how do you get a skin you can buy skins oh I can be a Chad oh well that's a scam I think she's lagging it wasn't even close to me so now I need all of you guys to leave me alone in two minutes I get massive size let's stay away from the 610 there she's got a thousand more power but in a minute and a half I get 10 000 size so we just gotta wait and then I'll be the biggest on the server because right now ABC is the biggest with 5700 size here we go five seconds I'm gonna do a two-time speed right now now so right when I get big I'm suddenly fast I'm gonna eat everybody come here Pizza Man yeah you're dead six ten it's time for you to die my belly my Jelly Belly Amina you remember when you were chasing me all over the map well guess what you are now dead vitamins milk you're also dead oh hey Kanya or Arcania I still don't know how to say your name correctly you are now mine thank you dark oof I believe I must eat you awesome kid with a 31 000 size I have 36 000 so I'm going for you first you're not gonna Escape for me unless you pay for some bow buck and you are now dead vitamin gaming God isn't even moving he's given up this is what you all should be doing just all of you give up accept your faith that I am going to eat you but every time I eat someone I risk of being murdered but I don't care hi guys I'm small once again due to a technical difficulty but that's okay I will build myself back up in the meantime because there's so many big people in this server I'm going to kill them all yes I will spend a dollar fifty to eliminate lazy CMS with 1 million 647 000 power goodbye idiot oh no oh he's probably been playing for like six hours and he just lost all of his progress oh well I am not sorry I just got four in his size oh wait lazy CMS is back one million size so I think that means that lazy paid Robux to get his size back hey lazy uh come kill me again I'm gonna pay money to ruin your slime all right so let's Revenge kill 175 yes I'll do this all day how the flip did I die oh no oh well I'm a dip okay so lazy is uh rage quitting awesome guys I actually made lazy Rage Quit see that is worth a dollar 75. Amina please leave me alone just trying to have fun out here I'm gonna double my speed I don't want you to kill me okay good let's go no go away these are one-time purchases if you die after you purchase these you'll you lose the Boost I can't believe I spent money to kill that player that had 1.6 million size that's actually really awesome and Toxic by the way can I just Spam two times speed and just get really really fast let's see oh I did yeah see so these are our boosts but you lose them once you die all right well uh we can kind of have fun with this how about we get another one because I'm the biggest now so we're just gonna run around yeah oh okay here we go this is what I'm talking about goodbye and goodbye and Amina you're stalking me so you're now dead and vitamins fat evil bear is here and vitamins fat evil bear is dead and a Bruno gamer it is time for you to die bye-bye so I'm I'm very toxic right now I'm just a very toxic slime just literally running around the whole map destroying everybody and oh these people just got their free boosts which I just ruined someone's got to spend money to uh kill me otherwise I'm just gonna dominate the server hello pizza man I know you've been trying to get big for a long time I'm gonna ruin it vitamins milk goodbye you paid for her skin kind of deserve to die you too I'm extremely toxic right now just running around eating everybody oh Frogger 10 000. bye-bye let's see how fast I can make myself is it just gonna keep doubling and doubling and doubling let's see ready no someone just paid money to kill me oh all that bow Buck I spent I was having a good time being toxic but you know what it was worth it because I killed the person with one million size no one sorry 1.6 million size I nuke the whole server then they paid bobuck to revive they got their 1.6 million size back and then I let that person eat me so then I could Revenge kill them and then they rage quit and left the server that is awesome I've been server hopping and this guy seems to be the largest 85 000 size that's nowhere near the 1.6 million size of the rage quitter if you eat me I will nuke the whole server I don't care I'll do it I will kill everybody if it's plays just sacrifice yourself for me oh no Aqua definitely paid for double speed well that's susser once again a tiny blob just a can you please leave me alone I am over here in peace you know what I'm gonna pay for 2x speed I don't care go away John no quick quick go through yes just went through just in time see you later John John you better be eating up because I'm gonna turn around and consume you oh no John yeah John's running he knows what I'm doing oh in 30 seconds I get 1200 size so I'll be able to kill him let's trap him I hope Jon doesn't chase me that would be horrible how small are you I trust that I'm bigger okay good oh I'm suddenly bigger and goodbye easy come here 610 you're also dead yep and then we have hyper bacon with 91 000 so we're gonna run away what do we have here 1.2 000 I'll take that oh John you're at 1.2 000 already that's too bad I'm gonna eat you oh no Michaela's coming at me with 11 000. oh no I hope she doesn't kill me let's uh be toxic and double my size for 50 cents and then turn around and murder her oh no oh oh oh no Kayla I like spending 50 cents to be toxic I'm gonna trap you in the corner and eat you oh that's just another server that I've dominated the only way I die is if someone in the server spends bobuck look at poor 610 over here just having a good time by himself slowly growing in size and then toxic vitamin comes over and ruins all of that oh and luck just got his free size boost which I'm gonna take goodbye Luke vitamins fat evil bear he thinks that I wouldn't notice uh him being over here in the corner trying to get bigger but I notice everything so Mr fat evil bear I am not sorry but you are now dead all right I think it's time to go go to a new server and ruin someone oh you just got your free boost thank you yeah anyway let's go to a new server let's go ruin someone else's time it is now an even playing field who is going to be the best Jose as cool as is the biggest with almost 700 I get plus 438 seconds so let's actually get over to him and then we'll eat him and ruin his time oh this guy could he might get uh yes outplayed oh no Jose's cools at 1600 he's actually growing stop eating all these blobs these are mine I need to get in front of them and cut off all the blobs okay in one second I'm gonna get 400 more uh-oh okay that that's not enough to eat him he's at 3 200. let's go for vitamins milk he's at about 900 power it's definitely gonna help me out here and let's be paid to win cringe 77 cents down the drain but it is worth it to make uh people rage I'm sorry vitamins milk but I need you goodbye oh thank you yes 3300 okay time to take over the server Brando boy just got his free boost you can try running but it's not gonna work but yeah you're dead all right here we go 5300 I'm now big enough to E4 Pokemon except that Forkey man eats Melissa plays then he's gonna be bigger than me so I gotta get in here fast come on come on he has no idea I'm coming up behind him Melissa don't die do not okay this is actually really risky get him quick yes come here Melissa goodbye another server ruined by toxic YouTuber all you're doing is feeding me you're you're helping me get bigger so thank you goodbye these are my kind of games no they nuke the server someone just paid a dollar fifty vitamins milk we are the same size let's actually see who's bigger I'm bigger we're both at 1300 but I guess I had just a little bit more so I ruined about five different servers killed the guy with 1.6 million size has probably been playing for 46 hours just another fun toxic adventure with your favorite YouTuber thank you
Channel: Vitamin Delicious Dos
Views: 300,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VI2h8sWTUz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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