Spending 100 Days as ENMU in Project Slayers..

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I spent 100 days as a new end project Slayers and the requirements I'm going to do is one level up and move because I did not level it up at all to get our last move which is flesh monster and three level up everything so we can complete Mugen train and yes but it's just that simple but before that make sure you leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already let's get 1 000 likes on this video if you enjoy and yeah anyways let's get into the video so you already know before you even get started we have to look like a man uh I'm probably gonna pass this so y'all don't even have to fully see me do everything so yeah uh times through this [Music] foreign [Music] at least then I added some of the veins right here on the head to at least you know match up to it and this skin color is valid right here to be honest because animal is a little light and he's like not around the greatest area so hey I think I did good I think I did good anyways let's get into the actual game so we can actually spin this is really going to be good though because I don't even think I have end moves uh like moose say even leveled on here to be honest so I'm gonna have to check I don't think I have to fast forward for this I think I'll get it easily hold up let me see oh my I did it again I did it again I spin past it oh my God trigger finger trigger finger now that we got dream uh yes I have not even leveled this at all which makes for a good video but that makes me have to stress even more for leveling this bro okay so he's still gonna need the last move and we're still gonna have to level this up greatly if we want to end up doing the moving training things like that towards the end so oh my God but one thing let me let me let me show y'all something [Music] ah so I hope you all did think I wasn't just going to be doing this without the outfit now oh yes sir you thought I was going to be doing this without having all this nah nah nah nah we making this official so I got the enmu pants and the shirt so I think we looking lit I think we looking lit so hey let's go we gotta level this thing up bro we have to get our last move oh leave so basically we're gonna try doing what we did last time actually come over here and then use our oars to actually times to our Mastery because we're going to greatly need that and oh my God man that's something else but hey at least we got like three hours worth of Mastery so hey the first one first victim right here come on oh lag what the hell was that gonna use that oh no way he actually got me in that okay come on come on make this easy for me make this easy for me bro you are you a little light bop [Music] Bop uh this is going to take a while with only literally one oh I got perfect blood but literally with only one uh thing bro oh my God this is about to be this might be a pain [Music] beep beep as long as I turn on the Boost I think I'll be fine yeah can I do I do a ton of M1 damage so my main priority is probably going to be M1 damage than uh using BDA but it still upgrades my BDA thing so hey yo oh my God that gave me 14 okay hey I'm not even gonna question it that's a lot of levels plus with times two oh my God I was about to pass by to teleport then I saw this boy and moon is already out what about you just giving my uh oh my God okay you can't calm down gang what about you give me my last move give me my last move game give me my last move come on gonna have to beat it out of you I'm gonna use that I'm only using weapons right now because I'm trying to um you know as I said get my stuff fast as hell fast as possible because there is a lot of leveling that we have to do gang I know I'm gonna lie missed Bob I'm the real end move I'm the real NMU it's crazy to me that they don't even have the eyes why do they not have the eyes for n move like I like they don't even have it on the game pass uh feature for more uh facial stuff that that's weird to me why would they not have that bro imagine if I got the last move first try bro man that would make the video so much easier for me I'm gonna lie oh you actually had to double oh you have to double tap to get it now okay that's that's actually pretty cool I kind of like that feature I'm not gonna lie while we wait we're probably going to be fighting the enemy balls for like quite some time I'm going live with you because I kind of want this last move early if I'm being honest like I do anything for this last move early okay he ended up doing that bro that movie is crazy hey get off me dirty criminals Bop uh-huh go to sleep go to sleep uh-huh you don't want none of this you don't want none of this block I know uh-huh oh okay dude he wanted some hands I thought he was going to throw something else out bro imagine if I get the last thing bro just imagine that that would be that would be real nice I'm gonna lie but while we wait for that we rather do some other bosses to level up our Master but gang let me know in the comments how do y'all feel about end move honestly I think enmu is pretty underrated I know how like he died and stuff like that but I feel like he's really underrated I like his BDA and everything else like it moves pretty good I'm gonna lie but I'm not even just talking about the BDA I'm talking about just the character in general let me know what y'all think all right all right let's go let's go hey this is not even valid though because enmu cannot be akaza but hey we don't have to worry about all that right now we don't have to worry about that we can just keep whooping them uh-huh yep how you like that oh hold up easy Dodge easy Dodge hey I know you see okay calm down calm down uh-huh get out of here put this down what what he he ran right past it didn't go off in time Bop this is why I like this BDA this BDA is so good for farming bro like it's like man because they just stay stunned basically that's why it's so good for farming all right come on come on Kaiser come on no no no no Dodge that mm-hmm I got the reflexes yeah come on do something about it do somebody do somebody yeah you can't do nothing you can't do nothing Dodge that oh wow okay of course he uses that slam bing bing bing nah get out that get out that mode get out there get out the ultimate what he thought he was doing but he thought he was doing it I kind of like to double tap into pick up items so I'm gonna lie let's go to enmu again though before we even do more bosses let's see if we can uh get it oh god oh wow okay okay I'll see you at me I'll see you in the moon bro it's practicing come on tip Tia he's pretty much dead bro come on bro I blocked just wait until I get that move just wait until I get that move just wait until I get that move I'm about to get that move though okay we had like 34 which is kind of good man these guys are pretty much easy level at this point right now bruh I'm gonna hold you okay calm down calm down calm down Doma you're still easy level so I don't care get out of here all right yeah but these guys are just pretty much easy levels for right now to level up I'm not gonna hold your game all right we're already at like 36 so hey we're making progress so hey come on let's get it you already know I had to stop by and move though just to see if I get to move or not you already know I had to stop by my twin even though I'm the real one though like look at this phony look at him he's trying so hard you're not him okay I still did not get it oh my God that's crazy I still didn't get it oh man this is gonna be taking a while at least there's not really a downside though because after this I unlocked my uh last move like second to last move actually so hey that's pretty good so I already got this which is pretty good too so yeah I think I think Rosalio I think we're almost solid so now we got a spiritual core which is uh which is a move that basically basically if you don't know what spiritual uh core is basically will you knock somebody with your Z or something you basically knock them out and they have to like Press buttons and stuff to get out of your trance and blah blah blah I don't think it necessarily works on any PCs like that because they can easily get out of that but uh yeah I just wanted to show y'all something so spiritual core in fact does work on NPCs as you can see right here they don't really they don't really move or anything they well they don't even really do it like they don't do the tasks that they have to do for the button so I mean I guess it does work on uh NPCs but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work on interior five NPCs I'm I'm pretty sure I don't know don't take my word you're the craziest part though is that I have to wait until nights bro to even fight my uh my boss because I can like fight my boss in the daytime he doesn't even spawn in the daytime calm down ran Goku oh my God before you get clapped and easy level up and look at that I got a Miss Katana he's an easy W's easyw's I have so many of that bro I do not need no more Miss Katana so if I'm being honest with you bro like we have to wait until uh night now so like honestly I might wait until it's like night a little bit and do some like backup farming in the background so y'all don't have to watch it uh all of it but uh yeah so let me do that so it's dark time again I went up to like 49 I could have got it way higher if I didn't do anything because I had to do something but I mean it's all good bro what can you do aha you can't grab me from up there but imagine if that did actually grab me that would be crazy like that's that crazy range bruh or hit bus per se all right come here come on you got nothing on me oh yo and I do not have the move oh my God so you already know I'm gonna wait until it's funds again I at least got to keep up the leveling you feel me once these like just bought these spawns I have to do another one to keep leveling up my Mastery because I wouldn't just want to sit here without leveling up my Mastery for real bro because like when like who wouldn't just like just farm and wait while the NPC responds you know what I'm saying this is a good method to to really just get your Mastery up as soon as possible oh we both use the same move at the same time I only want to use that me me pretty pretty easy pretty easy if I'm being honest with you but how do y'all feel about dream uh BBA y'all y'all like it well I I forgot I haven't used animals BDA in so long I forgot how fun this actually uh is to use but it's pretty fun it's pretty fun to use and I'm gonna lie with you I'm not gonna lie to you and no the nice cycle is about to stop it's about to be sunny bro I'm gonna need Emma to respawn real quick hold up I might stay here bro and we'll respawn oh yeah and move came in clutch Emma came in clutch oh my God you didn't have to pull out the flesh monster on me come here bro chill out let me just kill you and I still don't have it bro oh my God so I'm gonna I'm gonna have to wait until night time again oh my God bro that's that grind bro that's that grind I swear people be getting it first try first try first try how do you all begin in first try please how I need to know I actually need to know thank you [Music] come on just hand it over hand it over come here uh-huh blah blah blah and he's about to die right here I'm going to get it right here let's go we got flesh monster hey but thing is though that's not the only thing we gotta keep doing we gotta level up to at least level 100 to do the Mugen train so we can actually clear everything out so we don't end up dying I I don't think we're uh moving to train this even out right now I didn't hear the whistle but hey bop bop yes sir so hey I'm going to farm real quick and um yeah I mean we're going to basically be doing moving training things like that I still got a lot of things to kind of do here because I gotta level this up to at least like 100 tops that sweet sound of the moving train that y'all didn't hear but hey look at my level I got it to 138 which should be good enough and we're going to be soloing the Mugen train right now so hey let's get that I think I already have a ticket don't I yeah all right let's get to it we're going to be soloing the movie train bro and this is about to be a piece of cake it's just gonna be like a piece of pie you feel me it's pretty ironic because like I'm doing moving train as I'm doing literally the reverse of what enmu is supposed to be doing taking over the train I'm over here helping but hey who cares who cares we're still going to be dominating anyway so hey we're gonna get through it easily and you already know we're not doing that uh cut scene we're going to be actually skipping at right here hey thank you diabolica because I'm glad she added this bro because oh my God I'll be damned if I'm doing that could have seen waiting that long for him to talk I would not do that whatsoever we're good because you can in fact solo Mugen and it's really not that uh hard as long as you keep on your feet I think you'll be fine nope get out of here all right let's go let's go beep beep uh-huh easy easy enough easy enough easy enough let's go yeah this might be a piece of cake and then clearing this solo it's gonna be a piece of cake it's really just that easy especially with enmu dream come on now they're spawning the same side okay okay let me oh get off get off get off that you're from over here yes sir hey come here uh huh I said move away from there I said move away from there oh oh shoot I missed all that what the hell okay get off okay there we go okay we got 68 seconds left okay this is pretty easy 13 seconds left yeah we're done we're basically done we did it like gang I know I'm gonna lie that was easy as hell even though I kind of chipped some health off but I mean it was whatever it's whatever that was easy too easy what are you talking about just like that that's how you protect my own dream core now I think I'ma stay on one side like over here because I don't know I feel like this is just better in a way bruh get over here what do you think you're doing get over here Bop bye bye just poofed him away what are you talking about but if you don't move away from my civilians that I'm trying to capture where he thought he was going Bob [Music] give me that grab them throw them toss them throw it in this because why not because we can because we want to but oh hold up pow oh kill him beat too easy this is way too easy I know I'm gonna lie to you way too easy what are you talking about like get out my sight and we did it hey we at least say 23 civilians and oh we don't have to walk through the door but all right baby big bags hey what's good what's good yeah you thought you assume he really think he's him bro you're not the real one bro it's me obviously spot I'ma stay like towards not to size because I'm not trying to get knocked off if I'm being honest big big come on now come on now oh where's that getting aimed at okay okay okay it's not that bad it's not that bad it's not that bad we can't do this still though I'm gonna use this I'm gonna use the oh wait why did it knock them right there though I'm pretty sure if you get knocked off the game ends if you're by yourself I have no idea I don't remember [Music] I haven't really soloed it by myself for real so like I'm pretty I'm pretty I'm pretty new to if you fall or not you end up dying so I hope that's not the case Bop bop bop over here and I'm gonna use the fans more damage more chip damage okay okay okay okay now I'm gonna use uh flesh monster get some good damage right there too oh oh get it get away from me in that age stop trying to push me towards that age because I'm not trying to get hit there we go yes sir yeah yeah yeah put me in your put me in your mind put me in your trance before I can fight your flesh monster like bro like that's not going to have nothing on me Bob block that oh my God I hate when he does that slam I hate when he does that slap too in slim it's annoying chip damage now and do some chip damage here because why not oh okay okay okay A little feisty a little feisty I like that oh nice slams nice slams but you can't get off me though you can't stop spamming that though you can't stop spamming that though this is like work actually Bob Bob it's too easy block me me block okay I blocked though come on game block beat like come on bro you're not him like obviously I'm him that's why I'm able to defeat your ass that easy it's that easy I might be a little zesty but it's all good okay now I'm about to hit a little bit just in case you already know because when I'm facing uh akaza I'm not gonna be uh able to heal like that because he's going to be like right on my ass well I can't run but uh I won't be able to like get out his sight bop bop bop yeah keep missing keep missing I'm gonna just keep going inside right here okay he ended up hitting me with that being bing bing bing bop bop bop okay he but he's about to die he's about to die though he's about to die right here right here all right now we gotta get ready for the typing part all right baby easy it's really just that easy you know what I'm saying bro I'm still getting used to that like if you miss one thing that you end up failing so yeah hey yeah uh-huh I told you I told you this was gonna happen now look at you slumped I gotta face this boy and he already up to me this is what I'm talking about nah get away from me with that yeah I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to take you out I'm just trying to take you out I'm not trying to stay here forever gang I know I'm going Live come here Bop uh-huh easy grabs easy throw give me that get off me okay okay [Music] oh it's just that easy oh oh he almost hit me with that I'm gonna lie oh come on gang come on gang you away from me I'm gonna hit this real quick yeah stop with that stop with that slam move that slam move mad annoying game oh my God he like is that the only movie about you spamming bro I swear Bop Bop what this dude just went past my stuff okay bro kick me in my Dome okay okay I see you [Music] all right bop bop easy guard break give me that give me that Shield come on come on oh I'm running out of stamina I'm running out of stamina [Music] oh my God I'm getting tired of him spamming that move I'm not even going live I'm getting oh oh this is when we do the dash real quick this is when we do the dash real quick we got a hill yeah I'm using like hella stamina though I'm not even gonna lie okay I think this is good enough for right now all right hit him with that [Music] bye and with that yeah he's dead here he is dead here okay never mind never mind never mind Kaya did up missing my aircraft piercing piercing flesh I'm gonna end up missing ass for some reason okay but he's dead here right yeah he's dead right here uh-huh easy it's just really that easy and then we gotta see my boy Ray and Goku and go through this oh my God it's gonna be okay ran Goku and as that we completed the moogan train and of course we didn't get no good drops oh man I I I I really don't expect to get good drops from this game if I'm being honest but uh well for the you know [Music] at least you barely get anything but hey if you enjoyed the video make sure you leave a like And subscribe and I will do more videos like this especially on other games too so don't worry but I'm just waiting for some new things to come out but anyways if you enjoyed just make sure you slap that and yeah about to end up killing this train worker because I hate humans
Channel: TOUGH
Views: 216,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project slayers, demon slayer game, roblox, demon slayer roblox, demon fall, demonfall, The New 2023 Demon Slayer Game, 2023 Demon Slayer, 2023 Demon Slayer Game, TOUGH, wisteria 2, tough project slayers, tough neo soccer, new demon slayer roblox, yaiba roblox, new demon slayer game, deepwoken, wisteria de, project slayers update 1.5, project slayers enmu, project slayer, project slayers roblox, enmu project slayers, project slayers upper moon, spending 100 days project slayers
Id: DWx9TSTfntk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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