I Became RENGOKU For 24 HOURS In Project Slayers..

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IDK rangoku and project Slayers they actually spent 24 hours to complete everything and yes I actually spent 24 hours of my time to complete everything for you guys but anyways the requirements is run a live flame breathing two level up flame breathing get my last move three do final selection and four complete moving train as red Goku so you already know everything's gonna be good but before that make sure you leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already hit that Bell and let's get 1 000 likes on this video I really appreciate everybody that watches my channel but anyways let's get into the video whoa whoa whoa you already know it's about that time and as you can see I'm already dressed as ranked Goku so there's no reason I have to do anything here besides spinning off my clan now y'all some of y'all was complaining about me not getting the right cleanse and stuff for characters and hey if I'm being honest with you I didn't even know I even had a cosmos Clan right here say you know what I'm saying so I could have easily just put 50 and we'll call it a day but hey what I'm gonna have to do I'm gonna have to swap it and I'm gonna have to get oh my God the 0.1 Frank Goku Clan oh my God here we go all right security times too bro they literally gave me okay all right let's keep going [Music] foreign [Music] Goku not this trash please uh and now we got nothing basically after all that spinning I did not get ran Goku and this is why I don't spin on this game bro I'm not spending money I'm sorry I am not spending money just to try getting you know ran Goku's thing I guess it's gonna just have to be on another time for somebody else but regardless of that I have no breathing whatsoever so if I were to get you already know ran Goku's flame breathing I literally do not have anything or just get my breathing up Max so I can't even do anything so uh yeah this is gonna this is really going to take some time but I think I have enough money to end up doing like half of this so I mean I uh I think I'll be fine and when did they just put my Gordon as you all can see right here I actually got total concentration but I'm actually going to level this all the way until I actually have the last move to where I can actually use my Dash so uh yeah hey hopefully y'all can forgive me for not getting ran Goku I try literally try all my spins that I did not get it so y'all y'all can cut me some slack you know so finally I have done it I have mastered breathing yes sir so the only thing we need now is when Goku's flame breathing same with his other accessories so hey let's get into it now that we're here I think we have enough demon horns and money to actually get flame breathing so let's see you want to learn frame oh my God can I talk if you want to learn flame breathing hell yeah I do let me get that 10K when and yeah I definitely have all that yes sir now the only thing we gotta do is oh my god do this push the Boulder and stuff like that bro two one go go [Music] together [Music] God damn pop easy easy okay trash necklace but oh my God look at this though sword Mastery 15 flame Mastery what oh my God so like this is gonna be a lot of leveling it's gonna be a lot of leveling at least I have this though hey at least I have this that's the W look at this yes finally I got that I didn't have to actually like go through the pain and suffering from actually trying to you know max out my like thing before the breathing so I mean hey so hey we're going to be leveling this a sub so basically I have an idea so I will only show clips of me farming probably ran Goku so I could try getting my last like you know my last uh move and things like that while in the background I also start leveling up my stuff so like y'all don't have to like watch that maybe I'll cut like here and there to me like fighting a boss or something or leveling but other than that I feel like that's a great idea and why there's a demon like on me right now like move damn oh my God this is exactly why I hate sores bro this is exactly why I hate swords it's because of the clashing it's not because of I just don't like swords and I just you know mainly a demon it's just a clashing the clashing is annoying as hell bop bop okay okay calm down calm down we have one move why for the love of God for the love of God bro that clashing with a passion like actually I hate that clashing with a passion finally getting him low though and then it's uh taking quite a bit taking a little bit long but I mean it's reasonable on why it's taking so long so and he's dead oh my God I didn't get the last move but I did level up my Mastery a little bit to like at least to 11. so I mean that's good but hey let me show y'all something I know y'all didn't think I didn't have it he already now we still got to do the last uh your you know final selection and then we gotta do move and train but the thing is hey yeah yeah I know I need a change of shoes too hey get off me [Music] so far the leveling is going real good and I'm going to lie the only thing we got to do is unlock the last move and get this and we'll go to the final selection after we do final selection I'm gonna level it up a little bit more before we can actually do Mogan train and everything's going to be complete so yeah I never actually did like I never actually did solo Mugen while just having a breathing if I'm being honest so I don't know how that's going to go so I'm like I'm so used to uh you know being a demon and things like that hopefully hopefully it's not that hard you know what I'm saying but uh yeah so there's like a trick so if you want to avoid the clashing just throw hands a little bit so throw hands if you want to avoid the clash and use your regular moves for a certain stuff and then like throw hands right after it's actually a good way to combo stem from half your moves too because um like once you're okay you know you have a little bit of n legs they just have a little bit of n lag when they're using like certain moves or it's just not fast enough to reach that person it's all good because the only thing you got to do is literally use your fist and like you you got it okay calm down my guy calm down calm down calm down calm down and he's about to die easily Bob and he's dead I didn't get the last move but I mean hey I mean whatever I'ma Farm a little bit more for my master meanwhile all right let's hope I get my move here if I'm being honest if I don't get my move here then we're gonna have a problem come on man Goku give me my stuff give me my stuff there is some things I gotta change but hey this isn't even the final look for our ran Goku fit so far because hey we're still leveling up so hey uh huh there we go bro oh my God and I did not get it let's go 15 minutes later finally oh my God huh it took so long just to get my move but now I finally have it let's go okay now that we finally have our move we can actually go to the final selection and complete it so we can actually fully put on our uniform so apparently I guess I missed it when I came directly on time the time was at like one hour when it was going to be 10 p.m and it literally ended up changing to like to 11 p.m I have no idea what the hell is going on with this timer but I guess it looks like I'm going to have to wait so hey I guess that's where the 24 Hour part comes from man all right that's that's kind of crazy I Gotta Wait seven hours now all right eventually so gang I'm not gonna hold you it took me three tries I mean it's the wholeness day right now like I started this video to y'all yesterday at like maybe I'll say um 8 A.M I think in the morning and look what it is now like oh my God the farming the missing and now we finally got into the final selection bro oh my god let's go let's go I've been waiting for this day all right let's go you already know rang Goku got this Rango gu got this we we're him look at it we're all buffed up now oh look at us kill him kill him okay hey I'm gonna sell and take a look okay yeah I don't really care about that uh let's see interact oh my God I lost my Katana running here what am I gonna do I can't help please find it for me oh do I actually have to find stuff for people I actually have to find a katana oh my god oh here we go I got the katana please go help my friend Johnny oh over here okay baby baby let's go to it okay no weakness uh I gotcha I got you I'm gonna take care of it don't worry Big Buddy rank Goku here is about to take care of it let's go hey which team is one song Come here and dead just like that just like that come on come on they're literally weak a week stop blocking no you don't understand it took me so long to get here bro like I missed so much and plus the times isn't right too the times isn't right right now I think it's because of daylight savings maybe the times is a little off but yeah it's like one hour ahead and it's like man bro well I've been missing it too and I thought before I thought like it was timed or something like that like time to wear okay let me let me get this demon off me but anyways time to where you know um like gives you like Mugen train like 10 minutes or something or five minutes but no you had to actually stand on there and uh find Apple find banana fine strawberry oh now that we just got done killing the quote unquote hard demons let's go over here to this guy to help him hopefully it's the hand demon because I'm trying to I'm trying to slay that real quick if I'm being honest or interact you should handle the handy oh Bae up bro hand demon is light work you you shouldn't have asked I was I was going to automatically do that hey critical threat demon come here you about to get this hand work bro it would just just imagine rank Goku slaying the hand demon bro it would have been so easy oh okay okay oh okay okay he's a little feisty ah avoid that bop bop bop oh okay he's a little bit tanky I like that I like that let me breathe up a little bit let me breathe up a little bit I'm not getting hit with that um yeah slap me all you want block uh-huh yo daddy that's dumping move though that Stumpy move go crazy I'm not even gonna lie I'll give you that uh-huh hit him with that oh swing slice them oh God that running move bro it's actually you know I know I'm going live that might be the most annoyingest thing I have ever witnessed all right watch this though oh oh it didn't work it didn't work but I think I still got damage off the it's all good and a couple more hits in your body be dead watch this bye bye easy let's see what we get oh we got trash okay I mean it's all right I mean we don't really care about that type of uh loot anyways am I right am I right all right let's go over here you completed a trial let's go all right uh sister dialogue in 40 seconds okay yes sir you already know your boy got his uniform which means we're done we we successfully completed ran Goku right now with his fit he doesn't have like the flame like pants bottom things I mean it doesn't really matter if I'm being honest but you already know let's head to Mugen train all right so we're on a Mugen train so hey let's get it ran Goku calm down in over there and to be honest I never did Mugen while being a Slayer so yeah so I never done this as a Slayer so I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna have to tee up because it's a little bit different than being a demon a demon you have like basically like almost two aoes and everything so basically you only got a sword here so you're gonna have to be kept on your toes on what you're doing I I don't even know what I'm saying at this point but what I'm saying is like you're gonna have trouble a little bit while being a Slayer doing this Maybe not maybe it's easy for some people but for most people it's like not that easy you feel me now I'm gonna I'm trying to pay attention to everything so I don't have to die here because I'm not dying here hell no I'm not going to restart this you already know when Goku is about to finish this I'm just don't feel like restarting this anyway you know how long I had to do this video bro and there we go I only was able to get one NPC to hit that so that's really good bro and I'm going live I was catching on my toes like oh my God bro when I say I was focused I was focused at this part it wasn't even funny now this part right here I'm just gonna stay on one side like always I'm just gonna stay over here or should I go over here they spawned mostly over here so I feel like I feel like I should go over here well what am I using what the hell I thought I pressed my X I am not pressing my X when am I pressing so I don't know how this is gonna be I don't feel like this is gonna be that hard if I'm being honest I just gonna have to M1 a lot okay come here get off phone get off them what are you doing what you doing hey stop here stop hitting the civilians that should have killed I know I'm gonna lie no I would have killed if I upgraded my uh uh flame breathing a little bit more but we're I we're I I don't have to worry about it that much hey hey calm that down okay he ended up hitting me what the hell and there we go he was able to save at least 14 people but I'm not even gonna lie I kind of got semi-distracted so that's why half of the people are gone but it's all good and mover why am I in the distance running what the hell you already know got a hill all the way up before you even get into that you feel me all right let's get it let's get it let's get it okay block anything okay I can't block that all right do not hit me off already okay come here oh my God I hate when they hold block oh it's kind of laggy here what the hell with that oh my God why are you holding block yeah I hate when these type of bosses be holding block bruh and he healed all the way back up already that's crazy the regen for these bosses are crazy for Mugen train bro me that's fine okay bye okay there we go a little bit lower here we go can't block that for some reason okay I'm about to hit on by the hill I'm by the hill who's not gonna lose I'm telling you ran Goku's not going to lose I don't care Ryan Goku is not going to lose oh okay that's damaged that's damage okay he's still somehow able to hit me right there okay it's fine it's fine it's fine wait isn't it past 8K what the hell going on wait I actually have to defeat the whole and move boss right here or is it 5K okay wait wait that's tripping me out okay I thought it was AK before Oh my god get off me okay there we go oh my God that kind of tripped me out first like I was like wait why why are they not dying yet okay now on this I have to actually like keep on my feet are you going to end up like literally regening so fast so I'm gonna like try blocking almost everything as I can block that you missed that okay block that if as long as you're inside he can't hit you with that slam move that's not hitting me that's not hitting me up oh my God oh my God [Music] Gene bop bop bop and move just just face your demise bro if I was actually in the Mugen brother if I was actually in the movie like fighting you bro you would have been dead you would have been straight dead already come on now I blocked that I blocked that where you talking all right the flesh monsters almost dead bro I just need to keep attacking it real quick bro it's spamming its moves bro his spirit is literally spamming his moves it's so annoying bruh trying to get rid of it as soon as possible and like you came in like perfectly timed your F in time well I mean you can but it just takes forever to get out your F like I wish your F was a little bit faster in this game just a little bit just a little bit bro okay there you go and now I'm about to use my R Bop easy and easy and just like that just like that now time to face a Kaza you already know I had to heal first before I face you a Kaza come on yeah you might make me into a donut but hey I'm still about to clap hold up Ching bing bing you might have made me a donut but I'm about to get that Payback come on yep let's go let's go what are you doing I know Miss me at that mess with that hit him with this 200 damage off him okay come here come here Bop no that's that Dodge that come here okay okay easy easy easy so far uh-huh oh ah don't block don't block don't block come on come on don't blind don't be doing that oh Dodge that Dodge that easily block that uh-huh or Clash that I'm not really blocking but still same thing same thing you know what this [Music] hit him with that uh-huh oh about to make you into a donut hold up about to make your ass into a donut how you feel about that Bop 200 that uh health gone perfect Dodge that oh oh wait hold up I'm throwing those hands hit him with that yep easy oh he got me with that it's all good it's all good it's all good though it's all good I want to use my I want to use my r i want to use my r oh I wanted to finish it off with the r but it only got him low to the point where I can actually hit him hey bro ain't Goku I could have got it bro I was so one I was solo and low-key I was low-key soloing I know I'm gonna lie to you what is this oh trash we actually completed a movie and train while being flame breathing and it's kind of crazy because flame prison is not that good for moogan Trainor if I'm being honest but uh Yeah we actually did it with W's bro like wow anyways though I hope you enjoyed the video and look at my boyfriend joking bro all heard and stuff like that poor guy but anyways I'll see you on the next one
Channel: TOUGH
Views: 133,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project slayers, demon slayer game, roblox, demon slayer roblox, demon fall, demonfall, The New 2023 Demon Slayer Game, 2023 Demon Slayer, 2023 Demon Slayer Game, TOUGH, wisteria 2, tough project slayers, tough neo soccer, tough project mugetsu, new demon slayer roblox, yaiba roblox, new demon slayer game, deepwoken, wisteria demon, project slayers 24 hours, project slayers rengoku, project slayers roblox, rengoku project slayers, project slayer, flame project slayers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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