Spencer and Carly || Siblings' Story

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[Music] I think we should call her father in to discuss this um my dad's stationed in Europe right now he's in the military well there must be some adult in charge of her my older brother Spencer oh yes the artist he's a great artist I'm home hey kiddo you know for most 8th grade girls if they came home and found their 26-year-old brother dangling upside down from the ceiling over a giant robot made out of soda bottles it'd be weird you're saying I'm abnormal [Music] do I need to say it come down from there before you hurt [Music] yourself are you all right no why are we happy cuz our very first web show rocked and was watched by over 37,000 people get out my baby sister's a webstar [Music] [Music] um I'm going to take Jacob stairs and show him where we should I Carly you two going up there alone Spencer okay remember I could pop up there at any moment like a ninja are you out of your mind no not not really no I am talking about your little stunt on K's webcast oh the fan of hammers you nearly took colie's head off it was incredibly irresponsible it was an accident and I am very responsible oh you think a responsible Guardian tells a 13-year-old girl she could just come home whenever she's just across the street and she's with two friends and she has her cell phone with her at all times you know I was not happy when you dropped out a law SCH to become an artist wow really you could have been a fantastic lawyer I didn't want to be a lawyer big but now you're pretty Carly at risk so maybe it's for the best if Carly comes to live with [Music] me Carly needs a grownup I am a grownup and I really don't think Carly wants to go live with you in yakam and why is that cuz she likes to have fun oh you don't think gone fun huh I'll be at the Parker Nichols Hotel two blocks over I love you Spencer but Carly needs a responsible adult authority figure I'll see you tomorrow I can't do this do what after you left Granddad told me he doesn't think I'm responsible enough to take care of you that's insane he thinks you'd be better off living with him and yaka yaka I ain't going to yaka he can't do that can he do that I don't know but you're very responsible our grandfather doesn't think so well we're just going to have to change granddad's mind cuz I'm not moving to yaka all right don't worry too much about this yet just go do your homework or something okay you're coming to live with me in yakam no I want to stay here in Seattle with Spencer Spencer needs to learn to take care of himself before he can take care of a child I'm not a child I'm just young and short sweetheart is very responsible and very grown up well I figured since I'm going to a new school it's a perfect time to you know reinvent myself you like like you look fantastic what you approve of this how can you possibly how can you think she looks good like that I don't then why did you tell her that she's a little teenager you got to let kids Express themselves I always let Carly Express herself look this is just a phase and what's her next phase Stealing Cars swimming with hobo this just proves that you unfit to take care of my granddaughter she's my little sister and and I am very responsible no matter what you say I know everything that goes on around here don't worry we're just going to go quiet I'm saving your life you were right okay I am irresponsible Carly should go live with you Spencer well I'm Glad You See It My Way Spence you can come visit anytime you like here what's this everything you need to know about taking care of Carly I listed all of her allergies the number for Poison control she has allergies yes these are Carly's favorite foods drinks soups and Chows M soups and Chows the same thing no there's a distinction her homework schedule and the number for a good tutor cuz she's been having some trouble with science oh and these are the vitamins she needs to take every day I only give her the one shaped like dinosaurs why dinosaurs are cool she's really into drinking coffee but I always give her decaf without telling her what nothing keep it thank you Spencer this is uh impressive wow thanks okay let's go aren't you going to say goodbye dispenser we already did before you came up okay theny wait you forgot this what's that my asthma inhaler I haven't had asthma attack since I was seven but yeah but you know you never know why did you keep that all these years in case you needed it I'm not going to need it take it just in [Music] case nah I'm not going to need this look as Miss trick I'm not going to need this because I want Carly to stay here with you dropping in on you guys from time to time please anytime cuz I still think you're a bit of a nut bar why cuz I do this don't do that you do it like this o you guys are so embarrassing you're going to do it do it right wait what if I'm not the only person that worked on the sculpture oh well the rules say all participants would have to get credit Carly Sam Freddy yeah what's up well I uh I forgot this this one last piece to the sculpture and my hands are really sore you guys mind putting it on there for me we can do that yes let's help our friend Spencer finish the sculpture right there and they're good perfect wait since they helped me finish the sculpture I guess we all have to get credit and be in the picture those are the [Music] rules to celebrate your Straight A's I'm making you a giant a Spencer your a is going to be huge you said you weren't going to get straight A's but you did come on you're a smart little Carly so you should know sometimes doing what's right it's more important than keeping a [Music] promise I'm sorry thanks Spencer I got to got to go lay [Music] down Spencer get up come on you need to get off the table come on be right here har Joiner didn't like your art he's one person yeah my number one Idol in the art world and he thinks my sculptures are amateurish and not good this maybe the worst thing that's ever happened in my life the giant rain cloud has opened up above me Spencer's really upset why who cares what Harry Joiner thinks Spencer does a lot I've never seen him this depressed this is so dumb dumb Spencer sculptures are the best I know but we've all told him that and he won't believe us maybe he needs to hear it from a few more people you guys showed my artwork on your web show tonight yeah we did and those comments are from some of our viewers yeah just a few thousand they loved your sculptures almost every comment we got said they're awesome Harry what ever since you told my brother you didn't like his sculptures he's been really upset you ruined his confidence how would you feel if your hero told you your work stun I am my own hero even if you think he's terrible would you please just come talk to him say something to make him feel better hi what are you doing we need to talk why are you here to bring you home so you can be an artist again I can't put my heart into something I'm no good at and I really like being a dental assistant it's fun you need to go home good take me there collie came by my photo shoot today she told me you decided to quit being an artist oh yeah I have it's okay it's not your fault my Art's terrible your Art's not terrible it's good great actually 41 for my little sister then why did you say you didn't like it truthfully ah when I saw your work I was jealous jealous of me your sculptures are better than anything I've done in a long time now do you believe you're talented Spencer do the world a favor be an artist okay I'm going to prove to you that I can be a good responsible fish owner no you're not getting another fish all right starting right now I will not get another fish move why I don't see you already bought another fish his name is swimmy Spencer what happened so you'll help us sure but not right now okay so I hope you have a good lawyer oh we do gentlemen I'm their lawyer why can't you tell me why I have to wear this blindfold hey just be quiet and take off your [Music] blindfold what is this a motorcycle I got it for you so you don't have to ride buses or janky bikes or rollerblade into dumpsters you spent your Tech fooot money on me I got it cuz of you you you stick this on your head and get on okay where are we going Canada see you love their bacon I do even if it is just ham it's good ham all Ham's good H [Music] tou Carly would you give me a bite of my sandwich you are kidding me come on I'm starving Spencer Spencer you're going to drive it to Sams or not as soon as I finish the game oh that was close little bang bang to the chitty chitty I am good I'll call it C hey guys hey what's that stuff parts for my labra doodle sculpture finally wait doesn't that rich guy want the sculpture by Sunday yeah and you haven't even started it yet we've been busy playing pack busy hey is this your high score yep 867,000 uh-huh how long did it take you to score that high well I started playing last night at around 11:00 and finished at maybe 6:00 a.m. you play pack crap for 7 hours stength I bet you could beat her score don't encourage him I got to beat that score after you finish the laboral sculpture just a quick game that doctor guy is coming to pick it up tomorrow it'll be ready one game at least start on the sculpture first I can't believe this you promised me my labal sculpture will be ready today I know he's really sorry do you know how much influence I have in the Seattle Art Community yes I do what is wrong with you look I got a little obsessed with packrat packrat that old video game yeah you want to play no sir I'm sorry ah listen is today your wife's actual birthday no it's next Saturday why if you'll just give me till then oh I promise I swear I will make you the best Labradoodle sculpture ever your wife will love it he'll get it done I will see you 9:00 Saturday morning W that was almost really bad [Music] yeah Spencer what's going on in there I don't know come on hurry I'm trying oh man do you know how much time and money I spend on these presents I guess the electromagnet why could you have just gotten a regular tree when that didn't set all the presents on fire I wish you'd been born [Music] normal I can see see the s was born normal just like you wish for you hate steamed tbit cuz it's boring you like to make spaghetti tacos and when you make them you sing a little song Carly I only sing songs in church stop Carly I think you better calm down I don't want to calm down I just want you back I want you the way you're supposed to be I want you to make crazy sculptures and to accidentally set stuff on fire and it's wear socks that light up Mitch Mitch where are you Mitch just I want my life back I don't want spiter to be normal I want to be all abnormal [Music] again Mitch I want you to change everything back to the way it was Spencer Sam Freddy everything no knows you the way I know you look in my eyes I will never desert which I say the word we'll take on the [Music] word sper the fight Spencer Spencer hey what's up hey what's up with all the SZ and squ I missed you I have no idea what you're Spencer do you want must to help you take that tree down to the garbage yeah just help me stuff it in no one touches this tree you hated it I do not it's my favorite tree ever come on let's put it back over there where it belong all right we right in the middle all [Music] right [Music] the see it's not bad at all just needs a little love yeah you guys help me slam some decorations on it real quick sure banana ban there it compliments the tree nicely nice get in there I like right here the top there looks the girl oh yeah yeah all right um started wow looks nice huh yep know Spencer you're not normal but you did build a nice tree hey can you do us a favor sure what you need we want to do an interview for I Carly backstage at a mixed martial arts fight and pretty's freakish mother won't let him go will you just talk to Vincent and try to change your mind I don't know if that's such a good idea come on the worst you can do is they know right but okay you're not going to love hearing this but I kind of agree with her huh I don't want you going to that fight [Music] either the word you're kidding right no I'm serious Spencer look I've seen those MMA fights they can get really rough I don't think it's a place for kids okay when did you suddenly turn uncool uh when did you turn into a little baby who yells at me the first time she doesn't get what she wants right when you stop giving me what I want no it's fine we're just having discussion and I'm going to that fight no you're not look I'm sorry you're upset but I'm in charge here you're the kid and I'm the adult [Applause] hey yeah uh-oh are you crazy I told him we should stay home tonight Sam hey we're doing an interview for I Carly no the interview is over Freddy turn off the camera but we're live Spencer you just be quiet hey don't talk to the little girl that way I happen to be her I don't care who you are who look at your hand that is the beefiest hand I've ever seen look at it's like a baseball Miss Spencer oh now you're making fun of my aunt all right don't try to intimidate me I am a citizen of Seattle and I am taking these kids home right now because I told him oh God I'm afraid wait sper yeah and again I'm really sorry I didn't know he was your brother are you sure he's going to be okay oh yeah I didn't throw him hard enough to kill him or nothing I know he'll appreciate that someone stole my motorcycle no oh yeah I bought you that motorcycle well apparently that doesn't mean much to whatever jerk hopped on it and went e by did you call the cops yeah they left a few minutes ago they're going to ask people around the building if they saw anyone suspicious hanging around the garage let's just recap you steal my motorcycle I don't have you arrested I invite you into my home I teach you about the joys of sculpting and then I come home to find you chewing on my sister's face we were kissing guil it I kissed him [Music] first out I don't un how did when I left here to go get smoothies you hated him how did you go from hate well when do you and I were trying to study but Griffin kept turning up the music so when he got frustrated and left then I told Griffin he was obnoxious and he said I should RN a sense of humor and I said oh really and then while I was telling him how immature he was I realized he's super cute and he asked me if I liked music so I go who doesn't like music so then I turned on some music and we started talking and I realized he's really sweet and smart and his lips were right there in front of me so I leaned over and I kissed him you are grounded for till college for till college for till College why for kissing that delinquent you're the one who took him under your wing will this wing shop out no more riet is never allowed up here again and you're never allowed to have any contact with him why what did I do that was so bad oh you know lipy I'm almost 15 how old were you when you started kissing girls that is not the issue the issue is you're totally overreacting say whatever you want you're so grounded I may be an idiot but I'm not [Music] stupid you guys have [Music] fun not that much fun okay that girl is trying to kill me I thought she was going to go easy on me that's what she said go on her face off what's she doing I don't know where she is check there um Carly definitely not down there what if she over here nice here's some water good oh thanks Freddy think we're done nope we still have one final I Carly award to present you said 10 I don't have any more and the I Carly Award for best I Carly award Builder and best Big Brother of all time goes to [Music] Spencer anyway now that I know what's going on what are you guys shooting just cool shots Seattle at night from the 14th floor from his window washing platform from his W W ho he P up there from his window washers platform yeah it's completely safe I'm going to put the kids in harnesses and I'll be there with them the whole time oh you be careful promise okay hey what's going on up there oh know huh it's like Spencer move Ry don't let go yeah we're pretty much on the same page pie Spencer hurt yo right I'm not I'm not kidding Freddy's hurt wait what happened Carly was crossing the street and a big talker truck came around the corner Carly didn't see the track and so Freddy went out and pushed Carly out of the way is Carly okay yes she's fine but Freddy got hit when did you start seeing this mysterious little girl I guess right after Carly left for the weekend your little sister yes and you love her very much totally I don't think you're a loom you don't not at all this is very common you love Carly you miss her and you long for the days when she was a little girl always around so your subconscious mind has created another little girl to take her place while Carly's Away really but she seems so real our imagin ations can be very powerful but I feel sure that when Carly comes back this mysterious little girl won't bother you anymore I really have to run hey I I really appreciate you coming over anytime thanks Dr paxel guess what you do get a big old Hook from your big old brother what do you mean I just missed you a lot huh come on come on [Music] she coming Spencer you got hairs all over the carton surise oh my God happy birthday kiddo do you guys know how the fire started oh yes this bedside table lamp started the [Music] fire but I don't have a table lamp look Spencer wanted to make you a special present for your birthday so he made you a gummy bear [Music] lamp Carly I'm according to this report Carly lost this wristwatch in the fire yeah it was our great-grandmother's I see well it was in 192 1 Rober jul which means your reimbursement will be $82,000 I needed Carly out of the house so I can tell you guys that you're going to help me redo her entire room with this insurance check I got from Bob o I don't want to go in my room it's depressing to see my stuff all [Music] sub hi how did this happen remember great Grammy's watch with the diamond encrusted Bessel uh-huh destroyed in the fire and inured for $82,000 oh my God thank you great Grammy we should have gone to our funeral I know who has the best big brother ever you did they all right I heard noises and the chain lock of the front door is broken what's Sam doing here just make me some eggs will you I haven't eaten since 2: a.m. okay wait wait yeah you thought a criminal broke in our house and was in my room mhm so as a weapon you brought a SE duster sure did you're insane am I yeah you are there's nothing wrong try fight [Music] me [Music] what's wrong kid been buming around ever since you got home from school don't worry about it come on T to no it's stupid nothing stupid to a guy in a spoon hat all right Sam and Freddy have been making fun of me cuz I've never pranked anyone wait Spencer why are you acting so weird all of a sudden I don't want to talk about it okay can you please just respect that [Music] no sit come [Music] on when I was in the ninth grade I used to pull pranks all the time really mhm other kids called me the King you know of pranks prestigious right but I got carried away with it first I was just pranking like one or two people on the weekends pretty soon I was doing it every day couldn't control myself in one [Music] day I had a special prank planned that day it's a perfect Autumn to I vowed then that I would never ever pull another prank and did you never well then you can control yourself well anyway I just want you to help me pull a prank just one yeah but please please you know I can't say no to a girl in a spoon hat what happened my old classmates beat me up but they were just supposed to help you get the message about your pranking message [Music] received D for my little sister Carly sh I was just hanging on my lawn shucking some corn I thought to myself how come no one's ever thought to juice corn so I I grabbed juice maybe nobody's ever thought to juice corn cuz most people have brains that function normally oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry no here give me the cup come here oh no I'm sorry sorry come here come here no I know you didn't do anything wrong just Sam and Freddy have been bugging me like 10 times a day to referee every little argument they have and I'm just I'm under a lot of stress okay but if Sam and Freddy are getting on your nerves why do you keep helping them they're my friends and they're in this new relationship and I want him to be happy this is nice yeah it's a lot more fun hanging here with you than that dumb girl from the hardware store thanks this needs to stop right now what what's the problem what's the problem you're lying there wearing footsie pajamas will this woman reads you the adventures of the fudgy monkey and you're asking me what's the problem Isn't it past your bedtime you're not the babysitter of me and you're not his babysitter anymore either you two are not having a normal relationship here but I like her and she smells pretty we've known each other forever I know but I think you two are taking this connection you have and you're trying to force it into a boyfriend girlfriend relationship I mean doesn't it feel a little bizarre and unnatural yes well don't feel bad just I don't know be friends or something but stop pretending you can be boyfriend and girlfriend when you both know it's just weird and wrong this is weird and wrong yeah I'll just go well I don't think your faces are made out of Maxi glass get them Sam wow Carly I thought you cared about your brother Sam wait what are you talking about my new favorite television program real of K Spencer help help me I'm on a wheel fener where are you he's in the basement if Sam or any of you try to harm me or my mother this is what will [Music] happen Spencer Spencer silly Carly he can't hear you he's in the basement would you stop that wheel oh I'd be glad too Nora you're a nut case but I will give Carly's brother the spins oh no I'm moving the death why is it what happening just apologize to the chicken spin the brother no stop it give me the r get the remote from Nora I can't get the stupid door open I got the cheated that move it you I'm going to vomit so hard is it stopped yeah have I stopped spinning I am so nauseous it's okay you're okay I might puke on your shoulder I'm sorry I puke on your shoulder it's okay just never talk about it you guys getting ready for a party yep Harley's dad's coming home for a few days and it's the first time in 3 years that I get to spend his birthday with him so Spencer's not your dad no yeah no I get it it's okay you don't need to apologize okay I'll handle it love you too bye what's wrong that was my dad he he can't come home now what no way yeah there's some situation in some country I don't know he's got to help handle it who's going to tell garly Junior Colonel Carly Shay with a new jet fighter birthday cake requesting permission to land dad is going to love this and right after he blows out the candles Spencer you and I are going to give him huge hugs and Freddy I want you to get it all on video okay um why are they weenies I don't know some people are just born with the weenie je okay something's going on here yeah Carly sometimes in life I know a man and a woman fall in love n get special feelings no no not that dad had a change of plans he can't come home right now he is too coming home he told me he was but there's a military situation we a big rday party and everything I know I'm sad about it too but don't be mad at him I'm not mad I just I just missed him you want to talk about it no no we're not what are you doing I'll tell you what we're doing me give and frednard got a cool surprise for Little Miss Carly Shay here as a lot of you know Carly's dad Colonel Shay is in the air force can we not talk about my dad so he couldn't be here in person to spend his birthday with Carly and a brother Spencer this is cruel therefore we've arranged for Carly to throw her dad a birthday eye party via the Internet I told you guys is that's a military base for the next 5 weeks there's no way we can contact him n but there is PL now now young Freddy will establish contact with her dad Colonel Shay what Spencer get out of here I'm out here and connecting to overseas Air Force Base now Colonel Shay can you see us can he he can see us hey Dad hey Dad it's me I'm a lawyer why can't we see him I don't know he can't get a clear video signal out but he can see and hear everything we're saying yes here uh I'll put the Instant Message window on the big screen hey Dad happy birthday I miss you I'm a lawyer dad I love you so much he called me snugbug that's me that's what he called me that's a cute nickname okay Colonel Shay get excited cuz it's time for happy birthday col sh the day that you were B wish that you could be here with us if you were we give you a hug give hug we bought a cake shape like a plain air paper with your cred C come on the C to I will now light the candles on three one guys I may not be able to hold this connection much longer oh quick say back okay no you say back you should Dad I really wish we were together but this almost feels like we are um I'm really proud of you happy birthday I love you and I love you guys that's it where's the connection I can't believe it I [Music] just come on you guys can't somebody do something no nobody can do nothing we have to be out of this apartment by tonight and we can never ever come back here I'm so sad what a terrible way to spend April full of days this is the worst April Fool's Day Ever s SP what trying to can't see s Spencer yeah whoa who W who whoa whoa whoa what's going on he tried to put his lips on my face face she she said Carly please get the door well thanks for coming by whoever you are I hope my foot doesn't hurt your butt when I do [Music] this we're making a list of people to invite to Spencer's birthday party come on we need more people for Spencer's party who we got so far uh me you Freddy Gibby and flber and smelvin Sako no sako's on Safari in Africa with his cousin uh Hunter Hunter what about TBO TBO and Spencer are mad at each other why cuz Spencer made fun of him for the way he pronounces tissue come on Spencer's got to have some friends other than us friends his own age Spencer's book club no he got kicked out after he accidentally said a whole box of books on fire so Spencer has no grown-up friends really I guess since he's always taking taking care of me and hanging out with us all the time he doesn't really have that many friends his own age anymore if you played tennis then you were with a friend right sure what get ready to type uh what friend Ryan okay we have to find Spencer some friends his own age I don't like those guys just give them a chance to no they're dull and unfun and they talk about politics and taxes and live theater and I hate them but you need friends your own age I do not come here come here baby it's okay it's okay yeah feet are swollen where are my PE okay okay okay ready [Music] happy birthday thanks kid no no it's my birthday and I say that before we eat we play Jamaican laser tag [Music] yeah a darn it what's the matter my dad emailed me back and said he can't come oh I'm sorry kid can't come to what uh it's a father daughter dance they have it every year at Mallen Air Force Base and my dad used to take me when I was little we always had so much fun oh you know he'd come if you could yeah I know I just went Hey where's the teenage girl that actually lives here uh Carly wanted to be alone so she went to The Groovy Smoothie yeah she's kind of bummed hey oh hey kid you all right I'm okay we a sad dadless young girl come on why are you sad you haven't been to that father daughter dance with Dad for the past 4 years yeah I know but it's the last one I can ever go to next year I'm pass the daughter age limit it's not funny I really wanted to go when's the dance Saturday night you know what I don't have anything going on so Saturday night I I know I'm not dad but can I take you to the dance dude you uh he but you are you up what are you guys nothing nothing come on let me take you to the father daughter dance okay I'm so excited yeah dude how are you going to go to that air force dance tonight with Carly if you're that sick oh be fine no way I'm going to call Carly and tell you no she she is so pumped about going to that dance do not let her know that I am sick and burning up with a fever I'll just rest up then by tonight I will be you look so pretty a thanks so you ready to go dancing you kidding me we are going to dance we're going to shake [Music] her Spencer Spencer what's wrong and you have a crazy fever are we are we Dancing Yeah a kid it was just a dance it was the last fatherdaughter Air Force dance I can ever go to my dad couldn't take me and then Spencer got sick and now I'm going to spend my Saturday night sitting here in this super cute dress think I'm going to give it away are you insane give it away to [Music] who [Music] [Music] you why would you give it to me cuz you're a great best friend to my little sister and you've got a good heart and you deserve it [Music] look you guys I so appreciate you going to all this trouble for me but the dance was supposed to be a father daughter thing I was okay with Spencer taking me but even if I went with Spencer it's just not the same and now I just want this night to be over I don't want to go to that dance with anyone not even [Music] me D how great is that you guys it's my dad that is clear hey I heard Carly scream what's going on Daddy all right I missed you [Music] daddyy listen I would love to hug you all but I have to take an incredibly beautiful girl to a very special dance he's talking about me shall we yeah I just need my purse Harley yeah I'm leaving tonight then come with me Dad I really wish you were what are you about my Air Force Bas is right outside Florence beautiful little town lots of the other officers have their kids living with them right on the base happy birthday I love you and I love you guys but what about that's it what's the connection go to Italy go with that thanks for taking care of me come on you took care of yourself maybe in some ways but you've always made me laugh feel safe show me that being a grownup doesn't mean you have to stop being silly to celebrate your straight EGS creative I'm making you a giant EG that's what you do get a big old hug from your big old brother well now you made me cry I love you I love you too kid I love you guys you too kid people balloons a champagne Tower priz party to end all surprise parties you heard the letter har we needs this listen it's going to be a curse-free night I promise just have fun let me be the hypervigilant one I can't believe it this entire party has been a series of death traps the hand rail the toothpicks a Spong spontaneous fire and nothing has gone wrong I think I might actually be cured in fact I'm free I'm going to use the microwave Albert that was amazing you can drop the a she's gone best 20 bucks of my life we both know there's no curse this is so fun you came up with everything almost all right all right I just wanted say something with some gravitas behold my latest piece is this been diesa yep I took Carly's old car repainted him and turned it into a new seat of sitting for the studio try saying that five times fast just listen to me I'm always right no you're not and you won't listen to me when we play games you never have I just wanted to win I didn't know what made you feel bad why didn't you say anything I don't know probably because when we were kids you were like my hero and I still am I understand I've been trying to talk to you all day I love you but when we play games together now I want to be treated like an enser he need no my sister's doing a great job and we're not leaving until she hits that Target what she can do and she's going to do cuz she is my equal [Music] you got this on brother's day we only say nice things to Spencer to [Music] Spencer I wish you'd been born [Music] normal happy brother's day I feel so guilty knowing that I back from find hon to be your big brother I make sacrif I never back through Europe or and maybe in a different world where I was dades by one true on multiple dates with beautiful women night later the lady of my dreams she's intelligent but hey Carly's doing great so don't you find it weird that you guys live in the same building weird I mean it's not like we live in the same apartment anymore and don't you have the same friend group well sure there's karly's roommate Harper my neighbor Freddy Freddy's daughter o Freddy's mother I guess most of our friends are in this building tell her your names in each other's phone sister daughter sorry I doubted you sis you were so right to hire mean maybe we need some space for me oh who's my as long as you two are in meshed Spencer will never have a meaningful relationship with a woman you may be a gorgeous wealthy best-selling author in TV personality with a beautiful smile and a lustrious hair but but you're wrong maybe I haven't had a meaningful romantic relationship but I raised the best woman I know my sister what about all the things you said on brother's day about me getting in the way of you settling down Carly I chose to spend those years raising you I don't regret one day of it you pranked him with a fake fireworks sale that's nothing just let me have this plus your pranks Anonymous sponsor said you shouldn't even be talking about pranks I'm not I'm talking about other ways you could have gotten closure like putting clear nail polish on his soap or replacing every book in his apartment with Twilight or sending him a photo of me licking all of his pens two weeks earlier not a prank hold me back not working you're too small no get bigger I can't where's my breaking kid I'm worried recreating these memories it's just going to make me want to kiss Freddy on his big stupid face you sure you don't want to tell him how you feel you'd be great together no I just want to get through these memories with as little pain as possible and give me that list the time you slow danced at Neville paperman's wedding oh my sweet Cari so pure of heart so simple of mind you need someone who can pick the most disgusting memories of all time now you see why I came to you I tried everything I could think of some people don't want to be helped Freddy I I can't believe this have you talked to her today is she okay honestly last night really freaked her out she's worried you don't want to be friends at all what I I have to see her is she home she'll have to know for you up in the studio I'll handle the drones you handle my sister but with respect wait wait wait wait bonty is that my spunk I don't know how to answer that question Carly this is my biological daughter and your niece Potter is now a bad time to tell you there's 10 more of these little stalkers House of birth a womb with a view an a placentin why would Carly have a bunch of books on pregnancy [Music] unless going to be a [Music] grandfather so happy is that too tight are you okay how do you feel a little weird right now of course you feel weird that makes perfect sense I'm going to get some sushi what no you can't have sushi Spencer what are you doing cheers to that no I'm protecting Carly Spencer just blurted out the Carly's [Music] pregnant heyy I'm got a whole gender reveal party in the truck of my car let's start a force fire and love this kid first I lose a grandchild and now you're going to take away my niece at my gender reveal party a beautiful touching moment I would say if anyone were pregnant that would be an amazing time to tell me that he's not going to leave you he just doesn't know if you two want the same thing but I know you guys are endgame we are endgame I love Freddy and I want to be be with him forever but the idea of marriage just freaks me out the big white dress everybody I care about in one room looking at me everybody but [Music] Mom were we doing this we having talk you never wanted to talk about mom before this makes so much sense I wasn't stressed about Freddy I'm stressed about Mom [Music] maybe the idea of marriage spun me out so bad because what if I do the same thing to Freddy that Mom did to us I didn't expect to fall for you you were right there a whole long I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you hey I get it why do you think I've avoided marriage Harley there's a lot I may not know but I do know you are not M you would never do to anyone well Mom did with us I mean look what a great plant mom you are thanks oh my God oh my God oh my God [Applause] [Applause] h [Music]
Views: 10,187
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Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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