Spelljammer Confirmed (Part 1) | Legends of the Multiverse | Ep. 1 | D&D

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you gotta try the psychic cuttlefish it's  a it's a writer pass oh my god you hear   a voice in your head going  please no please don't drink me travelling oh hello everyone and welcome to legends of  the multiverse a spell jammer adventure where   we will eventually end up in dragon lands but  spoiler right now spoiler alert i don't know   we have all these amazing players uh one  of the most amazing friends they're all   equally amazing i'm not trying to create  a hierarchy of amazing infighting yeah why don't announcing anything we have we  have brennan mulligan and would you and   i guess from there everyone should introduce  themselves uh thank you so much uh i'm gonna   be uh uh i'm gonna be dungeon mastering uh for  the beginning of this uh uh incredible cast of   spell jamming adventurers um i'll go around  and uh say hi to some of our amazing players   i'm gonna go based on my zoom array uh uh so uh  uh please introduce yourself mr b dave walters   is it me hi um i i appreciate that we're all like  tongue-tied and giddy like we haven't done this   literally hundreds of times okay but that's okay  you guys you don't speak for us yeah you don't   speak for me walters clearly clearly i don't uh  yes hello um uh b dave walters i say words about   things um you might find me wherever fine  streaming content can be located including   up to and including on television uh i got to say  what you've seen now because i'm talking to you   from the past but me further in the past got to  announce that spell jammer was confirmed belgium   was confirmed here we are i hope hiroshi is who  i will be playing and i am a blade singer oh that   sounded so good now i'm going to tell you right  now you get three you get to leave your episode   i'm not even going to do it again  because i got it that time it was so good   yeah they call him one shank walters uh incredible  um moving right along uh uh gina darling hi hello   hi um my name is gina darling this is my second  campaign ever uh and i i am so new to this and i   warned everyone too i said hey listen if i mess  it up please don't kill me uh i am playing buxy   or you can call me boxy and i am a  kender that was also a grave cleric   hell yeah yeah incredible nailed it  yes yes and i just want to say it   like having abria here means i'm going  to get even more feisty she enables it hey everyone i'm megan kenrick and i'll be  playing riddle a level five autonome phantom   rogue and i just i love making friends and i'm  just like so excited to be here um i'm from a   dark and scary place called ravenloft where the  sun never shines and no one can escape yay oh my uh someone who experiences zero of the cosmic  dread of space you're just like huge improvement   huge improvement much better vibe is massively  improved five is good here oh oh i'm sorry to   interrupt but i totally forgot because i got  too excited can i can i plug my stuff to you   like beat it and be cool yeah blood uh i am  also a host on g4 tvs attack of the show and   and you can find me on various streaming  platforms where i play or i play games terribly   we love it we love it uh uh moving right along uh  deborah ann wall hello hi yes i'm deborah um i'm   an actor on film tv and stage and i do a lot of  rpg i dungeon master and i play um and sometimes   for public and sometimes just at home with people  i know um and yeah i'm excited to be here i'm   playing um sunny sunny is a bug bear she's a monk  she's um you know trained really hard but she's   never been out on like a proper adventure um and  she's just really excited to be here you guys yeah   this is gonna be great incredible um uh and uh uh  much like myself uh our fellow fellow guest player   abriangar hi hi hi everyone uh i'm apria  i do this for a living on the internet   so you could just yeah that's i'm not going to  keep introducing anyway i'm playing neva she's   a plasmoid uh that saw a hot  astral elf one time and went   i could do that so just imagine like a ditto  poured into cool rogue armor that's her whole vibe nice amazing truly truly amazing uh and we'll go  back to the top uh todd give us your character   that you're playing i am playing torvin he is  a a battle master fighter who uh specializes in   uh magical firearms and that's marvin hell  yes okay we are going without further ado   to begin playing is everyone here ready to venture  deep into the stars of the astral sea yes yes a vast few travelers of realm space and beyond  deep wild space and the scintillating stars of the   endless astral sea where gods hold their dominions  and those dominions hold the floating bodies of   dead gods strange things crawl at the edges of the  far realm and indeed beyond the great wheel of the   outer planes and those prime material worlds that  hold endless adventure we know and love so well   there are stranger ports of call still welcome to  legends of the multiverse a spell jammer campaign   we begin our story under the  scintillating light of endless stars   who gleam in inky blackness as we exit from  the astral sea and its welcoming silvery haze   the crisp delineation of stars and their  corona outline that we are in wild space   airless void that has the horrifying  property of slowly but truly depleting   the air space around vessels and travelers here  except for those places large enough to generate   their own air one such place exists and the  smaller such place approaches well place might   be generous for indeed a ship is both both a place  but also a thing we see the prowl of the deciduon   a living ship it's gally massive  the gun deck bristling with cannon   although the ship may indeed have seen better days  along the gunnel chips in the golden paint and   some hasty repairs have clearly been made the  sails aloft it's spell jamming helm a massive   throne at the after the shift uh ship crackling  with arcane energy and unlike many naval galleons   that our terrestrial prime material worlds might  recognize this ship is marked not only with sails   but with an enormous beach tree growing from  the aft of the ship its roots covering the back   eventually mixing and melding into wooden planks  so all of the sort of tarred prow and keel of the   ship suddenly morphing into roots that go up into  a tree and even this tree weird enough as it is on   the back of a ship is weirder still as the tree  blinks its two massive eyes this living treant as the decision approaches a glittering gem  that grows in size eventually overtaking its own   patch of stars as the ship approaches  bringing you to that wretched hive   to that infamous port of call to that  den of scoundrels the rock of brawl   the city looms in size and as the prowl emerges  the bubble of air scintillates around the galleon   and it keeps its own gravity so those walking  on its deck experience the bottom of the deck as   terra firma as walkable and breathable  and we see just floating in space this   orb of air around a flying ship with  a giant living tree uh on the back um   i will turn now to two of our crewmates  on the ship torvin and riddle who stand   at the prowl of the ship looking at the city  approaching uh could you both describe the   physical appearance of your characters and the  expressions that they wear on their face as they   approach this port of call your ship limping into  harbor after a couple of lost battles riddle is   riddled with excitement her face just lights up  when she sees this rock and riddle stands at five   feet tall with a slender red silver and black  metal body that looks part human part machine   she has a white mohawk made out of cables and the  side of her head exposes her internal gears so you   can actually see her gears turning when she has an  idea she wears a pair of goggles with red lenses   her arm can transform into a double blade and a  crossbow of which she refers to as hide and seek   she has wheels for feet inside her chest cavity  she stores her thieves tools and poison kit   unbelievable um the automaton sentient gnome at  the front of the prowl looks with excitement on   the approaching city uh and we see next to her uh  a a fellow adventurer todd go ahead and describe   the physical appearance of your character and the  expression he wears on his face dwarven has a very   bemused he's almost always smirking like he knows  something that about you that you don't know uh   he isn't a long kind of elegant it's not a duster  but it's like as if the elves had made one and   he's got two guns on either side two magical  weapons and he's very much in love with them like   he keeps on like kind of spinning one nervously  as they're approaching on his mind is the fact   like we don't have a lot of money and uh who's  steering the ship right now oh yeah he's just   dressed in all black and his eyes are eclipses and  there always is kind of like a sheen behind him   but he seems cocky but not unafraid um as do  you wonder who is helming the ship you see in a   very ornate spell jamming helm which across  all of the various spell jammer ships and   and for you watching at home well you may wonder  what these incredible eponymous craft are uh spell   jamming refers to the action of piloting vessels  throughout both wild space and the astral sea uh   and a spell jamming ship a ship capable of  spell jamming requires a spell jamming helm   which are enchanted thrones aboard these ships  that allow their captains or in the case of some   nefarious individuals people that just find a way  to attune to these chairs uh they are thrones uh   that allow you to ionically move the ship through  space uh this spell jamming helm clearly was   crafted with a certain refinement and civil class  in mind sitting in this chair uh wearing a sort of   uh naval garb though what navy this individual  belongs to is completely up for debate as you've   never seen him receive an order and frankly rarely  given one is the captain of the deciduand um   captain morel saint prie who is a ancient human  captain um he has a sort of long pointed nose and   sort of offset against an extremely wide handlebar  mustache that comes out past the sides of his face   balding with two little white tufts of hair um he  is very a very sallow-skinned pale looking fellow   with the exception of some dark coloration around  the bags of his eyes indicating some sleeplessness   you see that the uh captain saint prie calls out  aft as the giant tree and trent who by the way   dwarven you know this treant well you planted  this treant long ago with your own hands um aka rudy um uh uh you see that captain saint paris  very well rooty sharp eyes as always we make for   the port of the rock of brawl at once and the ship  uh begins to head uh towards the rock of brawl um   you see as you look back a hedozi sailor  uh you recognize this sailor as a silas   who uh the hadozi are a simian kind of like like  a humanoid cross between sugar gliders and sort   of like cappuccino or like like sort of like  new world monkeys um comes over silas is a lean   intense first mate um and lean both  philosophically in terms of the attitude he takes   towards running the ship and lean also because  the crew of the ship is hungry uh the their the   coffers have run low the largers are running  low and you see silas go over and begin to have   a hushed and urgent conversation with the captain  um riddle and twerving give me insight checks um so i'll say on a 10 and 11 you see the first  mate going up and talking to the captain as   they approach port which doesn't strike you as  particularly unusual but you do see the first   mate is gesturing with his hand in a way that you  clock as aggressive brittle is just kind of like   skating around because her feet are wheels and  when she sees this she stops and turns a torben   the first mate looks kind of  mad does he look mad to you   yeah he does i think we should go  over there and talk to him okay oh girl's gonna skate over there you guys  both walk over to the back you see other   crew hands and you know other other mates of the  ship are kind of preparing for arrival um as you   walk up both of you give me perception checks now  that's gonna be a 15. you think he's upset because   there's no food or there's no pay the toilets  are backed up i've heard maybe that humanoids   get really grumpy when they don't get to eat so  we should we should find him some food yeah we   we get grumpy that's true are you oh  are you hungry too tarvin no i'm good   okay i'm a little bit hungry okay the first mate  may solve that problem for us as you guys walk   as you guys walk to the back of the ship um you  and you say torvin that you are hungry rudy turns   down to look at you this massive face in the tree  trunk above you and says dwarven are you hungry yeah i'm peckish are you are you hungry though   oh no i'm absolutely stuffed we flew past that  sun not long ago i'm honestly i feel a little   nauseous uh with those perception checks  you hear the interaction occurring between   uh silas and the captain uh you hear silas the  first man leaning in and going listen pride be   damned the ship's intact if you don't get hit to  the dry door we're not gonna be able to go out   listen silas i know my vessel well enough to  know that some minor repairs by the quartermaster   are all that's necessitated think what people  would say if we went immediately to dry dark   we should make a grand entrance at the harbour  proper listen if you go to the harbour this ship   might not make it to the dry dock on time old  man and that's where they turn to look at your   approach murrell i appreciate that you want to  have a big to do when we go into the harbor but   maybe perhaps it's better to not have the  ship explode on the way to it explode you say well maybe maybe you'll explode if you know  if you with the impermanence all right at   least my propriety has exploded i know i  understand that this is a big deal for you   and you're very excited but perhaps it's better  to to talk i'm i'm kind of sad i'm i'm gonna have   to side with silas on this one um go ahead  and make a persuasion check for me uh tarvin 16. amazing um you see that um captain  morrell looks at you um and he says well   i've come to the rock of brawl a dozen times and  i've never had to go immediately to drydock before   so certainly i mean it can't be as bad as all of  that do you think but you you see again no pun   intended that the wind has gone out of his sales  a little bit he looks to you riddle uh and says   riddle you're a mechanical marvel looking at the  state of the ship you don't think that that the   decision is all together that uh scrapped as it  were i mean she certainly has more fight left in   her wouldn't you say oh yeah i think that you know  just a couple of repairs later on would be fine   and you know sometimes when people see your  flaws um it actually kind of like makes them   like you more um so maybe you should just  be yourself and let your ship be itself   okay so is riddle here uh attempting to say that  it's okay for captain morrell to go straight   to harbor or is riddle agreeing with torvin and  silas in this moment and saying go to dry dock uh   i think i'm actually saying that it's okay to um  the first one give me a persuasion check dc five uh 12. 12. incredible you see captain  morrell claps and says i know that i like you   young riddle see you uh to torvin and silas  nobody likes a party pooper so maybe next time   have a little faith like our young friend riddle  here i assume you're young you're a machine you   could be old i don't know i'm six months old what  are we breaking any child labor laws we're having   this crew mate on one no i don't think those  apply to robots very well well as they say   uh the astral space is stranger still and even if  there were child labor laws we would ignore them takes off um as he heads towards um as he heads  towards the harbor proper uh give me one last   insight check torvin and riddle i don't know oh  natural 20. hey at well negative one still 19.   15. 15. on a nap so tourbillon on a 15 you notice  this the old-fashioned way and riddle even with   a minus one the nat 20 gets you the insight check  because it's directed right at you silas gives you   a pretty foul glare as he turns and walks  away stalking across the deck of the ship   as the captain says put up the colors  raise the flags if we have that bottle   rocket go ahead and fire it we return to the  rock of brawl and we cut from there uh to   the divisiest greasiest spoon no account food  stall we go to calamari's squid and noodle shop   in the lower market uh of the rock of brawl  and here we find uh the rest of our compatriots   getting um a hearty belly filling meal for a scant  two copper pieces each um uh meeting up with an   old friend uh kai ho you are meeting up with your  friend nebba here uh along with your wards in   this place um could we go ahead and introduce our  characters uh let's start with our hometown hero   uh nebba go ahead and describe yourself so uh  what you would see sort of seeing neva if we went   like with a slow camera pan from low to high  would be a black leather boots and a skin tight   black leather suit super shapely female form  and then you get up to like where the skin   would be and it's gray and once you get to  like the places of detail like hands and face   it looks like a three-year-old with one  crayon drew what they thought a girl would be   uh neva is a plasmoid who uh saw a bunch of like  beautiful astral elves and went yeah i could do   that uh and it's just the approximate shape of a  female elf with a big blobby pseudopod that is her   ponytail uh she's got super simple features and is  uh leaning with a giant like simple line grin at   her friend kai ho uh she's got a bowl of food in  front of her uh and as she raises it to her face she you see her like a look of consternation even  across incredibly simple features we're talking   like a ditto from pokemon like i just stopped  trying when it got to the face part because that's   hard and she goes to like try to form a mouth out  of her ooze and then kind of gives up and just   jams the whole spoon in up ends the calamari and  squid and noodles and then just removes the spoon   and you kind of see it floating inside of her ooze  as she dissolves it so we watch nebba like fully   digest this this meal kai ho uh uh go ahead and  describe uh your character seated across from neba kyo karoshi is seven foot tall geth yankee  his form-fitting black outfit hugs his   lean supple form very conspicuously  wearing no armor whatsoever but his   clothes are ruffled as if he slept in them  and maybe just woke up a couple of minutes ago   leathery yellow skin with a mohawk that  trails off to dreadlocks behind him   and a scar shaped like a star pattern over  his right eye that is completely white and   his other eye is jet black and the only really  distinguishing thing about him is a scimitar   that just hangs very low on his hip almost  impractically low on his hip and as he watches   this vile display of digestion in front of him his  face stays completely blank but under the table   he points at sunny and cast message so that  she can hear him don't stare sonny she loves   doing this to get a reaction it's fine just  remember what i told you it's going to be okay and then out loud to never as like i think  you missed a little it you it's it's fine fine   i like it that looks wrong it's oh no [ __ ] okay never uh you remember boxy this is  sunny she's part of the crew now   we're just here looking to see if  there's some opportunities for people   in our line of work actually b dave i can  tell you exactly why you're here i don't know um uh uh kyo sitting on the table in between  and by the way actually let me ask would you   guys be so so calamaris is laid out it's  got an inside bar and a bar with about   four seats at it uh outside like a service  window so they're sort of on the sidewalk   with like the busy there's sort of like streamers  overhead some little like penance and flags across   the way and some other carts and stuff um and  then there are tables inside um so would you   be the inside bar the sort of smaller outside  service window bar or at one of the tables and   doors caiho would want to be wherever he could see  the most uh because he's counting on two things   he himself is always alert and he also knows boxy  has a crossbow that rattles when something's wrong   so it's always like scanning and waiting for yeah  you guys are doing this you guys are doing the   locals thing you're at this little like slim  countertop on the outside so you're not even   in the restaurant itself like it's there's just  a window open and you guys are getting served   out the windows very street food as you guys  are here you see that there's sort of like a a   bizarre like umber hulk thing with like a painted  clown's face so a enormous beetle insect monster   this umber hulk is dancing as you see there  is an astral elf with like a star pattern   tattoo over a quarter of their face who  has an organ grinder and has a performing   umbra hulk on the corner there's like this  wild sort of street festival vibe here   so it's great uh uh you you you like this place  a lot caiho because there's a lot of foot traffic   but you're out on the street so it's the  most visibility and difficult current   terrain for people to get to you um so uh  greece goes a long way in places like this   everybody's problem so uh in between you and  nebba you have a giant rusted kind of rotted   treasure chest from your latest job it is big it's  like only like three quarters of it can fit on the   countertop and the rest kind of protrudes out  it is heavy you know there's good stuff in there   but like no like there are no spells that has  responded to the wood is like petrified and   the metal is all rusted and even even spells like  knock or open close stuff like that has defied any   attempt to open this thing um and you've brought  it back to the rock to see if neba can give you   any ins there's a couple libraries here you've  been meaning to check up on um but your first   like your oldest and closest pal here in town is  nebba um and this you've come bringing this thing   like what the hell if if knock is not working  what the hell is going on uh sunny and boxy   uh let's go ahead and describe your characters  uh and what you're doing at this like clandestine   scoundrels meeting at this squid noodle shop at  the edge of town uh boxy stands at four feet tall   with giant pigtails on her head um she's blonde  and she at the tips of the tails are a little bit   red that could have been blood but she doesn't  really like to discuss that very much you know   uh she has an a bloody apron filled with rusty  scalpels uh animal parts hanging from her belts   just various different creatures attached to her  and giant giant boots on uh she has rainbow eyes   that are very wide she also has this giant  toothy green on her she looks a little bit   deranged but enthusiastic as she scans around  the rooms looking everywhere she's shoving food   in her face and in her hands she holds a very  ratty bunny a purple bunny stuffed bunny with a   unicorn horn that looks like she's had it since  childhood and she's patched it up a few times   and she goes tiny look at all these people we  can rub i mean make friends with right honey   look daddy take a look around and she holds him  above her head says you see anything cool we're   going to take so many things from this oh i can't  wait and she's continuously shoveling food in her   mouth but then pulls the leg out and says oh no  no this might be used for some medicine later and   then she tucks it into her pocket you uh tuck  your stuff away um and as you tuck the little   sort of like bones or animal pieces um you see  there is a uh much older uh half elven woman   um she has like deep curly ringlets of salt and  pepper hair very beautiful uh very wide set now   as a half up you know older in years she must be  like at least more than 100 years old um she's   wearing like a sort of uh classic uh tavern maids  gown uh but you see a dagger at her side that   looks the opposite of ornamental uh and you see  there is a leather-wrapped cudgel behind the bar   the only damage to which looks like the sort of  skulls and bones that it's hit over the years   um she leans over to you and says you're  looking for a to-go box i no thanks old lady   what did you call me guys you're really pretty  i like your knife thing how attached are you   to that thing oh my god nice save kid i'm glad  you think i look pretty how much is it you want   to know how much this cuddle is it's sure i'll  tell you something most people get it for free   and she tries to grab at it she so i'm  going to ask for a dexterity savings can i cast guidance yeah sure go for  it wait five minutes we've been here   for eight minutes i just sort of kick her with  my boot and uh you can add a d4 to that check   uh i rolled a 19. amazing so uh you see as you  go to get it the cultural comes you lightning   fast and nebba kicks your chair out from under  you and you drop underneath it and there's a   uh over the top of you um uh what is sunny  doing as all this happening and go ahead and   describe your character if you'd be so kind so i  haven't an extremely important question brandon um   who is the hottest person around us right now  well hold on a second i'm gonna ask our pcs   to give me your charisma scores if you love  that but also npcs you know like like anyone   who's just like the hottest person within like  30 feet of me i have an 18 in charisma i am a   sexy pillow okay that's pretty darn good i  think it's nebba i don't think anyone else   is rocking it no one can hold a candle just  sexy jello is a mood for the record yeah like   okay she's a curvy jello totally like  curves and i love it okay so sunny   i'm like right up next to neva and i'm just  sitting here and i'm talking to her and i'm   just like oh my god i watch her eat that thing and  like when when um kehoe like sends that message to   me it like doesn't even register like don't even  care i think she's amazing um and i'm just like   i'm trying to like if there's like a little music  from that carnival i'm trying to just kind of like   real subtle like dance up next to her a little bit  because it's just like so cool so like i am like   head to toe i'm tall i'm like probably taller than  cajo i'm probably like seven five something like   that right i'm real wide um and like like amber  hair like brushed to perfection head to toe i am   currently right now like stroking the hair on my  leg which is like super soft and shimmery um and   i'm just like loving the kind of feel of the hair  on my leg um i'm like perfectly like dressed to   the nines i have like this cute little like tartan  dress with matching like blouse underneath and a   little headband that also matches along with it  and this like fabulous scarf you guys this is like   dolce gabba like fabulous red scarf that just goes  all around my neck and i'm just sort of playing   with my hair and my scarf as i i look at her and  i'm just like totally taken with nebba oh my god   unbelievable so first of all you are like in this  moment sort of like moving moving seductively it's   so little i'm like i'm cool about it okay i'm  like really cool about it so you're just kind   of grooving to this organ grinder music playing  in the background um we absolutely love it um   go ahead and give me a give me a i'll call it a dc  15 perception checkmate a perception check you got   it oh no sorry for neville oh for neva yes let's  go how are we gonna do nebba unfortunately sounds   a little like deborah so oh he does i may i may  hear it everyone thought keep correcting me sorry   about that ten ten okay so you do not notice that  this young precious bug bear has become completely   smitten by you in this moment um and uh uh he's  like you know bashfully parting her like leg hair   the amount of conditioner that a bug bear has to  go through has got to be otherworldly um so um uh   caiho uh the chest sits on the counter in between  you and neb and nebby you've just gotten your food   delivered to you you're looking at this chest  um for the two of you the mystery of this thing   sort of sits sits in front of you uh uh is there  anything you would do to like inspect or look at   this chest be it magical or otherwise like um any  skill checks you want to use here to investigate   it let me know what you want to try to do uh nebba  would definitely start off with an arcana check   just to see if it's kind of cursed or  buggy before trying to uh pry into it   awesome go ahead and give me an  arcana check with uh with advantage   uh as as you can see that never starts inspecting  the chest um feel free to add any details   about like what you might have tried already  or where you got it or anything else like that   you know strangest thing so a couple of weeks  back um we get a job pretty simple smash and grab   had a bounty in town at the same  time we got this report of this   crazy anomalously beautiful bug bear that  was rampaging um and we caught up to sonny um   turns out her parents were a little  awful they suck a little bit a little bit   but didn't want to leave empty-handed though so  there was one of their store houses figure waste   not want not saw this in the window thought i'd  get it back hit it with a little bit of knock and   open up of course it didn't work boxy hit it with  the blowtorch nothing nothing never works with my   blowtorch that's weird a 100 success rate with  the blowtorch so if it has stopped me and her i   thought who is the single most competent plasmoid  i've ever had the pleasure of encountering   and that is you darling so here we are if i can  help because it was my parents is there anything   i might know about the check that would help  nebba with her investigations um go ahead and   give me a history check with advantage uh would  sonny have tried to physically break it by the way   in all of this um so the the advantage is a 10.  um yes i would totally have tried to break it   i think on trying to break it yeah um you would  never have gone so hard that you would destroy   what was in the chest and so there was some like  manhandling it it did take a sort of moderate   amount of punishment um so uh uh with that history  was a 10 yeah it may be like chipped a little bit   history's a 10. um so i'm actually going to just  message you abrea with the result of the 19.   um uh so you see as nova starts investigating  it uh her hands which are just like little   blobby mittens uh whatever she focuses on  gets more detail as she like focuses on it   and uh the blobs resolve into fingers as she  starts prying around and then realizes and says okay um question how much  do you think this is worth no like metaphorically i mean of course i'm gonna  take care of you i'm gonna cut you in on this oh i want an answer and even the more she  speaks uh her focus is now going to like   building something more than just expelling  air in the rough approximation of common   and her voice becomes a little clearer  here too wow where'd you get that get what   you didn't have that earlier  you get what you focus on oh   just like just you're all focused on catching  a dead mimic because that's what you have here yeah this isn't anything good   this is trash you've brought me trash it's so  wonderful to see you this is so good for me boxing good news here's another corpse for you to  play with oh yeah i'm already in there i will say   one other thing dungeon master that i  would like to clarify yeah um i have a tiny   owl um how tiny how tiny relative  to you and i it's like this size   it it is the exact same  shade of pink as boxy's hair it is my familiar name gokota uh that i kind  of have parked outside to just sort of like   literally a pair of eyes outside amazing give  me a perception check for your owl familia   uh and for those of you who are unaware um i  can consciously choose to see through its eyes   if i want to uh well you'd think i would have  been prepared with an l step block let's see   that's 16 on the die i'm gonna look up owl uh  even without adding mods that's going to do it   if your owl communicates to you um  uh your owl communicates back to you   that sorry we can communicate telepathically  with your familiar again for those who are not   your owl communicates back in very simple concepts  uh someone running towards you not a threat hmm are you expecting anyone someone's headed this  direction running but apparently not hostilely you   yes besides us um as never look at this uh  for boxy and sunny uh so you see that uh   caspy leaves over to you sonny and says yeah hey  there sweetheart you got a lovely dress look at   that it's like the first day of school thank  you yeah i really i try to really put together   something that looks you know really presentable  i think it's important is this your first time   on the rock oh my god it is how could you  tell you gotta try the psychic cuttlefish   it's a it's a writer pass oh my god i love  did you have it like in a roll a roll yeah   like a like sushi or something you know like  just like a little like the mummy on the table   it's it's supposed to be it's supposed to be taken  as a shot and you see she takes a glass bottle   filled with a clear you can see from how it is so  on viscous it's like even more fluid than water   it like splashes around and makes little droplets  um it's filled with so many like half an inch long   semi-translucent a little hint of  bluish translucent with dark black eyes   cuttlefish little squid like things she  says you want a shot i'd like to see if i   can trust if i trust her or not could i ask  an important point of clarification oh yes   presumably this is just a strong liquor  but would caihou feel like this is going to   incapacitate her for a time because i need her  sharp so this will effect my reaction to this   normally bringing a young woman for her first  time to the rock you'd be worried about this   sunny is seven feet tall the amount yeah you  know like sonny's not going to go down with one   psychic cuddle fish shot honest honestly i i hit  her with the message and i just say it's strong   stuff but you're a strong girl i'm 17 all right  let's get off my back never slams down money for   a shot for the this entire group because she's  just cackling that you all brought her a mimic   but it's okay um yeah so i just want to know  like i just want to see like sunny in her own   little way is like i'm really good at like seeing  people's vulnerabilities yeah and like exactly   the thing that like would make them insecure um  give me an insight insight fantastic here it goes   are you supposed to cuddle these things  oh that's a natural 20. yes let's go nice   this woman has like every vibe this woman is  giving is like i've lived a lot of life like   that's that's the okay her weak spot i think i  think there are all of her fuses result in rage   right okay so i'm gonna look her dead in the  eye and be like you think i can't play and   just knock it cool i am going to need  a uh i'm going to need a constitution   saving throw with advantage and a wisdom-saving  throw with disadvantage ooh cool so first the con let's go the second one here goes no they're both  terrible seven is my advantaged con okay copy that   and let's see the wisdom with disadvantage wisdom  with disadvantage oh well there's a nice roll uh   what's the second one the dis oh they're both  uh 18 is the disadvantage incredible okay so um   as you touch the glass because you are so fast the  glass goes right into your mouth as you swallow   you hear a voice in your head going please no  please don't drink me and uh and that and then   you it it stops pretty quickly thereafter um i  look like i go oh my god that was exhilarating   there's a bunch of shots lined up on the bar  you guys you have to try this um okay so boxy   you're stirring your finger in it i'm gonna need  a constitution uh i'm gonna need a constitution   with advantage and a wisdom with disadvantage okay  uh constitution with what does i'm sorry what the   advantage mean well if it means you roll twice and  take the better role on dnd beyond you can right   and it will allow you to select  advantages oh okay so you said thank you   advantage right i did fully forget that  that was true so thank you for the reminder   yeah the right click thing i was  like oh my god i'm like come on now you're gonna roll the wisdom with  disadvantage okay wisdom with disadvantage just   roll twice and take the lower 17 incredible  um okay so uh you are swirling around uh boxy   in your head you hear listen amongst my people  i am a wealthy noble i beg of you i can make   you a very very wealthy woman you mustn't  drink me please please either way other way please stop doing this you are torturing us i  think of you i don't give you anything to drink   and it just spills over her but she's got a good  amount in her um you see uh caspia looks at both   of the both of the newbies who have both had taken  their their chest is boxy is pretty new to the   spell jamming life as well correct yeah um you  both go down caspian goes and you see just like   rings an old bell in the window ding ding ding  ding ding ding ding it says hey all right you   both get a tunic and um and gives you a tunic  saying i drank the cuttlefish at california   um sunny immediately like like cuts the top  of it so it's a little bit more like you know   dick dick shows a little more of this and  then like ties it up on the side she's like   i'm sorry i just until i can get it tailored i  think this is cuter uh she also leaves you see   she links in confirms and says it takes a lot of  guts to do that you know the cuttlefish they're   not actually sentient they're as smart as any  regular squid that you eat they just broadcast   a psychic impulse that makes you fill in what  they're saying so oh there you go it's just a fish   is a pheromone basically foxy grabs the tunic and  puts it over her and it's so big that it kind of   trails behind her her feet everything disappears  and she goes you got another one for the bunny   did the bunny take a shot buddy you want a  shot can a bunny have a shot wait is that   bonnie alive or dead i can't tell it's for me  that is horrifying and she closes the window uh uh the running um uh cai ho you see running  through the street with a little like leather   helmet with like the long straps with like goggles  on the front like a little aviator's helmet um   and uh a sort of like a cloak that is clearly  just like a square of stained yellow fabric   tied almost like how little kids tie beach  towels around themselves like to be superheroes   is a young dog these are penguin folk so  like waddling quickly through the street   is a tiny even for normally like small sized  door um this is a like maybe two foot tall   door youth runs through the street you  recognize this as a street urchin kid   uh from the neighborhood named ruspin  uh you see he runs up to you it goes hi hi miss nebba oh hi respin are you thirsty  do you need a drink yeah could i get a drink   i absolutely uh pass him one of the shots okay  wait maybe he should say what he needs to say there you go bud oh wait a minute this  this cuttlefish is a king in another galaxy   finger under the glass push towards the beak  ah what have i done i drank a living thing   he was telling me that he had a wife and children  he might not you see this okay that seems   existentially horrified that's a thought for  tonight later when you're by yourself now you're   an adult yes caspian yells out again they're  not sentient they just tricked their mind with   a pheromone they don't know that we're pretty  sure they've done tests um anything who's they don't ask questions and is that a yes or  no on the bunny shot we're closing early um you uh russman looks up and says  bethlehem you told me to come and were you   if if you told me to come and warn you whenever  your friend mr karoshi was in town if i heard word if i heard word that the empty skull was headed  for harbor um i wasn't sure if i should come or   not because i didn't hear i didn't hear word if  the empty skull was headed for harbor but you know   he's here right the empty skull is already in the  heart oh my god thank you thank you lead with that she loses all of her detail as she  gets nervous and starts vibrating   oh my god the empty skull is a very silly  name for a ship unless you know who its   captain is uh its captain is a  gunslinger by the name of hakata slim   and hakata slim in addition to being one of the  best shots in wild space is also a mind flayer   that makes sense he starts mentioning the um the  bro the empty skull being here in hakada slim   being here here's kai ho you can't quite tell  from where because his stuff is kind of his   his top is very like billowing but his pants are  like impractically tight but produces a cloak   which boxy especially knows he only puts on when  he thinks something's going to go wrong um and he   looks at it for a second and kind of reaches down  at the bottom and starts like tearing a piece of   it like off of it oh no whoa stop it's no it's yes  but don't worry we talked about this okay well if   akatha slim is here and he just like gently loops  it around sunny and ties it in like fashionably   he's like here this will help keep you safe  okay i'd like him to do a fashion check please fabulous first of all fabulous  because sunny might redo it depending   that's a 17 sleight of hand okay okay i know  what you're into all right it's not it's not bad   i will refrain from embarrassing you by fixing it  can i help a little bit uh and like inside of her   uh like most oozes it's sort of a repository of  stuff and i want to just barf up like a little   cut glass brooch and wipe it off to get the  acid off of it and then kind of pin it it's   like a little amber cut glass brooch that i think  kind of matches your tone oh my god sunny quivers same girl same um it's perfect now um you  see it's like it drapes just like perfectly   across her shoulders and and down her back  um and the old scarf that she was wearing   she takes that off and kind of she'll leave it for  um was it kasia is that the name of the barkeep   oh uh um so leave i'll i'll leave  the the my other scarf for caspia   um and be like oh i like this one a lot more  thank you uh as this lovely scintillating magical   scarf glitters here and both of you and both  uh nebba and kai ho dwell on what they must   do if in fact the empty skull is not only  headed here but has already gotten to harbor   and one hakata slim now prowls the streets  we cut from there to the deck of the deciduon   which moves into the harbor uh as it does so uh  it docks along the harbor of the rock of brawl   long wooden docks with alchemical gem light  lanterns hang in inky void and you see the docks   on the plane of gravity where some stairs lead up  towards the city and other stairs invert like an   m.c escher painting headed towards the underside  as gravity you can stand both on the bottom and   the top of the rock of brawl uh you harbor the  ship ropes head out gang planks are lowered and   a very meager cargo uh maybe a crate and  two barrels are offloaded onto the dock   it's a few minutes of work and you hear the bell  ring on the deck mirroring the bell being rung   in calamaris as captain saint prie says oh  cruel to the main deck we shall uh have our   orders before leave is given and um uh here  we are and here's the very oh you're all here   everyone's done already wow all right uh um our  business to attend to here in the rock of brawl   uh we look now to uh find the highest bidder  in the market um i believe we should be able   to still use the old stall either the payment  should have been remitted to see our wares   make it to the great market in the mid city um  you see the first mate uh speaks up and goes   quartermaster do we have uh that payment remitted  you see your quartermaster speaks up and says   lux says like we don't not enough money to get  in the in the great market might have to do with   the lower market these days so the captain  says pish-posh find the reserves and a voice   growls up from behind the captain we ain't got no  reserves the captain looks around and says well perhaps some of the crew would see fit to take  some of their wages and pool them together   that we might not suffer a loss of station  to have to sell our wares in the lower   market obviously um you see the  first mate steps forward and says   oh your eminence fine captain  morel saint prie of the deciduan   we'd be happy to pitch our wages in to preserve  the propriety of your vessel now maybe this is a   good time in order for us to pull them that we get  the three weeks of back wages this crew is owed a stoney silence emanates from the crew here in  assembled some crew members look at this captain   with more than hostility in their eyes everyone  become i understand that now everyone's been   paid and cargo's been premier over the  months years that we've been on this ship   and yeah my morale's not the best captain i don't  think your pardon told sometimes he's arrogant and loud what i'm as quiet as a door mouse   church mouse sorry and very  into himself in his appearances hey dalvin doesn't mean i should shoot him  it doesn't mean anyone here should shoot him   sorry is that on the table well i don't  know everyone's been it's back paid past   three weeks that's a very long time and i i'm an  astronaut i've been out here for a long time like   i don't even know how old i am necessarily  but understand that this is kind of like   not so much that you're in control of everybody  but like we are a conglomeration of pirates   trying to make do and you keep on  talking about how important it is   for you to seem very glamorous and important  and i'm gonna have to say i really don't care you're impropriety in this moment starving number  one we are privateers of her majesty's astral navy   not pirates and number two um twervin go ahead  and give me a persuasion check with advantage   it's just a it's an eight it's not good   did you roll with advantage oh with advantage  no i didn't yeah yeah with advantage okay a one um i'm gonna use the i'm gonna use i'm gonna  use some of my bowel maneuvers cool that gives me   extra persuasion oh commanding presence commanding  presence and this gonna give me another four on   top of that okay so you got a 12. 12 is not enough  to turn the whole crew around so i'm gonna give   you what you can try to do here there's a couple  of like you can in other words you can direct this   more at the captain to tell him to like shut up  and you know figure out that you're hurting your   own chances or you can direct it kind of at the  crew at the most murderous impulses of the crew   like you can dampen a 12 can't sway everybody  but you can dampen the worst outcomes with a 12.   listen captain morrell i i think we all know  that you know we well we don't respect you that's   that'd be a lot but but we'd like to respect you  in this entire time and all of us you know the   whole crew included we we wish you were a better  captain and i think you'd be a great captain on   another ship absolutely and i think you know i  think there's another ship out for you look how   janky the ship is right now you know that's not  on you you maybe deserve something more grand   and austere and i should probably be captain at  this point let's face it because things aren't   really working out like we just we just took  an entire hall of a barrel and not very great   things in that barrel either the crew seems upset  so it seems to me that it's either i shoot you   or get off the ship and just kind of relinquish  you know your command because i think   one way or the other that's going to happen and  so really i i think you know i wish you best on   your future endeavors because just i think  you have nothing but great things ahead of   you i think we both agree none of them involve  me going uh shooty shooty good good on you so arrest this man at once   and truly nobody moves a few of the pirates  drop their heads because it's so embarrassed so you all refuse we'll all refuse a direct order   all of you are under arrest everyone  put yourselves in the brig at once riddle starts making her way down to the brig  up rope back up bro reverse reverse the wheels   yeah no no that's not how it's gonna be he's not  in charge anymore so oh okay uh you see silas the   first mate points to the captain and says grab him  and a bunch of pirates grab him get his arms and   legs and he says all right put him on the prey out  of the ship we'll send gonna start there and they   start to march him up to the front of the ship  they're gonna kill him nope uh easy i know we want   to like kill him and and as tasty as he looks  and everything but you know we are starting a   new venture all together and this is a venture of  like cooperation and you know uh you see uh silas   turns around and says who are you talking so too  often you think you're gonna be the captain just   because you're the oldest listen grandfather you  may apply to that tree but i'll [ __ ] put you in   the ground to feed it oops i think that it's gonna  be you then that's a good idea so i shoot him uh hell yeah um uh go ahead and make  an attack just going to take this out all right i've waited my entire life for  this moment here we go first one's a 14. does it hit 14 hits correct okay it's gonna do some points of damage seven points of damage done deal um you  raise it and you're firing with your pistol   yeah i'm gonna do my my second oh can i do my  second attack or oh yeah go for it absolutely um   effectively this is the surprise round then we'll  roll initiative okay 18 uh 18 hits as well and   i am going to use my pushing attack hell yeah  so i'm gonna do another eight points of damage   plus the damage from the pushing attack eight  nine ten eleven twelve thirteen points of damage   and he needs to make a strength saving throw or  be pushed 15 feet back uh what's the dc on that   dc is i'm glad you asked that question that's a  very good 17. oh i think he beat me on that okay   so you do the damage 20 points of damage in your  attack now we're gonna roll initiative and riddle   i'm gonna need you to roll in the ship as well  okay yeah so he's wait i just so i'm clear so   he's pushed by your bullet yep oh my god that's  an intent and i couldn't actually search there   correct there was no action surge you can actually  search on the first round of combat if you want to   keep going oh if well not during the surprise  i wasn't sure if i could do that on surprise   surprise you can you pulled a gun on him and it's  a norm surprise is a normal round of combat it's   just that he is under the surprised condition so  you can absolutely action surge if you would like   i am action searching because this is going to get  finished real quick hello let's go i am going to go burn another one and i'm going to do um he's not looking by the way he's not looking  bloodied yet he's definitely injured but he is   not looking bloody all right does the 18 hit 18  hits and i'm doing distracting strike and i'm   going to give the next person advantage and i'm  rolling my damage 10 points of damage and the   next person who attacks him gets advantage  and now i'm going to forgo my next attack   use commander strike burn my bonus action  and give riddle a chance to make an attack   all right riddle so riddle first of all it is you  get this commander straight you may make an attack   do you want to sh to fire on or attack silas  the first mate who was has given the order   to kill the captain yes hell yeah go for it um  real is gonna look at twerving and say dwarven   is it time to play hide and seek yeah he's a bad  bad man so you're just just gonna stab him until   he's nice okay i'm gonna roll to hit  and that's a 15 15 hits all right   and with my crossbow i do eight points of damage and then for my sneak attack  i do 12 points of damage and then you get a d8 for my commander  strike oh i'll roll that and it's one hey i'll take it riddle what does it look like  as you end this uh pirate's life oh so riddle um   kind of rolls around in a circle and as  she stops she holds up her crossbow and   shoots a bolt and as it goes through the chest she shoots another shot for her sneak attack  and that goes right to the forehead and back   to the back of the head oh my god boom uh silas  uh falls to the ground leaving the crossbow still   quivering in the hand of riddle um there  is quiet everywhere riddle go ahead   and make uh an intimidate check you may roll  this with advantage and you may add the d8 from   uh twervin's uh battle master ability  to the intimidator 21 21 incredible   you see uh the body hits riddle you announced  that all the crew puts their weapons away um   uh captain saint prie still has a gag in his mouth  even saint prie looks like he might not be safe   though so he's also playing it cool he's like it's  like this is a very charged situation but you know   um and you see another one of the pirates speaks  up and goes all right have it your way torvin you   want to be captain you straighten that out  with captain saint free it's your business   having your way we're taking the cargo we're going  to go to the lower market we're going to sell it   split it between the crew captain morrell can eat  nuts for all i care you'll get paid your share   we're done i'm not working on this ship i'm not  a die and you see three quarters of the crew   just peel off into the city there's only  eight people standing on the deck you need   like a minimum of you would you really need  like 12 people you could maybe do it with   10 but you need 12 people to accrue this ship  well i appreciate everyone that has remained   and i uh i promise that it will be a  bountiful harvest next time we go out   we're not going to do the privateer thing i  think anymore i think we'll do the pirate thing   kind of hit hit the problem from the other end  i expect will be very helpful don't you think so   formerly captain morale yeah okay uh morel  takes the takes the gag out um and says   uh all all things being equal um  there's been some blood sheds today and   i think i may simply uh i i've reached an  elderly age perhaps the best thing to do for me   would be to not be a pirate anymore and retire i  am announcing my retirement effective immediately   well bye-bye thank you so much thank you for your  service cap captain morel we we've got opening for   uh you know a poop deck swapper or uh you know uh  a boson or uh uh you know the the whoever cleans   the the bomb side of the boat if you want any of  those jobs you're happy to stay i know you're a   very skilled man no no no that's quite all right  i i'm old and i'm sad i'll go and he rushes off uh   he he rushes off so you are left it's it's just  you riddle rudy um the four people who are left   uh there's two deck hands your ship's navigator uh  and the ship's cook and that's all who's left here   hey hey twervin um i don't think  we have enough people on the ship   you think we should go into town  and maybe make some more friends   and convince them to come on to our ship and  then maybe when we're there we can steal some   stuff and make some money i i like everything  that you're saying and i think they're going   this first off this rock is fantastic there  are all kinds of like amazing wonderful   people that are more direct about things this is  one of my favorite places to go i even have a farm   on the other side of it it's a modest july on this  cube farm you know sometimes you have to get rid   of a body here and there but yeah i hope to retire  on it one day uh you have a gelatinous cube farm   yeah yeah i have a gelatinous it's so rad yeah  it's excellent it's very easy to keep them all   in line because the cube shape so you just you  know exactly how much space you need on the farm   so uh and you know once in a while neighbors  like hey i got this accidental body situation   happening i'm like oh that's okay we'll take  care of that all right everyone who's on the ship   i'm captain and stuff don't steal it because  the train's on my side and you don't want him   to break you i will destroy you if you try to  steal the ship me and riddle are gonna go down   to the really fun place and we're gonna bring some  really fun people on board about that new friends   and you're not gonna squish them um you see that  the other crew members turn to you so there's   two deck hands there's a large gif that's like  hippopotamus people um and he's next to another   deckhand that is a three crane three queen are  insectoids or giant praying mantis looking things   um so the three so this is the the gif is named  handsome george and the three queen is jimmy legs   and you see that uh that the the gif looks  and says uh well i guess captain dalvin um   do you need us to should we come with you do  anything else should we go and make sure those   the other pirates actually get  a cart back to us on the ship   well you know we didn't bring much back i'm not  worried about the cut i'd rather them just be gone   we're gonna make a lot of money with a better  crew and if they don't bring it back that's   fine we'll just shoot them later it's okay um uh  jimmy leggs who by the way when he talks just goes with a horrible mandible thing but telepathically  goes all right so you want us to like hit the   town and help look for people or you know  what do you what do you want we should do   yeah gene legs uh that's a good point uh you know  what ever what's this canvas look look for people   who are like flashy and exotic and having a  good time like i don't want anyone who just   looks like whether like run down and tired or  it's the very first i want people who are fresh   all right you got a cap well me and jimmy will  head out we'll find some people as best we can   um and then do you want to leave your  navigator and your cook on the ship   or do you want them to head out on campus  too no i we have to be careful of the cook   okay we don't we don't let the cook leave  that's the that's the most important job   on the entire ship so york hook is an ancient  woman named regular bonnie um and she is she   she is um hunched over she looks she's dressed  in like babushka like potato peeler like kitchen   like old kitchen made attire but she is the  most witch shaped person you've ever seen   just like a pure dome of a person with like  hunched muscular shoulders and long arms like   dollars to donuts this is ac hack this is like a  monster manual classic uh but she goes by regular   bonnie and she's she's just regular she's regular  she's just regular yeah he does captain play   remain on the ship and prepare sumptuous feast  for you and our new crew members on their return i love you verve regular barney and uh  uh if as far as i'm concerned you're in   charge until i get back of keeping the  ship here and not causing another mutiny   do you hear that and you've  always been my favorite and she drags a long claw like sort of like like  flat not sharp side like flat side against your   cheek and goes like did you hear that natalie i am  in charge and you're the last member of your crew   who is a war forged navigator um her name  is natalie prime and she is a tall but she's   she's wearing a blue like navigator's  coat like wearing a navel coat but like   stands tall very slender made of pure  like ivory metal some kind of like white   shimmering metal with like  gold inlay and just goes very well i am glad that you have placed regular  bonnie in charge captain torvik this will be   an uneventful series of hours as you make  leave for sure natalie prime really deep   down you're in charge you just know that  that's between you and me but you know   i wish you would announce it so that it  were formal and therefore enforceable   it will be very awkward to do so right now  because regular body needs to be regular   yes i as well am terrified of regular bonnie and  what she might do and you see natalie turns away   walks uh you head off into the city that's all  for this episode of legends of the multiverse you're holding a little thing of  celestial popcorn and suddenly you hear hey
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 272,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, gaming, roleplaying game, ttrpg, forgotten realms, eberron, Wizards of the Coast, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, tabletop, RPG, Todd Kenreck, dnd, Wildemount, Critical Role, Deborah Ann Woll, Aabria Iyengar, B. Dave Walters, Meagan Kenreck, Gina Darling
Id: QI3IicCY7No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 30sec (4830 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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