Speedsculpt stylized face / Zbrush 2021 Celebrity series

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hello everyone my name is alex gomez and welcome to my channel on today's video we're going to be sculpting and stylized version of jeff bridges so this is going to be the sculpting processes i'm going to take you how what i learned from this and if you're new to this channel please subscribe hit the notification bell so you can be notified when i post a video every friday so let's get started [Music] guys okay so in this process i'm starting with a dino wax sphere and i pretty much do the block out of the face kind of like a carving out carpeting the the eye sockets redefining the the bone cheeks as well of the temporals and kind of like make the marks of the where the nose and the mouth is going to be so cannot have a kappa a better reference of or proportions where the features of the face are gonna are going to be and it's really really rough i don't get into any details and definitely after that i add the eyes um because it's going to bring i think when when you work on a character and you bring the eyes and then you bring and you put some hair on or whatever most such a beard in this case that the character has it definitely makes a big difference and it gives you a better sense of how what your character is looking like you're gonna see in this process like um i'm still gonna be modifying a lot of the details and a lot of the shapes just to get the likeness as much as i as i can yeah i don't do as many lagnex projects as i wish i definitely really want to start doing some more likeness as i see in the title of this video once i wrote it on that it's going to be a serious so i want to take a celebrity or other people's photographs and make like a slice likeness studies so it's a good practice definitely it's a good practice to to try to represent and try to educate uri and your hands to definitely reflect where you sing and and it is a good way to achieve some muscle memory and try to look and it's the same as your drawing and try to match as much as you can of what you where you're seeing so it's a good exercise i will study that i'm gonna continue keep doing it and yeah so pretty much in my in my block out i just tried to focus mostly in the more most prominent features of the character in this case jeff bridges for example like the eyes like the the nose the mouth the kind of mouth that he has is very unique and the lower lip so that's one of the things that i try to work most of it because he's very this this thing take a feature of his face but um then as i always say if i want to create a new object sometimes i use track sometimes i just create it from an append but in this case i'm just extracting to create the most edge in the beginning the most touch i didn't like it as much the way that i was doing it i used the clay buildup and then the damn standard just to create the creases but i ended up breaking symmetry at the end and modified a little bit more because it looks too perfect and and it wasn't looking right so for the heat i'm so lazy to sculpt here so i did once i don't know if you recall my videos i'm going to leave the excursion before the of the video how to model i need so i'm welding it and that saves me a lot of time i just bring it every time as a soup tool and it saves me tons tons of time of my creative process because i don't want to really spend time with years like years they look pretty much the same they sometimes they're different but for my case i just want to to focus more in the facial features so in the video i try to do the same technique as i was doing with the mustache and exactly the same happen i it kind of like look nice but it's too perfect to symmetry and i didn't like that so i ended up as well changing it after and i think it got like a way better results when i changed it so i decided to accentuate a little bit more the features in the face like the the eyebrows and and the bone cheeks as well just a little bit more just to get keep more like a string strength feature in the face of of the character and the hair for the hair i just created a cylinder and modified with a bend curve so you can just access access with typing curve in your gizmo in the gear icon and start modifying it like that so so as i said like for me it was a struggle in the beginning trying to create hair but every time that i'm doing it i'm doing this like once a week if i can so i think i'm getting like a better technique a better workflow and as i say it's always is a matter of practice you practice you're gonna found find your own techniques and and your own workflows that are gonna work the best for your characters so yeah so for the hair i was just doing the same exactly technique that i was doing with the with the mustache and as well with it with the beard so doing the kind of like with the click clay build up kind of like doing like some strands and then like define it a little bit more with the dam standard using the add and the and see add and sysop and once i had like the side the side hairs i kind of like duplicated and modified but in this case like i found that he was looking like a pretty a lot better hipster with that type of hair going kind of like upwards in the sides so at the end i didn't record that but i modified a lot more i'm gonna show you show to you guys the modifications that i did in this project that i honestly like i was happy with them but it's a matter of going back and forward looking at your references gather more references and look what look at your sculpt and see what it works and be honest with yourself and see if something is working or something is not working in the eyes this is a totally different technique that i did with the eyes i was just looking at flip normals tutorials on how to sculpt ties and it's pretty simple to do this kind of stylized characters you know just kind of like a cray a carve a circle around in the front of the eye and then a little bit a smaller one and then a deeper one but it's more where that's the iris or the pupil sorry so it's uh it's much is much better doing it like that way for this kind of characters when i'm doing like a more stylized cartoony i just tend to do a different way but this i think it works really good with this kind of character so now that i have for example one side of the head and i i think that the character is looking much better is supposed to be looking and that's what i mentioned in the beginning hair and the features and the hair eyes eyebrows and if the character has a monsters and a beard it's gonna make a big difference the character is going to look much better definitely you know you can is i finick it's really hard to achieve the likeness when you have a character that has hair but you haven't implement any hair so i still like working in a little bit more details in here right my dynamesh for the for the head to definitely increase the resolution probably to 1440 the dynamesh so i i won't lose any resolution because i know already that i'm not gonna insert any other objects the only thing that i was gonna that i was inserting was the ear and after that i know that is fine so my dynamesh resolution is pretty high and i don't need any any any more any less resolution to that because i don't need to to merge anything else okay so yeah so i kind of like duplicated the other side for the other side of the head and manipulate a little bit but that changed a lot not a lot but quite a bit change and i think it changed for for the better when you're gonna see at the end of the video and how it changed and and it made a big difference in my scope and i keep tweaking and tweaking tweaking the beer look at my reference tweaking the rules of the part kind of like duplicating the side hairs and kind of like fill it up a little bit more but uh yeah i think it was a good exercise good practice to do and yeah i i always kept tweaking tweaking um for the lighting and texturing i just decided just to export the substance painter kind of like create a low rest of it or see remesh and it kind of like a is called you know granite but kind of like a clay glaze kind of like a material just for the render and i just drew one light and i used gi for it but yeah i was it was a really good exercise that i really happy with the results i know there's some stuff that it could have been improved but like like every single project you're gonna find things that you're gonna improve or you cannot improve or you said oh i wish i would have done a different technique but you know it's better to just leave it as it is and move on with your next project if you want to keep improving and apply whatever you learned or whatever you decide that wasn't working or was gonna work better for future things so keep that in mind that is not gonna you know like uh sometimes we tend as an artist to be so perfectionist and and it doesn't even doesn't matter as much as long as you learn from the process and apply the techniques that you have learned and the mistakes that you have done in your scopes and and kind of like i learned from that and and fix them in your future projects i think that is the best way to learn also as i i added some hair strands there and didn't work as good i merge all the hair so i could just give it a better shape because wasn't really going according with the design or the design the reference picture that i have or the photograph so so i modify a little bit and and it's okay to do it in this stage of the of the process of the sculpting process it's okay to still modify and still moving stuff and look what is working the best or what is not working the best it's still a a good practice to do so then i moved to the church and the church was very simple use a this append a sphere and just create the shape just cut it down and cut it go the shoulders too and apply some details with the you know with the clay build up and the pinch tool from jane olson's and and that's all like look um it's pretty much was probably the easiest part and as you can see here in this uh this is the final one so i have some strands there and i add a little bit the head is a little bit different as well i break symmetry and put like the outer eyebrow up and also the mouth is a little bit different but definitely like the strands of the hair make a big difference to it once i add it and as you see this part also it makes a difference was going all the way up and it wasn't working for me so that's something that i definitely changed too okay okay so perfect guys thank you so much for watching i really appreciate if there's any topics or sculpting topics 3d stuff that you guys want me to cover just please tell me in your comments don't forget to subscribe share and comment and please check out my other two videos and see you next friday guys take care and have an amazing weekend bye
Channel: EAZY3D
Views: 666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedsculpt stylized face / Zbrush 2021 Celebrity series, 3d modeling for beginners, 3d modeling software for 3d printing, anatomy sculpting, digital sculpting ipad, zbrush 2021 - from 2d to 3d character face sculpting, zbrush basics, zbrush character modeling, zbrush free, zbrush free brushes, zbrush free download, zbrush free download mac, zbrush free mac, zbrush free trial, zbrush mini, zbrush mini core, zbrush timelapse, zbrush tutorial beginner, zbrush tutorial character
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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