Speed Queen - 2024 Tested & Reviewed: TR & TC Models

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what's going on guys this is Drew with marks Appliance and today we're going to be looking at speed Queens lineup of top loading laundry we're going to be looking at uh the history of the brand of Speed Queen for a little bit the TR7 tr5 and tr3 models as well as the tc5 model we're going to be talking about the different kinds of benefits that each model brings to the table how they stack up against competing Brands and the different kind of wash actions that they use to clean your clothes so if you've never heard of Speed Queen have you if you've thought about getting a Speed Queen uh this model or this video should be pretty good for you so let's get to it [Music] so if you haven't heard of Speed Queen before they're owned by Alliance Laundry systems and they've been based up in Ripon Wisconsin for over 110 years and that's still where they do core Pro all core product manufacturing Alliance is the largest manufacturer of commercial laundry systems in the entire world so even though all speed Queens are you know residential units they're built with commercial routes true grade commercial parts to get the job done so potentially the reason if you haven't heard for of Speed Queen is they're only available independent retailers so uh you know you won't see him in any big box stores and speaking to their commercial grade quality they're built to do over 25 years worth of laundry so they break that out by the average consumer does eight loads of laundry a week and these are designed to last 10 400 loads so over time 25 years so um you know that's what you're going to be getting in a Speed Queen and next we're going to be taking a look at each model and we're going to start with the tr3 [Music] so we've got the tr3 machine here uh and before I want to get into this model specifically I want to tell you about the things that you can find in all TR machines so whether it's the tr3 the tr5 and the TR7 so how these ones are built is a solid-based suspension system that holds up the wash basket and that wash basket is going to be a true stainless steel heavy metal stainless steel with the porcelain coated outer Barrel so no plastic it also has a one horsepower motor from the tr3 tr5 and the tr-7 and uh that's a extremely powerful motor and that kind of speaks to the wash action that you'll find in these TR and these TR models so they call it speed Queens perfect wash and how it washes is extremely unique [Music] um from any you know any other any other model so you've got a true you know traditional agitator and a traditional impeller you know those are both using mechanical force whether that's the impeller or the agitator to wash your clothes this actually uses the force of water it does have this agitator here but this agitator actually doesn't rotate by itself it rotates in tandem with the wash Barrel so what it'll do is it'll go it'll rotate the barrel with the agitator an agitator in here is it's got some fins it pushes water through your clothes and then as it rotates backwards creates momentum to drive water through your clothes the other way so the way you can think of it is like holding holding a t-shirt up into a crashing wave pretty much so it uses the natural momentum of water to wash your clothes and that's a truly unique wash action that only Speed Queen uses on the market another cool thing about the the speed queens that if you have something that's super heavily soiled you might like is that if you cancel out any cycle uh it's not going to drain the water out now what that allows you to do on the Speed Queen is fill your tub up with water soak it for as long as you want so you know you're heavily soiled garment for as long as you want and uh yeah it helps kind of loosen your soils if you know your construction worker or farmer that might be something that is a is a cool feature for you another cool thing is they're auto fill setting that's kind of unlike any other autofills so not only is it going to you know sense the weight of your clothes and fill accordingly but it's going to also determine the type of garments that are in there and the size of the garments and it's going to adjust the water throughout the cycle that's a pretty unique AutoFill in all the TR7 or the TR models so tr3 tr5 TR7 but yeah so let's get into the tr3 uh that's some you know information about all the TR models so let's get into the tr3 specifically so this is the tr3 machine and this is speed Queen's basic entry-level uh unit but it still comes with a three year all parts and labor warranty uh now that's going to cover everything for three years compared to most other units competitive Computing units which are just one year this has four different Cycles on it it's got normal Eco cycle that uses the least amount of water uh your delegates your permanent press and then it's got a heavy duty cycle as well it also if you have something that's very dirty it does have a heavy soil option and that's going to push your cycle to 45 minutes compared to you know if you're just doing like a normal Eco cycle with a small or autofill you'd be looking at 35 minutes a cycle which is still very short your load size you've got the small fill the large fill and the autofill and you also got autofill extra rinse if you're doing fabric softener or something like that just to you know give an extra rinse to wash that stuff out of your clothes um you've got three different wash temps so that's hot warm and cold so you know that's the tr3 um basic features uh but you know solid features anything that you would need and then yeah let's move on to the tr5 [Music] so this is the tr5 model a very similar look into the tr3 uh just a step above it's their middle tier uh product you've got five years all parts in labor warranty and you also have two more Cycles you got a spin only and a hand wash cycle for something that's very you know very delicate garment almost like a lace or like you know athletic wear or something like that um you do have that cycle on this uh you also have one more wash temp which is a cool wash temp that's 25 hot uh just gives you some more customization you do still get the heavy soil uh option on here if you have something that's very very dirty um but other than that that's really it for the tr5 just a couple more features and the two years extra warranty is the biggest biggest difference um so yeah let's go on to the uh the TR7 so this is the tr-7 this is the ultimate uh TR model uh it's got a seven year all parts and labor warranty so two more additional years then the tr5 model it also has a ton more features and a lot more different cycle options so right here you'll have the special Cycles option and that's nine or eight different Cycles uh so athletic wool denim whites waterproof and a couple more Eco Cycles to wash clothes in so entirely customizable and what's really cool about this one too is you can choose any different setting here any different you know temperature load size soil level and they have this speed cycle option so you can speed up any cycle now your Cycles are really going to range from I think in the shortest amount 35 minutes to about 75 minutes so really extremely fast Cycles when you're talking about the entire different customization you can do you know you're doing a Max soil level cycle here for less than an hour so that's pretty unheard of for any other you know competing top load really um and what's also great about this unit too it's got the perfect wash it's got the quiet uh you know quiet wash too at 43 decibels really as you're jumping from the tr5 to the TR7 you get two more years additional warranty tons of different cycle options um one more quick thick thing too is the delay start so this is the only TR7 TR model with a delay start option so it does our increments up to 24 hours of delay now so theoretically uh I could delay my wash cycle till tomorrow at about 1 pm which is you know 24 hours from now so if you wanted to do that you could a lot of different customization in this one lots of different features the most expensive most features best warranty TR7 model right here now we're going to go to the classic tc5 Model and we'll tell you the difference between the TC model versus the TR models [Music] so the last of these Speed Queen washers is going to be the tc5 the Classic Series washer and the kind of the Standalone product that offers a true agitator in the unit so we get a lot of people to come in they're like I want a true agitator like they like they built in the good old days that is proven reliable fills all the way to the top of the tub doesn't have a lid lock and that's this unit the tc5 so it's got a true agitator and that's how it's going to wash your clothes does 210 degree rotations at 68 rotations per minute so instead of the TR model that uses the perfect wash system that drives water through your clothes using the momentum of water itself this is going to push the water push pushed clothes around together to create friction to wash and it does that by this mechanical agitator so it's that tried and true reliable wash action how this is built compared to the TR models is both have a solid base suspension system that holds up the wash Barrel this has a half horsepower motor compared to a full horsepower and the TR models but this also has a full metal transmission and gear system and the warranties on this product are a little little different compared to the TR as well so not only does this have a full five-year all parts and labor warranty on the entire unit it's got a 15-year warranty on the transmission and a lifetime warranty on the wash barrel and the outer wash basket which I don't know of another residential laundry machine that has a lifetime warranty on anything so that is pretty uh unheard of um it does not have a lid lock so at any point you can open your open the washer and throw some more clothes and if you'd like and then the fill option The Fill options are a little different on this tc5 compared to the TR models as well so the default setting on this is a 75 fill of the wash Barrel it does not have an auto fill now it does have a deep fill setting so if you want to put that on it's going to fill the barrel a hundred percent to the top so as far as usable capacity for this machine it's 100 usable capacity I mean there's not an inch of this Barrel that if you want it to won't get covered with water as far as the cycles you get a bulky sheet cycle heavy duty cycle permanent press a spin cycle and a delicate and then as well as the normal Eco cycle um that's not a whole lot different uh than what you would find in the tr5 it's a few more options than the tr3 and then the options for extra rents extra rinse pre-soak and then a heavy soil cycle that gives you a little bit more options so it does give you a pre-soaks if you have something that's really soiled you want to get that out of there pre-soak option would be great for you as well as the heavy soil and then the wash temps you've got cold cool warm and hot because this uses the true agitation mechanical agitator this is going to be a little bit noisier than the TR models it's not going to be nearly as quiet um but it is going to be a little bit faster as far as cycle time so this averages 32 minutes a cycle that's pretty close to like an old school washer uh what an old school washer would do and then the TRS are going to be a little bit you know depending on what you put your soil level at it's gonna be a little bit longer than that on the TR models so but you know really in conclusion if you're looking for that true agitator model that tried and true reliable proven way to wash clothes this is that this is that model now it's not going to be nearly as gentle on your clothes not going to be as quiet but um if let's say you work in construction you're a farmer you get dirty quite a bit this would probably be the good model for you um compared to the TR models that are supposed to be a little bit gentler on your clothes so now that we've gone through all of the Speed Queen top load products I just want to address some common questions that we get about Speed Queen and uh you know maybe help you on your shopping Journey for laundry products foreign so one of the first things you'll notice about a Speed Queen compared to other brands when you're shopping for for laundry products is going to be the price tag of course um and speed Queens are quite pricey when it comes to you know other brands and there's a couple different reasons for that um most notably the warranty I mean you're getting you know from the TR7 you're getting a seven year warranty tr5 five year and then tr3 a three year those are great warranties and then with the tc5 you're getting five years on everything 15 on the transmission and then Lifetime on the wash barrel and the wash basket so compare those to you know most other brands like Samsung or LG those warranties blow these out of the water blow those out of the water and um that you know leads into that price tag and then not only with the warranty they're just designed to do more loads of laundry so each is designed to do 10 400 loads of laundry the average consumer does about eight loads of laundry per week and uh span that over a period of time that's about 25 years worth of laundry so I think when you buy a Speed Queen you can expect to get the distance out of a out of your washer compared to compared to some other brands and that is translated through the price tag [Music] so another common question that we get when someone's shopping for a Speed Queen comparing them to other brands is the size of the wash wash Barrel so if you look at a Speed Queen whether it's a tc5 or the TR models you're looking at 3.4 cubic feet of space in that wash barrel and there's other brands out there most other most other products on the market right now you're looking at four and a half cubic feet of space in the wash barrel and then some even up to 5.2 5.3 for top loads and now the question they ask is can I do as much laundry in a Speed Queen and the the answer to that is yes you can so how speed Queens work is that you will you know if you use a deep fill setting on the speed queen or a large load size or you know fill it to the brim and hit the auto fill it's going to fill to the very top of this Barrel you know that's and that's something that most other washers don't do anymore due to high efficiency and conservation regulations so if you have like a five cubic foot wash Barrel it's not going to fill it's going to fill 60 to 70 percent high and not fill all the way to the top while this one because it is a smaller Barrel it will so as far as usable capacity the Speed Queen has a very good usable capacity so you can feel confident that the clothes that you put in this all of them are going to get the same solid good clean whereas on the font on say the five cubic foot uh washer you put you fill that to the brim it's only going to fill 60 to 70 way of water might not get the best clean it's like it's like uh buying a bag of potato chips with air in it really um so as far as usable capacity speed Queens are great but then also another way to look at it is the cycle times so with this classic you're getting 32 minutes a cycle on average with the TR models you're doing 35 to 45 if you're doing very heavy soiling it's going to be higher than that but probably around an hour now if you're doing that same heavy soiling on other brands out there four and a half to five and a half cubic foot you're looking at hour and a half to two hours worth of worth of wash time and you know you could do two loads of laundry even three in this tc5 that you could in a heavy soil um cycle on a higher on a bigger wash drum so you can really do more laundry with more usable capacity in this Speed Queen that you can for some other competing washers so in short yes you can still do even though this has a smaller Barrel you can still do as much laundry so that concludes our look at Speed Queen top loading laundry products we went through the features of the tr3 the tr5 the TR7 and the tc5 and I hope this helps you on your uh on your consumer Journey for buying a new washer or dryer or both um I know it's tough to out there to you know you see all these different brands all these different features now and laundry and uh hope this kind of helps you at least with the Speed Queen brand so if you are interested in looking at Speed Queen they are only in independent retailers Across the Nation it's a great American product Great American brand and you know it's tried and true and built to last so thank you for watching if you have any questions definitely comment below and I'll be happy to answer anything for you um once again yeah my name is Drew and I'm happy to help you out and yeah let us know how you like the video uh comment below like us subscribe we'll be doing some more videos in the future
Channel: Mark's Appliance
Views: 209,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speed queen washer, speed queen tc5, speed queen review, speed queen tr5, speed queen, speed queen washer review, speed queen washing machine, speed queen tc5 washer, new speed queen, speed queen tc5 vs tr7, speed queen tc5003wn top load washer, top load washer, speed queen tr7, speed queen vs maytag, speed queen tc5 review, speed queen tr7003wn reviews, best speed queen washer, tr7, tc5, speed queen product review, speed queen tr7 reviews 2022, marks appliance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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