Spectacular Helicopter Mountain Landing! Robinson R66

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[Music] [Music] hey guys it's pilot bambi and welcome back to my channel today we're at the beautiful airport of citador in switzerland and i'm joined by simon and simon is a flight instructor here can you tell me what our plan is for today the plan is as we are in switzerland and we have mountains we go to the mountains so the plan is we go to a place which is called the houthi film which is a glacier it's a large glacier and we are going to do landings there which because it's an official landing mountain site there so this is what we're going to do let's go [Music] once we have 15 rpm you can put the hand here the important thing is we need to have n1 rpm and the low uh mgt before we can put the fuel cut off to on because otherwise we get a hot start yeah we see the rpm n1 rising the mgt is below 150 the oil temperature the oil pressure is also is also rising and the blades are turning yeah and now we can put this one in back and keep the hand here because now you watch the empty tier such that it doesn't exceed so the engine starts n1 is rising oil pressure is coming and then it should automatically stabilize at 65 i'll take the frictions off yeah now you check the hydraulic that's the same as in the r44 you check if it's uh if it's restricted exactly and then back on then you slightly lift the collective which adds the horn to the to the lower rpm light and then you can open the throttle and the important thing is that you need to be between about 25 and 50 percent uh torque here you need to be careful now the governor or the fuel control unit which has the governor included has taken over now the throttle is fully open yeah we aim for something like 98 percent into which we have yeah normal full green green green green so we are ready helicopter alpha is lifting off at the helipad over taxi holding short runway two five it starts to move it starts to become light exactly outstanding 82 torque rpm in the green mgt 660 that's perfect now you can back up [Music] alfa sierra is a cross-synonym [Music] how does it feel really nice i mean it's so nice to step into a helicopter that has a lot of same features as the r44 that i did all my training on absolutely so it's i mean it's an r44 with a turbine basically but i loved the engine startup but now that i'm also training on the caravan i have some experience with the turbine so it's cool to see very similar handling but then in a helicopter absolutely what would you say are the most important things to keep in mind when flying helicopters in this kind of area the mountainous area yeah and we briefly discussed as well before like the safety measures you have to take absolutely i mean if you fly in that region you can already see that it's not it's not you cannot land everywhere so uh in case you have a like an engine failure so you already need to to sort of uh carefully choose your flight path yeah to give you at least one or two options for for not rotation should things go wrong and then i mean if you go further up in the mountains there are there are situations where auto rotation is at least difficult if not impossible yeah that's maybe the difference to countries like the netherlands which are which are very flat and obviously in the mountains you also have all sorts of cables from cable cars small ones big ones etc and cables obviously is always a risk for helicopters yeah lots of the transportation in the mountains is it done by helicopters so these cables are a problem yeah and the floor has a cable database included so also it also warms uh for cables yeah and then i mean the mountains once you have uh once you have wind you can obviously have horographic turbulence meaning the wind that uh that is deviated by the mountains you can have all sorts of different winds and turbulence uh which for the two bladed robinsons especially the smaller ones can can be a problem [Music] and here is also a mountain landing site you can land somewhere here sometimes we land up there where the ridges on the left side where you see the shadow of the clouds [Music] so there we go sometimes we sometimes laugh you also see that the snow is uh it's all gotten here so you see the ice which is coming up what a pleasure to be flying with you joseto and you guys thank you [Music] we have a specific technique to land in the mountains which consists basically of three parts you do a recognition so an assessment of the landing site here in at least two phases [Music] the first what we call is the higher echo so you go looking at the sight from a higher altitude yeah just to assess how it looks and it says the basic wind direction and it says whether it's safe to go lower a criterion would be for example if you experience or if you expect a lot of turbulence lower if you go lower then that would be an exclusion criteria because you don't want to fly in turbulence so it can be that already the the high up recognition assessment of the landing site uh comes out with the result we cannot land yeah and if you have assessed this so the wind is reasonable within 30 knots and from a reasonable direction and no turbulence and the landing side looks something like okay then we do the low assessment yeah and on the low assessment you fly with exactly 30 knots over the landing site at something like 10 meters or so and then you read the power that you need or the torque in that case you read the torque that you need and that gives you an indication if you have enough power to land there okay because you then take a certain margin of like torque which you need to be able to land yeah and if you don't have that margin or if you experience turbulence or if the wind direction is not as anticipated than your board yeah and then it's again an exclusion and you say it doesn't work yeah the speed indicator is also depending on the the density yeah so we also need to uh to correct and it's two percent for one thousand feet so we are ten thousand feet mix twenty percent so we have indicated something like eighty-five knots yeah plus twenty percent which would be something like twenty knobs yeah or 15 knots maybe so our current speed actual speed is 100 knots okay and you can read now that the ground speed is 104 knots so apparently here very little wind yeah and we also have a mountain frequency yeah which is 137.735 which we use for communication on all mountains [Music] [Music] is approaching movie from early perestro from the east [Applause] foreign 97 ground speed so we definitely have wind coming from that direction [Music] some other people down there [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here we are so thick should we try over there we go again let's try over there [Music] what a spot [Laughter] that is the place that i mentioned wow this is incredible so it is there we can walk over to the hut but now we go back to the other place where you can step out [Music] okay it doesn't get much better than this huh [Music] [Music] and we're on a glacier this is absolutely incredible like look around so we did one approach here and simon landed it then we landed he landed on top at the little uh hut there and i don't think we could have wished for any better weather than this mr cameraman director what do you think of this outing can't get enough of it big heli party up on the mountain we're gonna see what our friends over there doing it's a good lunch buns have never tasted so good two power gliders having fun which we're doing this afternoon as well so we made fun of your outfit choice but your shorts are okay it's the shoes now my feet are a bit wet man i'm really the only one prepared huh [Music] [Music] we had our incredible lunch on this magnificent spot and uh now we're ready to head back home unfortunately but we're gonna do a beautiful takeoff and uh you just miss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i can turn right around here what would you say to those that are considering doing a helicopter um mountain racing well as we have mountains in switzerland [Applause] and as the helicopter is probably not made to fly straight and level from a to b which i consider feeling boring then the mountain rating is i would say almost a must in switzerland and for the helicopter pilot i would say it's considerable an important step in its in his career because it's on another level yeah it's uh it's an older environment it's a difficult environment it's an environment that changes rapidly it needs uh it needs different additional techniques to learn you need you need a certain structure assistance a certain systematic to do that to uh to remain safe mountain flying involves risks that need to be controlled but once you have that you get something that is more valuable than just for the mountain you're learning the limitations of your helicopter of your machine yeah you're learning the impact of the weather and as we saw the impact of the the the altitude on the performance although this turbine it's still fantastic but uh yeah and at haley academy you guys offer the mountain rating on the r66 yes we do any other helicopters as well yes the r44 is also is also quite suitable [Music] just to quickly make you an example how we train outside landings so imagine we want to land nearby that hut there yeah so he assessed the wind direction so it comes from here or is low so we land from there yeah there is a systematic we're now something like 500 feet above so maybe it's 3 000 or so [Applause] let's check there are no obstacles or only a few obstacles there power we have enough so lights land nearby that house there okay we train that on ppl level [Applause] with people we'll be a bit confined so what we do in confined areas is approach slowly check the power that we use which is not a problem on the r66 and then once the tail is clear slowly come down [Music] [Music] and then also an opportunity to train slow plantings wow so this is uh this is how we do it i've been here with uh by the trainee a few days ago so so cool it is clear how do we get out a vertical departure huh maybe in that direction the wind is weak but it's quite hot so you just pull the power [Music] 90 torn [Music] until you can see that we can fly forward go forward [Music] and leave the confined area go slightly to the left to avoid the house so this is uh how we train helicopter pilots in switzerland awesome for that kind of sights that is the field of the helicopter try to do this with an airplane helios you can fly over these flowers uh or that flowery thing yeah exactly slow down because we need to hold short of the runway exactly and now you can stay on this altitude okay cool right clear left clear hey alfa sierra is crossing around the axis proceeding to the helipad high hover outstanding a bit more forward a bit more bit more the skates are on the level of your knees good here nice thank you so much wow this was really really really cool i think i'll be back soon i'm looking forward she did really really well thank you really really well i can't thank you enough i thought this i must say this was the coolest flying that i've ever done in my life i think the guys behind the camera agree thank you very much it was a pleasure very impressed by the beautiful scenery of switzerland and uh thank you thank you for taking us along on this trip coming back soon we will and for everybody who wants to know where we are it's a hailey academy and uh might be the most beautiful place that you'll ever learn to fly [Music]
Channel: Pilot Bambi
Views: 91,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xl2TI4WNafE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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