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welcome to the special service for the chairman of the church of pentacles apostle eric yamiche stay tuned in of the lord be in the hands of the lord and be mistress and life emmanuel from this platform to touch every life lift up your voice and begin to pray la brocity malacca young yes lord you were anointed with the holy ghost and with power and you went about doing good and healing all that will oppress of the enemy lord tonight your man servant is in your hands of god let grace flow in the name of jesus let your word of life proceed forth in the name of jesus let the world that transforms from death to life oh god come through let the world that brings deliverance oh god flow let the word that brings healing flow in the name of jesus take over in the name of jesus affect every life in the name of jesus let every chain oh god break let everybody who has been captured oh god by the ways of jezebel be released tonight in the name of jesus let your word go forth and prosper in the object to which you have sent in lord let your word of healing go in the name of jesus christ strength [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is precious hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is father we thank you for the victory you purchased on the cross for us thank you for setting us free from the captive of the enemy thank you for giving us your spirit that enables us to overcome every temptation and to live for your glory tonight your church is ready across the globe for you to reach us again with your word let your word proceed in power let your word affect lives let your word bring healing let your people experience the victory purchase for us on the cross may your name be blessed even as you use your servant to bless your church in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] oh he is worthy to be praised [Music] is is is is we will praise thy holy name is is trust me for me [Music] [Music] is for me me [Music] [Music] is crazy is [Music] who calls his [Music] me oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] oh oh yeah [Music] oh what's up hey 18 oh [Music] hey hallelujah amen amen we are blessed to be called upon to lift the name of god this is a great privilege given to any living being in the book of revelation 24 elders were assembled to bow before the throne and offer the most high god of worship now when you come to isaiah the lord god almighty himself the king of israel the redeemer of israel shouted who is like unto me there is none that can compare himself unto me this is the god we are about to worship the book of psalms call him a majestic name that is so great in all the earth the bible says that he is enthroned even in heaven this evening we are privileged to bow before the throne of the king of kings the mighty of mighties as he is seated so ready to receive my worship and to receive your worship hallelujah [Music] already so [Music] so is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign from foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] yes oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] oh no one can compare himself unto him he is the mighty almighty like immortal the invincible god we lift your name jesus we bless your name on god who is like unto you there is none before you lord we bless you lord jesus we bless you lord jesus we bless you lord jesus we bless you lord jesus for you almighty for you are grace and everything about you lord is so unique we live to you jesus [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] yay [Music] oh [Music] father we bless you this evening we bow before your throne as you are encited in your glory the majestic god who is like unto you there is none before you lord you are the creator of the universe you made all things a god you created me even if kings and elders bow before you who am i to hold your worship this evening mighty king we bow before you we exalt you lord we adore you god the immortal the invisible we bless your holy name take control my god take control we bless you in jesus name amen [Music] within me create in me a clean heart [Music] within me [Music] presence thy holy spirit from me and restore this [Music] [Music] we from my presence me [Music] [Music] is [Music] cast me [Music] from oh [Music] [Music] our [Music] [Music] a clean heart [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] [Music] my presence spirit for me [Music] [Music] we [Music] joy [Music] and so there's some messages that find rest in god my soul for my expectations come from him beloved i want to welcome you to the special service with the chairman of the church of pentecost worldwide apostle eric yamiche we are grateful to our viewers on penn tv it's all about jesus i think tv we're also grateful to our zoom audience those who are connected on facebook at aps dot eric yamiche at the cop hko and then on painttv gh i want to welcome all those who are also watching us on youtube if this is your first time of connecting to us then this is the special service with the chairman of the church of pentecost a program that is powered by the church of pentecost worldwide and proudly sponsored by priority insurance priority insurance we are on your side when it comes to insurance products burglary theft motor vehicle and all forms of insurance needs priority is second to none we are also sponsored by next computers when you think computers and accessories photocopiers it is all our next computers next computers beloved in christ last week when we came to church god's servant on the strength of god's word using david as a template made us understand that sin is sin but the gravity of sin is dependent on who commits it but he also underscored the fact that there is a protocol known as repentance that when we access which is a gift we are positioned to be reconnected back to god he underscored the fact that indeed he that has an ear let him hear and do not harden your heart tonight we trust that god will prepare our hearts as fetter soils to receive the seed of god's word that will bring us to the place of fruitfulness it's my singular honor as always to introduce to the lectin the chairman of the church of pentecost worldwide apostle eric [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] spirit for me [Music] is to the mighty one hallelujah grateful to god once again for this opportunity to be with you and at his feet we spoke about the fact that david manning to please god now that he sinned against god he got convicted and for the rest of his life he manic to please the almighty god oh yeah and i believe that from his experience he qualifies to teach us what it means to repent first kings chapter 15 verse 5. first kings chapter 15 and the verse 5. for david had done what was right in the eyes of the lord if he said evidence and had not failed to keep any of the lost commands all the days of his life now my name is just said that if a man could do such a thing now my question is a repent of a sin and decide for the rest of his life to stay pure and clean and he so did it then he qualifies to teach us repentance so today we will take a closer look at the prayer of david it is his prayer of repentance name against sacramento boy found out what really went on what lessons we can learn from him because in the psalm he promised god that he would teach people repentance if he said well so i think that we need to pay attention to this great man as i said see this psalm was written by david after the prophet natan by the spirit of god had boldly and wisely exposed him for committing adultery money exposed him for committing adultery with besheba brah our he pours out a torrent of penitence from a broken and a contract in the first four verses he acknowledged the wrong done and accepted that he had sinned against god again from tsutum jitum said why you young this is the beginning of great repentance people don't even accept that they have sinned to me so then how could they call for repentance your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquities and cleanse me from my sins now pay for me home free in your sight and my idea when you're super so you are right in your verdict now where the mukasem and justified when you jazz man accepting and taking responsibility for two for the wrong that he has now why i want to just go back to read it again my personal messiah quacking kind but look at the many minds and i and me me don't do i have mercy for i know my transgressions and my son is always before me i can see it i have committed it i can see it i have committed to his sin david echained him from solution he acknowledged that we say the sin is his own and that god and anyone is free from blame are you two mr bonino and then when he's caught he blames the one who reported human beings are always shifting our troubles on someone we are always blaming just since the garden of eden is verse 4 is the difference between remorse and repentance now what he's trying to teach us is this yeah and he said oh david is not saying that david anka said he has not wronged beshiva anka said bishop no debbie that is not what he's saying and yes but sin now s-i-n say once it is s-r-n sin it's missing god's standard standards missing god's standards let's go back to verse 4. against you are you only and i'm enjoying having second samuel chapter 12 verse 13 second samuel 12 30. then they will say to natan and they've been catching it and say i have sinned against the lord now yes bonnie i have sinned against you the lord maya my bonnie everybody i have done you are wrong my perform yuria i have done this shiva wrong my phone bishop but i have sinned against the lord that's nathan replied no nathan catcher the lord has taken away your sins eradicated you are not going to die but because by doing this nancy said yes i did you have shown utter contempt to the lord with the olympia in him for the sun born to you know so by sinning we show up how to content to the law of the lord rice a hard word sad christopher a smart football extra idea very tough to the church encouragement i'm sorry i will relate them a bit in so even though i wrote it to you and he said matremont it was neither on account of the one who did the wrong not and yet oh yeah burning internet no on the account of the injured party and so and yet there were yeah no born in interest in the house and yet but rather so i didn't like to shame anybody man trust me anyway i didn't write because of the one who has been injured mantra and i'm there for nintendo i write that you see yourself before god make sure god sees [Music] it is a deep and painful regret for wrongdoing somebody does something and he has a deep and painful regret for for doing that it is so big he's not necessarily saying that he has sinned against god but at least he's sorry for doing that it is a feeling of uneasiness of anxiety of the conscience caused by regrets a remorse is to be sorry for an act then the consequences of the consequences but it doesn't mean that he is repenting should i say or could just be regret for disappointing one's own resort i bet you me i say and so on and so forth i've disappointed my father uh where do you want him they are remorseful could be just someone feeling sorry for being exposed and dead to this is the chapter that i said paul wrote something very tough to the church but before then let me make this statement see in both remotes and repentance there is some kind of sorrow or regrets but there is true repentance only when sorrow leads to a change of mind but that is the difference between repentance and remorse in both remorse and repentance you can see people whipping me [Laughter] young guys we knew her ways [Music] one of the nights we went to church we our president preached and we saw that she was weeping profusely so when we close we are gossiping about him as for today our sister has changed can happen so we are blessing god two weeks later what we heard was worse okay if i continue don't let me let me come can even give gifts people to me they actually say pastor i'm i'm really sorry i'm really sorry i i dedicate my my i have this building i want to give it to the church but repentance is not sacrifice foreign don't think that by donating this is his house to the church the man has changed you know man see godly sorrow leads to repentance second corinthians 7 verse 9. not because you were made sorry and yes but because your sorrow led you to repentance for you became sorrowful as god intended and so were not harmed in any way by us if he said sorrow brains repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret now remarks will always leave an element of regret nah but when you have really repented that regret is taken away [Music] against a yes beautiful because peter told them if you're in one european times of refreshing will come from the lord now see what this godly sorrow has produced in you and then he listed the things that the godly sorrow has really produced great change in sacramento meghan chen and say to him namaste father i have sinned against heaven and against you maya australian bunny i am no longer worthy to be called your son i mean father make me like one of your hide servants so he got up and went to the fan now oh sorry barney but why he was still a long way away off now that's the way chi chin his father saw him eighteen and twenty hey teacher do one tree any of you know the first lines of these two verses and since they can't wasan i will set out and go back to my father about commanding verse so he got up and went to the oh sorry this is repentance now when one is remorseful he said you just say i'll set out and go rebecca said ako every day messenger he's remorseful he regrets where he is but he doesn't really desire to be at home relief and deliverance object because what he took and squandered it didn't belong to his friend he said yeah [Music] [Music] so we'll go to verse 10 11 12 13. so you have seen someone who has really acknowledged his sins and has also identified whom he has sinned against and sought forgiveness from the one he ascended why anybody was not saying you are not wrong anyone on castle in the process he had even killed someone's husband he acknowledges them but due to musa but the object he is seeking forgiveness from is the almighty all surrounding 51 verse 10. in me now take note that the spirit here is a small letter [Music] in me a pure heart oh god and renew your holy spirit no not at all the holy spirit is the creator god he's an unchanging god you cannot renew the holy spirit [Music] do not cast me from your presence nah enemy aim free will name ancient or take your holy spirit from me now in your home sometimes we take that in the old testament the spirit came upon the people and left next one is he disagrees with that [Music] i fail i will teach transgressors mexico for your ways what's fine so that sinners will turn back to you nanny moyer for daniel as long as sinners are going to be born on this planet now because he said here the holy spirit was present with him when he fell into sin it is because they don't take the holy spirit in your home concluding he knew that god was with him but here he prays that god will not take the kinship and the divine anointing for kinship that is the holy spirit as from him as he did to saul now obama said i am in the presence of the holy spirit of god was to help him and the presence of the holy spirit of god with us now homecome crow and empanadas this is what the scripture says ezekiel 26 from 27 20 36 sorry 36 26 27 executed [Music] yes i will give you a new hand remember for from and put a new spirit in you from my show i'll remove from you your heart of stones give you the heart of flesh my interest is in verse 27 now yeah me teach you what you put [Music] to the presence of the spirit of god in us is to be able to move us to follow god's decrees be careful to follow his laws so what went i missed it it was for him to the presence of the spirit was there and faith but why did he miss it verse [Music] spirit within me now david seems to say na na david hey say that looking back he realized that the trouble all started in his mind who says he has here his spirit his inner most being the nipper he stopped life not grenade was polluted by frankie entertain and its [Music] my own [Music] a new spirit so that our system is strong against future outbreak of convicts my spiritual immune system was if we can be immunized against viruses the holy spirit can also pick in our spirit against sin and may have their name verse 12 and 13. restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me and saw me moon now when you do that for me say well yes my spirit will will be willing steady fast that will sustain me and then i want to cause us to pray nah yeah i think that i will continue next week all things being called transmitted grace holy spirit i burden a washer ending now second peter one petrol verse three and four petrova nine has given us everything we need for godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness giving us all we need a godly lion he has given us his very great and precious promises [Music] having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires there is corruption in the world but when we participate in his divine nature he is that will cause me to escape the corruption that is in the world this is what david did in a dvda participated and then from that day forward if he said that the aircon escape the corruption that is in the ghanife we are see which is caused by evil desires ah and i'm a corner born and so and ever because you are truly repentant if you say not ukrainian for this reason again make every effort answer mumbai modern tuna add to your faith goodness godliness mutual affection any only adore anti-mutual affection love order for if you possess these qualities and all these qualities are in the holy spirit and he absorbs your weakness if you possess these qualities in increasing measures then they will keep you from being ineffective ammonia and half of an unproductive anyone that wants to happen in your knowledge of the lord jesus yeah everybody used to christian him their fame but whoever does not have them in is nearsighted yeah only be no iodine and blind no name forgetting that literally they have been cleansed from their person and they refuse say nipponia unfortunately our refuge what that means is that such people don't have the spiritual moses are still living in their sins even though they have been cleansed from their pastors now the big one they are so power vested therefore my brothers and sisters make every effort modem to confirm your calling and election and share let us not be afraid of falling slow we have an anchor that keeps the soul first and sure when the beloved he and you receive a rich welcome now about jm fell into the eternal kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ now before i end let's go back to my friend parker's coach on repentance ij parker he defines repentance as i want it to be projected if you have i said together but let me start changing one's mind that was a chronic so that one's views the change is radical now sometimes we say we it's a crank the change is radical now where they are if we want to change change stop sakura sakura change sakura tell yourself enough is enough we said yeah yeah like david and don't go bend them behind him don't go back to those evolutions both inwardly tonight i want us to begin participating in the division so our spirit is steadfast and we will escape the corruption every sabbath it can be done to me because peter says if it's a petrol say if you do this you will never fall asleep paul will say this same thing in other words as one for paul beckham will come from franco against such i said samia may there is no law and peter will say that petrol says if you do this you will never fall here let us rise moment sorry above reproach answering and i praise foreign [Music] [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] make me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tonight david acknowledged his sin david and never shifted blame unto any other now i found from sonoma and tribunal no satan not god can say all the people around him one cassidy is not the same as repentance maybe you are remorseful for what you have done against god and against humanity but tonight the spirit of god is calling upon us [Music] to show true repentance i want to admit that we have sinned against god you might have wrong man maybe that sin is against god only way for true reconciliation [Music] is to acknowledge it and it's aubergine and repent of it what now when you're in sacramento and back it by an action [Music] making a complete u-turn what they say to do what is right that's why you're there so tonight our first prayer the true repentance of our hearts let us truly repent my young sacrifice by turning from our acts i'm not just showing you roomba's fullness i guess so you know [Music] father tonight we come unto him we open our hearts unto you just as david own up to his sins oh lord father we acknowledge that it is unto you that we have sinned against oh lord tonight we ask for forgiveness and the grace to turn away from our sins unto the path of righteousness have mercy on us the lord and enable our grace oh lord to open up our god unto you concerning our devotees the lord grant us the grace to turn around grant us the grace to turn our back to such sense o lord the lord look up to you o lord for forgiveness we ask the lord that whatever we have done no matter how grievous it is oh lord as we open our hearts unto you as we acknowledge our sins the lord may you forgive us may you forgive us and may you help us alone to turn our back to our sins the lord and turn and face you and turn and follow you in the palace of all righteousness father we thank you tonight for your forgiveness and your grace granted us the lord to repent of our sins we give you praise [Music] yes at the age of sacrament believe today energy to himself has been a turn around from sin everybody unto the powers of righteousness now beyond that now something in god's through our fellowship with the holy spirit so that the lord will preserve us from falling into sin and that is our major prayer tonight will be granted through his holy spirit so that our spirit is renewed indeed [Music] put a new spirit [Applause] foreign foreign we knew and [Applause] [Music] me [Music] within me [Music] me [Music] yes with us [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] have been told that make the three good the three good yeah more than you say papa make the three yeah and the fruit will be good that's why david asked for a willing spirit david empire and we've been told that the surest way now to do this the ability of us is to fellowship with the divine power yes for his vampire has given us everything we need to know for godliness for a godly life through our knowledge of him ourselves who has called us by his own glory and goodness he has given us his very great and precious promises so that through them he freeze any amazing he may participate in the divine nature you breathe to me and having escaped the corruption not your training program in the world it will be caused by evil desires so we want to pray again now the lord will enable us to participate not your to me at your front in his divine power convey our mingling our fellowship with father we our mind we pray oh god for the grace to walk in the light of this world we pray for the spirit of repentance and we pray that as you said to us in ezekiel that you move our hearts to god onto good works we pray tonight dear lord that father will walk and participate in your divine nature in the name of jesus christ let that spirit come upon us oh god and father we pray that you renew our eyes spirit within us we knew a right spirit within us oh god grant unto us that spirit of god that helps us to withstand sin that helps us to resist sin that helps us to overcome sin in the name of jesus we pray that we'll walk before you blameless we pray that we'll walk before you as children will please you every day in jesus name amen cast me not away [Music] from thy friends turn so long and take not thy hope holy spirit from me we're starting [Music] and we need the [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] all night [Music] a toy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh from my presence for me me [Music] oh uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] from [Music] is [Music] praise the lord hallelujah once again we are grateful to god for the privilege of receiving this great meal from his table we are grateful to god setman our beloved chairman for always allowing himself for god to use to be such a great blessing to us tonight also we are grateful to our viewers on pen tv on atenketv our zoom audience those on youtube as well as those who connected on facebook on the chairman's page on the church's page as well as pen tv we're grateful to our sponsors priority insurance as well as next computers we want to encourage all of us that these messages are uploaded on podcast look for apostle eric yamiche on podcast and download the message listen and listen and listen again it's also on youtube and i also want to indicate that the special service is also broadcast on tv 3 on tv 3 so in case you miss it on any of the channels pen tv or i think tv on sundays is on tv three and you can also connect there and then be blessed from eight hallelujah we also want to again remind ourselves that the one million intercessors projects are always indicated here that is still ongoing we are really raising one million intercessors from the youth ministry so that we can intercede and raise the flag of righteousness in the nations and so at 9 00 pm every thursday evening connect to any of the channels through the youth ministry platforms and let's raise intercession and raise prayer unto god for the nations our father tonight has encouraged us that when we make a tree good its fruits will be good when we make a tree bird its fruits will be bad there is no room for neutrality and the change must be radical both inwards and outwards we trust that god will help us as we submit ourselves to the training of god's word so that we can be transformed to reflect him until we come your way god willing next week may the lord continue to keep us safe in his arms god bless you amen [Music] you
Channel: The Church of Pentecost
Views: 1,340
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BfNmQSB3hV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 41sec (6701 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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