Special Guest: Marcus Luttrell

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[Music] Marcus I appreciate y'all having me Marcus up you and I were talking about you doing over 300 dates a year traveling all over speaking but of all the places you go Marcus I'll promise you there's no other place anywhere near this place like this place this must be the place because this place loves God this place loves America and this place loves America's military [Applause] yes my Marcus that that's why I smile at Marcus said you've got a great flock I said Marcus that's why I've stayed thirty years in the same place brother same place same well they've let me that you know they've let me stay Marcus you know yes they've let me stay Marcus uh you and I were talking about I'd preach some in Nacogdoches Texas and you said Pastor where you preach there in Nacogdoches Texas is about 3035 minutes from where I lived what was it like growing up tell us a little bit what was it like growing up in East Texas so uh thank y'all for having me by the way how's everybody doing good make sure that you are no matter what's going on out there we're gonna make it through this a band so it the best way to describe it I and if when you're in Texas this is funny if I say I'm from East Texas when I'm in Texas they're like well you're not far enough east to call yourself a nice Texas boy I grew up right in the heart the center of it and between Houston and Dallas and then Nacogdoches is like I said 35 40 minutes a little outside but there's a whole bunch of little towns that have some universities in it and then you got the big cities and I grew up right in the middle of that yes on a horse ranch so we as I got older and my you know mom sent me to dad my dad let me get out and kind of wander around and we would make our way in and out of those places a lot of my buddies went to school out there so it's a it's small-town feel and that's kind of like that community that common unity right we grew up I knew I was in a good place when I pulled in here because the only other time I've seen a sword like that stuck in the ground is right down the road from my house same size looks just like that that white that cross outside I call it a sword because those things can go either way hey man you can either bless them with the word or bless him with it well Marcus these people certainly appreciate your service and all how do you know Marcus this whole deal about becoming a Navy SEAL how did that happen so that was my my brother's idea not mine I I have an identical twin brother we're mirrors he's the Alpha the two of us he was born before me seven minutes at least that's what he keeps telling me I but he's the left side on the right he's left-handed does everything and I do the other side he's he's kind of my hero I followed him blindly wherever we went he drives everywhere we go he kind of still the boss I get in trouble with him and yells that it's weird I don't know guys like you talk to me like that I'm a grown man yeah whatever so I was down on the barn feeding the horses one day it was in early teens he came running down there excited he's like I know we're gonna do we're gonna be Navy SEALs now do you know what that was ciarĂ¡n land specialists he's like we could jump out airplane shoot guns blow stuff up scuba diving there's a pretty good chance we're going to die I was like sign me up that's exactly what I want to do cuz I don't how about I don't like violence I got a little bitty growing up I got picked on and just like everybody else you know especially about him right I mean I played tennis and was in drama in high school in college that that tells you anything so I had to be molded into this sighs Marcus when I graduated when I was born I was four pounds three ounces my brother's three pounds eight ounces and as we grew up we didn't grow like everybody else our eyes were going in different directions like he had one of mine I had one of hits we was always looking at each other you ought to hear my father talking about this he's like boy like and I'm a father now and I tell my even my kids were funky looking I'd be like you're not you're beautiful I love you my dad would be like man you're funky looking he's like but that's okay he's like you're gonna be trained I am gonna train you every day of your life and as you grow from a boy into a man he would always tell me that he wasn't my friend at all he was real a friend about that my shoes are here for you to walk in every now and again if you need them they're not here for you to fill period he's like ah through your life I'm gonna give you two things one time you're gonna earn I'm gonna give you discipline every day your life do that you're gonna get respect respect for yourself and respect for other people all the time you ever lose your respect is when you lose your discipline you're the only one that can throw that away period [Applause] I come from a matriarchal family the women run the show I mean that's to this that's that's how it is people like I come from one those two I'm like no you don't not if you do you know exactly what I'm talking about cuz the only time you ever see the men is when they come to tune you up cuz you got out have one of the ladies and most time you don't even know you do it yes and just my dad come home he's like I just I know you did something just because I didn't catch you didn't mean you didn't do it y'all more tuned you up that's that father wisdom right there so my brother being the eldest he kind of took the brunt of it and as we grew up when I graduated high school it's five six around a hundred fifty four pounds so I say this is all anthrax and government work all right I grew another inch and a half when I was 23 and I came back from my grandmother's funeral the first time we've been back and I was 65 280 pounds and they were like good Lord son what happened to you I don't know what do you mean cuz you know I still have the I like to joke around and kid I'm more like a battery you know you kind of put me in the middle of what we're doing we will be doing it like I will the running joke was I make a bad time into a bad good time right we'll just gonna keep going to it running out the back side I had never quit so with my brother when I say he's the Alpha he is the offer of the two of us I mean I look up to him anything you think I've been through is nothing compared with that Joker has I'm he's been a helicopter crash is brilliant six fourteen deployments I think Wow they just kept going back there's a helicopter crash broca's bags people died he got back online went back over three more deployments wrote his back again Afghanistan he called me from the hospital I was on a movie set and he called me from German it's a funny story and the first thing he said to me is like bro I didn't get shot and he's one of the only males in our family for a couple generations that hadn't been shot so we gave him a lot of grief for it yeah we exist there's those we're out here we're weird thought so I hung up on him he was in the hospital and he calls me back he's like I'm really in the hospital I was like I know I just messing with you yeah he's like I'm gonna be alright he's like about things they're gonna get after a wild guys are in our line of work we can't youth is a tool it's hard for us to pull that weight we come liabilities and when you realize that's the hardest thing to give up just to walk away from the day they told me I couldn't be a Navy SEAL anymore hurt worse than anything I was like well I need to get back in the gym where you talking about I mean I'm give me some more titanium what I need to do just stay in that and then my brother's like well I got to find something harder do me a Navy SEAL so he went to med school he's a cognitive neuroscientist stuff is he's just real smart he went he did all that so he could fix me cuz I get beat up I mean I look I came here to bleed that's what I came here to do so if I wasn't doing it that I wasn't doing my job right and you can adapt yourself to anything your body specifically and made to survive in this environment not only that is maybe thrive what you think is a hard time is not anything is bad time it's not cuz we don't have those anyways you know where you can measure your good times or off those the difficult ones otherwise you're measuring off somebody else's it's incumbent upon you to put yourself into it otherwise God's gonna put you in there and you're not gonna be ready and even when I saddled up no when I was going into it he'd still throw me a ringer and I I mean that's how I learned on the outside if you get hit that pressure goes interior inside and it molds you and it forms you into your brain creates a pattern then when you get hit the next time you it won't hurt his bad you can hit again one at all I explained that to my kid he was ask me why I don't cry when I scratch my knee I was like why used to your age and I don't care how old you are if you've never been in a situation you would act like a child for the first time you when you get into it so as did you when you grow through so you grow up you realize like yeah I know it hurts kinda like a sensor on your car I see the blood and I can feel the pain but it's not gonna get any more intense of that and I bleed we'll stop so I'm just gonna keep going and the ultimate you have to rip everything off of me I mean they tore me in half and I'm still going that's what y'all created I could have done that without y'all I don't think you know exactly what it is you've created how special y'all are because we do our own lives we go about your day to day activity but in reality man with you guys capable of that's what I call you America's grace Amazing Grace that's what y'all at any given time you can give anybody anything or you take it away from them we have the capacity to be very we can be meaningful want to and that's that's love love an evil same word back and forth kind like earth and heart right the same thing well we're down here trying to figure out how to get through that then when you saddle up for love like I'm gonna love you but guess what in order to do that we're gonna have to go through some bad times so I can truly understand what loving you is all about and that was the hardest thing for me to learn because normally when the bad stuff rolls on you want to get out of there but if you find that inkling of anything to stay in there for a second it'll subside and I don't care how hard you get hit you can't even believe what you can take I mean you can't believe it the thing is designed to stay alive I mean on your hardest days nothing compared to what you can what you trouble man Marcus is talking about how we're designed down whereas as I knew we were gonna be on discussing this one thing that I want to ask you about is up in the SEAL training this hell week I've learned a lot because what I thought Marcus was I thought hell week was probably the last week if you if you rang the bell you were out and if you didn't ring the bell you became a seal but tell us a little bit about what Hale wheat really is because the seal training is broken down into three phases for technically when you're front kind of it's a holding pattern all right first base second phase and third phase first phase just a gut check beatdown mental and physical torture just to make sure you have what it takes to go to fall on train and this is all just our basic stuff it's around 13 weeks hell week is right in the middle of it mine was the fifth week sometimes they'll move it depending on the class and it's a day of buds it's just 24/7 from Sunday till Friday and they rotate the instructors around all your all your instructors are seals so they're just rotating around on you they get the break you don't and it's the matter of how long can you go they're gonna show you what you can take so we wait we're in this room they make us watch shark attack videos I'll never forget that cuz in my high school yearbook my greatest fear was getting eaten by a shark it actually says that and then I went to become a Navy SEAL who does that sometimes I look back at some of those moments and like probably thought more about that one but it was the best life ever thank you for it I come in guns blazing bomb blowing up and the first place they send us is down to the ocean and they leave us there for a few hours so somebody quits usually that's the way they get they get rid of us she's the the Pacific Oceans our mother and I joke about this I didn't know that the Pacific Ocean never got warm it wasn't in Texas history it's either 58 to 64 degrees year-round and they leave us there with her you know how you temper steel you get a really hot and really cold and you beat the mess out of it that's what they do to us there that's what my instructor told me because like you know we're gonna do to you beat you to death freeze you to death and then do it again and that's all that is a pull us out of the water it starts its two-mile run D breakfast two-mile run to eat lunch two-mile run eat dinner and then we even get a midnight and then we start again and then they'll move us out to the ocean for a two mile ocean swim then we'll come back in and we'll go around the O course which is twice the size of this room and then they'll put us back in the ocean and they'll pull us back out and we'll do a shower and everywhere we go got this boat on our head it's not very heavy it's about 300 pounds and they sip that thing up there and kind of run around within guys next break I mean it's it it's unbelievable yeah more guys down our training and then doing combats let him Jim and keeping you guys but that's what makes us the way we are in the beginning they take everything we ever were away from us and they build us back up moment by moment until you are what we are what you want what you wanted us to be and the only way you can do that is with somebody you can't go through it alone you can't go through hell alone and hell's in the middle it's like right when you think you're getting a handle on something they'll kill it they'll throw you into that just to see if you can take it and you do it you take it just stand there and take it I don't care how hard you get hit you get knocked down get back up i I've had the bones knocked out of me and I've been down on the ground I mean even the voices in them the voices in my voices head we're saying hey we should price it out I'll be you laying on the ground looking at a cross like that like I'm gonna hang here for a second see if I can feel that toe is alright give back up and then eventually whatever is doing it to you won't those get tired of it or you overcome it and then take a step forward when I didn't get here real fast I was just the weakest among us let me be perfectly clear about that I just don't stay down and I'll outwork you I went out thinking I just out working and my dad taught me that and you know ideally put me around men who wouldn't tolerate anything other than that it's kinda like when I got busted up in Afghanistan I went back to Iraq for another point people asked me why I did that was like why wouldn't I you know how much time and effort and money you've dumped into me if I got air on my long as I can stand on my feet you put my butt back to work cuz that's what I am it's just what I am and if you look at me anything other than what you designed then you're looking at me wrong cuz I the things that you've trained to do and that I do with my crew or completely different that's why we're you give us the respect we have you don't pay us we don't get I know you looked at my paycheck soon as I threw that uniform one that try and hit my chest y'all been taking care of me my whole life I truly don't have the VOC and when I get on stage now is not to tell you about your boys which I do is thank you because if you could only see an hour of my life you jaw will hit the floor which I'll put y'all show me which I'll get right I don't even go out anymore because of how great y'all are America's grace you can't even leave Marcus you know as you were there in Afghanistan and that three-hour battle with the Taliban you and your your brothers there you know as you as you were falling off those mountains I can't imagine that it can't imagine what you went through but Marcus there was something that uh every time you would fall there was something that would be close by right my rifle I couldn't throw it away and to finish up talking about Hell we so as we go through the days I always tried to make it to ciao I was like a lot of people look for the future like those are gonna I'm gonna graduate uh-huh let's back that sucker up and hit the low gear that's what you do when things are tough I'm not looking back what's going on an hour I'm leaving about like five minutes so we gonna make it through that and when you hit that low gear and you just start pushed and they come Ino just go take it all and then we go till Friday they secure us and the only thing you get going through hell week is a t-shirt because in the beginning you got a white one when you graduate they gave you a brown one it took me forever to realize it the only thing I got out of that was a t-shirt and I don't even know where it's at right now but going through what I went through with in training is how I how I knew I could make it out no mountain so I just went through hell week again but everyone's did not shut up as bad and in the beginning of the operation SEALs we loved our gear everything you guys issue us we have to take care of it we maintain it now I'm not saying we don't try to outwork it we do that we try to outwork our gear so if we break it we don't abuse it because y'all get rid of us I mean we lose something it's over put my finger on the trigger before I try to engage sover and if I lose any of that it's you know it's definitely so in the beginning of that gun fight I had all my gear at the end of it I was naked and all my gear was gone I just hadn't a rifle left and no matter how many times I cuz got ripped out of my lanyard I mean I'd flip I and I'd sit up and think be stuck in a rock right beside me and I'd pick it up man we go to work again and they flip me in a different Rex and that rifle I could see it here it and I'd look up and so gonna be sitting right there I lasted for over a day I even slid down the side of the mountain into the wall into a water into a river I was trying to get something drink don't ever do this this is a bad mistake write this down I just tried to slide down it and it didn't work and I turned upside down and that rifle I could see it sliding down beside me and when I flipped into the river my knees hit me in the face and knocked me out and when I came to my rifles laying over my face and it was at least 15 20 feet away from me when I was going down that hill and I'm talking about a long wait mmm it's the only thing I came out with listen alright that's the only guy supposed to come out you know a big deal you don't turn that thing back in I guess Marcus can you look circumstances like that and others can you look over your life and see God's hand and God's planned in your life everything we do before you come down here imagine you wrote it out your plan kind of signed it off by the boss signed off on it and then we come down and your entry point then you got the exit and then all the roads in between lead eventually to it but you go any way you want I always joked is you got one hand on my butt so if I get that line he'll SWAT me and he's got one hell my chest case I go too fast I'll take my wind from me and then the end between he messes with me you got to know a God who would Creole this has to have a great sense of humor right he never forget that part and everyone sense of humor is different so when you take the time to walk with the Lord pin on where you want to walk with him where you want to walk with him make sure you're ready for it because there'll be times you get into a pit or you're the only one in there with him try he gonna be okay and so will you if you don't lose faith in that because that's what father's do like you said you want to come down here be a better tough guy [Music] I'll tell if you feeling now homie cuz uh everybody's dead and me just me and you sitting here in this hole in the middle of nowhere however God would give me justice I scratched it on a wall they put me in this hole and I was high enough on the mountains I'm pretty sure he was hearing me I was like sure I was like sir it's Marcus again I know you don't like me checking in but I was like I managed to get myself into you ain't even gonna believe I'm I'm gonna need some help on this one and I hit he's like I'll help you but I'm gonna mess with you for a while right so anytime I'm somewhere and I start getting messed with real hard I know that's him and when I wake up in the morning and like one thing goes wrong like something serious like a flat flat tire you miss your plane what if one thing goes wrong that's life right if two major events kind of go wrong in your day you know you need behind the wheel that's the boss driving he's but take you for a ride so just kind of sad love to enjoy that's how you learn that's where you get the the feeling from zero to 40 you just have an opinion sorry you youngsters but does just what you got 40 to 60 is your perspective and then your wisdom drops in after that so have fun with your opinion [Applause] for whatever it's worth I agree with what he just said I mean there's a cosmic shift when you hit that it's a that II like whatever you don't know what you're talking about oh man you like whatever and watch this Marcus would I what I think about the fact of what you went through in Afghanistan and I think about all the surgeries you're back broken just everything that you went through I understand maybe even bit your tongue completely in two it's just what all you went through and then you somewhat get over it Marcus and then you are then you suit back up and go down a rap a question I wrote down that I want to ask you Marcus I really do Marcus or what causes you to love America so deeply y'all do I'm American grace yeah keep what you showing me and it's it's progressed over time like in the beginning I was like ah that's what I was made for I got back up when you look at me you need in it there's something going down I'm not in it you need to be upset about that I signed up for that to be an expendable asset to die of necessary how's the sexiest thing I heard and I I'm hot and the guys that I around with there's not very many of us but we're here and went out every time I would get broken and yell it was like alright now we're gonna put this titanium spine in he ain't gonna break again I looked at you like that was it I was like thank you oh my god then you're like get back up you're good every one of y'all when y'all look at me like you're good so I I'm an example of what you can take because I'm weaker than you were ever never forget that I just got turned into this over time like I said I came here to bleed some of us do that so others don't have to and I never felt bad about it I never felt sorry abused misplaced I mean I felt loved my entire life in y'all Hospital I mean I would get beat up so bad you know you get beat up bad when just be wearing masks and blue suits are like this guy's even human here and he put me back together and then put me back online I couldn't believe it how so thankful for y'all y'all pulled me out of hell I had to go in there to see what I'm made of and they you know boss dropped the hammer on me pretty hard you might have left her down there a little bit longer and I should have been but whatever like I said he's got a great sense of humor and as I come back and you get stronger we get stronger together I couldn't have done this I mean they talk about people need therapy I get up here and look at you looking at me and what you tell me if you're telling me that I'm supposed to be okay and then I did a good job than I did why would I think otherwise because that's what that's what you designed me for I'll never break on that especially now yeah you guys hooked me up with a pretty cool hardware so I pretty thankful for that Marcus uh you talked about God's plan how God's used your life and he's used all of our lives but I heard you say something you know about being a seal and the fact that you could die the fact that three of your own dearest friends did die and the fact that every one of us are going to die and you said something that it was a line that you use that that I'll probably use but you was asked did you fear death and do you fear death you made a statement you said no because I wrote that check a long time ago I wrote that check a long time ago you listen to me closely folks whether you're marcus luttrell you're Benny Tate no matter who you are it's imperative that you've written that check it's imperative that you know your hearts right with God because eternity is too long to be wrong and just for a moment every heads bowed every eyes closed with every head bowed every eye closed pastor I'm here I'm not written that check how do you write that check well the reality is were all sinners Jesus Christ went to the cross and he paid our sin-debt he put the money in the bank and the only way we can write the check is accepting Jesus Christ as pastor I'm here today and I don't know that if I died I'd go to heaven I don't know that my heart's right with Christ I know you won't embarrass me you won't call my name but I don't know that I'm right with God pastor and I want to be right with God I want to be right today I want to be robbed it's not coincidental you're here God brought you here it's not coincidental you're watching God allowed that to happen I don't know that I'm right pastor and I know you won't call my name and I know you'll pray for me if you were like prayer right where you're at just slip your hand up just slip your hand up and right back down and say pastor pray for me up and drop it down God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you I'm just waiting on your hand just pray for me pastor god bless you God bless you God bless you I'm just waiting on your hand now listen to me closely if you raised your hand or you're watching today online and you want to make peace with God simply pray this prayer with me pray this prayer with me repeat after me Lord Jesus I'm a sinner but God I'm sorry from a sin I'm so sorry I want to change I believe that you died on the cross for my sin and I confess my sin to you right now come into my heart Lord come into my life and forgive me now thank you God for forgiving me thank you that I am right with you if you prayed that prayer with me hold your hand up real high where I can see it hold it up real high that's it just hold your hand up real high where I can see it you're doing great just hold your hand up real high where I can see it you're doing great you're doing great you're doing great just keep your hand up just keep your hand up if online you prayed that prayer I simply ask you to respond and say four words and that device to us I prayed that prayer it's all ask you to do I prayed that prayer I'll promise you you'll feel much better there'll be a peace in a constellation but reach out to us it's for your sake and simply say I prayed that prayer it's the greatest decision we ever make the decision to accept Jesus Christ
Channel: Rock Springs Church
Views: 101,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rock Springs Church, rock springs, rockspringslive, rockspringschurch, RS_Macon, RS_Branch, benny_tate, Benny Tate, Dr. Benny Tate, Pastor Benny Tate, Milner GA, Rocksprings Church, Rock Springs Worship, Rocksprings Worship
Id: ty9KkvWHvBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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