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[Music] hey this week we're in Nevada at Big Bend of the Colorado River State Recreation Area one of the questions we get is what's it like living in a motor home for you here let's take a peek and find out come on in the key is to pack as much as possible into as little space as possible and then get us rid of as much as possible all right so we've got Desmond's bed up here he actually started back on the bunk at the back but on this trip he grew too big so we had to move him to the above tab bed uh so he's got some storage up there and he's got this curtains that we installed so that he have some privacy as well uh especially if I'm up working late with some lights and stuff like that that uh helps him to be able to get to sleep over here we've got my office and this is the strip down version of my office right now uh if I'm doing meetings at night I have two flood lights um then I have like a little lap desk that the rest of my stuff goes on there's some other other other you know techy type stuff we've got a shoe rack here here because the shoes just tended to pile up and that was kind of dangerous with having all the stairs there we were somebody was going to trip so we got from Walmart a really great expandable collapsable shoe rack that stays right there Garbage Pail on my wife's wish list is to get rid of this garbage pail uh because we found that we got it because we were going like okay garbage and recycling and then 80% of the campsites we've been to here don't have recycling so that's kind of useless it' be nicer to just have a bigger garbage tail so or to the wise uh this is the cockpit where I drive and maybe one day be out will too uh I used to most of our driving days are at least just three or four hours so not too bad but still I should get back behind there over here we've got our dining room table uh where we spend lots of time and uh making the best use of our storage under here I actually got a Rubbermaid bin and that's where we keep the extra shoes um but not all of them do we want to have you know out and about every day so like water shoes hiking shoes that we're not using every day they go under there under here we use that as a little pantry and um I actually put a piano hinge here so that this lifts up and down for easier access and then the kids can actually sit here while we're driving there's two seat bels that go here there's another two seat bels over on the couch and this actually turns out into a double bed Jack knives comes out um these leg rests actually come out too but I don't know we don't really uh then we've got more kind of kitchen pantry stuff up here over to the kitchen we've got uh really nice uh residential size microwave my brother and uh be's dad Opa helped us install thanks guys because the last one eventually did die we've got a little Pantry which just gets slammed with spices and D kind of stuff my coffee pods very important for be I did have to bring my uh cure egg from and which we love when it's hot it's a nice way to cool down and we also love to make uh the kids love peanut flus so we like making those and we've got our little Sprout growing operation right here we've got two of these jars and we just kind of flip back and forth so we are always having Sprouts on the go uh stove it's a little three burer propane stove I am blanking right now on the name of the spros but I'll put that in the comments um shout out to Jason Stevens for that uh little three burner propane stove actually works really well but the only problem is the burners are so close together that if you have bigger pots that can get kind of shooky RV ovens uh are the bane of most our's existence we've actually found we've used a bit more the last couple months yeah yeah one found was um pizza stone it helps to diffuse the heat because uh in a propane oven the Heat is just coming in one strip in the middle so everything in the middle Burns and everything on the other side doesn't cook so the pizza stone helps to diffuse the heat so we actually made Mo sticks last we those were awesome they Delicious from Costco uh and I've also made cookies a number of times uh and we've made pizzas so uh you you know you have to watch your timing everything tends to take a little bit longer but it can actually work pretty well so we usually use the Blackstone outside oh yeah uh or the stove but once in a while we do use the oven yeah most yeah I say probably 60 70% is on the stove and 30 40% is outside on the Blackstone especially on hot days it's nice to do the cooking outside this is one of the four I could you not four TVs in this motor home which is ridiculous uh we only have two in our house at home and really only even use one of them uh so that's Overkill if I was going to make a change to the design of this motor home I would definitely not have this cabinet here just because it's really awkward to be washing dishes like this yeah it does flight out of the way uh our look at the cheek Mark there our modem and all some of our Tech stuff hides in the back there really sexy modem setup that uses up to four different Mobile SIM cards and our starlink connection and merges them all into one stable internet connection so that I can not have problems when I'm on my zoom meetings uh but it's nice it's a double sync nice high tap we have actually uh one trick that we started doing recently is we have two different uh nozzles and so when we're in a full hookup campsite we use this nozzle which is really nice and it has awesome high volume water but when we're at a place where we don't have full hookup so we don't even maybe have access to water at all uh just the tank in the RV we have this one here uh which reduces our water consumption by about 75% and then uh that helps us to be able to Camp longer uh and then pots and dishes and stuff down here and this is one of the things that we actually fell in love with with yes the size of the fridge and freezer yes uh it's a really nice fridge RV um it's got lots of food in there right now and it's beautiful yeah one of the upgrades we made to the RV was we installed ceiling fans so these used to be just Vents and we have actually installed ceiling fans in them this right now is help keeping heat out uh it's a little insulation uh sponge thing that sticks up in there but uh we have two of them one in the bathroom and one here and we can actually turn on the fan and it really moves the a through the RV which is nice especially on weeks when we don't have power we can run these off of the RV battery uh when we have access to air conditioners but if it's really bad we can run the air conditioners on the generator this is one of the improvements that desine made um there was it was really awkward in the bathroom to try and get changed especially for those of us that are 6'9 um so there wasn't a lot of good space to get changed comfortably so doen came up with this this is just a shower curtain rod and a shower curtain and it just goes like this yep and then now we've got this whole oh here close it again so they can see what it says on the actual what's it say there it says home is where you park it so when I saw that I'm like yeah that's perfect so now I've got all this space to get dessed and so we just kind of take turns and the rule is if the curtain's closed don't come back don't come back uh then over here we've got kind of our one of our storage spaces so this is my work box so my laptop and all my work kind of techy stuff goes here then we've got Natasha and dozen's school boxes with all their school books uh their laptops that sort of stuff uh over here we have Natasha's coconut uh tree crab Sheldon who's just chilling unfortunately Desmond's has passed away Captain but there's Natasha's Sheldon coming down lower we've got Natasha's bedroom which is a jack knife coach similar to the one um uh in the living room there so this actually Jack knce out as well to be twice as wide we don't do that cuz then it really starts to cut into the walking space but the kids are sleep over sometimes then we put it out double and then they hang out here and talk to the middle of the night uh and then we found these storage bags on Amazon which are amazing so we've got two of them doesn't actually has two in his bed as well we've hung them on Command hooks and that gives them stuff uh or places where they can put their stuff Natasha's got a rock collection down there some of her stuffies and um you know what kids they just need a place to have their own things right and so that's important we've got a little bookshelf over here another TV and uh this this we found where be one of be's favorite places Magnolia Magnolia yeah yeah you want to read it uh it says you are braver than you believe stronger than you seem smarter than you think and love more than you'll ever know and uh ain't that the truth let's uh do the bedroom and we'll come back to the bathroom so I'll let you a little walk around here yeah so we've got beat's uh closet and then we got six drawers my closet and I'll show you what I did in our closets okay um I'll show you mine so I got these again off Amazon and it's um it's meant to be actually taller than this I just cut it so it fits nicely in here and gives me some more shelving because I needed shelving for you know this I've got here I've got shorts and pants and long sleeves and sweaters I needed that more than I needed more hangers so I've got hanging stuff on this side and then I've got of stuff that I didn't really want have to hang all the time over here which is really nice M definitely let me expore more stuff we've got kind of like a a medical uh hygiene got a tech drawer here we a GameCube so we'll hook the GameCube up here we're all jump on bed Mario Kart um the Drone gets stored in there as well yeah just random got some random storage space over here um we got some above bed storage yeah we could bit of storage actually this RV really does have a lot of set and you got your side side one here as well where you put some of your clothes we got extra and then right y's got a couple bookshelves he keep some stuff as well stuff in here yeah it's not bad at all and this is a king bed grateful for the mattress that came in the RV sucked so after a couple years of short trips we were like there's no way we're doing a year long trip on this yeah uh so what we did was we bought I saw this you know on a YouTube video we bought a um Kings siiz a normal Kings siiz uh foam mattress because what we found out was RV mattresses are really expensive right so sply demand so RV special size mattresses are much more expensive than home size mattresses but if you buy foam mattress you can just cut it to the right size so we bought a king-size mattress uh Bloom uh for those of you that have Sleep Country near you bloom mattress uh the same one we have on our bed at home and then we just cut a 4-in strip off with a um electric bread knife and it just we just traced the line with the Sharpie measured it made it nice and straight and then seriously just slipped it right off yeah it's been great MH uh and we sleep so well on this mattress uh whereas I was having definitely back problems on the other mattress so really really for this shirt we upgraded cuz the last few years with RV we just had regular bed sheets and bedding that a hard no I came home from a 5we trip with Janes shout out to the um we came home from a 5we trip and I said I swear to God I'm never doing that again the oh it was so maddening the sheets like fting sheet just kept working it way off loose and I may have I may have thought some very frustra thoughts and maybe he said some frustrating words I was like no I'm done and so this is called uh this is from a company called Betty's and it's uh got a zipper yeah so the bottom is one piece and the top is one piece and then they zipper together and it is magnif it is comfortable it is warm let me show you the underside they have two different finishes um and we got the the one that's a little warmer and a little nicer you can see here it's warm and fuzzy yeah and it's got this here that if you have it on zipped it comes down like so it covers the Gap keeps the warm air in yeah honestly that's probably my normally Brown usually it wouldn't like uh wouldn't have been the color I chose but I wanted to go with the like brown that's already in the RV so we kind of stuck with the brown they have other colors as well other colors as well much cooler colors yeah and it's called Betty's over here we've got command Central so this has got all of our buttons for water heater tank heater if it's going to be cold which we had to use quite a bit the last little while but now we're not now now it's warming up again now we got the air conditioning on y uh and generators and the slides and things like that yach is going to come on in and give you a are tiny and the tiny bathroom this is actually yeah oh I can't even I don't think I can fit in I got it okay you can do it say hi hi hi uh so starting here we've got Command hooks these things are just ridiculously amazing um they hold so much stuff uh and then moving this way so we got rid of the shower most of the time we're in campgrounds that have access to showers yeah so that was just a decision we made that you know what there really wasn't a lot of storage for the kids clothes so I came up with the idea of installing a uh cler closet organizer yeah so uh here's tachas here's Desmond they've got a little bit of hanger room um which is great we've got a dehumidifier down here um that drains right down the drain which is nice D laundry yeah we need to go to laundry mat again this Camp brand does not have laundry mats so we got to and then we've got the kids hygiene stuff primarily over here be has a little bit but this is mostly for the kids stuff and then if you want to rotate one of our projects that we want to work on is we want to have a backsplash here yeah which we we just have to do it I put in a home um tap here this this tap was about half as deep and half as high and honestly it was really hard even just to get your hands underneath the to it was very frustrating so I replace this it comes out further it comes up much higher really nice um and that's that's been wonderful uh but the kids tend to make water all over the place I'm really worried about water getting down in here and just wrecking the the wall and stuff cuz cuz that's not supposed to you know no water damage so I want to put a backsplash there medicine cabinet up here and I am going to open this ready yeah a bit in there this is a hack that I came up with I saw this in um another RV group actually these shelves from Amazon they're spice racks and they fit perfectly in here so I was able to fit three of them which really uh allows us to put so much more stuff and then I just took an angle grinder that I borrowed from Mike thank you Mike uh chopped off this middle shelf here so we could put some taller bottles yeah over there and then when we drive yeah we use that bi's in charge of securing the kitchen in the bathroom so she just lassu that up so that nothing can pop out move around and break while we're driving yes uh then we've got down here we've got a little bit of storage not a whole lot cleaning supplies going there yeah cleaning stuff goes here and some hygiene and like hand towels and face cloths going there got toilet paper and our beautiful toilet yeah and that's about it so uh that is the tour of our home we hope you enjoyed it and uh maybe just maybe you'll get a chance to explore the world in your own RV we are six months two weeks yeah we are six months and two weeks into our one-year trip and so far it's been pretty wild hope you enjoyed the tour have a great day bye [Music] guys oh
Channel: Turton Travels
Views: 10,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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