Spear vs Halberd, what is the TRUE king of medieval weapons?

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[Music] Shadow Nate Shan how are you good I'm very good I have a question for you I have an answer for you if uh you were asked what is the king of the weapons what weapon would you pick I would say the king of the the pre-f firearm Battlefield is this I don't want to say it's the king of all weapons but it's definitely the king of the battlefield that is the general understanding like when you're looking at medev kind of aror weapons excluding Firearms there is a general understanding that the king of the weapons is the spear and for good reason I mean it's a phenomenal weapon it absolutely is and I mean people have pitted a spear up against the sword Y and it the spear basically wins out yes yes there are caveats to those videos but yes let's talk about the caveats quickly then because one of the main reasons why the spear wasn't used as a primary weapon for self-defense is pretty big it is you can't really carry it around but it is one of the easiest weapons to learn point and going enemy and also you are at a very far away range and this is a shter spear like you can use this one-handed I wouldn't want to but Spears and Pikes got really really L twice the height of people well that's the interesting thing because if you could say conveniently carry the spear around it does have tremendous advantages over most types of swords Absolut it absolutely does great swords are debatable but I would still if in an open field and especially with allies if we were all armed with this go this weapon over my normal sword and board then we come into the battlefield aspects of it in terms of a formation spear is just crazy that's where it becomes king a whole heap of these pointed at you woo don't don't run into the spiky wall for an adventurer even uh like where you might face more one-on-one combat you're not really worried about convenience then spear usually wins and like I said people have done you know like fights spear ver sword spear usually wins it's just that kind of convenience to carrying around but the interesting thing is even if you were to use a spear you could easily have a sword right there just as a backup you can and if you happen to find yourself in a tighter space like in city streets or in a dungeon it's cut a bit off and you're still pretty good so it kind of it works sucks you also touched on something really important ease of use oh yeah does not take a lot of training to be very dangerous with a spear no it doesn't yeah and actually fact a lot of these like sword vers spear tests Lindy beige did one great video right they were experienced Swordsmen less experience with the spear but put a spear in their hands their basic understanding of distance and you know Tempo and stuff they were more deadly with the spear than with the SW and especially in group combat from memory though it has been a while since I've seen that video so yes I wonder if uh that status as king of the weapons might be logically challenged the spear is the king of the weapons for but I wonder if we also kind of gr that because of its wide usage and also that it's it's wide usage both in place and time because it's been used for a long long time whereas a hird late medieval period Renaissance yeah like even like high medieval period but the thing is though the hird is actually a more advanced weapon than the spear the spear is an ancient weapon yes this thing bit more modern in comparison and the question then Rises if you had the choice between the two would you pick the spear yes I don't know Nate I don't know I would but I have fought blunt version of these I've fought blunt versions of both of these and there is one thing that does scare me about that one thing that really scares me about that which we'll cover shortly but for the most part this kills me more often in Blunt combat training this kills me more often than that by 100 fold really yes is that like I don't know is it training then maybe because the hird is a more advanced weapon it does take more training to get really good at than the spear but if we were to break it down the hird is a spear on top of other things yes it's essentially a spear plus and new spear plus it is it is right the contention I'm proposing here is can you technically do everything that you can do with a spear with a hird but the hird enables you to do more there is a cave that I think might come up in regards to this well how about because this one is sharp and that one is heavy how about we grab some LP weapons and we will we will do some testing it's there's one big problem with uh testing with the lap the yes you are right with because when it comes to um analogs everything L weapons can be really good with swords and other things like that the big weakness is what they don't stimulate well is weights and this is the big difference this is the question is like okay and also stopping powering power because if the contention that you can do everything you can do with a spear but with a hird that might not actually come true due to the fact that the hird is more topheavy it is not so excessively topheavy that I cannot move around but it is slower like like that tip you know maneuverability is slower yeah compared to especially like if I was to sit there like look at that look how fast that is right so the and the hird is meant to have weight because it's got that devastating accent I can maneuver it around right but it is it is harder so I've gone and grab gloves because I want to talk about the actual stopping power of having a wooden half especially with the weight so what I'll get you to do is imagine you're trying to uh cut me in Twain about the waist he's a little too Keen for that guy now with bird combat there does tend to be two kind of primary styles that people can adopt one works pretty heavily on using the reach and there's wide kind of movements and deflection stabs and it is crazy devastating the other it's actually almost using it like a double-ended weapon Som how more common on poleaxes butt Spike okay there's a spear end here that is thrusting at your opponent but in those Maneuvers where you're swinging either a Down Woods or sideways you choose and if you just chop at me like the stopping power in that compared to you watch when we go to LP shad's going to bounce straight off and go in for a Counterattack you did feel that stop like you've got to recol it with a real one you're going to be slower and so when we get to some of the the general sparring it's we we already know it's not going to be hugely representative it's more just to get a general feel but also have some fun with it as well and to test reach and other things and it could also simulate someone who's just way way way stronger than me and can Manu cuz yeah like there's people stronger can maneuver this fast and I've seen like for example beon Ruther who who if I pronounced your name correctly I hope I have um who uses one greater height than that I believe height one handed swinging that thing out but we'll get to some just fun General kind of sparring and uh with how dangerous like this is actually a blunt one but I would not want to spar now before we go to the sparring just very quickly one thing that I do want to describe how lethal this is is if let's say for example sh is attacking uh my head like going for a downward strike if he's at this type of a range I'm kind of okay cuz I can reach that as soon as he pulls back this becomes so deadly because I I am trying to get into the blade to stop it you're actually touching on a really interesting utility that the how bird has that a spear doesn't is hooking like if I try and hack and you block the inclination is always block underneath the half because there's more rain more room and everything and it's going out of the yeah but as soon as that happens all I have to do is pull back and then stab that is a vicious deadly maneuver it is but you can also get caught if you're hooked whereas with a spear you can't yeah but can't harder yeah it is harder but I feel like the hird gives you more utility now I might say the spear is still King of the weapons King of the battlefield King of the battle for it's overall breadth of use throughout all of history it's easy to make you know uh affordable easy to use everything like that yeah yep better in combat no no no I don't know like HD is great in groups not as prestigious I understand no it's good versus groups it's not necessarily great in groups are you sure cuz like there's formations of halad is there is they they can wreck they absolutely can I would not want to face either to be honest but I think I think a formation of pip would be much better than a form of Pikes is a different weapon we're talking about spear form of spe I guess we should include Pikes cuz Pike is the long boy spear long boy spear it is one of the ultimate Battlefield Spears okay that changes up it because of the reach cuz if if we were to take Pike out of the equation I would actually say the hird is a superior weapon and it deserves the title perhaps of king of just utility functional weapons and the be would win that I I don't know the Hirt has more reach than the back all right I'm getting the laps we're trying this okay because the pike is the thing that messes this equation up because I think a pike you can't do as many things with it as a hird but that reach on a pike would you use a pike as an adventurer like exactly the pike is a terrible single combatant weapon but if I was a Pikeman and I was going Adventure i' just ch to the L of AAR but then then it's back to the normal discussion spear verse um and hird and I actually think the hird and look when I say Halbert I'm actually kind of including poleaxes as well even longer beor Corbin but Halbert is one of the more prestigious kind of you know prestigious I don't know Nate because like you add that to that combat weapon as an adventurer hird still just wrecks it does it wrecks I still got a spel let's let's let's uh have let's find a bit okay his head's chopped off already I don't know see all right already noticed something really significant when we got locked up the only way you can offend me you need to withdraw the speed together point on I can spin around and hit you on the side with this ax head I know but I can also spin around and hit you was that a groin shot Ah that's two dead idiots that is see all see what I did then that's not fair cuz I was redirecting too fast you wouldn't be able to redirect that fast with a hir that's fine we're we're super strong today now I call that CT honestly know I'd call that I know I would I caught it with my face couple of things I've noticing sure because the hird has two offending sides in those range even if I'm like I'm just takes a bit quick rotation and that spike is getting somewhere or ax head is getting somewhere so historically these weren't necessarily used in formations like that they were they were they were but they were more used in looser lines and big crowd control type type scenarios the formations that I've seen is they can use them like a spear but then there's the secondary line that can use a chops from behind to back up the first line and that like there's more utility that you you have options there that is true they were used information I'm not saying they weren't but you found them less informations than I've seen I could be wrong that's because they're really good crowd control weapons and if you want to do that swinging you do need a bit of space big space but I still think that if you're swinging from most any angle knocking that offline and then coming in with a nice quick Spike I'm still going to let's see let's let me try and do some wide kind of ready yep that's too dead idiots are you using a heing spear yes but yes I am that's more an exception to the normal spear in it no not all Spears had an edge the little ones then I hit you a little bit cuz I got a big blade that is true and that is a big choppy boy so in a big chop you will have more weight you will cleave through better but most wounds most things that stopped combat were stabs it's true but I can stab too so I did step into that a little I still feel like I've got control here what I'm finding actually is that these are pretty well matched up weapons in reality I feel like I got a few more options in the bind pulling down and it's easier get a blade on points to do damage you do the only thing that I would add to that is the fact that in reality these two weapons now weigh the same whereas a sphere can be many different lengths usually has much smaller head and that would have a much longer half usually a smaller head as well probably historically closer to that and this is a pole poax head okay one that we will half and have some fun with this is actually significantly lighter than the hird head it feels like it is but once you put it on a 10t pole or an 8ft pole all of a sudden all of that swinging it is very hard to stop the momentum cuz there are different types of pole arms that are you know hird pole axes Bea Corbin that are vary in weight as well yes now we are mainly focusing on spear vers hird in this video because I think that's the question what is which is the true king of the weapons let us know in the comments but it would be fun to see the hird take on some other weapons oh yeah like like a sword well I like sword and shield so I would more than happily take on a h with sword and shield cuz we know which one should wreck but actually Shield that's an interesting sh but reach man I don't know re so so for exclusive content all right we're going to be doing some sparring with the halber we are yeah yeah we are okay hird versus sword sword and shield and that's again exclusive for our incredible wonderful supporters like guys I can't stress enough how grateful we are for your support because ad Revenue we said it was bad before it's only been getting worse and we're not the only channels facing this but viewership support from you guys has been going up and it's only thanks to you and I mean only thanks to you that shadow ver is able to keep going in its current basically main C like wasn't for the support we'd have to yeah we'd have to look well sorry You' have to be fired what yeah oh you I thank you so you're keeping us employed genuinely mean that and so if you want to help continue give us that security which we need now more than ever $1 to $5 a month and that's on channel memberships or patreon subscribe star or player and my gosh I like I'm so grateful for that support cuz we get to make this awesome content for you and then you get aesome bonus content on top of that and there is some fun stuff already there there is there's a lot of crazy things that we can't put on YouTube check it out become a supporter get that exclusive content and we appreciate you all so I want to do a couple bit more okay you're putting that down if you're going to swing hail bits at me I guess yeah cuz I want to employ some some other techniques we'll see see well how about oh you're just going to go yeah yeah yeah win win you grabbed it I miss I got caught on my own way see I wouldn't want to do this because it reduces my reach here yes even though it's a very viable technique yes it is and normally hals do have a much longer half oh all right what I got for being smug it's hot today Chad we're getting old Nate we're getting old getting getting I'm already noticing a couple of things right y I am encouraged to fight more in more specific ways because of the reach that the spear has I don't want to risk using the but butt and I even feel having it kind of loaded for a strike not good either because the spear is too quick to get it and so I'm finding to really fight a spear I'm wanting to use the reach of the hird as well whether this is the king of the battlefield or not is kind of a little bit offside to versing the weapons against each other that's why I say king of the weapons not just Battlefield because because this I feel still I'm finding more utility especially one-onone because this has I find I'm hooking a lot more and it's easier to get a blade on point as soon as I get back just push it a little bit even if I don't get the spear points ready I got the spike that I can either H behind or stabb with the blade maybe a s of the battlefield or or a baron of the battlefield but not a just just weapon king of medieval weapons H Baron of not including Baron of medieval weapons not including bow B don't care cuz if we looking we honest here rage weapons are their real Kings yeah you kind of need Shields wait does that mean Shields are the queen king of melee weapons I still want to try some more hooking okay how about I let myself get hooked then no I want you to resist and then resist from there or just just resist all right they're bouncy so we'll try cuz what I'm like so I got this right here and I want to get in oh yeah I can I can also stab you in the face so it's a l weapon you don't stab in the eye jeez see hook and that's true that's true cuz I can it seems like I can get that in The Binding look at that look at that right that is absolutely hooked in more I I have no just to explain for cuz it's hard to see from that angle just hold that I have sh just hold real sh the only way I do is to out but then I free him to do whatever he likes Bang Yeah and I can withdraw so easy High Hook is fine but I'd have to do what I've been doing which is take control but if you miss and then I get that hit if I miss and that's a real Spike at the back and I miss woo got it a I got him I still got him see I that redirect the redirect is fine though I will have to say having this much movement movement is not going to really chop at anything sure you've got cuts and slices but with a hellbird you really need to swing but a lot of Hell birds do have kind of a spiky end here that I like a horn that even when you get in you can still jab that in but I do agree hir Birds want some momentum and so let's do a round or two with me going wide right in the throat a read Direct that's what I mean baby oh God I missed yeah I missed it baby what do we get go double stick so using the power and just kind of area dominance to the full advantage I felt like I had a bit more control did that put you a bit more defensively if I hadn't have had such a long stick I definitely would have been more defensive so if I had have had a sword or a sword and shield I would have needed to pick my timing but because I have stick yeah I can just go in on the general angle so if you're coming down but what I was Finding I was finding that you were able to do less counterattacks as quickly and you had to pick your moments more and I had a bit more kind of I guess suppression um uh as the aggressor there is that a faint there Nate that was indeed a faint and I feel like you lost a leg for me losing some ribs I got him he did hey hey hey hey hey hey I wasn't ready I wasn't ready all right okay ready yet yeah I lost a hand but he's dead no that was a glancing blow I closed my eyes see what I mean about intimidation it is it is because even though I know that's foam as soon as I have something this big and kind of Blade shaped doing this around my head it is a little bit intimidating I have to admit it's dominating all right I got a real oh you got a real one too what is that this is actually a hird head from honu can you point The Edge away from me thank you very much cuz it's sharp this one's actually and it's dangerous point I'm looking forward to putting this to the test actually smashing some stuff up because you know people we've been saying how birdfest be aspiring anything like that but what I also like to see is just damage hell but damage this wrecks the spear with damage yes this is a lot more don't get me wrong it is devastating but compared to this this is subtle we'll say that for another video okay remember to subscribe so you don't miss out on that one there's actually an affiliate link for hod andoe and and stuff in the link this is this serious business now it's on the more affordable end cuz I'm not not necessarily fair to that it's not it's not historically accurate but from one angle especially for a wall hanger or the occasional Chopper it's functionally accurate and that's what we want to put to the test the functionality of this bad boy in a future video of course but if you want to watch something right now as we say goodbye you can check out our discussion on axes that's true that was that was good and I brought my special axe down you did it has a special ax in it guys so thank you for watching check out this videoos right there but also who what do you think what wins king of melee weapons not Battlefield melee weapons I still think it's hird I thought the hird had more vitility let us know in the comments and check out the video sorry about the face I got you on the throat
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 85,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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