Speak English Naturally: WANNA, GIMME, LEMME, GONNA

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Hello. My name is Emma. Today, we are going to learn some new words. We will learn "wanna", "lemme", "gonna", "gotta", "gimme", "kinda", and "don't know". These are common expressions we use in conversation. We do not use these expressions in writing. We use these expressions when we talk. So, these are all contractions. A contraction is when you have two words, but in conversation, the two words become one word. For example, "want to" is two words; in conversation, it becomes "wanna". Or another example is "want a"; in conversation, becomes "wanna". These words are important to help you with your listening and speaking. So, let's get started with "wanna". So, "wanna", again, means "want to" or "want a". Let's look at some examples. "I wanna go home." "I wanna go home" means "I want to go home", but in conversation, we say... We might say "wanna". "I wanna go home." Can you say this? The next one is "I don't wanna see it." "I don't wanna see it." Why don't you try to say this? Okay. The next one, "Do you wanna watch TV?" "Do you wanna watch TV?" So, again, "wanna" here means "want to". "Do you want to watch TV?" Okay, why don't you try to say "wanna" in this sentence? Alright, well, so now we're on the last sentence. In this case, "wanna" does not mean "want to"; it means "want a", because a shower, it's a thing; it's a noun. So, "I wanna hot shower." "I wanna hot shower." Can you try to say this? "I wanna hot shower." Alright, so at the end of this video, we will do more practice with "wanna" and listening. Okay, the next contraction is "gimme". "Gimme" is the contraction of two words; "give me". So, "give me" is the regular form, but in conversation, we might say "gimme", "gimme". Let's look at some examples. "Repeat after me." "Gimme your money." "Gimme your money." "Can you gimme a hand?" "Can you gimme a hand?" The last one, "Gimme a call." "Gimme a call." Okay, and again, we will do some listening practice at the end of this video for these words. The next contraction is "gonna". "Gonna" is the contraction of "going to". So, "going to" are two words; when we mix or combine them, we get "gonna". Let's look at some examples for "gonna". It's "Repeat after me." "I'm not gonna tell. I'm not gonna tell." "What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?" "She's gonna go to the park. She's gonna go to the park." Alright, well, let's look at some more contractions, and then we will practice our listening for contractions. Alright, let's look at the next contraction. "Let me". "Let me" is the contraction for "let me". So, "let me" is two words; combined, we say "lemme", especially in conversation. Let's look at some examples and practice our pronunciation. "Repeat after me." "Let me go." "Let me go." "Let me know." "Let me know." "He didn't let me see." "He didn't let me see." Alright, well, let's look now at the next contraction, which is "gotta". "Gotta". "Gotta" can mean "got to" if there's a verb after, or "gotta" can mean "got a" if there's a noun after. Let's look at some examples. "I've gotta go." "I gotta go." So, you can repeat this. "I gotta go." "Have you got a car?" "Have you got a car?" For this, "got a car", a car is an object, so it's "got a car". For this, "go" is a verb, so it's "got to go". Let's do the last one together. "She hasn't got a job." "She hasn't got a job." Alright, let's look at some more contractions, and then we will practice our listening. Alright, our next contraction is "kinda". "Kinda". "Kinda" is the contraction for "kind of". Let's practice some examples with the word "kinda". "He's kinda cute." "He's kinda cute." So you can repeat that. Let's try another one. "I'm kinda mad." "I'm kinda mad." Alright. Now let's look at the final contraction we will talk about today, which is "don't know". "Don't know" is my favourite contraction. We can say, "I don't know. I don't know." "Don't know" means "don't know". This is very common with English speakers. "I don't know." Some English speakers might even say, "Mmm", which means "I don't know". So let's practice this together. "I don't know. I don't know." Your turn. Great. Alright, well now let's practice our listening. You have learned the different contractions. Now let's practice listening to them in sentences. I'm going to say a sentence, and I want you to tell me what contraction do you hear. Do you hear "gimme", "gotta", "kinda", "lemme", "wanna", or "don't know"? Which one do you hear in the sentence? Alright, so sentence number 1, "I kinda understand. I kinda understand." Which one did I use? "Kinda". Good. Alright, sentence number 2, "I gotta go. I gotta go." Which contraction did I use? "I gotta go." If you said "gotta", you are correct. The next contraction, or the next sentence is, "I wanna see the movie. I wanna see the movie. I wanna see it." Which contraction did I use? I used "wanna". Alright, my next contraction, "Lemme do it. Lemme do it. Lemme do it." Which one am I saying? "Lemme". If you said this one, you are correct. Alright, my next sentence is, "Gimme the phone. Gimme the phone. Gimme the phone." Which one am I saying? This one. If you said this one, you are correct. "Gimme". Alright, my next sentence is, "I'm gonna try harder. I'm gonna try harder." Which one did I say? Oh, this was a trick question; it's not even on the board. "I'm gonna write it on the board now." "Gonna". I thought I had forgotten one, so this is what I just used, "gonna". I said, "I'm gonna try harder." Let's do a couple more together. "Lemme see. Lemme see." I just used "lemme". "I gotta study tonight. I gotta study tonight." Which do you think it is? "Gotta". "I gotta study tonight." Alright, and let's just do one more. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." If you said "don't know", you are correct. So, thank you for watching today's video. If you want to practice these contractions more, come visit our website at www.engvid.com. At our website, you can take a quiz and practice what you learned. Thank you for watching. I also recommend you subscribe to my channel to see more English language lessons on topics like grammar, listening, spelling, speaking, and so much more. Thank you for watching, and until next time, take care. I gotta go.
Channel: English with Emma · engVid
Views: 144,359
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Keywords: wanna, gimme, lemme, gonna, want to, give me, let me, going to, contractions, conversation, pronunciation, ESL, vocabulary, grammar, IELTS, TOEFL, English, Learn English, English lessons, how to say, how to say in English, English grammar, slang, idioms, spelling, anglais, ingles, speaking, engvid, educational, lessons, lesson, instructional, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, إنجليزي, EnglishLessons4U, how to, Emma
Id: L1UUg0zdq8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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