Spartan Super & Sprint Palmerton (All Obstacles First Person) 2021
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Channel: rem6a
Views: 3,571
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Spartan Race, Beast, Ultra Beast, Obstacles, First PErson, OCR Kings, REM6a, Twister, 2019, Training, OCR, Obstacle Course Racing, What Is Spartan, Gopro, POV, Burpee, Running, Mud, Ultra Marathon, How to, Run, What To expect, Popular, Top, Favorite, Funny, Bucket List, Climb, Adventure, Race, Sprint, Super, Kids Race, 2021, 2022, Endurance, Tough Mudder, Savage Race, SPrint, Trail, Ouch, bucket, list, first person, HD, All Obstacles, No, Women, Men, Hot, Fast, Complete, Palmerton, Blue Mountain, Pennsylvania
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very different course compared to years prior and it still delivered punishment. 900+ feet elevation in first mile out of gate. Wow
Hope everyone enjoys the recap video and thanks to those saying hi on course. Nice to be back out running events.
Great first spartan race as well and at 55...never too late I guess.
Both of the big ascents were intense! Thanks for the video!
Did the super yesterday, my first spartan race, those ascents were brutal. Nice job.
Thanks for the video! This was my first Spartan race so it was nice to re-live it a little bit by watching this.
Prelude to Killington :)