Sparkle Is Finally Here... Let's Summon! (Honkai Star Rail)

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Sparkles here that's really amazing we definitely should know our pity C1 emitor so we are at seven oh yeah and there's also haa here that's really really good I wanted some more Haas like I was saying uh yesterday first tinle here for Sparkle let's go five star straight away it's not maybe a Hana though we'll we'll click through until we get E6 haa got a Soo he was E6 don't care we'll skip after the first four star after this pull all right thereo next tin pole here we are still on Sparkle banner I still have PTSD cuz I've summoned on wrong banners too often did I hear another humo no don't say it oh man we have to win 50/50 arrows okay ly cone unfortunately we had a big streak of ly cones oh we also got a Soo anyway next in pole come on Sparkle a little early please nope leave me alone with the heos I actually feel like I'm cursed already like S4 now S4 heo cone this so weird we'll click through and until we get another one no Haas yet okay whatever let's do two singles so we get our next fourstar just to mix it up a little bit uh it's nothing well I mean I guess there's no separate animation for four star oh we got a QQ which is cool I like QQ now but she's already E6 as well still no Haas let's do another tin pole say beep boop for better luck okay beep boop that means we get a haa now the five star is already uh not early I think we're probably I don't know I always lose track 40 or 50 by now at least Q that's it beat Boop maybe we have to say beat Boop before we summon beep boop three times the charm nope not for the five star anyway maybe we at least get our first haa now Saga City multiplication oh my God characters should have like equal chances to drop right we've gotten at least three two q's and a Soo maybe no I think we've gotten two SOS also and no hanas yet this is a crime this has to be our five star though right now no dude always pity is always always has to be pity cornicopia oh and then a ly cone every other is like guaranteed to be one of the three characters right that's how it works so we got a ly cone which means it's guaranteed to be one of the three I think it's doing that like every time like we lose the 50/50 for four stars okay well this is like pity actually now this is pity yes okay let's just hope we win 50/50 if not this is going to be an expensive session I mean unless our luck turns around I guess that could be uh we Harmony I forgot what Harmony symbol looks like I know what pretty much all the others look like though so I'll know if we get screwed or not meshing cogs pasy s still no haa meshing cogs is that the harmony symbol meshing cogs oh man I I feel lose 50/50 I feel it multiplication no no I would have actually rather had a heo I don't need B anymore we have way better healers even Lynx is better well maybe not I don't know Bao though Bao like okay wow pity Bou amazing double five star that's too late wow man that's insane pity Bao okay I don't care anymore give us haa or don't give us haa I'm not going to wait anymore a QQ next tin Poole when when when I feel like I get screwed over I just start rushing cuz like I'm I'm I'm over it a l con so again we lost the 50/50 for character four star look at this what no Haas yet they would rather give us a Ting Yun that has been E6 forever that's not even on the banner then then one haa and just to just to put salt in the wound also gave us a QQ and a sampo look at this what is this what's going on actually like getting mad now this is so dumb ly cone dude what is this and we have to go to pity again wow we finally got one haa when we're out of like 20K 20K Stellar later we got one haa I don't care anymore this is so dumb and yeah definitely not early literally 180 pulls for ezero Sparkle still nothing got one more haa I think we need one more for E6 now we're out of uh we're we're out of stellers let me check one more for E6 haa this summon session is like almost the worst at like mathat ially could be that's crazy 20K no Sparkle a little bit more actually let's do a couple singles most of the time it's like this it turns around in the end but I I don't feel it today Data Bank might be able to get a couple from other means there is a five star I'm not going to skip even though I know it's Sparkle now but that was definitely I don't know it could have been slightly early maybe 60 to 70 I don't know but there is Sparkle at least so could have technically been a tiny bit worse okay so but now we're at zero pitch what are we doing on LY cones uh four pity well this will make it five pity no that wasn't was it no I looked away for a second and I thought I saw in the corner of my eye it was a five star but that's just massive copium increase where's crit damage is she DPS maybe she scales with crit damage in some way like BR we'll see uh at the start of the battle the wearer gains mask while the wearer has mask the wearer's Allies have their crit rate increased by 10% and their crit damage increased by 28% oh okay so she Buffs allies crit rate and crit damage lasing for four turns wa okay that seems like a pretty constant buff though that Lon seems pretty insane just the tin crit rate though she shares her crit damage more than BR does okay so she does sort of scale with crit damage like BR but she also Buffs crit rate which is really cool 10% that's one big reason I always take fwin because it's like fwin permanently reduces your crit rate requirement by like 10.5 or I guess 11% maybe at Max uh but just having Sparkle now with her lyone of course LC does sound amazing so I really I really really do want it I don't know if we're going for E1 though oh yeah I guess these we're just going to get those 45 passes got everything else from this shop although it looks like it'll be resetting tomorrow we're going to see if we get Uber lucky and can get her ly cone in 45 pulls we are under tin pity I forgot exactly but we're not really close here we go first tin pull nothing it's fine I don't think I'm looking for any lones in particular I don't even really recognize the four stars too much to be honest anyway next 10 pull here so basically if we get a four star we can skip I I don't really hold much stock in what I get here if it's not a five star if it is then of course want to click through to see if we win the 2575 but otherwise we can just skip oh okay honestly even if we lose 2570 did we lose no we no we got we got black Swan's ly cone last time I believe so we do have to win the 2575 that was super early so I honestly don't even care if we get S5 PCO card right now I would care I would care a lot honestly I I would be so sad but it was early enough that I'm kind of happy with whatever happens no I'm not just give me the Just Give me the give me the sparkle cone meshing cogs yeah yes yes oh my God okay super lucky damn Earthly Escapade nice double five star give us S2 how about that okay it's always like this though it's so weird we go from the worst summon session ever and then it kind of turns around a little bit now I'm feeling like we maybe should go for E1 I mean we have 15 PS left that that's enough for E1 right I still feel like overall is a pretty bad cuz pity both times essentially and we lost to B though what does that do if the target alli's current HP is equal to their Max HP when invigoration ends regenerates eight extra energy for this target going to get it I guess let's go to Sparkle though the cipher effect granted by the ultimate last for one extra turn that's usually E6 all allies with Cipher have their attack increase by 40% okay okay well I have no idea what Cipher is so that seems like ultimate recovers four skill point four four skill points Jesus that's a lot of skill points holy hell uh for the team and grants all allies Cipher for allies with Cipher each stack of the damage boost effect provided by Sparkle's Talent additionally increases by 6% lasting for two turns so this would last three turns so we need to look at Talent now when an ally consumes one skill point all allies damage dealt increased by 3% maybe 20% damage boost when it's higher raised 18 48 with ultimate okay so yeah it's a damage boost based on skill point usage uh and then her idolon uh makes it last an extra turn that I think is the less important thing than the 40% attack boost that just attacks onto the damage boost that sounds pretty good someone said E2 is better though every stack of the talents effect allows allies to additionally ignore a oh my God no de ignore it seems like a lot of a lot of characters are getting like deaf or resore now though so it's starting to become little muddled the more with deaf and res ignore the less special it is in a way it's still strong it doesn't matter how many have it like de ignore or res ignore or res penetration or whatever is still strong 24% de ignore E2 does sound really good but unless our luck really turns around E2 is going to be too rich for my blood I don't think E1 is really worth it though it's a bit more damage buff and it lasts for an extra turn so it basically does increase her ultimate buff by a turn I mean still 40% attack is definitely something though actually 40% attack is a decent Buff when it's just tacked on to an idolon you know and the extra turn E1 makes her ult up time 100% yeah that's what I'm saying you know and the 40% attack it's like I know attack Buffs are like very common and whatever but it's still 40% attack which is decently significant it's almost an entire uh Relic relic's 43 okay I'm going to do it again cuz I'm stupid here's what we're going to do if we get Sparkle in 50 so five tin PES we will go for E2 f2p Magic I don't know why that always makes me laugh we got 50 tickets now if we get a sparkle we go for E2 if not we're done them them the rules first of the 50 here we go boom no it's not we do need one more haa but I'm not going to I'm I'm not going to look for her anymore it doesn't do anything did get another sampo there next of the tens boom I'm going to get it on literally the 50th pole watch this but it has we have to win 50 or maybe we just won't that would still be pretty good luck and win 50/50 that's never going to happen to me all right boom still nothing all right we got two more tin PES two more tin PES or that's it o okay there we go we got our E6 haa happy enough with that I guess did take way too long to finally come home but fourth of the tin PS still nothing quite sad quite sad and now I literally don't care about any of the four stars cuz they're all E6 last one last one nah big sad uh yeah now they're just going to be throwing Haas at me all right we'll do one more H still nothing anyway so we're at 60 pity now but yeah I don't know I'll decide later maybe we uh maybe we go for Sparkle later on a different day but for now I'm fine overall pretty bad we got decently lucky on LY cone at least uh but overall not great is what it is I guess I guess we do usually do the aptitude showcase so we'll do that real quick before wrapping it up just to learn a little bit about her preliminarily while Sparkle is in battle the team skill point limit is increased recovers a large yes uh so we we already got that four skill points increases alies crit damage and damage dealt so we'll get some more information once we uh actually start the battle here let's do her supportability just for fun let's check out the technique first unreliable narrator using the technique grants all allies misdirect characters with misdirect will not be detected by enemies and entering battle while in misdirect recovers skill points for allies uh basic attack is basic skill increases an allies crit damage and advances for their action right someone said 50% a while ago ultimate recovers skill points yes four skill points insane enables the damage boost Sparkle's talent to be additionally enhanced okay so crit damage damage perc and skill point recovery very overall kind of normal support actually uh except for the skill points the talent buff honestly is kind of low though unless you have ultimate running also but I mean it's fine it's just a talent I think the main point of her Talent is to increase the actual amount of skill points you have that's very unique uh going from 5 to seven I believe it was but we'll see here in a second yes indeed seven we are also in a almost mono Quantum team this is almost the team I would take with her when we're going to do the Showcase though uh fwin instead of lynx and silver wolf yeah I actually know how QQ works now which is cool cuz we like just did the Showcase yesterday for her yeah basically just enhancing until we can't anymore which we got all four there we don't really have any Buffs yet but sure let's do it anyway QQ obviously uses like potentially the most skill points per turn out of anyone even more than emitor if you get like super lucky uh so wait hold on how much does it actually boost lynx's weight on there yeah let's go a and use support on her and then we can also burst I guess this is for the entire team anyway and recovers a bunch of skill points which we'll need for her damn four skill points that is crazy okay we did all four again but yeah I mean she's not really complicated I think we are like out of skill points though I mean I guess we could give her the energy and get some skill points back real quick before it's her turn I know T yun's ultimate also gives a damage buff but meh whatever we like I said we kind of needed the skill points now now we're at zero now we can do ultimate and then uh now blast believe that's how she works I mean she looks really cool I'm really looking forward to trying her in my own team I do want to quickly oh yeah hold on I want to do this also get my E6 ha the damage I mean E6 isn't insane or anything but I'll see you guys guys in the uh next video slash stream see y have a nice day everyone
Channel: Moga
Views: 72,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, honkai, star rail, hsr, moga, summons, gacha, pulls, rolls, honkai star rail wish, sparkle, sparkle hsr, sparkle summons, sparkle pulls, sparkle gacha
Id: fUaJ3aZEtUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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