Indians got REALLY MAD of Rude comments in YouTube!!(Brazil, India, France, Germany, USA)

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what did they say I agree with you uh French or mean why you laughing s Brazilians are easy I do not agree with that it's mean and rude so mean hi I mean some of them are like founded some of them are like I get it like I 100% understand it and I don't care because sometimes I agree and sometimes I'm like why how I think the same way like I get a little bit offended when they are misconcep I whenever it's something that's not really true like people are not like that or things are not really like this in my country like it was something bad and someone Wass talking about it every country has their bad things and like I agree with most of them it it just annoys me when it's something that's not really like this and people who didn't go there or something just says that because someone told me that I'm like you don't know how it is so why are you saying that like it's not really like that cuz American like media and American like stuff is like everywhere like there's lots of people learn a lot about United States like through social media through you know news stories and all of that comes from this idea of generating content so I think you can get a really extreme idea about what the United States is like and what the people are like also when I read a rud comment I kind of feel like bad for the person almost CU I know that they don't have the same accessibility to education that I might or that my friends do and they don't have the same opportunities to meet so many people from different countries so I do feel kind of bad but I'm also like you're on the internet as well so you can research this it's it's a it's a very complex amount of feelings I would say that's a good answer you're in the internet research before you say something stupid we will get the most of the comments like from other countries which they're hearing they doesn't seen that but they just hear and from others like social media or from through friends or something just the thing but the reality is different I feel so bad when they say like they are just commenting just what they heard uh and they don't know that uh little by little we are changing that also they are just uh following the things which they are listening from another people for one India is dirty what okay uh we don't agree for this because most of like nowadays they are really like getting very hygienic and they are cleaning the roads and all everything and the South part of the India it's like really close to Nature and it's clean I think it's so sad cuz I feel like in so much of the media like India is always portrayed as like a really chaotic like most of the Travelers are coming to India they're just showing the dirty part of the things they're not showing the good things they're not showing the good things the the first thing I thought when you said that was uh like in the water yes about the water part that's that's like what yeah that's what you you see I would say the most because that's what's portrayed to us like on Medias whatever like whenever people go there that's all they show and we're like oh I don't want to go to a place that has dirty water so that's probably why people like comment things on that but that's very mean but I guess that's people never came to India it's always like that right it's always a person who never been there you know in social media they will show the bad thing yeah yeah yeah second is like Indian eat only Curry what but that's just ignorance that's just like do you eat hamburger only like usually when the people thinks India the first thing come to mind is curry I mean even if it was only Curry there's so many different kinds of curries and so many spices Rices different varieties of curries and the South part is like have different type of food mainly the healthy one we use less oil in South and like honestly anybody who studied history would know that India is known for having like so many different seasonings and like so many different foods so like that's just so interesting cuz like I remember the first time I ever like heard of Indian food or had Indian food was was kandori chicken actually like when it was it was pretty good and I was quite young and I didn't even like have the connotation that like Indian had like only Curry Indian is now one of my favorite Cuisines like it's so diverse and so healthy and it has so many options and it's so sad that it gets boiled down to just like just curry curry is good but there's so many other things that are so so wonderful about this Cuisine same for me the first time that I tried uh Indian Cuisine he was not even Curry I didn't know that it was Curry the third one is Indian is obsessed with math I I wouldn't say that but I do I do hear from a lot of people that like Indians are very good with technology that's something that like I hear a lot but like I think that's maybe not something bad right no that's a that's a good thing they're smart but I think they are thinking that we are overtaking most of the places like most of the countries maybe that's why I mean if the performance is good then as you should and not everyone is good but most of the Indians are good at math that's what I was going to say is that like I have a one of my Indian friends like I was talking to her one time and she was telling me how like rigorous the education system is and so I feel like The Stereotype that Indians are good at math is like a double-edged sword right cuz on one hand it's not necessarily negative but then if you fall out of that stereotype you know then maybe you feel worse the societal pressure and whatnot definitely a double edge sword even even the good stereotypes are are quite I remember when I was in in school I had a teacher who would say like you guys you have to study a lot gazelle an Indian or a Japanese will steal your place in the college they used to say that's insane what did they say I agree with you uh fr are mean why you laughing sorry me yeah they are from Paris especially we're judgy we judge a lot so sometimes I hate myself for that something that I want to change as well I judge people a lot it can be good or or bad usually it's bad I think a lot of like Americans have that stereotype because American culture is quite like friendly like we just talk to random people like even though Americans also you know you'll get mean Americans anywhere right so I think like I don't I don't know if I would say like necessarily like French people are like mean or rude but I would say that they it's just a different type of community I would feel like my understanding on French people is most of you are very straightforward like yes not necessarily me exactly we think that's straightforward it's like you're not going to think twice if that's going to hurt me or not you're just going to say it so like that's completely opposite to how Brazilians do Brazilians are overly friendly sometimes way too much I think it's just like a different way of seeing things like for me uh I think French people are like straightforward they don't create fake scenarios to comfort another person they will just say it directly they will say everything what they want to say it's negative or positive I'm not all to say that I'm thinking am I am I doing the same thing I should I should I'm like but like if it's positive it's good but if it's negative it hurts the next one which I also agree French are arrogant kind of similar say I would say what I get from that would be actually I'm really proud and happy to be French because I I I feel like I know that usually they also like French culture because they like Paris they like wine they like bread they like cheese like they're like French is famous and their wine is really good and everything luxury brand we have so many luxury brand which people love so I'm really like happy so sometimes I'm like when people are like having like Louis Von bag I'm like oh because we were the best you know this kind of thing like usually like if the French meets the French they like they'll talk very like they know each other but if other country people if they talk like to French they were like it feels like they're always like looking us down cuz you can see the as a French person I'm pretty sure it's same for you when you see someone from your country you see you get the vibe right away so then if the person is like mean rude arrogant I'm like that's the same for every country I feel like even if I meet like an American who's kind of rude I'm like ah I get it now you know uh French or dramatic I also don't know I didn't I didn't know about that I I don't know why do they think so I he that they say like that French people passionate but I wouldn't say dramatic I think uh the way they talk and other people will think that they are dramatic maybe maybe I do think that French is a very like exessive language so I think to a certain extent it could be just because of the way that like French sounds to other people and if like I know like people like Italians like use their hands a lot that can also correlate with being dramatic and I know that French people do have a little at least my stereotype of front people I'm interested I'm curious to see oh so the first one is that Young Americans don't know anything this is a really interesting one that I've actually been thinking about too I don't agree number one I do think that Young Americans are better educated than in the past however constantly on social media you get these extremes right where you get people who believe that they are informed but they actually have a lot of disinformation I know there's like a stereotype of like Americans like not knowing like geography and things Young Americans now are kind of exposing to the world that a lot of the education that we have we have to do it ourselves a lot of American education system is a lot rougher than I think a lot of people know think about right now about s social media YouTube Tik Tok young people can get so much money by working really young and doing old this why would they go to like they're making money anyway so they're not going to educate themselves usually in India children parents will take care of their future marriage and everything but in America they used to give the freedom to their kids like over freedom to their kids to choose that the studies career marriage and everything that's really interesting yeah I think that that's really interesting if we compare like Indian and American culture I think definitely there are a lot more like parental involvement in Indian culture I think and I think that like American individualism is double-edged sword to a certain extent as you said like it's great if you have the tools right if you have the tools and your parents support you as well but if you don't have the education then you can end up making some really not fun decisions so number two is that Americans think that Adidas is their brand SL all the brands so I don't know I feel like when I was younger I kind of believe this like oh yeah Adidas is like American like all these Brands it's also cuz we don't have a lot of exposure to like growing up at least I didn't have a lot of exposure to this idea that like other places come to America this is so weird to explain but I think that anyone who's past like 12 years old knows that not everything comes from America they can just check their tag you know it says like made in China mostly yeah I don't agree with this but I think it's funny you're someone that doesn't leave your country and example you don't have like you don't go on social media you don't have like this exposure you're not going to know if no one tells you you're not going to know but then when you're a kid you're like oh but that's that's in my city and then you go to another city you're like oh you guys have this too like you just think that's like if you don't go around if you don't look up look it up or anything of course you don't know so this one is just in quotation marks like suggest you call the ambulance and then threaten to call the ambulance so um I agree with this in America it's extremely expensive of notoriously expensive to that Healthcare and everything and just an ambulance ride can be anywhere from like $1,000 to $5,000 depending on where you're at in America like you only call the ambulance like if someone's genuinely dying and a lot of times like there'll be people who are injured and they and you'll be like oh someone call an ambulance and they'll be like no no no please don't just calling an ambulance and just that ride could be 5 minutes could be 10 minutes can put you into debt for years that's ridiculous oh my God in India they are giving the ambulance service for free Brazil too for free I mean we have a system in Brazil that it's like the whole health system is for free yeah I agree with this I totally agree with it the idea that like like I've the only time I've been in an ambulance has been in a foreign country like I've never even seen the inside of an American ambulance cuz it would have probably cost me just 10 bucks to look inside anyway you know my god um that was a joke probably not but I hope not so the first one rzu rule number one there is Funk of everything you can imagine of I agree with that it's true I mean it's not even that I just agree it is true literally we can make anything become a funky music so and any song you can imagine on pop music we have a funk version of it that's pretty cool I'm not going to lie that sounds awesome I don't I don't I don't know like if that was supposed to be an evil comment but it was not the next one I love this question so this so much Brazilians only cry when their soccer team lose look at German 70 no and yes I mean we still make fun of the German thing till these days so just like a lot of of like things became mean that became a mean to Brazil so like we're always like oh no today I'm going to go 7 in the test cuz like we know we're going to fail it and we're going to do like really bad yes we do care a lot about soccer but I would say like brzo is a lot more than just soccer and most people think it's just like about soccer everybody knows how to play soccer everybody's good at soccer oh my God you're Brazilian how do you not know that that's a little bit annoying I mean I guess growing up the only thing I really like learned about about Brazil was that they had a soccer team we have to know about only about thec Carnival yeah real real I want to go once like I remember when growing up I didn't really care about soccer but because my family had a team I had a team so it was like what's your what's your team I'm s Pao what no we have to to cheer for coras no for p so we do grow up like listening to that way more than probably other countries do Brazilians are easy what kind of easy is it the same easy as French h do not agree with that it's mean and rude the type of and I would say I heard this in person many times like people assume that because like Brazilians are very friendly and that's the thing like we're really friendly and as I said before we're overly friendly sometimes we don't know you from the moment we start talking you're our best friend so like we're going to like push you to go with us to a party we're going to like go grab food with you we touch a lot of people we use our hands a lot but that doesn't mean we're like hitting on you or something actually quite the opp opposite if you're wanting a Brazilian good luck on that we're Latin before anything I feel like that gives the same thing as people think of French people they don't say oh you guys are easy they're like oh but you guys are open-minded I don't know what it comes from but then if people watch like I don't know maybe they watch like a a music video you can see the girls dancing the way they dance maybe they would oh my God they looks like an easy person face is there laugh in Germany do German people laugh yes we do yes we do from the outside foreigners I think German people can seem more serious but we do indeed have fun sometimes sometimes I know I've never heard about like something like that I mean I get where this is coming from in a way because I think I heard this before like it seems that German people are always so serious but I would say it's more because of the way the language sounds cuz it sounds like you're speaking things like madly like you're mad oh they might look serious but they are like kindhearted yeah yes there actually many opportunities and festivals and national holidays where you can see people have a lot of fun um for example my area has Carnival and Bavaria has October Fest you have many opportunities to love there in my head like there's this really like famous video of like two angry German people like walking and they bump into each other and they look at each other and they just go oh hi and they they angrily walk away so I think that that really encapsulates like the outside perspective of Germany where like even though you guys have a more like tough outer appearance I feel like inside as not like you just have to like break that shell German people are married to Mercedes do you guys all have Mercedes I mean like the car industry in Germany is a huge thing we have Mercedes we have BMW we have Audi we have opal we have yeah we have plenty but not every German people has a Mercedes Mercedes is expensive not every but I think yeah people that own a Mercedes they have pride in the Mercedes but you know it's not all about Mercedes I'm surprised they say Mercedes I would have S thought that The Stereotype would have been like BMW honestly cuz I feel like that's like the more like generally available car to you know but I guess I guess it comes from people who owns a Mercedes being so proud of them owning one so then it comes out from that I guess maybe if I had one I would be proud of it of course yeah and the last one is German is the most angri language again just like we were talking before it's because it sounds so hard and yeah I would I would say the word aggressive maybe strong but I wouldn't say that it's angry I think their pronunciation is little strong yeah I think the pronunciation can be very strong but it's also the way it's portrayed on the media like when I see videos on the internet about the way German people talk it's not really correct most people that think of the German language think of fitler honestly I think we can make every language look aggressively oh yeah like there is something that makes sense some I'm surprised like German not laughing or something like that yeah I thought that was a good one I got shocked because of the like Brazilians are easy it's kind of mean and rude but then at the same time like there's thing that I've never heard and there is thing that I get where it comes from same as for French I get where like the the dramatic thing I don't I don't understand what do they mean by that but person being easy I'm like I can see where they think that way but it doesn't mean that it is true reading all of mine like I felt like they were kind of sad I'm not going to lie like like I feel like some of these were kind of funny you know like all soccer players for us example for India people just like there is only Curry it's like that's like that's also sad to yeah I'm saying so but I've only ate curry but like sorry but I mean at least you know that there's more so today we try to read rude comments about our countries so if you like the video please like subscribe and comment down below we will see you next time bye bye
Channel: Global Earth
Views: 163,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 연애, CLAB, 씨랩, 씨랩스튜디오, CLAB STUDIO, 아이돌, 알바, 알바썰, 연예인, 근황, 외국인
Id: 7hWde7iPCjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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