SpaceX live stream replay of Starship SN11 flight - It exploded before landing!

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[Applause] [Music] dogs all for one crew once for all [Music] what this heralds really is fundamentally a new era in space flight a new air and space exploration where we're gonna go to the moon we're gonna have a base on the moon we're gonna have send people to mars and make life multi-planetary and i think this this day heralds a new age of space exploration that's what it's all about [Music] hey hey everybody welcome a very good evening to you all or at least a good morning or whatever time zone you're in it is very late at night for me 11 p.m it looks like this could be a very big night give us a quick thumbs up make sure that you can hear me loud and clear hopefully i've got my microphone set up and that you can all hear me sounds like we have a pretty good audio coming through there from what people are saying that is great thank you thank you let me know where you all are from that is the first thing i always like to do because we are literally joining from all around the world here uh we've already got a thousand people viewing so there's plenty here to let us know where everybody's from look at that germany south africa usa hobart that's that's my uh state here in tasmania we have germany dubai canberra denmark wow look at them i can't read them it's going too fast austria london uk usa nigeria interesting we have madrid uh that's gone too fast i can't even spot them now you guys are so awesome oh wow i've already got super chat there from sebastian thank you sebastian hey from england uh there is just people here from all over the world and why is that why is there people joining from all over the world to watch me talk about starship um that is a great question and i think it comes down to the passion that we all have for seeing us evolve again into a really um you know quite uh quite rapidly evolving um space industry that is what we all want to see that is why spacex is such a big focus of of our time uh including mine uh a lot of people say oh you know why do you do so much starship content and you know versus you know other agencies and things and the short answer is that's what everybody asks for i can put up a video on almost any other agency and it just will not get the same engagement it won't get the same comment the same likes all these things that makes it very clear uh the chat has now slowed down so i can again start to read some out we've got kenya belgium uh serbia brazil again nigeria brisbane up in australia how many australians do we have here only because it's a little bit of a bias of mine because obviously i'm from a from australia um how many states of australia are we all watching from it's starting to get quite late if you're over in western australia it might still be quite early for you so we'll see how we're going there greece virginia south australia ah that's awesome so once again we have got a interesting um an interesting evening or morning or whatever time it is for you lined up we're not sure how likely this is to fly today the weather to me still looks a little foggy i'm not sure what the uh what the actual likelihood of a flight is today spacex obviously have said already that they are targeting an 8 a.m local time for the flight that is not that far away now really that's only really an hour away i believe i'll quickly switch over to our more dedicated camera here which is again courtesy of la padre she's a bit of a misty shot out there right now but it will clear up as the fog lifts um not even 100 sure there what we're watching um that is interesting i think we're probably having some camera adjustments going on there right now we are going to be having tony bella joining us shortly which is why i've got uh tony's twitter tag here uh tony has been awesome joining us for other streams as well i just think it's really cool to have someone else to have a little bit more to and fro i don't i don't think it's as interesting just listening to me talk to myself and to you guys of course for an extended amount of time um just quickly a couple of um a couple of thank yous obviously for padre again allowing us to restream his stream um that's something that we contribute to his cameras for and all your super chats and things are very much appreciated that goes to um that goes to support the camera feeds we get there from lab padre lets us do what we do otherwise i couldn't stream it until a spacex stream came up or something like that so huge thank you to la padre make sure that you open up another tab and go and make sure you're watching history make sure he's got the engagement as well makes it beneficial makes it a win-win for all parties um so yes we have got some interesting stuff here to talk about first of all um and i think you know what's interesting is that the road closures from the other day have been were canceled obviously for monday this is the attempt for tuesday i'll just quickly bring them up here just to give you a bit of an idea on what the future of this is if this doesn't happen okay so at the moment we have got i'll just bring this up on the other side um and we'll share that side of the screen okay so as we can see there this is the current listing from boca chica texas we have got a primary date here of tuesday march 30th that's the window that we're now currently in 7 a.m has has really only just ticked over and we're now looking for a road closure right up to 3 p.m now i don't believe that we're going to get to 3 p.m i certainly hope that we're not going to get to 3 p.m otherwise i'm going to be literally up all night but what i will say is that elon musk has tweeted earlier today that they're targeting 8 a.m for the launch initially anyway so if delays come that's uh at least gives us an indication of when they're roughly targeting a launch so yes that's uh that's the current plan failing that the secondary date obviously is friday april the 2nd and that is going to be an even smaller launch window which is always great i'd like to see the smaller road closure times because it gives us a better idea of when we're likely to see that flight otherwise it could just be any time in the next you know six hours as an example so we have 7 am to 12 pm there for that road closure on friday i'm kind of hoping we don't get that far i really want to see a flight today i'm quietly confident just because elon musk is down there he's already tweeting about it he seems confident it's just going to depend a little bit on the weather so we will see how we go there so yes uh the mission for this day is obviously the um the high altitude flight test or the medium altitude flight test we probably should call it for starship sn11 that's the 11th starship prototype that's been made again these are just prototypes i get so many comments saying oh you know these things they're blowing up all the time they're not reliable it's like no they're not really designed to be a final product they're designed to really rapidly iterate through many different versions of this vessel to the point where they can make these flights much much quicker much more reliably and that sort of thing so yes it's going to be very interesting to see what happens tonight obviously the previous starships that have flown have uh have largely met their demise one way or another as an example we had sn8 that was initially the first high altitude flight that was actually an extremely successful flight the reason why i think that they actually trashed a few of the other prototypes further down the line was simply because sn8 went so well that they didn't really need the other ones to prove anything else so we sort of went straight from sn8 we had sn9 and sn10 and now we've got sn11 further ones uh between sn 11 and sn15 which is actually the next one to come uh have been trashed so 12 13 14 they've all disappeared they've all been repurposed for something else some components of it i believe have been turned into the gse tanks which is the ground support equipment tank that we're going to tanks that we're going to be seeing popping up at the boko chica launch site down near the new super heavy orbital launch platform so yes that is uh that is very cool quickly i will just catch up on the chats here um thanks so much for the super chats wow you guys let's see um from trung hyung uh hi marcus have you have all the houses been sold in boca cheeka village yet if they don't sell how will this impact spacex i actually am not privy to the exact numbers i know that a good majority of them are all sold i am interested to know how it's going to roll out in the future obviously spacex want to acquire everything in boca chica village simply so that there's no risk to anybody down on site um and you know it's easier for them to then conduct road closures and keep everybody safe and that sort of thing how that process is going i can't tell you i'm interested to know if anybody else knows uh there's obviously some people that have got more knowledge that are living down locally than i am so yes hit us up in the in the comments there and and feel free to um tag me on the on the comments so that i can see your comments a little easier come through so thank you for the super chat there uh we have got uh jesse jones there saying buy bitcoin just do it i have got a couple of a couple of tiny fractions of a bitcoin uh and yes i've had them for a few years so um they have done well but i'm certainly no investor i certainly can't recommend one way or the other whether that's a good idea i just know that the one the the portions that i've got are doing okay um quantum fi i'm at work so likely to miss but you the man thank you quantum fire uh that is most appreciated and yeah so um what i want to also uh do here let me just quickly bring up bring up the other little feed that i've got here just to give me more information i'm just going to keep checking back on this to make sure that uh there's nothing that i'm missing uh from time to time making sure that there's no um uh yeah just making sure there's no you know no new information that we're not passing along so i will be keeping an eye on that as we're talking through cantor mask oh man thank you so much i'm in hospital haven't slept for 48 hours so if you could hurry this up so i can sleep that'd be great i would do what i can for you uh thank you very much for the super chat i'll do what i can to see if we can speed this thing along so as you can see it is 7 10 a.m down there at boca chica the the fog is starting to clear a little we have got a slightly better feed uh going there from la padre there it looks like uh we have got a clear pad we're just waiting for any signs of any sort of ground venting or anything like that which we would expect to be firing up reasonably soon uh given that the potential launch time is 8 00 a.m so we'll see how that goes uh yes a couple people there another space not talking about tesla stock yes look i'm not going to go into uh into stock advice i also have a little tesla as well and it's been a very good year but yes i i am not going to provide advice on that one as we know uh tesla's stock can be volatile as well so yes you've got to be very careful there with volatile stock sometimes best to play it safe and as yes sophie brink there as well one of my very amazing contributors in the quality control squad and and also part of the production is in here moderating as well again saying yes the t0 is currently set at 8 a.m local so we'll see how that goes so yes we've got roughly 50 minutes i might actually put up a count based on that because that is what everybody is targeting that is what everybody is targeting so let's just see get that going there so roughly got 47 minutes to go here um all right so um thank you so much everybody for joining us here it's it is a real treat to uh to watch all this with you i think i've kicked off a little too much uh investment uh talk here so we're getting a lot of comments on that i'm not going to go into those things looking lighter it is looking lighter we have quite a bit of fog yes it is indeed and look i mean the fog just literally just swept in there so we haven't got a lot to see just at the minute sadly so yes we'll have to see how we go i will see if we can get hold of tony who is going to be joining us i'll just key him in here let's just bring tony up tony can you hear me oh we don't have tony that is interesting i suspect i know why just one second there we go how's that now have i got you tony uh yeah there we go good morning sorry mate regardless of how regardless of how much i prepare i never quite get every single audio setting right it's it's one of those things where as soon as you plug everything in everything else will start to take focus and and start to take the advice the device mechanisms away which is super frustrating um hi tony how are you going mate what's uh what's your day been like um it's not too bad well um we're in lockdown um for for those that might not realize there's a little thing called covered we've had it pretty we've had it pretty good in australia but uh we've just suddenly had an output a little bit of an outbreak now in our neck of the woods in in brisbane where i live and we we're in a shut we're basically a lockdown where basically we can't leave our houses or except for going to the to get food um and exercise but uh for three days and uh we've had it pretty good but uh yeah we've had it pretty good but uh it's it's pretty pretty severe so we're the kids have been pulled out of school so so we've been lucky enough too in australia to most of the time the kids have been at school i think that's not so fortunate for many other parts of the world although the kids might find that that's a pretty cool thing um but anyway um and not enough of the code um so uh i just i'm looking at what am i looking at i've just come on we're just looking at fog right at the minute um so yeah it's pretty foggy yeah we actually could see something before and then this big uh big wave of and look it's it's clearing almost faster than you can like it it just cleared for a second and then yeah wow look at that now it kind of looks like what i've just been watching so i won't spoil anything but i've just watched the second last episode of season two of snow piercer ah so um i've got i'll leave the next one until uh tomorrow night but um give it give it a shot if you look if you haven't seen it but that does look very so it's just what's the temperature there at the moment is it um so they're obviously into spring aren't they so oh yeah they only started spring recently the couple of um what was it something i'm not sure 21st i think um yeah um it looks like it's currently around 2023. that's actually not the right bokeh chica we're looking for texas looks like we're currently roughly um look i mean looks like the weather's not too bad it does look a little spotty so it's going to be interesting to see what happens with the weather today um yeah so i i can't imagine we're going to be seeing a flight at 8am if the fog's anything even remotely like this because nobody wants to see a flight that they can't see i was really surprised that i was seeing that uh a few people saying the launch is going to happen in an hour is is that is that the uh is that the talk yeah that's well that's tweeted by elon musk so uh elon had said earlier today which i'd retweeted as well uh that they're gonna be targeting an 8 a.m flight which is why we've all sort of ramped up the uh the the stream time here to actually catch it otherwise we potentially miss it i imagine he must get pretty anxious at these things so is do you think it's a kind of a case of like ripping the bayonet off and just getting it over and done with i don't know it's a good question because obviously sn 11 has been um it's had a number of attempts already um and they're really keen to get moving now with booster number one testing and they're also keen to be um moving on sn15 that's still got a way to go yet but yeah i can't help but think that this is kind of the last in that series of the initial prototypes so we had 8 9 10 and 11. they've all done that similar flight altitude for those people that are already asking um the flight altitude for this is around 10 kilometers yet again as far as where um as far as we are aware and that is really um that is really indicative i think of the fact that they've got this series of prototypes that are all all made to test that similar flight profile that similar altitude similar flip and landing style so i think that after this we're going to definitely see some higher flights some more interesting changes to the flight pattern so yes this is uh this one's going to be interesting i'm still super keen to see sn 11 of course because we haven't seen one survive entirely yet we had the sn10 starship prototype land and that obviously did touch down technically but it touched down so rough it squashed all of its legs and and then subsequently exploded several minutes later um it had definitely had a bit of a leak going on in some regard and yes that was the end of sn10 as well quite an impressive explosion though i will say um some of the slo-mo's from cosmic perspective and a few of these other incredible people down on site tim dodd you know caught some amazing slow motion footage of those explosions and you can really see the entire nose of it sort of crunch up just really concertinas up so it's uh it's it's quite interesting well i i remember when it happened at the time and uh there's a couple of days afterwards where people were just reflecting on the fact that it flew twice now i mean jokingly they said that but but to be honest i mean unintentionally obviously it's um it lifted from the ground the second time it actually went so when i watched the re-watch the video it lifts about its its length its body length into the air so it it launched about loaded about 50 meters into the air which was quite impressive um so but uh technically it's not considered a launch so i didn't kind of knock that on the head a bit but yeah yeah no look it was definitely um definitely see i get a lot of those comments as well um that it flew twice and yes i guess uh technically it kind of did but as you say probably doesn't count i will just quickly pop up our graphic from last time tony so that people have got a bit of an idea on where we're from uh for those that don't follow us quite so closely that have joined here and uh you know again thank you for for supporting the stream for for sharing it on social media for liking it and and you know simply subscribing to the channel it makes such a huge difference to us i don't think people really fully comprehend how much it all uh drives the algorithm so everything you guys do is amazing thank you i'll quickly just bring up our um our little map tony um gives you an idea of where we're situated and and that's right where you're all all the parts of the world that you guys are coming from i'm hoping and i mentioned this last time to kind of plot where um everyone is basically uh on this stream that that are coming tuning in today i want to put little points where you you were all from all over this map but um you can see just down below there that that is the right one one isn't it so embarrassingly i had spelled tasmania there's no drama that is no problem let's go that that wasn't marcus's fault i put this together so that's one of the things with my graphics is um i i don't have a direct editor you guys are my editors so if i ever have anything wrong with my graphics i'm i quickly turn around and i'll i i don't have a problem uh uh fixing fixing up any errors that i may have uh stood through we i generally so there are a few spelling differences from america and australia when and generally i i spell everything in in american terminology and spelling uh just slight things like color and color and things like that but uh and generally i put things in miles but now it's very confusing because spacex i think pretty much they they use metric on just about everything don't they yeah that's right um i think most of the time we we sort of uh we sort of use the metric system we don't so much we tend to use american spelling more than anything i think that's just more widely uh accepted especially in comment threads and things like that so i tend to use the american versions of spelling if i if i'm uh correcting myself but uh yes i mean this gives you quite a good idea of how far apart we all are from the action over in boca chica obviously here we have got the launch facility uh in texas there and yes uh tony and i almost couldn't be much further away i would say uh which is which is unfortunate so you know time zones over here uh for me it is 11 20 23 p.m uh tony would be 10 23 p.m currently yeah uh and uh and yes so we are almost the opposite side of everybody's clock um so yes um well you can see there oh sorry uh you could see there um the the distances that uh everyone is from marcus london uh what's what do we got there uh that's uh 17 000 kilometers uh boca chica is uh almost 14 000 kilometers so uh yeah yeah we're um we're pretty distant from everyone here yeah that's exactly right and yeah i'm just laughing at some of the comments because it's like where did the tree go it's like is the camera blurry it's like i think there's just an extremely thick fog rolling through the whole side uh right now and we're getting some glimpses although i will say that the camera does seem to be jumping in and out of focus a bit so i don't know if if labs got an issue going on there just due to the fog with the focus um again we appreciate all he's doing i'm sure they're working on that and trying to get that as good as it can be in the conditions that we've got right now um based on what we're seeing here i cannot see that we're going to be flying at 8 00 a.m that seems a little crazy to me if you're familiar with the area we'd love to know is this is this uh uh typical of this time of day and this time of year to have fog rolling in i i would have thought at first it was it was uh rain so but it's definitely fog isn't it it's definitely fog i'm just going to uh flick through a few other uh streams here just to see if we have got some any of the other feeds that we can hook into nope that one there's a few cameras obviously down there um that that labs got running um and they are all equally as i'm just looking at them all they're all equally as uh foggy so i'm pretty sure that's as good as we're going to get right now uh sadly it is interesting even the even the predator cam that they've got there is uh is just a big red blob so yeah we'll just have to be patient there we're going to have to use some of your animations instead there uh tony some of your illustrations of starships so that we can just imagine what it looks like out there in the vlog look at that and actually you can almost see these huge big uh waves just uh waves of fog just passing over and clearing and passing over and clearing look at that that is crazy now one one thing i've i've i'm curious on is why spacex don't have a 24-hour feed themselves is is it it's just something they don't feel they don't need to do because everyone else is doing it i think that might be the case but i wouldn't be surprised and look here's the thing and why we all are so keen on live streaming these events um even before i guess we would normally stream something like a starlink launch or a just a typical falcon 9 mission and that's simply because we have firstly we have the access secondly spacex don't go live with their feed for quite some time basically until right before the flight only a few minutes before that's right yeah um which i find a little interesting you'd think that there would be maybe a feed maybe an hour before or something just so that people can hook in and obviously anybody that is chatting away to me in my private discord here feel free to give me any updates on on what's going on here with um in fact they uh they do um they shut down their feed um last time for the sn10 but it was it was not a lot of people assume that that spacex didn't want to want to show the explosion but they actually just shut down the the feed because that that was when they normally shut down their feed yeah because the explo the the uh the rudd happened uh uh some eight minutes after the initial landing so yeah as far as they were concerned it was all it was a successful landing yeah exactly right so um yeah i mean we're getting we're getting information here that the the recondenser has started the farmvent has started um so you know yeah not that we would be able to know how did they say 10 minutes before so we could have tried venting we could have a launch right now we wouldn't even know about it so let's hope that we get some better visions than that um well obviously obviously um as far as data is concerned and and uh any any any feedback they get uh that's all it's all um all on computer so they could they could do this at night they don't but that's right but i i they they do like to i think there is a showmanship about it that that and they definitely definitely see what's going on yeah so i'm curious to see what's going to happen in the next half hour but yeah yeah and just to describe a little about what we should be seeing which is it's uh it's actually quite funny that we're trying to describe this when there's really nothing there to see um currently um starship sn11 is sitting on uh test stand b um so that's the second of the two test stand a is sometimes used this one i think was used for sn9 i forget s it was a sn8 on sn8 i think it was on test stand a and then i think they've been i think they you might find they've been alternating so yeah yeah sn10 was on stand a uh i'm not even are they officially called that i started calling that um nothing was ever confirmed on that but yeah well test stand a well i think was always called a or some people were calling it test stand one for a long time and test stand two uh it was simply just because the first one was there first so test down a was the first one to be built test stand b sort of got constructed later on and that seems to have had a little bit more intricate development of a lot of a lot of the um the feed lines underneath the concrete and that sort of thing i'm not sure i haven't been um following that so closely but uh yes so we we should if we were to be able to see anything we would be seeing uh the starship there on on test stand b so that's what we're looking at um that's what we're trying to look at the um obviously there's no payload for starship there's no um there's no reason why um why there's any um risk of payload loss anything like that these are just prototype flights the idea is that they're fueled up just enough to do their full ascent and then um they essentially flip and you know they they just ditch the last little bit of liquid oxygen that's still remaining in the tank so they from our understanding they fly the starship and i might actually grab i'll actually grab one of the starships here in a second to demonstrate this a little bit better but they actually vent any extra liquid oxygen that's still remaining in the main liquid oxygen tank and then that belly flops back down and they've only got the remaining fuel in the two header tanks the the liquid methane tank which is in the center of the vessel between the two tanks and then we have a header tank for the liquid oxygen in the top of the nose cone so um those are then used for landing so that's that's the flight profile we don't expect it to be that much different from um from eight nine and um from eight and nine and ten we expect them to be very similar in fact um if i just bring up the spacex website quickly for you so earlier today and when i was looking at road closures uh i i thought if if today's launch doesn't happen from what i can see and unless that has changed since last time i looked at cameron county's website uh friday i think is the next scheduled uh it's the um part um yes it's secondary um i don't that's not what they call it but it it's it's the alternate day for a possible launch yeah yeah that's exactly right someone's just pointing out that on lab padres page this i mean i i'd say it's probably just an automated thing it just said it says towards the bottom no launch today but i think that maybe that's referring to um monday's flight i believe um i think that was talking about 29th but yes the it's going to be interesting to see how things are going to proceed anyway throughout the throughout the uh well evening for us for the for the day for um the local area there in boca chica but you know if if that is true and we've got venting going on already that i mean that's kind of a good sign are they are they waiting for um the fog to clear and then they're just going to take it off so you know like always at bogachika the mornings do start off very foggy we've seen many many versions of this that that show the fog rolling in and uh you know typically within an hour or two the fog has uh the fog has lifted and and away we go so um yeah it's going to be interesting to see how quickly that clears we haven't uh well we don't typically stream this early the only reason we've chosen to do that tonight is because or today is because uh yes that was the tweet from elon musk which was which was quite intriguing though it was interesting uh was it sunday night i'm losing track of days was the last attempted launch and uh that that ended that ended in a uh we we were all a little bit uh taken back by that one yeah yeah it ended very very pretty uh prematurely uh with a uh an abort or a um cancellation for that day um due to well elon later on tweeted due to a an faa official not arriving at at the site in time or yeah missing his plane there there have been a lot of jokes and i think i added to that with a little cartoon i put up on on just after after that yeah yeah and that happened and actually i should i should find that and put that up actually for those of you that don't realize i i have been i have attempted to do a weekly cartoon and uh uh i i sometimes i don't get to it for a couple of weeks but uh basically some type of uh little little funny little git or something uh from from that week in space it at the moment they're not meant to just be spacex cartoons but uh predominantly because they they have been that way of late because they certainly are the star performers at the moment well that's it so yes there's the there's the cartoon there uh tony and you know for those of you that aren't following tony on twitter it's it's amazing just amazing stuff that uh that you really should be following there um i don't actually see the full list there right now but you know it does these amazing infographics like that's the mars 2020 infographic i mean just look at the detail in that and these are all available actually i'm probably doing the sales pitch for you but um yeah these are all available from and uh yeah they're all super high res uh yeah so there are 150 dpi images i put everything up on on my website to download for free now you get you can get a decent print from that i've printed them out before and and then they come out at that size but if you follow me on patreon uh you have access to all that work at 300 dpi now when you print one of those posters out they the the detail is is quite impressive um and so that that's available for i think i have a few different tiers there on patreon but a lot of the work is or all of the work is downloadable and printable for your own pleasure um but uh yeah yeah they it it's uh i'd love to be able to sell posters and and that that uh it's just from from australia it's a little bit difficult as far as postage there are services different services that uh the different merchant services that we where we probably are going to look at in the near future maybe do some t-shirts and maybe maybe someone out there once they um would like a marcus house t-shirt with a little logo yeah yeah um yes i just just a quick a few updates i've had confirmation from a few people that um yeah they're definitely propellant loading right now so you know things are progressing even though we can't see them so much things are progressing um so man i hope this fog lifts it would be very strange for them to do a flight um that would that would be i'm i'm seeing something so on lab padre it's a second another feed i'm just starting to see it's obviously the sun but it could be the moon but i think it's the sun and uh you can just make out the the launch pad but like yeah if you have multiple you've got several feeds yeah i've got sarah but they're this kind of the best it's it's the best one i think okay um i've just got your uh um sn 11 test flight uh infographic up tony so yeah we can have a bit of a chat about that as we're as we're sort of waiting for this countdown um i'm just i'm just on the spacex youtube channel as well waiting for that to to come out live um you know maybe they've maybe they've got some magic views that we don't have maybe they're sort of writing and you know write in and have got actually a clear view from underneath the starship so that's going to be interesting but right now if you can imagine that's what the rocket should look like it would be it'd be really fun oh geez it it would it be typical of elon to actually in this in this environment and actually so we don't see it oh no no he i would hope that he would want the publicity personally um and i think they're probably just uh they're probably just going through the motions right now and hoping that that fog fog is going to clear um yeah it's it's going to be very interesting to see i mean we are seeing a clearer tree i will say that we are seeing that tree just a little clearer than we were before and yes sorry that we're neglecting the chat a little a little there um from trek trek fox there yes move away fog absolutely everybody will the fog away fog off is the is the command that people are typing in that is a great command to try let's see if that works um from pierre here i think musk is tired of waiting and let's not forget that bn1 is waiting for its turn at the launch site so yes let's hope that we'll have a good show anyway yes 100 agree and i think you're quite right there the uh the flight oh look the the fog is actually lifting on the side actually i'm looking at another feed too by a rival station and it's it's it's it's uh clearing from must be just the points of view because this is quite a clear shot oh no okay yeah you can um it may depend on the second because it's clearing quite rapidly here right now and it's going to be interesting to see um ah thank you jimmy uh appreciate you marcus many great space youtubers have been inspired by your videos proud aussies oh thank you jimmy um it's um that's awesome of you yeah look how sharp that tree is yeah yeah there's actually no issue with the with the feed the cat the camera quality is wonderful it's just we can't see anything and by the way i think yeah i think uh lad padre has some of the best uh cameras there from i mean i've got all the shots up and they've consistently seemed to have had the best feeds in certainly from um even going right back to um sn5 um some really really in interesting different different angles from everything else um yeah they can see a slight hint of starship look we can see it it's there it's still there i can see a starship yes turn on the fog lamps they might make it worse wow look at that we can actually see the venting too we're starting to be able to see a lot more detail so we can really start to study what's going on instead of just kind of guessing at it you know as soon as we as soon as we start seeing some frosting and stuff we're getting very very close it's hard to really predict when the launch will be but you know the countdown is on let me just quickly get a quick update from everybody oh we have a spacex stream up do we we do really i think we do hang on a second let me keep that in let me key that in if if that is the case they they wouldn't normally go this early either with their stream no no so you know that's that's a good indication to me that they are going to attempt this it's getting exciting now let's let me just uh while while we're chatting away here oh look the fog's rolling back in go away fog uh let's quickly just update my template here for the new stream so at the moment we're just in a countdown 7 minutes 56 remaining there on spacex's stream that's what we are looking at there on spacex's stream so yes a whole up my time well i don't need a timer because they've got theirs right now um i mean that that's the countdown to when their stream starts another seven minutes so we'll keep we might keep ours and that's actually quite quite close i think to you know them normally going live 10 minutes before launch so that is almost spot on to what we had there on the um on our countdown if that turns out to be true so yes um this is this is not a live shot of starship but that's what it would look like if you could see through the fog right now i i can i can tell you now the light is just going to be spectacular on this if if it launches early morning like this yeah it's it's certainly we've not had i don't think any of um the sn's have uh have launched in this uh this early in the day they generally seem to they they follow a pattern they certainly seem to uh do their um static fire tests in the morning but um most of the most i think yeah i think all of them have been happened mid-afternoon or late afternoon yeah we can sort of see um labs kind of move the camera a little bit to to get a slightly different shot by the looks of that um the fog's clearing again it sort of came back over really thick so it's now there is there is an area is is there not where um several cameras are mounted together by different youtubers is that is that right or that they just pick a spot in the bush i believe they've got a designated spot now it's actually quite interesting because almost everybody's got almost an identical shot from the same perspective almost so that is uh that is interesting that is interesting but yes what have we got here i can't see the rocket your your camera some problems yes there is some camera problems we can't see anything um well well technically it's not our camera but it'd be great to have it wow which is which which is doable how about setting a camera up there and uh we can remote operate it from here in australia yeah yeah um i'm also being told we've got tj wanting to pop in for a chat too let me just see if i can bring i'll see if i can get uh tj on the line can you hear me tj maybe not quite there yet i'm still great you don't know tony yes yes okay no i i was just reading my uh my phone here um hey guys i'm here hey tj tj cooney i gotta say you guys are running the best fog live stream yeah i know it's so good isn't it it's i'm so pleased to be able to um you know send out such amazing amazing views it's like where's the ship again it's spectacular i'm curious what the uh the humidity is in the air right now yeah yeah yeah likewise it's uh i don't know if we've got a um a good enough weather report to get quite that much info um so is it a pretty humid part of the world there i i've i've not been to texas i've yeah definitely yeah i've i've been i've been um cape canaveral and that was in the middle of summer and i don't think we get pretty humid weather here in australia in the north part of australia but uh i'd never experienced humidity like that and it was uh it was you could almost swim in the air it was it wasn't that thick what i can say this is the this is the time of the year where you get these morning fogs in that in this part of the country um so springtime fall morning fog is like really common but as you move closer in the summer it won't really be an issue okay yeah look all indications are i'm getting a lot of messages right now this is super exciting a lot of messages saying that everybody's gearing up for this flight so you know although we may have a lot of fog maybe spacex have got some cameras closer by maybe there's some that are elevated just outside this fog level so who knows what we're going to see i'm really excited to see it whatever it is that comes up got jesse jones there hi jesse saying it's 60 humidity at least i'm not not sure where the information is coming from but if that is true that is pretty extraordinary uh we have got um so many comments here saying dog's talking about the fog some venting is visible across the entire entire area now for them to go this early um i would i would have imagined that sometimes they kind of need quite a few hours to prep but they would have been doing all that all right in the early hours yeah yeah yeah and you know one of the one of the more early things they do is the flight termination system and that seemed to be part of the problem at least on monday's attempt i'm just trying to keep an eye on spacex's stream for when that comes back i'll tick back over to that in a second because really we can't see a great deal here anyway let me just bring that up just so i don't accidentally 15 seconds i'll watch it for your markers i'll let you know we should we should toggle over yeah yeah i've just toggled it over there because we probably can't see much from lab's feed now anyway as soon as this ticks up we will be all go um so so tj which part of the states are you in washington dc so it's like the mid uh mid east coast uh part of the country um we actually um washington dc's nickname is foggy bottom because we also get a lot of fog okay so uh but yeah uh in the states especially when you're near the gulf uh there's a ton of fog and also a blanket in the chesapeake bay but um yeah uh lots of experience with that i guess you guys aren't getting much fog out by you not not really i mean the the the the thickest fog i've ever experienced actually was in san francisco which i thought oh yeah really freaky middle of summer and uh and in fact the coldest i've ever been in my life was on the bay going over to alcatraz on the bay in the middle of summer and it was freezing but anyway yeah wow i've been um on that trip before the only places in the us that i've been is san francisco and uh yeah and los angeles that's basically it and uh that was yeah that was an eye-opener for me uh you know flying into los angeles for the first time it's like flying over this gigantic motherboard or something like that it's just grid this concrete grid that's incredible you know the unit you know the opening scene of blade runner it was me going in at in the evening into la it was like that it was literally like that and that that is an opening scene flying towards um in blade runner uh into la but uh it was like i was on the set of blade running what's cool when you fly into la if like for me when you come from the east i always try to get a window seat on the left because on the approach in the lax you do fly right by spacex and uh so you can get a cool view of the airplane on the left-hand side i'm not sure from your end if they still loop you around and have you approach from the east um but uh fun fact everybody when you're flying to la try to get a window seat on the left if you want to see spacex yeah yeah oh that's cool tonight and i've actually been told that a couple of times i think and yeah it's it's great to have some of that advice so yes spacex's stream is just kind of still sitting there waiting so i've just switched back i've actually got both simultaneously on my screen so i can quickly transition to the other as soon as uh spacex's stream comes up so yes i'll um quickly toggle those so that i can quickly see what's going on across both both of those scenes the fog is still rolling in and rolling out like crazy there uh from lab's feed there i'm assuming it's the same scene from every other um every other camera that's streaming they're seeing all the other streams that are running away i'm assuming it's the same views just constant fog unless any of them are more elevated maybe but i i don't reckon you'd get out of there that easily uh oh thank you for the super chat that is awesome of you um el hungaro rock on marcus thank you buddy marcus house what are the chances the chances of flight seem to be pretty good because i mean they're gearing this right up the there doesn't seem to be any any wind that's a problem are they going to launch in the fog that is the big question i would say they're probably sitting in a holding pattern right now i'm just well you'd imagine that they will hold until the fog clears because and so i'd imagine that the they would wouldn't begin try venting and and until until a certain because there must be a certain point where they they then would have to launch but uh yeah from a test flight perspective you do want to try to film this from every angle there are tons of sensors on board that they are recording but yeah you need to see what's going on from every angle if this was a typical if this thing was operational not in a test phase i think that this would be a problem but since this is a test flight they're going to have eyes on the booster yeah you would definitely think so um you know you you want to have all that great footage um to capture this from every angle make sure that you've got all the data you can um so yeah it's it's a little hard to tell obviously we can't see as soon as we see a trivet you know that we're very close at that point the problem is of course we can't see anything much of too much consequence but as soon as we sort of see um a trivet we're sort of just um you know just minutes away so we we may have we may have already had that happen um the one thing to look for if we can actually see it you you'll be able to see uh the tri venting sort of coming out and it'll pause for just a second and then keep going that is a very good indicator that it's just about to fly only about 30 seconds away 20 to 30 seconds away so if we get a glimpse at it even on the spacex stream if i forget to mention it at the time as soon as you see the trivets cut off for a second and re-engage that is when we've got that final you know 30 seconds or so countdown marcus house how much coffee do you have in your system right now i've got a fair bit i've got to say because it's midnight and i'm still i'm still going and uh yes we were sort of up um i i i say uh i swear tony as well you're quite right it was it was last night where there was going to be an attempt because i was restless last night because we were going to get up and stream at 3am in the morning our time so i'm still kind of tired from last night and then of course it got scrubbed right before we started hey there nathan wilson watching from australia thanks so much for watching mate very good of you to join us verified youtube member too have you guys discussed at all while we wait um the telemetry data uh that's now encrypted from starship um no no we haven't so i'm not sure if you guys track this but there's been some amateur uh uh you know radio i can't remember the name of these folks but essentially they were able to capture signals coming from the falcon 9 stage two uh and oh yeah i've seen those i thought you're talking about starships those are the radio signals yeah and anyways they were trying to capture telemetry data from starship but that's encrypted so it could be interesting uh to see if they adapt the encryption to also falcon 9 as well yeah yeah yeah it's interesting i did read something about from rob trike there midnight coffee markets thank you rob appreciate it mate um yes i i did read somewhere that there's a reason why the falcon 9 is unencrypted um there was a standard yeah it's for the um the icbm the foreign countries can essentially track each other so hey we have a spacex stream oh we have a spacex stream so we are all go here let me tinker around here to get this bigger i find it very hard to believe that they'd launch in in this weather yeah i'm with you there man i'm very surprised very surprised i'll switch my countdown off as soon as we see what the real countdown is i mean for those that think that it's just a computer graphic i guess they'd be saving uh saving a lot of money in rendering just to have a fog foggy landing absolutely i don't know i'll just switch off some tags here make sure we've got nice cleaner feet as possible so yes we've got the spacex feed running full-ish well full-ish screen right now that's uh that's going to be interesting to see what what happens here um i i like you i'm quite i'm quite um bewildered about the current weather as soon as we see some screens there it's going to be um oh there we go there we go we are live and we are slightly we'll ditch our clock because we're we are slightly ahead so we'll stop that now someone just posted i missed who it was but they just posted it we have some spacex chatter going on weeks ago we launched number 10. it might be best to bring up the spacex speed in another tab cameron county texas i might sit back for today's test we are counting down the launch of starship number 11 to a 10 kilometer altitude in just under four minutes from now now as with our last test today's flight is to gather data on using flaps to control starship as it descends back to the landing pad before lighting its raptor engines for touchdown now we're going to do our best to find a camera view for the webcast but as you can see fog is everywhere at starbase in texas oh that's your rocket yeah fog is everywhere at starbase in texas he has got that 100 correct so at this point that time doesn't make any sense because the uh i haven't not that you could tell but i haven't noticed any triventing and that normally would happen that would have happened eight or nine minutes ago so i well it may be happening right now i i know we're not entirely sure are we i can't see well enough to see middle thing watching sorry i said my money's on that middle thing launching the middle block yeah yeah just there's a blob there i think that's going to go up we'll probably see some we'll probably see a little bit of i mean we should be able to still see uh some footage from the vessel itself as soon as it gets above the fog that is going to be really cool to see um it was funny on sn8 i thought it was a very clear day and then there was all this cloud as it was coming down but it wasn't actually cloud it was uh it's its own exhaust plume that it came back down through oh man so two minutes ten two minutes countdown we've got three thousand eight hundred people here watching the gray fog possible that this is count down to it two minutes static fire you have completed propellant loading nine both the methane fuel and the liquid so propellant loading it's all underway one minute 44 to go wow this is going to be bizarre when you gotta go you gotta go [Laughter] yeah if there's and if it's all gonna be ground-based cameras even when it's at apogee we're still just gonna see fog yeah so that fog is up it's not just ground level well yeah it's up but also the camera's on the ground yeah i'm curious if i if i was them i'd get their drone to fly as high as humanly possible and hope that you can capture something we have a bird oh you hear my bill one minute countdown guys yeehaw it sounds like a rocket over there it does i can i can just make out the tri venting i'm not going to be able to tell you if i see it cut off though so we should see that in about 10 seconds 42 seconds we're counting now they're curious if the heat from the engines disconnect from the vehicle so they should be okay the distant cameras 20 seconds 15. 10 seconds 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 it has lifted off all right okay yeah i bet we're gonna ride her up all the way wow that is a lot of nothing okay there's a beautiful shot of the engines wow look at that that's the cleanest shot of the engine bay we've seen isn't it really crisp oh there's a shot of the 10. 33 seconds wow starship test vehicle number 11 ascending over starbase and south texas yes one kilometer altitude yes yes yes we've heard the call out we're over one kilometer up oh wow views from the external camera on starship number 11 looking back towards the starbase facility in the fog in south texas wow that's actually a beautiful quality stream too the engines are looking really really good that that bit of flame that we saw above there before it was gone you know it was it was a little flamey but that's now gone out color stream looks good yeah last time there was a bit of green in there and and it ascends so slowly and they they slowly ramp the engines down so what we're going to see is one engine cut off then the second and then finally that third so we'll come up to the first engine cut off here in a moment wow there's a lot of fog down there look at that yeah what we're seeing is actually the light from the engines reflecting on the fog yeah four kilometers altitude four kilometers altitude that gives us a bit of an idea we'll have to go back and map some of this plus two minutes we're getting ready to shut down the first of the three raptor engines so so yeah you'll see one of these raptors move away out of the out of the way like that just so that the others can't gimble into it so there's the first engine calf what time is that two minutes 21 seconds you can see we have shut down the first of the three engines on time as planned around four minutes we should see second second engine cut off yeah i gotta say i'm still surprised i launched in that fog that's that's beautiful sun uh you know that sunrise lighting up the plume there plus three minutes continuing to climb on power of two engines just eight kilometers come on oh so i want this to land what do you think put your bets in the comments is it gonna land and and stay landed it's more importantly one engine yeah yeah just down to one engine now yep oh loss of looks like we're frozen two plus three and a half minutes you can see with the camera view we have shut down the second of the three engines as planned slowly climbing to the final 10 kilometer altitude on the power of the single raptor engine once we're at apogee we'll hover shortly shut down the engine as we flip over back towards the landing pad come on camera this is less than ideal this is altitude they're at 10 kilometers now minutes we're at 10 kilometers altitude and we are getting dropouts on the camera continue to get telemetry from the starbase from the starship vehicle and there's nothing on the ground that can see it which is even more frustrating while we're waiting to re-establish a connection with the vehicle we have shut down the third of the three raptor engines as planned single raptor engine okay so 4 minutes 40 seconds and counting and it looks like we've got some camera views back again you'll be transferring to the header tank so we're now descending um and we've got some of those nice views there of the altitude oh we're down to six kilometers already this is gonna all be over very quickly at this point oh come on five minutes we're passing through five kilometers a nice view from the exterior camera that's a great shot on the starship test vehicle number 11. t plus 5 minutes 17 seconds and it's almost over we can see it just reaching through the thicker part of the atmosphere there oh come on come on come on two kilometers my guess is we'll probably get this shot on the landing i would say so similar to sn8 maybe t plus 545 we've just passed through one kilometer altitude getting ready for the relay ah come on we can't see anything did that it sounds bad there's explosions there's explosions going on i just quickly had a look at lab padres feed and there's a bit of debris floating around but we can't see any more than that um oh man yeah i just want the temp speed and there's stuff flying everywhere yeah yeah there's stuff flying everywhere i mean it's it's equally horrible footage you can't see anything but fog spacex haven't said anything yet why they went so early i don't know i'm just hoping that it hasn't damaged anything we don't even know how close to target it was and that's look that's the frustrating thing right now because nobody knows where it even landed it looked like a larger explosion than before uh and we only saw before the feed cut out one raptor at night yeah that that looked like that to me right now i said poor single rap direction yeah no this one definitely hit the ground here as you can see from the frozen camera view uh we lost the clock at t plus five minutes 49 seconds looks like we've had another exciting starship vehicle at subsonic speeds as it comes back to the landing zone it does appear though that uh another exciting test as we say uh we don't have any good camera views to share with you right now so with that we are going to bring the webcast to a close uh we know no one's got a quick break we have the nominal asset we maneuvered the horizontal when we got yeah we did have good views outside so they're just bringing the webcast to a close now how about that wow i've just remixed all the audio back up again that's that's that's not what i was expecting i gotta say i wasn't expecting that at all um i'm a little surprised a lot lucky tony i'm a little surprised that they decided to go who just joined us yeah bummer wow so yeah they've just uh they've just ended the webcast there um sorry if you were talking there uh tony or what we might not have been hearing you um so they were just wrapping up the the spacex feed i thought they'd actually already done it um they were just essentially saying you know if anybody that's just tuned in space you know the starship isn't flying it's it's essentially lost all data so all data from the vehicle he said has been has been lost so yeah look i mean we we don't we don't have anything to replay we can't even diagnose we can't we don't even know how hard it hit the ground whether it hit the ground on target um the most frustrating thing is is everything okay on site did it hit the landing pad in which case it should be okay um is star hopper still alive that's the that's the thing you know is star hopper still around um you know has it done any damage to the order launch mount or any of the other things that's being worked on down there at the launch facility we have got no idea let me know everybody what you think in the comments this was a really bizarre one um i don't know what do you guys think the only silver lining here is that star hopper didn't have to watch another friend die today i didn't um it didn't unless it landed on its head uh in which case you know we don't know quite yet um thank you ian i wonder if they had to trigger the fts on starship that's i i don't reckon they did because it did it hit the ground because it was um there was a lot of debris um flying around and it looked like it was it sort of exploded up from the ground it wasn't sort of just littering down it looked like some of the stuff on the lab padre feed which i had in the in the other shot that i had i was also watching that one as well which i wasn't sharing here because there wasn't really any reason to share there wasn't much to see except for fog and the odd piece of debris sort of coming up and falling down um yeah sorry tj i might catch you off there mate oh no no you didn't yeah i agree i don't think the fts was used the ground earth was the fts today um yeah wow oh man that's really disappointing we didn't even get to see some views we can't talk we can't diagnose anything even in like normally in the upcoming video we'd be talking about what went wrong did it fail to light up one of the engines did did something you know we don't know anything literally don't know anything about what just happened uh which is really uh that's that's sucky i gotta say i was hoping to be able to at least diagnose what might have uh gone wrong um so that's that's a real bummer um i mean we're gonna get a bit of an idea um okay um a few people are asking can i rerun labs stream there let's see if i can just rewind this because that'll give us just a little bit more information um yeah we're going to ask the same exactly marcus it's a little hard to to get it because we don't have we don't have anything to go on i'm just scrubbing back on a few of the other feeds to see if there's anything that anyone else has caught anything i'm just trying to see if there's oh yeah so it was around here right so we see a flash and we see some debris that's that's that's pretty much it and all i was saying on on my screen was exactly this and i'm saying you know obviously there's been a big explosion because there's pieces of debris floating over the camera everywhere that we can see um and that's basically that's the end of the event um well i cannot be able to get some sound on that actually um just one sec see if we can get some audio there on that stream okay so i'm seeing some through another video some really patchy fog you can hear me right yeah yeah yeah um so it looks like star hop is still there i suspect it looks like it has not crashed at all on the landing pad and what i can see and it's very hard to tell it looks like it has not crashed on the landing pad and there seems to be splashes coming up so my guess that swampy area or the marsh marsh certain um yeah i mean there is there is an orange glow as it comes in which i'm just replaying again on labs feed um it's literally just a flash i mean if i was a guessing person i would say that it's almost flown it's really hard to say because the camera seems to lose the blows out at that point yeah um like it's got it's got focus on the tree and then all of a sudden it doesn't have focus on anything anymore it's just could it have wiped out the cameras no well i mean the camera was still tracking the debris coming down so i don't know gosh i'm very interested in them if you missed what i was saying before what i find very odd is so this has happened what makes makes life very difficult for them is to analyze exactly what happened through video footage well i mean we're launching in the fog yeah we don't know anything i've just turned um sorry if i was blasting everybody's eardrums out a little bit there with the uh the lab stream audio might have been a bit too loud as people have just told me so that was way too loud yeah sorry about that i'll turn it down now that we've gone over that um i just thought we might get a few clues from the fl from the playback but uh yeah look i don't really see even now i'm just i'm sort of hoping that the fog is going to clear just a little so that we can see just a bit more but i don't know how much information we're going to get tonight i'm afraid see the camera's still um still happily pointing towards that same same location yeah the thing to monitor over the next few hours is when the fog lifts what's the debris field look like and i think that's going to tell us a lot yeah online there's just some rumors a lot like what tommy tony was just saying that it did veer away from the landing pad uh but obviously it's not clear if it exploded on impact or prior uh but it's just hard to say i think even in the next hour we're going to learn a lot as the cl as the fog continues to clear and we'll see where debris is or the lack of debris the the tank the tank farm looks unscathed it looked like it happened i'm just uh picturing where these shots were from it looked like it happened uh yeah away from the actual launch area and yeah i'm suspecting that it may have come as i said come down in the marshlands around i think they're like marshlands around the uh yeah just north of the paddock yeah um i'm curious i mean i i think we discussed this before would would they for safety reasons too once it had would they still um do the um fts would they still detonate the uh the system even because that would mean there'd be live live ordinance out there somewhere that they have to retrieve yeah i don't i don't know that is actually a very good question because um yeah and like people are saying you know it seems like a real waste of a starship we've got no data we've got no video uh hopefully spacex at least got a lot of data from the front from the flight obviously they were able to capture all the stuff make sure it was happening at altitude correctly and that sort of stuff but that last flip and landing um yeah and as a lot of people are saying i was listening to this as well it didn't sound like it hit the landing pad you'd sort of expect to hear that sort of sharp sound it seemed much more you know it just seemed much more of a dull um impact than you would expect if it had to hit the landing pad and i think that's probably it's going to be interesting to see where it's landed and another thing because la la padre and everyone's still broadcasting yeah we you would suspect you would see flames still of from the debris if it hit water and some some some of that area might be fairly deep uh maybe the the flames were extinguished fairly quickly yeah we're not seeing an ongoing glow or or or flames yeah i mean it depends largely how um you know if it impacted very hard and it literally has split up into thousands of pieces then it then it would just be a fairly wide debris field and you know a lot of the um any of the fuel would have um you know would have already sort of dissipated you would think um so there's a couple of people saying the word is that the flight termination system was used um i don't know where that's coming from it sounds like tim dodd's thoughts are that the flight termination system was used we didn't really get audio from the spacex feed that's the that's the sad thing many other people that are making their own recordings would probably have better audio capture of what had happened and that would give a quite a few good clues there for anybody that's just joining now they've spacex have just flown and crashed the uh sn11 test vehicle but they they decided to fly it out of this very thick fog which you can see right now which to me is still a little bit bizarre so we don't actually know we know that it exploded we don't know whether it landed whether a flight termination system was used or anything like that all we know is that it is definitely no more and and we're still a bit bewildered but what we've just seen now yeah that's just like i'll go ahead tony i was gonna say just as as far as the flight termination system is concerned uh it appears that the uh the launch site seems to be unscathed so so that the sn 11 wasn't on target coming back towards uh i guess the landing zone so quite possibly they did self-terminate i mean we know we know that it was close enough to see a reasonable glow there on the lab padre feed at least so we know it was close it didn't sort of land way back behind the camera so we know we're somewhere in front of the camera um or well maybe we don't because maybe i i guess if it was coming down behind cameras or something like that it would still make the entire area glow as it exploded and and it would be a little the trees the palm trees fine yeah eric berger on twitter is currently um he's speculating that the belly flop maneuver did not go as planned based on photos he's getting right now and it appears that the photo uh broke apart well above the ground so as folks know eric berger is a bit of a spacex insider um i'm not sure where he's getting this information from but typically he's pretty he's pretty he's pretty close to being uh spot on with some of these predictions so uh again there's still yet to be the cilia to be seen i just replied to him sometimes he he gets back to me yeah yeah and look you know we've seen we've seen a number of issues with the last few flights on on the raptors and i think that's why spacex are just so um and and i think this is probably a good indicator of that as well that they've actually decided to fly in these conditions um where they they really want to get to sn15 i think um and a lot of the reason for that i believe is because the design of the raptor and the and the flow of the fuel and and oxygen into the raptors has changed in the thrust puck area of um the sn15 and forward starships to the point where i don't think they were confident that they could actually get this these versions um these particular iterations to to do the job correctly um you know we've seen constant issues with the with the raptors um flaming out and and various pressure feed issues and things like that so that that's going to be interesting to see it'll be great to get some more official word i'm almost expecting a tweet or something from elon musk to appear let me know in the comments if you if you pop something if you find something pop out lots of people saying fts as well there seems to be a lot of people saying that it was fts the interesting thing is these cameras are set quite a distance back and i'm watching one of tim tim dodd's feeds and there's definite big splashes happening really close to his camera so i suspect if that's the case it was quite way off course yeah one of his cameras is locked down on that deck and it's a telephoto so but but you're right tony that's appeared from his feed that it landed further or landed it came in further north and something i'm now thinking about is what is this going to say about the faa oversight right now from the outside it appears they've been a little bit more liberal in terms of oversight whether people like to hear that or not but the data is going to say a lot here and if this did veer far north which is like the complete wrong way you want this to go if any way you want this to go east or south where there's no man's land um it's just going to be interesting to see how this develops since north of the pad is extremely populated um but hopefully we'll see that the uh in flight abort system whether they use the ftf so whether the they did the uh they're able to guide it in and crash it properly um worked you know that wouldn't that would maybe be their argument was uh the flight termination system worked and uh yeah correct prices of um assuming everything's um safe and disappointing but yeah and uh yeah and we're definitely uh you know definitely seeing a lot of these comments as well i'm not 100 sure exactly where the uh the information is coming from right now but saying that due to it being off target the the fts was used um obviously the flight termination system will make it um break up very rapidly um into much smaller pieces than if it were to hit the ground and cause much uh a much bigger impact so it's better it's better to scatter smaller amounts of debris all over the place that is going to do minimal damage alone you know each piece of that's going to do minimal damage alone rather than the entire ship just plowing into say the fuel farm or something which would actually be extremely devastating for the site it would it would um cause unknown amounts of damage if they managed to land this the starship or you know crash the starship straight in the the fuel farm who knows what that would um look like but that obviously hasn't happened otherwise we would see a much larger explosion the unfortunate thing is uh that in itself would have been something different to see in some video footage and we don't even get to see that yeah yeah yeah um again for anybody that's joining um spacex decided to launch in thick fog to the point where we literally couldn't see anything until the the cameras from the starship itself focused in on the engine bay and the outside of the ship as it was coming up and ascending and you know we can we can certainly go and replay some of that but in the end um the end result was that there was no camera available that could pick up anything that happened in the whole landing sequence we saw glimpses of the of the engines fire up and that was it the engines were cut and at that point i suspect um you know engines may be shut down who knows what happened at that point but if the flight termination system was then used very rapidly at that point um that would make a lot of sense to what we were seeing on padre's feed here where we were seeing the debris scattering around so yeah look that's um that's about all the diagnosis i think we can sort of share i just wanted to be clear on this most likely the fog had no play in whatsoever in its uh in its demise but uh because the these things that they could do this at midnight without any light at all they're designed to fly uh that um through computers and and and not not really visual based are they yeah yeah that's that's right and um to to an extent i think we could um we can always assume that it's it's fully automated it can do you know it can land based on gps signals and all these sorts of things uh you know you know radar all these so i'm not sure exactly what instruments are being used to to pinpoint the landing pad all these sorts of things um but um certainly things that will work in fog otherwise they certainly wouldn't have launched in fog so i've seen a couple of comments saying saying oh you know the instruments wouldn't be able to work correctly in fog so well there's no way they would have lifted off if that was the case [Music] and and they're using much much more advanced stuff than just visual cameras um but yeah i just i just thought that i would sorry yeah video feed the video feed requires much more bandwidth than sending ones and zeros on uh flight telemetry um but we're looking at now is this the fourth full up starship failure in a row right yeah um i'm curious if they're gonna reassess the test campaign right now uh you know there's how many times do you do this until you say okay maybe we need to change your strategy two kilometers altitude yeah um i'll turn the audio off um so so yeah i'm just replaying just this last sequence there of the uh of the spacex feed um just for those people that missed it this is what we're looking at here so we see the engine fire up and that's it that is literally the last frame we see and it gets stuck on that frame for a very long time what i might do is just bring back that frame let's see if we can just get a bit more information on a frame by frame shot there so so uh tj you you're um you're source saying that uh it was the belly flop or the flip and burn that may have not gone well i was just reading eric berger's tweet i'll read it back one more time he says it looks like the belly flop maneuver may not have gone entirely as planned it appears the vehicle broke up prior to it hitting the ground yes well that's that's certainly true i think according to trevor malman um he said that the vehicle was rotating on its axis more than during previous flights he's witnessed um so but again this is all based on the human eye not yeah from actual temperature data so i've just i've just been replaying the the last few frames before the um before it cuts out just on a low um just a low frame rate so you can sort of see i'm just trying to see it looks to me like only one raptor is firing up there if we look at that elon just tweeted a high production rate solves many ills so yep well i guess he's just saying let's make more rockets yeah yeah okay i mean that's uh that's certainly a bummer um yeah a high production rate solves many ills yeah indeed um so so look just looking at previous the previous flight around the six minute mark is when it begins oh i just saw a really good shot of something landing down um sorry um around the six minute mark the previous flight uh yeah it um it begins the the flip and burn uh so this looks like about the point when all three raptors should have ignited the image that we pause on now so that's about the right time whether or not it seems like own at this point it seems like only one uh fired we don't have any other footage to know how many others yeah the other two ignited that's pretty much all ignite within seconds of each other yeah so that would be the point um saying that the one that was lit it looked like a reasonably clean i don't see any green in that so in previous um starship missions we've seen um a green flame which which indicates that it's kind of eating itself from the inside out because there's a lot of copper in the engines themselves and i don't see any hint of any green in that one firing but what i what i definitely don't see is either of the other two engines doing anything they almost look static to me and that may have been by design it may have been that one engine fires then the other you know a second later and we're just not seeing it but all i can say right there is that only one engine was firing before that camera cut out and yes it's it's not an engine rich burn that one as is another space not just said very true very true um so yeah i don't really know um so david david they're saying on the nasa space light stream they're showing sort of dirt flying from impact around their camera so you know that that's another indication that the uh the debris was um flung out uh far and wide i did hear well i did see somebody else tweet that cam that tim dodd may have lost a camera i don't know if that's true or where that came from but i did spot that earlier um certainly very very close i'm looking at some footage where there's a very bright orange glow in the sky and about three or four seconds later the debris is hitting the ground so it appears that it did explode during um during flight rather than um landing on the ground yeah from from what i'm seeing at big chunks and that palm tree that we we've been admiring the sharpness of its quality uh pieces seem to have fallen around that palm tree yeah yeah yeah we definitely saw some of that there so we you know we still aren't seeing a uh a road being opened yet obviously and that'll take a little longer um oh thank you uh sailing on the summer breeze thank you for the super chat for all the work you do we're gonna lose these flights are sure are entertaining thanks for sharing the ride ah look it's a pleasure and it look that's that's right look i think the only thing that was disappointing for for us here is that we couldn't see anything really and you know it's like i hope that in in future they at least decide not to launch in thick fog like that i think that probably goes to show a little bit about how much they really want to move towards sn15 and booster number one uh at this point um if they didn't if they wasn't sort of too worried about getting a lot of um visual footage of sn11 um we have a we have another tweet from elon he said at least the creator is in the right place okay oh that's good so so i guess it came down on the landing pad then um so i i guess they um i guess they fired the fts uh flight termination system and then maybe a bulk of the debris range down on the landing pad um i guess that's all we can really say i've seen no camera shots that appear to be pointing towards what you would have thought was the landing pad area so there's it's very hard to indicate whether or not yeah yeah as many people are saying it's kind of sad that we couldn't see anything um now it's got to make you wonder so the faa would certainly want to see visuals as well and and it would make their job easier too so it does make it uh an interesting uh interesting as to that they'd be possibly questioning why he did launch in in this foggy weather no hurry he had the whole day what we were assuming he had the whole day yeah knew something we we didn't know but uh he there was no no rush yeah i was kind of surprised that he had originally tweeted that they were going to attempt it for 8am i was a little skeptical until i read it directly and i was like oh okay that's a bit unusual because it's quite you know the visibility at that time of day is quite low most days are like that too i believe so for those people just joining asking what happened to the ship the ship uh has is is no more it is in many pieces the flight occurred um in the fog so we couldn't see anything and then they uh they appear to have not been able to conduct the flip as it's supposed to be done just prior to landing and they've then fired off the flight termination system leaving the debris to hit the landing pad fairly hard by the sounds of elon musk's tweet but we can't see anything to confirm that right now but yes it's definitely definitely no good there's another comment there from madeline saying every day astronaut lost their camera from the explosion so yeah if that's the case then there must be i mean that the camera wasn't on the landing pad so there must be debris um coming out quite a way yeah and david's there david vermont there saying that uh it's more dramatic than that big bits raining down all over the site so yeah um we'll have to we'll have to look at other feeds obviously we're not going to be re-streaming other people's feeds because you know we're not licensed to do that we're lucky to have lab padre here to to share their feed we we've shown that footage um but yeah it's uh it's been an interesting morning let's put it that way all right gentlemen well i'm gonna i'm gonna leave us all this morning and tonight for you guys thanks for having me on yeah no worries cj thanks for joining and uh and helping us commentate it's great to have you on inside absolutely on to the next one apparently three cameras lost three cameras oh wow and you know this is a good example of why speculating that maybe a lion was cut or something so hopefully that's what happened and yeah the actual camera that are gone yeah yeah and big thanks tj um for those of you here that aren't following tj on twitter there is tj's information there popped up underneath my uh my profile right there so uh yes follow tj tjs it follows lots of great stuff tweets lots of great stuff and it produces much great content as well so yes follow and subscribe there to tj and thanks tj for joining us thanks dj a lot guys thanks very much great chat with you i'll talk to you soon see ya on twitter and uh yeah so like i don't really know i kind of feel like we ah it's so anticlimactic i feel like there should be something that we could be diagnosing a little more but there's literally no other angle we can get anything from i've had a look at some other angles from some of the other cameras from lab stream there's nothing there really that caught a great deal more as far as i've been able to see well um i so anyone that follows me and my work and graphics i'd normally do a um pre pre um launch graphic and then an update of how it all went so that normally i turns around pretty quickly this is going to be interesting because i think it could be a day or so before we we start piecing together exactly what happened i will endeavor to complete that graphic for you guys as soon as possible but i'd like to be quite correct on exactly what happened um so do you based on elon's tweet you you assumed when he said at least it uh it landed in the right spot yeah yeah yeah at least the crater is in the right place so you'd assume he either means being on the uh the landing pad or in in a body of water but yeah i'm you you're guessing probably the landing pad i guess yeah yeah um there's a i will show this because i think it's interesting um let me just quickly bring this up here i'm sorry i'm i'm just watching a rival network network lifting one of their cameras up in the air i'm assuming they're saying because i can't hear what they're saying but i'm assuming they're saying we lost one of these yeah yeah um so here's um here's a little piece of footage um just tweeted before this is just a little snippet of nasa space flight one of their cameras um and tweeted by one of my friends shadow zone here um and yes obviously go and you know support the uh support their feeds but you can sort of see quite a a big piece of debris smash into the um they said that glow see you saw the glow yeah yeah so if we if we bring that you sort of see a general glow around there and then followed by debris running down and quite a hefty piece of debris that hits right beside wow look at that so yeah that's um so that's something we haven't seen before so that would that would indicate that the flight termination system may have um been would would you assume it has exploded in the air rather than well yeah oh definitely because you can see if if we actually just keep watching that replay you can see debris raining down um far and wide um there's there's oh wow look at that just hit the ground there and then the pieces but it wow everything's just kind of coming down at such a wider angle it doesn't seem like an explosion that's hit the ground and then and then gone up there's something that hits the ground at a real velocity there too just near the camera you mean yeah where is it right there you just see this obviously quite a thin piece of steel or something just slammed into the ground um wow that's that's crazy we're understanding that a few of the guys have lost some cameras is that correct or at least their feet yeah that's that's what we're hearing um wow what a bizarre morning so yeah some some people thinking you know maybe the the raptor itself blew up and um but yeah i mean there's a lot of assumptions going around simply because we can't see a great deal so you know that's uh that's kind of it really um so yeah well well no more excuse to miss work this morning so much for not yeah look it's it's uh definitely been an interesting morning put it that way jim jim irving saying uh good boom go boom sad we we all we're all in this together we all you know everyone that's following this we all want to see uh uh spacex uh and elon ex uh succeed as much as everyone else yeah yeah that's it certainly yeah it's always good to remember that these are these are prototypes um it's it's a little it adds a little extra frustration i think to a lot of people and i i'm sure i'm going to get a heck of a lot of comments um but yes it has a bit of frustration when when people were not only not able to see the success of the landing but not able to see um anything to do with the landing or even the i mean even the debris or the explosion would have been quite impressive to see um and it would have actually gave us something to talk about it as well on how the flight termination system works assuming that's that is what happened i believe that is what happened i think it's also worth noting that for the 3000 people that are here watching right now we i've got a video that's going to be published just shortly so that's the midweek video that would normally have been published roughly an hour ago so yeah please please stick around and have a look at that video that's that's not relating to this it's relating to a more a broader topic so about starship and other uh launch um you know launch companies that are creating amazing reusable systems and rockets and things like that so that's going to be launching um here very soon as soon as we leave the live stream but yeah i don't know if i've really got a lot more to say about about this we're going to have to digest this when we see some better pictures after the fog clears we're going to hopefully have a flight fairly soon i hope by rgv uh i'm hoping that he's gonna be able to squeeze a flight in at some point soon so that we can sort of see the the uh debris field there and that's gonna going to give us some clues i think so something i might say is uh i'm not so frustrated about the actual uh uh the destruction of the rocket these things happen and this is all part of the testing phase of what's going on firstly we know that probably the fight termination system works and several things like that i'm probably more frustrated that spacex chose to launch uh during the fog because we're we're all here to watch it i know they're not doing it just for these launches for us but but certainly uh uh it it is it there has to be a big question mark as to why they they did launch yeah yeah i've just pulled up a tweet there as well that's uh that's just popped in a moment ago um actually i'm a little bit late on this now but looks of it but yes looks like engine number two had an issue on the ascent and didn't reach operating chamber pressure during the landing burn but in theory it wasn't needed something significant happened shortly after the landing burn started we should know what it was once we can examine the bits later today so i mean that's that's more in more evidence that something very uh well reasonably catastrophic happened just after that landing burn started and i suspect that's why we saw the uh the feed cut out and we just saw that still frame i suspect the ship was no more at that point as soon as that that that second engine tried to fire um you know it could be that the second engine fired up exploded and took the entire thing the entire engine bay with it and following maybe by the flight termination system firing off we haven't had confirmation on the flight termination system firing i don't think well you could you could assume that one once that feed was frozen on that screen that's when terminate uh what termination or the uh destruction of the uh yeah i'm going to make a a bet here and and say that it probably wasn't the flight termination system at all it was probably that raptor engine um exploding or something that actually made it look like the entire vessel exploded maybe by the fts it'd be interesting to see i i'm i would almost i would be actually surprised at this point if it was the flight termination system um that actually blew it up so yeah look that that's going to be interesting to to find out more for sure i could be totally wrong in that there's a lot of people saying it was definitely the fts um [Music] i'm not so sure yeah i think it's all speculative at the moment um definitely something's wrong um definitely something wrong faa will not like this they're from uh um thank you for the comment there yeah i look i i agree that the faa may not like this especially if they can't get data out of of what happened in the broad area obviously they'll have they'll have impact points for the debris and they'll be able to see roughly what happened but they're not they're probably not going to like that there is limited footage of it i would say uh sam sam gillard was pointing out that uh did we lose i i couldn't hear the audio because um because of feedback issues so um that he was saying that the the the bang was interesting that just just after freeze frame did you heard that didn't you i i didn't hear that yeah i mean i heard it to the point where it sounded like quite a like a distant sort of rumbling so it didn't sound like a a huge explosion it sounded like um more of a deeper a deeper rumbling that sort of continued on for for for a while and uh yeah i mean i i was probably trying to concentrate on what i was doing and probably didn't hear it that well either uh i could be wrong yeah but the the microphones aren't with the camera in inside the bay are they they'd be i'm not sure i i suspect they would be on the pad itself yeah um yeah there was no bang that was a bonk it sounded more like a bonk sound yeah more like a clonk um so yeah we're sorry everyone that we couldn't give you the show the show that we we all wanted to see yeah yeah and you know i think thanks again to la padre for attempting to stream it um you know i mean essentially there was no camera angle from anyone that was useful uh even from you know with the exception of spacex's on on board cameras there was no camera that was useful to anybody today um which is which is a real shame um uh it means that we can't really see a lot of the uh a lot of day yeah i can certainly say thank you to la padre for sharing the awesome shots of the the palm that's about it really um really needed infrared and all sorts of stuff today that people are saying yeah um well they they do have their infrared camera don't they yeah yeah i did skim over to have a look at the at that camera and there was nothing really worth seeing there either um yeah yeah well well look thanks everyone for uh tuning in and uh seeing that the past the palm tree and uh and the rod um yeah absolutely and look we might wrap it up there and i might get the actual um the the midweek video out so you guys can watch it so again there's 3 100 people here please come watch this video because i'm really proud of the effort that we all went into to document some of the a little bit of the history of how we've got to the point where we are here but also it's it's more so about the extraordinary innovation going on around the whole industry not just spacex spacex does take a pretty big chunk of the video but yes i think you'll really enjoy that so i'm interested to see what you think let me know in the comments when you when you go to watch it tony bella thank you very much for joining us again and and sitting here it wasn't quite the as lengthier stream as we've done more recently so i guess that's that's one positive we're not up all night it's only 12 51 here so plenty of time to sleep i just want to add one thing uh if um just just while we're still here i would love to um just a quick shout out as to where you guys are around the world watching and before we sign off i'd love to to know and i'll take a kind of a snapshot of the screen so i can kind of plot that out on that little map and maybe oh yeah just to post that up later in uh in today or tomorrow on twitter and yeah no that sounds great we can definitely do that so also as well put put in where you're where you're watching from and also put in your time because the time zones are actually almost um just as interesting for me just seeing you know that the broad range from everybody watching right around right around the clock and i i find that also equally interesting um yes there's still still quite a number of people watching from australia that's really cool um yes a few people saying yes it was stupid to fly in the fog that is uh look i i won't um i won't argue that i'm disappointed that they flew in the fog um strange thing to do oh wow look at that we're getting lots of those um gameplay review uk you never guess where i'm from wow awesome thanks so much everybody for uh for joining it's been a real pleasure uh as always i i cannot do what we do here without you coming coming and supporting and watching um sorry it wasn't quite the last stream we would have all liked to watch today uh i think apart from that the stream itself went reasonably um reasonably smoothly hopefully you were able to hear the audio well and you know tony was mixed in okay with tj and whatnot uh i think i'm getting the hang of it a little more so thanks for being patient with me with the first few streams um yes um there's a lot of locations coming up there tony you can probably copy and paste a bunch of those and we can do some map work there that would be a bit of fun and yeah we might we might sign off here and i will go and get this video ready to publish stay tuned hopefully uh only 10 minutes away or so i'll see if i can get it out by just after one am my time which is in about six minutes away so yes thank you very much for joining us thank you tony for joining us of course and yes um i'll let any sign off remarks there tony well i just want to thank you marcus for hosting uh another uh wonderful show oh it's a it's a pleasure it's a pleasure and yeah look for tonight's video i'll be watching it because uh i did plan to stay up we were thinking we'd be up a lot longer so yes um thanks everybody for joining absolutely awesome you you being here really appreciate it and uh yes we will see you all uh in the upcoming video and also the next live stream which will probably be a little way away with sn 15 or or bn1 whichever comes first so yes we will see you all soon stay tuned we will be back very shortly bye [Applause] [Music] dog all for one crew watch for all [Music] what this heralds really is fundamentally uh a new era in space flight a new air in space exploration we're gonna go to the moon we're gonna have a base on the moon we're gonna have send people to mars have that and and make life multi-planetary and i think this this day heralds a new age of space exploration that's what it's all about [Music] you
Channel: Marcus House
Views: 145,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 34sec (7654 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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