Space & Astronomy | What's In Our Solar System? | Sun & Planets Explained | Science Videos for kids

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i wish i could live with all my planet friends and to be the first female chipmunk to have ever set foot on every planet in the entire galaxy wow wow wow look at that our wonderful and brilliant solar system from afar the planets kind of look like christmas ornaments don't you think great observation astrid you are a star you know what else is a star the sun the sun is a star and is the center of our solar system there are a total of eight planets in our solar system the four planets closest to the sun are the terrestrial planets which includes mercury venus earth and mars the other four planets are further away from the sun our jovian planets which includes jupiter saturn uranus and neptune if you need a trick to remember the planets in order try this my very excited mother just served as noodles the first letter of each word correlates to the first letter of each planet i do have a question though how are these different planets always orbiting around the sun how do they not fall off huh it's all to do with gravity astrid the sun's gravitational force keeps all the planets in the orbit without gravity the planets will be flying all over the place hi there fellas i'm mercury mike i'm the smallest planet in our solar system and i'm the closest to the sun hey guys it's really nice to meet you i am venus valentina the second planet from the sun i am also the hottest planet in our solar system and because my orbit is nearly circular i do not have any seasons my two favorite scientists hello astrid and nixon i am earth eva and i am the third planet from the sun i am the only known planet in the universe to host life my core is made up of iron and nickel and the temperature inside is even hotter than the surface of the sun who's this hello mr mars maverick my friend and i are exploring the solar system today so we decided to come say hi to you cool nice to meet you i'm mars maverick some people call me the red planet because i'm made up of iron oxide i'm the fourth planet away from the sun and i have the highest volcano in our solar system the olympus monks hey y'all i am jupiter julius i am the fifth and largest planet in the solar system i am a gas giant because i am made entirely of hydrogen and helium i am saturn serena and i am the sixth planet away from the sun i am the second largest planet just after jupiter and a very prominent rings around me that are made of ice i am uranus and i'm the seventh planet away from the sun just like saturn i also have rings i am nearly four times larger than the earth hello guys i've been waiting for you too the other planets have told me all about you i am neptune nick and i'm the furthest planet away from the sun i am also the coldest planet in the solar system with temperatures below minus 221 degrees celsius that's almost three times the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth you look like you're freezing youtube better get going before it gets too cold it was great seeing you both bye thanks for watching want to join astrid on a space adventure sign up now and get started with a free trial see you soon [Music]
Channel: Big Bang Academy Kids
Views: 93,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4uolzH1j4D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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