Heavy Off Road KAMAZ Trucks Across North Road in Winter❗
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Channel: Bang Jantan TV SHOW
Views: 908,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamaz, heavy offroad, heavy duty truck, logging trucks, logging truck in kalimantan, combat crew, комбат крю, combatcrew, 4x4, offroad, захар, колун, зил колун, зил мармон, зил труман, скб зил, студебеккер, 6x6, зил, 6x6 truck, red bull, truck, kamaz truck off road, russian trucks, ice road trucking in siberia, extreme sports, far north, rally dakar, dangerous, fails, idiots, idiots at work, idiots in cars, accident, лесовозы, лесовозы урал, лесовоз урал, бездорожье, зимник, камаз, mud
Id: SxdLncPLIiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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