Southern Water wastewater treatment works, UK

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southern water supplies fresh quality drinking water to more than 1 million households and treats and recycles wastewater from nearly 2 million homes across Sussex Kent Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in the late 1800s the Victorians constructed the sewer system in brighton and hove and the surrounding area with the exception of a few additions the treatment works at Portobello in the 1970s and the storm water tunnel in the 1990s this system was left unchanged until southern water obtained approval for a 300 million pound environmental improvement scheme brighton & hove has a large storm water tunnel under the beach between aldrin turn and Blackrock holding 150 million litres it's used during heavy rainfall to prevent brighton & hove from flooding it takes stormwater out of the sewer system and stores it until the wastewater flows reduce in 2009 southern water started work on a new wastewater treatment works 11 kilometres of sewer tunnel two pumping stations and a long sea out for this new infrastructure will deal with the 95 million litres of wastewater produced each day by the residents of Peace Haven Telkom cliffs salt Dean rotting Dean oven Dean and brighton and hove the wastewater currently flows into the main Victorian sewer network the new sewer tunnel varies between 8 and 40 meters below ground level and runs from Brighton marina to friars Bay a new chamber situated on the under Cliff Walk at Brighton marina intercepts the wastewater in the existing Victorian sewer networks and diverts it into the new tunnel built on an island between the a 259 carriageways is Marine Drive pumping station the pumps in this steep shaft will lift the wastewater 16 metres so that it can flow by gravity to quarter bellow during the construction of the new sewer tunnel access points or shafts were constructed to ensure all of the wastewater is collected by the sewer tunnel portabello is the site of the old wastewater treatment works constructed in the 1970s these works screened the wastewater removing any large solids before it was released through a long C outfall above the site of the existing works we are constructing a new pumping station here the wastewater will be lifted 13 metres before starting on its final leg 2-piece Haven the pumping station has been constructed below the level of the road to retain views from Telecom ty where the South Downs meet the C part of southern waters largest capital project peace Haven wastewater treatment works brings wastewater treatment in the area up to European standards the site also includes a sludge recycling center that dries the solid waste to remove during the treatment process and converts it to an agricultural soil conditioner the works have been designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape and includes the largest green roof its kind in the country spanning almost 18,000 square meters the area surrounding the works has also been extensively landscaped the works is located within a dry Valley and the main structures are sunk below ground level as part of our planning agreement we have also provided a large area of new green space this will be managed by the local council under the green roof is located the first stage of the process the wastewater arrives at the Peace Haven Inlet pumping station here it is raised up 22 meters into the treatment works the first of the treatment processes are the screens these remove all the things that get into the sewers that shouldn't for example condoms cans plastic bags and nappies this waste is then washed drained and taken away to approved waste sites once through the screens the wastewater goes into the fats oils grit and grease channels known as the fog channel here grit settles to the bottom of the channel and the fats and grease float to the top both are removed separately using a conveyor belt system the grit and fats are then taken away and treated the wastewater then continues on to the next stage of the treatment process primary treatment this is a settlement process which removes sludge from the wastewater on this site and the Malheur is used where by ferric and polymer chemicals are added to the wastewater which assists with separating the solid waste from the wastewater in an efficient manner in the lamellas the wastewater is split equally into four cells each lamella cell is made up of a series of honey combs which increased the settling area the solids settle first on the honeycomb and then on to the bottom of the cell the sludge gathered during the lamella process is removed from the lamellar cell continuously for treatment on site first it goes into the ko settlement tanks before it's thickened the sludge is pressed to remove the majority of the water content before it goes into the digester tanks the sludge remains in the digester tanks for two weeks and is heated to 37 degrees Celsius to break down the sludge by anaerobic reaction once the sludge has been digested more water is removed in a centrifuge before it goes into the dryer the dryer similar to a very hot tumble dryer up to 600 degrees Celsius removes 95% of the remaining water the side granules that are produced from the dryer are then used in agriculture as a soil conditioner during sludge treatment gas is produced at different stages of the process this gas is collected and through the combined heat and power plant CHP is converted into electricity which is used on site all of the treatment processes are contained either within buildings or covered this allows us to extract the air from these areas and clean it for any unpleasant smells our odor control consists of a three-stage process an acid and alkali scrubber and a carbon filter the air is then released back into the environment via the stack a chimney like structure once the wastewater has been through the lamella it moves to the final stage of the treatment at this site the bath plant this is a biological aerated flooded filter on entering the bath the wastewater is split equally into 10 separate cells where air is added the water passes through a layer of polystyrene balls which are home to microorganisms these feed off the remaining waste further cleaning the waste water the polystyrene media in each of these cells is regularly cleaned through a backwash process once the wastewater has been through this final process it heads off towards friars Bay and the new long sea out for this out Fault has been constructed under the seabed two and a half kilometers offshore at the end of the out form are a number of diffusers used to disperse the wastewater over a wider area this 300 million pound investment represents the current state-of-the-art wastewater treatment a major feat of Engineering resulting in cleaner seas for Sussex
Channel: Mott MacDonald
Views: 21,917
Rating: 4.7062149 out of 5
Keywords: Mott MacDonald (Organization), Visualisation, 3ds Max, 3D, Animation, Engineering, Consultancy, Visualization, Autodesk, Adobe, Photoshop, Premiere, CAD, Southern Water, Channel, English, Brighton, Hove, Peacehaven, Cleaner seas, Waste water, Treatment, Sussex, 4Delivery, United Kingdom (Country)
Id: 0-FN3Wp5x5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2014
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