South India, Dubai & Oppenheimer | Indian Standup Comedy | Shridhar Venkataramana

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everybody give it up for your next Act of the evening [Applause] Shan hi hi guys how are you doing good uh n is from Tamil Nadu I'm from Karnataka I like carrying my water [Applause] yes all right what's up bhat how are you doing good you heard the news they might change the name apparently uh from India to bhat I have no issues because in India we used to name changes right many of them Bombay has become Mumbai uh Kolkata has become Kolkata Bangalore has become gur it's it's okay yeah there's a lot of issues with Language by the way in South where I come from right people in Chennai are angry that North Indians don't speak Tamil yeah people in Bangalore are angry that Outsiders don't speak Canada right people in Delhi are angry there's no reason extremely angry every city in India has a different temper right every City's temper is different and you can Define the city's Temper by seeing how bad the road rages there are for example okay in Delhi a road rage could turn to a murder a Monday like Bangalore is different in Bangalore when there's a road rage in the middle of the conversation argument it could become a startup [Applause] idea rage card a community for ra on the road yeah Mumbai is different though Mumbai it's the only place in the world where road rage happens between two people with no vehicles it [Applause] just yeah speaking of South India uh earlier in the year I went to Dubai uh I know if you been to Dubai Dubai is a fantastic City uh you you should go it's a place where you see what money can buy I went there and uh the first place we went to in Dubai was BJ Khalifa okay you guys know bu khif very tall building 800 M and the funniest thing there happens is once you go to BJ Khalifa and if you pay them 5,000 rupees they will let you use the lift okay really the lift cost is 5,000 rupees I was like if I'm paying so much money I should at least see India from there yeah I was not disappointed I went up I saw the statue it's yeah some of you got the joke others Congress fans I don't know just okay it's a very weird City uh the next place we went to in Dubai on this touristy uh situation was uh the mall okay you guys know right there's a big mall in Dubai it's called Dubai Mall okay yeah they spent a lot of money in designing the place so they had no money left for naming it it's a crazy you go to Dubai Mall to see what you can't afford in life it's a reality check but these Arabs are a little crazy you know they have a lot of money so they have to show off a mall doesn't need an aquarium yeah but Dubai mall has an aquarium of two stories yeah this aquarium is Special by the way it's an aquarium where you you know these sharks right man eating sharks that kill people yeah these sharks are doing round round there they're like why are we in a desert guys you need to understand this okay Dubai is so rich they actually have a shark tank it's it's not a show they like he pass it's there yeah digressing a little you guys have seen Shark Tank India right yeah in the first season there was a guy called ashir grower you know his expertise of business was uh my Delhi he's by the way uh into a lot of new businesses now he started a startup recently it's called cck pay okay this is a startup where you can pay money to cricketers basis how they perform yeah I'm like this is not a new idea right back in the day yeah it used to be called D Ibrahim [Applause] back to Dubai right this aquarium is fantastic but they're like we are rich we want to show you a little more okay so behind this aquarium they have a zoo also not a regular Zoo it's a zoo for aquatic species they have fish and crabs and shrimps and bunch of aquatic animals okay they call it underwater Zoo yeah I was like bro that's zoo in Mumbai during monsoon it's it's underwater right yeah but a fantastic Place uh and uh they have a star attraction there uh Penguins yeah these Arabs Got penguins in the middle of a desert and these penguins look like shakes a local culture fully but everything in Dubai is extra money okay you pay extra money for extra Services right no not that that like for example in the zoo if you pay more money they will let you get close to the Penguins a little more money they will let you touch them okay sort of like [Applause] Amsterdam there's a guard standing next to the Penguins okay if you slip a 100 Dam he will take you to a dark room where the Penguins give you a hand job it's czy it's a joke yeah I don't think it was Penguins uh so money well spent but you know what I think Middle East has been dominating the World Finance for too long right like they've been too rich for too long uh I think Mumbai will very soon overtake them yeah I have full confidence the way BMC is digging [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah anytime now okay we'll either find oil or one more civilization something it's crazy man like have you seen the roads they're digging like you see a road okay you see a road it looks perfectly fine you like nothing can change this in the morning Suddenly It's dug up and I don't think they know what they're doing I I really don't think so because if you see a road now they'll dig it and one week nothing happens because in that week they figing out it's yeah it's it's not too bad though I think by and large things are okay in India right we are a very happy country by the way by and large right like most of our issues are very Dom domestic or near domestic we don't have longdistance enemies yeah till Canada happened you know for example USA right USA's number one enemy is Iran right if they have to fight Iran they have to take a flight of 20 hours and then start the fight in India Sunil chety runs to the border and the fight begins very simple right you can't blame USA though USA can't fight their neighbors right who are they neighbors Mexico and Canada USA can't fight Mexico if they fight Mexico who will supply the drugs and they can't fight Canada also because imagine USA Canada have war and US soldiers enter Canada right they will all get [Applause] residency the fight will end I mean USA has the most random Wars okay like back in the day they had this whole thing with Russia called as a space War yeah they were at a space War where USA and Russia were both trying to land on the moon right Russia could not succeed though because they had no good Studios uh ping of us a few months back uh a movie came out openen Hammer yeah you guys watch Upham clap you watch upen Hammer yes a lot of you did others smart opmer came out and um it had a tough competition by the way with another movie right yeah Barbie Barbie Oppenheimer tough competition lot of debate and discussion before the movie began right people were like if you watch Oppenheimer it means you support patriarchy right if you watch Barbie it means you didn't get tickets to open Hamer I saw the movie man I saw open Hammer very expensive tickets by the way 1,500 rupees ticket in IMAX it cost me a bomb um I went and watched the movie and uh it was fun but between Barbie and openen Hammer Barbie won the race by the way I don't know if you noticed Barbie's Global box office collections for $1.5 billion and open Hammer is close to $1 billion so a lot more money Barbie made it's because people who are nostalgic about Barbie are alive [Applause] op hour fans were there okay but in spirit a lot of marketing happened though before the movies released right Barbie painted everything pink yeah you guys know jaur right it's a barie marketing St but you know what I think Barbie has had a long long impact on how the world functions because it's no coincidence that in the year Barbie released uh the Indian Parliament passed women's reservation bill you guys know right it's passed right it's a very long-standing issue by the way many parties have tried but nobody has been able to pass it but now it's passed you know why it took so much time because in a parliament so big in India finding 33% women to fit in that Parliament is difficult right there's not enough women in India with criminal cases it's it's kind of difficult yeah it it's not like Bollywood is any less Bollywood also has been doing really well in the last couple of uh months it's been fun right but I am a little disheartened though because Bollywood I don't think stands for issues in this country right I remember in the beginning of the year when resers came out to protest yeah Bollywood did not support them which Bollywood has benefited right at least the khans they have benefited from wrestling they have done movies on them Salman Khan in Sultan Amir Khan in dangal Shah ruk Khan in won Stadium it's they all done yeah but anything becomes an issue in this country anything becomes a controversy for example right there was a whole uproar in this country or syllabus getting changed right you remember history textbook Civics textbook I was like man the government is over ating how much of a kids give to their syllabus right I mean we've all studied right we don't care man as long as marks come like I learned more about mugul history through Rik rhan [Music] okay well you know what uh before I leave I have to tell you this uh I've been watching uh a few shows okay on Netflix I saw this show recently called Indian m matchmaking you you guys have seen right yeah I've never been happier about not leaving India it's crazy you seen these NIS in the show yeah by the way this show has auditions yeah a friend of mine audition for this show but he was rejected yeah because he had personality all right that's been my time thank you so much you've been a lovely audience my name is w r and I go by I am comic on Instagram and [Applause] Twitter
Channel: Shridhar V
Views: 524,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: standup comedy, indian standup comedy, stand up, english standup, indian stand up comedy, shridhar, sridhar, shridhar venkataramana, english standup video, abhishek upmanyu, kunal kamra, standup videos, english stand up videos, varun grover, vipul goyal, stand up comedy, Coronavirus, Prime Time, Prime Time Jokes, comedy, iimcomic, jokes, mumbai, bangalore, shark tank, shark tank india, dubai, habitat, funny, funny videos, standup, iim
Id: Ko5rAbnLqEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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