#3 WLED Macros & Commands

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[Music] [Music] how's it going fellas thanks for being here oops magical chat Oh almost ready couldn't wait I couldn't wait I I really did think I would be on earlier today just happens I think I got out of bed around 10:30 I set up but I tried to fix her did fix a TV in the in the little gym with the treadmill then I got on the treadmill here it is 2:00 in the afternoon I'm just kind of getting going with my day so how you fellas doing how's it going but I fixed the forgot to change your background again today which one you let's see oh I did forget to take go I know what you're talking about yes I did forget to change the background I did say I was gonna change background yes I did well you know it's gonna snow here I'm surprised it hasn't yet but it's gonna snow here pretty soon and that'll be my cue then I'll change from the fall the fall theme background that we've had which I like quite a bit too something with some snow in it it's like 34 in Canada I did I tell you guys I probably did I changed my in my car and my leaf my electric Leaf I changed all the units to metric so I go kilometers per hour now and I've got Celsius in the temperature and stuff so getting used to it it's good it's good I feel like I'm going really fast cuz I'm going like 100 kilometres an hour it's like 60 50 I don't know all right just finished yesterday stream just to find out today is starting yes I'm not getting in any artwork done today I'm trying to protect you man I'm doing this for your back protecting your back you got a model three Steven lucky dog you like it I hear good things I don't know if I could I mean a model 3 I guess isn't too expensive but I just love I love being cheap man I love not spending money it's fantastic so my little leaf was like 10 grand and I love it but I'm glad I'm jealous I am jealous maybe someday maybe someday I'll get there I would love model s TCO is low what's TCO what's that mean is that the is that the model or something what's the max distance between an MCU and LEDs please well Tom let me show you the what we did if you it's it's very short it's very short like a foot or something unless you do unless you do a sacrificial pixel or a Quinn LED board or some other kind of logic level shifter the the note MCU puts out the data signal at 3 volts and the LEDs are expecting 5 volts it's ok they can function at that getting the 3 volt data signal but if it drops any lower than that then they can't function so and it doesn't take very long for 3 volts to drop to something lower 2.9 or 2 I guess it's supposed to be 3.3 so maybe even 3.1 is not enough but it doesn't take very long in a small wire for that signal to degrade enough that the LEDs don't know what to do with the information that they're getting on that on that wire so the best thing to do is to use a sacrificial I think the best thing to do is use a sacrificial pixel that just means like take the first LED and cut it put the first LED right next to the node MCU and then you can run 3 wires from that first led out to the rest of your LEDs and that makes it so you can run it we did it on a we did it on a video on a live stream and then I posted a video about it and we went like 40 meters guys right we went a long way without having a problem it's probably in the playlists probably in the led playlists there's LEDs right there you list and it's this one right here I believe how many LEDs 12yr splitting I think this is it pretty sure hi rely on what this is he's brought me a package mail time keep away from children elephant I am waiting for some stuff from China Oh silly silly wife this is for the kids you got mail I'm sure you're right but it's not logical about what what does why does that work a sacrificial Pixel show the resistance there no it works because it works because the Pixel boosts the signal to 5 volts the pixel acts like a voltage shifter so it takes because you're putting 5 volts to it and then you're putting the data signal to it and internally it takes some voltage from that 5 volt line and boosts the signal going out so it takes the signal coming in and it's whatever 3 volts but then it it links with the voltage that's going on the 5 volt line and so the data signal that leaves the pixel is 5 volts that's why it works it becomes a logic level shifter and it shifts that voltage up to where the next pixel in line is getting 5 volts that's why that's why you can run these things forever once you hit that first pixel you can run them and you know you have to you have to add voltage in but you only have to add voltage into the voltage line you don't have to add it in you don't have to do anything with the data line because the data line the voltage stays strong stays high it stays the level excuse me that it needs because oh I have to watch this because that boost that it gets that's why it works it's kind of cool actually I think it's really neat how works makes it great logic level shifter would be the same yep and the Quinn Quinn LED boards Quinn did uno boards do that too new version of LED is not working good too many bugs I've tried last night okay George well you know what that's I'm glad to hear that on that glad to hear that I'm glad that I'm glad you're telling me that because that's gonna save me the trouble of messin with it myself because I was going to try it again today but do I use your jammy motion sensor it goes to the off state after one to two minutes Oh is that good is that not what you want do I use it no actually I don't think I do I think it's still over there in my drawer I used the I use the buttons and I use the temperature sensors a lot all right let me send you this where's the link to this I wanna watch this there's the link how do I I don't we're just gonna send you this whole thing this is where it is but we already explained it that's pretty much what we are explained delivered delivered delivered Oh as an update as an update my notifications worked yeah those of you I know I saw who did I see will and some of these guys here I saw some guys that we're on last night with us and the notifications worked Michigan played basketball today unfortunately we lost by one point probably the last second I didn't watch the game but I got my my lights came on when the game started I got a notification an hour into the game with a score update and when the game ended I got a score update a notification with a score update it worked perfectly so what we did last night with the Google Calendar and the sports teams worked perfectly did exactly what we wanted to do what I wanted it to do so I'm very happy with that I got now I got to get more more teams on there and stuff all right let's pull up a W LED board do this because what we want to do today is go through like the macros and stuff I think that would be useful I know there were some people asking last night what are some of the things you know how do you do these commands and stuff so I think we can do some of that my note MCU is interfering with my garage door opener any ideas oh boy Dougie fresh the real Dougie fresh that's cool uh any ideas hmm so what's to describe what's happening Doug is it because is your your door your garage door opener is also like on that same frequency the 2.4 gigahertz frequency or something and did you try turning it off and on it's only designed for one strand try other options yeah thank you Tim I don't know where that question somebody was asking the question oh how many LEDs can be plugged in with a WDS p32 good question more I'm sorry I actually from the first time I started using w LED I tried using an ESP 32 and I never got it to flash right never got it to work there never never came up with the right you know with the network that they AP mode that I could connect to and stuff so maybe maybe I didn't that was eight point five so I didn't try it point six I haven't tried the beta the 9.0 beta but maybe they're better I'm sure I'm sure they work somebody's probably used them but for me it didn't work very well so I just went to the 82 66 is they're a lot cheaper but yeah you should you'll still only have one data line you'll still only get one pin output so you can only send one signal to all those LEDs but yeah in theory certainly you should be able to have quite a few more then on an on an 80 to 66 ah interesting I had that garage door interference issue too with a node MCU but I didn't have the issue with the D with many I moved houses also never had to fix in the end yeah that's it that's tough man that is a tough one um I don't know anything about channels on Wi-Fi but I know they exist so maybe there's a way to change the channel for one of them the other I don't know what that means that's probably not gonna be the right solution but the LED create a ton of RF noise and will interfere with the garage door hmm what size resistor should I use with a most d1 mini what resistor were you putting the resistor Henry has a goal by the way Jose's here yay somebody said no it's not on Wi-Fi Doug says no it's not on Wi-Fi Amari he has going suspect RF noise - are they are they in in close proximity can you move them apart but that help or can you yes you can you put some sort of shield in between them so that you know they can still receive information from other places but maybe just a sheet of tin foil I mean between them I don't know can't ever get my garage door opener working she just shouts get off your dang bike and open it yourself huh that doesn't sound like it's Alexa Gary huh I'm sorry you're saying that no no it's like somebody else probably saying that yeah probably too much noise yeah that's a bummer I don't know to tell you I wish I could tell you yeah use a note MC you to control your garage door that's what I do in front of your string of 60 lights so I don't think you want to resist her I think you want a capacitor right I think you want a capacitor and because you want a capacitor on the positive and negative that's what you're talking about Tim I think that's what I was thinking I think that's what he was going for I just wanted to say thank you you're welcome giving me the motivation to get back into home assistant and LEDs yes hey I'll have ALS and now quad oh no I can't run my computer and home with my eyes holy cow Elmo Wow man well I'm glad to have done something to help you I feel for you brother hi that's amazing control your computer and your home with your eyes that's really cool well thanks for being here moe glad to have you lad to be helping you my wife's bring him back credit card she gave hers to the achievers to the teenagers and now she's now she's stealing mine RGB LEDs are on the way I got it that wasn't coming oh and he dropped off 400 for me this morning too we got to figure how to give him away I got remote access sorted for my house after watching your videos duck DNS and SSL encryption keep up the good work wow that's impressive Chris good job good job the pegboard will help oh good and I think the if you look I don't think the capacitor value matters a ton you just want one of those big metal ones or big sir not ceramic is that what they're made of you know I remember just from Adafruit holy cow hopefully that place for you huh oh yeah it should Thank You Joseph in the process of building my own DIY shades following our example right now trying to figure out how to secure the printed parts or alternate alternatives anyways thank you you're welcome Joseph I still we use ours every day you talking about one like the six that I had and look I guess they're seven with the door too you know I would love to I would love to be in a situation where I could easily print parts the thing to do Joseph I would I would tap the community a little bit and see if there's I'm sure that there are a lot of people that have 3d printers that are willing to print something for you and you know charge you maybe just the shipping in the price the plastic or something something minimal there is 3d hubs which is a website and you can go there and people in your area might have a printer that they could you know they would they would print something for you there you go Stephen says he can print it for you it's nice if it's somebody that lives near you because then you can save on shipping you just go to the house and pick it up I've sold a few parts that way problem is it's it they just charged a lot I mean it's like a there's a minimum amount and pretty soon you know a part that it might cost you a dollar to make ends up costing the person who bought it like ten dollars or something but it just depends on the part and the size and your location and stuff like that but there you go thank you Thank You Stephen that's awesome oh and Alex - and there you go see what I mean we got all got all heard all right asking the discord or hook up with these guys in discord and all that stuff hey Jacob near but more where's boomer near Filioque ooh does anyone in Canada know where I can get control boards like the Falcon F 48 mm-hmm anybody any of these fellas in Canada if you want from Sweden send me a DM map it'll do it from Sweden see who'll love this community you guys amazing you guys are amazing so Paul Brazil give me a call kevin costner here in Brazil I didn't know that Oh Baltimore be more Baltimore gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha that I would tell you my Baltimore story I've only been to Baltimore once and it was to take my oral anesthesia board exams so I can't ever go back I get PTSD that's not true it wasn't that bad but I did have a really yummy crab cake after after the test do you ever play with light show pie no what's light show pie lights Shilpa this was it any of you who let's look up lights show pi real quick was it any of you that are here today that told me about a it's it was an LED effects sort of software so you run it on your computer and it hooks up to your D 131 controllers like in like a week W LED controller but it doesn't matrix it controls a matrix I can't remember what it what it was called I used it I think I even have it installed on my computer here but I can't find it all right so this is quick update let's see what is the so this is all running on a Raspberry Pi Wow make lights dance to music with your Raspberry Pi on memory of Tom eNOS hardware guides getting started cool I might be a nice way to get into it huh so do you just do you hook up the lights to the to the pie itself as well focus still needs help oh Henry yes focus oh the capacitor we were gonna look up the capacitor sighs so I remember at a fruit has a RGB LED tutorial and in there they talk about the size of the capacitor to use and I don't remember what it is you guys could probably pipes I'm off I don't remember how many ferrets cheered times 10 thank you Espen Espen Espen Espen each land we're gonna do unicorns this isn't the first one I love you know how do i do text-to-speech in google finessed mario Rini of you guys doing that I haven't done that did it move past in while so this lady says this somewhere in here there's says what type of capacitor to use you yeah to 20 micro farad make sure the voltage is correct yeah so there you go Thank You creative it doesn't have to be big I kind of remember I think I even have like a thousand micro farad or something like that I just I bought some based on something I found here and I don't think the size matters tremendously it's just it's just something that some capacitor to be able to handle a spike in voltage when the power first gets turned on to the lights so that the first LED doesn't you know get get more than it expects so it just kind of soaks up the voltage and then releases it so there you go thousand micro farad 100 micro farad they go great so just grab one you can you know the other place to look is just you can look at what Quinn Door uses because he uses them on his boards to you it's whatever the big ones are here he's just a couple big ones large capacitors two large capacitors he uses 270 micro farad and thirty-three hundred microfarad I don't know which one he uses but for that for that you know would go between positive and negative on the input to the first LED I don't remember which ones which but either of those are probably fine I want to sell what I do in art and LEDs awesome Henry that's great man from the UK big fan of your house all your work Thank You Darren thanks for being here all right we were gonna do let's go to the W LED commands page is this interesting to you guys that are here today because somebody asked for it last night but if they're not here then I'm happy to do whatever somebody is really interested in the first thing I'll say on the topic of W LED commands is that they're hard to find only because of the name of the page where they are actually posted it's HTTP HTTP request API is actually the page where you will find the commands so I would have called this commands or something like that err cookie he's genius he'd call whatever he wants it's his page but this is where it is this is what you need so I'm gonna post this because everybody's gonna want this in fact this will I'm gonna keep this open I'll post this in the description of the video and we're done as well you need to learn programming oh that's right it was you Henry so is this what you're talking about programming or were you talking about programming like LED X lights working on Christmas sign with LED and exlights nice we can look at that juice because I have my matrix over here too do you happen to know any working serial to MQTT plugin for house I know cereals to MQTT I don't what does Google tell you what does Google tell you Twitter I just hope if you go home assistant serial to MQTT what is it you're trying to where is the serial communication coming from you have serial input somehow serial sensor serial sensor platform cr2 net so cat I don't kind of start looking through this programming your lights to music okay so you use an X lights Henry we can do that before you get too deep what's an example of these macros very good Alex example of the macros is so if you look at the controller here when you go to the time and macros page it gives you these places to put a macro in and what you can do with these macros is you can go to these this command list on this page and you can just link a bunch of commands together so for example you could set a macro make a macro that would first turn on the lights so master on/off toggle so the first part would be T equals if you want it to turn on it's probably looks like it's 0/0 to turn it on one to turn it off and toggle seems backwards right ones usually on zeros off but we'll see anyway so he would the first thing you would put is T equals say two just to toggle T equals two that'll toggle it and then you put the and symbol so let's go back to this we do it right here so let's say T equals two and then you do and now you put the next command so let's say we want to set the primary color and we want to set we want to set a primary well let's see yeah we can do it let's just set a primary color so we'll set a red value okay so R equals so now we can go R equals and then some number between 0 and 255 so we're just gonna pick one 24 and then we can put an and symbol and we can set the blue green and blue so we can do just G equals and then how much green do you want let's go 98 and then an and symbol and then be equals and whatever we want to be to eat we'll make it 250 all right but then we can keep going we can also say so that'll set the primary color we can even we can set the secondary color as well by C R or sorry secondary color as a hex as a hexadecimal code so we could do that too you looked up a hexadecimal code be something like X color picker and we can go just pick a color I'm just doing all this amazing blue so here's the hexadecimal code right here I'm gonna just copy that it's there's no way you can see that I'm pretty sure t1 is turn on that makes more sense wood cat right so we're gonna change that to t1 I just was looking at it as the as the order that it was written it was written 0 comma 1 comma 2 and then that said on / off / toggle so I thought well in that order you know on lines up with 0 but you're right that wouldn't seem to make sense awesome and other lovely live stream TV oh the cheer is still there that's awesome head to add the new W LED 0.9 by the IP address it didn't discover automatically yet okay well that's good advice maybe I'll try it that way I couldn't get it I couldn't get the app the AP mode pop-up anyways I digress I get my dad dress do I digress I don't know but I definitely get okay so let's do that color picker so now we're gonna set our secondary color by just putting in c2 so we're gonna do and because and is how you separate these commands it's not a comma it's not a - thought of : in this format you separate them with the + symbol the and and then it was C 2 equals and then I'll paste in what I had for that hexadecimal code without the numbers sign up front right and then let's do some fun so that's set that will turn it on it will set the primary color in the secondary color and then we can do something else with it we can make it do a well it could do a preset this can do this at all has to do with the presets general and experimental I want it to do the effect where's the effect I want to set it to do its effect here we go effect great so mmm LED effect index so this is 0 to 79 I think we're at like 82 now but if I do and FX equals and then the number will correspond to that to that list right that long list of the reality effects I'm just gonna copy this because I want to keep that page open but open the other page where the list of effects and palettes are right and I love that this is here now and this tells you it's using the primary and secondary colors too so we're gonna use well just for fun we'll use will use thirteen alright so let's go back here and after we set the secondary color we're gonna set the effect we're going to go and and then FX equals 13 and then let's do then let's set something else like that like the speed or something when I set the speed SX you're getting the hang of this right you get the mean you're getting the theme here and I will show you how to use this in a way that you can use these same commands these at least this bunch of text that I'm putting in here is the same chunk of text that you would use in an MQTT payload to do the same thing so you don't have to set it as a macro you can just set it as the payload in an mqtt which is really awesome going to use the pegboard on my wheelchair awesome the effects are viewable in W LED point nine be awesome Neil's that's great I love you I love that I think that was so cool that was such a great thing because it's so easy to get lost picking in effect in W LEDs are so many to pick from and the palettes and stuff too so the nice thing about a macro is that it's all in one device I assume exactly Alex exactly so with with macros here it all is stored on that board you don't need home assistant you don't need you know an mqtt broker so those are others things you don't need to set up if you want to keep your setup really simple and then there are other points of failure you know it's always going to failure minimize those as much as we can so good do the macros persist with reboot yes they do they are saved hello err cookies here bit sick so can't join the stream today but watching and available in chat yes hey man how's it going hey 0.9 looks looks fantastic still a few bugs looks like so is that right still seems like a little bug a little buggy but it does say be on it I'm assuming that means beta but bummer that you're sick man get better thanks for being here keeps missing my comments I see your comment in my text here Tyson about caddie watching or Katy watching the stream oh oh wow I'm on the big screen oh boy Lou okay where were we oh we were gonna set this we're gonna set the speed so where's the speed here s x equals and then yeah we can't do any better than having err cookie here with us I need to update all ten of my W LED devices tonight well - what - 0.9 you like bugs right I love bugs didn't come from from from all right and then the last thing that I'm gonna do did I what did I set the speed to I said s x equals and I didn't set a speed I assume it's between 0 and 255 probably right yeah 0 and 255 so let's set the speed to really fast so we'll set it to like 220 and then the last thing I want to do I like to end always with a timer so let's set a timer so that it'll go off after a certain amount of time night light active and duration so if we do and NL equals the duration between 0 and 255 what is that is that minutes so why Wlad instead of es pixel stick tyson because w LED can do all this other stuff w LED has you know all these built-in effects and as far as I knew the last time I looked at es pixel stick it was really just a receiver of e1 31 so it could receive e 131 and then you could control things through it W LED it can do everything it can it's better than the old brush sketch in the effects you can choose and and the how easy it is and the app you can have and everything and it takes a 131 so you can use it with X lights and stuff as well so W LED is just a game changer game changer err cookie needs like the Nobel Prize for RGB controller inventions all good so far okay good Nikolas that's what I was gonna try first I was gonna try instead of just flashing it on to a new one I'm gonna try to update it and see if that worked why the timer only goes to 65,000 good question does the timer only go 65,000 let's do this active night lighting duration and we'll just set it to something like I'm will set it to 30 so we'll sit in L equal 30 and that's it so we've got this big long macro here and I'm actually also gonna copy it cuz we're gonna do the same we'll send it as an MQTT topic as well now here's another thing you can do it I and I did put this in that video as well once you do a big fancy so if you do a big fancy macro like this you can down here say oh I want Mac Road number one to turn on oops to turn on every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at whatever time of day you think it'll be dark enough at eight o'clock so now Tuesday Thursday and Saturday this macro will run at 8 o'clock every night why not can I do every other note of different color and will it switch over to e 131 control when the sequence starts so if it's I don't know about every other node there's probably a way there's I mean there's the amount of customization that you can do with the effects is crazy and but as far as the e 131 that's a good point I'm gonna say that that's a good point because what I noticed when I did my ie 131 in my ex lights show for the first time last week or this Saturday no Sunday Monday was that whoever was controlling the lights last kind of maintains control and and then you can so if you in order for X lights to take over it had the the lights first have to be turned on from W LED at least for me maybe it maybe err cookie or somebody can explain if I was doing something wrong or if I just missed it or it wasn't working for me but if my my lights were not turned on and I ran a show through X lights 3 131 it didn't output to the lights first I had to go into W LED and turn the lights on then when I hit output to lights it's been the e 131 communication became the dominant control and it and it turned on and played the lights from X lights and when I went when I turned off the output to lights it turned off if I left the if I if in X lights I left the output to lights button turned on then W LED interface this interface wouldn't control the lights anymore so cuz I forgot to turn it off and then when I went to try and run my normal stuff with W LED it didn't it wouldn't turn on and so I had to go into X lights and turn off the output to lights does that make sense nobody LED controls the light amount X lights won't turn them on there you go by the way II 1-3-1 implementation is new in 0.90 so I so it should run better with large quantities of LEDs yeah I need to drop you another tip err cookie always overrides normal effects currently oh okay yeah so if the lights if W LED has already turned the lights on and then you say output to lights on X lights that's what will be the dominant thing and it will stay dominant until you put the output to lights until you turn the output two lights off until you stop X lights right okay so now let's go let's do an reboot just because somebody was asking let's go back and look make sure our macro has persists did its they're still okay so we're gonna go back here we're gonna do a reboot just to make sure that it's gonna persist so anyone eating with them override anything running on on the else of software as long as it's on WD yes I think I think that's what you're asking as long as w LED already turned it on so see for me to output something to these lights I have to at least first have turned them on we can play with the matrix and that's a good way to look at it a good way to see it to go back in here back to macros and the most make sure in it there it is persisted yay now if I want to run that macro to run that macro well okay the macro we can also do this right with the button presses you can do she who shall not be named on/off to run the macros so there's the next part is well now how do i trigger that macro so you can trigger it with with a schedule and right now it sees the week's go to any any progress on that being a calendar to err cookie I'm I feel so bad I don't want to ask you for more because it's so good like it doesn't need anything else it would be great if nothing ever changed but you know we're never says we always so anyway to make that a counter where you can say all right on this date every year or stuff like that like for birthdays or holidays and things can put that in there soft where's the is that device her connecting to running this device here this what you're looking at this is w LED this is w LED it's uh if you just go to W LED me and err cookie who's here in the chat with us is the the author he's the man now you can you can trigger so I said you can trigger the macros through the calendar here or through the schedule you can trigger it through a button and if you connect on your note MCU I talked about is another if you connect on your note MCU a button to GPIO zero or in this case for these no tips use a lot of times it's already on this flash button so if you hit the flash button that's already here that's GPIO 0 so that will it'll do a short press a double press or a long press and you can set different macros to to go off depending on what you press which button you press or how you press it you can set a countdown you can do what you choose shall not be named you can set it so that it fires off a macro at boot and then you can also do it through things like MQTT so let's go back here for a second and if we want to fire off a macro right here apply macro M equals whatever let's go to home system because that's where I'm gonna that's where my MQTT stuff is and we're gonna go to the developer tools and we're gonna go to MQTT and we're gonna publish if I go back to my controller here I can go to sync and I can see what topic this controller is gonna listen to this controller is gonna listen to the topic named WOD slash office copy that I already and that means I I already had my macro copied in my clipboard but now it's gone oh go to home assistant we're gonna put in that topic and we're gonna do slash API and then for the payload here I could just equal I could do M equals 1 and what that will do is just fire off that macro so I'm gonna look at my lights down here I'm gonna publish and sure enough you can't go it doesn't look like my secondary color got set mmm so that was the one I did with the hex of code maybe can help me there cookie what did we do wrong on that on the hex code we must have done something wrong in the hex code let's go back to the macro and see so this is what I did see two equals F 5 F 2 4 2 there something wrong with that something wrong with the way I did this hexadecimal code any book that anyone can recommend to help you help you with help you with the lights stuff I would recommend beyond what we're trying to do here is dude learn Christmas lighting he's he's only been putting out videos for a little while but this guy knows his stuff can't get the hex code to work properly either you yeah what do you say anybody else anybody is it uppercase maybe maybe we need to have an uppercase that could be there we go try it again up cases okay save that and then let's go back here again and publish this again No wait you just stop oh I freaked it out send it to many to many commands all at once to put that before the code you need to have h or number in front of the hex code oh okay so you do need to have that in there okay I thought we had thought we didn't need that or we shouldn't put that there so let's go back so does it matter if it's capitalized we'll get to the music Henry we're going to get to the music if I put each age four numbers so if I do number like that as this instrument in yesterday stream it changed it to set the different colors directly you you capitalization shouldn't matter okay let's go here here that worked that was it it's working now it's working it's working perfectly all right so there you go well when you do the hexadecimal code color just make sure you start with put then put the number symbol in there that'd be that's what I would like Oh Candace Peter is also good that's true too Candace Bader is also good too all right now you could also do it like this this whole thing could also be the the topic are the payload this whole thing could be the payload if you didn't want it to be for some reason you didn't want to use it as a macro or something you could do it like this how about Eric any progress on saving presets like you know you do a preset you meant you make it all up and you set it as a preset anyway to export that yet so let's change a couple of these so that this looks different we're going to change this one to zero I'm probably need me probably and then I will make that one twelve and we'll make it so that it's mostly mostly blue I guess we need that it's already mostly blue so let's actually change that will make it more of something more green and more red okay so we'll change that color and then if we go back to do I still have my hexadecimal hey JEP I know so let's just make it now we'll leave the EXA decimal number this will just change til it's a different color so now would just be a different color when it comes out publish it sure enough looks like red now so there you go so this is a way that you can if you wanted to automate things or use those macros use those commands all the controls that you get through I think all the controls that you get the controls that you get through the user interface when you're here and you're looking at you know this wheel and you're looking at these presets and you're looking at effect duration and you're looking at all these different effects and speeds and palettes and all that it's all available for you to send commands through a string of text like this through MQTT or in as a macro in exlights part in w LED so pretty cool ii yeah I just did it for fun I just did one in RGB and the other one in hex so just so just to show that you could do it different ways yeah sorry Jeff that was what this part is I just did it just to show that there was different ways to do it so the the c2 that sets the secondary color and then I just did RGB for the primary color there's two different ways of getting the color some reason it does not discover my known MC on my phone running almost I was thinking maybe I should go and look for directions off the Raspberry Pi see if I can get to work I'm not sure what Cole's trying to do you guys got a guy's helping him out a little alright let's go back into X lights is that is that any more questions about W LED macro stuff and all these commands I think the biggest the most important thing to know is where to find the commands and here because they're you know like I said the name it's not what everybody would probably look for but it's it's right there says everything you need and then how you format them and this is how you format it when you want to send it as MQTT or as macro and then you can do it as you know if you had a way to post HTTP or something you could do that this is how Frank did the integrations just using those same kinds of REST API commands so if I enter FF 3 it shows oh gosh what is that what is Kenneth Kenneth lui no I see F live-chat on youtube video is broke Oh No I mean one behind my head yeah it is it's broke should be orange mystery be orange but it's green oh okay try this Kenneth I think I know where your problem is if you've got orange when you if you're seeing something that's orange and it should be green I would bet that here in your LEDs color order you've probably got some you probably got it wrong based on which LEDs you have so some experiment with that so if you had it's orange and it should be green I don't know I'm not sure which one you might have mixed up but I would try changing that see if that gives you the right color this is before conversion yeah it's not updating behind my head let me see how I can fix that that's if there's a good way to fix that or not mm-hmm [Music] reason not alert box restream chat is just see if we can turn it off Rebecca if it reloads turn it off and turn back on can you use they'll be led with a pipe Matt W LED is made to run on an ESP based chip mostly esp8266 so it not MCU d1 mini ESP o1 or an ESP 32 as well which is a totally different chip but the 80 to 66 is what I use and I think what most of us use so you don't need it does it's not made to run on a pipe it's made to run on a little Wi-Fi chip like this for two bucks and then you just connect this to your lights and go to town you can then you know what else could you do it spy that's where you could run home system all right it doesn't look like that chat is connected I wonder why will it run on Arduino Uno I think so but err cookies here to tell us run mine on a sawn-off basic that's right creative hey bud okay have some fun Falcon player yeah that's what I was going to do at some point okay all right let's do some X lights let's let's help out poor Henry let's help out poor Henry let's go to X likes X slides is awesome I was looking at learn Christmas lighting this fella and he started doing some stuff with vixen you remember vixen PI for the Falcon player - yeah I need to do it again sorry no sorry Arduino Uno has a way too little memory runs only runs on ESP right now it'll be honest that's to me so much of what we use this on it I'm not gonna say I'm gonna skip this all right so Henry Henry Henry we're we want we want to program your lights to music my friend what do you have tell me what you have do you have already some lights connected to what you have W LED like this like we're talking about or do you have something else the just did a search and found this awesomeness thank you all cool really just getting into Christmas lights finding out all mine from last year or dead now where do I start strings versus strips moving houses in two years Oh family time family time ma'am well most most of the guys that do a lot of them do strings they seem to do strings more than strips I would if I had it to do over again just based on the amount of work involved right now and this may change but just for the amount of work involved right now with drilling holes in the J channel and making it making the strings look good on the roofline I might go with strips I might go with strips because they just when you get the aluminum channel it hides so well you can't hardly see it and the lights are a little closer together so you're gonna need more power you need more power injection but you can just tuck everything in those and those aluminum channels it works pretty well it's really just what you prefer when you're looking at yes you could Roberto you could you could you'll have to do a calculation and see how long if your power bank will last you know you're gonna need we figured out the current per led and I don't I can't think about it exactly what it is right now but yes yes you totally can it's just five volt power it's just how long is it gonna last and that's all about how big your power bank is you all right cool cool all right thank you guys for helping Cole's dad to I have a friend who's got a kid named Cole John is that you it's not related oh good we can do some song but can you tell what to do use as a Wi-Fi router is it a mesh system can you recommend something for a big house well Kevin what I use and what I use I wouldn't recommend sad to say but what I use I wouldn't recommend I use the Google Wi-Fi and it is a mesh and I actually have six of those pods and it's been better since I added more I had I started with three and now I have six and it has been better since I added the other three but if I was gonna do anything I would go just like Gary says I would go unify everybody everybody that uses the unify stuff loves it and I got I got my Google Wi-Fi stuff to replace my old Netgear nighthawk which was working okay it wasn't bad but it but for the price that I spent on the Google Wi-Fi I could have just got unify are pretty close to it unifies not cheap but it's for what it is it's a great price and yeah everybody who has it loves it so that's what I would go with don't do mesh ray says don't do mesh unified is a lot of mesh though doesn't it I think um I don't have it mine's a mesh it's okay it's not perfect all right let's go let's get into this let's let's sequence a song shall we sequence another song so we went through this the other day and I made a video about it and maybe I could get it finished tonight but I have all my W W led controllers here I hear this did you already try the new beta by the way I tried it I tried it last night Christian I tried it last night and it didn't I don't know if I was having some no D MCU problems or my PC was having problems whatever but I it it I couldn't get the AP mode to come up so so I don't know I haven't I have not personally tried yet I've seen screenshots that people have shared with me it looks pretty awesome yours is a mess that's something different unify rocks and Stevens big house alright so let's do a new sequence here new sequence we're into a musical sequence I'm gonna need a song I already did hail to the victors let's find a song what songs do I have sound bites Star Wars corpse Lord of the Rings sounds need a song what songs should we do I guess let's do it we gonna do hail to the victors again Cole's dad 5 bucks whoo thanks Cole ok Cole's dad appreciate it hope you're getting the help that you need these guys are good you guys are real good Marc just googled I don't know what that means Google Calendar and then I was able to add it okay oh is that your team or something Feyenoord Feyenoord that's is that your team that's awesome recording this dream so I can go back to it when I need it and it'll be Henry it's it's saved on YouTube it'll be saved on YouTube thank you a bunch Cole's dad I appreciate it my friend thank you very much yeah it's saved on YouTube you don't have to record it any other way it'll be there it'll be there for you and when I put this video out and I'll try and get out tonight I think you'll find that it's it'll be helpful to you salt in the water softeners low it's 3 o'clock alright off to make some LED stars alright Dave have a good time with adapter should I use for power bank someone tell me so what you'll have to do so the power bank output is going to be a USB port and so what you're gonna to do is take a USB cable and cut it that's what I would do cut it and then either either put you know one of these kind of end on it see like this usually your LEDs will come with extra so put one of these on you know you'll have to have the power here okay and then this will be the data so this will go to your controller and then you'll have two more wires that will come from the LEDs that I would put to power to your controller so you'll have two that's what I would do I would cut a USB cable and just tie those wires to that connector like that have you have any of you seen the hanger snowflakes no I haven't seen hangers snowflakes host us a picture Tyson come on can you use streaming in exlights for music I don't think so Jim I don't think so because it doesn't it doesn't react to the music you program it to do what you want it to do so let's go back to this so we're gonna open this song and you know I'm gonna make another I'm gonna go back to my layout I'm gonna make another group and I'm gonna group a few things differently here should we group differently how do you need to fight these up into segments you guys done that pretty sure you can string properties maybe what would maybe what we'd have to do is the layout we click one of these let's see sub-models whoa that's it oh wait this is life make those polylines and name them left to right so you make may closed polylines Oh your will link didn't go through yeah which can you break these up that's what I would like to do kind of like to make it you know one segment to this only a Hecate Copper Canyon how's it going check your disk or DMS okay oh shoot discourse not on oh yes oh no what are you doing here oh [Music] is that a song okay Thanks you can use that we'll put here YouTube's safe non-copyright tune for you awesome thank you you know what I had to look up I had to look up hail to the victors the Michigan fight song and see if it was copyrighted and it's no longer copyrighted oh that looks cool coathanger snowflakes oh nice that's really cool you this is the coat hanger snowflake so it's just a bunch of coat hangers all glued together huh and then you string LEDs on them too I sue they look really cool I'm sure they're cheap as heck you awesome all right where we at I forgot what we were doing buddy remember yeah we got here from okay so you break them up also instead of polylines you just do single lines zip ties from the Dollar Tree nice think of giving up 1x lights not sure it's a great application but dang it stuff I'll stick with static LEDs for Christmas for now yeah I can't blame you Nick it's a it's not easy it's not easy and for me I'm doing it because it's kind of fun and I'm doing it you know to learn and to share but I think if you don't have much of a display like I don't really have that much right I've got my roof line and that's about it when I made my show I made a show it was cool did some stuff but it wasn't like wow because you know I don't have a lot of props and a lot of lights to really do a lot of stuff so if you want to try something before you give up Nicholas try vixen try vixen and this dude this learn Christmas lighting guy has got some couple new videos about how to do vixen and I did vixen last year and I actually felt like vixens user interface was a bit more user friendly vixen vixen seemed to me to be a little more user friendly so give it a try it I don't think it's as robust I don't think as many people I know as not as many people use it but I felt like when I first tried to get it set up it works better what struggles are you having Nicholas let's try and tackle that - what struggles are you having I was adding a song I got thank you napping that's true how long we been doing this an hour has not all right I'm going back to exlights let's do a new sequence oh you're gonna discard changes to that one we're gonna do a musical sequence now we're gonna do beat your competition 20 frames per second quick start alright oh this is nice cuz it's got all these beats and it's not super long great two almost three minutes okay good alright so what I've got here these are all of my display things I'm actually not gonna use the matrix probably for this but these are all my roof line parts and then I've got a group here where they have gotten them all in one group and I want to go back here and actually was gonna make another group add a group and I was just gonna make something like the peaks or I guess I could make some Miguel when you do that you do yours I guess I have to have it I have to break it up I can't do it one at a time right yes excellence is free download you bet don't give up got my LED candy canes working with X sights tried to go with too big too fast if I can do it you can do it that's what I like to hear mando that's what I like to hear that's right two old and now you know yeah do you use any weon devices in her house like smart outlets we on w io n mm-hmm hadn't heard of those howdy boy and not heard of those I think what I what it may be is the maybe the thing to do instead of using polylines is do like Miguel said because I've I used the polyline I really thought there was a way to segment these up I really thought there was a way to break these into segments and exlights I'm sure there is sure you mm-hmm sub-models okay there you go sub-models so then I do I redraw them y'all caught me napping hey will so then do I just draw I draw a new model like for example if I just want to have just the peaks I'll draw a new let's see I get up I get up I get up I get up let's do another polyline and let's do I went on on top of this one like this and then if I go if I pick the entry and then I go down here and do sub model let me see what you guys are saying but if you break it up in a single lines or model groups for different groups so like all straight lines in one group yeah I think Miguel I think you're right I think I would like to have done it in single lines initially you know you can add automatic timing in exlights noose yes for the beats and stuff nappin yeah oh we can use that then you get automatic timing markers select the nodes in the sub-module window [Music] sub-model men Oh node oh okay I see I need to add one add a sub model okay okay so we're gonna say roof little peek piqué piqué left and then range okay oh and then I have to put the node numbers in here is that what I do click Add oh I already did it sorry you guys are delayed draw a model drama you from model this tells me 150 I'm confused I am confused do I have a database to save your temperatures and other sensors um I just use whatever home system does by default the home system database but most people who are going to do that use in Flex DB click and drag and I don't know where but will that I do okay then it'll show me enable individual segments then add the numbers for each let's go back to this you mr. click okay now under entries there sub-model or is it down here No maybe Jeff should get on here who wants to show me how to do this hmm did I miss automations editor and scene editor or another day yeah we do another day we just had a lot of requests for W led so we'll do we'll do automations editor and scene editor some other day we'll do tomorrow maybe I was playing with it last night you did this yesterday just learned it Scott you're willing to come on you ready to show me how to do this used in flux but within two days my e MMC card was full so I stopped saving data any tips I think you can save it you can save it to an external location I believe so I'd probably try that what I done is in my I hope Henry's here he is here and he is here but I think he's probably got I think he's some he's good he's record he's watching he's watching he's here he's watching I think what's gonna help him his I'll put out this video that I've been that have been finished with almost finished with for a few days I'll put it out and I think that'll help a lot with getting to this getting to this starting point and then this thing we're doing right now is actually very pretty important I don't like to really figure out how to do this this polyline Henry's here easier because I would like to figure out how to break this up into segments I need sub models I do I do I do I do i do i do need sub models is that the right way to do it I would think so you faces strand node names you so linens sub-models we made a sub model and we put a node range you now you have a sub model in your entry it has the greater than sign arrow Oh duh you can see that up there nice okay this one I don't need this so if I go back in here I actually want to get rid of that other well let's let's let's make that other sub model the rest of it okay so we're gonna go entry and then down here we go to sub models open this up this one then is going to be the the porch horizontal you and then the range draw a model I think that last one went from like 75 right sir way to see this you okay so now in entry I've got two sub models that one didn't work did I not save it whoops you it says it's there oh it does it shows me right here and see that okay so this tells me that's the porch good and that's that part of there okay great well I actually guessed pretty close look at that the transition point can you see that transition point it's right there it's almost exactly where I want it to be all right my doesn't show up here maybe this just needs to be refreshed or something shows you only have one channel in the sub-module Oh Scott if you don't have this card you should get this card this card is amazing the exlights developer who's that Scot Oh Scott let's get you in and if I have somebody that's an X lights like real pro Tyson who you talking about maybe I should call you only have one channel in the sub-module yeah what's up with that sit down here height with brightness transparency that's weird that this sub-models sub model shows the background names like it's not even really there magic energy juice dr. pepper you decide [Music] Scott Scott okay Scott let's get you in what's your what's your means of communication my friend if you don't do discord that's okay we'll do something else we'll do whatever you use but my friend we can use Skype we can do anything you I not do add a new one delete looks like it's there to me Oh see still not there that's weird hmm but it's also not named that is weird man hangouts messenger yeah we do either of those you can do any of that Scott whatever you've got buddy we want Scott we want Scott we want Scott let's go back into this entry and we'll we'll try deleting it oh I see what you're doing yeah my segments thing is different oops Oh no this is this is about the same as segments right I just don't understand why here it shows up there it's not it's not there let's just try this let's just save save sequence as zooom Oh should we just do the zoom meeting I have zoom let's try it all right let's get Scott in here you you you you you oh you got discord now okay I'm gonna put all my helicopter my helicopter headset let's find him what's the server it'll pop up right there sky and you can join thank you so much being here you're going to spend the first couple minutes just telling us about about your your journey with exlights here Ehlers bunch of us you you this is the matrix house clean no he's not on yet he's not on yet record we're getting him here we're getting he's joining you you don't scare him away first thing you do I bet he's not scared at all guess I better get on my flights its seminar time oh you're going to annex light seminar Tison really awesome man it's a crazy time of year to have a hex light seminar it's a great time of year to have exercise seminar actually see you man thanks for being here all right Scott when you when you are available have to break exlights with a pro watching that's right that's what I do that's what I do Frank says it's helpful when I mess with stuff because then he sees how I don't want to see him anyways he seeks out somebody with less experience sees things and that's what I think I bring to this holes process normal layman thank you well as a very diplomatic way to say it make it back up before you change anything so what are you going so when are you going to do more on the matrix you know I need to do I'm gonna put some stuff on the sides of the matrix I might get to it today I don't know what it's gonna be that board yeah so he sees not to get stuff to work because the doc everyone tries new things very good for us normal people that's what I'm shooting for incompetent fool but that was the other way to say it Gary yeah thanks anybody all right where's Scott where's Scott what's your what's your tag and discord there Scott trying new things is how I learn make mistakes tinker and figure it out that's right Jeff that's what that's what we all do or that's what we all here do I'm not sure that that's all that common another question sorry I need to I'm wondering why this is I think I need to refresh let's just save this I started down that path save sequence as oh look at this I already have some old sequences in you regarding the board where did you get the glass things to put on top Oh Kenneth that was just a glass of glass beads from Amazon I just was Amazon glass beads just like this glass beads but not for jewelry making because these were big they were big they were big and clear and I bought like a whole bag of them like this so approximately about the five-pound bag something like that anyways this is what they are dollar store I bet you can get them at the dollar store too probably cheaper I don't know how many they sell in a bag but yeah you can get some colors but you don't want colors you want clear you want clear those look like silver something you low-rate bad image a 150 lights per meter no it was the it was 30 lights per meter Henry 30 lights per meter yeah thirty lights per meter you all right let's see beat eat your competition we're gonna do it that way okay now I'm just gonna close X ice and open it and see if it fixes it save yes see what happens why didn't use the slower the shower curtain as a diffuser for the matrix like for oh you mean oh you know what I didn't even think about that yeah it could he used a shower curtain I don't know if it would have diffused it as much but maybe probably if he put it up in the window and the shower curtain is there that'd probably work to fer a diffuser I don't know I mean that's an experiment I didn't make it blue smoke skip this time alright now let's go to the layout let's see what's in here yep there goes so we did the the turn it off and turn it back on again thing that's all we needed to do all right sweet so let's break him up again let's break up some more alright so that was the break up the entry so let's go to front and let's break up front Robert Becker just subscribed let's do the plains cuz I love this [Music] those were the same ones Kenna those are the same beads I used for the dream line mmm-hmm that's right ok let's break up the front and we want to break it up by the peak versus this side piece over here so let's go down here to sub-models click this add a sub model and we're gonna call it I guess it's the right peak all right and then we're gonna go to draw a model can I can I select it from here I can't that's too bad would have liked to have selected it from here Michel subscribing to let's do this is a prize Scott is in discord you should call him where is he he's not sure what to do okay he's here somewhere what Scott what's your let's see you must be in the general Chiang let's see what's your name there Scott you host something in the general just type something in the general chat and then I will have your name okay scooter there you are joined okay great you it's not letting me thank you yeah point Pope just post something in the general chat is anything because I'm I'm not able to click on your name there for some reason here we go okay I'm new to discord say hi hi all right now I'm going to give you a call you have a microphone tempted to unsubscribe just so I can read some scribe on-air Scott he's here I hear Jocelyn hey hello hello hello is everybody here Scott hello hello you hear me hey hear me yes I hear you yes yes hello you don't hear me huh meet the stream I think you yes I hear you you hear him fine he doesn't hear me sounds like Scott I can hear you two a second okay chick let's see in the discord settings here Scott this is the stream hello on the stream Scott go down here to you to user settings and then under voice and video select your output device and it's probably going to something that it's not going to the speakers that you're listening on or to your headset that you're wearing or something hello Lulu Lulu almost what do you think hello noise yes hello hi yes you hear me no problem man hey that's okay but now you know it discord is a great tool that's a great tool I had a cow like three years ago and I was like hacks so I never I gave up on it yeah I could see that well hey man thanks for joining me us so tell me so uh Tyson said you you helped develop exlights or something yeah I've actually I've worked I'm not a primary developer I call myself a junior developer but yeah I've worked on it for three years now awesome so if you ever look in the change law you see the word Scott that's me Oh awesome well hey man thanks for being here I appreciate it okay so you saw what I was kind of struggling with right do you uh can you walk me through maybe this whole sub-models thing is this how you do it do you break yours up like this or or we don't think um so if I guess what's your intent like do you want to just be able to sequence on the individual segments of your outline is that what you're yeah I want like the peaks to be different than the horizontal lines yes ohms in the vertical lines and stuff so in the sub-model tab here basically what I would do is I would specify each line you want as a sub model so I'm like if so if you wanted like right now you have right or whatever you have I don't know we haven't called right peak right now yeah so in this dialogue I actually wrote this dialogue so I know a little bit about it here today so like there's a couple ways you could select you can just do this and you'd have to select right now it doesn't work very good for polylines because you can't really see the segment's but if you go on the little window on the right that shows it if you hover over the nodes it should show you the numbers it does Oh perfect okay great so if you say like one through 58 I think every one through 20 is maybe your first or 24 uh-huh you can't just make this bigger I can make that bigger too okay perfect so I can go into this one yeah so if you wanted to like right now on bottom you can just put type 1 - 24 right there okay and if you hit tab and then select it should highlight them so you're like idea or maybe yep no that looks about right because this is my I think that's going to that point right there about on the model yeah so then I would then do your in the subtitles hit add again and do the next add another sub model and call this whatever one you have to do oh I did I need to rename that one but this one should be the this one should be the horizontal I hit and just make sure you hit tab after you hit rename okay that's kind of a thing yeah and then now click that one okay now this one we can make the peak and then I can go down here and I can go that one was to 24 26 I think you did 24 that's why I think it's more they should match I don't know if you've done the numbers and the other like individual segments for the numbering or you just did I just guessed okay cuz and the other like in the polyline model you can you can set all the numbers like you could say it's 150 strings or you can say I want this segment of it to be 20 this segment to be 30 this to be 40 so depending on way it's what you're trying to do with it yeah I'm trying to get this to show me up here what I have to do I have to do something different to get it to okay there we go if you have less under it a little bit okay 98 goes to there let's make the whole peak one whole thing so we wanted to go from 25 to 172 testicles enough okay 172 is nian oh no this one's 182 yeah that's primary 172 hit tab that's a big thing I always have is the thing to do okay a burr in there always his you know always like confirms that kind of thing okay that's good to know so that's a is that like exlights wide just you know yeah hit tab or hit enter yes so uh the little box like the grid and the boxes they're always like they're called list widgets and you always have to hit tab or enter for them to click take it cool alright and then we're gonna go 173 and I know the end of this is 182 okay cool so now my I need to save it Chevron now or whatever you want to call that you should see those three but that was supposed to be in this one this was being front it's not there I may not refresh you know I had to what is there a way to force a refresh because it did that with me on this other one too and I had to get her Norfolk's lights and turn it back on if you click the model group and like Reese or I wonder like just hit the model group tab like the top of it if you double click it it resource them and then try to double click it again maybe to restore it again and see if that Chevron doesn't didn't do it alright well let's do this this is probably not the best way to do it but we're gonna do just save it and then we're just gonna turn it off turn it back on yeah there's thing there's some weird bugs like that oh this looks like somebody so will is saying we should get together and have a scheduled session to create the tutorial from scratch fifteen minute presentation with the two of them together would be great video where I'm Scott where do you live I live in the great state of Michigan here oh oh yes yes fantastic we're at where are you I live in the Grand Rapids area oh okay nice nice nice alright so now we go back to our layout and now it's there here we go here we go perfect okay so we did that one so we did that one let's do one more up here and then we'll go on to sequence something what do you think I'm sound good you have some time you got like another half hour maybe you spend with us I got all night if they could only be po su yeah thanks cold Cole's dad one of these days okay we're gonna go we're gonna go down to the one that is the it's oh yeah top all right we're gonna break this one up so top and then we're gonna go down here we're gonna use sub models and then we're gonna go ad and the first part we're gonna add we'll add this this left window over here we're just gonna call it does it matter if these names overlap it doesn't matter as long as because how it is in the software it's actually the name of the item slashed the sub models however all the settings are stored so it should be fine okay so tab and then range here I'll go to about 19 1 to 19 and then tab and then it shows up in it's close enough oh you know what though let's instead of making it that way let's make it go away to this corner here which is more like oh you can zoom you can wheel with your mouse and zoom all perfect yeah I've noticed the zoom though brakes the hover over tags oh [Laughter] don't tell anyone everybody knows now there'll be a bug report tomorrow I assume for it okay so great now we can add another one and we're gonna add peach [Music] okay and then tab it's invaluable having somebody like you call it a scotch sorry that knows what they're doing here is so so helpful so thank you for being being here and being willing yeah I've also worked on the manual for like the last six months trying to update that so I spent a lot of time going through all the myths and crannies trying to figure out stuff awesome come on hover come on 106 that'll do I guess I could also just guess and change it if it's not right just gonna hit tab it shows up there you go perfect okay oh here's a question here's a question when I break this up into sub models can these numbers and the node ranges be discontinuous um yeah sub models can pretty much be anything like if you wanted to just do like the ten pixels on the top for some reason you can make a sub model it's just those ten so if I went back to this one and added this segment over here would that be that's fine yeah I think I want to do that so this one ended at 106 and then see this one goes to about [Music] I know you haven't done a ton of sequencing yet but it does affect how the sub buffer is made which it's a little more advanced how the buffer and how effects are drawn so and I didn't notice you have all your nodes starting on the left which is good so now your buffers will be left to right which is makes logical sense so there are some things there that it's a little bit more advanced but you should be able just put the numbers in as long as you keep them in numeral order it'll have a pretty linear buffer so okay I think what I'm gonna do for simplicity I'm just gonna do one more and just call it the right first and then just move on we can get to sequencing let's go to 107 till the end is our way to just save to the end or actually I know I'm not yeah I gotta put the phone number okay done save beautiful maybe if I go over here oh because I didn't do a new sequence so that's those three that's what we want all right so let's do now it's now we can do a new sequence musical sequence we should definitely do another hail to the victors don't you think absolutely boom I wasn't broke oh there is okay okay great yeah so if you double-click one of those models and like in that it should have the sub models under it like whatever one you added it to there you go what's with the strands so like when you're doing a polyline it calls each section of strand so like it for like in theory you didn't have to do that based on the strands and and only line and then the and in the and in the Layout tab you can actually change those names so doesn't say strand one if you click on the Strand node names option down a little bit Oh strand node names oh okay so strand names node names I've never used this sometimes remember what it does oh you didn't select the polyline that's why you have your ear so I tell you if you do round this one it should show oh it shows two strands yeah so then you could say that's vert one or whatever and then in your sequencer it should show instead of saying strand one I'll say vertical or whatever trash because that's where the trash cans live okay so now under side hey I've got the garage part that's over the garage and then trashes over the side of the house yes cool man okay sweet so let's get so how what's the the best way how do you sequence do you typically copy stuff or do you create your own stuff I I've created a couple of my own but I normally are given sequences you but I don't know I I'm a huge fan of Star Wars so I do a couple I do Star Wars ones but I normally get the song in I'll do like beats and bars timing so like if you right-click on there and do add timing and I did I added that this thing so I've got all these options here so beaten bars tracker this top one yeah do bars do the bar hit that one and then go back in and you just hit okay on the default settings okay that's good that's not too bad I'd only do you know I'd only do beats bars and then you can do note offsets which if you have a it'll find will try to find the starts and then I'll just manually also add timing too it's not too hard to just hit the time key as you listen an atom and a spot see care about that's a lot okay and you can only you can only highlight one at a time huh yeah oh no are they still there hey they're the white lines are those yeah the timing tracks are always there it's just when you're dropping effects it'll put them between those bars so like right now if you were a drag on effect down it would size it to those bars that you have there so that's what the idea behind the timing Traxxas so like if you if you were to put an on effect they would make it into that space right there mm-hmm so and if I were to change it to beats then it just makes it smaller yeah that's yeah okay beats are no we're not too useful because they're really fast unless you're using theirs like the vu meter which is kind of like a way to automatically do stuff sometimes you can have it go with the beat and do flashes and things oh is that what it does now when I was looking when I was trying to play with this vu meter the other day I wasn't sure how it worked does it need an input like a microphone input or it goes by it looks at yes some of them used the waveform and sell them use your timing track you have selected so if you that select effect box if you close that alright now on the left you could see more of the vu meter settings the bottom ones a select effect but if so there's different types of vu meters because let's kind of turn into what some people call the auto sequencer but so many of them that are like a timing event those are based on timing marks so if you were to select that then you could select a timing and like if he went like soaps yes right below it there where it says new timing is currently the track if you did like beats or bars it would you could have it then go with I don't know hey what do I have it oh I have it on this small all that's my nothing showed up to hit the down arrow if you want to go down quickly on your keyboard nice ol exam so it like they basically divided your house into six bars right now in every timing mark it's going across to the six so like that top setting as bars you could make it like so every beat it's changing so if we started yes so we can stretch this out and first we need to render because I changed the colors because we can't be doing overwritten white well to see somebody just come in and steal something for mine okay alright now every beat right okay okay so that's a simple way I see what you're saying this is a nice automatic thing right yeah and that's what like why I sequence I normally put that maybe on my arches just to get the beat and that kind of will help you you know when you're doing the song it sometimes helps you figure out stuffing I spent probably an hour the other day just dropping each effect onto this and just looking at what does it do yeah playing with these settings over here yeah if you know so how exlights renders effects it always renders them I'm kind of like a 2d grid basically so the best way to see what effects do is to actually make a small matrix and then when you put it on there that'll be how so like when you're rendering a single line that's actually a matrix in the software it's just a one high by 50 wide matrix so so when you're rendering stuff like if you a bars on a single line it's gonna go not do much and how you have it right now you have it as per preview because you're on a group so it's actually trying to do a bars effect on your whole preview of your house right now and if you do down arrow it just moves it down because I do have a matrix up there see how see that's so let me the default render buffer or like if you had a square render buffer which is on the top there that's how that effect would be drawn okay and basically what it's doing is it's just drawing this over your whole house yeah the whole you're only it's only doing it in the spots where you actually have lights when you're doing it yeah when you have like a group the default is what we call per preview and it uses what minimal grid so it makes a 400 by 400 grid over your house it actually will try to make a smaller one if you don't have any node it up tries to put every pixel in a box and make a little grid over your whole house and then render it as if it was you're a big neo matrix over your house awesome cool okay then let's how about this how about this can we can do you have your some of your displays your shows in the Google folder could we could we take one of your displays and and you help me overlay it on my house yeah there's some like the sequence armory I don't know if you've heard of that two of mine are in there and then they're also in the Google Drive let's go to the Google Drive because I know that one I don't know what the sequence armor armory is what is that so um and the Google Drive everyone kind of has their own layout and it makes it hard to import so some guys tried to make a website where they make a default layout and then they put some of the popular sequences on that default layout so then it'll be easier for people to import well let's do that so so it's called the sequence army it's yeah it's the sequence armory if just google it I don't remember their exact website exlights sequence armory sequence armory you haha cool brow sequences awesome all I want for Christmas and then so you've got something in here huh I have a Star Wars like EDM unit one and then I have mary did you know with star wars you know and the two different what oops yeah she might have to it's it's it's the Imperial March so I don't know what they listed it under I think if you just search my name Scott it may pop up yeah I don't want the Imperial March Celldweller that's how you go this gun hands there you are yeah it's like a it's like a EDM dance remix can you have a facebook log so OH No ding this is so great how long have you been messing with these lights you said you've been doing something for this is only my third year if you count this year and then ya do an animated light so I've had like a static display probably for seven years of just Christmas lights on my house in general okay all right so I want to download this whole thing and I'm gonna put it in my ex lights folder as a zip and then we need to unzip it right yep I don't like create a folder called imports in there and I put them all in there and I sometimes sort them by layouts so then you can make a mapping file per layout I can make it imports seems like good practice yeah because there's there's like the people that you can download them buy them for sequences from and then I basically make a folder per like vendor or for like the sequence armory would be its own folder and the imports okay so then because in theory the layouts are always the same so if you ain't got another one you could just use your previously made mapping file and do an import again rather quickly okay because when you do any work you can create a map file and then that kind of you know maps they're props to your props and then you can use that for the future so then I could do so if in and with this think this sequence armory you know since they're mapping is all yeah Universal the names are all the same for the different whatever's sequences yeah then if I have one mapping file anything I bring in from them with map pretty well to what I have yeah that was the whole idea behind that's awesome that's awesome okay so I've got it in here now I think I can go back to here let's go do a new sequence well yeah they like promises it doesn't come with the music so oh really yeah you have to buy the music or something yeah find your own way to get it yeah okay sorry we'll work on that with discretion okay so imports Shh think tank Scott Imperial March what am I trying to import here so when you made a new secret in the fight I said you just said a violin that's just me man that's just me okay so I'm gonna have to find the Imperial March on my own yeah basically that name of that song yeah if you want to you could just do it on a blank sequence and you'll see the effects don't know music that's fine and then we can do okay let's do that so just do a new and do an animation animation and with that so that's just without music yeah and then go up to your sequence go to settings and go to sequence settings okay option so by default it's only 30 seconds so if you change that sequence duration and put in like I don't know 240 or something happy 2 minutes so you could put in yeah and then hit done and that will make your sequence there four minutes so now when you import it would actually work so okay and now import import effects and then I go to here here and then Imperial March Yelp Scott Hanson yes yep okay now what I need to do here is well what do you think how how best to map this cuz this part is still hang-up for me as a newbie so that's what you there's a couple ways we could do this like you could open another instance of X lights and we could look at the sequence and see where things are and then see where we want to put those on your house that's kind of like the best way i see'd I've done it I would do it so when Paul was helping me other day too another guy was helping that's what he had me do yeah so if you change your show directory to that import yeah just that imports sharing and I think it has to be that one and then hit select yep and then now open the sequence Oh big house preview is this your house no this is this their generic house if you want to grab mine and you can it just docked it if you hold country holds control it won't dock it if you hold the control key as you drag it around okay I just wanted to see it and then if I hit when he did play well that's what it's in here now do I need to hit play you gotta open the sequence first you didn't open the sequence Oh hit file open sequence and just it done it won't fund the file but I'll convert it to an animation just hit okay okay so if you do a render all then hit play yeah you really should open it do a render all and then when it's done rendering hit save because then that'll fix like file links so in your sequence if it's referencing video files or pictures those when you import or when you download it exlights doesn't know where those files are but when you render and hit save it'll actually go through your show folder and try to find those files so if they're just in a subdirectory of your show folder or the show folder it'll relink them for you so this is actually kind of a step you should do before you import ok so do this do this opening up those second deck slides open that sequence render it then go to the other one and import it so you're saying yeah so you have to hit save right now so I get rendered it relinked all your files then if you hit save it'll save those to the XML and then when you import it should find the new lengths so cool yes so like they have whole property which I would probably map to you're all group that you have hold on one sec Edgar oh it's yes I think I think Edgar - all you have to do make sure that they're here that they're on well maybe somebody else will help you thank you Paul for helping him out okay sorry got distracted by the chat say that again so so now that like we have the other one open you can see whole property that's probably what I would map to you're all group cuz that's kind of like the main one so whole property yep and so I just drag that over here - all yep okay and then okay we have to go back to the other sequence and see what else do we watch it to see what yeah you can yeah I can close these down a little bit right whole property whole house icicles door spinners arches you got so much more stuff here so when you did you drew this you did this sequence but this isn't your house yeah so I did at my house and then there's a guy in the armor who remapped it so I actually know where my stuff is I don't really know where it is in this house so okay cool well let's do something like let's take something like pixel poll suppose these what these look like let's watch it that's awesome if I remember correctly there's a lot of whole-house effects so there should be a lot of whole house oh my gosh this is awesome yeah there's a right there at this instance that's actually the wrong effect there's a there was a bug and exlights that change that effect from where it was last year when I wrote this so oh yeah that spiral things not right oh good so the whole house thing is pretty nice okay so let's I'm trying to pick out something that would work for me some of these maybe these little trees down here I could use the roof Peaks no those oh that is cool oh my goodness yeah bit like you were flying if you get the original version from the Google Drive and I don't think they have it here I actually have the V I have a video file from Star Wars Episode two in there and there's actually portions of like Yoda oh no playing on a matrix yeah so okay so I think this the one thing I might do is map whatever that's cool we'll have to map this if there's a matrix so I can map that to my matrix just for kicks it and then oh there's an r2d2 on the mega tree yeah there should be a there should be a trees group or many trees group but a lot of these like this is all whole house mostly that you're seeing right now which makes it easy click on the Layout tab and see that's so cool that I just love how it how it does the whole house I mean you got these snowflakes and stuff up here and trees and all these things but when you had that that last effect that sort of flying through space thing it was you know was using the pixels that were in the snowflakes and in the trees you know to make that whole thing look like it was being projected on the house so awesome okay well what let's I don't know if the this anything stick out other than maybe these trees here the matrix and this is how you do your this is how you do the channel yeah I don't know why they map that to the tin to most the time they don't do that I don't whoever did the mapping we'd have to figure out why they did it that way I don't know okay so let's go to stop this guy here let's go back let's go back here and let's just go to some of these roof peaks and how can we have we map so that wasn't Rhys it was Mini tree group would be the ones you were saying they're a selection tree group if I drag that to each of my roof peaks and again that you can yeah okay so I can go roof peak if you don't want it if you don't want to drag if it's highlighted in the right list you can just go over to the left list and double click on the one you want to add it to okay so if you just double click in the box it should populate it okay great and then upper also had a roof beat right I don't know if we had it we never did it because we decided it was the strands uhh no it was top okay those names are really really helpful right okay upper link anyways you know okay and then the matrix let's do the garage matrix and then we'll call that good okay go here and we double click there matrix alright yes yeah if you hit save mapping there it'll create an X map file or a mapping file and then you can put that in your folder and then if you were to ever take another sequence from there you would just load that mapping and you wouldn't have to do that double clicking it would just no load mapping right here and I would load that and I could go load mapping and you just pick this so anything that I picked from that website from that armory mm-hm I could load it and it would it would do the whole house to mine it would do the mini tree groups to the peaks and it would do the matrix to the matrix I wouldn't have to do any of this other stuff yes so I would select the timing tracts on the top there you can import those tracts if you're not going to sequence ever it's not a huge deal but if you ever want to add effects that will put all the things in it and then just hit okay all right so if you hit render all and then you should be able to play it that was easy I was so easy you all right let's do it that's doing the matrix up there on the roof oh yeah I gotta get the music it's way better with the music yeah and and I just would if I got the music you can add the music to an animation like this can I just drop it in there somehow I think if you go if you go back the secret settings I think you can add it I'm unsure okay yeah oh yeah I like that we did a good thing with the mini trees and the roof lines that works good I like it and this part as far as cool that's why I distills that's my attempt to fly through space I don't know if it it you are but no I worked that was good I like it well done now all this tells me and I showed my wife a little one that I made the other day and I said you know what this means it just means I need more lights you gotta get a mega training that's pretty critical yeah I do gotta get a mega tree we need to build one I think I might take these RGB lights and RGB man lights and build one I know that's what my wife tells me - any more lights I'm like that sold easy now stop twisting my arm how tall is your mega tree I only have a 10 foot mega tree so I do 16 strands by 50 nodes and they're two inch spaced it's a good starter tree but I I hope like I only have a single-story ranch house so it's not that large of a house - but you have a dual story you have a two story so it's and once you start getting above ten feet then you start having to do like winches and stuff to get the top of it and raise and lower and that adds a lot of complexity to it so I started with a simple tree it's just a 10 foot piece of EMT this works pretty well though it's a 10-foot piece of EMT and then you just you just stake the strings into the ground or what I took a half inch PVC pipe and bent it around in a circle and screwed it together on the end and then I just used bungee balls so I have that piece of half-inch pipe staked into the ground with rebar in like eight spots and then I took bungee balls that and then put those through the bottom of the strips and I have a mega tree topper from bosco studios with Jay hooks in it so well Paul's got a 12-foot tree and then what's what how is how many is too few I love that my roof lights on fire like that that's awesome so if I was gonna make us a tree I don't know what uh how many total and it fades out that's so cool nice work man well there you go we did it now we need to save my what we'll save this as mute Imperial March because there's no sound so let's let's talk mega trees for a second when I want to know how you how does how to lay out the LEDs cuz if I'm gonna build one I want to know like how you run actually physically run the LEDs and I got an idea but since we got you here let's make this the last thing we'll do and then we'll let you go and I gotta get to family stuff too yeah so I was sixteen by 50 so I run 50 up then 50 down so I have eight strands of 100 so that's my basic setup so like if and you can kind of mimic that in here like your number of strings right now is sixteen so you'd have sixteen connections back to your controller so I have eight and then I did I do one fold back so it comes back down so and when so one of the things that I learned from Paul when I was doing say the day is we you know you started from the left and go to the right and you have to tell where the controller isn't such in a typical mega-tree the controller is where is at the bottom at the top there's one normal roller would you know my do bottom left there yeah just one controller depending on how many strands you're gonna do there are some people who put them at the top I think that's kind of crazy but this is just easier to get to something goes wrong it's down here at the bottom well like I have I have mine on the EMT pole I just got some pipe clamps basically or like they've the EMT clamps and I have a CG 1500 box I just clamped it right on the pole that's in the middle there's one here it's kind of hovering like 2 feet up basically on the pole so keep it out of the snow yeah and then the the strings when you run the strings in you know whatever you use or I guess you just you have them running loose right yours are just hanging they're not up against anything or they're not hooked through a strip of metal or anything like no I have the boss coil strips all you do okay I heard you say you had a top right in the industry yeah sorry I forgot to mention that so if you you start down here and then you run up and down and up and down is that how they go just like that yeah so I I have I actually have 18 straight I have 18 strip strips so it goes the first trip has the lights starting at the bottom they go up on one strip that jumps over the strip next to it comes back down and that's the first string of lights it's a hundred LEDs and then you know the third strip or the second string of lights then goes up 50 and comes back down so it's okay so it just goes up and down and then they chain together at the bottoms you just keep going yeah I have them all go back to the controller I have like the first I have a 16 port controller so I have you know the first report so if you had and you but what you're using is pixels to write using the 11 pixels yeah so somebody was asking to chat about Victor's asking about strips these are these are the strings right these are the W's 2011 is not like a line of you know in the ip67 or anything like that it seems like everybody who gets real serious about doing these that's what they use these those pixels me but not I have seen people who do the strips and they then the promised strips they break if you flex them a lot so if you take like the strips and put them on like a piece of EMT or you know zip tie it to that keep it very rigid I've seen trees with just strips on a PC EMT conduit and those look those look really good too so they're just they're just not quite yeah it's more of a flat tree to like you could basically get a bunch of EMT make kind of like a flat fan out with the strips on it and it work that's another way to do a tree it's just kind of whatever is your preference I'm learning the hard way and Paul Thomas here and Chad is saying don't use strips outside I had some strips here and I was doing something the other day and I thought I needed I was waiting for some paints dry I was waiting for paint to dry on my matrix and I thought well I'm gonna do something with these and my daughter says put him on the castle debecker I was playing house castle so I went out to the backyard and they're just those ip65 strips and I put him there under this little overhang and it all looked fine and then I looked at him last night and they were the it stops at one point I haven't gone out there to troubleshoot it yet but I think what has probably happened is it probably flexed too much and it broke the copper in the you know in the in the bend there and I'm afraid that it is gonna be a pain for me to have to try and fix that or take it down all right okay so let's let's pretend we're building a tree let's say we only want to do what if we do a 180 degree tree do many people do that that's what I do yeah that's pretty common okay good so 180 degree three rotations what does this mean rotation three you know that means I have no idea okay we're gonna leave it spiral wraps we're not doing spiral bottom top ratio what is that so that that's like um if you wanted to be a cylinder you would make it like one so basically the bottom is three times as wide as the top so okay so that's why it's six the bottom is yes yes Sixers I don't remember the exact number and what it does but that'll make a knit you can make it base like a tube or make it really narrow at the top of you adjust those numbers yeah okay so based on the shape okay so if it's one it's just straight up and down and seven is more narrow at the top such as yeah it might be like one over six so my being on like one sixth some of sometimes we use that as the dimensional things what is what is too few strings is eight too few strings look I have a sixteen by fifty and I don't think that's very dense like I try to play like you can't really play like seeing faces kind of work on it when you only have a sixteen by fifty but that's why a lot of people go to like a thirty-two or 24 and you can get a little bit more by fifty is probably the minimum ya really wanted to look good okay okay great and then strands or strings this is just how many inputs basically right just one no so number of strings is actually your number of controller connections so right now you have like sixteen strings going back to your controller oh so if you wanted so if you only wanted like for connections you'd put four there okay and then you do your strings per strand for if you type in 4 here then it would basically it would basically zigzag them back and forth so if you right-click on the model right now over in and you can actually do like the wiring view it'll actually show you if you make this a little bigger it'll show you how everything's kind of set up it's a little hard to tell but you can see so it took like your string one it's hard to tell it's kind of back behind itself it's over here somewhere yeah and it went up and down you can see a loop back you could also close this one and if you close this window if you right-click and on it again and do a node layout the second one from the top so this will show you it's actually showing you the render buffer but it'll kind of show you also the layout so for some reason we put the string second but it'll be string one one node one in the bottom left corner there yeah so that's the first string node one then it goes up to node 2 node 3 so you can see it going up then back down then back up back down so then it starts the next one yeah it changes color for a different string so this would be string 2 but then it goes 50 okay so this so the the connection for the second string wait a minute yeah something's wrong here okay we probably didn't do something right yeah I don't know what's going on here this does not seem right okay it's funny how this changed how much how it looked yeah he changed Oh yours oh so your notes per string we need to change that to like 400 sorry that's why or 200 because we want to yeah do 200 it okay no but now it would be six basically at sixteen up and downs of 50 right now back to that original so the nodes per string yeah so you have four connections to your controller then you did 200 per string so that would be a total of 800 lights and then four strings per strand or how many basically up and downs per strand of lights so since it's for 200 divided by four you have 50 lights going up 50 going down and you can't see much with that okay that was the wiring view so it would go back let's go back and look at the node layout again and so the node this so each so the node number restarts at each controller correct each new string yeah so miss you string yeah so yep string 1 node 1 and then it went down if you scroll all the way the bottom you got 200 and then it stops there and now we're at string 2 node 1 okay and then we go to 200 and then we're string 3 node 1 and string 4 node 1 okay so each of these points here would be connecting to a new controller connection page yeah ok ok ok and you can actually see like in X lights I don't think it'll work with your pixel too much but if you scroll down you can actually set up if you scroll down there's the controller connections so if you'd say like right now there's controller connections you have port if you put one and then hit tab if you see like now above it says tree and has the channels and it says ws 20 at 11 1-4 at the very end of it here that's the four connections now it's saying you're connected to port 1 through 4 on the controller and if you actually go back to the setup tab you can actually see I don't think it'll work on your because you just have if you right-click on whatever controller that would be on it's kind of probably just in a random one I don't put it on this one for some reason so but if you right-click and do visualize controller yeah it's not gonna show anything cuz but you actually try to show you what ports like if you had a 16 port control it will try to show you what props are on what poor yeah so cool alright well that that gives me some information I'm gonna delete this tree but that gives me some information as I try and figure out how to I'm gonna build one what I want to do with it so awesome any other questions you guys have questions for Scott or for me thank you again Scott I would I would love to get up to Michigan and see well I guess I can see your house dog get into Michigan buddy next time I'm there we almost went up for the Notre Dame game this year kind of glad we didn't go because it rained so hard but wish we would have gone to see him win so well yeah I was up the army game and I was at a second game to I don't remember now oh but it's been too long commotion say my cousins have season tickets so we go to some of the games nice nice nice cool well thank you for helping me get this Thank You Ven I think do you want some stickers I think you definitely earn reward for the day if you want to give me stickers the reason I actually found you is I use I use open hub AMA on the enemy team I guess so I also I've written some software for open up as well so I work on that a little bit I do a lot of home automation stuff so okay well cool well that's alright we have some you know we have open have users that we tolerate songs you know is not open have and you know Ohio State and I've almost jump it on the home assistant band wake and I see your video so it looks pretty I'm telling you it's pretty robust man it's pretty good it's pretty good alright let's see who else did we give let's see the other day Paul did you get stickers Paul what did we talk about you having stickers for helping the other day because if not then I think we should award Paul Paul and Scott the stickers for the day what do you guys think objections speak now or this is really a dictatorship I can do whatever I want all right you just waiting for any responses in chat yes Kenneth says yes and I want to know about Henry Henry we've been yeah we were doing this for Henry this one's for you Henry I think we should send Henry some stickers to Henry you get some stickers to Scott Paul and Henry or sticker winners today that's what I say Wow so let it be done all right let me call up the kids let's see if my two works today no no something's up with the cube stop and take questions chat is loading up all right I don't know how long ago you sent that oh just now okay good let's do some well we can do some questions for a few minutes before we sign off here am I reading that croaking I'm asking because the distance between pixels in my strand that I purchased is 2.8 inches I don't think my strand of pixels would fit the strip I'm trying to see why only seeing part of what you're posting their car twig somebody else helping you there I think probably potentially anyways what you're hung up with is the for the trees they put the pixels closer together than this then they come on the strings usually right because is that are the strings always the same distance Scott there's it's about three inches in between the pixels typically right you can order the defaults 100 millimeters yeah like 3.4 3.9 inches that's the default but there are you can get custom order get us six inch and they even do like twelve inch spacing between they don't do any closer together because the what you were talking about the spacing on those you know to go fifty of them in ten feet because usually 50 of them in one of these strings will go fifteen sixteen feet if you you know if you're going all the full three inches so and I think they just they're just closer together on that bus Koyo strip that you're using right yeah that well since they're bullets that come out the back so they basically loop back a little bit yeah so so you just on mine when I have a minimis channel where I drilled my own holes they're stretched pretty pretty tight they're pretty far apart but what you've done is or what the boys Koyo does just shrinks down the distance in between them and I think that's what Hughes sure Henry email me if you want a discord is a nice way to drop your address but email if that'll work for you mashup of all exlights live streams what might do some more before this is all done so let's see tyson saying so what a 16 connection tree like that would you use 16 d1 minis no I think what I would do Tyson if I was gonna do that with W LED which would be my first attempt it seems like you know and you get real serious into this you probably pretty quickly jumped to one of these Falcon controllers or something I'm guessing that's what you use yes Scott I have a mix okay okay well what I would what I would think Tyson is that you would do almost like what we just did except probably put more nodes per string because on a double you LED controller on an 82 66 you could pretty easily run well and then I think I'm the new one err cookie earlier said you can run even more so yeah two to four control yeah I think if you put if you went to you know five or six hundred nodes pixels per controller you you could do that tree we just did in probably whatever was three controllers yeah I know the ESP pixels stick firmware so in theory the protocol you can do about 1080 before you run out of bandwidth and the protocol so I know the ESP I think you could do up to a thousand off of one port so you could do a full 800 with just one port on a ESP pixel stick oh yeah you wanna leave sorry got Sun asking give me another 15 20 means okay sorry sorry about that everybody Sun wants to go somewhere and I gotta do something for him all right but yes you so you you can definitely do it with less controllers but you wouldn't do it with one I don't think I think you'd have a pretty tiny tree I might try and take some I gotta see what lights I have I was gonna try and piece them together but I've used so many of them lately I don't have a lot of extra lights I have to go over to Mike's house and buy some more lights why not why don't use the d1 mini Edgar says I think is he asking you what real-life mixing with the stream I know it's crazy I bet the d1 minis and these kinds of things are I think very good they're great for a lot of this stuff when people get into these really big lights they want and this would still work in fact it's funny out when I was over at Mike Mike Mike's house the RGB guys house and he opened up his his controller box and he had his Falcon controller in there and it had this same you know basically this ESP o1 chip right here was on the board it was the same tag I looked at it I go that's the Wi-Fi chip right there so they're using it for something else on that obviously it's not doing all that kind of process but but anyways one works fine on 800 pixels so you might be able to do yeah I mean it's gonna depend on on how much information you're throwing at it but should be pretty good all right Luke first live string you've been able to make and Jarvis I have not been I have not mailed out stickers in weeks so I'm not surprised that you haven't gone but if you've won I've got your address right there yeah you November yeah I haven't sent any out since then I'm behind I am behind that's typical also Eric okay I only use d1 meetings actually no Tim C was a bit clunky with the headers and I the reason I started using the or recommending the note names to use was to for folks that didn't want to solder but I think definitely a d1 mini is a good option you just have to solder your own connections if you don't mind that it's a great option they're basically the same otherwise alright okay I think we get ready to sign off let me just do this so Scott I'm gonna thank you again for helping me out my friend huh I appreciate it so much appreciate and now unfortunately for you I've got your contact in discord hey do well yeah because you just sent that message to me so now I can contact you whenever I have a problem or question II won't be the first so have you watched the end of one of the live streams before Scott and I have yeah okay good so you know how I do this with gathering of the monkeys and all this so let's see what Tyson says the whole display is running on its own Wi-Fi system not connected to okay yeah that's the camera that if you look at that camera then it looks like you're looking him in the eyes this one's not mine she's she's a neighbor she found her roaming the streets she's a hatchling put this down put this down so caution headphone user yeah oh sorry we're gonna back that like what up and that's what they need to tell you guys don't be so we already picked our we already picked their sticker winners today we picked their sticker winners we're gonna give stickers to Scott who's been helping we're gonna give stickers to Paul for helping the other day and we're gonna give stickers to Henry who we we did this for you Henry I don't think so no giveaway to open at this time we'll probably do it again Mike normal tomorrow alright so how you guys want to sign off today like Mickey Mouse okay we can do our best Mickey Mouse impersonations you guys ready Sarah come over here you want to be industry you want to be in the picture like a duck okay okay let's do it I'm sorry if I blow out your guys's ears I move the microphone back a little bit okay here we go [Music] you need me okay I'm coming all right guys okay that sounds messy hey guys Scott thanks again for being here everybody else thanks for thank you being here and tomorrow normal time around noon for the typical Sunday stream so thanks everybody see
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 9,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drzzs, home automation, automation, tech, drzzzs, wled, wled control, led, led control, christmas, christmas lights, dr zzs, dr zzzs, hassio, hassos, home assistant, home assistant automation, iot home automation, tasmota, drzzs sonoff, tech hacks, technical hacks, esp32, esp8266, iot, iot automation, esp-8266, esp-32, lights
Id: hPYsspPnLi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 14sec (8834 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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