Hey, everyone. One sec. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this pronunciation
lesson on "Reduced Pronunciation for Modals". So we're going to look at a whole bunch of modal
verbs and situations where you can reduce the pronunciation. Now, this is going to help you improve your
listening comprehension, and also to improve your speaking so that you can sound more comfortable
and more natural when you're speaking as well. So, here we have: "would you", "would he",
"could you", "could he", "should you", "should he", "have got to", "has got to", "have to",
"has to", "ought to", and there's going to be five more after
this board as well. Okay? Now, if you're wondering: "Okay, you have
'would you', 'would he', what about: 'would I', 'would she', 'would
they', 'would it'?" There's no reduced pronunciation for those so I
only gave you the ones where people normally do some kind of reduced pronunciation
when they have these words together. Okay? So, one: "would you", in speaking very quickly
can be pronounced and often is pronounced: "wouldja". Okay? So it's like a "ja", "ja". So, repeat after me: "wouldja". So, you could say: "Hey, would
you mind holding the door?" Or just like this, repeat after me:
"Wouldja mind holding the door?" Try it one more time. "Wouldja mind? Wouldja mind", okay. I will review them
afterwards, too. So if you didn't get it the
first time, don't worry. Next: "would he" can be
pronounced: "wouldee". You're basically cutting off the "h" when
you have "he" with the modal in this case. So, repeat after me: "wouldee". Like Woody from Toy
Story, say it like that. Okay? So: "Would he know the answer?" Or very quickly repeat after me with the reduced
pronunciation: "Wouldee know the answer?" Okay? Next: "Could you", same idea as
"wouldja", we have: "couldja". Okay, so you could say: "Hey, could
you help me with something?" Or very quickly: "Couldja
help me with something?" Okay, try one more time
with just: "couldja". Good. Next: "Could he", same idea "would he",
"wouldee" or you can say: "couldee". So, you could say: "Could he do it?" or you
can do it, repeat after me: "Couldee do it?" Perfect. Next we have: "Should you", same like
"wouldja", "couldja", "shouldja". Okay? So "shouldja" is a little more
difficult for me I think. And you can say it this way, in this
case: "Should you be doing that?" Or with "shouldja":
"Shouldja be doing that?" And if you're shaking your head right now,
saying: "Alex, I can't, I can't", let's try it one more time, let's try
just saying "shouldja". So just repeat after
me: "Shouldja?" And now the whole question:
"Shouldja be doing that?" Okay, keep practicing. Next: "Should he", again, you have:
"wouldee", "couldee", "shouldee", okay? So: "Shouldee be here?" And, again, you could say:
"Hey, should he be here? Should he be here?" Or when you have the reduced pronunciation,
just: "Shouldee", "Shouldee be here?" Excellent. All right, next: "Have got to" and "Has got
to", so you've got "'ve gotta" and "'s gotta". Okay? So, it's just fun to do,
it's like an airplane. Speaking of, think
of it like this. Right? "'v gotta, 's gotta". Okay? So let's try these two
sentences with the plane. You could say: "You've got
to try harder", okay? Or you can say: "You'v
gotta try harder." Okay, repeat after me:
"You'v gotta try harder." Okay, a little faster now that
the airplane is making me... Making me say it longer,
like "vvv", anyway. So, let's try it
a little faster. "You'v gotta try harder." Good. Next: "Has got to", "'s gotta", so: "Mark's got
to go home early", or contraction: "Mark's gotta go home early. Mark's gotta go." One more time: "Mark's
gotta go home early." All right, next we have: "Have to" and
"Has to", very simply: "hafta", "hasta". So you can say: "We
have to get a new car." Or you can say: "We hafta get". Complete sentence this time:
"We hafta get a new car." And: "Patricia has to ask her mom first before
she can go to the party: "Or: "Patricia hasta ask her mom first." Let's just try the "Patricia
has to" or "Patricia hasta". So: "Patricia hasta", "Patricia hasta
ask", "Patricia hasta ask her mom". Okay, and finally on this board we have:
"ought to", so we have: "hafta", "hasta". "Ought to" is just: "oughta". So repeat after me: "oughta". So: "They ought to move." Maybe they don't like their house or they're
in a bad neighbourhood, and: "They ought to move", "They should move", so here
you would say: "They oughta move". One more time: "They
oughta move". Okay, so let's repeat all of these one
more time in a quick, shorter context. So here, repeat after me: "wouldja?", "wouldja
mind?", "wouldee?", "wouldee go?", "couldja?", "couldja help?", "couldee?", "couldee go?",
"shouldja?", "shouldja be doing that?", "shouldee?", "shouldee come?", "'ve gotta", "I've gotta
go", "'s gotta", "he's gotta go", "hafta", "I hafta leave", "hasta", "she hasta
sit", "oughta", "we oughta continue". Okay, and you oughta stay tuned because the
next five are really useful, too, so let's do it. Okay, all right, now we have... You might be familiar with them: "shoulda",
"woulda", "coulda", "musta", "mighta". Now, I'm not going to review the grammar for
this because this is a pronunciation lesson, but very quickly: "should have", past advice;
"would have", third conditional, an unreal situation in the past; "could have", "must
have", "might have", past possibilities or past probabilities, making guesses about what
could have happened, must have happened if you're very sure, or might have
happened if you're not sure. You can look up all these things on engVid or
everywhere, all over, you know, the internet also. So, first we have: "should have" can
be pronounced, repeat: "shoulda". So, for example: "You should have told me"
can be said, repeat after me: "You shoulda told me." Beautiful. "Would have" can be
pronounced, repeat: "woulda". Okay, so you could say:
"I would have said yes." Or repeat after me:
"I woulda said yes." Beautiful. Next: "could have" can be
pronounced as "coulda". All right, so you could say: "He could have
helped" or repeat after me: "He coulda helped." Excellent. "Must have" can be pronounced
as, repeat: "musta". You can say: "They must have left" or
repeat after me: "They musta left." Okay? And then "might have" can
be pronounced as "mighta". So you could say: "She might have had a fight",
or repeat after me: "She mighta had a fight." Okay, so just like before, let's
repeat them one more time. So repeat after me: "shoulda", "You shoulda
helped", "woulda", "I woulda said yes", "coulda", "He coulda done it", "musta", "He musta fallen
asleep", "mighta", "He mighta had a fight". Okay, so all of these pronunciations are really
important because they will help you to understand other people's conversations, as well as conversations
you hear in film, and TV, and in music, and anywhere out on the street. So yes, definitely know the forms that, yes,
it is: "should have", "would have", "could have", "must have", "might have", "should
he", "would he", and all that stuff. Absolutely, that's the
correct way to spell it. And definitely when you write these words,
don't write: "woulda", write: "would have". Okay? Unless you do the contraction
with "would've" with a "v-e". But, in speaking, make sure, you know, if
you're in an informal situation, most native speakers will say: "shoulda", "coulda",
"woulda", "musta", "mighta". Okay? "Shouldja", and
everything like that. Now, there is no... What's the term I'm looking for? Quiz, that's what those
things are called. There is no quiz for this lesson
as it is a pronunciation lesson. So if you want to test your understanding
of it, the best thing you can really do is go back, watch it again, practice the pronunciation,
look at yourself in the mirror and say the words, too. Okay? So that's the best advice
I can give you guys. I wish you luck, and until next time don't forget to
subscribe to my channel, and thanks for clicking.