Last ever Soul Survivor Main Meeting // SOUL SURVIVOR 2019

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hello the rain has arrived but it's gonna be a bit wet in certain places but we won't mind ok because it will cool things down ok we're good okay and also don't forget after the meeting tonight we've got our little end of sole survivor party happening so let's hope the rain has stopped your CEO in front of the arena there's a stage are those chairs and tables it's basically a place they'll be the live band playing there'll be loads of space a few treats and a couple of surprises so to head there after the main meeting [Applause] BK's okay [Applause] it's okay guys [Applause] guys we need to ask you listen Shh right we need to ask you not to sit too near to the main poles if you can if you can make a little gap because I'm actually not sure why but for safety reasons don't sit too near to the main poles [Applause] hey guys we've got this lunch we've got a team of safety experts and they're all very happy that we're in a safe place we might get a little damp but that's as far as it will go if there's if there's any question obviously we will do something but this is a safe place okay we're just gonna we're just gonna hang out for a few minutes okay we're just going to hang out for a few minutes folks just to say again guys the storm is passing there's blue sky coming the worst is over and so we are quite quite safe and if there was any possibility we weren't we would do something we are quite quite safe the worst that might happen is some of you might get a little bit done and I hope it's those of you that haven't had a shower all week you know I'm telling you this is happening because of those of you who haven't had a shower all week and the rest of us have paid for it all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to worship the Lord and [Applause] okay okay [Applause] listen listen can I have quiet please this is the last time ever I will perform like this in public and listen this is a ballad a ballad a ballad this is this is a ballad from years ago that means a lot to me it speaks to me over time when my heart was broken so I just need you to be still and silent shut up all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm now and now we're gonna worship Jesus let's stand together let's tag guys know that no we're gonna worship Jesus together now come on let's stand together let's stand to worship [Applause] all right I'll pray I'm gonna go for it father we love you we praise you for all that you've done among us and Lord tonight we want to celebrate who you are would you be glorified Lord would you be glorified are men [Music] it's weighing count out if to you hi hi Tom's burning [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us beat see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the presence of my own [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] before lifting up your glorious name [Music] we go kid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Christ [Music] now can't stand [Music] oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus eyes [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] besides [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] from cross you made thank you their face it's never we [Music] we [Music] it smells [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why Utah we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see well [Music] there's [Music] the team [Music] we are well at the team [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our men if you'd like to sit down as wonderful we're gonna worship we're gonna worship and celebrate some more in just a little while but first of all just want to say a few final things I'm gonna try and keep it brief not I'm not a proper talk and then before we worship and celebrate some more want to give one more opportunity if anyone survived to the last night of our last event without giving your life to Jesus what I give an opportunity for you to do that but first of all I just want to say a few a few brief things the first of all Christianity is not complicated sometimes we try and complicate it it's not complicated it's about the great commandment that we love the Lord our God with all our heart soul mind and strength which is a command to worship the new commandment that we love one another as Jesus loves us which is a command to be family and the Great Commission that we go into all the world and make disciples of every people group which is a command to evangelism to witness and to change the world and that's the heart of what Christianity is and if we're going to love him we first have to know that He loves us that's why you can never get tired of the cross you can never get tired of looking at the cross it's the cross tells us that God loves us if ever you doubt look at what he did on the cross it's his love letter to you and to me and you know we need to get that deep into our spirits because lots of us we struggle with ourselves and we're that's why we've been praying that's what we've had these ministry times because we pray that you would know you would know his utter complete devotion to you his love for you that will never ever ever change it doesn't matter what I do in the future he will could never love me any more than he loves me now and he could never love me any less than he loves me now he loves me because he loves me because he loves me because he created me and he died to redeem me he put a price on me I am his pearl of great price I am I am his treasure hidden in the field and he gave up everything it's as if he sold everything for me and for you that's the truth for you don't put your price on him put his price on you put his price on you and that leads us guys that leads us to worship and the reason we spend so much time worshiping Jesus here is because worship is the activity of heaven worship is what we're destined for now when I first became a Christian I couldn't understand why God seemed to want us to tell him nice things about him all the time it was like he was you know it was like I was I think not do you do you have some sort of inferiority complex are you are you not sure of your identity that you want us to say nice things to you and I just imagined it was that I just snort then I did tonight and I just imagined that it was like the Lord was saying come my people praise me thank me hallelu me tell me how wonderful I am and I'm misunderstood completely what worship was I misunderstood completely worship isn't making God feel good about himself he's really happy with who he is worship is the language of love worship is the expression of love I've said this before but I'm gonna say it one more time Andy soon after in fact he when he married Beth and they came back off their honeymoon within a very short time of them coming from their honeymoon the three of us went to Australia to do a camp and we were in the middle of nowhere we were in the middle of the bush and there was this campsite and there all the kids were on the campsite and then there was this heart that was away from everywhere and we were put in this heart and it wasn't a big hub there was no radio there was no TV there was no internet there was no nothing and the heart was divided into two rooms and it was a very thin wall between the two rooms and they had just come off their honeymoon and it was a very very thin wall and I'm telling you I'm telling you there was no distractions there was no cars there was no anything and it is are amazing what you can hear late at night through a very thin wall especially if you've got a glass up against the wall and I'm going to tell you what I heard you need to keep this to yourselves because it's very private I heard this I heard Andy Oh Beth Beth when you worship and you sing it sends a shiver down my spine when you preach and you get all excited and your hands go into overdrive I wish your hands were wrapped around me Oh Beth Beth when when when you flick your hair and it shimmers in the moonlight Oh Beth I don't know what to do with myself oh it's so sweet and it just went on and on and on like that I thought if that's what goes on when you're married I want to stay single it was like I'll please is there another channel what were they doing they were praising each other they were thanking each other they were adoring each other that is what worship is if you love someone and you never express it there's something not complete about your love and worship is the language of devotion he sang us into being he sang us into being and we sing over him he rejoices it says Zephaniah 3:17 he rejoices over us with singing and we to rejoice over him with singing because it's about intimacy it's what he's been longing for with us and that changes us and to worship is to change when when Andy got married to Beth after a little while I just want to tell you he changed it was horrible before he got married he was a normal bloke we used to go and play squash we would go to the gym he would do he would do blokey things and then gradually started to change instead of gray he started wearing all these weird clothes and suddenly his hairs chatter I said what happened to your hair and he said I'll bet took me to her hairdresser and I thought oh my goodness and then I knew we'd reached the point of no return when one week I asked him I said hey Andy Thursday's your day off do you know what you're doing and he said oh I can't wait for my day off I'm really looking forward to my day off and I said what are you gonna do and he said on Thursday Beth and I are gonna spend the day at IKEA and I thought what the hell is wrong with you you used to have testicles and now and now you're getting excited about spending the day in a Swedish furniture shop looking at wardrobes and eating meatballs what has happened let me tell you let me tell you what happened I'll tell you what happened when he fell in love with Beth after a while he started to love what she loved and he started to it love the things that she loved so he could be with her and his tastes changed I don't know about you but you know I when I first became a Christian I kept trying to be good and it never worked I think Andy mentioned it the other day it was like I'm gonna grit my teeth I'm gonna I remember where after I became a Christian the next New Year's Eve I was a real Kino and I made a new year's resolution than from midnight on Christmas Day I would not sin and so on Christmas Eve I sing two extra to get it out my system and then it came to midnight on New Year's Day and I want to tell you in all humility and I know this is being recorded I want to tell you from midnight on New Year's Day I did not sin for a whole eight hours and then I woke up and that's when it started getting difficult it was easy not to sin when I was asleep the problem came when I woke up and however much I tried it didn't work you can't do it on your own you need the power of his love in you that changes you that makes all the difference to you it's what we were talking about you know I I remember the first Soul Survivor in 1993 the first meeting we had and my friend Matt Redman was leading worship and wai-wait was the first ever meeting and and I was standing on the side waiting him from him to finish so I could do the important bit and as I was standing there and that was leading worship we hadn't had a preach yet this kid came up to me and he gave me this knife and he said can you get rid of it for me I don't want it anymore and I thought that's a bit bizarre in a time of worship and then a bit later on another guy who I don't think he knew the first guy at all he came up to me and he gave me a knuckle duster and he said can you throw this away I don't want it anymore and then later on a third guy came up to me it was a very long time of worship and this third guy came up to me and he gave me these packets and he said can you throw these away I don't want them anymore I want to follow Jesus and I looked at the packets and I thought oh my goodness I think they're drugs so I put them in my pocket you know what I mean and then after the meeting I went back to the team room with math and when we got back to the team room I took the packets out of my pocket and I said to Matt for a joke I said to Matt hey Matt we can have a smoker these later on Matt looked at the packets and he looked at me and he said I can't wait to see you try and smoke those Mike they're condoms single innocent Christian youth worker I didn't even know what they were here's the point to the story there is a point listen to the point the point of the story is this it was the first meeting I hadn't had a chance to preach yet I hadn't had a chance to get up and say if you want to follow Jesus you do not stab people leave marks on their faces or have outside of marriage I hadn't done any of that what happened I'll tell you what happened as we worshipped and God was present the Lord inhabits the praises of his people God God's presence was there and the holy spirit did what Jesus said he would do he comes to convict the world of its guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment and you know what we we change when we fall in love is called the explosive power of a greater affection we change when his love comes in to us the Bible says it's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance so that's worship I'm going to go quickly on the others on the other two secondly secondly to love one another and I can't emphasize this enough and II mentioned it already but do you know what our love for one another our sense of community is the greatest evangelistic tool we have because jesus said by this will everyone know you're my disciples if you love one another and guys we got to build churches for the future this is a lonely world churches that are there are family churches we've got to grow churches where there is commitment and community because we live in a world that has never ever been so lonely we live in a world where everyone puts on their masks and no one knows how to be real and so many people don't know how to maintain friendships and do you know what people are dying inside people live with secret shame with secrets and the great fear you know the biggest question a non-christian asks when they come to our church it's not what is our doctrine of the cross and resurrection although that's important it's not what is our sexual ethics although that's important the biggest question they're asking is could I belong here if they really knew me would they love me or reject me and what they do is they look around our relationships within one another to see if that is true and I have been to too many church leaders conferences I can't do it anymore where they ship in a church leader from a very very successful it's all different ones big money mega church and I've got no no problem with big churches we're meant to grow big churches but I've heard the talk too many times I could do it myself and the talk goes like this if you want first of all they say three weeks ago there were 47 in our church now there are 3.2 million and we have satellite congregations on Mars and Venus and our budget is bigger than the state of Texas you too could have a church as big and successful as mine if you follow these three principles these four practices these five ways and you know what I used to believe all that stuff and I've even heard church leaders say to other church leaders if you want to have a successful church if you wanna have a big church then what you've got to do is you've got to find the best and when you find the best people you buy the best spend whatever you need to hire the best people to be on your staff then you will grow a church and I sometimes thought how can you say that to the poor vicar of some bottles in the marsh who's got a congregation of seventeen and a dog how are they gonna buy the best some of us have got to raise the best for you to buy the best that's and we've got a race and you know what we not meant to build church on business principles but on family principles in a the biblical picture for church is family in a business you hire and fire employees in a family you raise up sons and daughters and we got to raise up sons and daughters do you know when when all the other rabbis when all the other rabbis in Jesus time they wanted new disciples they'd go to the top rabbinical universities they go to the Oxford and Cambridge of rabbi schools and they would choose they would choose the best of the best of the best to be their followers they all did that except one rabbi Jesus who went to the Sea of Galilee and picked 12 morons and he loved them and he invested in them and he never gave up on them and he spent himself on them and he encouraged them and he challenged them and they changed the world they changed the world Paul says to the Corinthians you have 10,000 teachers you do not have many fathers and what happens around teachers people learn things that's a good thing but you know what happens around mothers and fathers people grow up and we need to grow up in the church and I long for you to go back and to love your churches to love the people in your church some of you to plant new churches let's go for it let's let's create church in the image that God gives us in the scripture church that is family do you know a few weeks ago a couple of months a few months ago actually the mayor of Watford visited our church and Andy had coffee with him and Andy asked him he said you're the elected mayor of Watford what do you think is the biggest problem facing this town and without pausing to think the mayor of what fir'd said problem number one in our town loneliness problem number two car parking and I live in Watford car parking is a nightmare and everyone knows that that is the problem and what we got to be guys is a Church of compassion a church of kindness a church of care in our church I'll just say this and then I'm going to start to shut up in an hour church we're not perfect at all I'm in it but we have we have some of our home groups our recovery groups and these are recover for folk who recovering from alcohol addiction drug addiction gambling addiction and stuff like that and back in November one of the leaders of one of the recovery groups before the morning service said to me said there's a lady in our recovery group my mind's gone blank the name I use Yvonne we're gonna call her Yvonne and and today is the first anniversary that Yvonne is alcohol and drug free so do you know what you know what in the notices in the notices I said I said to the church I said and we celebrate people's success in our church I said Yvonne stand up and she stood up and she was hesitant and I said today is the first anniversary that Yvonne is alcohol and drug free when I said that over 700 people started clapping and cheering and would not stop and I was watching Yvonne's face I was watching her face as her brothers and sisters were cheering her achievement with gusto and here's the crazy bit the following Wednesday I had an email from another lady in our church and she said you're not gonna believe what happened on Sunday she said on Sunday I bought for the first time ever my stepsister to church she had never been to church before and the thing is my stepsister is seven months free of alcohol abuse and when you did she said and she said when you did that for Yvonne my stepsister turned to me and she was in tears and she said is that what you do in your church for people like me you celebrate people like me and that is exactly what we meant to do we're meant to be family and there's power there's power in love there's power in being together I love it that you know for the last 15 years for the last for the last 15 years I've been getting old I'm my body's not doing what it used to do or it does it a lot slower but I've never been happier cuz I get to work with my best friends and when you do that when you do that together when you rejoice together when you weep together when you're committed to each other when you're a team and you know what there's there's no limit to what you can achieve my longing for you it's why Andy preached it the other day is that you find a few that you say hey I'm gonna be committed to you and you're gonna be committed to me and we're gonna go on an adventure together with Jesus and we're not gonna mind who gets the credit but we're gonna we're gonna seek to change the world together that is irresistible and the final thing and I'll say very briefly I promise let's love our world it's the world that he created and it's the world that is in a terrible mess and it's a world that he loves we're killing our planet much of the Amazon is on fire at the moment there's all sorts of stuff going on that is a disaster and and folk don't know how to have disagreements without hating each other all you have to do is go on Twitter or anything else and you see the hatred you see the bile and you know what we sometimes have problems with the way in the Old Testament some of the tribes they treated each other the way they murdered each other's children and we think that we're superior well you know what in the last hundred years in our world in the last hundred years in Europe we we gasped six million Jews and others in Rwanda a million Tutsis were murdered because they were the wrong tribe in bosnia-herzegovina in our own continent there was a whole there were massacres there were mass graves in Cambodia the Pol Pot raging the kuma Rouge murdered a whole generation of their own people if you go to Cambodia now they've turned them into museums there are whole houses that are filled with skulls of the dead who were massacred there and there's wars and rumors of wars and we can't even get on in our personal relationships where you know what it's time it's time for the church to rise up and till do it differently and to live it differently and just as an example just an exact as an example wouldn't it be amazing if a whole bunch of us join the Conservative Party and a whole bunch of us listen a whole bunch of us joined the Labour Party and a whole bunch of us joined the Liberal Democrats and a whole bunch of us joined the Nationalists and the greens I might even start a Watford nationalist party and a what if we did that and then we as Christians modeled how to disagree with each other and still love honor and respect each other in a world that seems to be full of haters he calls us to be an army of lovers he calls us to defeat our enemies and the only weapon we're allowed to use is the weapon of love the weapon of love we defeat our enemies by turning them into our friends let's do it differently okay I've landed what we're gonna do now before we do anything else before we do anything else I want to invite any of you who you've lasted till tonight even if there's one it's worth it we're that we don't need a quota to fill if you are not a follower of Jesus or you don't know if you are and you want to say yes to him in a moment I'm gonna ask you to come and stand at the front here and I've we've heard that there are a few of you you become Christians on the villages or in the chat room or in one or two other places if that if you did you come and join them because one I just want you to say it in front of everyone loud and proud I've I want to I want to nail my colors to the cross and also we want to give you a little bag to help you begin if you're not a follower of Jesus or you don't know if you are on this last night be brave if you can't come on your own ask someone to come with you get up and come and stand at the front here we will wait for you oh my word we'll wait for you this is amazing we need lots of team now we might need some with banks right at the end as well all right we need more team to come and help with bags we might need some to go right okay okay are some with bugs going to the end yes thank you all right hey we're gonna pray with these guys nice hold on a sec hold on a sec before you give the bags out maybe just a second and we might need to work out how we do that we're gonna pray with these guys and then we're gonna celebrate and then we just want to actually pray for one little group of people I can't believe this yeah this is wonderful this is wonderful guys let's get ready to pray for them those of you that have come forward I know some of you you've come with friends that's good okay I just want you to just pray this and actually let's all guys let's all say this together out loud all right I'll say this out together out loud and you say it don't worry about anyone else say it with us let's pray Jesus I thank you that you love me Jesus I thank you that you love me I thank you that you showed your love by dying on a cross for me I thank you that you showed your love by dying on a cross for me I give my life to you I give my life to you I ask that you forgive me for my selfish living I ask that you forgive me for my selfish living and I ask that you come into my heart now and I ask that you come into my heart now I want to live for you I want to live for you and I want you to be my King and I want you to be my king and I want you to be my friend and I want you to be my friend and I ask you to be my Savior and I asked you to be my Savior fill me with your spirit fill me with your spirit fill me with your love fill me with your love and lo put me in a family that loves you as the church and put me in a family that loves you as the church amen guys don't go until you've got a pack let's start giving the packs out all right please don't go until you've got a pack there's point we put yeah let's celebrate this is you light this is you life let's celebrate new life that's it that's it that's it when you've got a pack you start to go back to your place [Applause] okay guys make sure you have a pack before you go back oh I see Stanley left hey if you haven't got a pack can you come to the front and get one if you haven't got a pack can you come to the front and get one [Applause] okay that is wonderful if you like to take a seat for a moment for a moment okay okay just before we worship and have a final celebration and a praise party guys if you just like to sit down I know this is wonderful loads of you it's your friends that they made the decision and we are going to celebrate this believe me but just before we do and those of you over here if you just could take a seat that'd be great just before we do I just don't feel we can finish without first praying for those who are dreading going back home now probably some of us can't wait to get back home a few of us would rather we stayed here a bit longer but there are some of you you dread going back because you're going back to a tough situation and you're not sure you can handle it and if that's you it would be an honor for the rest of us to pray for you and if you know you're going back to a really tough and difficult situation and you just love just to be prayed for because gods Hever is in you the Holy Spirit Jesus is greater than he that is in the world he really is and you can go back to a family but I know for some of you either it's a difficult relationship or a difficult circumstance or maybe you're struggling with addiction and you think you're going to just get back into it or whatever it might be if that's you could you just quietly where you are just stand just stand now if if you're dreading going back you're dreading that's it well done guys well done for being brave okay and for a full of some moments we're gonna pray for our brothers and sisters this is important can you just gather round them two or three around each person if there's no one near you find someone because they're there in groups let's make sure everyone's got someone to pray for them and enabling team obviously just move around and check that everything's okay okay if you stood up and there's no one yet ready to pray for you could you put your hand up and team have a look and others have a look there's anyone with their hand up could someone go to them could you direct them is there anyone here with their hand up I can't see anyone great if you've just got one person to pray for you maybe put your hand up there there maybe someone else could go there keep your hand up until someone goes is there anyone else with just one person to pray for them okay now this is a home we just had an amazing moment and this is a holy moment we're gonna pray because we're a family and that's what you do and now father we ask one more time in this place in the name of Jesus would you send your Holy Spirit Holy Spirit would you come upon our brothers and sisters upon our friends and would you strengthen them would you empower them would you prepare them to go back and to go back with your love and the power of your presence I just pray and wait guess what I'm gonna say the more we wait the more he does hey and and if you're being prayed for and pain comes up you just let it go you just let it go this is a safe place thank you lord we pray for more more of your love pour out your love Lord pour out your love Lord Jesus pour out your love again what you're hearing is sounds of response to God's love I just want to encourage you if you're being prayed for and you're not feeling anything that is okay we're all built differently he's here and he's with you and he loves you and if they're weeping just let let them weep in the arms of their Father in heaven okay an abling team I know you are just keep moving around just to check that everything's all right we're going to begin we're going to begin to gently and quietly worship Jesus in a moment and then we're going to gradually build up and we're gonna have a little bit of a praise party before we finish okay [Music] [Music] let the king be the mountain where filmscene I just be the shadow where I answer for my [Music] beware [Music] [Music] may the shadow where the ransom [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] neither wind inside my cells [Music] Oh [Music] the King beatified sign my babies the air is he walking good [Music] you all never got you never got you are never [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna move into in just a second at a time of celebration and there's a lot to celebrate but just first of all first of all just to say at the end of this meeting if you would like to all the venues will be open but if you go in front of basement there's going to be an outdoor little final party thing there's going to be one or two surprises okay the toolshed will be open if you want to get resources final resources Hey but here's the most important thing before we say goodbye guys tonight our amazingly another three hundred and thirty-six gave their lives to Jesus and you can tell I used to be an accountant because I keep score but that makes just to our events this summer 2099 [Applause] we probably won't get the chance to say later so from Andy Ali myself and the whole team thank you so much for coming it would have been boring without you god is good god is good let's celebrate him let's celebrate salvation let's celebrate new life they'll lay between [Music] [Music] to opt-ins [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: Soul Survivor
Views: 28,715
Rating: 4.9755354 out of 5
Keywords: soul survivor, nsn, Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft, Worship, Teaching, Ministry, Holy Spirit, Ali Martin, Festival, Christian, Christian Festival, Youth Camp, Summer Camp, Jesus, God, Discipleship, last ever soul survivor, end of soul survivor, soul survivor 2019
Id: 0kAlc-lakxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 6sec (7866 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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