Christie's Auction the Linyushanren IV Auction Asia Week NYC September 14, 2018

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all done then 3.8 million dollars you're all out no more this side online for 3 million 800 000 last chance 3.8 past 3.8 million dollars and we continue on to our next sale please log out bidders online from one seven three two zero and now log into one five seven today just a few announcements and then we'll be on our way i'd like to remind bidders that the purchase price payable is the sum of the final bid plus the bias premium and all applicable sales or use taxes bidder should note that the auctioneer may open bidding on any load below the reserve by placing a bid on behalf of the seller the auctioneer may continue to bid on behalf of the seller up to the amount of the reserve either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other bidders information regarding location for lots in today's sale is available at the registration desk just outside to my right and also at the cashier's desk when you walk into christie's we'll start now with lot number eight hundred and one not eight hundred and one circular box and cover from northern song dynasty here lot 801 and we have fifty five hundred dollars to start the lot at five thousand five hundred dollars for five thousand five this bit is mine fifty five hundred dollars here we are at five thousand five hundred dollars any more in the room six thousand polar i have six five at six thousand five hundred dollars on my book here at sixty five hundred dollars now ahead of you seven thousand seven thousand five hundred my bid on the book for seven thousand five hundred dollars at seven five eight thousand on the telephone 8 500 commission buyer at eight thousand five hundred dollars the bid is here at eight five nine thousand ninety five hundred at nine thousand five hundred dollars always with me on the book nine five ten thousand on the telephone eleven thousand dollars on the book here at eleven thousand dollars coming back paula twelve thousand thank you i have thirteen thousand at thirteen thousand dollars still here ahead of you at thirteen thousand fourteen thousand paula's bid for fourteen thousand dollars at fourteen fifteen thousand here we are at fifteen thousand dollars always against you fifteen sixteen thousand dollars moving on at sixteen thousand dollars now it's yours at sixteen thousand dollars selling with polar no more in the room at sixteen thousand dollars online you coming in at 16 we're selling it now at 16 000 paula sold for you 16 000 to paddle number 1306 is the first buyer of the sale today lot number 802 is the large viewer here also from the northern song dynasty not 802 for fourteen thousand dollars at fourteen thousand dollars fifteen thousand at fifteen thousand dollars now for fifteen thousand dollars at fifteen thousand dollars sixteen thousand seventeen thousand at seventeen thousand dollars for seventeen thousand dollars now coming in for seventeen thousand at seventeen one seven at seventeen thousand dollars for seventeen thousand seventeen thousand dollars only online come in if you like at seventeen thousand dollars here it is at seventeen eighteen thousand eighteen thousand dollars nineteen thousand for nineteen thousand dollars now ahead of you all at nineteen thousand dollars no more in the room for nineteen then at nineteen thousand dollars coming in tina for nineteen thousand dollars nineteen one nine only not ninety but i'll take it if you like nope at 19 then still here with me ahead of you all nineteen thousand dollars nineteen thousand past lot number eight hundred and three lot eight hundred and three is next this time we have a white glazed bars lot number 803 only forty five hundred dollars at four thousand five hundred dollars for forty five hundred five thousand five thousand five at fifty five hundred dollars now for 5 500 5005 coming in at five five at 55 6 000 gentleman's bid in the back now six five sir at six thousand five give me seven thank you seven thousand it's in the back there for seven thousand dollars five hundred at seven five give me eight sir thank you in the back at eight thousand dollars i'll sell in the room now at eight thousand dollars and selling for eight thousand dollars eight thousand sold for you sir 8002 is the buyer thank you sir lot number 804 this is the deep bowl here northern song dynasty lot 804 i'm already with four thousand dollars to start the lot at four thousand dollars for four thousand dollars the bid is here forty five hundred i have five thousand madam at five thousand dollars the bid is here fifty five hundred i have six thousand at six thousand dollars five more yes six five in the back of the room ladies bit six thousand five hundred dollars at sixty five hundred dollars seven thousand online with an online buyer seven five in the room here at seven thousand five hundred dollars job madam seven five eight thousand dollars in the uk 8005 at eighty five hundred dollars in new york ahead of you uk bid is here in the room nine thousand dollars back online ninety five hundred your bid madam at nine thousand five hundred dollars seated within the room give me ten online at nine five the bid is there for nine five ten thousand thank you at ten thousand dollars eleven thousand always bidding in the room eleven thousand dollars for eleven thousand dollars not yours online now the bid is here for eleven thousand dollars coming back eleven thousand i'm selling in the room yes is that a bit twelve thousand now on the telephone twelve thousand at twelve thirteen thousand ken stuviki for thirteen thousand dollars at thirteen fourteen thousand at fourteen thousand dollars fifteen thousand sixteen thousand at sixteen thousand dollars then the bid is here on this telephone thank you madam for all your boots online you're out we're selling it here sixteen thousand dollars on the telephone sixteen for sixteen seventeen thousand now with tina at seventeen thousand dollars vicky you coming back eighteen thousand nineteen thousand twenty thousand twenty thousand dollars twenty two thousand twenty two thousand dollars this side with tina one more yes twenty four thousand twenty four thousand dollars twenty six thousand back to tina twenty six thousand dollars is the bid on a telephone tina with you twenty six thousand dollars selling it now twenty six thousand twenty eight thousand at twenty eight thousand dollars tina would you like thirty thirty thousand here at thirty thousand dollars two at thirty thousand dollars the bid is there thirty two thousand thirty five thousand dollars no more 35 then tina is with you thank you vicky at 35 000 we're going to sell it this side no more in the room coming back madam 35 000 and selling last chance 35 000. tina it's yours 35 000 to pedal number 1314 is your buyer thank you lot number 805 lot number eight hundred and five now the scrap field scraffy bowl here are you sure this belongs to this sale uh lot number eight hundred and five and we'll start at two thousand six hundred dollars at twenty eight hundred dollars now three thousand two hundred thirty five hundred thirty eight hundred four thousand in the room here for four thousand dollars your bits are on this aisle at four thousand dollars in the room gentleman's bid for four forty two hundred forty five hundred at four five forty eight hundred at forty eight hundred five thousand at five pack give me one more fifty five hundred six thousand for you sir at six thousand dollars always in the room six five at sixty five hundred no monster for six five pet with you now thank you for the bids for six thousand five hundred dollars seven thousand new place now at seven thousand dollars pat you're coming back at seven thousand dollars for seven thousand dollars seven thousand five just ahead of you china for seven thousand five hundred dollars no more than eight thousand dollars in the back there for eight thousand dollars it is here eight thousand eighty five hundred with pack not yours in china eight five is here at eighty five hundred dollars nine thousand new telephone now at nine thousand dollars in the backpack ninety five hundred thank you at nine thousand five hundred dollars closer to me for ninety five hundred ten thousand in the back there ten thousand dollars at ten eleven thousand on the telephones ahead of you online eleven is here at eleven thousand dollars twelve thousand thank you at twelve thousand dollars thirteen thousand for thirteen thousand dollars with pat at thirteen thousand dollars on my left for 30. coming back 13 14 000 at 14 000 15 000 pat for 15 000 16 yes 16 000 17 000 no more seventeen thousand dollars then pat is back with you for seventeen thousand dollars and selling on my left all done online for seventeen thousand dollars sold for you pat seventeen thousand to pedal one three one one thank you lot number eight hundred and six is the baluster bars here lot number eight or six also from the northern song dynasty not eight or six this time only two thousand dollars at two thousand dollars twenty two hundred at two thousand two hundred dollars two thousand four at two thousand four hundred dollars here we are two thousand four only all through in the room now for twenty four hundred dollars only two thousand six thank you online buyer at twenty six hundred dollars two thousand eight hundred now at twenty eight hundred dollars three is the next click at two thousand eight hundred we have it three thousand online there for three thousand dollars three thousand two in florida now two bidders online at thirty two hundred dollars for three two three five at thirty five hundred dollars now back to the online buyers three thousand five for thirty five hundred dollars selling with you online ahead of you in florida for three thousand five hundred dollars we all done 3500 battle 3038 3500 lot number 807 not number 807 now this time the black ball with a white rim lot number eight hundred and seven four thirty two hundred dollars at three thousand two hundred thirty five hundred thirty eight hundred now at three thousand eight hundred dollars for three thousand eight four thousand back of the room there for four thousand dollars forty five hundred sir at four 4005 give me five sir at 4 500 it's ahead of you at four five not yourself for 4 500 next bit is five for you if you'd like it sir at four thousand five hundred dollars still ahead of you forty five hundred dollars one more bit sir at four five five thousand thank you now with you ahead of all the online buyers the bid is in the room at five thousand dollars fifty five hundred new placer at five thousand five hundred would you like sixer at fifty five hundred then back to you madam against you here at fifty five hundred dollars and selling for five thousand five hundred dollars fifty five hundred it's yours madam five thousand five to paddle 306 thank you lot number lot number 808. this time again a black glazed rib jar from the northern song dynasty lot 808 for three thousand dollars at three thousand dollars three thousand two three thousand five at thirty five hundred dollars three thousand eight hundred at thirty eight hundred dollars now coming in for three eight four thousand at four thousand dollars just ahead of you online for four thousand dollars at four thousand dollars forty two hundred in hong kong forty five hundred forty eight hundred at four thousand eight hundred dollars ahead of the online bidders at four thousand eight hundred dollars forty eight hundred all through then for four eight five thousand back in hong kong at five thousand dollars selling with an online bait all done in the room now at five thousand dollars i'm selling it now for five thousand dollars five thousand online three zero one three in hong kong thank you five thousand dollars lot number eight hundred and nine eight or nine this time the peony was a lot of interest here on this reps peony was showing here and we shall start at forty thousand dollars at forty thousand dollars thank you for forty thousand dollars forty two thousand forty five thousand forty eight thousand i have fifty thousand at fifty thousand dollars my commission bit fifty fifty five thousand i have sixty thousand sixty five thousand now with tina at sixty five thousand dollars ahead of the order bid for 65 000 coming in for 65 at 65 000 on my left phone bank for 65 000. there it is for 65 000. we have a bid there 70 000 75 000 at seventy five thousand dollars back to tina for seventy five thousand dollars eighty thousand eighty five thousand tina thank you for eighty five thousand dollars at eighty five thousand dollars ninety with ruben at ninety five thousand for ninety five thousand dollars ruben 100 if you like at ninety five thousand dollars one hundred thousand one hundred and ten thousand at one hundred and ten thousand dollars for tina at one ten one hundred and ten thousand dollars the bid is here for 110 no more rubin 110 then selling with tina you're coming back pola for 110 000 selling on my left on the phone bank with tina no more in the room 110 online at 110 000 sold for utina 110 000 to paddle number 1302 lot number lot number 810 is next about 810 this time the truncated glazed black sisu here lot 810 for twelve thousand dollars at twelve thousand dollars thirteen thousand fourteen thousand at fourteen thousand dollars now for fourteen thousand dollars fifteen thousand at fifteen thousand dollars coming in for fifteen thousand dollars at fifteen thousand dollars here we are for fifteen sixteen thousand online at sixteen thousand dollars not your bidding out for sixteen it's an online bidder at seventeen thousand now on the telephone at seventeen thousand dollars there it is seventeen eighteen thousand online nineteen thousand against the two of you at nineteen thousand dollars i'll take twenty next for nineteen thousand dollars twenty thousand online at twenty thousand dollars thank you for twenty thousand dollars any more for twenty at twenty sorry for twenty thousand dollars the bid is there back with you at twenty thousand dollars online bidder against you linghal for twenty thousand dollars all through twenty two thousand at twenty two thousand dollars to the left here twenty two thousand twenty four thousand online thank you at twenty four thousand dollars there we are twenty four thousand dollars lingard 26 if you like at 24 it's up there twenty six thousand now at twenty six thousand dollars for twenty six twenty eight 000 thank you online buyer at 28 000 for 28 thousand dollars coming back lingo at 28 000 30 000 thank you for 30 000 now back to lingao at 30 000 and two thirty two thousand with the online bidder at thirty two thousand dollars there it is for thirty two thousand dollars thirty five thousand for thirty five thousand dollars now online thirty eight yes thank you there it is another click thirty eight thousand dollars at thirty eight thousand dollars forty thousand for forty thousand dollars give me two online next click is forty two thank you forty two thousand at forty two thousand dollars now forty five thousand linghau forty five thousand dollars on the telephone at christie's forty eight thousand forty eight thousand dollars fifty thousand fifty thousand dollars now fifty five thousand online at fifty five thousand dollars here we are fifty five thousand dollars ling our sixty at fifty five thousand dollars it's on the internet nope 55 then selling with the online bidder head of your bidder here 55 000 we all done in the room for 55 thousand dollars 55 000 sold paddle three zero three eight fifty five thousand dollars lot number eight hundred and eleven lot eight hundred and eleven and here we have the white glazed maping lot 811 for 2800 at 2 800 only for 2800 3200 at 3200 now for 3200 3500 at 35 hundred at three thousand eight hundred dollars now coming back three eight four thousand online in hong kong at four thousand dollars selling with the hong kong bidder at four thousand dollars telephones at four thousand this bit is online i'm selling it now at four thousand dollars all done for four forty two hundred new bid in the uk at four thousand two hundred dollars now against you hong kong at forty two hundred dollars for four thousand two hundred dollars come back hong kong at forty two hundred dollars yes thank you forty five hundred at four thousand five hundred dollars back to hong kong ahead of you in the uk online bidders forty five hundred at four thousand five now all done at forty five hundred dollars all through for four thousand five hundred forty five hundred four five to you in hong kong three zero one three forty five hundred dollars lot number eight hundred and twelve is next about eight hundred and twelve this time the deep bowl large deep bowl from the northern song dynasty will start at twelve thousand dollars at twelve thousand dollars thank you thirteen thousand at thirteen thousand dollars now fourteen thousand fifteen thousand for fifteen thousand dollars here it is fifteen thousand dollars coming in at fifteen online at fifteen thousand dollars still ahead of you all for fifteen thousand dollars not on the telephones fifteen thousand coming in fifteen thousand dollars at fifteen thousand dollars last chance for fifteen then no more 15 thousand dollars at 15 fast lot number 800 and 813 now again another ball this time here 8 13 for 8 000 only this time at eight thousand dollars eighty five hundred nine thousand ninety five hundred dollars at nine thousand five hundred dollars nine five for nine thousand five hundred dollars any more for nine five at nine thousand five hundred dollars ninety five hundred dollars no more at nine five then here we are last chance at ninety five hundred dollars online ninety five hundred then for nine five fast lot number eight hundred and fourteen more interest here this time on the peony maping not 814 for 22 000 at 22 000 24 000 now at 24 26 000 at 26 000 my commission bid for 26 000 at 26 000 coming in at 26 at 26 000 the bid is here on my book ahead of the telephones in the room at 26 000 i'm selling for 26 000 any more for 26 twenty six thousand dollars here we are twenty six thousand dollars holding on this telephone the bid is here i'm selling it now with an absentee buyer twenty six thousand dollars sold twenty six thousand dollars to pedal number 1004 lot number 815 is next about 815. again a truncated maping this time and here we'll start at 28 000 at dollars 28 thousand thirty two thousand at thirty two thousand dollars twenty five thousand thirty eight thousand at thirty eight thousand dollars ahead of the online bidders forty thousand now in australia for forty thousand dollars thank you at forty thousand dollars this bit is live forty thousand coming in on the telephones at forty thousand dollars forty two thousand hong kong for forty two thousand dollars at forty two thousand dollars now back with hong kong forty five thousand in kentucky at forty five thousand dollars kentucky it's your bid live at forty five thousand dollars ahead of you in australia against you in hong kong forty eight thousand back to hong kong at forty eight thousand dollars now for forty eight thousand dollars kentucky come back yes fifty thousand at fifty thousand dollars thank you online bidders all of them at fifty thousand dollars here we are for fifty thousand dollars with the online builder in kentucky fifty fifty five thousand now in hong kong at fifty five thousand dollars coming back sixty thousand thank you kentucky at sixty thousand dollars for sixty thousand at sixty thousand dollars the bid is in kentucky selling it online not yours in hong kong not yours in australia sixty thousand dollars and selling sixty thousand sold three zero zero seven sixty thousand dollars thank you all lot number lot number eight 816 is next 8 16 now this time white glazed maping northern song dynasty here lot 816 only eight thousand dollars this time eight thousand dollars eighty five hundred nine thousand ninety five hundred at nine thousand five hundred ruben yubidic at ninety five hundred dollars not yours on the telephone at nine five ten is here online for ten thousand dollars eleven thousand at eleven thousand dollars now ahead of the online bidder give me twelve hong kong at eleven thousand dollars it's ahead of you for eleven thousand dollars twelve thousand back to hong kong all the way there for twelve thousand dollars and selling for twelve thousand dollars all done no more for twelve thousand dollars at twelve thirteen thousand in the room just in time sir thank you for that bid at 13 000 hong kong 14 if you like at 13 000 14 000 15 sir 15 000 at 15 000 dollars state had been in the room now 15 000 sixteen is the next click we have it sir sixteen thousand seventeen thousand back to you in the room seventeen thousand dollars at seventeen thousand dollars this bid is in the room eighteen thousand is online sir nineteen is yours at nineteen thousand dollars back to you sir at nineteen thousand dollars building the room hong kong twenty there we are twenty thousand dollars two sir twenty two if you like yes twenty two thousand thank you at twenty two thousand dollars back to you sir in the room twenty two hong kong twenty four if you like the video at twenty two thousand dollars we'll sell it now twenty two thousand dollars seated within the room against you online thank you at twenty two thousand dollars sold for you sir twenty two thousand two paddle number three three six twenty two thousand thank you lot number lot number eight hundred and seventeen is the large marbled bowl showing on our screens here a lot eight seventeen only twelve hundred dollars one thousand two hundred at 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 sir 1800 1900 would you like to search 2 000 back of the room for 2 000 at 2 000 200 this side now at 2002 two four sir two thousand four hundred two thousand six hundred at two six gentlemen on my left twenty six twenty eight three sir three thousand at three thousand dollars three two sir three thousand two five three thousand five thirty eight hundred sir if you like three eight three thousand eight hundred four thousand i have on my left at four thousand dollars for four thousand dollars not yours in the back of the room four thousand is here for two sir if you like 4002 now in china at 42 4500 seated in new york at 4 500 against the two of you not yours online not just in the room it is left 4 500 i'm selling it now at four thousand five hundred dollars all done forty five hundred sold for yourself four thousand five hundred dollars three two three is your paddle 4500 lot number lot number eight one eight lot number eight hundred and eighteen is the slip jar from the northern song dynasty and here we have interest at four thousand dollars right away at four thousand forty two hundred forty five hundred forty eight hundred now at four thousand eight hundred dollars give me five online five thousand thank you we have it for five thousand fifty five hundred against your bid now at five thousand five hundred six is next at fifty five hundred dollars against the online bid for fifty five six thousand on the telephone this side at six thousand dollars for six thousand dollars now not yours online six thousand five on this aisle at sixty five hundred dollars there we are for six five seven thousand at seven thousand dollars at seven seven thousand five might you give me eight at seven five eight thousand eighty five hundred at eight thousand five hundred dollars no more for eighty five hundred dollars then eight five it is here eighty five hundred dollars in the back now for nine thousand nine thousand five gentleman's bid ten thousand ladies bid right next to you sir eleven thousand is yours twelve madame twelve thousand thirteen thousand fourteen thousand fifteen thousand sixteen thousand seventeen thousand eighteen thousand nineteen twenty on my left two twenty two thousand four twenty four thousand no more sir one last try 26 24 000 is here ahead of you on the aisle there thank you very much for your bids at 24 000 we're going to sell it now at 24 000 last chancer 24 000. it's for you madam twenty four thousand dollars to paddle number three zero six twenty four thousand dollars is the bid thank you lot number lot number eight hundred and nineteen lot eight hundred and nineteen here the peony may pick again good interest here and we shall start at ten thousand dollars right away at ten thousand dollars for ten thousand dollars at ten thousand eleven thousand twelve thousand now at twelve thousand dollars coming in for just twelve at twelve thousand dollars for 12 bidding tina for 12 13 000 14 000 15 000 tina's bid now fifteen thousand dollars at fifteen thousand dollars any more for fifteen sixteen thousand online seventeen thousand tina at seventeen thousand dollars for seventeen thousand dollars there it is ahead of the online bidder eighteen thousand with an online bidder 19 on the phone banks for nineteen thousand dollars to my left at nineteen thousand dollars there it is nineteen twenty thousand twenty two thousand at twenty two thousand dollars tina's bid twenty two thousand dollars all done twenty four thousand twenty six thousand twenty six thousand dollars back to me hong kong 26 is here 28 thank you 30 000 tina's bid at 30 000 there we are for 30 hong kong would you like 32 yes we have it another click 32 000 35 000 at thirty five thousand dollars just ahead of the other online bidder 35 is here in the room at christie's thirty five thousand dollars next bit is thirty eight online at thirty eight thousand dollars forty thousand tina at forty thousand dollars tina's bid for forty thousand dollars here we are for forty thousand dollars forty two thousand forty five thousand forty five thousand dollars for forty five thousand dollars forty eight thousand fifty thousand fifty thousand dollars now always with tina fifty thousand dollars at fifty thousand dollars ahead of the online bidders fifty five thousand next click sixty thousand here we are at sixty thousand dollars tina with you for sixty thousand dollars online you're coming back yes sixty five thousand seventy thousand at seventy thousand dollars seventy five thousand eighty thousand tina's made eighty thousand dollars in the room at christie's ahead of you online ahead of you in hong kong eighty thousand is here in new york at eighty thousand dollars she like 85 for 80 000 it's on my left no more than 80 i'm selling it now at 80 000 last chance in the room for eighty thousand dollars online no more clicks eighty thousand sold for you tina eighty thousand dollars and your paddle number is one three zero two is the buyer thank you and thank you both online for your bids and clicks lot number 820 now another jar here northern song dynasty jar not 820 for 4 200 4 200 4 500 eight hundred now at four thousand eight hundred dollars ahead of the online bidders forty eight hundred now for four thousand eight hundred dollars coming in for eight at forty eight hundred dollars not yours on the telephone five thousand we have a bid at five thousand dollars at five thousand died fifty five hundred against you at five thousand five hundred dollars one more that i at fifty five hundred dollars is not yours on the telephone i'll take six at fifty five hundred dollars ahead of your bidder and against the online bits fifty five hundred six thousand this side now at six thousand dollars always ahead of you all online it is left on the telephone at six thousand dollars i'm selling all done for six thousand dollars six thousand that i sold for you six thousand dollars one three zero seven is your paddle thank you lot number eight hundred and twenty one eight twenty one now here we have good interest on this rare pure universe from the northern song dynasty we'll start at fifteen thousand dollars right away with interest at fifteen thousand dollars thank you for fifteen at fifteen thousand dollars coming in fifteen thousand at fifteen thousand dollars this bit is mine winning tina at fifteen thousand dollars sixteen thousand seventeen thousand eighteen thousand nineteen thousand twenty thousand twenty two thousand at twenty two twenty four thousand at twenty four thousand dollars now with tina for twenty four twenty six thousand is my bid at twenty six thousand dollars my order bid ahead of you tina for twenty six thousand dollars all through them for twenty six at twenty six thousand twenty eight thousand online in the in the us thirty thousand against you at thirty thousand dollars it's an order someone who couldn't be with us here today at thirty thousand dollars the bill is here with me for thirty thousand dollars thirty two thousand thirty five thousand at thirty five thousand dollars vicky you're coming in at thirty five thousand dollars bid is here on the book for thirty five thirty eight thousand polar just ahead of you i have forty thousand at forty thousand dollars against the two telephones against you online forty two thousand now at forty two thousand dollars paula's bid at forty two all through now at forty two thousand dollars this side on my left for 42 000 last chance vicky you're not on the phone anymore okay no bits at 42 then and selling no more online 42 thousand dollars pola sold for you 42 000 to paddle number one three zero six is the buyer thank you 822 is also a glazed white maping here with interest at nine thousand five hundred dollars ninety five hundred dollars is bid already for nine thousand five hundred dollars any more than for nine five at ninety five hundred ten thousand i have eleven thousand at eleven thousand dollars my commission bid at eleven thousand dollars twelve thousand thank you at twelve thousand dollars on my right for twelve thirteen thousand i have thirteen madam would you like fourteen fourteen thousand i have fifteen thousand would you like sixteen men sixteen thousand thank you ladies bid in the room now for sixteen thousand dollars coming back seventeen thousand jasmine's bid seventeen eighteen thousand ladies bid here at eighteen thousand dollars come back to me jasmine nineteen thousand twenty madam yes nineteen is there sure one last bit twenty thousand thank you at twenty thousand dollars for twenty thousand dollars against the two telephones now for twenty twenty two thousand this time we let it go all right thank you very much for the bids at twenty two thousand dollars then it is left for twenty two thousand dollars jasmine i'm selling with you there twenty four thousand at twenty four thousand dollars now with kelly at twenty four thousand dollars jasmine come back at 24 it's kelly's bid for 24 26 000 26 000 28 000. twenty eight thousand dollars thirty thousand thirty thousand dollars back to jasmine at thirty thousand dollars bless you sir thirty thousand dollars there we are kelly one more no thirty then and selling for thirty thousand dollars jasmine for you thirty thousand dollars to paddle number one three oh five thank you kelly and thank you madam for your bids in the room lot number 823 823 now another jar from the 13th 14th century here about 823 this time 3 800 at 3 800 to stop the lot 3 800 4 4200 ahead of you in florida at four thousand two four five forty eight hundred at four thousand eight hundred dollars give me five yes thank you online bidder at five thousand dollars for five thousand dollars it's a bid online in florida at five thousand dollars we'll sell it now no more in the room at five thousand dollars you're all out for five five thousand fifty five hundred new place in the room now at fifty five hundred dollars back of the back of the room six if you like online at five five the bid is there for fifty five hundred dollars no more five five then selling in the room ahead of you online fifty five hundred sold for you sir five thousand five to paddle three three zero lot number 824 lot 824 now this is the pear-shaped jar from the genuine dynasty 13th 14th century here we have good interest here and we'll start right away at 15 000. at thousand dollars straight away with an order bid for fifteen thousand dollars fifteen thousand any more for fifteen thousand fifteen thousand dollars here for fifteen thousand dollars sixteen thousand thank you online seventeen thousand against you at seventeen thousand dollars still with me for seventeen thousand dollars my order bit for seventeen thousand dollars eighteen thousand i have nineteen thousand on my book here nineteen thousand dollars for nineteen thousand dollars twenty thousand online i have twenty two thousand at twenty two thousand dollars twenty two thousand dollars twenty four thousand i have twenty six thousand twenty six thousand dollars still with me at twenty six twenty eight thousand i have thirty thousand at thirty thousand dollars my order bit thirty thousand thirty two thousand thirty five thousand at thirty five thousand dollars for thirty eight thousand thank you i have forty thousand at forty thousand dollars forty two thousand forty five thousand forty eight thousand fifty thousand fifty five thousand dollars thank you 55 000 is now online at 55 000 thank you 55 000 online bidder 55 58 all right 58 000 58 000 ahead of you now i'll take 60 online if you like 58 dollars is still here sixty thousand thank you sixty five thousand new place at sixty five thousand dollars now still ahead of the online bid and here it is at sixty five thousand dollars seventy thousand back to you at seventy thousand dollars online buyer against the order bid for seventy thousand dollars selling it online now at seventy thousand dollars all through in the room on the telephones at seventy thousand dollars i'll sell online with an internet buyer seventy thousand dollars sold to paddle three zero three eight seventy thousand dollars thank you very much lot number eight hundred and twenty five now this time a globular jar a lot of 825 for seven thousand dollars at seven thousand dollars five hundred now at seven thousand five hundred dollars thank you for seven thousand five hundred dollars coming in for seven five at seventy five hundred dollars now ahead of you all in the room eight thousand eighty five hundred thank you at eight thousand five hundred dollars still ahead of you all eight five only at eight thousand five hundred dollars coming in for nine online at eight thousand five hundred dollars it's ahead of you all now last chance 8 500 now no more at 8 000 500 85 8500 fast lot number 826 is next about 8.26 now and for this we'll start at 18 000 at eighteen thousand dollars nineteen thousand thank you at nineteen thousand dollars this bit is mine nineteen thousand dollars at nineteen thousand dollars commission buyer with me for nineteen thousand dollars any more than twenty thousand pad for you twenty two thousand ahead of you now at twenty two thousand dollars at twenty two twenty four thousand vicki's bid now at twenty four thousand dollars there it is on my right at twenty four thousand dollars twenty six thousand dollars back to pat at twenty six twenty eight thousand vicky at twenty eight thousand dollars thirty thousand thank you at thirty thousand dollars and two thirty two thousand at thirty two thousand dollars thirty five thousand telephone to telephone thirty five thirty eight at thirty eight thousand dollars there it is got thirty eight forty thousand to pat at forty thousand dollars one more vicky for forty i'll take two at forty thousand dollars but is this side forty two thousand thank you at forty two thousand dollars all on the telephones 42 45 pat your bid 45 thousand dollars at 45 000 48 000 for 48 000 then this side 48 50 000 still on these phones at 50 000 at fifty thousand dollars bid is left for fifty five thousand sixty thousand sixty thousand dollars sixty five thousand seventy thousand 70s here patch bridge 70 thousand dollars then thank you vicky for your online you're out for 70 i'm going to sell it now at 70 000 all done for seventy thousand dollars seventy thousand pat sold for you seventy thousand dollars to paddle number one three one one is the buyer lot number eight hundred and twenty seven now not eight twenty seven this is a rare and large jar from the jin dynasty and we'll start at 65 000 at 65 000 thank you for 65 000. 65 000 70 000 at 70 000.75 thousand at seventy five thousand dollars now coming in sir at seventy five thousand dollars still ahead of you in the back eighty thousand i see a bid at eighty thousand dollars the bid is in the back there eighty thousand dollars eighty five thousand right next to you sir at eighty eighty-five thousand dollars new place eighty-five give me ninety sir yes at ninety thousand dollars ninety five thousand for ninety five thousand dollars at ninety five one hundred sir one hundred thousand at one hundred thousand and ten for one ten twenty sir at 110 120 for 120 000 130 000 macro bids 140 000 at 140 000 then here we here we are 140 at 114 noma sir one last try 140 then it's here in the center at 140 000. thank you for your bids no more on the telephones online 140 is the bid i'm selling now at 140 000 140 sold for you sir on the telephone 332 140 000 thank you very much both of you lot number and twenty eight this is the rare marbled bowl here not eight hundred and twenty eight for fifteen hundred dollars one thousand five only fifteen hundred dollars sixteen hundred seventeen hundred sir eighteen sir eighteen hundred nineteen 1900 2 000 yes 2000 is seated at two thousand dollars seated bid in the room for two thousand dollars online chance 2200 at 2200 sir at 2400 twenty 2600 hundred is here for two thousand six hundred dollars two thousand eight hundred three thousand dollars at three thousand dollars two sir three thousand two three thousand five at thirty five hundred dollars three eight sir no three five i've done here it is on my left and selling at three thousand five hundred dollars thirty five hundred thirty eight hundred back in time at three eight four thousand still bidding on the left here to the aisle at 4 000. ahead of you sir there against you online bid is left at 4 000 sold for user 4 323 4 000 lot number 829 not 829 showing on our screens here plus at 3 500 3800 at 3 800 3800 4 200 at 4 200 ahead of all the online bidders at 4 200 now for 4 000 to coming in 4-2 4 500 in the uk 4 800 ahead of you at 4 800 not yours in the uk or hong kong 5 000 back online at five thousand dollars there it is for five thousand dollars this bit is live in the uk for five i'm selling it now at five thousand dollars five thousand fifty five hundred hong kong at five thousand five hundred dollars for five thousand five hundred uk one more for six six thousand with tina just ahead of you there's sixes on the telephone there at six thousand dollars next click is six five we have it six five in the uk at six thousand five hundred dollars seven thousand hong kong just ahead of utina at seven thousand dollars for seven thousand dollars in hong kong it is live at seven thousand dollars nachos tina nachos uk i'm selling to hong kong at seven thousand dollars all done for seven thousand dollars and five online uk is back at seventy five hundred dollars hong kong eight if you like at seven five it's with the uk at seven thousand five hundred for seventy five hundred dollars selling now eight thousand tina at eight thousand dollars for eight thousand dollars on the telephone against both live bidders selling it now at eight thousand dollars eight thousand tina sold for you eight thousand dollars to paddle number one three one four you
Channel: Peter Combs
Views: 5,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine art, fine chinese art, auction, chinese art, chinese art auction, japanese art auction, japanese art, art news, auction news, asian art, auction results, chinese porcelain, chinese paintings, chinese bronze, jade, asian art auction news, asian art values, chinese art values, auction houses, online auctions, internet auctions, authenticating chinese porcelain, art
Id: oahgIkG8o9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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