SOS Bros React - One Piece (Netflix) Season 1 Episode 1 - Romance Dawn

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all right welcome everyone we're semblance of Sanity I'm Caleb I'm Jacob and we're here for one episode one episode one of the live action holy [ __ ] yeah iow I'm so excited we're getting we're getting an actual live action adaptation that everyone everyone says it even if you're not like oh I'm 100% on board with it this is pretty good yeah I this is pretty good I don't these feelings are are a lot these are a lot like we we haven't we haven't touched the one piece Universe since our dramatic readings that we did of the manga and we did a,2 something chapters of that I think the m is well past that at this point we'll have to come back to that two years of just yeah just just just getting so attached to these characters and now we're going all the way back to the east blue yep [ __ ] where's our straw beginning oh I don't know we'll have we'll have to get that we'll we'll have to get that by the point that Shanks passes it on um we've also got some devil fruit things here we've got so many things we have to bring into this just just a bit but like okay so so we've we've read the Manga we've read the Manga we haven't really seen the anime I've watched like some from the anime but like not too much yeah I think my main thing is I've basically took about uh I would say about 15 odd episodes here and there and seen like clips from those like I've seen the you know uh the Hat being put on a specific character at a specific time uh I've seen uh lots of marine Ford uh I've seen uh some specific any Lobby moments uh because of course because of course of yes yes of course so and and I've seen G8 because I heard that that was fantastic and it's like okay you got to watch that I still haven't seen it it's great fun it's great fun but so if you're you're a one piece and we're going to at the very least know a little bit of what's going on but the thing that's fun here is that this was so long ago that while we're probably going to remember like 80% of the characters names part that's going to be fun here is that like the actual like plot goings and order of operations and stuff and all that like that might be fuzzy like I'm I'm excited for the like okay if I remember stuff great then I get to see it get reimagined if I don't remember something I get to re-experience it right I'm excited to be surpr by this because the thing that I didn't expect was this adaptation to be good I saw the promo material for this and I saw like okay um I hope I hope it's good like I hope it's good I remember when they showed the first teaser and I was like oh no they're doing one piece but then I saw I think it was like the third trailer or something like that and there was just something about the way the characters acted that I was like okay wait mhm hold up maybe maybe I got so emotional when I saw my boy Usopp who I share a birthday with by the way yeah yeah you um uh just in live action and and not with the gigantic nose I was like okay all right all right this is going to be okay this is going to be good that was one of the things that we had talk to each other about of like one piece live action oh oh oh oh h you yeah for for for me for me it's the idea that this is Netflix so they're going to go all out with the CG and stuff but one piece can't be just a green screen you have to have characters that are ridiculously Larger than Life and over the top while pretty much all of them are going to be human in the beginning things don't stay that way we get giant we get animal life things are going to be wild so so the earlier Arc or arcs should be okay but there are some crazy things that happen just you know they're very like oh this is an anime you know like this is a manga like this is so I I'm very I'm very excited that this season at the very least was done well by the community's largely positive reception and this season has buggy right so like you know so that's there you go right and apparently like a lot of the set were like practical and stuff with the ships and everything which apparently worked very well so I'm excited to see that I'm I'm excited for that as well um I will say I am so attached to Luffy as a character this is a thing that were coming off of the Avatar of The Last Airbender adaptation they changed that protagonist characterization a decent bit yeah um didn't uh work as well in my opinion it was okay but it wasn't it wasn't great um Luffy though you can't change his characterization and by the things that people have been saying of this carries the spirit of one piece that means they nailed Luffy and I cannot tell you how much joy I'm going to have to see a liveaction Luffy acted because he is such a such a rambunctious ball of chaotic energy and yet he's so awkward and weird and Goofy and I I I'm going to I'm going to cry I think if they just nail specific parts of early one piece with Luffy and I'm I'm I'm I'm really excited for that one of the things that I was told that made me the most excited like oh okay this is this is going to be good is someone said Luffy is not my Luffy but watching it I was like yeah that's Luffy right even if it's a different Luffy than you know than I had in my head interesting that's that's not as good that as I as I was thinking is going to be but okay I'm I'm I'm I'm very optimistic let's see let's see this Captain crackhead just just pop off and be his wonderful self yes so we're excited to get into this we're going to do the whole you know show live action as it comes out you know just like anytime there's more of this we're going to be going into it they have not confirmed the second season yet which is worrying honestly I might be wrong in that information uh it's getting a second season like I mean it's it probably is absolutely is how far they'll take it I don't know it's probably one of those things where they haven't got all the like casting and stuff set up so they're working on it but it's once we hit this threshold then we can say to everybody that it's actually ret and going exactly like like we're getting a one piece remake so we're absolutely getting a liveaction second season isn't it so cool Jacob that like this was one of those anime that like we were never going to react to oh yeah now because we've read like The Lion Share of the manga I don't know how much is out right now but we get to now be like oh yeah we'll react to the live action right right like we were we were so against it because we're like it's so long and then somebody just sent us like the box sets of the M like please please please read this we were like oh okay then we read it and we're like oh hey holy [ __ ] on our V Channel check that out we've done dramatic readings for about well over a thousand chapters unique voices for 80% % of the characters I have a bunch of guys that basically all sound like Shanks yeah but but yeah um I've I I will say I had so much fun specifically with Luffy but also uh because we're going to be going through this episode you know week to week and stuff if you want to see the next episode that's out ahead of this one if you're seeing this one on YouTube you can check out our patreon links in the description below but yeah all right y'all without further Ado let's get into this all right here we go oh [ __ ] this is world like no othering with mystery and teing with danger is that Ian McShan sounds kind of different but okay L toown yeah all right let's see it all the different Charlie Rogers Pirates a those ships look so good there's a marine boat uhhuh yeah seing the execution all right [Applause] oh holy sh cool let's go a mess to break Spirit of anyone foolish mhm it's going to do the exact opposite take these off starting to it I warned you uh you brought this upon yourself who is thisal vice admiral oh oh oh oh H with okay okay oh nice nice hello I see you I see you he laughed yep wealth Fame oh there a boy take to the Seas treasure is yours jusy yeah you [ __ ] up should have killed him should have killed him a minute before [Applause] mhm holy [ __ ] that a mad frenzy uh-huh wow I love the scale of this yeah a new age was born the great pirate era setting off a r AC of how tiny some of the boats boats are hiden uh-huh the one piece yeah all right let's go that's a good logo it's pretty good I like the way the straw hat hangs there yeah calling yes well not exactly calling because I pretty much and swim find the one piece and become king of the [Music] virus okay okay yeah I like the idea that Luffy is so simple he can break the fourth wall Mutiny mutiny oh right right right oh can't lose that oh man my first day I love it ah there they are there they are let's get it they're a little special like almost glitter Cannon bombs Al with the mirror yeah I love this bounty poster thing yeah that is that is such a great way to do [Applause] it I keep forgetting ala had a [ __ ] mace he's on the boat Hunter don't he was on your ship oh oh curious okay M Kobe clean up this mess Kobe hey oh my God hey it's just ketchup it's fine you know yep way he's holding the toothbrush like it's a shiv yeah knock it off knock it off this is ship she's captain of the AL Pirates oh that's great a pirate too hurts a scum you take that back thieves and murderers not all of them yeah nice that's how we go into the back story oh that's cool Shanks time yeah oh counting down the days till he comes back yeah yeah oh and the way he lives underneath the docks like to get the feeling of like he's on a ship yeah yeah oh no he is on a oh no he's snuck ony it's rest of the Lo together uhuh There It Is Us you B I'm not an urchin I'm a pirate I can do it shanks yeah shank's been to some crazy [ __ ] at this point I'm afid of getting hurt and I'll prove it to you whoa It's like look I got a scar yeah she told me what to eat to sleep have to paint her toenails so why don't you just leave leaves Al once you enter the grand line you never return it sounds kind of fun is that is that one of the CVS just Alo snoring which [Music] way what is there monkey heard of you well remember the name remember the name yeah because is the most powerful part on the SE Whitebeard oh no okay yeah yeah answer youing he doesn't have to that's not what he told me shut up as I didn't that [Music] ah that looked good of monster are you the stretchy kind the stretchy kind [Music] okay he's like this is fun yeah it's kind of a problem that's the compression sound effects oh my God huh now he's serious okay this looks very silly but I kind of love it oh my God I kind of love it yes we're going to need a boat and now food for a few days yeah you're coming with me right right oh imagine if Kobe had gone with yeah luy mhm a lot of things wouldn't have gone well actually probably not no ooh oh where Zoro went yeah let's see him yeah yeah how could someone need three swords wait I love how serious the tone changed right right we went from slapstick comedy to now we're like I'm a trained Marshall Warrior exactly who are and who are you yeah this for someone on you a long time she fell down the stairs you do oh known ASO works all right are interested in your unique set of skills membership would make you even more Invincible more feared does it come with a free face tattoo is number one all right all right so far Luffy and Zoro oh if they were that serious they should have sent someone [Music] number all right let's see it let's see it yeah yeah yeah doesn't even need to draw them okay here we go here we go here we go awesome he's too [ __ ] too [ __ ] cool doesn't even need to look behind him to block oh [ __ ] what all right what oh my God okay I don't remember Mr Seven from later so I'm guessing he was just killed off screen or something or it's kind of a long story yeah that's let's go back yeah didn't get your eye was aiming for it but missed this little grelin kid yeah behind yeah eventually you will a poer one day yeah you would mhm ready yeah my ship already has an anchor I'm not an anchor wow oh they're playing the the song oh they are yeah yeah oh my God you're right wow yeah so funny to think he's like ah you smell a little fruit thing so your thought is not to take just a bite the whole thing yeah perhaps this will make up for it yeah nice yep yep this is Shanks [Music] yep takes a really strong man to show restraint like this how could you let him insult you like that did spill a drink on me you back why didn't you kick his ass not everything to be solved with Violet you're nothing but a coward see yep I told you you weren't ready yeah luy oh that's such a cool way to find out yeah ate a devil I didn't know any better mine was a gum gum fruit it turned my body into rubber oh that looks so good burning ship in the background yeah you can't navigate you don't even have a map oh that's right we need a navigator Kobe if you could do anything in the worldall right now what would it be yeah what's your dream yeah h what that for you being dumb thinking something is dumb yeah your dream is dumb that's dumb right I've always wanted to be Marine yeah but he doesn't cool he doesn't look down on it yeah yeah if that's what you want I think you should do it yeah sometimes you need someone to just tell you to do it I'll my map and you can join up yeah yeah yeah but yeah you're a pirate don't worry I'm stey yeah as the as the ship sinks hey you're in luck sweetheart for all the help you'll need crew was attacked by Pirates to it love it hey what giv sorry boys thanks for the res easy yep and showing oh hey she's a great Navigator uh-huh okay okay yes I love oh my god wow me foxy okay all right yeah well only one way I'm going to get inside that base are you sure about that yeah yeah not on anach is you got to feed the brain feed the brain right uhuh maybe maybe what if I get inside flying while the Marines Sur right there yeah this is literally a marine restaurant a bottle for me and one for my friend had a rough hey nice God it's so fun seeing just little mhm little things for like characters and stuff everywhere buy a Drink Too Tall what's this rice boss for you you made them yourself mhm what's the brown stuff chocolate makes everything oh oh is this helppo it is oh [ __ ] yeah yeah and he didn't even want to eat it before because of the chocolate yeah yeah tastes good yeah putting it right there oh apologize to the girl oh God that laugh I love it that's that's so great wide open and showing all the teeth a Shad Marine with a bad haircut not yet yeah not yet exactly oh come on tough guy three swords that's so great he's so good [Music] yeah wow wow all right Zoro is wonderfully badass hasn't drawn a sword yet he's taking the Marines way more seriously than he is Ono yep okay Luffy's like I'm seeing [ __ ] go down yeah yeah I want all of them to join my crew shouldn't draw your blade unless you're prepare to use it don't kill me please my father will give you anything you want so he pulls the hair up and then and that's how he gets the he's in charge of the Marine base no and he just goes in there after doing that feared pirate hunter in the E forgot his Malik looking ass had the hole Yeah arrest but your will be the first one I kill hey he can't speak to me that way oh oh he almost killed you youd make a hell of a marine Daddy yeah not proving me my own thing going on new career for the OD I like this extra perspective given to yeah Zoro no problem i' can catch up all my [Laughter] sleep you didn't think about the water part dude you know yeah good Pirates then by extension andad too mhm having that set up this early in the show is such yeah yeah exactly beautiful isn't it oh my God this [ __ ] tennis shoes and yeah suit he literally has tennis shoes on yeah I love his laugh too yeah it's so great sit up and put it down you think my father's going to let you go you are going to die in this yard yeah you are kind of tied up yeah mhm mhm yep he's being so loud stealth yes how did they even arrest you they didn't I gave myself up interesting chice I'm noo the pirate Hunter well I'm monke and I will be the king of I didn't ask you know yeah yeah I kill your kind for a living pirate Hunter keep saying that is that all you are o what's your dream man yeah yeah I made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world's greatest swordsman impressive he's like yes I like it I want you to join my crew oo o getting some getting some get some some some some information mhm hey don't have theine down here do no didn't get any oh [ __ ] that's him that go from the far okay all right just take all the maps and search for them later just keep dragging bodies into places hey hey hey no don't do that no no bad bad no yeah you stole that guy's uniform now you're looking for my map your map oh my God I like it I like it she knows enough to know like oh [ __ ] it I just I got to go along with this guy y we're already in high jinkx mode yeah we are this is so wonderful yeah I caught this Intruder sir ah oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my god wow Helo is yeah I love him I he's doing the yes he's probably completely nude yes yeah yeah are you going to kill me no something much worse he like Wes up cut it down to here yes but I was like watch he wakes up from a dream he's like no don't don't name private not sir I put in a request to serve under your command she's used to dealing with people like him she's the best I I mean she's the best of worst I hate Marin what what is this that was amazing ad we do make pretty good she's like I carried your ass I carried your ass oh she got him how you do that let's get one thing straight I am never anything you no never hate Pirates hate them right that too yeah yeah I was just yeah because you don't yeah yeah oh my God is the perfect kind of insufferable he just won't stop that's his thing he just keeps going it's that perfect amount of dumb you know but but mixed with a ton of earnestness right oh my gosh he finds it immediately amazing what's going on here Pirates inside the base we're under attack what he still doesn't a [ __ ] better get a move on let's go go go go go go go do I can't rush this I have Ana I'm just going to grab it pick what oh [ __ ] he complet completely deadened her fall yeah oh my gosh well here we go yeah you still have to get the safe out of here and then helppo runs out with a bull cut yes oh Zoro come on Zoro help him out oh [ __ ] yep yep y here he is bringing lethality drunk from a bar a the music coming in always has the on liners a no we're not I alone defeated the black Pirates I alone captured Kuro of the Thousand PLS H oh my God yes well that could actually be a problem for you that could be a problem for you's like I am helping it's not only the axe every part ofap right right right yeah you're attacking him and it's not not able to cut him yeah oh yes let's go it's time let's go all the flare yes yeah all [Music] right yep we got you go yeah look at this are you serious that's dumb you say that now Zoro or we can do that yes Zoro is a freak yes Zoro is built different like the very very very very strong y I love the idea that in this live action they're going to set it up that Zoro will call out finishing moons because that's what Luffy does that's what his captain does without the Marines be here you know it what's wrong with yeah I might have done that I'll be the hero I might even get a medal or something yes let's go KOB I'm not coming with you what ah yeah you sure and he's like proud of him next time we meet we might be enemies we might we're friends oh that's great that perfect one life touched set him on a course yes hey two lives helo's going to go on a big Journey now yes it's true he will oh oh oh oh oh I'm a Hound Dog yes yes it looks so good uhhuh they take weapons gold you going to go all the way to the east blue change plan going to shwn Wild okay a map to the Grand line has been stolen by a pirate in stra okay okay let's go all right they Captain yeah just like us yeah got the map and you didn't stop them oh here he comes all in episode one all right yes I I love I love and they actually yeah oh my God that's so good wow when you star when you start an episode like that yeah you give us way too much holy way too much that was amazing that was awesome oh a little little teaser here [ __ ] this gr can handle wow oh my God that's so much the entire Village oh my God holy [ __ ] wait wait so this is just for the whole season maybe are the stra PIR Sanji looks good Sanji looks good oh my God holy [ __ ] oh man dude we're eating good we are eating real good this is going to be amazing holy [ __ ] y' holy [ __ ] yeah you weren't kidding this this adaptation is is wonderful this is so good this is so much fun I I love I love how silly they're letting it be I love how ridiculous they're letting it be Luffy is the main character so let's let him carry the tone of the whole thing like it so totally works like there's there's those there's those slight differences in the way that it's ridiculous you know but like it makes it work in the live action format and and I still feel like they didn't change Luffy as a person right that's still absolutely him it's just the well yeah I'm very straightforward and U maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed but my eyes are constantly wide open with like curiosity and confidence and assuredness and yeah why would you try to get yourself down and say your dream is dumb saying dream is dumb is dumb that's you got to stop that yeah that's dumb oh you're gonna fight me no no no no don't don't don't do that that's a bad idea bad idea bad idea like and and the way his just unfappable conviction and like and just I'm going to keep going forward it just kind of pulls everyone along like that's that's him that's him and we see it in the different sides right we have Zoro who's just like no and I love how him and Nami immediately have like a bonding thing of like no we're not part of your crew right but then for NAMI it's the I'm an opportunist I can use this guy and also I kind of have to because holy [ __ ] I'm going for something delicate and he's he's [ __ ] everything up he's [ __ ] everything up so I have to just go with it right and then it's the okay yeah eventually this is this is no longer a heist this is a bash and grab right he he just joint the whole safe out of the floor and now they're just flying out they flew out yeah she survived because she landed on his rubbery ass right sure why not why not yeah right and then at the end zoro's just like H you just picks it up and carries it out like that's there were there were a couple little fun moments that felt like ah we're doing the we know where this story is going we can set up all kinds of stuff here right like we're having all the characters tease their motivations their back stories here are like super quick and early um we're getting to see like different perspectives rather than just kind of showing Luffy's perspective and having him just kind of be like oh who are you I'm Zoro you know like cool yeah zoro's introduction was fantastic I love the way the tone completely shifted once it's a Zoro perspective bit and it's the no this is the badass this is the serious guy right like right we have three kind of themes or or tones Luffy is basically H jinkx just jinkx he doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything he's almost like portray to be a little bit on the Spectrum as well just like not really like cluing into the social cues or anything like that but then but then we have Zoro who's like I'm a Harden Bounty Hunter I sh my way my own thing going on I'm a lone wolf they should have sent someone better than number seven you know right yeah wonderful but then Nami is the no in this world of Marines and Pirates there's a third group everyone else that has to survive in their Madness and stuff so no I hate Pirates oh that yeah and then this is all coming in with the context of we had Alva and we have Shanks the two pictures of what it is to be a pirate in this world the same way that we get the different pictures of the Marines right right right exactly yeah so the idea of the good and bad you know Marines the good and bad pirates this this is going to be a good show oh yeah because the the best characters really are the good Pirates and the good Marines like the ones that are on each side but have codes have morals have have beliefs and stuff the people that aren't just the ruthless Killers you know exactly so yeah [ __ ] I'm I'm excited to explore that explore that side of this world with in the liveaction setting so the other so there there are so many things that I loved about this that I feel like this there were decisions that were made with how it was adapted that I absolutely adore one of them is the pacing yeah this episode did not feel rushed no it and it covered a lot of ground yeah now yeah it's a full you know hour plus an hour but but that's impressive because as far as when I think of the content in the manga that was covered it was a lot it we skipped a ton yeah but the way that we did it works right because the alvita situation yeah it's an intro fight and yeah Luffy is so rambunctious and wild that it's not going to be a long serious thing right like even though it wasn't that long in the manga right we can make it even shorter because it's the yeah he stumbles in just everything goes to chaos right they get out of it Kobe has his his his bit of growth and everything awesome we love it right then we move on to the next bit right and through all of the chaotic H Jinks and everything you know the like we don't need to have it be a drawn out thing of Zoro then realizing eventually oh yeah they were totally lying right it's just a quick thing and it's done and also some not pacing related but I got to say the other thing that I was wondering how well they'd be able to sell it is with the the um goodness versus meanness kind of gestures and stuff right the people wrecking everything and then Shanks cleaning it up Zoro picking up the rice ball off the floor that had the chocolate on it didn't even like yeah it's a bit cheesy but like it it leans into it like in a in a hard enough way that I buy it with the zaniness of the world and everything it's the acting of the the the acting CHS really like shank's character shank's actor's acting was was phenomenal in the moments of where I feel like Shanks could have come straight off of a Hollywood production with you know Pirates of the Caribbean he's just a guy who's like no I'm a pacifist I don't engage directly in things like this I'm not going to start a fight here you very much get the vibe from the way that he acts that he also has no great ego like he doesn't need to have his his crew ribs on him constantly yeah and he he rolls with it right and it wasn't like because and I I love how even though we didn't get the moment of him then saving Luffy right in thisis we'll we'll get that we'll get that episode later but like the the overall Vibe and everything there's still the concept of yeah I can tell that this is a person that is you know not fighting as a result of choice not because they're scared or they you know don't feel like they're capable or whatever and the crew helps sell that you know in addition to the acting which was great so but then the same thing with Zoro with his kind of awkward taking things super seriously he's like oh yeah oh the rice cake with chocolate pick it up off the floor and eat it and it's like the it's the weirdest power play ever right and it's wonderful you know delicious delicious yeah right and then now you eat one now you eat one right and God Helo Helo Helo actually might be the MVP as far as like the surprise star yeah because that's and that's like that foray into the truly like weird weird that's like Okay can the can it fully do it right with alvita they leaned into the no no no this is serious stuff she takes she's killing people she she's killing people she's double tapping this is brutal right so of course Kobe's scared right right and then with helppo it's the no he's toothless but but he's connected to the problem of why this world needs to be fixed and changed because the Marines created effectively this little shith head we saw the narcissism on Ax hand andly you know pass around even though ax hand might not want to admit that part you know and maybe that's something that uh helppo also does in secret because you know Daddy wouldn't necessarily smile too kindly on it in addition to the fact that he wants to you know feel the breeze while he does um which is wonderful but then like the way that like no no no Helo didn't start with that haircut because no sane person would start with that haircut yes but he got that haircut he got that haircut he earned that Scar and if he owns that and carries it moving forward oh my God as he goes on this growth of humility and his journey I believe that I believe that he's like yes this happened to me I was a [ __ ] back then but you know what I'm rocking this now CU that's who I am it gives me it gives me a lot of excitement for the characters that basically become the friends of Luffy and Company Down The Long Hall of this very Grand Story pun intended because yes we've got buggy coming up and Buggy's one of the best things to happen to this this this story and and given that we got through so much in one episode like we could get yeah like a ton in the next episode and we and we got shown the the scope for what to expect for the season we are getting arong Park [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah we're getting arong Park we're getting the bti we're getting yep mihawk versus Zoro oh yeah and with the way that like oh my gosh yeah and with the way that this episode worked in all of these little bits we can have things like the the more like kind of uh monster of the week kind of like all right who's the pirate who's the you know Marine that we're going to deal with whose Bounty poster is going to be slapped up in front of us here doesn't need to take up the whole episode yeah that oh so so perfect yeah and the actively like you know buggy like swiping it away and things like that like it's it's just delightful but we can have all of those little moments that will add to the flavor in the journey that these characters are going on because it is a long Epic Journey without it needing to necessarily take a ton of time because we can have it be communicated to us of exactly what's going on very succinctly and effectively so I yes next episode like I give it to us the the the the joy I had upon even seeing like some of the action because I think that's probably the part that's the toughest when adapting an anime or a manga to live action is that the action can be so ridiculous and over the toop that it doesn't really work as well but because we kept things to the we've got weapons we've got punching we've got kicking we've got martial arts it works pretty well here things are going to get weird things are going to get weird and they've already started it with like Luffy redirecting the bullet back at the person or know his whole body is a weapon right because you know as you're seeing it physically yeah of course and I think that was a thing in the original story but like the an axe is not going to be able to block three swords you know right so so it's the no no no his whole body is and that's how we can also work in the we are not going to kill this guy even though Zoro is absolutely the lethal type of person that totally would chop him in half yeah chop him in half but instead he sets him up you know it's the hold the sword to the throat Morgan stops because he's like okay I don't actually know if that like cut my right but also Zoro doesn't because he also maybe doesn't entirely know you know cuz his body's a weapon so it's the well we'll leave that for a bit and then Luffy knocks him out knocks him out cool yeah classic yeah I I want to have the amount of care and attention that they've given to Zoro and Nami as well given to Sapp and Sanji yeah I love all the straw hats so so so precious I will say I favor the original five more I would say than the than the ones that come later sure like if I was to rank them it's hard to overcome that that amount of time that you spend with them right yes for sure but also just independently of that I I I I love Chopper especially but I I definitely love the other ones more than the later ones so the fact that the fact that here we're getting uh so much care and attention done to each character I I hope that I hope that it doesn't feel like it's zoron Nami and Luffy are the main characters and usopp's a side character or you know uh sanji's like you know uh also just kind of a yeah s will be fun because like looking at you know from the the bits that they had at the end is the sort of the teaser for the season yeah Sanji W looked good Sanji looked good but I um I believe that Sanji with regards to when he ends up because I'm I'm guessing they're going to tone it down from auga auga to like he's a flirt you know oh sure and and I absolutely buy that Sanji being a flirt right like I feel like I don't even need to see it you know I just wonder are we GNA give him a French accent you know uh I'm sure doubt would not I would not be surprised if he did that specifically when he's talking to Nami ah right right it's the like you know like I don't know that is not that is not I don't know uh French and other languages and getting it mixed up that's a t time but yeah like buggy you he already just looks so good he's delightful I I love the setup of like the ah naming um like naming attacks and I hope that buggy name like he does his buggy ball thing so that then like Luffy can turn to Zoro and be like see and zoro's just like no that's no that's dumb people don't do that like yeah it would be it would be fun to have that be a a a Luffy introduces that and his crew kind of Champions the idea of naming attacks right and they slowly are like fine I come up with my Us's like no come on like you know yeah yeah us being the first one to pick up on it actually would make a lot of sense yeah that that does I feel that would they bonded really quickly yes Usopp and Luffy are they have the closest heart I would say to of everyone in the crew which is why you know yeah um but yeah the like what what is not to like about this episode I I think the only thing that might be a little bit like weird is that um the the you know the fight choreography does a lot of the like they're not actually swinging at you know where the bodies are yeah there was a lot of that um and then garp's whole existence in this episode was interesting I don't see how okay cuz gar is probably one of the most complex and nuanced characters in the story because he is the example of the good Marine but he's not a good person entirely GARP has some GARP has some some flaws some things like that and the idea of having him be like so Direct ly involved potentially in the story I feel it could set up some I don't know it feels like they're trying to condense things a bit too much with GARP being here and while I like the idea that we need a marine perspective maybe throughout the story and he does get involved fairly fairly early on no he doesn't actually no no he he doesn't this is where my memory of the the early events probably get a little fuzzy I believe GARP is not involved much at all so that I can't remember if one involved it's probably the biggest change I would say other than the oh we're just going to condense the characters here with the uh the island of which by the way so there was there were a bunch of characters shown in the in the bits with the the whole execution which by the way was awesome I loved how they showed that like Goldie Roger just had to say that and it's done right like the situation has changed everybody is like running to try and find it right um but but there was there was was a a a female character with a penchant for black that that was in there that I didn't recognize and there so there's a possibility maybe that it's a particular character and there's a reason that we wouldn't recognize them Y and if that's the case if that's the case if that's being like like you know not not confirmed because it's it's been talked about in the manga but if it's being like fully gone into a bit I almost feel like for spoiler reasons of the people that have not you know yeah yeah but that's that's pretty cool that's pretty cool that's pretty cool yeah I I would love to get into the discourse of people who are you know One Piece manga readers and stuff like that and being like okay this live action what are some of the things that you feel like are Easter egg related kind of things that you know we could get into because there's a lot that they threw in this episode I mean there were a ton [ __ ] we got the we got the Nails yeah with the and the sound and everything like taking something that ridiculous transponder snails yeah yeah yeah and making it like the way they work that in yeah like that was such even had the thing to match to match gar with the everything that was such a great way to just add extra stuff to sell us on the weirdness of this world yes we're in a very weird Fantastical world with sea creature related stuff but it's all taken very seriously the the transponder snail this is an important device for communication right like this is the oh no the antagonists are essentially are finding out about the heroes and it's the all right we've got a change of plans you know like that's that's very serious and it's a goofy looking transponder snail you know right like I love it I I I need to see now people that have no idea what the [ __ ] one piece is reacting to this cuz this is this is such a great in production to the world mhm but I could see some people being like maybe it's a little cringy or a little silly with the humor oh sure yeah bit over the top cuz it definitely is right it definitely is but like I I feel like it's doing such a good service to the actual Source material it's not it's not boing at what the source material did and it is absolutely putting its best foot forward in order to to present that to people that would not necessarily be interested interested right and and I I I take my hat off for that take my straw hat off and I it to the creator of this this this is this is wonderful this is delightful I I'll also say that like casting decision wise I can see how some people are like oh not like my Luffy but that's Luffy I can see some things that are a little bit different here but I I think that pretty much every single character that they've given actual like Focus to and naming here casting wise has been really good good and the banter between them is great is is really good I'm a little bit worried about the more like side character antagonists and stuff um there's a lot of them in the East blue kind of section of things before we get to our Long Park that are not my favorite in the one series they're they're really forgettable we we'll have to deal with Kuro because we get Usopp that's true you know right like that's that's kind of the situation there right I'm I'm very excited for his you know looking ass to show up and be like ah yes you're just as cringe as I remember you or um what's his name you're as beautiful as the day I met you uh what's his name of is it dong C there's a don there's a bunch of these like but then also we get pety but yes that's true like I um oh man oh yeah saw mihawk we did we saw mihawk good I I'm very excited for mihawk cuz mihawk is the early um sort of power ceing power ceiling exactly for the one piece World um really really quickly and if they can nail the idea of this badass Zoro character that we've got presented really well so far here yeah the losing so emphatically right with a tiny little dinky dagger sword that's not a dagger it's more like a a letter opener yeah a toothpick right yeah I am I am impressed if they find some way to nail that oh yeah cuz the little teaser we got showed them but like uhuh so I me and and also having a teaser for the full season that's such a great way to also set expectations for the fans to be like hey this is what we're gonna cover yeah cool yeah now get excited get excited yeah I'm excited but y'all thank you so much for watching this episode's reaction and discussion if you want to see the next episode's reaction and discussion right now though go check out the link in the description below for our patreon you get on Early Access there you can watch full length timer reactions there and all this comes with Discord access so you can chat with us in the community there about this show about uh one piece anime the manga stuff in general and also be sure to check out our twitch channel so yeah if any of that interest you we'll see you there but until then we're semblance of Sanity I'm Caleb I'm Jacob and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Semblance of Sanity
Views: 38,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: semblance of sanity, sos bros, anime reactions, one piece, one piece reactions, semblance of sanity reactions, review, one piece season 1, anime reaction, one piece live action reaction, first time watching one piece, op live action reaction, one piece episode 1 reaction, one piece season 1 episode 1 reaction, anime, reaction, analysis, discussion, one piece 1x1 reaction, one piece netflix, one piece netflix reaction, one piece live action
Id: hP2ILBCTqj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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