Sorghum from harvest to molasses (without a press)

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well today we're harvesting the sorghum stocks I've already pulled the tops off that one right there doesn't have any seed so we left it on there so I pulled the tops off and have them hanging in the house dry in about a week and a half ago well maybe it's been about a week okay but this week we're gonna go ahead and pull the stocks now supposedly with the stocks you can make molasses out of them more sugar so we're gonna give it a try we don't have a press so I found a couple of videos and how to do it without and I'm gonna give it a try so come along and I see if it works out right now I'm just taking all the leaves off doing it to the goats and pigs who are really enjoying these and then I'm left with just the stocks themselves and that's what we're gonna be pulling the sugar out of those stocks and see if we can make some molasses so I wanted to show you where we got all of them they actually tied them first but then they all has a shrunk from drying is hurt falling so I took a needle and strumming and actually sewed it into the stock so they are all growing right now and we getting changed here we are gonna go ahead and process the stocks you see my stocks I'm gonna take my jacket off here so it might be jiggly okay so you'll see the stocks right there um that's my okra letting them dry so I can get the seed basically what we need to do just cut this all up so you'll see that there's Knuckles these are the knuckles where you see a knuckle you don't use the knuckle so you want to cut on this side and the side I cannot go and get rid of you can't discard the knuckle all together I'm just gonna throw it right out here in the yard and the chickens and stuff will Peck out it and that'll be good for them so we've got a lot to do and I'm gonna get that all cut up and then I'll show you what the next step is so after you cut these all up next step you can do this a couple different ways one way you'll notice if you look out there on YouTube is to cut these up into smaller little pieces and then boil them and then go through and take all of the outside edges off this is the piff it's really easy to break that's where all the moisture is that's where all the sugar is this outside pieces there's nothing in them but if you haven't already cut knuckles here I just cut one side you just grab it and pull it it's but as hard as shucking corn pretty much and you don't even have to do it all you just do at least half of it across and then you could go ahead and come down here by the knuckle and it'll pull out the rest of it now it's up to you if you want to sit there and pull the rest of this out you can actually go all the way down and get that little bit but there's really not much left there and it comes off really super easy the only thing is it it is a little time-consuming you'll see it if I just do one without talking there you go so that's how long it takes to do one you can do absolutely all of them I had found that these are the very tops and these are a little harder to do and you're not gonna get much from them so I mean it's up to you if you want to do them but I was going to I'm only going to do the larger ones they're really really tiny ones at the top I decide not to do because it's just it's a lot of work for a tiny bit of pith which isn't really a whole lot so but this is the next step I am doing getting rid of all the outside edges of the shaft and just keep them this pit that's in the side and as soon as I'm done doing the rest of these go over and show them how much where that's what's left of all of those that we've done and I've been at this for probably about 40 minutes right now so it is a little time consuming and if you're gonna do a whole lot I would definitely not suggest to do this I would invest into a press of some sort this is the first time we've ever done sorghum so this is our we want to try it and see what it tastes like this could actually replace all the sugar in your house we also are going to be doing tapping our maple trees and the fall I'm sorry in this spring in order to be able to get maple syrup so we could also use that for actual sugar by not taking it all the way down to actual maples here anyways let me finish this up and we are going to go ahead and show you the next step after we get these all cut up alright so we are all done turn end up helping to do the rest of it so what we are doing now is I am I have my food processor out and I'm just going to hit there we go so it makes all this fiber than what I usually do is I'm just going to dump it and that's what it makes so remember this is where all the sugar is so we are gonna add some water to this until it just covers everything and then we like so can we simmer it and stuff and it will pull all the sugar out of this so then we just strain it this can all go to the chickens which they will love it and go from there so I've got quite a few more to do and I'll bring you back when we're ready to add the water all right so we are done can you keep it down please so we are doing it I was gonna try and do it all into one but it's not gonna work because I have just as well and that's a much bigger pop so next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and that's just a little [Music] you don't want it real thick remember this is the first time for me so doing sorghum so I really don't know but I'm just trying to take my cooking experience and figuring out what actually that's part of this stock to try and figure out if this is going to work so I do you know that you don't want nothing really thick when you're gonna put it on there because you're gonna end up burning the bottom so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna stick this up on to high and I'm gonna let that come to a boil once it comes to a boil we've got another piece in there okay turn this hi and I'll just leave this water over to his side and we will sit there and let it come to a boil once it comes to a boil and stuff we will turn it down to three or four um medium low just enough to keep it boiling we wanted to boil for a while all right it's been an hour this one it's really cooked down this one also has really cooked down so now use the same thing we used for water I have one of these strainers and we're just gonna try and get as much pulp out as we can and then I got a fine mesh sieve that we can actually get the rest of it out so that's what I'm gonna do now there's gonna go in you try and pull out as much ado moisture and water as I can let it stay in the pot you want try and keep as much of the liquid as you possibly can because that's what has the sugar so I'm gonna do that and then I'll be right back when I'm ready to actually strain it all right so I poured all the water out of this and to here I got all that and I had tasted that means it's all in the water so I took all the water cuz I took all the water out of here I poured it into here then I washed this so there's no stuff in there I got a fine mesh strainer in which we are going to go ahead and strain it in so he's just gonna use a ladle and he's gonna ladle it in you could probably turn that burner can't do that because then you're gonna end up with stuff spill in there so this is gonna take a little while and as this the strainer gets full well go ahead and dump it and we'll just keep carrying on until we have all of the water strained all the juice strained and into one pot and then it's gonna be some time to start boiling and we will be right back all right well we had enough I'm gonna strain it three times so we ended up putting it all into here and then whatever I got went into there into our POW and then we ended up pouring all this into the big pot after I washed it and through that sieve that fine mesh strainer and then I washed this pot and then we poured it back from the big pot into here because I wanted to end up in this one cuz it's it's a little it's a law it's wider um so that's gonna give it more surface area to boil and I think it looks really cool it's it's greenish I guess that's what it's supposed to be so I have it up on high right now I want to sit there and get it up to boil and again and then we're just gonna let it start boiling down and make our syrup so I guess if we make syrup you don't boil it is probably about like half of this and then molasses you take it just a little bit further not sure which way I'm gonna go we're gonna see what we got we'll check back let's see it's 554 in the evening we're gonna check back around the button 6:30 in about 45 minutes to see what we got oh it's very kind of foggy there we go it's 6:35 it's been boiling for about 45 minutes and you can see from the line in the pan that it's gone down Oh almost an inch but it's I have it boiling it is actually up on high boiling so and I'm just gonna let it stay like that and just keep going and we'll I'll check back and then about another hour show you where we're at well it's been a little over an hour and as you can see I went ahead and put in a candy thermometer is three and a half inches um candy thermometer is still reading around two hundred and ten degrees it's got a nice golden color I think I'm gonna have to let it sit out for a little bit whole let it cool down see if it gets thicker it's supposed to get thicker as it cold so you're not gonna see it thick right away [Music] you know okay we're gonna just let it keep going until it gets thicker and cools so at this point in time we still don't even have syrup yet the lower kilometer down some and let it keep going we'll check back I'm gonna be checking on it every half hour now we're getting close to down there so I got to keep an eye on it make sure it's nothing a burn or anything but we'll be back oh it's been another thirty minutes a little after 8:00 now and I'm going to remove the now I do know that it will not thick and why it's hot it has to be cool so we're going to it it's actually a little bit thicker put it on that plate let it cool a little all righty I think so oh it looks like it's starting a second but I got late all the way down to the bottom so it just barely when it's done we'll be right back we're gonna just keep keep an eye on it now and just keep boiling it so you can see it's only been a couple of minutes but I think we are just about there definitely getting a lot flicker really really quick and I think we're gonna wear at molasses so now it's just a matter of really keeping an eye on it you see it's getting thicker and thicker again it's gonna get thicker and stuff as we as it cools you see how it brings a straight line a nice straight line before it's almost done so that means it's coating the spoon [Music] [Music] I'm gonna turn it off molasses did not produce a whole lot but I didn't expect it to produce a whole lot but you know what we're gonna I got a jar here I'm gonna go ahead and fill it up and we'll see how much is in it all right all right poor day then there's not much but I got what's left in the pan that didn't pour out and I wanted to see show you well let's take this sauce because we don't need that show you how thick this is that is how thick it is it is definitely molasses and does it taste like molasses yes it does it has that that smoked sugar taste and don't get me wrong it's good that is what we got so we have cup measurements here we have ounces cups almost almost 1 cup so about 3/4 3/4 of a cup it didn't really it wasn't hard I guess the only hard part well for me it was taking the the stalks apart and stuff but grinding it was really super easy it went really quick boiling it although it took a lot of time it did sit there you know it was easy I mean you just had to check on that every couple hour every hour and just give it a stir I'm glad I stuck around it for this last part I did not realize it was going to change that quickly but it did um but we have homemade molasses and we can use that as sugar so anyways I think that turned out really really well it is a lot like cooking down maple seer you know it goes and goes and goes and then at the last minute um last couple minutes you just gotta stay right on top of it because it goes so quick and it will burn if you don't get it off so that worked out really really well so we now have 3/4 cup of pure golden molasses it is not real dark and black like sugar molasses so it has a golden color and it's it's good so there you go umm anyways if you liked this video hit the subscribe button if you want to know when we upload the next video hit the notifications bell and you'll get it a message or an email letting you know that we uploaded and if you want to see more things like this you know leave a comment in the description and hit the like button if you liked it thanks a lot please subscribe and we will see you on the next video thanks
Channel: Rooster Hollow Homestead
Views: 5,585
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Id: 1HkyXKIRas8
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Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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