Sorghum Syrup | Useful Knowledge

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[Music] [Music] hey this is jamie at useful knowledge welcome to our sorghum syrup video so if you'll stay tuned we're going to take you through all the steps from planting the sorghum growing the sargum keeping the aphids off the sorghum naturally harvesting the sorghum and finally pressing the sargum and making syrup [Applause] okay what we're planting today is dale variety of sorghum i got these from southern seed exchange so we're going to plant them so i'm using my earthway garden seeder to plant this sorghum seed i'm using the carrot and lettuce plate to plant it i actually tried it it works pretty well so that's what we're going to use we're going to see how it turns out okay the sargum right now is at the boot stage that means the seed head is about to come out and you notice that's gonna happen when you've got a single leaf at the top of your stalk and you can see the seed head about to pop out there so basically i know you're in the milk stage you just squeeze some of the seeds you can see it's actually is milky on the inside of these seeds you see that come out there so now we know we're in the milk stage and it's just a matter of time just a few days before we go into the soft dose stage [Music] okay we got seven rows of sargam on the back of this trailer and it is loaded up [Music] okay basically we're just going to keep feeding this until we're done [Music] we got about a gallon and a half last night in a short run i'm going for about three or four gallons tonight before we have to shut it down and we're going to finish up tomorrow so grain maker actually ships the sargon press with a handle that you can see on the left there i'm doing a lot more sorghum than i want to press by hand so what i did is i rigged me up a motor controller which is a dc motor controller connected up to a dc motor you see that motor on the right there and then basically i've got a pulley system here and that pulley system actually turns my big flywheel on the press this thing works great i rigged this up i guess two years ago and it's worked flawlessly since okay i want to show you my cooker so i built this cooker out of concrete blocks i've got just regular concrete blocks down below and just some cap blocks up top i've got a two foot by two foot cooking area the rebar is on there just to support the pan now if you look down in here i've got my homemade pipe burners and these are no different than the video that we have on our channel about how to make a pipe burner it's just they are shorter okay i've got my propane tanks over here and they are connected up to my pipe burner venturis right here and there's a cat there's two cats so anyway we're about to get our pan on here and we're gonna get going now we're just gonna pour in our juice okay after about an hour and 40 minutes i've brought this up to right at boiling you can see there it's starting to bubble and some of the skim is actually coming to the top so with sorghum you have to get that out so that's what we're going to do now i'll show you some of it you can see how that gets on that skimmer and basically what you have to do is just keep skimming until it quits and at some point you'll get all the skim off of it and then you'll just keep cooking until it becomes syrup and there's just another view of the uh the skim that you're getting out of your sorghum juice as it's cooking and really it just starts showing up about the time it gets to the boiling point okay about two and a half hours ago i put this in cold and you can see on the other side how much is actually boiled off by now i've brought it up real slow to the boiling point and it's been simmering perfectly simmering for about an hour now and so we've reduced this down a lot so should have about another hour maybe two hours to go and we're just gonna keep skimming and keep cooking okay we're getting real close this has been cooking for i put it on about three hours ago now it was cold out of the refrigerator when i put this juice on but we're getting really close to where we're going to call this syrup we've got a lot of skimming to do i've been skimming constantly for about the past hour we got to keep skimming but this is very very close we're probably looking at another 15 to 30 minutes before we're ready to call this syrup and get it out of this pan and into some jars okay what we're about to do i'm just going to check this for consistency and this is really no different from what i've shown you how to do in the past with uh with jams we're just gonna see if this is almost ready we're gonna let this sit over here and cool okay i'm gonna do one last skimming and we're gonna turn this off this has the perfect color and consistency for what we want out of our sorghum syrup okay we're just going to turn our burners off and then we're going to drain this out of the pan we brought our syrup inside we let it cool down for a few hours and i've just placed it in our pint jars and we ended up with seven pint jars of fine sorghum syrup and this stuff absolutely tastes great so now we're going to do is put some bands and lids on it now this syrup is shelf stable it doesn't have to be sealed like if you were canon jams or jellies or something like that we're just going to put some bands and lids on it and like i said it's shelf stable so we hope you gained some useful knowledge and enjoyed our video on making sorghum syrup start to finish thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Useful Knowledge
Views: 10,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sorghum, sorghum syrup, sorghum syrup making, sorghum syrup on pancakes, sorghum molasses, growing sorghum, sweet sorghum, sorghum press, GrainMaker sorghum press, sorghum harvest, sorghum juice, sorghum syrup uses, Southern Living, sorghum syrup recipes, Sweet sorghum syrup, molasses, farm syrup
Id: Q6mmeqImkWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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