Sorcerers: Classes in 5e Dungeons & Dragons - Web DM

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I've only been playing d&d for a year and I have not played a sorcerer, so I'm not sure if that is the reason for my opinion...

The book describes the class as being filled with overwhelming power, the kind of power that WANTS to come out. That, to me, is chaotic magic - something that might explode in your face, something you need to release. Only one subclass really represents this, but its random - not based on the idea that you need to release your power.

But the class is the opposite of that. Spell slots are resources to be treasured, not spent willy-nilly. You start a day with all of them, but I feel like a Sorcerer should build up in power the longer they don't cast and become increasingly dangerous based on that - even to themselves.

Metamagic also offers control to spells - the exact opposite of what I expect from a sorcerer, although I can see them - based on their natural knowledge of spell casting - also naturally knowing how to modify the spells.

Based on their natural knowledge and their metamagic, I almost feel like the Lore Wizard features are more appropriate to sorcerers as new metamagics... Wizard doesn't need a savant subclass because Sorcerer is already the savant of arcane casters. The Lore wizard should have been more about knowledge and less about natural ability because of this.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Jalian174 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Vindication at last. I have been waiting for Web DM to cover the sorcerer and really tear into this class. The sorcerer felt like a begrudging inclusion in this edition and I see no reason to play one over a Lore Bard, Evocation Wizard, or Tome Warlock.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Dr_Santa 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I play a Wild Magic sorcerer. I agree that the sorcerer is not great but I disagree on a lot of the reasons why. In my opinion making the sorcerer have the same spell list as the wizard or making a metamagic feat will take away even more of the class' uniqueness and make it truly obsolete. What the class needs is the exact opposite, distance from the other spellcasters.

Metamagic is the core ability of this class and it should be the starting point for the subclasses, flavor and spell list. The lore master wizard from the UA should have been a sorcerer subclass, that's the kind of thing the sorcerer already does.

I understand there is a flavor concern because someone who studies magic their whole life should be capable of modifying it too but flavor is easy to adjust, mechanics are not and the decision was already made by WOTC. Maybe magic is so difficult to learn that modifying is just too much work or super dangerous for someone who doesn't have the innate ability to do it.

The big problem is that sorcerer is deprived of so much that metamagic just isn't enough to compensate (specially considering how few sorcery points sorcerers get for how many abilities use it).

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Pratini 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Bonus Spells Known would be a good place to start. Being able to have more spell slots would also be nice.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Linnus42 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

In 3.5 sorcerers had significantly more casts per day compared to all other casters (except favored soul), but significantly fewer spells known compared to how many other casters could choose from to prepare.

In 5e sorcerers still have a tiny number of spells known. But they have the same number of spells per day as wizards.
This is necessary for the way multi classing spell casters works and how their spell slot progression combines, but it fucks over sorcerers because you take away their advantage while leaving their disadvantage in place.
Arcane Recovery is actually superior to using sorcery points to regain spell slots, something needs to be done to increase the number of casts per day sorcerer levels give you by about 20 to 25% but not in a way that buffs multiclass sorcerers...

I also feel sorcerers should automatically know the spells from their origin's extended spell list, similar to how cleric domain spells are automatically always prepared. Mostly because the expanded spell list feels too pointless otherwise.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Zwets 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

What does everyone think about letting sorcerers use the spell point variant in the DMG. I have herd some people say they think it's too strong, my own opinion is that is provides a reason to play a sorcerer with a limited spell list: being able to effectively trash multiple lower level spells to cast more higher level, or the other way around. Yes sorcs can do this without the variant but while it's not so bad taking lower levels spells to produce higher level, the reverse is very inefficient. (you can't scrap a 4th level spell to cast a 3rd lvl fireball for example)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ishamiel 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

The Sorcerer is a good class, but it has some problems and it feels incomplete.

When they wrote it, they should've had at least three Sorcerous Origins. I would've gone with Draconic, Elemental, and Arcane. The Elemental origin is pretty essential in my mind.

And every Origin needs to grant a certain number of innate spells, just like a Cleric Domain.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Frognosticator 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

They mentioned a feat for sorcerer points. What does everyone think that would look like?

Gain 3 spell(sorcery) points, 2 metamagic options? Can only convert 1 spell slot of 3rd level or less once a day to sorcery points?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/emeraldrumm 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

The sorcerer is not for everyone. That's not a debate. However, taking such a limited view of the class and trying to fit it into the "like other casters" category is folly.

The sorcerer is not like other casters. They require tight concepts, a deeper understanding of known spells, and a supportive DM. It is, unfortunately, not an easy class to craft or play to its full potential.

I agree that I would wouldn't mind a larger spell list, but I'm not a fan of a larger number of spells known. I like being able to use what I have in interesting and unique ways and metamagic allows that.

Another issue is the fact that metamagic is utilized in lazy ways. Most guides tell you that Twin and Quickened are absolutely required. I don't feel that's true. Careful, Distant, Extended, Heightened, and Subtle can really be utilized more effectively in particular situations.

But again, it comes down to tight concept. You must have a concept that is all about specifics, from the known spells to how the metamagic is used.

But the main point of the video with which I absolutely agree is that you need a supportive DM regardless of build. Without that, you may as well play a wizard, because that's all you've been allowed to be.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Hathorym 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey there gamers it's Pruitt Jim Davis its web DM you love them you've been asking for them it's the magic that comes from within we're doing our show on sorcerers you're not going to like it sorry so Jim yes if Wizards have to study for it yeah this show is about the it get er see it have errs they've reporters have it they have it they just need to let it out I don't know where to start with them I personally and this is me laying out my biases and then Andy Andy prejudices for all to bear I don't like sorcerers I just don't I didn't like I'm in third edition oh my didn't I am in fourth edition attend don't care for them in fifth edition I feel like I just don't yeah but like a lot of things that I have a preference for and don't like I don't think it needs to be removed from the game right you know my problem with sorcerers is one of sort of a concept and execution so specifically for fifth edition I don't care for them because almost every other full caster except for the warlock stole the sorcerers kool-aid and ran off with it that being spontaneous casting the one thing that sets them apart in right edition and and so the fact that that that all classes now they pick their menu of spells that they have for the day and then they order from that menu throughout the day right leads me to go well the one thing cool about Sorcerer's the one thing that set them apart that was different in Prior editions yeah everyone else can do that now the flip side of that is the one thing that everyone else got to do meta magic yeah now is the purview of only the source room exactly I just don't like either of those situations yeah it's a little bit of a monopoly on meta magic it really is and I think you know to me there's something to be said for a person who's born with magic seeped in it in the right to have a natural talent for it yeah and then and using that talent to manipulate the magic and and getting a lot of flexibility out of it but I'm of the opinion that like if it comes down to it and there's a you know the wizard studies and picks apart and learn how the magic works inside and out and that's how they cast their spells then how come they can't modify the magic how come a deity doesn't grant a cleric the ability to modify the magic that they're granting them there's just there sorry so those are my two things with the sorcerer right is that there's why the third one as well but the first two is that you're on taneous casting and meta magic and I think the third one is just a a lack of a solid generic option for a cat yeah for the capture zone right now with we're talking on just the players handbook right and even Sword Coast so we've got dragon we've got wild major and we've got storm all three of those have sorcerer so there's no generic just sort of archanis or you know right wild is supposed to fill that role but I don't think it helps I don't know that's a lot to bring out right at the beginning of the episode and I'd like to kind of revisit some of that but those are my chief by three things that when I look at the sorcerer I go I just there's these are the road blocks towards me going I really like this class exactly yeah I find I've only played a couple Sorcerer's a play pray at or for a bit he's basically a predator right and it's just because that's the best way I could have blasting and he can be invisible in whatever and it worked but I didn't claim that long but mostly in the live play with Theron right and if you have a very refined concept the sorcerer can work but I do find that even with my very narrow concept I found it hard to find the spells I needed in order to do the thing I wanted to do yeah and we actually from the first and we talked about this in the live plate in the Second Life play right that how you allowed us to alter our characters just a bit between the two yeah but between the two throat because I was using the refined storm sorcerer that took away the bonus spells and all that originally and I had my character designed a certain way and then you realize you know you can just have those bonus spells fact yeah I was like oh well that changes things right changing the land okay just a bit refigured refigure spells now did she let me change one seat over and you let me change a meta magic because I was again I was trying to stay within theme right originally but like seriously why can't the storm sorcerer call lightning that was my thing in today it's at the end of the day that's what made me go this class needs boat a boat it's fellas anymore spell is because us because a storm sorcerer can't use an existing storm to call down lightning and hit some of them they might be able to cast the lightning bolt they might be able to do shock and grass whatever they can't hold down a lightning bolt from a storm cloud and hit someone with it and that to me is why I said okay they just need that they need a bonus spell lift and I and I and I thought about it for a while I was okay compared the two options the one that was in the north Arcana and the one that's in sword coast it was really the only difference is the lack of a bonus fellas yeah and then I turned to both the cleric and the land druid and I saw that they not only get a bonus spell list but they also have access to their entire classless worth of stuff it might be a shorter class list yeah but they have access to all of it so why Limit the sorcerer to this handful of spells known without making sure that they always have the iconic spells that they would need to sort of fit with their theme right whether it's a bonus spell list that was in our North Arcana for the storm sorcerer or coming up with custom lists or maybe one for each of the dragons or like uh here are five spells that all the dragons get and then five spells that each of the dragons have unique to them each one gets one spell unique right so I felt though it was perfectly justifiable to say yeah let's give the sorcerer or some bonus spells I look at the sorcerer and I look at the wizard and I sees they're the closest competitors to each other and I can't see why I would ever pick a sorcerer over a wizard ever in his edition and there were times in third edition where I could say like you know what I might play a source where I have a strong theme in mind I'm going to pick the spells that that that fit that theme and I might play a sorcerer over or was there right personally I made a ton of NPC caster sorcerers instead of wizards because it was just easier to run those mechanics and the way third edition NPC building has worked out so like having a bonus spell list for each of the sorcerers origins is important to me because it kind of fits that theme the second thing I would do for sources give them full access to the Wizards fellows and and just have a sorcerer wizard combined spell if these are the arcane spells this is arcane magic right there's not a difference between sorcerer and wizard magic it's just it's a matter of approach yeah effect either study or you just know you either study or you just know yeah and and actually a great fictional reference point for that right you just watched it yes the fabulous Jonathan strange & Mr Norrell yeah I just come out on Netflix or ful maybe not just came out but it's been out on Netflix for a little bit and I finally was able to get around to watching it I've never read the book well backtrack I attempted to read the book oh yeah and could never really get past the first couple of chapters I don't know why I'm sure it's a great book just one in the head space for it at the time right but watching the show by the first episode are certainly about the second episode they're just kind of like this is a story of a wizard who has struggled and studied and is jealous and and prideful of his magic a miserly old by some spells off the street and is casting magic you know right that evening exactly and so I thought that the interplay between strange and Narelle is a great way to model perhaps the interplay between a sorcerer and a wizard and to highlight what it is that makes sorcerer mad sorceress magic different from wizardly magic because it might again in my mind they're both doing the same thing it's just a matter of approach yeah you're coming to the same in different means to the same in and so I like it I've also found inspiration for bringing meta magic to the other classes in stranger Norrell because I thought it was like okay he's got this wonderful library full of all these books right and he's you know taking one off the shelf and casting a spell front or he's brewing a potion in order to boost his magical capacity or you know induce madness in him at some point and I thought like what if you took meta magic source forgets the meta magic I don't I don't want to take anything away from sorcerer okay I would I don't I don't I don't it needs all the help it can get in my opinion so I leave meta magic the way it works give meta magic to other classes by saying you know what this if you use these particular material components you've got powdered red dragon scales so whatever you cast your fireballs or your fire bolts or your scorching rays or whatever it is they're maximized they're heightening and then really just enforcing the fact that you've got to go acquire these special material components that you use to cast your spell's with or maybe there's other spell implements or arcane foci that you can have that would grant meta magic properties on a limited level yeah and then you start thinking like okay well what would that look like for clerics and it's like maybe a special amulet or instance that they burn before they pray for spells would meta magic effects so that other casters get access to the cool meta magic but the sorcerer just does it yeah they don't need anything good they don't need anything they don't need it they just do it exactly and so that's I think a way of enforcing the fact that the sorcerer just lives and breathes and is magic versus the other classes who have to have some intermediary right whether it's study a pact a patron right to to grant them the spells or the divine spark that clerics or the connection with nature the Druids but also an option for that might be I mean it is an investment of resource for the character leveling up but if you do a feat much like the marshal marshal adept marshal Addis yeah where you just you know you have a list of the or of the meta magic you can pick one or two yeah you have a couple of points you can use per day which means you know and maybe you can train you can move one slot into point but you can you can transfer one slot or transfer it out write your points into a spell flight unit one yeah either one way or the other and I don't know I mean it might be a way to I could certainly see it yeah if we look at parallels between them and and you know the maneuver dice that the battle masters get are sort of comparable to the meta magic that the Sorcerer's get even though I know that not all fighters get meta marry or get a maneuver dice um but if we look at it that way and say yeah well for the cost of a feat you can get a couple of meta magic options handful of spell points and you know your sorcery points I probably called meta magic points let's get to the let's get to the brass tacks of the class right so yeah the belly aching aside and then personal preference of the saw about what I think the sorcerer needs or let's take the sorcerer as is and it has what it has and what it offers and yeah you know I think that if you're into blasting yeah if you're in to do it you know if you're into that kind of thing then the sorcerer is going to be good for you if you're into buffing and offering those buffs to other characters in the party yeah the sorcerer is going to be a good auction for that so like looking at the dragon source room it's pretty obvious that just the way the spell selection works that those dragons that do fire damage are going to be the better options if you're looking at it from pure sort of an optimization and point yeah the most out of the class yes that said the dragon sorcerer is a strong auction you get a bit more resilient eventually can fly getting extra damage on the dirt you know your chosen type of element it seems like of the players handbook option options as the stronger of the two and so I get oh there's a lot of room for a dragon sorcerer and I can think of a lot of different ways that you could play it whether it's a Heritage sort of bloodline thing yeah whether it's being infused with particular tronic magic because of a prophecy or a you know a pact or something although that's been during the warlock territory at that point then a dragon give half of its heart so that you can live when you were young yes exactly sorry I mean of the two options in The Player's Handbook dragon is probably the one that I would go with and at some point you know at sorcerers and dragon magics kind of became intertwined and this is the option that we have for that yeah there's not a lot that you have to worry about with it you pick the element that you like fire is going to be better just because there's more spells based off of fire but that is what it is and maybe if you want to play something different you want to play one that keys off of stay cold and then you can talk to your DM and say like hey can we turn some of these other spells have them do cold damage we have ice ball freezing ray things like that yeah and there's no reason not to we've done that in the past because again the spells in the spell book are just the most well known mineral right you know yeah they're going to be in the spell casting for dummies section at your local you know yeah both story I've mentioned before I think we're where yes The Player's Handbook spells are are the most common and maybe it you know you're playing in a camping world where magic is at an ebb and the spells represent ball that survived or maybe it's just you're the opposite in and these are just the most common ones there's hundreds and hundreds and thousands of other spells all right I do something different so see if your DM will let you swap out some spells if you're going to play a trick on extortion yeah just to said just so you can have fun doing something besides fire down something besides fire we all like setting on fire right but but you maybe want to do something different exactly and then for the wild mage I I don't know I'm of two minds about I like the idea of the wild mage and the thematic text that accompanies it yeah says that it's more of the generic option for someone who's just good at magic right I'm not satisfied with that answer I wish there was a more generic option for just up someone who's good at magic naturally but for the wild mage I would definitely want to get with my DM and see the tides of chaos power how often are they going to let me roll on that wild magic table so that I can get the use of that'd on demand advantage back yet that seems a little vague a little ways when it the DM can allow you or me I forget the exact wording of it but I the big I just looked it up and the DM can't allow a role on the table right what it means then that gives you your ability to change them in you gets the ability that yeah I think it's tied to the ability to give yourself advantage on checks and I think that like if you've got a DM who's not going to play well with that if they're say stingy isn't the right word but I start to think of it in terms like that we're just like if they don't if they're not going to let you say make use of sure sorry yes sir I make use of your clock features in a way that's satisfying to you in a way that seems to be like it's designed is the trade-off right you wreck or all in this table right and it might not be beneficial or it might be inconvenient and so that tides of chaos power having it be so much up to DM a per view can be a drawback for some people because can you think of another class that has a limitation on it where the DM gets involved on whether or not you get a benefit for something happening the only class I can think of that comes close to it as an illusionist and depending on how your DM interprets allusion how they react but the difference between the two is that you know if you're playing an illusionist and the DM isn't playing along there's really no rule support for that it's a matter of how the DM plays they're NPCs and they're monsters and how they react to illusion yeah where the town guard all has like 18 intelligent or something just doesn't look right so I'm going to obviously go of an investigation ously yeah so I don't know that that's that's probably the closest thing I can think of that having a class feature so dependent upon a just DM whim so I would get that straight how does your DM feel about tides of chaos are they going to are they going to be generous and let you use it as often as you'd like or it's very least more than once a day right or whatever you know and then so I don't know that's right not with the wild major in concept I kind of look kinda go I think this is interesting I think this is neat but in execution I think there's probably a lot to be desired well as a DM yourself how would you handle that okay I'm playing a wild sort Oh I'll roll the one well what would be your thought process and I think that I think with with class abilities like that if the player I'm I am always fond of the giving the player as much rope as they'd like to hang themselves with right anyone so if the player is just like yes I want to roll on this wild search table as often as possible then I might just say okay and for the most part roll with it and let them choose to be able to roll on the table in addition for getting the use of their tides of chaos back I have no problems with that I don't think that there's any balancing issues with it it's a risk/reward thing and if a player wants to keep going and keep going there and keep rolling that dice and see what happens and you know maybe something interesting will come of it or at the very least you know they're satisfied feeling like they're getting to play their class with want to that's personally how I would do it but I you know I know there's a lot of teams out there who don't do that yeah I think for me I would probably just like roll the d-10 anytime they roll the D will roll the one on a twenty and I roll a d-10 if I roll a one and they get it I can see that I can see having it be random I can see having you know getting getting a you know getting use of this class feature back and here we are talking about the wild major we haven't really talked about much else of them other than this one feature tied with chaos right and it's just that you know if you go online and you look in you know you're looking for advice about the source where a lot of times you will see things like don't play a wild nature there's it's too DM dependent and this is the reason why because there's that that vague language in there that says well if you want if your diem is a nice guy they'll let you have that use of the feature back you know before you finish your long rest so I don't know I I feel like that the wild mage could use some polishing and could be less DM dependent but we haven't even gotten to the storm sorcerer and I'm sure you know you've got the most experience with that Jam I mean well let me tell you it is night and day between the first live play and the second okay even though it's just my character feels like a storm sorcerer now right now I can pull lightning out of the sky I can oh I can cast all these things I could I could I can use cold I mean I should be able to make a wind blow so hard that it gets cold right right yeah but originally it was like well I can either do thunder and lightning or I can do lightning and cold and the storm sorcerer lends itself to thunder and lightning and then you start looking at the spells and it's like yeah chromatic orb is anything right Thunder Wave is thunder wave shatter shatter there you go what I think are a lighting bolt which is what I'm no I'm just talking to Ray thunder I'm just a little Sun right here under and then I don't think I don't can't think of another well you know what waiting for the thunder love I don't know that there isn't he anymore certainly can't think of any off the top of my head and then no spells sort of jump out at me so then you are left with a you've got some low-level Thunder spells and I mean yeah they can scale but give me more give me different yeah you know I mean give me different areas effect give me different things that I can do so you know lightning is a little bit more robust there's a few more lightning spells you get to choose from yeah as we've already talked about call lightning is such an obvious spell for the storm sorcerer so you know again thank you for letting me have that back I mean yeah and so I'm I love what my character will be able to do I just I'm I can't wait for a moment to cut loose every time I'm about to cut loose so far and razzle sinned they groan away yeah and I'm just like just don't have that opportunity yet I mean I got a you know I'm getting I'm getting DD blue ball you know you really feel like you haven't had a chance to really see what the storm sorcerer can do and how wide how much they can lay the hurt on someone if they want to exact well I mean I've been able to do a little it's fun I mean I love spell of twin I love quicken yeah those those things are awesome doing being able to do that in the same round be quick in a first or higher level spell and then you twin you know your can trip yeah and hey you're just you're just throwing magic left and right run away but you feel like a badass right yeah but that's the thing is that's that's what you do you're a glass cannon yeah like I've gone glass cannon route right I have some buff but I mean I can see a sorcerer that is like all about buffing and D buffing and I could see how you could make that fun you're running around you're paralyzed in people you're making you know you're enlarging this guy or given this guy a boost or whatever yeah you're given haste of those who watch something I've done a lot in the razzle sin game is supporting our fighters giving them haste because it's like hey if the Paladin can hit more they can smite more hey if the Ranger can hit more that's that's one more hunter's mark you know so you can be very effective as a support caster if that's what you but again you have to have that tight concept or have a tight contact within the restrictions of the spell list and I think that spell list is is rather restricting and macaws I see their three arcane their three primary arcane caster class yeah game source for a warlock and wizard I really count bard as arcane although who knows whatever they're doing over I mean they're doing their own thing over technically it's that they also have like some kind of clerical and clerical stuff but in terms of just like pure arcane to me it's sorcerer warlock and wizard and I see them as it come on my mind if you make one of those three characters there's a certain role that you fulfill in the party one of it is minion dealing with minions AoE damage oh yeah that kind of another sort of ranged spell support warlock excels at this but I also expect a certain amount of information gathering and reconnaissance that magical reconnaissance that a class can do and I don't find that something that the sorcerer does very well you know it can they can't fulfill that I don't generic archanis role they don't I'm not sure if there's any divination Phil there's I mean there's some low level one I mean that that are okay there's get we've got clairvoyance the third level they've got detect thoughts at second but we're talking like the sort of strategic level divination that you can't contact other plane being the big one I'm thinking about those ones that you can kind of like okay what do we how do we find out about the bad guy we get them I find that there's less of that and again just making them making sorcerers and wizards have the same spell list will go a long way towards shoring up that that weakness is again sorcerer Sarna I mean I hate to tell people that their favorite classes is whatever but at the same time I think it needs work I think the class that we have in the players handbook is a good start but there's just a lot of them there's a lot that it would take me to go in like I would really love to play that class yeah bonus spells would help bigger spells list would be a bigger help yeah they're just more origins I think I think maybe having one that's more stay aligned certainly having one that's more generic I'm glad to see some of the stuff will have obviously a and on our star Kanna show where we talk about the new sorceress options that came out this past week but you know for I think it's a step in the right direction but for now just looking at the players handbook needs something more I can't see myself ever really playing a sorcerer yeah maybe shame well that's why so I mean quick we already have the additions right I mean we have some people split off and do Pathfinder you know like I mean you know when we're going to have the episcopal are our peers and then the caplet you know what I mean there already is the oboe playing thirteenth page that's fine 13 days and then you got new the cipher wasn't Lonny cook we got all this other weird stuff going on yeah I don't know you know the Edition wars were one of those time on the one hand I loved the addition wars because I loved a good internet argument you know I just liked watching good I loved people argue about disassociated mechanic and I just just a ton of weird jargon that came out of the addition wars that I liked and you know I liked arguing about whether or not fourth edition sucked and which was better and but at the end of the day I just think it's like I just don't have the heart for it anymore you want to argue with rules I mean I don't care whatever everybody plays this game differently yeah like you can argue all you want about the raw and whether the rules is written as more important than the rules as intended or the rules as you play them and it's just like everybody plays this game differently nobody follows the rules exactly yeah table will have one little thing that they all agree doesn't you just calculator you just fell through it sometimes it happens without even knowing it you just slip into a way of playing everybody just accepts it like we like we were four to adventure for two whole campaigns with flanking pool yeah it's like oh we're playing with an optional rule yeah just just assume that's right in yeah everybody plays the game differently and so when people argue with us about this rule or that rule or this interpretation I just go that's just your opinion man you're out of your element it's just stop trying to pretend your opinion on how you play the rules is the way it should be yeah oh yeah all right look level time get off my lawn get off my damn lawn you role-players damn kids you're damn Ken ruler with all your rules lawyers I just all their bang packs full of books then we'll recover in your life till the day you die rules we're suck the joy out of this game I'm sorry for all those years students all right crew probably better than my time is a power gamer which still happens time to tell huh but you know every now and again you want to be a munchkin we got it about a warlock I'm talk about warlocks next I was that what we're doing right now yeah let's talk about warlocks Jim
Channel: Web DM
Views: 272,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons, Dragons, Role, Playing, Tabletop, Game, 5th, Edition, 5e, dungeons and dragons, role playing game, web dm, 5th edition, sorcerer, warlock, wizard, dnd, d&d, rpg, dm tips, volo's guide to monsters, how to dm
Id: ucVoh8GNn-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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