Sooner Magic

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the Red Sox curse of the Bambino Notre Dame's luck of the Irish terms you to rationalize why games that should have been won were lost and those that should have been lost were won the idea that the game is not only decided on the fields but the outcome is also determined by something indescribable and more mysterious for football fans in Norman Oklahoma sooner magic is synonymous with sooner football itself it's as much a part of the school's tradition as the fight song or the sooner Spooner Oklahoma football has a rich history and tradition it also has a legacy of winning the unwinnable this is a historical look at the Oklahoma Sooners a team that turned losses into wins and wins into legend [Music] the phrase sooner magic was officially coined in the 1970s but in Norman Oklahoma pixie dust was in the air as far back as 1950 as the Aggies of Texas A&M found out firsthand people wonder about the stadium size and the crowds it was never a setup during Butz the rain until the Notre Dame game at 57 the 50 team was really kind of a rebuilding year we've lost a lot of our really great lineman in the 40 19 so we were trying to keep that streak going I was sitting in the north end zone and the Texas A&M oh you game in 1950 Claude Arnold as it would happen was going with a woman who lived next door to me all my life I call her my almost sister and so I knew Claude well and Claude never got to play as much as he thought because he was a pastor in bud stuck in the old split tee a lot of running well we've been talking about center magic day that day that particular day the sooner magic was in Florence right arm [Music] they had a big end that played for them Texas A&M did name Andy Hill house I'll never forget it because he was my responsibility and we kind of had a battle going on all day and when they went ahead he said hey gray what do you think about that and then after we scored I followed him to his bench and said Andy talk to me that's the only thing I've never heard that stuff [Music] yeah I think there was a little over three minutes to go and Texas in and Emmett's scored and gone ahead 28 to 21 the game had gone back and forth the whole game the Sooners were about to tie the game after future Heisman Trophy winner Billy vessels caught a touchdown pass from Claude Arnold's we got the ball back and I don't remember exactly what yard-line was wrong but I did throw a ball to Billy and he made a good run and and scored the touchdown that we thought was going to tie it up and we missed the extra point leaving the Sooners one point down with 336 left in the game Texas A&M weren't able to move the ball as the tough sooner defense forced the Aggies to pawns with just 146 to go we were just sweatin we could hold him without than making a first down no one ever thought we were gonna lose it when they hadn't lost [Music] but we got the ball back with about 70 yards to go I think they're still over a minute to play Claud led the center's a you know incredible drive down the field passing the ball one final few minutes of the game our passing offense was limited we had one good thing going for us and it was clogged play-action passes don't work too well with the minute the cone 70 yards to go we somehow did it Arnold and led the Sooners on a 69 yard drive and with just 37 seconds left Oklahoma was four yards away from a miraculous comeback we didn't think about kicking a field goal which we were only behind one point and you know in these days that's what you would be trying to do you get position for field goal and we just didn't kick feel votes those days and I don't know whether I don't think harm to anybody kick field goals but I you know we just we didn't have a we didn't recruit a field goal kicker we just whoever whoever kicked extra points the best off of the guys were actually playing those who got the job fullback Leon Heath rumbled in for the score and keep the Sooners a hard-fought and unbelievable - RIA [Music] the Aggies defeat gave the Sooners their 23rd win in a row and a most important victory it turned out to be I looked up in the stands and I was on my back and looked up in the stands and they were throwing cushions anything they could get their hands on and I mean it was no one had left and they stayed after the game forever seem like they just sit there for 10 or 15 minutes you know it's really eerie oh you would go on to win its first ever national championship and sooner magic was born legendary coach bud Wilkinson no doubt use some of that magic in the years that followed leading the Sooners to back-to-back national titles in 1955 in 1956 while amassing an outstanding 47 game win streak the streak spanning from 1953 to 1957 still stands today people still come up to me and talk to me about that game they'd have to be old to do that but but I still I still hear a lot of people talking about having been there yeah to this day that has to be one of the most exciting games I have ever seen these are either as a broadcaster or a fan we pulled out three or four games that year I guess it was sooner match never sooner magic they didn't even know what it was [Music] after winning a national championship and only his second season head coach Barry Switzer had his team on track to repeat and that's 75 season you know things just never quit oh you ended up winning the national championship but they weren't as good as a vada Barry Switzer's teams well people forget about that game because Oklahoma been beaten by Kansas her earlier that year so they lose the Missouri there's no chance of when they dance on championship and it's my feeling that as as we discussed the games were sooner magic is a participant and the first time that all of us can agree that it surfaced was was at Columbia Missouri in 1975 now this is a program that was not used to losing you know 73 there weren't any losses and 74 undefeated you go win a national championship 75 the heavy favorite to repeat and then just stunned by Kansas the week before I did not know how we would play the Missouri I was concerned about our psychological game when you talk about the 75 game against Missouri I think what is really tough about going into this game is first of all he's right after lost to Kansas of all people who can I knew be physically and mentally prepared and always prepared for our game plan physically ready to play but emotionally I didn't know what we would be I think that's been one of the few times that wasn't really in a very good [Music] mood or emotion when you're just tired train you know beautifully a lot of injuries so I really didn't know what to expect until a football games dog what's interesting is this game was not broadcast on television so that literally millions of Oklahoma fans were glued to their radios it's hard for people under the age of 35 probably even fathom what it's like to to really listen to a big game on the radio these teams in this era at Missouri were much better than what people like to thank Missouri has been past several decades for the past decade the football team we went up and jumped out 20 to nothing so I said hey that's where things are going great no and against the good moszer team we started off when we scored for his three touchdowns Hey okay we're feeling pretty good here at all disintegrates in the second half again at Missouri we some way just lost it at the half time we started this at a great end and all of a sudden Missouri's back in them but one thing I think that contributes to center magic is that when it occurs there has been some dramatic reversal of fortune and this was an example where I think everyone's hearts were in their throats it appeared that not only was oh you're going to lose but they had a lot to lose they had a conference championship and a shot at the national title on the line they got into lead I really thought it was just a matter of us basically getting a chance when you have Joe Washington nothing's over you know there there wasn't any need for much sooner magic prior to that game because we were heading every game and we got the bar defense finally stopped in and they punted us deep all of a sudden we're faced with a fourth and two and there's 72 yards away we call timeout we're in the huddle Steven sidelines and all I'm thinking that I want the ball I'm I would never say it the anything but this is what I'm really thinking that Steve Davis or quarterback comes in sidelines I'm on the headset on the sidelines talking to Galen Hall our offensive coordinator in the press box and this is all or nothing here and the Sooners go for it you know in retrospect that was a you know Bob Stoops might do that but not too many coaches then or now is gonna go for it on fourth and one I was it at the particular point that I knew I wanted to ball in this particularly essence I see Steve Davis turned and look at me and I said Steve make sure Little Joe heads the ball and he smiles and and it gets me to signal you got it coach Steve came in he called the play and first one thing is Hitler Joe makes you giddy well Toby right now as I am pitching and when he said he was pitching it hey I was the most I felt very very calm at that particular point we go out and we run a predetermined option play with a different blocking scheme in the corner I remember Victor Hicks are tight in releasing from the corner he gets off the line parallel gets great position on the corner we don't have anyone for the safety because the full-back can't get through to him but Joe has to make that guy miss him if he does we were gonna make a big place and you know you know when you know when the play starts and you just sitting there wait and want to jump through the radio with what's gonna happen baby better when the ball snip I took off and Stephen waste any time - ball - and all of a sudden he pops all over beard and [Music] almost as if you know the path would was laid out [Music] crowd is course stunned except for the sooner fans who are cheering and singing boomer sooner there was nothing like watching little Joe Washington alive the the closest thing I can compare to is watching Muhammad Ali box you know I talked to Joe not long ago he talked about that plate he basically said you know I made a lot better place than that he said the guys blocked so well for me on that play I didn't have to do much all I did on that particular place I made two quick cuts and it just seemed as if the pants had been laid out the big play was the next a lot of people forget the next day I'd have a two-point conversion to win the game are tied they're not going to win the national championship we're still short an extra point we can't play for a tie we have to play for the win because we're going to play undefeated in the Brassica the next week in Lincoln hopefully for the big championship and on to the ones Bowl to win the national championship I don't think we ever thought about or football how are we gonna get to so again we call timeout in the situation you don't normally call timeout is a two point play we were on pins and needles to see what would happen well obviously our minds decision is to make sure to Washington handle the ball again st. play option right and pitch it to Joe and the blocking one is great on the option play goes across the goal line airborne and puts the ball over the goal line good many people in black and gold will still tell you that Joe still hadn't reached the goal line I want to sit Dan straight for the river Rachel Stevie Wonder Jose Feliciano Ronnie Milsap and anybody who's asleep will it save you was there but the referee put his arms up and they signaled 28 to 27 game and you can just imagine how many car wrecks there were when Washington went into the endzone for the two-point conversion all of a sudden hope returned and of course they went on to win the national championship whacks Nebraska the next week and big Michigan in the Orange Bowl when we'll play in that particular game I'm not sure who Nebraska was playing but Nebraska heard the school even though they you know that schools announced that Missouri was winning for some reason they didn't get all because they understood and the Steep devotee home and what we were capable of doing when you look back on that play that play at my career those two plays back the back the touchdown the two-point play is the biggest place to visit won a national championship [Music] rivalries they symbolize the power the emotion and the history of sports one of the best rivalries is without a doubt spoke Lahoma and Nebraska this rivalry had its share of unbelievable moments and no shortage of sooner magic I think that what we find is that the great bulk of the sooner magic events happen to know you Nebraska games and for whatever reason more often than not they happen in Lincoln if there was any school that I think over the years was burned by soot imagie was Nebraska I always asked a leader senior leader to lead us in a prayer before we go out on the field just a few lines that will endure forever you know you football lore and and Scott Hills prayer in the in the locker room before the game is is one of those lines that will endure forever you said all the right things that you do say in prayer and all of a sudden he gets down to the game in and right before he says the Amen he's in dear lord please don't let the best team win of the day I don't know what it did to those guys but I got to believe it put him at ease and I got to believe it just cracked him up and made him go out there and say you know what we're playing a football game let's just go play so when we take the field at Lincoln we're all dying laugh and we come out of a locker room in front of their student section our guys are just dying laughing I'm sure the fans and the Braxtons are wondering what in the world's going on why are we reacting the way we are and Oklahoma's out there being goofy throwing you know all kind of end around pass is just just going nutty out there just it's something you never seen again there's Nebraska all regimented not talking anybody plays you know do you have to having fun putting on the show I guess it to kind of relaxed us and we were going out and go for broke yet somehow exudes sooner magic in that on the one hand this is deadly serious business but on the other there's a lightness to it and they were supposed to win and say let's go P it up and play the game that's what we did and I think it's one of the two best example tools of sooner Reggie it was not a great Oklahoma team we had gotten off to a before--not starts and I got hurt a couple of days before Texas couldn't play in that game there's a little bit of a rebuild that the national champs you've had injuries and people wouldn't think oh he's going to win that game we did not have a championship caliber team a national championship caliber team but we still had a lot of pride and this is the program that had won the big eight and seventy two three four and five of course 20 national championships all those guys that made up the nucleus of our national championship and running 74 and 75 weren't here so this was a young football team Nebraska was the better football team a very Switzer and I have generally had a healthy mutual regard good friends and we certainly wanted to win when the day came and I remember that it was just a typical frigid cold day in Lincoln you know we had fallen behind and it was a tough ball game their defense dominated they totally controlled the game I don't know how many first downs we made it wasn't very much it wasn't pretty it was ugly that was one of those just you know push push and shove games where you couldn't get a good feel for the game and and it came down to the end of the game Nebraska leading and they punted the ball away kicked the ball away well enough that we had to go the length of field to win the ballgame if we're gonna win it and I know Nebraska had to feel good about them pending us back and where we were field position why is it how we performed a whole day there's no reason for them to worry about us taking the ball of the length of field first of all now you got to remember this wasn't a sooner magic mentality because we were always ahead you know for those previous four years two years we were always ahead so it wasn't any of the Sooner magic it hadn't started yet there was only a minute to go in the game but lo and behold we do two things that still boggle my mind today know fairly late in the game and ten deep in their own territory that they run the halfback pass we had one halfback that hasn't been in the game all day long was the best passer of our and had the strongest arm and all of a sudden with a minute to go less than I meant to go in the game yeah woody play Shepherd of course he stunned he looks less than he realizes that grabs his headgear and he comes to us and of course we're gonna call the halfback pass over woody Shepard who was big-time recruit out of Odessa Texas Steve runs the deep post off the sweep after faking a stock pot around corner at three deep corner so we catch him a three deep and we pitched the ball on the sweep to the right and we block it and string it out and let would he pick the ball outside and all of a sudden Witte pulls up lofts a deep ball downfield and I'm thinking it's a desperation you know four to nineteen a wishbone team how many times the wishbone team's gonna convert fourth and nineteen not very often and sure enough the ball is stoned perfectly and Steve Rhoads its prizes brass conceived Rhodes makes the adjustment to come back and catch the ball cleanly in midfield Rhodes made the catch and you think hey there's hope gets after about midfield and nothing develops and so all of a sudden is third and 20 and it's into the wind and it's misting and then the all-time great play one of the all-time great plays is the hook and lateral Elvis peacock switches from right half back to left half back they call my number I go out and I say guys you're not gonna believe me but I think this play is gonna work so don't jump offsides listen just don't have a penalty and here's what we're gonna do we're going on the hook and lateral on Elvis's woman be the one that gets the ball pitch to him if we're successful on the plate from our receiver catching the ball and then flipping it back to our fastest back being 11 look like Johnny Unitas Dean comes off the option fake plants him speak and throws a quick dart you look up you fire it to Rhodes and then actually hit him where it should have throw it to Rhodes I think caught it again and the timings perfect he catches the ball soon as he catches the ball he flips the ball out and lateral it to peacock coming on the back field and he went down the sideline right in front of me he zips down the sideline and all of a sudden you think guy and you can see you could just see the the air the balloon burst and in Lincoln Nebraska as the Husker fans thought we had him down you know 30 seconds ago they're on their own 15 and now they're on the goal line it was a thing of beauty that was the beginning then when very switch to distort to own Tom Osborne is so when owe you goes in there and pulls off the unexpected it is indeed Center magic nebraskans obviously focused on that game and you could win ten games and if you didn't win that one it was like you didn't have a very good year I think that game was the game that define Nebraska fans getting a little nervous about the alcohol in the final minutes what could happen to them and it was all bad so that started too soon imagine but it's kind of us making a few plays and we head to this expression players and I think they probably did give birth to a real sooner magic [Music] there was a lot of ballyhoo build-up for this game Woody Hayes the great coach of the Buckeyes been there for years of a great record college football and of course it was in the famous Ohio Stadium the horseshoe the big horseshoe and it was it was an incredibly intimidating place to play we go into the stadium this one because Coliseum with a million to 90,000 people in it was quite amazing because they figured that you know how statement more powerful than we were it was more build up for that game other than the 71 game of the century among oh you fans they hadn't played Ohio State Woody Hayes was icons unbelievable vigor that was a little bit loony coaches back then as big as they are now I think they were bigger back then because of two things one is they were just as big and just as Oh iconic but they also were a little bit mysterious you didn't get to see Bo Schembechler Woody Hayes or John Mackay every week when you did get to see him it was a special event it was a big because back in those days she only had one nationally televised game back in those days so that was the game we go to Columbus and I'm feeling real good about the game because I knew that this was the first time they had ever played she was 14 and I knew there was no way possible that they could get prepared for our response food I felt like at that time is probably the best that ever run the offense Thomas was such a great wished on quarterback and we probably wouldn't have been a quarterback in many other schemes better the wishbone stats and he was maybe the greatest wishbone quarterback ever well we start the first quarter and we were playing like we thought we were well it looked like we're gonna just run all over them we're just thing putting the half a hundred on it that was our motto the background of the day I knew that if we could jump on them very early that I could possibly get out of the game as soon as possible they were just so probably one of the most physical game that I will play we've got a great talent on both side the ball we score two touchdowns and I kick two field goals and and so 22 nothing we thought we had it won we get off to such a perfect start oh yeah I think I think it's a blowout I definitely think it's a blowout Billy Sims twist his ankle he leaves the ballgame yeah I got hurt probably in the second quarter I've injured my Achilles well first all is you know here's here's one of our great running backs that was having a great game already it was going to have a huge game and he's down and he's injured so that's got a little bit of a obviously disappointed and concerned for his injury and hoping that he could come back but that wasn't the case then Thomas on a run ducking up for a 5 or 6 shirt when he pulls his hamstring three injuries it when it happened it was pretty painful at the time oh you was gonna blow them out of the game until Thomas Locke gets hurt - Billy Sims gets hurt Kenny king oh you oh you just fix a little baby but they had the injuries but then not only Thomas goes down but Billy goes down and they get a comeback going and then offensively we were we stuck up the place for a while we started struggling offensively and we turned the ball over everything turns a disaster all of a sudden it's kind of snowball effect Ohio State clearly the fans the coaches Woody Hayes believed they had this game won the crowd was absolutely nuts they sense blood all of a sudden the momentum was all high Oh state had a great team and just that stadium is beautiful and it's it's loud and not so it's a game that they had taken control of it came down to the end the ballgame again us having to make plays to get back involved in to win it from Reggie Kinlaw recovering a fumble we got a turnover and I remember getting in the huddle and I remember saying guys we have we're in a position here or where I think we were going to win this game and I remember them looking at me and saying you have got to be crazy seriously trail by eight late score touchdown go for two and miss it and everybody just oh no thinks the rolls come to it in on the two-point play I remember getting it to Elvis probably a little bit sooner than I should have so we were still trailing folk Lahoma makes that two-point conversion they're not kicking an onside kick they're kicking off and gonna settle for tie everybody goes home 28 28 well I knew immediately that the onside kick was our next play we had a team of believers the sooner magic had already taken hold on that football team and that mentality when movie ba shaman kicked off it was just fate ou would just everybody was jumping up and down because this was our opportunity so I was just trying to concentrate on that play making sure that I hit a good ball and hopefully that we could recover the Blevins hitting a couple passes to Steve Rhoads a couple of plays and then move on shaman coming on to kick a field goal so I had no problem where we were on the field and let's go pick this shot at it that was the glory days of kicker of kicker Texas had Russell Hertz Labor a.m. had Tony Franklin Arkansas had Steve little these guys were guys who kick 60-yard field goals in their sleep and brawn shaman with their peer and just a fabulous kicker to me it was like an extra point and I don't remember doing this but one of our offensive lineman told me that I actually came into the huddle I went in the huddle and shook his hand and I told Sammy don't worry about it I got it when it came time to you know kick the field goal of course what he hates calls timeout you know full of nervousness on his side obviously they're trying to ice him but calling timeout they had three timeouts left and they're calling timeout every time we're ready for the kick they would call another timeout I normally don't hear the crowd but this instant all the Ohio State fans they yell blocked out kick and I don't know why I did it but just spontaneously I raised my arms now you know I led the chant block that kick you know kickers are crazy anyway and he definitely didn't let us down and here we go you got any some piles of fans in the house they shout block their kitchen by summon goes in the middle of the field I he directed an artist or something it's kind of humorous on the sidelines all of a sudden we would be meditating down on his knees for a few seconds as the rest of the team was huddled up near the ball and him standing back in the middle of the field waiting for his opportunity to kick and he'd be back up leaving the crowd in the camp I knew then there was no way he was gonna miss you crazy don't do that we all thought the little German had gone crazy the mad German is coach Switzer but the little mad German is moving and and of course but Hebert took the snap place the ball goes Swiss was down on his knees you had his head down in the turf been over you know I think America was sitting there thinking hey what if he's gonna make it you know you know I think most Oklahoma fans sit there thinking he's gonna make this when I hit it I knew I hit it well after who will kick the ball it was like in slow motion [Music] as soon as I looked up I think my hole that was already jumping up and down he knew it was already good cups my head was still down so the next thing I know is you know he's running towards me and he jumps and arms the next thing I know I'm underneath a pile of players in fact called ball destroy one of our offensive lineman actually was on top of me brace and everybody otherwise you know would have been crushed right there in Columbus Nouveau I had all-conference the world's gonna hit this field goal from being a 41-yard field goal that's a chip shot - even so he got so quiet in that Stadium the place was just silent just totally silent and that ball is kicked it's suspended in midair and all of a sudden when people see that that baby is going through there was nothing I think the Ohio State they were just stunned I remember after the game the Ohio State players were just down and out of a bar they put the Woody Hayes show on and woody do nuts twelve one sentence about the game it was the only game I have ever attended in my life where the opposing fans cried after the game I I'm talking about dozens of fans I saw I saw a grown men cry at that football game and it was I'd never seen such a thing and I'm walking across the field to see woody it's pandemonium it's chaotic and I finally find woody in the crowd looking for me and I remember our our trainer being in front of me and I can't remember which trainer was sticking his hand out five yards in front of me to shake hands and with woody and I remember woody just taking his hand and backhanded in there little traitor I couldn't wait a light they was gonna call him and he was the happiest person and I'm thinking well maybe he's gonna do that to me so I just bear off to the left and head for the locker room as woody is looking for me in the crowd so I never know to the day what a witty was gonna lambaste meet her shake my hand but I think woody was shaking my hand and I look to God on sidelines and it it's time to go we trotted out to fit boy that was a great great kid get a great guy Oh use never had a kicker if I cruise Vikon shaman and may never have I think that play people probably remember more of on shaman ticked in the field goal and win the game that am maybe playing oh you history nobody could have predicted the ultimate outcome and there again that is one of the ingredients of sooner magic and just everything that followed defined what again soon imagine was all about and I bet if you if you wins dough you fans how about that game would ranked number one in their all-time favorite game where a bear you know teases me about it nowadays because he says that if Billy Sims wouldn't gotten her if I starting quarterback wouldn't gonna heard we would have never needed you but always remind him that the last thing I saw looking on the sidelines and he was on his knees Hoover has always brought this up through the years Hoover's always said coach this is probably the biggest play you've had in your career sooner coach and that's what usually when movies had a few pops we've been at social gatherings at games and all when the kick is brought up and I always look over and I say okay let me take some Thomas hadn't three injured his hamstring and Willie and Billy had twisted an ankle in hung half 100-mile Ohio State we what it needed your kick but I'm glad you were there [Music] so this was a very good football team we had lost two games that year early people didn't probably consider us the vintage team that we really probably were because we had lost to Texas a great Texas team and we lost to a team that a lot of people probably didn't have and respect for that here in Norman that was Webb a guy named John Elway from Stanford in Lincoln in November under those gray leaden skies with oh you in the house well I remember being a rather cold gray day and Nebraska was rated number one in Oklahoma number two this game demonstrates how narrow the line is between victory and defeat 1980 game against Nebraska is another great comeback victory late in the fourth quarter this was our opportunity to play Nebraska again for the Big Eight Conference championship JC Watts was our quarterback outstanding player for you follow Oklahoma this was his senior year he had been the returning quarterback from the big 8 champions in 1979 the Sooners who had defeated the Florida State in the Orange Bowl and he was the most valuable player in the Orange Bowl the thing I remember about the ballgame was that we had made a pact with his Sun Bowl that we would play in the Sun ball Jimmie Rodgers executive director of the Sun Bowl John Fullmer Sun Bowl great guys they had travelled and seen the Sooners play a bunch and they thought maybe we were going to lose at Lincoln and they advised us this many times to come be in their classic and El Paso but we always kept beating Nebraska so therefore we couldn't go to Sun Bowl we always end up going the Orange Bowl they score the first series I member Jarvis Redwine running 18 yards for a touchdown I'm not sure when the first a second play of the game recorded stuns us the throwing of oranges on the field by the big 8 conference champion to be has a lot of history to it all those people up there there their jiminy or they bring all these oranges and everything like no big deal we got Oklahoma this year yeah it Billy Sims is gone and yeah I mean it yeah they were throwing they were got those old goofy up there but we fight back till it's we're only down less than a touchdown and late in the ballgame we had to have a great goal line stand at the Gulf at our goal line and hold them on fourth and one they don't convert if they had of they probably would've won the football game and or separated moreover the field goal to win it everything has to be on the line it seems to me for sooner magic to make an appearance and now with less than oh I'm not sure exactly but it was it was oh no more of a couple minutes left in the game we've got to go 80 yards for touchdown you could tell the frustration of the Nebraska people just again waiting for something bad to happen Slyke they expected something bad to have the Nebraska almost expected saner magic and that was sort of the that was sort of the feeling I think Nebraskans had we go 80 yards so I think about the 1 or 2 yard line I'll ever forget I was up I was up they put me up in the rafters it was retinic right next to the of Nebraska coaches when ride made that run I hear a shout and the rest coach they're doing it to us again a Nebraska ball boy is is running sprinting down the sideline to get in position and he sees the long run by jet by Busta Rhymes and he's right by Jim week's neat and he just grabbed his head and he says oh no they're gonna do it to us again never will forget that the Nebraska coach is screaming it doing it to us where I'm sitting right there and it was just sort of like oh no here we go again and that's the way the people around me felt because that's what they said they started to just get up and leave I think about that [Music] busting riding scores from like the one out and we won the ball game the last few seconds again at Lincoln of course it just stuns them again it just seemed like oh you had their number and even you know 76 they had them backed up made to trick plays beat them and then a tou had sort of struggled then wasn't really good by oh you standards they were able to succeed that day under those conditions and and and there was a period of time when Nebraska almost speaking expect it seen her magic after the game the people in the brass key I've never seen Garrett Stadium so quickly they were just sick and I think that makes it all the sweeter after they've thrown oranges they have to go home with no victory and no oranges they just dropped their oranges in the left hand of our sea of oranges in the stadium luck won when everybody was gone and there that they were just shell-shocked you know going that same that same direction there I guess it's going north to south in Lincoln in that South endzone at Memorial Stadium the Sooners did it to him again it wasn't the first and it wouldn't be the last you [Music] in 1981 if someone had said that barry switzer sooners would win with their passing game he was sure to get a good life but asked the Florida State Seminoles and it's no laughing matter 1981 we played Florida State in the Orange Bowl this is course after soon imagine could have happened to Lincoln Nebraska and you came back in one that ballgame in the last minute so we have a similar situation in the Orange Bowl a next ballgame when they played Florida state we had dominated the game year before that sentencing year JC and the Sooners rushed for over four yards and a game and winning twenty four to seven monthly to each before the state when they were 11 or no you know it's always difficult to play a Florida school in Florida and and that was the case in the 81 Orange Bowl people forget how difficult that is because it's not just the adversarial nature of football game it's the two weeks beforehand it was their time for revenge and they nearly pulled it off the other thing about the horns Bo I think is that that's when we sort of figured it out I don't know that we knew it well why would this happening but JC Watts was a winning quarterback JC Watts was an excellent passion and he demonstrated that in 1981 and in the Orange Bowl against Florida State JC Watts sometimes is a forgotten man among a lot of Oklahoma fans for whatever reason JC Watts didn't have a Joe Washington in his back in his back field JC Watts was a pretty good politician with a better quarterback this guy goes up to the Canadian Football League and it's the Player of the Year up there Barry Switzer's often said that if JC Watts was playing now he'd be in the NFL because that's exactly what they're looking for this is JC one [Music] they got cheap touchdown the only score they got the second half was the ball snapped over our punters head in the end zone they recovered it for a touchdown is our mistake but it's a cheap touchdown for them but it was a tightly played game between two good football teams but the end of the game is sort of improbable having lost Heisman winning running back Billy Sims who had been the difference maker the year before Switzer changed the plan on the game-winning drive calling five pass plays Watson Rhodes connected on a 42 yarder early in the drive [Applause] you know an unsung hero with sooner magic is Steve Rhoads he's a flanker from Dallas but he came up big in big games he was big in 76 as a true freshman at Lincoln and in his last game as a fifth year senior down in the Orange Bowl he makes a huge catch to get the Sooners rallied from a 17 in deficit we want 80 yards in a minute to go in the game we completed six out of seven passes and JC watch scrambled for a first down watch 10-yard run Brown oh you down to the 11th wotz camp the 78 yard drive when he found wide receiver Steve Rhoads in the endzone from 11 yards oaks to cut the lead to 1760 with 127 remaining they made play at the plant to play at him and I at that time somebody told me remember national I said the difference then between Oakland Nebraska which too great option teams was when Oklahoma had to have the big pass play they can make it never won the backed out from a gutsy call with the game on the line Barry Switzer decided to go for two and call another task play can you imagine Switzer ever going for time the Seminoles were caught off guard is what's rule to his right and he had tied in Forestville Arad he rolls right fakes the option everybody converges and he rolls out and tosses a little dump past the forest but Laura and he was wide open when Jacy got him the ball and we won the football game in again Oklahoma is winning games like that I just think people in the article said okay Oakland was able to do very effectively for many years was to instill confidence that sooner magic was getting ready to happen the idea that this was so unusual that Oklahoma returned to the past which what produces sooner magic Bobby Bowden actually as I understand the story had sent a trainer to the locker room to get a sport coat to just to receive the championship trophy a couple of minutes prior to the end of the game but that didn't happen JC was again named Most Valuable Player and I guess another example of sooner magic to me that was JC Watts Stan that game the wins over Bobby Bowden were classic Switzer and classic JC Watts the thing that I remember so well about this is there was of course pandemonium on the field at the end of the game shortly after the past life a report sideline reporter shoved a microphone and two JC Watts face and he said we won the game we won the game hello to Belle's laundry and Bell Peterman was my neighbor and I could hear her shrieking down the street she Sheeran bells London it was the greatest thing to be able to care this exchange in stereo and once again Oklahoma crushed Florida State's hopes of an upsets you [Music] [Music] there's one word used to describe one of the most heated rivalries in all of college football bedlam in addition to state bragging rights bedlam has created many memorable moments in unforgettable plays the 1983 bedlam game would put two players in the hearts of sooner fans forever Derek Shepherd and Tim leisure at 83 we weren't a very good football team that year we were floundering around and Marcus Dupree had come the year before and run every bat we had in their running stable off and running back stable and then he left that year himself so I had to redshirt freshman Spencer Tillman and Earl Johnson and Danny Bradley the quarterback we were got away from the wishbone we were in the iPhone nation we were kind of watering around trying to find the direction to be offensively Oklahoma was really after a Texas loss Marcus Dupree had just put the team there were injuries Stanley Wilson and all this it I mean it was just there's different types of walk-ons in a program and you know Derek Shepherd head it's somewhat of a family tradition playing sooner football and he was more of what I would call a recruited walked on where they knew about him they he was pretty pretty much treated as a scholarship player he just didn't have you know any scholarship given to him until after he earned it I literally drove up and walked into the equipment room and was looking for a coach it would talk to him and you know I had to prove I had insurance and stuff like that we were preseason number two when that season started out we lost Ohio State we got beat by Texas Marcus Dupree had just left the team that week and so we appeared to be unraveling at the seams a little bit that week was a week that Oklahoma State thought it was going to be their year to take Oklahoma and our Jimmie Johnson was he hated oh you absolutely hate he hated Switzer by then and I just remember that whole week listening to Jimmie Johnson talk about how he felt like you know they were in the top 20 with he was top 20 at the time and they'd gotten in the top 20 and they just thought this is going to be their year I remember drive still water in the world kind of Brittany gross I put Oklahoma on i-35 and going into still work as we were driving up there on the bus up there one of our players Mitch Bryan it was Ricky Brian's brother and it turned to me I was sitting next to him and he said have you got a kick a game-winning field goal today what's gonna happen and of course I was a freshman and I just said well of course I'll make it you know it's just you know talking trash as much anything else and we got up there and it was a sold-out stadium in Oklahoma State really felt like they had a chance to beat us no Clemmie state had not beaten Oklahoman eons and this was the game but believe it or not OSU just dominated he just figured okay this was gonna be Oklahoma State's chance to win again you know use Duncan bum on the ball they're dropping the ball it was just it was then but they called the Texas hangover it was 20 to 3 with 11 minutes left and the Sooners had no offense I mean none you want to say you've got to believe and you always believe you're in a football game but I remember that for me I was sitting on the sidelines thinking this just is not our day talk about a bad spot for Oklahoma there was a much better team that day but the injuries Oakland dominates the first three quarters again in their behind as a matter of fact really in the fourth quarter we as OSU broadcasters during a timeout said you know this was boring we're beating the center so badly there's no way they're gonna win that game and really you know the life was out of oh you and the spirit was gone and nothing was going on one man resurrected oh you I think that was as close to his of a case of one guy saving the Sooners and that man was Derek Shepherd the Derek Shepherd story is is a poignant one because he died at an early age but in this game as it turns out you might say this was his finest hour in uniform Derek and I were both guys I think people like to talk about it a little bit because under sighs you know and walk on players but we both did make some plays in that particular football game and Shep really got everything going Sooners are lifeless no offense but they throw a little dump pass Derek Shepherd over on the sideline what's about 11 minutes left they're down 17 and you know OSU gives him the catch they're playing back two guys converge Derek Shepherd Jukes them both and go 70 something yards for a touchdown so they just played it poorly and we were able to capitalize on a good play the Derek Shepherd they don't throw the ball to Derek Shepherd on that plate they lose the game when we scored that touchdown we thought well man we've got some life back in us all of a sudden there was hope all of a sudden it wasn't a lost cause all of a sudden OSU had a little doubt creep it when you win games against Nebraska and you win games against Oklahoma State if you have your opponent believing that there's a chance that they're going to get beat that's the ultimate and that started happening in that football game the tide started to turn a little bit and I look back and think Derek Shepherd Derek Shepherd get a lot for a lot of people but with that one player it was a game that obviously thought they had won that players played hard as their players did play hard still it looked like a fairly hopeless situation all OSU has to do is feel the ball and run out the clock I know that we gave them cheap touchdowns we're a pretty good defensive football team back oh you know what I felt sorry for OSU that day I really did Barry Switzer originally ordered an onside kick but the onside kick leading up to the field goal was actually you know something that was even more dramatic probably the most amazing play one of most amazing plays you know you always have you history we lined up the kick of an onside kick but we didn't know whether we will kick onside kick I don't know if the coaches the coaches one coach knew it was coming one coach didn't know what's coming they say we're going onside kick and then they say you know what we're not gonna onside kick except they don't tell the kicker and we got confused on the sideline between the coaches and the players and no one really knew you including me that what was going to happen and standing in the middle of the huddle Barry Switzer comes over and he says Bobby I want to kick the ball of deep and Procter says no I need we need the ball back and Switzer looked at Bobby and then turned and walked away without saying a word so I'm looking at Bobby Proctor and the guys and we all just go out there and the last thing we'd heard is we're going to go ahead and kick the ball onside so I go up to the referee and he hands me the football and and we're standing at the 40-yard line and they get word that we are going to change our mind so all the onside kick personnel comes off the regular kickoff team comes on and white drain was given the assignment of telling everybody that didn't that was on both teams to make sure they knew that we were kicking the ball deep well I was 10 yards in front of them and so he never came up to talk to me about it so one of the referee has given me the football and he's asking me what are you gonna do and I'm I'm reluctant to tell him anything that I'm doing even so I get lined up and I put the ball down and I'm naive enough to think that the guys are gonna know too that you know I'm kicking onside by the way I'm wind-up and that course I don't know anything like that so I just did the last thing I'd heard and I tried to kick it on side and miss hit the ball and bounce off Chris rockins face and Scott case made an incredible play you know to have the presence of mind to catch a ball in the air that was just a rocket coming right back at it was with something else there's no explanation sir no magic doesn't even account for that onside kick a lot of Cerner fans throw around a line that I don't I don't even I don't believe in it I really don't appreciate it and they call it the Aggie factor but golly you know it's hard to defend anything when that happened that is Pearson Center magic he didn't even know when he was attempting to do I'll be honest with you Tim Lassard kicked before that day he had kicked I forgot man one field goal try to feel going a couple extra points something I mean it wasn't his debut but I wasn't paying attention I'd never heard of him Joetta I'd never heard of until that day and I was saying who's this guy who is Tim washer well there's some times that it works to your advantage when you're naive about things going into the Oklahoma State game I'd tried three field goals that year he trots out their 46 yard field goal now let me say this unlike the ohio state kick I was not confident that that ball is going through I was thinking now if this was 26 for 36 okay but 46 yard field goal from this guy I've never heard of in a crosswind at Lewis field east-west field I wasn't buying it if you wanted to set the stage for it to be an exciting finish and nobody knowing whether this kid is gonna be able to make this field goal or not it was perfect for that and what's amazing remember that game Tim washer keeps the winning field goal today was a freshman I was the longest field goal script never took one longer they come back with the magical victory Barry Switzer maybe saves his job you know he 1983 Switzer was in hot water oh it was just stunned silence from the OSU fan I went to a gathering afterwards and no one was really even talking about the game I could not believe it when you think you finally you got the game worn against your arch enemy little celebration things and at the end there was total disbelief because I actually think fans had left the stadium because it was so boring I'm serious than before for oh you couldn't do anything and if the reaction was justice ever just astounded the most incredible thing I've ever seen in the football game there's one of those other sooner comebacks I wouldn't certainly call it sooner magic it was a sooner a bumble fumble around that day but we were good enough to beat the OSU and that's good enough for me you [Music] the last time we were in Lincoln which was in 84 nebraska probably had a stronger football team than than we did in 86 Nebraska had lost the game to Colorado and so they already had a conference loss they had to win the game to be the Big Eight Conference champions we knew we could tie it and instill in win the conference in Lincoln every year then you hear it you go to Lincoln just said the greatest abreast of him of all time okay the thing I remember about that game though that was one time when Barry Switzer truly did outsmart Tom Osborne strategy-wise he just completely outfoxed it 1986 was a game for defending national champions this was a game for the Orange Bowl we were highly ranked football team in the top three or four in the country I would say the 86 game was was really one of the most improbable games that I recall because we were ahead in the ball game Nebraska got got control of the game you think the game is over and again it was a game that we didn't feel like we were really playing to our abilities and we felt like we were the best team in 86 but we weren't doing what we needed to do to score [Music] [Applause] and I don't know sometimes you take the grenadine here in the family responsible it came down to a tight fit at the end of the ballgame Nebraska again and late the fourth quarter thought they had the game won at 17 to 10 it was late in the ballgame and I believe Oklahoma is fairly deep in their territory and had a fourth down and play and normally you'd punt but time is growing short and so they they went for the first down Sooners have the wind at their back you want to be going south in the fourth quarter at Lincoln we took a drive and got the midfield dare shemail Holloway we not a great passes but it's like we had to make a pass play we was able to Jamel Holloway hit Keith Jackson will touch down pass in the corner privacy what in the end zone [Music] [Music] late in the fourth quarter there's get within 17 16 barry switzer sends out the extra point team takes the extra point to tie as that would put o you in the Orange Bowl Nebraska had lost that year so Sooners are going to the Orange Bowl with a tie and Switzer Twitter said you know what I'm playing for the conference title let's go go for the tie so we were able to tie it up make it 17 - 17 once we tied the game I never thought we were gonna be able to win it I thought well we tied it so we still even got a we'll get a ring that get basically but Charlie North came up to me and said Tim make sure you're ready we may get the ball back he outfoxed Osborne in that regard because not he was playing for more than the time because all of a sudden there's a minute and a half left whatever it is Nebraska goes out tied but they got to try to score I got to believe in the back of his mind he was thinking you know what we didn't tie this game up we'll get the ball back and I still got Keith Jackson on my side he had me can transferred he hadn't graduated Detailers goes out there incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete Osborne should have run some option should have done something anything but four straight passes Nebraska punts into the window you gets good field position well we got the ball back again and we had a long way to go we were deep in our own territory and did not convert a fourth down a matter of fact we fumbled the play I think it looked like we had Oklahoma beat and where we fumbled a lot that they remember we had to turned the ball over some we always fumble see the fumble against them we're gonna call for a facemask penalty and it kept him alive we were able to move the ball in and get field position I was on the sidelines saying cuz they can down late in the game so he gets expressway later I saw I was in the sideline the oh you players it's like they believed when the other side I just began you get the feeling at the breast pan this is gonna happen to us again and sure enough that's what happened and as we started driving down the field you just realize that Nebraska was over there thinking here we go again we were able to get the ball to midfield and we hit keep Jackson a one-handed catch and we'll play rock down the boundary and wheel route and he made a great one-handed catch and had the presence of mind not to cut back because there was less than 20 30 seconds on the clock he was such a great athlete you know when we made the catch he was able to run down the sidelines with it and he goes back down the boundary instead of cutting in the midfield to possibly try to score the touchdown he knew that the tight ropes the sidelines he could step out with a few seconds left which he did to set up position for a field goal pass the key Jackson was absolutely one of the greatest coaches at oh you history Keith Jackson you know was playing for a team that threw the ball maybe 12 times a game you can you can just imagine what Keith Jackson would do in the office that oh he's running today he was he was a very special football player and that's that's part of what makes up that sooner magic we talk about we run out on the field set up a field goal step default we kick the ball and so we just put the ball down and kicked it and walked away with a 20-17 win and was another another great moment for the Oklahoma Sooners in Lincoln Nebraska but it looked like we had you know and so that was really difficult to to experience at loss it's really reflective of the kinds of plays that are the benchmarks of the only the Brassica series where sooner magic innovates Tom Osborne just didn't come out on the right side of things a lot with very Switzer's you gotta believe gotta believe men we've done this to him so many times they believe it's gonna happen and we know it's you know Switzer likes Osborn he would never say anything negative about Tom Osborne but in his mind he had to think you know what I got him today [Music] well at that time that people getting upset with Tom Osborne how can you how can you get upset with this great coach and here they were again for the second year in a row in Lincoln claim the Cornhuskers for all the marbles in 1987 of when we went to Lincoln we were undefeated and they were undefeated it was number one versus number two Oklahoma had been a machine with Jamel Holloway running the wishbone and Lydell car you know the great running back the great fullback in the bone mate oh you a force to be reckoned with offensively but with both of those gone Oklahoma was very much neutralized on offense Oklahoma is in there with a freshman quarterback and Charles Thompson led his first thought the week before I remember Charles he stung it was terrible because you're going with a redshirt freshman quarterback Charles Thompson who was fabulously talented but woefully inexperienced and I remember Charles Thompson on that day under those circumstances looking so small and spindly you know he wasn't very big and he wasn't muscular he was he was extremely quick and fast and talented and he wore around his neck a headband but he Ward around his neck upon which he had used a marker and written haunted yo which was the war cry of his high school team in Lawton and it was a touching thing to me because he was about 19 years old and here he was playing on national television before over 80,000 people in the stands starting for the Oklahoma Sooners against Nebraska in game of the century - and what was he what gave him comfort was was his days in Lawton playing for his lot in high school team and I wish their war-cry was hot - yo no one gave Oklahoma chance to win the game because he took over for Holloway he played terrible against Missouri the week before Nebraska was proclaim themselves the best defense of all time there was a lot of build-up to the game the fact Nolan we were both undefeated in the high-ranked it was because the Nebraska players said they had that we didn't have the keys to their house we're gonna get the keys to our house back or they can't have the keys to our house all these metaphorical references which now are somewhat humorous Broderick Thomas those guys the played defense for Nebraska were great players great defensive team we're doing a lot of slap talk I don't know what sort of slap talk or smack talk or whatever the word they use I've never used that word nothing himself very often but there was a lot of conversation in newspapers about they were going to handle us stadium at Nebraska has been built on to about 12 times their seats everywhere at all different angles and every seat is taken by someone in a red parka and it's it's very intimidating they were so cocky those words about coming into our house were intended to be intimidating and I remember this Steve Taylor the quarterback that made the statement about how well they would do offensive against us and they expected score in the 30s and and I remember the day before we traveled I had a team up when we were talking about for the challenge ahead of us and and about a tough game and we'll be one of our players I'll never forget I think Darryl reached or Johnson made the comments as coaches it you know I don't understand why they think that they're gonna be able to score the points they think they can't on us so they haven't scored for three touchdowns in three years and we're the same defensive team they've had to play against for three for three years what makes them think that I say I guess that's because they just were playing there and they think they've got enough courage to say that and said we'd like to approve them all but you know without Jamel I mean Jamel was so good and to take him out with a guy that was fast and talented but you didn't know how to tell me could win the option you didn't know it could pass but let me tell you what happened the opening series of the ballgame date took the ball and drove the length of the field and they scored on their first possession of the ball Barry Switzer had taken Charles aside in the locker room and again instilling the kind of confidence that we've talked about here today which is the foundation of Center magic and told Charles you'll shock the nation today [Music] for the next 12 possessions that they had the ball they did not make a first down we've totally nominated the football and they could not make a first down you know that just proves that talk never has mattered it didn't matter then it doesn't matter now just go out and play you know Bosworth talked in the 80s and you know people talk all the time that kind of stuff doesn't matter hey here's the thing Lee Roy Selmon never said a word and all he was was the best player of all time so you know I don't I don't pay attention [Music] [Music] Charles Thompson in 22 the week before here's a freshman they can play at the plane are you kidding me no one thought that was gonna happen Charles Thompson played a masterful game running the wishbone throwing occasion and then he was he was a magician Holloway couldn't have performed any better Charles Thompson as I recall bring an option toward the west side of him he managed to get a pitch off wait who's Collins that had the ball I'm going up to sideline and scored he was just you know just barely inbounds but that's the thing that we're spooning bit to you really stretch the sideline to sideline just went out there and said you know what we're a little bit better than you we're not a lot better than you but we're a little bit better than you we're gonna prove it and that's what they did for 60 minutes [Music] Oklahoma rather than throwing long passes off don't hit the home run or the option and I was one of those days where they again big game they came from behind a win we totally dominated the game that day when our football team being a totally dominant team we dominated Nebraska and they were ranked number one and when the team as good as they were can only make a one scoring drive and have a possession 12 consecutive possessions and not make a first down and that's that's total domination and to have a young spindly legs quarterback come in and run roughshod over the Blackshirts is nothing more than sooner magic I'm sure you would agree [Music] the 1988 was in my mind the best Oklahoma Oklahoma State game ever played that was probably the best bedroom football game of my memory I think most people go to an Oklahoma sooner football game hoping to see something spectacular and and the spectacle of the event can be something positive or it can be something negative but nonetheless that's why you paid for the ticket is to see something unique something spectacular and that day there were multiple things that were spectacular at Lewis Field the mystique of playing Oklahoma is basically a thorn in Oklahoma State's sad we were we were not quite as good a football team as we had been and 85 86 87 we but still were a very good football team that was a heck of a game now whereas in in 83 I got the feeling that OSU just sort of gave it away and I'll just sort of disintegrated that was a heck of it that was a heck of a bloodbath in 88 we were a very good football team they were - they had a great offensive football team Oklahoma State actually had the better team and I'm not saying that just because I happen to be doing OSU at the time they had the better offensive team without question in fact if there are defensive team has been as good as your offensive football team they might have won the national championship and the defense was not in much better than all you if it's good but boy she had a tremendous offensive team of Hartly dikes Mike Gundy and of course the great Barry Sanders the guy that made them what they were was Barry Sanders who's in my opinion and have always said in my opinions my opinion but I've always said that this guy's the best running back that they would put a ball in his arm and I coached a lot of great ones at Oklahoma Sanders had a great day set the stage for OSU to win the game that was one of those one-on-one battle Barry Sanders versus might get it running up and down the field I remember first plate might get us touch the ball with freshman running back Ren 50 yards to touch down on the counter play busters right up the middle great cutback I mean I was just back and forth that was a fabulous football game the game was just back and forth and Oklahoma State launched this final drive Oklahoma State was down by only three points with a minute left in the game [Music] the referee made a very questionable call then disaster struck the Cowboys OSU got what it considered was the bad penalty bad call and Garrick Lynbrook taunting or whatever it was we pushed him back OSU was back to the midfield with a fourth and 35 the Cowboys would have one last shot at the end zone with a chance to show that the Sooners with the only team capable of magical endings you know I was on the Oklahoma sidelines and I just got a feel then that Oklahoma State's gonna win the game I mean they're gonna win the game Mike Gundy oh you defense critics like my gun because it's not Hartley tactic couldn't no one stop Barry Sanders that year was amazing but they're down they got to throw the pass in the end zone but the pass from Mike Gundy - I won't mention the receiver the ball was right to him right in his hands in the endzone for the win two games all welcome state wins it right well he drops any prompts still don't know to this day where the Kevin Thompson got his finger on the border well when I was doing the game remember I'm doing over from the state I said and it's time I get my mic right knocking her off my head on the big crash on the floor I'd say he dropped that wall you can kind of hear at him as a neck you know I never saw the past I know I had the before seat in the house and I never saw the guy missed the pass I guess I was the wrong angle but someone said that you had a chance to make a play I don't know that doing that but the band's certainly thought that at the time [Music] [Applause] again the fans are saying disgusted feeling that I think some of them want to hang Parker I hope that night he hid out because there's an angry Oklahoma State fans I was gonna get a good visual Annie after him trying to track him down I was if I was him I'd say stay in your apartment rink heavily every advice I wouldn't give him that night the poor guy I felt so sorry for him still do to this day you know I feel sorry for Brent Parker we took we talked Brit Parker's name came up in the office just the other day I mean it's good to a story on Brit Parker what's it like sixteen years after you dropped the pass [Music] think that open state is never going to be up north they can see the men in 88 the death - right party partners hands we dropped I was just immensely relieved to see the drop past because because it was right in the breadbasket that define Sunnah magic but also defined sooner luck and it also I think defined Oklahoma State saying we got a curse over the one play Oklahoma they would have been no you that day but some people can say and I think make a legitimate claim that's also center magic with every every season there's always promise at the beginning you come in and shape you fit you know and we had just changed coaches again and the coaching job landed in the hands of John Blake and everything we're looking so promising and we began to go through the season turmoil and difficulties and not winning to satisfy the sooner beast you know it it got rough Oklahoma gets beat at home by Tulsa Kansas and TCU are you kidding me this was a bad Oklahoma team well you comes in Owen for and you thinking hey they may not win a football game because they look like they were capable of losing them all no one and I mean nobody picked Oklahoma Texas ever it was a 21-point favorite in the game I'm going into the meeting loose I mean we just hope we can get a win play well and just make big plays my first haul you takes the game and I saw it on TV I had consternation I did before and went down and it was just some special Texas is winning all the close games at the wind Switzer left Oklahoma you took about Texas magic Oklahoma couldn't get a break in the series like any other game is a rivalry game oh you Texas no matter what the record is no matter who's ranked who's not rings I mean both teams can play hard Texas had Ricky Williams Jenny the ground was a quarterback couple of nights while receiver saw they were kept a little about putting up points like the day before I jumped out sighs and pregame and dig window may bring the whole stadium he said he didn't care if I made the Blessed night the whole stadium barely made it on the bus James Allen is one of the underappreciated people they know your football history he was not an all-american he was not in the you know in the lineage of / Washington Sims whoever you want to put on that list coming in he worked hard and offseason came back with a great Addison's I mean he was kinda low who's I leaving but he was a heck of a football player he was a good football player the NFL wrote him a check for five years they don't they don't hand out charity in the NFL I got to know James I was living in Norman at the times to work out with him doing doing the going to season everything great player he's packing away for those young guys and he watched him and took everything he could from Jamie James was like a big brother most of us there was freshmen like me and mine and we really watched him and took a lot from what he did because he had been through battles and I mean he took all the criticism he could take I mean he kept his head up and he'd play hard I have an attitude of light and just give me the opportunity to really really you know shine on this day I even said a prayer he's all sitting in chapels going on I don't know where a double snow Billy seems come flying in basically he just told us hey cuz I win and just get it done but not naming the words you know those are no Billy scenes you know probably said Dammam Parker was a wrestler freshman running back who Blake and his staff were highly on and I was on my way out as a senior and my starting role had was being challenged by that and he had one prior to the Texas Texas game and I wasn't starting they'd up being the answer I always wondered what was the question we we started out typical soon of all that year and not looking too good actually the first time I school I snuck in a game I was supposed to be I just put myself me and caught a touchdown pass from Justin heywhy just ran down the field really pulled Earl Williams out and they caught up late it was a corner round score a touchdown next thing you know I mean when he finally realized it was Earl you know he said something to me buddy after that I was with the housing rotation because I had been hurt like for my three games I remember my first play was like for like 35 yards I think there's a screenplay and I came back to the sidelines and I was like this is my day oh come in and have a chance and then as a game was progressing Joe yeah nice no it's they don't never win this game Texas is winning at that point in time in that season 10 points was like 35 do you know I mean we were looking at the school were like damn we're down by Tina already I was thinking men pleasers let's hold on lil Sebastian on national TV just let us play well let's hang in there with seeing guys like dear on in the locker room it was a couple more Cowboys because coach Blake had previous ties with the Cowboys you know that was major encouragement just just for them guys to be in our locker room really a halftime I think Deion Sanders took over you know he's basically told y'all can win you guys they're not better yeah I mean he said it in a way that only he could say right before we got ready to go out I mean it I thought to myself like we can't let these people down he's on the sideline public Trinity was like we got to make a play and I think Brock Jensen and Brandon's came in just like follow me you know school and all of a sudden you just hear people getting better but oh you texas games you don't know who it is until you know you look out there and see and I just see this 19 just flying down the sideline I mean ball came down Washington in my hands gonna hit the sideline I mean I was I was branded in front of me running he didn't block nobody so I'll do a PD block nobody it was touch that he was celebrating with the ball and just slid all the way into the Texans fan side and they was trying to model me and stuff like that and we didn't know Texas I got him about every coke beer whatever they had I mean it was just a great time it was feeling I'll never forget and I was like that was that was like ultimate ultimate sooner magic you know my dad he who's at home watching the game he left went to the store when he got to the store here mr. clay I mean he he I mean when he got home everybody told him what happened he had to watch it on playback and Andy he say just broke down start crying I mean it was a break play for everybody and it was even cloudy that day and now all of a sudden you know the sun's out I think it's it's awfully sweet when a player from Texas playing for Oklahoma does something spectacular Jackson saves the Sooners with that punt return late in the fourth quarter they were down 11 he runs the punt back a spectacular touchdown run and kickoff which enabled Oklahoma to to believe in themselves that they could win the football game Terrell Jackson makes a punt return all of a sudden is a little wife in Oklahoma once once that happened you know you could hear people on the sidelines so imagine you know this is it this is the one after that I mean we can win I mean I think we took the life out of Texas that night just say just a piece that came over me and I was like and I told myself when I get in the game I'm just gonna play hard and you can see the player you get to see both sidelines and you get a feeling let's talk about the Oklahoma players thought they were going to win the game the Texas players did you hear coaches talk about special teams and how they can change a game I mean that right there changed he had taken the hand off and was going left to attempt to score and Stoney Clarke the middle guard came over and stopped him cold at the one-yard line when that happened I mean obviously I think things did turn for me at that point because you know that's just the way it works v the diversity oh-ho you people are some man saying well was Abed played a call because Alan was not the fastest back what you have Jeff Frazier in the game faster than Alan he probably scores James Alan gets a chance to again on short yardage to win the game against Texas in overtime which was the first overtime game between oh you in Texas in history and then just when we thought it couldn't get any better it did putting the ball back in James hands you know his opportunities shine his opportunity to get it done I mean he was a seen used one course at the 12th he's a five so when the opportunity came and I found myself in that same situation I was like man you know what there's no way I'm not gonna have success today because God has put me in this opportunity again in front of the same people I think when the game got to overtime I think that Texas players they just felt they were gonna win this game they because they had the game won and then what Oklahoma did at the end and James Allen I mean we talked about it before me but man that was the longest stretch and feel I've ever seen in my life man hit little like it was like 200 yards you know and I'm like man I know we're getting yards but I'll be moving you know closer but in the huddle we're getting excited man and the confidence is just building and building got guys talking hundred miles per hour but I got to give Justin credit and he player doesn't get a lot of credit and Oklahoma sort of quarterbacks but that day he was man amongst boys and I don't think in that position I would would have had any other quarterback with everybody in the huddle said follow me like me the players going one way I'm thinking score so get off the field celebrate reached I I mean it was Gibbs winning games we used time and in the back of my mind I'm kind of just sitting there and Justin cause the plane all I heard was the numbers you know toss 38 something and we hadn't really ran to sleep the whole day don't like why is he calling a sweet play big sexy will recall him yeah his name is Chris Campbell but a big sexy was the guard and the way a channel was my full-back he's you know properly follow me we call the play and they they said I had a clear shot all the way to the outside but you know all I seen was just a little scene and a little crease in well I knew it man I just ran through a couple of guys I got some great blocks up front by Dewayne and Chris and the whole team actually and I looked up and I was like two yards deep into the endzone I mean once he got me now me news chaos pandemonium Ino even got she doesn't give up before you got dogpile first time we had big Texans in a while before I knew it man they jumped on me my helmet was all over my face and you sitting there celebrating I mean I know I got the ball yeah I mean it was just great not often do I cheer for guys but I found myself cheering for James Allen on that day because I thought you know what that guy deserves he deserves a day like this but that was a tremendously uplifting victory but to beat Texas and Allen get his claim that he should have got well dan palpable star Great Dane it gave every true James Allen fan and every true Sunna fan and way a different way of looking at the character of summer football and the characters and without James Allen again it was his lifetime that was his senior season you know he's paid his dues he put in his time he's done a lot for the program he deserves a day like this I'm happy pull a cried after game when she cried out every game when he cried out their game I think the belief was Affairs okay Wow John Blake is the man who turned the corner well what didn't turn any corners so that was the feeling after that game that Blake was gonna be at oh you a long long time it's got to be one of the best feelings as a team in my whole life of playing football he just was amazing in that game lightning in a bottle cut cut James Allen he had the game of his life is that in a moment of despair you know anything is possible especially when you got some imagination I think everybody got a game ball and it was my first time doing an interview in college he was pretty fun every time then you tried to figure who was gonna win the game was I think five or six seven straight years the underdog won that game that game dis just kind of helped me realize what this world is all about realizing what loyalty is all about and it made me really realize what friendship is all about I think see the magic hands on the plants because before then we had we was doing bad and we would get no breaks that helped me become a better man better more than helped me become a better football player I think he was redeemed himself from the year before and I had a great game just if they had before like the sequence in the full fun it was just one of those moments to where you understand the meaning of sooner magic it's just a feeling around campus that just you know can't be beat now when everybody everybody kind of self and that was a that was the biggest thing about it and that's what makes that moment it's so special and that's what makes sooner magic real it's a steel do you want I mean it's nothing said it's in Harry once you become all you soon it was sweet solitude and I'm like that's it I can walk away from Oklahoma sooner football and no matter what they'll never forgive me because of that [Music] Oklahoma had had this absolutely magnificent run-through top-notch competition in the month of October we knew what's gonna be enough we'd like you said an awfully difficult task to go in there with with the relatively young football team nerves I remember the nerves I'm about nervous everybody was it was a you know a very important game the more you win and being undefeated at the time you know we were number one in the country had a target on her back we literally took one game at a time that year because I mean going on to College Station it came in brutal as a number one I believe we're ranked number one in the country and a Kyle Fields Manavi ously one of the top of places at although the big 12 to go in and when consistently they've got a great home-field advantage in that this was going to be a pivotal game and a big step towards you know getting to the national championship I just remember Bob saying we're not going to talk about you know we got going there with the same confidence and swagger that we've gone through that stretch and and but I think down deep we all knew we're gonna have to go in there and fight for our lives all of these thinking you know we need to win this game I was a sophomore I don't know if I was on the same mental plane as some of the seniors or I mean I think they had a determination they were looking at this ultimate goal what I remember first about the game is I'm walking over to the stadium and I hear somebody scream and get off the grass I think College Station is a nut spell place I mean they're crazy down there you know what is this about you know just walking on a grass over to the stadium get some of that stuff so it's a it's a weird place to play what later on I found out that the grass is sacred in something like that so they might kill you if you walk on the grass hole I got to the pavement I found that but I could die from walking on the grass there from the cadets who stand at attention for the whole quarter and won't even look you know you go up yell in their face and they won't bat an eye and you've got the dog running around revelry well no the stadium a nanny was a little spooky anyway because it moves the upper deck shakes I don't know if you've ever sat in the upper deck but it's shakes for crying out loud and I don't mean I don't mean you think it shakes I mean you're it's like you're on a ship or something I mean it's it's a funky place to play and you know they got its triple decked on three sides it's a stadium built to the sky and then the one in zones wide open like you're playing back in you know class to a high school or something it's just a weird place to play I think that game AM is perhaps the most difficult place to play that sitters play every year a.m. when people talk about the best home-field advantage in the big 12 I'd probably have to give it to College Station double time in wide receiver left [Applause] inside the one hears the term the gift the tombs website [Music] there was a good feeling that you know we were gonna let this thing slip through our fingers it's a game that am is in control of and I think we're all in the press box going this is Oakland was first loss of the season you know in the press box you can't I had a friend of mine was kicked out the press box that day because he's cheering for the Sooners you gotta be you gotta be neutral there's no you have to be Switzerland just sit in the breast box you can't show up motion jeer Oklahoma couldn't make the place that you took of a nutty crowd out there I mean they're just that city was rocking it was amazing how loud it was we played up and down throughout the game I remember we gave up a couple passes I believed it to Ferguson Robert Ferguson on that on the boundary it was almost like toward the end of that game that hope was slipping away from us you had this great season going and no one expected it this great and then it looked like the Senators have had it their latest game turned out we got behind and we knew we're gonna have to come up with a obviously a couple place defensively get back in the game who the majority of the game you know I think they were ahead and you just go OK the dreams of being number one their finish I had a feeling in the fourth quarter though we were down three points at the time still that we were coming back we were coming back the entire day that you know that the season just had that feel that things you know that we couldn't lose the 2000 team once it got rolling I mean it just seemed to me to be a season of destiny you know it still felt very positive that we would find a way to make a play there you know in the fourth quarter to put ourselves on top I take Jones and Torrance Morning Show and every I loved them just walking up and down silent saying we gonna make a play they don't make a play but I think the team was on a roll at that point so much that it was clear to me and clear to anyone who has been part of the program and has had that confidence instilled in them that good things were going to have they did it you know they made they made a play Bell play and then the sooner magic takes over tidy the entire week really leading up to the game Monday through Thursday we had worked that play well they like to run their the vertical stretch throughout the middle of the field and we had Torrance kind of matched up with one of their good tight ends running down the middle and Torrance really hadn't covered it the entire week even as as recently as Thursday before the game running it against him he still was was not in position to handle his responsibilities and to make the play Brent Venables and Mike Stoops talking about it after the game said you know what in practice every single time Torrance went the wrong way or he didn't he you know he didn't make the right cue or you know he wasn't in the right place I can remember coach Feder Bulls my brother Mike being being upset about it and hey we've got to make this play but then they said you know what though we practice it over and over and over and when at time when it came time for that play Terrance Marshall was in the right place [Music] so I was down there when the moment came of the interception of Torrance Marshall Torrance Marshall makes this fabulous interception tortes intercepted the ball and I figured well at least now we've got the ball in scoring range and so when Torrance Marshall made the interception and took off running like a halfback it didn't really stunned me works to the sideline and and he's so good at running the football that he just starts weaving his way to the boundary it just it looked like slow motion almost but he was moving so fast I remember everybody was running down there with them and all of a sudden you looked down to ponder and he's got a clear clear shot to get in and I just remember following them following them down the boundary with with great excitement get ready for his career as an NFL fullback he runs it all the way in with rocky calmus quip and everybody he could find when I counted Torrance made the play and again it was so it was a great play in a great return I never had covered it in practice but sure enough when it comes to the fourth quarter and they run the play he just happened to play the play exactly how we wanted him to Torrance is right back in the middle where he should be recognized it and made a great interception in just an incredible run he was just coach well that that play under made fun of a couple times because every time that's replayed from the one angle or pictures taken you can see me in the background like jumping up and down like a schoolgirl it was an incredible play and it was an incredible atmosphere to to be able to pull something like that addictive in a wind we came up with some great individual plays throughout the course of the game you know that your feeling of elation just what I had expected was coming true I knew you know you just felt that we were going to make a play to make the difference I remember not being stunned by it because I felt like it was the the old sooner magic days when there were great players and that it was sort of predestined was it was a special moment you know of a season without question to go down there and win against a decent or a really good I am team is is it isn't a cheap who you players are celebrating and the fans come understands it sober and you're on the grass guess who comes out to cadets that these bayonets I think someone's gonna get bayonet it oh you players are having their dogpile their dog piles going on across America I mean I think these are looks you see guys that taking things are much too serious I mean protect their little grass so I think that someone's gonna get paying at it if you're a fan going to am do not go on the grass after the game you could get pee that's the moral of that story it was a great plane ride home oh you was in control of every single game accepted a.m. and somebody stepped up to make a play and that's out championships a woman oh it was very emotional and I think you know it's just it's just a special win I just thought this is you know we just felt we're special team and Dustin and I think that's I think that's part of the beauty of of sooner magic is that you expect those types of things to happen by championship teams with championship players it was a it was a great night and a great feeling in fact any ratandas you know for a touchdown and a little magic and it did take sooner magic it took a you know guide to be able to their quarterback throw the ball where you threw it allowed our guy to pick it off and when you have a season of destiny working it's sort of like you know the end of the of the book and so you don't even need to go there to read it you know how it's going to end so to get to that ending all these things have to take place and I felt like I kind of knew where the ending was going to be and that it would have to all these things would take place including the the win at Texas A&M and that's probably the first time we really realized that we have a great shot it that went in the national championship if we stayed on course so that that game went a long way since that game I would say I mean our program on approach to me really hasn't looked back in the sense that there are no you know we expect our expectations are so much higher now since that season and quite possibly since that you know game and maybe that flight [Music] you [Music] Alabama in Oklahoma you don't take a back seat to no one when it comes to tradition and history and Championships well it's obviously a game made for you no TV two great programs legendary coaches with tremendous tradition tremendous fans tremendous players you know that was an interesting game for me because I've known Dennis Franchione II for a long time and have known him to be just a great great football coach and have believed him to be the number two coach if Bob Stoops hadn't come to Oklahoma that he would have probably been the coach I went in the game is like I had grown accustomed to you know a couple weeks before when I wasn't named starter you have to accept the role and I was a backup I didn't know how much action I was gonna get to see if I was going to gonna get a lot of playing time when I you know cuz Quentin was a man or Ronaldo works came to Oklahoma as someone who people saw as a player with great potential a lot of upside of the big strong physical kid that was a great student kid with great character but he didn't have a lot of opportunities or hadn't really shown himself to be a star player so going into it was a big deal and obviously playing a coach Franchione football team we knew they're going to be well prepared and well coached and again we knew I was a very talented football team I don't think the Alabama fans going to the game that they could win the game or we're gonna win the game I don't think we ever went to the game thinking it was gonna be a blowout well we always when we when I coach to have tremendous pride in the way we fight defense you know the wind you know this game or any particular game you always have to play great defense [Music] I know we all felt that seeing the exact situation again right on our sideline I was hurting for Jason and I knew that he was going now you know I figured man how can this happen again you know well it was disappointing for Jason you know to you know to suffer another knee injury and to be down and toward another ligament line just felt for my the entire team did and I was very disappointed for him personally you know are we to go down and really you know wondering about Jason's career at that time as a backup I feel like the only way you can succeed is if you almost expect things to happen you can't be taken aback you can't be surprised by something that happens in front of you as a to what a fortunate that native was there and quality quarterback that was able to come in and and you know give us life and continue to you know continue with Jason it started and put us on a winning path for me it was Donald once-in-a-lifetime type moment where I got a chance at quote-unquote redemption what was it we got off to a good start that was my moment were coming back on the field getting a chance and we were on fire in the first half and I believe we were up maybe 20 to 3 at halftime they scored right right before the end of the first half and I think we and we came back out kind of flat so coach Stoops always says he says that a you can never count a team down you know you know you don't know when it's four quarters in the game I remember the game being awfully hot well collect we played a lot of snaps in the second half and kind of wore down they had a good defense they're really salty up front they're defensive front I mean they were huge they move the ball got the score to make it twenty to ten then I they got a either a fake punt or we fumbled a kickoff and all of a sudden it was 2017 they made a couple special team plays really got themselves back in the game well I just remember the game you know that we played really atrociously on some special teams had recovered an onside kick surprise one that we muffed a fake field goal honest and just fake punt I believe it just went on and on so you never know when when when a team's gonna come back and have have some things go that way and you're gonna have to overcome some obstacles hey the shooters were dead I I was writing my story in my head it was one of those you know I'm saying you know well you know we're going to go down here and win this football game I'd make a statement back in the summer that the Alabama game is a gimme for the Sooners I'd written it off as a know you victory and now I'm thinking you know anybody that I hope nobody remembers me saying that and I'm gonna have to account for this sub now this game's over we didn't I don't think sitting at home in Norman we were we expecting to be in that situation I felt like it especially how the first half at all I felt like we had it in hand I'm thinking somebody needs to make a play and they needed something they need the big play they need to spark in the game because you kept them keeping Alabama around and they think hey we can win this game I figured somebody would I just didn't know who it would be but I do remember late in that game everybody was kind of scurrying down to the sideline and I remember standing up in the press box because I just sent something good was gonna happen we kept tagging on kept coming back and in the fourth quarter I it just evolved that way where we had a shovel pass on I didn't see it coming and the thing about Renaldo works I didn't see it coming before and I never saw it again truthfully I had I had no idea I probably there probably would have been my last stop I remember been you know in some situations you may not be as confident as others but I lost something my there's a calm about me which a lot of times I'm not a very calm person and and just felt that I think our team just to calm this I was really focused as a quarterback I mean these guys are staring at you you know I was really focused on the task at hand when they told me it's a shovel pass and it's coming to me I know immediately gonna have to get in the bar I think everyone had great confidence I don't know what it was just something about that we just thought we were going to come back and win the game but the huddle was like everybody was just saying hey let's go make a play somebody needs to step up and make a play [Music] I was really in the moment and after the first run I remember the crowd jumping up in the air and and it began to happen if you can began to kind of crystallize that this sooner magic is this kind of going to be one of those deals here just Alabama and you know could this be it sooner magic supposed to be happening years ago but it could be happening here one particular third down that I had Antoine savage on like this little skinny slant post hyper route was pretty strange how it came about because the play call at the time it was called the basic route was called 98th coach long I got this play from the st. Louis Rams this is a play that I didn't actually have a whole lot of confidence in it because I'd thrown it for an interception and like one of these false scrimmages you know our whole crowds up everybody's anticipation and coach calls us play and we had a run-in ever Antoine savage runs it just like coach long draws it up I throw it in there he makes a very good catch first down just how he how he stretched out and made the play for me right there that was a huge confidence builder we ended up calling that play all year long keep that like he wasn't gonna be denied you know but you know we don't get that were looking at fourth and six seven eight yours [Music] well I remember was called 26 show that was really cold at the right time caught them by surprise and Ronaldo works gets the shovel pass and just makes an incredible run on making people missiles getting down the boundary obviously I want the ball run all those hands not my hands he's gonna run up field when I received by just when I'll out and ran as wide as I could just a sensational play on the novelist part and the wealth tied played by everybody yeah that's a coaches call we're in all of this mate that's a phenomenal individual effort and all the works you know something burned in his belly when they getting the ball Nate hybl throwing those those shovel passes all of a sudden here comes that magic that will that what I'm gonna do it and it just looked like good Jimmy Brown or somebody I just I want this to win I want I want this to win it so bad I think when they made the play that they go pull it diffused the confidence in Alabama well coming from a high we're about to win this game people knew it you know I said maybe it is that you know sooner magic I mean people felt it we went down there and executed very well throughout that whole driving it took very little time and going down and regaining the believe that inside shuffle pass became a staple although use offense pure of Jubilee you know and in the end zone one yeah we have been taught and you wouldn't think you'd have to teach guys to celebrate cologne was always ours you know it's hard to get in that end zone boys you know when you get there enjoy so we ran in there you know I'm a brawl living on us and stand to going crazy my feeling was the things in the stands my perception of the mood with it was that fans it had been a long time since I've been a game like that a big game maybe go back to the 80s since it really been a a game where all you needed magic to win in that moment right there that's that's about it I could never remember our crowd being because of his running skills uh he set the stage for Oklahoma to pull out a a very tight game four one five six minute period not football minutes real minutes for five minutes Ronaldo works with Superman I feel like I'm a football player he's supposed to make plays I remember that I knew we were gonna have to stop him one more time with it you know it's always your reaction as a defensive coach you're always telling them to use a lot of the clock because we were gonna have to go out there and stop him one more time I remember how tired I was at the end of the two plates but I think we had one of our patented zone puts us on at the time and we came up with the huge turnover and Eric did pick it up and that's the last thing I remember about the game it was like the ghosts of you know the stadium just like maybe got fun with a ball we played all four quarters and we came out with a victory you know you look back at when we talked about my history and my coaching career it took a Joe Washington type play he was able to make a play that you really don't realize that early in the season how significant it will mean the rest of the year you know obviously we're very happy that was early in the season to win a big game like that and we were meant to win a football game there no ifs ands and buts we were meant to win it you know play after play after play a bounce here it just seemed to be predestined that it was gonna work out that way and I felt sorry for my good friend coach Fran but I didn't feel that sorry for it took a little while to sink in on what exact how big it was I'm not sure we look back and appreciate how magical that was and that game was just great for college football it really was because that was magical Renaldo works was magical well I think Renaldo had many defining moments as a sooner an excellent career here and made a lot a big place through the years so I don't know that I could label it as one defining moment but it was one of them you know it in a very special plane and an important play I think everybody locker matter or soldiers gasps from the amount of emotional spin I did go to the locker room after the game and see him and he was crestfallen I mean you know he just felt that his club had it you know that it that game was done it was they had pulled off the big upset and then at the end it got away but it just shows that players had a had a sense of you know purpose and the ability to make plays when they had to make them and and Ronaldo and key one with the touchdown their player line up in front of an agenda to know that put yourself in that position and then the defense stick to come out the very next series and stop them and and of course they helped us with the fumble but still worth position to make the play and Eric bass he's touchdown you know more than sealed the victory and and you know you feel fortunate in those situations when you you know when you come from behind like that and when you for me that was a pivotal moment and my growth as a college player a football player maybe a human being Ronaldo works will go down as one of the the great individual players in terms of making big plays in nou history it just so happened that I got the opportunity to step up and make a play and that's why I say that that's when some of the magic comes in and that was an awesome family I remember some feeling of place shake amazing while Oklahoma clearly was a superior talent Alabama played their hearts out that day and to have us having a series together for a couple of years which was very exciting exciting and when the games lived up to it pay what they were great games and it was a little a wonderful thing I remember a sportscaster came up to me I don't know who he was but he said years down the line when I get old he said you realize what you did and you'll be one of those guys when he's walking around at 60 and 70 years of age that people will say hey that's Ronaldo works daddy didn't you tell me that he was a key player and then Alabama went well I think you know special players make a special place is what it is but but that also was sooner magic and they have a way of creating their own magic in when you can make special place in those kind of situations call it what you want it's it's all good all the game-winning plays to me I thrown a magic place you can help save save save your team from losing [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Israel Wajda
Views: 61,728
Rating: 4.870307 out of 5
Keywords: oklahoma sooners, boomer sooner, sooner football
Id: sZ9i8FX7hFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 24sec (7284 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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