1985 Nov 23 - Nebraska vs Oklahoma

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which he has had that opportunity Keith Tom Osmond is a great football coach a second winningest coach of all time just listen to this teams have finished in the top ten every year he's been the head coach the first national championship is always the hardest he's got a legitimate chance today to win because he can control his own destiny a win the day and a win against Penn State he could be the national champions this is what his team and his fans and everybody want to give you let's talk about Oklahoma's freshman quarterback Jamel Holloway I would guess would you know that Nebraska will sell out and try to get to it in the first quarter probably the first five minutes or at least the first possession may be the most important well Holloway has been successful Keith against the softest part of the Oklahoma schedule but we can expect the defense of Nebraska to give him a little bit different look a faster pace quicker and this is something he hadn't seen I would expect Nebraska to jumpy Joe that he has like that person the Nebraska quarterback situation is not exactly a monument of confidence either Keith I cannot believe when this such waste was such quality teams Nebraska's had 495 yards total offense without an experienced quarterback what we may see today get this fans is another 18 year old quarterback that hasn't played much football may come into this ballgame 18 year olds have already taken over this country you know they've taken over college football they haven't figured out how hard it is yet waiting to get to be juniors and seniors you've got it all you've got tradition you've got longevity you've got upmost quality so what's left let's put it on the tee what do you do when you already build one of the best production sports cars in the world if your Nissan you build [Applause] the wind is building in its velocity they're anticipating a chill factor into the high tea [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Nebraska will kick off to Oklahoma and deep are Patrick Collins number 33 and Leon Perry number 2 now Perry has been a fullback out of the wishbone of late for Oklahoma so it's a little surprising to see him back there in a role that he has not done a whole lot this year he was a tailback in high school and played halfback at Oklahoma until two weeks ago they needed another fullback to give some relief to Lydell car and he's a big threat also he's another one of the babies that's breaking life excited he's depressed this year small handle on five heads up with the wind at his back listen I am [Applause] at 4:20 with this young man we've talked about so much at the quarterback spot Lydell car will open at fullback good solid softball player Anthony Stafford afresh 165 pounds and Patrick Collins a sophomore at 185 pounds Derek Shepherd will be the split in 185 to 511 and one of the fastest people on the field so let's see what Nebraska has in mind for young mr. Holloway [Applause] and it's a first step alright keep going we yards ask Chris Buckman 65 to 54 no vested jumps in chief Jackson is a fight in the big play man for the Sooners Kofi tackle ways to 65 Hudson at guard waves to 80 Simpson at Center was 265 for air the other guard weighs in at 260 and Anthony Phillips is at 275 and he had been playing guard recently but his move back to faculty caused an injury to Greg Johnson so it is second down and let's say 12 yards now for the Sooners as they lose to play the ball goes this time to Patrick Collins who comes back to about the 21 so it'll bring a third down and nine as Nebraska sends Tucker Sparkman Newlands kau Reeves Knox and Parsons out there the down linemen and backers with Davis Watkins Washington and car in the secondary the three guys up front that can just make life miserable for you are Chris Bachmann Danny Noonan and Jim scow the two tackles in the middle guard they're all quick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a yard short of his first pound and Frank I would say he has been baptized answer ha he sure did a tremendous cut on Holloway's part going inside the defensive in Nebraska lined up in a wrong defense there over shifted to end of the boundary by mistake gave Oklahoma a chance to make some yardage now the pressure is on the sooner putter Mike Winchester got to hit it into the wind wants to keep it down and does and it's a good kick and the Resta feels it on a fair catch back at the 36 Bob there pulls it down this macaron click he is basically a running quarterback for the Huskers Doug to host one of the best in the country at tailback for them and Tom Rothman has become quite a story at fullback he's big and he's very quick Roger Lindstrom is the wingback see him on that counter for the day is over and Rob Schnitzler is the big play man and wide receiver this is a power football game it's a team that plays almost like it's playing single wing football and they goodness it's alert and it's good for a first down at the Oklahoma 47 yard line you just never underestimate Tom Osborne husband has a football gamble he hasn't been throwing on first down his pastor dances in order complete in less than 40 percent we expected power football and he upsets Oklahoma on the first play of the game they've got the pests I think to win if they pass successfully they might win it's a back door play give it a left from the fullback 220 pounder from Grand Island slams in there for good game pod frame playing with a sore angle it tied in Tim Roth the tackle 275 Blankenship the guard ways to 70 Bill Lewis the center big one six six 275 John McCormick six footer 250 the other tackle is Tom welter 64 and 275 maybe second down and seven for the Huskers Nikola beetles around the 43-yard line that's just about the line of scrimmage defensively for Oklahoma they line up with read tougher Casillas Brian and Murphy up front with Mia's oh and Bosworth at the back responds Bosworth is the helmet Buster white threw it up wavered the secondary Sonny Brown a time-tested veteran in the secondary and all the seemingly always has a big play in this big game [Applause] [Music] oh dear a burden was the man up there his hands on it Bosworth who ball was thrown up high on the run quarterback Clayton didn't have a chance Vaughn Shepard relays prevents interception by grabbing Rabin number 35 ball Falls harmlessly to the ground he Nebraska has not been a good passing theme on third down most of the passes and so effective with the run they really preferred to run the football dan Wingert is in to do the punting Derek Shepherd is beat for Oklahoma you don't get much yardage running his punch back he throws it away that's the wind ripped it and it takes a good [Music] so once again the Sooners come up short on field position in a hurry late 2110 that was came back the one at 23 21 [Music] a yard line first down for Oklahoma Spencer Tillman and Leon Perry are now in the backfield for Oklahoma children of course the more experienced of all the backs they stay inside with Perry to fall back out to about the 12 just beyond the 11 so give him at least two and a half yards on the carry to fall back in the wishbone the first option of the triple option is the team a you establish the full-back he has to make yards or the quiz bowl is not perfect look the Perry guys of Iowa clinch now they're on their way to Pasadena congratulations my good friend second down and seven here goes Keith Jackson [Applause] [Music] footrace he's done an open field and gasps please [Applause] yesterday well if they told you about it they say they were going to run it in this particular field position no they said to had a trick play coming in Keith Jackson was a great runner in high school played safety man returned punts has tremendous speed Nebraska was not looking for it no Oklahoma had never run the end around played before surprised and it worked 88 yards for the touchdown I hope we can get this silly nonsense of oranges being cold on the field out of the way early so we can get on with the ball game if they're gonna do this all day long we might be way past suppertime but it was certainly a shot out of the blue for Keith Jackson the tight end his stride was getting a little short at about the 15 yard line but he had had tremendous blocking all the way down the field and nobody could touch it so it goes 88 yards and the Oklahoma Sooners are on the scoreboard at 11 minutes and 21 seconds to go in the first quarter [Applause] my shirt is in for the extra point try he's perfect this year on 34 tribes [Applause] Michelin said they're wise they stopped the game waiting for the fans to stop throwing the oranges wasted good food although they've done that that's a tradition that any team in the Big Eight once say [Music] [Applause] all right sunny Brown will hold it for sure the game of this quality [Applause] surprise plays teeth sometimes worked sometimes ago the faith of the triple option and the tidy and blocks and then comes to the other side feet 240 pounds good blocking kind of like a foot return wide reciever Mars number 84 makes a good block we will show you that a little bit later here's the deal but you can see that fact that's number 20 mr. Tillman screaming off the foul defendant and Jax Phillip idea with the ball 88 yards what's the fake in the fake the fall back to the land and all the time that offensive linemen are gonna go around and locked us now we pick up Jackson again what's the red search over here that's got outside position and they Jackson 88 go right down the boundary good walking the timing was perfect I don't ever remember seeing a surprise plane work so beautifully this early in the football game [Applause] Doug DuBose now is deep for Nebraska on the return along with Keith Joe the story on Jones is this he is the fastest Cornhusker ever time that for three in the forty and I guess it was done electronically to prove the point Keith Jones is back there along with Doug DuBose and of course to Moses don't give me either [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's the touchdown again number 84 Lee Morris the split in is gonna make the key block we never know how important every little block is he comes across and now he's going to screen number 45 you think if he hadn't have been laid in here just a little bit watch what's going to happen with number 45 car coming all the way he could have possibly made the tackle he just misses their one foot just one foot the block by Morris the key play you're both on an inside play to the 23 that's a stunner Keith thanks a stunner that just startles you it takes you wind out of you Nebraska is gonna have to have great leadership some a lot of character to come back now for the next two or three series and be responsible [Applause] it's to do both gets a first down as he gets up to about the 32 33 yard line that defensive end I think it was on that side was reaching for him and DuBose put on changed gears and just went sit right by how good is Doug DuBose there his numbers outstanding because he not only has quickness and speed but he's tough and he can run over people when he has to he's out close to the 34 on that very first down Jr's after the seven nothing lead laughter 37 where he is brought down many also the linebacker number 42 head the ghost in the back thief couldn't hold on to it broke through for a short yardage and bought it the loss makes a big difference key but an Oklahoma man down whoever that is got caught in the bottom of the pile up and apparently was twisted around so a time out for the injured player excuse me any Christmas gifts under $10 our ace November best buys the chicago cutlery gourmet knife set is only 977 what a pumpkin and these normal 100 mini light sets are just for 44 well the coach says this about this bunch we are an excellent defensive football team there's no question we have three players of good it are probably the best players that have ever played that position in Oklahoma Murphy a-10 Casillas and nose guard and Bosworth and linebacker so we're an excellent front we've had some problems in the secondary but they're mature they're older and they're better now so we've improved their to David Vickers has come in at strong safety may wind up playing free safety with Tony or a bird moving over to the strong spot but Brown I was walking around on the sidelines and looks like we may be all right he is second down and seven for the Cornhuskers of Nebraska Oh Mason at they're all in 37 yard line the price keeps it now pitches it outside it's a high pitch the boast and then de vocês broke down by David Vickers just over the 40 lo razzle-dazzle Keitha fake reversed to the wing back option play down the line trying to confuse the great speed of the linebackers of Oklahoma making him stay home is a problem because they can run over God and most every play [Applause] Leyton goes the other way this time keeps it out of the play as the sooner defense is so quick to react Dante Jones a sophomore out of Dallas kept that bit and it's gonna ring up a fourth down and the hospital chance to run wild that's the street that their team in the fact that they run so effectively to have the speed and they've chased that football in a bad frame of mind sorry Brenda it's obviously gonna be alright because he's already back in the ball game just a little nerve injury Sheppard is the deep man waitress he was trying to up into the wind but it's [Music] finally dies just inside the 10 so once again the Sooners come out here it's very poor field position but the last time blew the big ones or 88-yard look at these team stats people great on the head and played a tough schedule a combination of both look if they're rated one two in the top ten three in the top ten in every category rushing offense rushing defense everything they've got great speed on offense at Oklahoma and the keep of Nebraska in this ball game is can they slowly they start at the 10 Stepford Collinson car behind Holloway at the wishbone bobak has it and it's a picked up the 3-yard 8 minutes and 45 seconds to go in the first quarter as a real tough ballgame going to Austin Texas they in fact go race [Music] [Music] what's likely to run up the middle at his deep linebackers but they seem to close print effectively they're without mark one person [Music] for just a fraction of a second by a Nebraska defender good penetration but he slid away from him and got the ball out to about the 16 so they're looking at second down here and third down excuse me and it's a short four yards barry switzer winningest active coach in college football well the great organizer is and motivated Keith in talking to the people who coach around him and he coached me and played for me they say he's got the best relationship with his play as they play hard for trencher Tillman is back in the backfield stand down the middle projects and he's done it and he's down at the Nebraska 46 Ron scored again he for one thing that Nebraska does with a free safety support the option play less than the 19 you can see him [Applause] up to support the running plane when he does you see that Jackson gets in behind him but the wind hail the ball up one one we know about the wishbone now tried to defend myself you cannot support that quick with a brief safety the tied end will kill you down the middle first down Sooners at the Husker 46 [Applause] white shirt there Jason Patric college and you know Patrick has got to lose that wrestle as he goes down at the 45 Jim scowl is one of the best football players at Nebraska cometh 96 he's trying to penetrate when he does he gets a double-team right there first by Hudson 79 and vote 63 and boy he all he can do is hold his ground there but that's a classy illustration how UW a great football player ball is near the 44 [Music] Keith Jackson has 126 cheaper cards maybe a yard out of it yes once again nudists Buckman's cow and company were rolling back the wishbone is so effective at running of all teeth it's a goal-line offense with big play responsibilities so he involved your secondary and you're eager to chase when they start the option play so it leaves you vulnerable I have worried so much about that tie game trying to defend their wharves Texas teen I know I come off the field seven [Music] [Applause] all the way going down the lemon with it heats it turns up feel first man breaks loose they score so much for freshmen [Applause] option play you this is the speed we talked about earlier god-given talent and then he has the awareness to just split the would be defend us and he has the speed we've already talked about the quickness everything it takes to be a wishbone quarterback and he just trucks into the endzone knocks down the 44 big strong linebacker but not quite the speed to get there 19 the safety man misses it he had Smith had a hold of him too and couldn't hold it 81 kiss he's taking care of the doubters huh you certain okoma coaches went out watched him play he's the best wistful water back prospect we've seen for four years laughter good on the Foo Jackson leads over against Alabama stay tuned to the announcement of next week's game [Music] Holloway going 43 yards to kep that procession for Oklahoma field position hasn't bothered a much has it when you've got that lightning speed and the trick play and it all works he's cool chief Jones got a wedge breaks it out and then bingo the 28 yard line it'll be first down for the Cornhuskers but they looked up at that talk and they see 5 minutes and 46 seconds to play in the first quarter amazing feat Oklahoma has 11 freshmen and sophomores starting in their top 22 on the other hand the Brassica has only one through sophomore that's playing at the top 44 so this is a young Oklahoma team and explosives 191 yards on the three first down reppin it has a chance he has been very effective this year that little pullback trap for the backdoor play and he's made some big runs at that time when he got the ball Paul meows Oh a junior out of Kansas City came with it remember Keith that Delta Houma now has Tony Casillas that great nose guard back in the lineup from an injuries 280 pounds and really a dominant football player right on the center's nose [Applause] a lot of double-team the backers here's the pitch back to devotion long takes down starts running then gets it to the 30 here's Tim Brant for a moment Keith they've just finished working on Jamil Holloway the Oklahoma quarterback when that last play on the touchdown he sprained the big toe on his left foot they have taped it up they're putting his shoe back on he still has not tried to stand on it he says to the trainer's that he thinks he's going to be okay it is a sprain big toe what they call an astro turf toe on his left foot or they could hurt Keith they not only can hurt they can take you out of the ballgame for a long time I had a player missed three his last three years with an asset Oh still never played at this freshman season Eric Mitchell who's another see some action did put up by Clayton goodness across midfield as he gets to the oklahoma 49 where Ladell glyn brings him down this type of play the quick pass to the split in the quarterback doesn't drop back and therefore the defensive backs linebackers go right in there only six red shirts there but Smits Allah splits them for the big game here he is turn it inside inside the line back there right there he makes a nice gain is the safety man misses something the brassicas need another first down right here keep they need to keep that ball Wow [Applause] [Music] one handed reception of it and runs the ball inside the 44 let's go for a moment to Jim Lampley for the latest on the Cotton Bowl in Austin Texas has beaten Baylor so the Bears are out of the Cotton Bowl Texas can go to the Cotton Bowl apparently if it beats Texas A&M on Thanksgiving Day in College Station right now the Aggies lead TCU 22 to nothing back to you Keith [Applause] [Music] always given the full-back correctly on second down and four and Tom fights his way close to the 40 yard line II thought they Tom ran through the full-back has got to be a key fact in this ball game this season he's had the long runs all during the city and he's averaging seven point seven his long runs 84 37 32 and 44 and 52 so he needs to pin down these linebackers by making some yards third down a yard for the Huskers they go to the post he's never had a chance I mean there were four red shirts coming after him but number 44 was the first him that's Brian Bosworth the 235 pounds sophomore linebacker Larry Switzer says admired by where's the brace linebacker and the playful Oklahoma he is a good illustration why he would make that statement he's a gambler entity bars when he sees a chance and he comes right through and tackles he goes for the low on a short yardage what we call critical situations in a ball game just mean yesterday was he not academic all-america yes he was he has over three point average but by winger high hanger Huskers down there they should be able to kill it man covering it with snitch there and he rolled into the endzone but they give him a spot at the two one yard punt by wind 'red and most efficient to go first quarter the figured field position and a lot of people do rate field position as one ball game you take Oklahoma would be down by 14 but not so their physician is getting worse they start this time from the tube when they leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoops it toward the sidelines each Jackson interpret what he was being well covered by Brad Smith the defensive end who had dropped off on that side deep in the hot lead will not see it I'm surprised we said that Tom Osmond was a gamble what about Barry sweats upon his 1/2 yard line lining up the spread formation and throwing the pass with a freshman quarterback that is new and different but that's what bears always done he's pulled off the unexpected there's Tom AHS been trying to get them blocking straight for the Nebraska offensive line they've been busting their plays [Applause] [Music] he's very close close to the first down one of the brusca defensive lineman was bouncing around scour think it was it was Jim Scout keep the right tackle he lead an interest yeah he encroached the lead into the inside number 96 right here the right of your screen you can see he's trying to move into that big old gap between the tackle and guard he won't get across there and when he did they blocked him right out but he was also and it'll be a first down I think for Oklahoma they'll probably confusion on the D fast it's going to be second third close scour wanted to teeth move in and jump into that gap and try to penetrate and cause havoc into the Oklahoma back feet penetration hurts the wishbone six different suitor so far in this first quarter berries the fold [Music] slides right over the left side behind Simpson and Hudson and he's got the first down right after the loss to Miami and the loss of their starting quarterback Troy Aikman because of a broken ankle there were two other changes made that had tremendous impact on the offense they moved Mark Hudson into a guard spot a 280-pound sophomore an athlete Anthony Phillips a redshirt freshman at 275 into the guard spot and that really made a big big difference for them the teeth the reason for that is that the wishbone needs big offensive guards if the team covers him but big defensive tackles and so they put their muscle at guard and their speed and quickness at tackle and it's made a victim it is a first down for the Sooners they've got a little room the ball is out near the 13 yard line with a minute and 35 seconds to go in the first quarter to the 14 nothing lead an 88-yard rung but the tide in Keith Jackson and the 43 yard scamper fires this man is carried by Spencer Tillman and Tillman gets good yardage up close to the 18 yard line Tillman is a junior at 205 yards he has been hampered at all this year and much of last year with a hamstring he's a phony Oklahoma back the rush for a thousand yards as a freshman and has been hampered as he said by injuries Oklahoma splitting two men keep Nebraska's going into a loose beat that running light Adam 17 [Music] when did you see that stiff arm he's cut the hand right in Brian see blurs face a junior from Fremont [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Auburn Alabama depending on what happens when this day is done deep come in this ballgame we worried about the Nebraska defense having the speed [Music] [Music] [Applause] and he's all the way down that Oklahoma is doing with that for makin and you can see his death leaving [Applause] endzone for the ball back and he goes into secondary nobody later finally car come to fall to make [Music] and defensive in vacated let trying to blitz the quarterback and came in and felt at the quarterback and by vacating that box he gave the ferry a wide-open [Applause] over you know I think and it is [Applause] turn it over [Applause] [Music] he was getting the ball and in from the quarterback we can tell go back all right there let's see what happens to the ball the ROG played Obus forme back I don't think are with you you're going to keep the law I think oh the Cornhuskers now try to cash in this opportunity pity is caught on the fly by [Music] [Applause] thereupon Shepherds the intended receiver think up the middle the fight the fight had made any George brunt of the ball why come up way back and he does and there are political get it right back now each team with a turnover however one flag in this first quarter we have seven seconds to play and as I told you a moment ago Oklahoma has 204 yards running the hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right back to the full-back ball got away from in the last time confidence builder here give it a car and slammed in [Applause] [Music] bowl picture but now let's go back to Keith and Frank to the quarterback I've never really got the ball and it bounced away that's the rift of the triple option it's read by the quarterback either declines gives it to him takes it outside second down for now as we go to the second quarter Oklahoma's ball at their own 37 leading 14 to nothing ball goes again to the full-back car and he's close to the first down keep going back to this free safety making the tackle on the quarterback last year and the year before Brett Clark the free safety from the Brassica made that point he was outstanding about 210 pounds ran a 4/5 and that he could do it but look at the stats for this first quarter they astound anybody when you see that the 211 yards rushing Nebraska only given up 91 yards a game previous to this Dhokla home has already double that Walden doubled it in the first quarter and it's first down from the 42 all the way to the 45 three yards on the carry change and defensive strategy to split is Nebraska been moving four people out I cannot believe that you don't need to move anybody out let them throw that Oklahoma throw the ball you have to stop the run first now they're moving back in and covering the receivers 101 and [Applause] that's the only way you can play the only way you can play there is upset because the often defensive halfback came up and tackle the pitchman when he was looking back to the new rule say that you cannot do that it's a kind of a half cheap shot but they still didn't see referee is closed to see second down and seven [Applause] Anderson he slides away from two people but will take a sack back inside the 42 about the 37th Danny Noonan the middle guard is involved in it and Jim scow the tackle well Jim scow has made some great plays watch number 96 this young man has made 48 tackles this year and get this 36 or 37 have been for a lawsuit here's a good reason why he will not stay block to get you hit he rolled in but he pushes right off scow flushed him out of the pocket and it looks like Smith number 92 came over and made the tackle Neal Smith is just a sophomore out of New Orleans and is coming off the field now as he when he went down twisted his legs so real hobbling a bit as he comes out of the ballgame it'll be third down now for Oklahoma and this time they're looking at third law it's about third and 15 in the old days Oklahoma would not throw old third long they'd run the option plate line up and kick the ball but today they have an auxilary offense and they might just throw the ball in fact they're lining up in a double wing are the laundry rating backs water back door they give it a car the pullback in part pretty good lick Rios ahead to about the 42 the Sooners will punt as Winchester comes into the ballgame he's out of Marietta Oklahoma Rod Smith slur will be the D plan for Nebraska we understand you have to appreciate the wishbone is more the running offense it is past is back Winchester hangs it up there the ball bounces straight sideways and out of bounds at about the 22 yard line 12:28 to go in the first to happen it's been a great passing team although we've had games where we've thrown the ball fairly well and I think it's gonna be important that we be able to run some you know if they just shut down our running game totally we'll be in heart trouble and they are in a lot of trouble right now of course it's only second quarter of play 12:28 to go in the first half but then the Brassica play is a been eight runs by the bolts four others including rattling and they've been full passes hands the ball off to the eyevac Doug Davos and Doug gets it up across the 30-yard line that's about a seven and a half eight yard pickup for it nope misdirection play to raise the linebackers and get a pretty good blocking angle own Oklahoma's strength of their defensive misdirection maybe something medieval and the best we've got to use more on where the wing back counter is still a basic play for Nebraska to run [Music] he has been so successful with that he's successful again he's got a first down up to 41 I said earlier that Rathlin has got to be the key the quick key to play just turn around hand at all good blocking by Roth 65 can you see the power of rapid he runs right over Bosworth it has to the collision I was looking for see what happened Rathbun in dogwood and Bosworth hits him but he doesn't get a good hold on right here boom but ol Rathlin keeps going for the first they certainly did the time this is the dose [Music] had little help from Tony Rayburn but it was a Bosworth that had his helmet on the numbers was such a great player coaches told me yes then one thing instincts mean is the devil to sophomore who's a tough football player to the strong saintly oh I hate to run into those two feet he's in there yesterday or that paired up right down and bouncing around delighted that he had been named an academic all-america but you could see the fire in the belly was burning already I told you then he should he's gonna play pro ball but he should go to Marines he'd be the best marine major the country's ever seen oh he looked the part second down and nine for the Huskers ball is sitting between the 41 and 42 hash marks and Nebraska group delivered about things there so to get out as they go along there is certainly no panic this is for both reverse it is Shepard big play now it's a footrace to the corner [Music] [Applause] out of bounds at the six yard line sunny Brown save the touchdown we can leave another trick play pitch the ball back the DuBose the same time the plane Glaucus and platon the quarterback is right out there let's see what either Shepard is their big play artists from men 52 yards for Nebraska really got that mark right on the money and it was hard because that one official is this is spinning inside gets almost nothing out of it as Tony Casillas closes the door Casillas what a football player how would you like to coach all your life and have a nose guard that's 270 pounds and quick he'll get blocked every once a while but what makes him great he never stays blocked he moves right off of the Sun and Luis and out to the ball care and he makes the key play remember Oklahoma has not had a touchdown scored for 12 points second down and goal ball still at the six [Applause] Kevin Murphy [Music] Kevin Murphy is one of those dominant football players that we talked about five of them on this defense you're not going to go around his knee and he was all-conference as a sophomore that was three years ago t since he's had a redshirt season [Applause] in his third and goal for the Huskers and the ball is now back near the seventh we want to throw it to him they put at the corner of the endzone plate defended by LaBelle Glen so Glen comes up with his second big play of the game that was close however to face guarding you can face guard if you don't make any contact with the receiver as long as you don't make contact plan number seven is right there now if he makes contact in that fashion in any way then its interference but the ball would have been out in zone we have seen it 23 yard field goal he kicked seven against Missouri a game - rascal 128 231 and he missed this one wide right he tried to hook it back in from the angle on the left side and didn't get it the pullback so they're shut out on the bride wall Gabe Nebraska just finished a drive of 71 yards a big 52 yard run by Shepherd no points points [Applause] Oklahoma's ball after 20 the 14 things Holloway mr. Tilman he's got about three maybe four as to go to gym to the 24 yard line 24 yard line [Applause] politics Aries in there pull back right then house Holloway it tries to pitch it out does get it away just barely he almost made a bad decision there the penalty flag is down as Santoni stafford - scooped it up off the ground it might be against the husband it's a face mask eat but the amazing thing is a staffer who's just a freshman was able to handle that bad pitch the ball was as you said nearly on the ground he had to bend over and he caught it in stride and made a nice gain out of it well an 18 year old just doesn't know how hard it is get taken over the world they dig them with a big call - here's the play good defense by Nebraska they have the holloway right here number number 81 Smith and the ball is pitched very low staff it comes up with it and then he makes a nice run here that is the ferns the grab right there right there on Davis yeah Davis that's right Brian Davis number 32 they nailed him 15 didn't against it they're twisting heading up the officials for today [Music] and Anthony Stafford is stopped card at the 46 and we'll try Jim again all right Keith and as you look at two of the three top teams in the nation here's what's happening to the other team in the big 8 title picture Oklahoma State has gotten one second-half touchdown still trails Iowa State 1210 in the fourth quarter key to the game Jim craner's team is holding Thurman Thomas in check at last report 15 carries 47 yards for Thomas so the upset still brewing in Ames yours Keith about 28 degrees up there today they were forecasters it's holy Holloway good block when somebody over there and hurdles over the top of number 55 it was but gave him the block Paul for rear otherwise he might have been sacked as I said here Frank and watch with some 75,000 plus in the stadium across the way almost nobody in attendance is a real football game soccer game ending in Floyd but here's the play now as you see for rare poll make the block and this is what kept Holloway from getting sacked at that time through air got a good lick on scandal scalloping his job though Fifi we play to the inside third down and seven this does not risk the bro and again making the good play at that defensive end position is Brad Smith who stayed home Van Smith is senior and he played it beautifully TV's did not jump on the court of acting lady gasps do you think of that one it's gonna be sensational sensational the Seahawks have been wobbling some lately they haven't played that terribly Rovers the 49ers over the Rams now is on a losing streak the for tonight is a right back in the hunt NFC West here on ABC high kick for city I guess well that's dangerous you could lose your noggin on a play like that six minutes and 32 seconds to go in the first half the Sooners 14 to nothing keep man gotta be coach says this he's playing probably as well as any as any fullback certainly in America I think right now and it's unfortunate a guy like Tom can be an all-american player he doesn't have the stats they look at raw yards but knew a guy that can block and still go 80 yards for touchdown and and tom has a surprising speed he certainly does 632 to go now as the Huskers come first down at their own 23 and there was a penalty on that previous reception of the punt the ball field position and the breasts are going to its muscle as the ball out to the 31 as Doug DuBose response straight ahead and is brought down by Brian Bosworth his Bosworth again getting the instinct to where the play is hopping around they takes on the blocker but he doesn't get blocked Rathmann tried to move him out of the play but he couldn't he's one of the prime candidates for the new award for linebackers being started in the lando Florida the Dick Butkus Award those votes are to be made shortly second down and three DuBose keeps it when that same formation for the save the reverse by Shepherd for 52 yards this time to boast kept it and Casillas and Bosworth messed it up little bit of a fake reverse this time but once again the two great players to see us he runs behind the son of Luis and has the speed watch him go out and finally people found [Applause] he works his way through it makes the catcher third down and three the corner has a first down as he gets up to about the 35 and again Bosworth reaching over the top one thing keep it that we should mention here that Casillas play and the nose guard frees up the linebacker he'd merits double-team blocking and normally a person who might be assigned to brought Bosworth has to stay there and take care of Casillas on the line of scrimmage [Applause] huskers do have their first down just over the 35 gets good block on the corner cuts it back inside and he's just short of it filled and the catherine has another first down he's a sophomore from Orlando Florida look at the contrast there's the soccer game that's going on way over there on the soccer field maybe 20 people watching Drella 50 yards you have this what a contrast sucker or football as it's known throughout the rest of the world heaviest attended sports of all first down good bounce up into the arms of Doug DuBose [Applause] Oh back at the 39-yard when the quarterback is run option play and he's on at the rest I always said hey don't pitch it right there he pitches the ball way out in front he didn't take the ball to Merc in the defensive end and Murthy could just play both of them right there he could play the quarterback and the pitch man that was a bad boy on the quarterbacks part no threaded option at all and the loss is about 11-yard second down 21 prosit beep sunny Brandon Twitter on Smith Ethan you called it a great play it's I'd like to put sensational hunt with because the receiver was open for the touchdown as Keith said and Smith and brown has a long way to go he breaks on the ball leaves his feet and knocks it down right out of Rod Smith hands his decision number 92 double team right there he still fights his way through he's not going to give up that's that combative attitude and probably takes a little bit off the pass could have been the difference right there Clayton this two out of six in his passing for 37 yards intercepted one trying to set up a screen pass but he is absolutely buried Kevin Murphy [Applause] Donnie Jones were flying in no chance to do anything with it don't get yourself in the problem of third long teeth against us open the defense avoid that at all costs because they are sensational when they've got you backed up and know you got the past in comes Dan winger the punt senior from Omaha 36:49 41 his three previous punts this is high but the winds gonna kill it that way he can't put the ball up in the air going right to left today 347 to go in the first half only a 17 yard punt defense make an adjustment Keith they changed a lot of things first Oklahoma now from the 44 [Applause] Videl car Iowa State with another field goal at a cold day up at Ames to a five-point lead over Oklahoma State well that would be a damaging upset wouldn't it still without a big lead Keith second down six I'll support it out from under the quarterback from Oklahoma that time Holloway and guess who's in there go Jim scow well Jim skies across that line it's unbelievable when I tell you they need 38 tackles 3048 tackles 35 of them have been four losses here's why coming from the backside Oklahoma's option is a little bit slow faking to the fullback Holloway didn't come out like he should have and scowl another tackle for loss and a timeout spent here by Oklahoma with two minutes and 44 seconds to go in the first half the ball is at the 46 it'll be third down and seven when the ball is next snapped right now let's have a look at the Nebraska campus in Lincoln in Iowa State still leading Oklahoma State still are now by a score of 1510 back to keep Jackson and Norman and here again to re-emphasize adjustments defensively by Nebraska first quarter Holloway that's four times he's had the ball slow down and seven for the Sooners [Applause] here comes Jackson all that again he's out of bounds he's out of bounds at the 25 just short of the 25 it's a first down for the Sooners that's a good-looking point I mean it's good looking but you have to go fast with a speed of Oklahoma to the raadhika screen and then that too tight in comes around and what happens yo all your football team have chased the what looked like to be the play and Smith gets blocked find blocked by the offensive lineman there and there's the big Jackson going down for the first animal third wall steps out of bounds with his right foot well that's what he had 88 yards on the previous reverse and this one's oldest before he to me try to explain if I can what Nebraska did defensively coming in the ball game they were going to stop everything to fall back and let the safety man take the quarterback and the halfback take the pitch in the court the safety man couldn't make the play now they've widened their defensive man and saying the Oklahoma beat me inside I'm not gonna let you get outside by keep far they'd widened everybody its second down to nine at the husker 24 Sooners away gets away that's tempered and Sanford is the 21 talking about being honored to wrestle an option play and still making yards Keith that was sensational effort by Holloway the quarter plan Washington had a hold of him looked like Bryan Washington was gonna get him but he just pulled away from Bryan and got rid of the ball that was a ball game played a lot closer to the best from thought it might it's out there another big year for Bill aren't sparking third down and six was absolutely nothing there the only thing he could get out of it was a party roll over the top and he got two yards to the 19 now do we see the place kicker yes sir action speech the Nebraska defense are playing what the Oklahoma coaches thought they would play they played this defense that they're usually now against Colorado they used against Oklahoma last year I'm sure they were surprised to save Nebraska come in with a different defense in the first quarter my shirt 37-yard field goal try [Music] [Applause] and good with 1 minute and 18 seconds to play in the first half oklahoma 17 nebraska nothing before steadiness on campus they're near the central part of the campus actually 1:18 now as Thompson kicks it off for Oklahoma he's gonna push it on into the end zone and it's bugged of us coming out with him they're getting it across the 25 and up that's where they're going to put him right on the 25 we'll check around the country for the scores and highlights with German halftime Tami Brandt we'll be talking little coaches Frank Rhodes will be eaten chicken fried chicken 113 to go in the first half now Oklahoma 17 nothing Nebraska had a chance to school and a first and goal of six then put it in missed field goal delay to DuBose Bosworth and company there to get it Troy Johnson also involved on the tackle as a collision Rathmann lead block Bo Bosworth again this time Bosworth warned the play that's amount of draw Bosworth is some football player of all the dominant players we've seen this year he has to rank right at the top [Applause] second down and nine for Nebraska this is Doug DuBose [Applause] Casillas 92 and 78 Jeff Tupper get up off the stack we third down in seven now for Nebraska and the clock is rolling along at 15 seconds and it looks like the Huskers are gonna go to the clubhouse down 17 they do send Hitler out wide to the monocle picture [Applause] put it up [Applause] the passes away and the pass is incomplete intended for Roger it was a big play Keith Jackson is a great player great tight in hard to believe our leading Russians are tight in today so far Hart defenses played well and as a great play down here on the goal line for our defensive back to knock him out we got a great defense and has a great goal I'm serious you know when you talk about a big game like this company and you've got to think it's the big play of the winner I mean and that's been the case thus far in this game what we have and Jame Holloway make big play key Jackson couple big plays and defenses played sound we've given a little much and Russian game a couple times basically it's been pretty good alright so it has been speed surprise and talent the suitors leader 17 rushers at halftime for Oklahoma a tight in and for Nebraska a wingback the reason the surprise plays Keith I think Nebraska was so shocked by that tidy and reverse Keith Jackson beautifully executed by them and with a great talent at tidy and it has been the speed to pull it off Nebraska's gonna have a tough time they not to catch up tie football team they haven't been all year they've got to just stick to their knit and I guess and try to loosen up a little bit and hope that Oklahoma will turn the ball over let's take a look at the Jackson run the start of the festivities because Oklahoma had started out basically with poor field position and then boom this drive started I think from the one-yard line they made a first down and the punt return effect when you start run a deep reverse you look at the red shirts over there the blockers that are leading the plan think I spits the Tillman right there number 20 making the key play and the wide receiver had blocked Carl just enough to allow Jackson to go all the way 88 yards now a diagram of the second Oklahoma touchdown this is the way it looks when you put it in the book and put it on the blackboard and put it on the fancy computer but this is what it looks like now whenever what they're supposed to especially and then carrying the ball Jamil Holloway the best teeth this is the triple option the first leg of it to fake to the full-back there the quarterback has the option to leave it with a fullback but the tackle closes boom he hits car and then the second part of the option is the quarterback pitching and keeping and Holloway makes six people I think we counted one two Mis right there let's see if there's anybody else but the speed right there the third man least three people right they have missed him good blocking fourth for him right there just sensational run by the freshman gemayel Holloway we did sprain his big toe on his left foot however on that particular play Nebraska's big play was this a wingback reverse Duboce with the ball gives Devon Sheppard he runs for 52 yards but Sonny Brown will get him out of bounds at the 6th Nebraska then tried three plays and one of them a third down pass was batted aside and Dale climbed in missed a 23 yard field goal try and that's where we are 17 nothing at halftime a capacity crowd the weather is still hanging on it is still dry and the obits stays that way the reverse is pretty well played first half defensively what do you do now to stop that option the reverse just killed us and we had a couple plays we there were big plays and we didn't get to ball in the endzone we think the score is a little deceiving but Oklahoma's played very well and we hope we can come back and play our kind of game this and make a ball game out of it and we hope we can win the ballgame that may sound like a lot right now we think we can we'll see what I get we get down two quick questions first of all how important is it to score early in this period and will you play the freshman quarterback we're gonna we're gonna try to score early and we'll see what happens on the quarterbacks we'll just have to see what happens all right Keith I'll tell you that's about as elusive as you can bet or get but he's got a couple quarterbacks down here complained I wouldn't be surprised to see Steve Taylor the freshman in the ball game well he took some stamps this week and worked toward that goal and the gut to come up some passing hope to have a chance I believe win this football game and they've got a big pretty good-sized hill to climb going in the wind keep Oklahoma's strategies to school corner wind changes in son hangs it way up there it goes back to the one yard line for Keith Jones and Keith comes back got around with 21 that's where the Cornhuskers will go to work the defense of Oklahoma Darryl Reid 210 pound offensive in almost a linebacker really Jeff Tupper big 275 6 5 to see us about 277 he said yesterday Steve Bryant 255 the other tackle and Kevin Murphy the other end at 230 pounds Paul knew ya so at 220 and Brian Bosworth at 235 [Applause] Bosworth has seven tackles to lead in the game the basket comes out sends the play into the middle with Tom marette Minh and nothing doing the secondary is Decker Derek quite at quarterback for Oklahoma the other corner is Derek Crudup sophomore and a freshman and the safety people are Sonny Brown a junior and he's a dandy and the other free safety is 6-3 195 hitter and also a Jew a lot of misery for the big apes different next year and here's to come here comes with Catherine Ashley he's nailed down at about the 25 yard line by Tony Casillas the offensive unit for Nebraska the same group that started Clayton DuBose Rothman Shepard Schnitzler and the big guys up front who have not been able to get much daylight to the running backs yes kuselias number 92 Lewis Asuna gets a pretty good block on it but watch him use his hands she then finally leap forward makes the play so from just outside the 25 it's third down and six my Catherine Clayton goes in turn by Jeff Tupper a redshirt senior from Joplin Missouri the cross and force Clayton attorney inside and top of the tackle was still pursuing and laid the plate give brief and assist for Derek Shepherd goes deep now for the Oklahoma Sooners and Dan Wingard is in the punt into the wind he's got to keep this ball pretty low but this will not get high he gets a very tight spiral on his punt and gets a lot out of it Derek Shepherd with a fair catch call at the 29 understand the other half times faster Brasco made some yard 162 in bed if they've got some points when they got close with Oklahoma with their big place 297 yards total offense just a sensational first half on their part but it is a 60 minute game the supers can do with their first possession [Applause] colors a white man does Derek Shepherd than the ball to Ladell car six to 215 from Enid Scott Tucker is the defensive end for Nebraska 220 Chris Buckman 250 found tackle Danny Noonan the nose guard 275 look at that picnic and Big Jim scowl 6-3 250 reg Reeves the other defensive end to 25 Mike Knox a linebacker 235 and Kevin Parsons at 2:30 and it's second the suit is too short up to 35 take it inside one more time - on the carrier by car brought down by Brad Smith in their defensive end Brian Davis is a quarterback number 32 195 my Carl at the other corner 511 and 180 the safeties Brian Washington started as a freshman at strong safety and the free safety is Chris Carr the offensive alignment the same the started a game leading rushers Nebraska Shepherd 52 and Oklahoma Jackson with 117 car carries three successive times and moves the ball to the 42 where its first down sooner that's then it's vintage football for Oklahoma run the pullback three times but teeth let's go back and just think about what's at stake in this football game a chance to win the big 8 title and then a chance to go and play against Penn State in the Orange Bowl and the National Championship up for grabs what a lot of stake here the leading 17 to nothing Holloway turns around and picks up 12:15 he goes all the way down to the nub remote to the Nebraska forty this is a little bit different type of option what we call a spin up to the quarterback is going to fake to the fullback and then spin down the line there's really not much there except Holloway runs right through some more tackles let's see that is couldn't see his number right there finally knocked down by Davis just short of the 40 on the rest his side of the field in the first down although I still got it [Music] 33 of Nebraska and he was a half a step from shaking that tackler Brian Davis and going away here's how the scoring happened in the first quarter with Oklahoma backed up down on his 12 yard line Jackson on a tight end River speech Jackson with 88 yards for a touchdown then Holloway with a great run for 43 yards to make it 14 nothing and then last year a 37-yard field goal to make it 17 nothing that's where we are just coming into the second half Nebraska had a first and goal at the Oklahoma six he couldn't get at the end zone missed field goal it's second down and two inside the 20 the 17 another type of option play not exactly the triple option late to the champ up the middle teeth and the linebackers about Nebraska were held and walk beautiful execution and a nice run Holloway with 15 carries a hundred and five yards he had one big game in which she ran and passed for a total of 324 which became the new Oklahoma standard quarterback [Applause] it's his off the stack and then falls ahead to about the 15 once you establish the full back up the middle as we look at Mary Switzer there's a real upset there our state [Music] and that's what we'll do next week for you we'll be in Birmingham Alabama for the annual between Auburn and Alabama since the Oklahoma State lost today eliminates a lot from the importance of that ballgame in support as national foster is concerned though it is still of mighty concern in the state of Oklahoma here's Holloway being parked behind the line of scrimmage and eventually brought down first contact was made I think by Jim scow and then Kevin Parsons put him down his Tom Hobbs ask them who for the most admired and respected coaches in the game he hasn't had too much luck against Oklahoma for victories and nine losses beat him two years ago but he had to play in an Orange Bowl got a sooner hurt Frank down on the field timeout call for it Anthony Phillips Jameel Holloway and the wishbone offense it's not very difficult for a young man to hand the ball off deny back 40 times a game but for you to 40 times the ballgame to be involved in triple-option reads an inside read and outside read and execute physically with the fullback within a split-second decisions and judgment by a freshman is truly remarkable we recruited him we thought he was gonna be that kind of player Keith he was an excellent high school quarterback from excellent program damos happy to hear that there's a lot of truth in it because of chris has produced a lot of them [Music] played intended to Lee Morris number 84 so he threw a bullet Morris pretty well-covered actually could not get to it Chris Carr was over there handling the coverage and the end of the ballgame comes Tim washer Garrett his chicken T which I'd like to see taken out of the game of football at least Lord at 1 inch is a two inch ticking T which I think it's just too easy for a lot of people feel that we've got to do something with a field goal problem it's a 33 yarder 23 to go in the third quarter [Music] the Holden high snap son he got it down Lester hit it square so the sooner it will the lead to 20 to nothing the rescue nothing averaging eight point six yards per rush so far in this bowl game Hudson will kick it off Davos and Jones deep and Thompson they'll be on the field of play Nebraska comes to the 20th here's Jim Lampley and it is final at Ann Arbor where Michigan has beaten Ohio State so fill in the blanks the Wolves will go to the Fiesta Bowl the Buckeyes go to the Florida Citrus Bowl to play Brigham Young Walburn is moved up into the Cotton Bowl as result of this also as we told you earlier LSU beat Notre Dame ten to seven and of course the Faust speculation continues in South Bend back to Keith Jackson for Nebraska a freshman folks very quick and a pretty good passer two out of four is first varsity appearance last week he is played in a freshman season handed that ball to Tom Rothman and Rothman got it out here the 25-yard line he paddled ladies a peony rose no the pressure receive our dimension but this is torment pin trailing 22 nothing going against the number one defense in America that's a tough place to be [Applause] almost lost the ball but recovers it keeps it money yard or so on that carry me yeah so and Bosworth we didn't so here's baptism of young Steve Taylor Bosworth just moves outside when you've got the big linemen and Murphy right there you know y'all got to do is go out makes a play if you're the linebacker go she got a little bossy got to play him off and then grab the freshman quarterback and go into the ground [Music] third down and four for the four Huskers hey there slowly Whitsett got a man first down making the catch on his knees at the 36 is Rob Schnitzler so you probably just saw the quarterback of the future Portland the wrestler and Cornhuskers throw this Hummer for the first time he's throw the ball against the wind long pass short yardage but it makes nook for the first down 101 coverage out there just schnitz Lewis wide open he gets cradled it for the first down Thomas build up for the Courtney young freshman quarterback who hasn't played much this year he's six feet 180 [Music] [Applause] Oh Murphy wasn't it and Jeff Tucker [Applause] Casillas really marriage double-team block and on the play up the middle you number 92 you better put two men on it let's see what they do last number one Lewis number to the right guard over there welcome that right tackle double-team him out of the play but see what happens when they do that their Stern's Bosworth know how to encourage a righty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one thing that the young quarterback not only is he got to be a little bit nervous he hasn't worked but a few times with the bar ste Cinna Lewis well he's been in five ball games but through his first varsity passes last week wears two out of four a thief that will work well he's been the ball game he's been with a substitute offensive line and a backup center so he's playing he probably hadn't taken a snap full from Louis all you practice he's having trouble third down and about nine [Applause] you pass Winston goes in motion [Applause] get some heat Kevin Murphy Murphy was blocked for a moment tear off you stayed locked in the minute the young quarterback turn wanker Murphy was right there Murphy has that quickness he didn't run himself out of the play by going around the offensive locker he holds right there as wrapkin tries to make the block and comes back with his fitness and pulls him down and in comes dan winger to punt Oklahoma out and 20 to nothing with six minutes to go in the third quarter Derek Shepherd is the deep man for the Sooners Wingert running into the wind had a 48-yarder while ago with a tight spiral and he's got another dandy Shepherd again fair catches at the 25-yard line and that one into the wind is good for 42 yards it is 10 for something to turn have any hope not to get a turnover that's what they're hoping for I've been up on the front Holloway takes the snap and hands it off to Leon Perry Perry is a 220 pound freshman out of Orlando Florida and you talk about handling the ball protecting the ball just tried doing it when you're a fullback in the wishbone the ball comes to you so quick and to compound it you've got one step before you get into traffic with it and you don't know when you're going to get to keep it and keep it to do not the office doesn't block the defensive tackle and the quarterback leads it within the tackle is unblocked and can lure the Bubo you don't think like started to tighten reverse Keith Jackson with a ball he's whole thing absolutely set himself up to throw the ball downfield now why would you say it would you give a tight in that responsibility Frank girls can tell you because he is from Little Rock he's a great athlete he played halfback son in high school safety man his piece said it was gonna be revert in the round pass but Nebraska backs were not fooled on the play but look at the speed of Jackson 240 pounds rolling right up the middle for the first down comes up to the 47 yard line he's able to make that name famous yet here comes Holloway turning the corner [Music] 43-yard line they go up and over the and whacked around number at 69 coming over to help sort him out it was Chris Carr who had a hold of him and give you some idea the strength of the freshman he put his hand in Chris's face and they washed all the way to the sidelines and through the bench deep that's what is much impressive is anything about Holloway is the strength he has running the football he had we knew he had the quickness but I had no idea he was this strong when defensive backs come up to hit him he runs right through him if he doesn't step up on him first Oh in second down and about a half a yard and and it looks like Spencer is getting his health back now as he's showing more quickness today and he will have a first down for the Sooners at the Cornhusker 37 once again the offensive line of Oklahoma we hadn't talked much about but they've been sensational getting the necessary yards for the full-back holding off the inside for the quarterback to go out Marvin Johnson has done a great job Willow Anthony Phillips who was shaken up earlier right tackle is in there now plays all the way gives that ball to carry the and he just sort of sneaks in there for four yards here's Tim Brant keep the medical staff down here on the Nebraska bench has been working on Rob's litzer when he caught Steve Taylor's first down pass and the last offensive series for the Huskers he caught his cleat when he was going down and twisted his knee and then banged his kneecap on the turf they've been working on it ever since he was on his back just moments ago but he is up now they are still working on it and it looks like they're gonna get it ready to go and try to play on it again but he is in some kind of pain right now we're at Timnath thank you 34 yard line of Carrasco second down long six [Music] past the yard marker at a first down for the Sooners inside the 25 deep this is incredible never thought I would see a fresh blue true freshman quarterback can all types of option plays as Holloway has done that was a option I guess they've won five different kinds of option plays and he's handled them all perfectly call it the 24 of Nebraska and first down Sooners with 340 to go third quarter conference title championship possibility right now [Applause] as loose for a moment there startling horrid they're calling it now at the 17 Leon Perry was the one searching for it and it's at Brown cannot calls the phone I think that's what happened and pile up when Perry hit the ground the ball popped back see if we can detect it notice carefully number two has the ball right up the middle good good blocking right there let's see become tail second down three four Oklahoma first bus they busted that play yeah Holloway went the wrong way of the backs did one let's see what happened on the fumble there's Hollow here's Perry number two in the ball he's got his here with his hands on the ball at Breck Cole you'll probably the ball came out ball was out of his hand very hard for the officials see that third down and three and a timeout now by Oklahoma so there was something a little wrong here something a little out of step and rather than mess it up on this end of the field who it's two and a half minutes to go in the third quarter all the way fall timeout Oklahoma he says this about that well has been something that the fans in Nebraska haven't appreciated and naturally we wish there was more than that but we've done the best we can and they had some great football teams in the early 70s we probably didn't match up with him very well I think the last five years or so we've mashed up pretty well the games have been close we've won three out of the last four and so we'll see what happens I don't use the time I was born to ever have to make any excuse for you they may the key third down and three by telephone back in their fall back all the Husker 17 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know Joe Paterno and his staff are busy getting ready for their Pittsburgh game tonight but I bet you they'll look at this game several hours there goes mr. Holloway as indeed than the Walter Mitty of this day he now has a hundred and thirty one yards he has scored two touchdowns and Nebraska now has called a timeout let's look at the touchdown again teeth tremendous blocking and also faking this is true vintage wishbone right here as Holloway shows his speed those events and back has to take the pitch the out runs all of the pursuit turns it down the field and gets to the cone of the touchdown there easily now from the end zone again we see the fake to the fullback the backs come up and cut off the safety and of all things the quarterback circles the Titian's clock very Hill number 85 laying the key blocking if you want to see why oryx number 85 watch him block the defensive end right there Smith he locks him in right there Smith doesn't know which way to go they'll go inside or outside the avatar these decides he cannot do it that's Holloway I'm sorry number 91 blocked by Berryhill 85 now lasher's ready for the extra [Music] Paul the time out a while ago because the Alma had ten people on the field and I'm sure they will decline this and leave the point up on the board which will be a Thais mo nothing Oklahoma League [Applause] the field now to face over there and see whether or not they want to take the penalty and maybe the penalty on the ticket really yeah all right to 26 to go in the third quarter and it's a big win for the suitors here's Jim all right and for any of you who may have tuned in late and don't yet know the Cotton Bowl picture here it is Texas in Austin beat Baylor today 17 to 10 as a result of that Baylor will go to the Liberty Bowl where the likely opponent is LSU and Texas will play on Thanksgiving Day in College Station Texas against Texas A&M Jackie Cheryl's team for the right to go to the Cotton Bowl am now leading TCU 39 nothing in the third quarter so Oberon will be playing in the Cotton Bowl against the winner of the Texas Texas A&M game to be played on Thanksgiving Day frightening isn't it Keith to think how good Holloway can be if he plays for three more years and stays healthy and develops with that offense terrifying he's terrified I mean he's a he's just been terrific [Applause] it is look look at this that deep Dax in the tide in the male Holloway have accounted for three hundred and Jackson is just a sophomore Holloway is an 18 year old [Applause] that's fantast and you got another one sitting over there on the bench another freshman in the air Eric Mitchell that a lot of people feel was the best athlete state of Oregon's own list no question about it he'll be in this ball game just a minute Keith I believe the ball is kicked into the stands by Thompson and so the rascal now will one more time come from the 20 and see what they can do about things but it's quickly getting out of hand [Applause] here's another sophomore Lorenzo white that's destined for stardom Everett UCLA the USC that's Bruins win that they're in the Rose de Boheme first down [Applause] Taylor refreshment in for Nebraska there's that we've we back reverse with Shepherd carrion sinking off before oh that's a by Vaughn Shepard jeepers he had a 52-yard er earlier and now he turns him physical run for the first time to show you that Jeff but this is not just a fly Shepard for the season has 19 of these type plays he's averaging 12 yard a rush and here is why or could fake right there inside keeps his leg spinning goes on through breaks another tackle for the first and it'll run through Donte Jones or Emery young softcore from Texas is a winner Go Go just outside the 32 and Steve Taylor gets his pass away [Music] the sales behind Pandarus that idea God frame the starting tide in playing with a very sore ankle but he has been playing that's dominance well Nebraska yes Nebraska head was the number one apotheke team rushing number two in total in Oklahoma just sensational because of one thing the execution of the quarterback that's the critical variable right there for any West Bowl team how good is your quarterback [Applause] [Music] Steve Taylor gives the ball inside but the inside game for the Huskers has been almost nil Jim again well Keith this is a day when every farmer football fan in the state of Iowa can forget his sorrows for a moment as the Hawkeye's beat Minnesota 31 to 9 meaning that they will go to the Rose Bowl for the second time in Hayden fries tenure there and Iowa State upset Oklahoma State 15 to 10 so the best the Cowboys can do now is the Gator Bowl yours Keith [Music] there are others others Murphy run an option plate which Nebraska was a 10 penetration from the beach you got nothing absolutely nothing Kayla had no chance whatsoever defensive penetration it's great Oklahoma defense teeth I wouldn't want to try to score against them unless you can pass not Vinny Testaverde that's a different story you're right hanging spinning punt [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cornhuskers cover it at the 19-yard line Mike a Fleur an offensive guard jumped on the ball that slithered away from Derek Shepherd so finally we've got a break here unless we've got a flag buoy don't get they were talking of that they're still hunting it's whether the receiver had enough room that catch the ball I think he did right there his own people were more in the way than the rest if you have to give the the safe demand two yards of room let's see what he calls we have an inadvertent whistle on a 3-ball we replay the down [Applause] don't have to do that you don't have to do that Keitha that the team that can take the play they can take the play mr. Carson yes they can keep they can take the point believe me they can't take the plate hey Tom Osmond he knows the rule they had the choice of refused in the plate I'm telling you Keith that is a new rule put in the rule book they have the option off we put of taking the play over inadvertent whistle I'm telling you they have the choice now you wait to see somebody's will run out there tell no please gonna get away with it mr. Coston is wrong I get a new book reading they have a choice to play the play or dig out the book alright Amy we had that before that's what we call kicked this time there's a little better puck by [Applause] and as possession for Oakland back at the 17-yard line after a four to five yard punt but bird whistle Nebraska had the ball the home is 19 if you can take the plate I'm gonna find it here in a minute and read it to you that was teased about three or four years ago of my best night now go ahead and find it I'm hopeful I'll call the ball game we've got 51 seconds until a third boy I don't think I'm wrong lad because I looked it up at the mystic one other thing and Jamel Holloway stays in there at quarterback with car and fullback and Stanford and Collins behind him the ball - car and that time the Nebraska defensive surge was so strong that it decked Holloway end of the floor back car clock is rolling along Oklahoma leading by a score of 27 to nothing and have been absolutely dominant last play a defensive surge came from Jim's cow whose hackles are up well Jim's cows the senior didn't his first year he's been a starter Keith but he's had a sensational year Travis Simpson the Oklahoma Center now leaving the field and Rick Ulis comes in to replace him to snap the ball he was rattled on that last play and had to leave [Music] [Applause] Joseph - shall call up second down and 12 from the 15 mrs. Holloway he took a pretty good lick upside the head at that time from a pursuing corn Husker number 19 Brian Seaver went down and super ran into it Full Tilt and the third quarter is over 27th as long as the receivers gonna catch the ball and the umpires and the side judge and the referee and all the officials interpret him or assume that he's going to catch that football the play is still alive he blew his whistle thinking that the player was gonna make the catch and it hit the ground they set a loose ball on a kick like that there is no option for Nebraska it is just a kick over they take it back and Frank he said to tell you that he knows the rule he was emphatic with it and that when that ball is loose when they blow that whistle there is no option they read kick it if if you'd roll the whistle when Nebraska had [Applause] six the line of scrimmage and thrown out of bounds at about the 15-yard line it says if an official inadvertent a sound of the whistle during a kick the ball becomes dead immediately and the down will be replayed that's for one to be four okay if it were to occur during the last time down of a period the period would be extended by a none time down so according to that and according to Vance he's right you're wrong if it had happened right there though Keith if that had happened on a play this different yet that's different here's the pun out of there by wind pretty good when they've handled this win pretty well today the ball comes all the way up to admit Spitzer steps ahead to the 49 and makes the fair catch Auburn and Alabama here's the situation in that ballgame Auburn is off to the Cotton Bowl but Alabama if Tennessee should balloons or time with vanderbilt next week then Alabama's back in the front and it would be up to the Sugar Bowl committee to pick whichever team they want it is still alive as far as the Sugar Bowl [Music] wants to throw it now he's got a convoy on his side of the field as people were starting to turn back to help him and you wind up with a game down to about 44 here are the stats for the third quarter local home is still dominating the game the big plays have been the difference they in the round and of course the quarterback option played with Gemayel Holloway has just destroyed the Nebraska defense which has played so outstanding throughout the season suck it down and call it four yards clusters Taylor zips one it is intercepted 26 Derek white Taylor mr. Schmidt is a penalty flag down but there is a flag back up around my line of scrimmage I don't think it's been another five Oklahoma pointing Nebraska's out of the thief [Music] [Applause] there's Smith trying to go inside little bit quicker the whole side penalty right here he's moving before the ball a step he tries to get back but he can't do it and we've got 15 minutes exactly to play in the ball game 14 minutes to play animal became 27 to nothing and the Oklahoma Sooners have the edge and everything because Oklahoma State the opposition for the Sooners next week lost today at Iowa's ball 15 to 10 [Applause] singers half the football first down all the ways going all the way but the hospitals have handled him pretty well and since the first quarter that the first quarter was a big play quarter for Oklahoma and they were able to jump out to afford or Nothing lead Kevin Parsons making the last hit on Holloway oklahoma's field position today in this ball game has not been anything to write home about nine of their eleven possessions have started inside their own 26 [Music] [Applause] that's still 10 goes down the middle for Jackson [Applause] Cornhuskers [Applause] Danis and Brian zebra right with him how about this freshman quarterback they can opt-in play we talked about he has to throw deep because the safe the men are up trying to help in the running play and Jackson makes a great effort he leaves his feet the ball hits in his hands he has hold of it no he does rose right through his hands and all into the turf incomplete very close to another great play the combination of freshman to the sophomore tidy whether went through 36 degrees windchill 12 [Music] here's Holloway again see one of the officials to you and tried to turn back up the field Zim scowl of all people Big Jim is awful laid down field to bring him down what a game Scout has played this is about his 15th the 16th sack of the season but he just doesn't give up he's been blocked by Pope number 63 hold Berryhill watching run that's the baby hands and quickness in here Philippi out of the end zone got up in that wind didn't have much rotation on it and the wind is fun right turns out to be almost a nothing check on the 16 yards for Winchester they caught a gust of wind just at the long so here is Nebraska's that's starting opportunity but they're going against the great defense beep and we've got a freshman Nebraska still got the freshman quarterback in there number 11 eighteen-year-old youngster from California from San Diego he's the man of the future I expect so baptized [Applause] let's just pass away wide open three the tight end is down at the Oklahoma eight yard line second division tribe this particular [Music] in their favorite play for all season long at the lathe fake to the backfield roll out tied in dragging across the middle watch how wide open he is lying back there still up there playing the fake marine catches it and braids it to the first day - the one almost made the endzone sunny brown pinched him just in time say is number 92 continues to disrupt make the big plays let's see what he does off board did Lewis make a great block bone in number 68 now let's see what he does he gets free and comes back and so what's up again I got the tea Tony Casillas that time got loots Casillas shot the gap that time coming over the left shoulder of the offensive sinner right there penetrates once again the center Center bhakti and rather let them off guard to see us it's too good for the off guard to try to scoop walk or play like that that is the first time their DuBose has seen the ball this head Dominic [Applause] it's third down and goal was trying to show them a crumble dreamz if they do have it Bosworth I believe comes out clean off the step it pumped up in the air doobly-doo this bothers claimed it at the one to match the higher intelligence of the new Commodore 128 an apple to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oklahoma with the fumble recovery Bosworth did get it and they started to one and they're still there just about here's another look at the fumble if we carefully look in the middle look at the offensive stuff I got two men right over him Casillas and I can't see the other man's number I guess Williams plants Williams right there and the Sun are trying to block to me and the quarterback trying to get away from those two men thumb of the ball knobbly Bosworth came up with he did [Music] [Applause] had both their nose guards and their all is still at the one we're at second down this time to give it a spin to Tobin Hilton whoops his way out to about the six with ten and a half minutes to play here's Jim and just to recap if you weren't with us before Michigan beat Ohio State and Ann Arbor 27:17 and that means this for the bowl picture Ohio State goes to the Florida Citrus Bowl to play Brigham Young barber and moves into the Cotton Bowl to play the winner of Texas Texas A&M Michigan had already made a deal to go to the Fiesta Bowl they could have wound up in the Cotton Bowl had they not made such a deal they may have cost every school in the Big Ten a hundred thousand dollars Keith [Applause] everybody does he can't control No that's what makes the whole things to deaf dumb farcical but is that making their deals four weeks before the season's over ABC's NFL Monday Night Football the Seattle Seahawks of the San Francisco 49ers nine o'clock Eastern Time next Monday Seahawks have been wobbling a little bit regarding their posture in my NFC West what were the Los Angeles Rams having some winning problems chief I still love to see Joe Montana play he's my favorite quarterback in professional football we saw him win so many great games for Notre Dame [Applause] the best we've ever had in college penalty against Oklahoma makes it third down a three yard line they don't get much out of that place so once again Winchester's going to have to come out load his rifle out of the end zone [Music] big win to keep the win seems to have picked up Winchester's gonna have to get a tight spiral if he's going to get any distance then if the ball starts wobbling that win pounds it and the ball will not go very far [Applause] only got 10 min now they've got the 11th man in the game you know they need this fella he's the blocker he's the protector for the putter there and it's a much much much better kick he had 16 yards the last time this time he spins it up to the 47 were in the basket of him [Music] Keith out in the Los Angeles Coliseum they've just started the third quarter with UCLA trying to lock up its Rose Bowl berth leading SC 13 to 7 the margin - John lead field goals number 78 and 79 in his career tying and then breaking the NCAA career record previously held by Lewiston de haas of Arizona State here's Keith missed two or three last week it was a state of shock he also became a citizen all right Catherine Clayton is back into the ball game former bresca and the pitch played - Doug DuBose moves from the 47 lady to the 44 year they'll give him the 44 and three yards on the carry and time remaining is 8:45 couple of things I want to point out one it's a case you're the question of quality about these football teams on these two teams Tom Osborne during his 13 years of nebraska's had 28 all-americans Barry Switzer in 13 years of Oklahoma has had 30 [Applause] [Music] long passes complete downfield to Ladell green the Dell green second interception of the Glynn is just hanging on the sidelines and it looked for all the world and that's why I called it a completion the ball was just simply thrown right to it I wondered why you said complete but he did Clayton hits him right on the numbers watch this watch this couldn't have been through a better to him right there Glenn and another reason why watch what happens to the ball back pressure on the quarterback there's Luis number 68 trying to block to see us but here's the as plate enclose the ball the receiver falls down and is totally gone if Catherine had not been shielded probably by those big people that he might have seen that his receiver was down on the ground and not throwing the ball Eric Mitchell now comes into the ball game at quarterback for Oklahoma he is the other record 61 195 from Pine Bluff Arkansas and Leon Perry the full-back is turned around Nebraska down a little penetration right over that mess point cause the fumbling heat is what the top ten did the day when the coaches poll [Applause] place next week we'll get a chance to say Bo Jackson run and hopefully for the Heisman Trophy still a candidate obviously they'll think the race is wide open [Music] second down and 12 now as Mitchell goes down [Music] it's written down by Chris again Jim Keith here's an interesting story we haven't touched on since early in the season Howard Schnellenberger is first season at Louisville ended today the 45:21 lost to one double-a eastern kentucky left Schnellenberger steamed at 2 and 9 in his last three years at Miami his team's only lost a total of 7 games and of course the rumors are swirling again Philadelphia Eagles Pittsburgh Panthers and pittsburgh Schnellenberger says no he's staying put in Louisville back to you add the ball ships just outside the 23 for third [Music] this time Mitchell comes this way with it [Applause] you'll have a first down at the 46 where Kevin Parsons finally ran him down it's exactly what Mitchell did in high school there's a toll that's Holloway and he's having trouble with that told that he sprained when he scored his touchdown back in the first quarter well as 10 degrees chill factor in 34 actual only are these to do is take off the shoe it's cold enough to chip Eric Nichol was a gray scramble in high school is adept at the open field and bearish ailment that one man bring him down that's what he's done today sensational I was given off to Anthony Stafford and not much there's two Stafford on the first down play at the 36 yard with less than six minutes to play now Mitchell didn't participate much in practice because of a sore ankle this week but he's out there right now getting some seasoning a question of trivia that came up yesterday and almost fell out of the door the truck would Chuck into Chuck our to introduce couldn't believe it but I just wonder how many people and probably a lot of people are on this part of the country do but who the all-time interception leader at the University of Oklahoma would be five minutes and 24 seconds to play in the ball game what is seven method the Sooners in the ball game in a twenty seven nothing lead Tony Casillas and Steve Bryan are joking and patting each other on the back talking about who had the best hits today who was getting to the ball the quickest these are the types of things that you can afford to do late in the ballgame with a big lead for a team that hasn't given up a touchdown in 16 quarters key [Music] Eric Mitchell at quarterback for the sitter's across the 40 to the 41 the all-time interception leader Oklahoma named Darryl Roy I started to say that but I didn't think team through that much in those that he's Darryl also has the longest punt return Thank You Dhokla Houma that's nothing trivia he had 17 I played both waves his time yes as we look at a happy bear Switzer and one thing Keith I think I will mention Jim Donnan the new offensive coordinator here at Oklahoma has done a great job he was at Missouri last year and very brought him down and he than the one responsible for working in training and Eric Mitchell it's hard to get home he's got a force down [Applause] he's the best at reversing his field than we've ever had around this part of the country there it is again the place going to the lamp but there's nothing there brass the place Washington number five as the Jersey became hold it Minoru cuts back inside of a couple of Nebraska players but couldn't make the play [Applause] or that's aggravating you're getting whooped and you got him pinned and you can't put him down and it just 48 yard line model car given the ball just really had no chance at all to get started because Neil Smith was arriving about the time the ball did college scoreboard coming up with all that the bowl rundown for you Oklahoma rushing by quarters to 11 in the first big play was that that 88-yard tied in around by Jackson 48 in the second quarter came back with 138 in the third they're starting to add up a little bit here at the 4th they had over 6 this particular point in the game at 406 young last been given up less than 200 so they've doubled Damon still in the game for the first time today a sophomore out of Oklahoma City and the Sooners now after the loss car carry still gets to the line of scrimmage and they still need to teeth has rested as offensive oklahoma has been that defense has been likewise and Gary Gibbs played here at Oklahoma is a defensive coordinator and has done a magnificent job of molding these youngsters into a great defensive unit starting his defense zone is more impressive than the offensive are the tooth but I'd like to have bullets third down and ten and Mitchell is caught and thrown down as he crosses repeat at 2:42 go and we're looking ahead the next Saturday when we'll be at Legion Field in Birmingham [Music] this is another one of those ball games were tipper mean temper has something to do with the but yen get a chance to see Mike Shula the right he has had most of the year he's been leaving passing the fishes in leader and then c-double-a we get see Bo Jackson again grunts all time in college football the kick is away by Mike Winchester not a particularly good one but he gets a very good roll on it and the shooters are happy to see it roll dead at the three with a 49-yard gun [Applause] [Music] Steve Taylor is back in at quarterback and here comes your swinging gate they got four of them lined up outside out here did have a chance to run this thing before bah no it's not Taylor it's Travis prayer in and the pass is thrown down field and goes incomplete intended for bon Shepard I was wandering around a hotel this morning before coming to the ballpark and I walked this gentleman walked up to me and introduced himself as the mayor of Anchorage Alaska Tony knows with his pal Jack Dugan Cornhuskers and they claim to have travelled the greatest distance to see the ballgame today mayor Knowles the guest of Mormon mayor Steve Florida sleep now Taylor comes in so famished earner down one shot at it with forget it play the ball has given the Keith Jones and Jones trying as they were everybody fakin past and painted a short but didn't result in nuts in a minute they have to go in the ball game the last time Oklahoma had back-to-back shutouts 1967 they did it twice in Washington State Maryland back to back and then beat Missouri Colorado later in the season so this has been a while I think the most respectful comment I've seen today though came at a press release that Baylor hadn't won a football game at Austin Texas since the TV 19:51 and i still have here's Turner back in almost sector the end zone is intercepted and then drop oh my goodness Scot girl had the ball right trying to run with it too soon baby didn't hang on to the old past the Texan breaks down pass the ball Turner does a good job of getting rid of all avoiding them the safety which would have been two points girl busted right in his hands [Applause] [Music] the first good sneeze of the day the blue mother has arrived I kicked up into the wind didn't gonna go very far unless it gets a big roll nebraska's corner [Applause] the 37 yarder as the ball is touched dead up around the fourth the put in perspective how good this Oklahoma defense has played today Nebraska tailbacks the three of them have averaged 202 yards a game through the first 10 contests so Oklahoma defense has done a magnificent job 50 seconds to play in the ballgame and the suitors will go over to Stillwater next week against Oklahoma State and then we'll be back here on December 7 for the finale as they wind up against SMU first down Michell stays in there at quarterback those the 19 I was here what what is this results of a Nebraska's pale backseat do post has 45 Jones six miles nothing here's the speed and quickness of this young man a little move right there the safety man Sigler misses him totally had a good shot in the good fake Mitchell goes down stepped out of bounds right there metronome 6 carries has 47 yards and you've got 43 seconds to go yes what's up lady reserved [Applause] day has been most impressive football TBC both offense and defense Utley well I thought Miami was pretty impressive today whistle they were just as impressive but today against a team like this they have just completely dominated both sides of the football Nebraska has nothing Oklahoma has 430 yards rushing today well you got to be able to throw the ball against yep move into the line on the offense first day mine they did a great job because they split wide receivers out that can run and Bosworth and those people and Casillas born in the ball game the Bosworth the linebackers were not a factor against the face [Applause] oh it's first down in 15 after the and that's ball is loose and picked up by a Nebraska man crumbling down the sidelines and who is this Backman of all people and president belong into the ends of touchdown T and it's going to be a touchdown he caught it in the air he took the ball away from the back Malloy [Music] [Applause] they go Chris Bachmann picked that thing up and took off 65 250 and then he got some help going downfield and all of his offensive line but his bürol [Music] number 76 catches it in the air and gold lumbering fight down the field look game put those muzzles all the way 76 yards for the touchdown and so the Huskers avoid the shutout 26 seconds conversion [Music] scout number 96 in a big play on his heart as he works down the line the lorry three right there the ball popular later six is college no one opponent he knows that he has the ball and he goes all the way for the touchdown 26 seconds left request and Wingert they're showing on sidekick Oklahoma's inspecting it where it is [Applause] the 37 consonant the defense Smith gets it back then inside the 40 should do it where the clock stops deep and will not start again on until the snaps the ball one more play and then the Oklahoma Sooners can really celebrate number twenty is that 37 here yes there's a boy he makes a great play here the balls comes across in a jumps up and comes close to breaking clean he almost went over yeah one man probably right there the kicker here with a minute us down they got a snap at one time [Music] that privilege will go to Rick use the center and Eric Mitchell the quarterback this game will be history [Applause] they don't need to snap it again the Oklahoma Sooners have two games to play terribly invested over against the Cornhuskers of the rest of the day winning by a score of twice seven to seven and the seniors if they win their next two will certainly be in Custer both Penn State [Applause] good noodle Pittsburgh [Music] God slowing down out of the stands bear is trying to work his way over to shake hands with Tom Osmond they are good friends they have strong competitors to great programs but it was all Oklahoma today Jim Brandt now we ate a lot of things have been good for us our coaches did a great job our players playing wheels breathing without defense deserve to shoot out they know how upset you were when they ran that ball back just now for the touchdown to let you go your safety [Applause] I don't think I don't want to get caught in that crowd but they're happy and your final score the Oklahoma Sooners 27 Nebraska [Music]
Channel: bmboldt
Views: 48,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nebraska, Huskers, Football, Oklahoma
Id: I6T-hw7wVsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 15sec (7695 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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